mcqs for preparation for headmaster ppsc

7/23/2019 Mcqs for Preparation for Headmaster Ppsc 1/62  More mcqs for preparation for headmaster & headmistress 1. A major strength of ecological theory is its framework for explaining  (a) Enironmental infl!ences on deelopment.  (") #iological infl!ences on deelopment.  (c) $ognitie deelopment.  (d) Affectie processes in deelopment.  %. All of the following adanced principles of child deelopment that are closely allied to the stim!l!s response learning theory except  (a) 'ailo  (") # aston  (c) *!ll  (d) +esell  ,. -he process where"y the genetic factors limit an indiid!als responsieness to the  enironment is known as  (a) $anali/ation.  (") 0iscontin!ity.  (c) 0ifferentiation.  (d) ange of reaction.  2. 3n order to deelop the spirit of la"o!r in st!dents

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 More mcqs for preparation for headmaster & headmistress

1. A major strength of ecological theory is its framework for explaining

 (a) Enironmental infl!ences on deelopment.

 (") #iological infl!ences on deelopment.

 (c) $ognitie deelopment.

 (d) Affectie processes in deelopment.

 %. All of the following adanced principles of child deelopment that are

closely allied to the stim!l!s response learning theory except

 (a) 'ailo

 (") # aston

 (c) *!ll

 (d) +esell

 ,. -he process where"y the genetic factors limit an indiid!als

responsieness to the

 enironment is known as

 (a) $anali/ation.

 (") 0iscontin!ity.

 (c) 0ifferentiation.

 (d) ange of reaction.

 2. 3n order to deelop the spirit of la"o!r in st!dents

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 (a) -he teacher himself sho!ld ind!lge in la"o!r 

 (") -he teacher sho!ld delier lect!res on the importance of la"o!r 

 (c) 4t!dents sho!ld "e gien opport!nities to do la"o!r from time to time

 (d) 4t!dents sho!ld "e gien examples of la"oring people

 5. A child has "een admitted to yo!r school who "elongs to a "ack ward

family6"ackgro!nd from the c!lt!ral iewpoint. 7o! will

 (a) 8eep him in a class in which there are many more st!dents of "ackward

 "ackgro!nd from the c!lt!ral iewpoint

 (") 4end a teacher to know more a"o!t the "ackward c!lt!ral "ackgro!nd of 

the child

 (c) 8eep him in a normal class "!t will make special arrangements for

teaching him keeping his special needs in iew

 (d) Adise him to take !p ocational ed!cation

 9. All of the following can "e signs that a child is gifted except

 (a) Early deelopment of a sense of time

 (") 3nterest in encyclopaedias and dictionaries

 (c) :neasy relationships with peers.

 (d) Easy retention of facts

 ;. 3f heredity is an important determinant of a specific "ehaio!r what

prediction can we make a"o!t expression of the "ehaio!r in identical twins

reared apart compared to its expression in fraternal twins reared apart<

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 (a) =raternal twins will express the "ehaio!r more similarly than identical


 (") -here will "e little similarity in the expression of the "ehaio!r in either

set of twins.

 (c) 3dentical twins will express the "ehaio!r more similarly than fraternal


 (d) -he "ehaio!r will "e expressed as similarly "y identical twins as it is "y

fraternal twins.

 >. =ro"el?s most important contri"!tion to ed!cation was his deelopment of


 (a) @ocational school

 (") '!"lic high school

 (c) 8indergarten

 (d) atin 4chool

 B. Cf the following the main p!rpose of state certification of teachers is to

 (a) Monitor the q!ality of teacher training instit!tions

 (") 'roide for a !niform standard of entryDleel teacher competency

thro!gho!t the state

 (c) Excl!de from the profession those not trained in pedagogy

 (d) Excl!de from the profession those who are mentally !nhealthy

 1. -he key difference "etween eol!tionary and c!lt!ral change is that

eol!tionary change alters FFFFFFFFFF whereas c!lt!ral change alters


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 (a) eprod!ctionG enironment

 (") *eredityG enironment

 (c) EnironmentG "ehaior 

 (d) 0eelopmentG learning

 11. -he c!rrent iew of childhood ass!mes that

 (a) $hildren are similar to ad!lts in most ways.

 (") $hildren are "est treated as yo!ng ad!lts.

 (c) $hildhood is "asically a Hwaiting period.H

 (d) $hildhood is a !niq!e period of growth and change.

 1%. 3n preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardi/ed reading test the

teacher is "est adised toI

 (a) -ell the children the test is ery important and they sho!ld do the "est

they can

 (") 0itto key q!estions from a preio!s test and allow the p!pils to answer


 (c) $oach the "elow grade leel readers as the rest of the class will do well


 (d) +ie the p!pils practice in answering q!estions similar to the type that

will appear on the test

 1,. A normal child of twele years of age is most likely to

 (a) *ae diffic!lty with gross motor coordination

 (") *ae feelings of anxiety a"o!t pleasing ad!lts

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 (c) $onfine his6her interests to here and now

 (d) #e eager for peer approal

 12. $reatie writing sho!ld "e an actiity planned for 

 (a) Cnly those children reading on grade leel

 (") Cnly those children who can spell and also can write cohesie


 (c) Cnly those children who want to write for the newspaper of the class

 (d) All children

 15. Cf the following the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to

improe class discipline is to

 (a) Jote specific infractions of class r!les in the marking "ook

 (") Eal!ate his6her materials methods and approaches to children

(c) $ons!lt the class and agree !pon a grad!ated series of p!nishments

 (d) $all a parent K teacher meeting to disc!ss the sit!ation

 19. -he q!estion Hill the shy child who neer speaks t!rn into a q!iet shy

ad!lt or wil the child "ecome a socia"le talkatie person<H is concerned

with which deelopmental iss!e<

 (a) Mat!ration

 (") $ontin!ity and discontin!ity

(c) $!lt!ral !niersals ers!s c!lt!ral relatiism

 (d) Jat!re and n!rt!re

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 1;. A child from a disorgani/ed home will experience the greatest diffic!lty


 (a) ell str!ct!red lessons

 (") 3ndependent st!dy

 (c) 'rogrammed instr!ction

 (d) ork"ooks

 1>. Most psychologists "eliee that deelopment is d!e

 (a) argely to nat!re.

 (") argely to n!rt!re.

 (c) -o nat!re and n!rt!re acting separately.

 (d) -o an interaction of nat!re and n!rt!re.

 1B. -he normal twele Kyear Kold child is most likely toI

 (a) *ae diffic!lty with gross motor coordination

 (") *ae anxiety feelings a"o!t pleasing ad!lts

 (c) $onfine his6her interests to the here and now

 (d) #e eager for peer approal

 %. -he reason why st!dents r!n from school is

 (a) ack of interesting class teaching work

 (") ack of interest in st!dies on the part of st!dents

 (c) Jot giing p!nishment to st!dents

 (d) $allo!s attit!de of teachers towards the pro"lem

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 %1. 7o! find a st!dent to "e intelligent. 7o! will

 (a) emain pleased with him

 (") Jot gie him additional homework

 (c) Motiate him so that he can make more progress

 (d) 3nform his parents a"o!t the fact that he is intelligent

 %%. 3f some st!dents are not in a mood to st!dy in the class yo! will

 (a) =orce them to st!dy

 (") -ell those st!dents to leae the class and enjoy

 (c) arn them that they m!st st!dy else yo! will report the matter to the


 (d) -ell them some interesting things related to their interests or yo!r own


 %,. $hild deelopment is defined as a field of st!dy that

 (a) Examines change in h!man a"ilities.

 (") 4eeks to explain "ehaio!r across the life span.

 (c) $ompares children to ad!lts to senior citi/ens.

 (d) Acco!nts for the grad!al eol!tion of the childs cognitie social and

other capacities.

 %2. -he term Lidentical elements? is closely associated withI

 (a) +ro!p instr!ction

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 (") -ransfer of learning

 (c) ealo!sy "etween twins

 (d) 4imilar test q!estions

 %5. Crganismic theories of deelopment hold that

 (a) 'sychological str!ct!res and processes within the child help determine

his6her deelopment.

 (") 'hysical str!ct!res and processes within the child help determine his6her 


 (c) 'assiely deeloped str!ct!res and processes within the child help

determine his6her deelopment.

 (d) 4lowly deeloped str!ct!res and processes within the child help

determine his6her deelopment.

 %9. A 'erson "eliees that n!rt!re strongly infl!ences the deelopment of

his child. *e

 wo!ld not agree with the importance ofI

 (a) +enetic factors. (") Expos!re to peers.

 (c) -he types of toys at home.

 (d) -he warmth displayed "y the parents.

 %;. 3f st!dent is too shy to participate in the class yo! will

 (a) Jot ask q!estions from him

 (") Ask only those q!estions from him whose answers can "e gien "y him

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 (c) Jot ask those q!estions from him whose answers are "eyond his means

and d!e to which he may "ecome o"jects of ridic!le in the class

 (d) Ask q!estions from him only when he is keen to answer them

 %>. *ow will yo! "ring a hyperactie child on the right path<

 (a) Make him sit in front of the class and keep a strict igil on him

 (") Allocate a seat for him in a corner of the class

 (c) +ie him tasks of watering trees cleaning the "lack"oard making toys

of clay etc.

 (d) Jone of a"oe

 %B. 8nowledge of child psychology is a m!st for a primary teacher. -hat is


 (a) 3t helps in making children disciplined

 (") -he examination res!lt is improed

 (c) 3t "ecomes a conenient mode for motiating children

 (d) 3t helps the teacher in !nderstanding the "ehaior of children

 ,. -he c!rrent moement of "ehaior modification wherein tokens are

awarded for 

 correct responses is a reflection ofI

 (a) *er"art?s =ie 4teps

 (") ock?s -a"!la rasa

 (c) -horndike?s aw of Effect

 (d) -horndike?s aw of Exercise

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 1. (a) %. (d) ,. (d) 2. (c) 5. (c) 9. (c) ;. (c) >. (c) B. (")

1. (") 11. (d) 1%. (d) 1,. (d) 12. (d) 15. (") 19. (d) 1;. (")

 1>. (d) 1B. (d) %. (d) %1. (c) %%. (d) %,. (d) %2. (") %5. (a)

 %9. (a) %;. (d) %>. (c) %B. (d) ,. (c)

3n M!rada"ad 1>5B =irst 4chool was esta"lished "y 4ir. 4yed Ahmad 8han

MAC *igh 4chool Ali +arh 1>;5 esta"lished "y 4ir. 4yed Ahmad 8han

MAC college Ali +arh 1>;; esta"lished "y 4ir. 4yed Ahmad 8han which was

ina!g!rated "y ord Milton.

-his college "ecame !niersity in 1B%

Mr.4idens was first its principal

All 3ndia Mohamdan Ed!cational $onference esta"lished "y 4ir. 4yed Ahmad

8han in 1>>9

4cientific 4ociety in 1>99 esta"lished "y 4ir. 4yed Ahmad 8han

0arD!lD0eo"and esta"lished "y Molana asim Janotai in , May 1>99 in

$hahta Mosq!e.

Molna M. Mehmmod was first its teacher.

=ollowing are pre independence ed!cational reports and commissions

$harles +rants -reatise iss!ed in 1;B%. $harles was a #ritish 'arliament


ord Minto( +oernor +eneral of 4!"continent) eport iss!ed in 1>11

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ord Maca!lay eport 1>,5

wood dispatch report 1>52. $harles wood was president of "oard of control

*!nter $ommission 1>>%. illiam h!nter was a minister of ord ippen

iceroy co!ncil

3ndian :niersities $omission 1B%

4adler $omission 1B1B. Michal 4adler was @$ of eads !niersity

*artog $ommittee report 1B%B

'akistan Jational Ed!cation 'olicy (JE') %B

-he Jational Ed!cation 'olicy (JE') %B (Nthe 'olicyO) comes in a series of

ed!cation policies dating "ack to the ery inception of the co!ntry in 1B2;.

-he reiew process for the Jational Ed!cation 'olicy 1BB>D%1 was initiated

in %5 and the first doc!ment the hite 'aper was finalised in March %;.

-he hite 'aper "ecame the "asis for deelopment of the 'olicy doc!ment.

ife 4killsD#ased Ed!cation (4#E) shall "e promoted.

+rades P3 and P33 shall not "e part of the college leel and shall "e merged

into the school leel forming part of existing secondary schools

A system for ranking of primary and secondary ed!cational instit!tions

across the co!ntry shall "e introd!ced

-o create an order for excellence in the co!ntry a NJational Merit

'rogrammeO shall "e introd!ced to award "right st!dents

All children "oys and girls shall "e "ro!ght inside school "y the year %15.

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Cfficial age for primary ed!cation shall "e 9 to 1 years. -he official age

gro!p for next leels of ed!cation shall also change accordingly.

+oernment shall make efforts to proide the necessary financial reso!rces

to achiee the E=A goals.

+oernment shall esta"lish at least one NApna +harO residential school in

each proince to proide free high q!ality ed!cation facilities to poor


Eery child on admission in +rade 3 shall "e allotted a !niq!e 30 that will

contin!e to remain with the child thro!gho!t his or her academic career.

iteracy rate shall "e increased !p to >9Q "y %15

'roinces and district goernments shall allocate a minim!m of ,Q of

ed!cation "!dget for literacy and non formal "asic ed!cation (J=#E).

JE= programmes c!rrently in practice !p to grade 5 shall "e expanded !p to

grade 1 where req!ired.

 (12 to 1; years). 4pecial ed!cational stipends shall "e introd!ced to

reha"ilitate child la"o!rers.

A #achelors degree with a #.Ed. shall "e the req!irement for teaching at

the elementary leel. A Masters leel for the secondary and higher

secondary with a #.Ed. shall "e ens!red "y %1>. '-$ and $- shall "e


0iploma in Ed!cation (0.Ed) may "e !sed as an intermediate q!alification till

#.Ed teachers are aaila"le !niersally.

-eacher training arrangements accreditation and certification proced!res

shall "e standardised and instit!tionalised.

3n serice teachers training in mathematics shall "e gien with d!e attention

to deeloping concept!al !nderstanding proced!ral knowledge pro"lem

soling and practical reasoning skills.

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3n serice teacher training in science shall "e "ased on real life sit!ations

!se of science kits and proision of science kits to all primary and middle


-eacher allocation plans likewise shall "e "ased on schools needs and

q!alifications of teachers. Cer the co!rse of next two years +oernments

shall deelop a rationalised and needD"ased school allocation of teachers

which sho!ld "e reiewed and modified ann!ally.

'roincial and Area Administrations shall deelop effectie acco!nta"ility

mechanism incl!ding EM34 data on teacher deployment to control

a"senteeism and m!ltiple jo"Dholding

Maxim!m age limit shall "e waied off for recr!itment of female teachers.

-he c!rric!l!m deelopment and reiew process as well as text"ooks

reiew process shall "e standardised and instit!tionalised within the

framework of the =ederal 4!perision of $!rric!la -ext"ooks and

Maintenance of 4tandards of Ed!cation Act 1B;9.

'rofessional $o!ncils like 'akistan Medical and 0ental $o!ncil ('M&0$) and

'akistan Engineering $o!ncil ('E$) shall "e inoled in cons!ltations for

releant c!rric!l!m deelopment.

Enironmental ed!cation shall "e made an integral part of ed!cation.

MatricD-ech scheme shall "e reDintrod!ced at secondary leel

Ed!cation system needs to "e internationally competitie and 'akistan shall

make efforts

-@E shall "e extended according to the need of the area i.e. -ehsil 0istrict



-he 'rinciples of earning and -eaching and their components

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 -his page lists the six 'rinciples and their associated components.

4t!dents learn "est whenI

-he learning enironment is s!pportie and prod!ctie.

3n learning enironments that reflect this principle the teacherI

1.1) "!ilds positie relationships thro!gh knowing and al!ing each st!dent

1.%) promotes a c!lt!re of al!e and respect for indiid!als and their


1.,) !ses strategies that promote st!dents selfDconfidence and willingness

to take risks with their learning

1.2) ens!res each st!dent experiences s!ccess thro!gh str!ct!red s!pport

the al!ing of effort and recognition of their work.

-he learning enironment promotes independence interdependence and self


3n learning enironments that reflect this principle the teacherI

%.1) enco!rages and s!pports st!dents to take responsi"ility for their


%.%) !ses strategies that "!ild skills of prod!ctie colla"oration.

4t!dents needs "ackgro!nds perspecties and interests are reflected in

the learning program.

3n learning enironments that reflect this principle the teacherI

,.1) !ses strategies that are flexi"le and responsie to the al!es needs and

interests of indiid!al st!dents

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 ,.%) !ses a range of strategies that s!pport the different ways of thinking

and learning

,.,) "!ilds on st!dents prior experiences knowledge and skills

,.2) capitalises on st!dents experience of a technology rich world.

#ack to -op

4t!dents are challenged and s!pported to deelop deep leels of thinking

and application.

3n learning enironments that reflect this principle the teacherI

2.1) plans seq!ences to promote s!stained learning that "!ilds oer time

and emphasises connections "etween ideas

2.%) promotes s!"stantie disc!ssion of ideas

2.,) emphasises the q!ality of learning with high expectations of


2.2) !ses strategies that challenge and s!pport st!dents to q!estion and


2.5) !ses strategies to deelop inestigating and pro"lem soling skills

2.9) !ses strategies to foster imagination and creatiity.

Assessment practices are an integral part of teaching and learning.

3n learning enironments that reflect this principle the teacherI

5.1) designs assessment practices that reflect the f!ll range of learning

program o"jecties

5.%) ens!res that st!dents receie freq!ent constr!ctie feed"ack that

s!pports f!rther learning

5.,) makes assessment criteria explicit

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 5.2) !ses assessment practices that enco!rage reflection and self


5.5) !ses eidence from assessment to inform planning and teaching.

earning connects strongly with comm!nities and practice "eyond the


3n learning enironments that reflect this principle the teacherI

9.1) s!pports st!dents to engage with contemporary knowledge and


9.%) plans for st!dents to interact with local and "roader comm!nities andcomm!nity practices

9.,) !ses technologies in ways that reflect professional and comm!nity


3--EJ -E4- =C -*E E$:3-MEJ- -C -*E 'C4-4 C=

 *EA0MA4-E60E':-7 *EA0MA4-E (#'4D1;) %B

 3J -*E ':JA# E0:$A-3CJ 0E'A-MEJ-

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-3ME ACE0I-*EE *C:4 -C-A MA84I1


Attempt any two q!estions

Attempt in English or :rd!

Each q!estion carries % marks

 .1 Explain the existing ed!cation sit!ation !nder goernment ed!cational

 3nstit!tions. hat steps wo!ld yo! take as *eadmaster to proide "etter 

 Ed!cational enironment in the school. 0escri"e those<

 .% 0ifferentiate "etween sylla"!s and c!rric!l!m. 'lease s!ggest some

ways to

 implement the c!rric!l!m s!ccessf!lly<

 ., hy it is important to deelop leadership q!alities among school


can this o"jectie can "e achieed. 0isc!ss in detail<


1.Attempt any three q!estions

%.Attempt in English or :rd!

,.Each q!estion carries % marks

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.2 hat are the meanings of "etter performance of a teacher. hat sho!ld

"e done "y the *eadmaster to raise teacher performance. Explain<

.5 3s examination system at secondary school leel is defectie. Explain

those defects. +ie s!ggestions to improe the system of assessing the


.9 0escri"e s!ccessf!l teaching. hat sho!ld "e done "y a teacher

headmaster and ed!cational administration for effectie teaching in the

class room. Explain each point of iew.

.; 0ifferentiate "etween ed!cational s!perision and ed!cational

administration. hat is the role of each in raising ed!cation standards<

Explain with examples<

-eaching aptit!de q!estions and answers

-eaching aptit!de q!estions and answers

 teaching aptit!de sample q!estion with answers

 -eaching Aptit!de 'ractice test

1. As a teacher what will yo! do if st!dents do not attend yo!r class<

(A). #lame st!dents for their a"sence from the class.

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(#). 'onder oer the present attit!de of st!dents in a calm manner.

($). -hink a"o!t !sing some interesting techniq!es of teaching.

(0). -ry to !nderstand the reasons and try to eliminate them.


%. -here will "e "etter comm!nication in a lect!re if a teacher 

(A). reads from prepared notes

(#). prepares the notes well in adance and !se them as a g!ide

($). talks extempore

(0). talks extempore drawing examples from other disciplines


,. -eachers who are enth!siastic in "e classDroom teaching

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(A). often lack proficiency in the s!"jects which stays hidden !nder their


(#). 4imply dramati/e to hold the st!dent?s attention

($). inole their st!dents in the teachingDlearning process

(0). all of the a"oe


2. Cne can "e a good teacher if he6she

(A). has gen!ine interest in teaching

(#). knows how to control st!dents

($). knows his6her s!"ject

(0). has good expression


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5.-he most important skill of teaching is

(A). making st!dents !nderstand what the teacher says

(#). coering the co!rse prescri"ed in his s!"ject

($). keeping st!dents relaxed while teaching

(0). taking classes reg!larly


9. Effectie teaching "y and large is a f!nction of 

(A). Maintaining discipline in the class

(#). -eachers honesty

($). -eacher?s making st!dents learn and !nderstand

(0). -eachers liking for the o" of teaching


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;. 4!ccess of a profession depends onR 

(A) 'olicy to please indiid!als

(#) Maintaining relationship with people

($) Maintaining q!ality of work

(0) oyalty to the s!periors

Ans. ($)

>. Main role of teacher is identified with aR 

(A) eader 

(#) 'lanner 

($) Manager 

(0) Motiator 

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Ans. (A)

B. 'rior to teaching the teacher doesR 

(A) 3dentification of o"jecties

(#) 'reparation of teaching lesson plan

($) 8now the interest of st!dents

(0) All of the a"oe

Ans. (0)

1. Effectie teaching incl!desR 

(A) -eacher is actie "!t st!dents may or may not "e actie

(#) -eacher may "e actie or inactie "!t st!dents are actie

($) -eacher is actie and st!dents are actie

(0) All of the a"oe sit!ations

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Ans. ($)

11. 3mmediate o!tcome of teaching isR 

(A) $hanges in the "ehaio!r of st!dents in desira"le direction

(#) 0eelopment of total personality of st!dents

($) #!ilding characters of the st!dents

(0) +etting selected for a s!ita"le jo"

Ans. (A)

1%. #asic req!irement of teaching efficiency isR 

(A) Mastery on teaching skills

(#) Mastery oer !se of different techniq!es of teaching

($) Mastery oer appropriate !se of media and technology in teaching

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(0) All of the a"oe

Ans. (0)

1,. !estioning skill in teaching is most !sef!l inR 

(A) Ens!ring st!dents? actie participation in learning

(#) Memori/ing the facts "y st!dents

($) Making st!dents disciplined

(0) 'reparing st!dents for examination

Ans. (A)

12. A teacher wants to enhance his income. 7o! will adise him6her toR 

(A) -each in coaching instit!tes d!ring extra time

(#) -ake more rem!neratie works in the school6college

($) oin contract!al assignments other than teaching

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(0) riting #ooks

Ans. (0)

15. As a principal yo! will enco!rage yo!r teacher colleag!es toR 

(A) 'articipate in seminars and conferences in 3ndia and a"road

(#) 'articipate in refresher co!rses for enhancement of s!"ject knowledge

($) 0oing comm!nity serices for :pliftment of down trodden

(0) All of the a"oe

Ans. (0)

19. A teacher shall inc!lcate social and moral al!es among st!dents "yR 

(A) 0eliering lect!res on al!es

(#) 4howing -@ programmes

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($) 3noling st!dents actiely in co c!rric!lar actiities

(0) C"sering eligio!s =estials

Ans. ($)

1;. -he most significant approach of eal!ation isR 

(A) $ontin!o!s and comprehensie eal!ation

(#) $ond!cting o"jectie term end examination

($) Maintaining c!m!latie records of st!dents

(0) 4emester system eal!ation

Ans. (A)

1>. Ed!cational technology is !sef!l "eca!seR 

(A) it is the need of the ho!r 

(#) it is adopted "y famo!s instit!tions

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($) it makes teaching effectie and efficient

(0) it attracts st!dents towards teaching and learning actiities

Ans. ($)

1B. A teacher m!st hae mastery oer his s!"ject forR 

(A) alertness

(#) making impact on st!dents

($) interest

(0) making teaching effectie

Ans. (0)

%. -he term Lkinder garden? meansR 

(A) $hildren?s

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(#) $hildren?s home

($) $hildren?s school

(0) $hildren?s playgro!nd

Ans. (0)

%1. -he 8othari $ommission eport on Ed!cation was entitled asR 

(A) Ed!cation and Jational 0eelopment

(#) earning Lto "e?

($) 0iersification of Ed!cation

(0) Ed!cation for all

Ans. (A)

%%. -he most appropriate meaning of learning isR 

(A) 3nc!lcation of knowledge

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(#) Modification of "ehaio!r 

($) 'ersonal adj!stment

(0) Acq!isition of skills

Ans. (#)

%,. -eachers knowledge on st!dent?s needs and interests are coered "y the


(A) 'hilosophy of ed!cation

(#) 'sychology of ed!cation

($) 4ociology of ed!cation

(0) 'olitics of ed!cation

Ans. (#)

%2. ork experience in ed!cation meansR 

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(A) Ed!cation for prod!ctiity with r!ral

(#) orking for a new social order 

($) Experience in ind!strial and technological world

(0) Ed!cation for orientation towards ocational co!rses

Ans. (0)

%5. 3ntegral ed!cation concept is propo!nded "yR 

(A) 4ri A!ro"indo

(#) Mahatma +andhi

($) 4wami 0ayanand

(0) 4wami @iekanand

Ans. (A)

!i/ !estions on -eaching Aptit!de

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 !i/ !estions on -eaching Aptit!de

 !i/ of -eaching Aptit!de "ased on preio!s papers for '+- '- 8@4 :+$

 q!i/ for joining teaching careers

 -eaching Aptit!de I 4oled 'aper

1. Emotional Adj!stment of 

 st!dents is effectie inD

(A) 'ersonality formation

 (#) $lassDteaching

 ($) 0iscipline

 (0) All of the a"oe


%. #lackD"oard can "e incl!ded in

 which gro!p6category of 

 teachingDaids <

(A) A!dioDaids

 (#) @is!alSaids

 ($) A!dioDis!al aids

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 (0) Jone of the a"oe


,. hich of the following is related

 with teaching skill <

 (A) #lackD"oard writing

 (#) 4oling q!estions

 ($) Asking q!estions

 (0) All the a"oe


2. 4t!dents who ask q!estions in

 the class sho!ld "eD

(A) Adised to meet the

 teacher after the class

 (#) Enco!raged to participate

 in the disc!ssion in the class

 ($) Enco!raged to contin!e

 asking q!estions

 (0) Enco!raged to search

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 answers independently


5. At a!thoritarian leel teaching


(A) -eacher centered

 (#) $hildRcentered

 ($) *eadmaster centered

 (0) Experience "ased


9. ho deeloped the interaction

 analysis category system in

 ed!cation for increasing the

 teacher effectieness

(A) =lander 

 (#) ayon

 ($) Amidon and 4imon

 (0) ichard Cer 

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;. Cne of the important theory of 

 moral deelopment has "een

 proposed "yRR 

(A) a!rence 8ohl"erg

 (#) Erik =romm

 ($) 0aniel $oleman

 (0) #enjamin #loom


>. $haracter is deeloped "yD

(A) illDpower 

 (#) $ond!ct and "ehaior 

 ($) Morality

 (0) All of the a"oe


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B. hich of the following is not a

 leel of teaching learning <

(A) 0ifferentiation leel

 (#) Memory leel

 ($) eflectie leel

 (0) :nderstanding leel


1. J:E'A is mainly concerned


(A) Ed!cational 4!perision

 (#) Ed!cational :nity

 ($) Ed!cational 'lanning

 (0) Ed!cational Eal!ation


11. -he name of 7ashpal $ommittee

 eport (1BB,) isD

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(A) l.$.-. in -eacher ed!cation

 (#) earning witho!t #!rden

 ($) earning thro!gh #roadD


 (0) Jone of the a"oe


1%. -he =ather of 'sychoanalysis


(A) Erik *. Erikson

 (#) Tean 'iaget

 ($) erorne 4. #r!ner 

 (0) 4igm!nd =re!d


1,. ln pedagogy comp!ter is !sedD

(A) -o motiate the learner 

 (#) -o proide feed"ack

 ($) -o interact with the learner 

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 (0) =or all the a"oe


12. hich of the following is die

 "rain of the comp!ter <

(A) 'rograrnme

 (#) $entral processing !nit

 ($) Memory

 (0) *ard 0isc


15. 4pare the rod RD spoil the child.

 -his ass!mption is related to

 that type of discipline which has

 "een adocatedD

(A) #y nat!ralist philosophy

 (#) #y pragmatist philosophy

 ($) 3n @ictorian Era

 (0) ln 0emocratic Era

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19. -he concept of school complex

 was first exec!ted inD

(A) :ttar 'radesh

 (#) Madhya 'radesh

 ($) #ihar 

 (0) ajasthan


1;. -he proponent of the $ognitie

 -heory of teaching isD

(A) J. . +age

 (#) 4hi 8!mar Mitra

 ($) #. =. 4kiner 

 (0) Mc0onald


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1> 3nstr!ction medi!m affects the

 a"sence and escape from class


(A) Agreed

 (#) 3ndefinite

 ($) 0isagreed

 (0) Jone of the a"oe


1B -he determinant of teaching

 skill training isD

(A) $omponents

 (#) '!pilDteacher 

 ($) 4!perisor 

 (0) *eadmaster 


%. =or a good comm!nication

 ..UU is req!ried.

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(A) $larity of tho!ght

 (#) 0ramatic 'resentation

 ($) 4peaking in a mild tone

 (0) 4peaking witho!t pa!se


%1. hich of the following is an

 approach to ed!cational planning < .

(A) ManDpower approach

 (#) 4ocial 0emand approach

 ($) #oth (A) and (#)

 (0) Jone of the a"oe


%%. 3nstit!tional planning sho!ld "e

 "ased onD

(A) Aim and needs

 (#) -imeRta"le

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 ($) Administration

 (0) Jeed


%,. -eacher "ehaio!r o!ght to


(A) Administratie

 (#) 3nstr!ctie

 ($) 3dealistic

 (0) 0irectie


%2. 3nformation highway or net isD

(A) $omp!ter 

 (#) 3ntemet

 ($) 3ntranet

 (0) 8eyD"oard


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%5. 3J4A-R1(#) has "een la!nched


(A) , April 1B>,

 (#) , A!g!st 1B>,

 ($) , 0ecem"er 1B>,

 (0) , an!ary 1B>2


%9. -he n!m"er of representaties

 of $entral +oernment in :+$


(A) B (#) %

 ($) 9 (0) C,


%;. $omp!ter lang!age is "ased


 (A) J!m"er system

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 (#) 4ym"ol system

 ($) 4eries system

 (0) Jone of the a"oe


%>. -he main task of ed!cational

 comp!ter isD

(A) 4coring the answers

 (#) 'resere the information

 ($) Analysis of data

 (0) All of the a"oe


%B. :JE4$C satellite directed teleision program was !sed first

(A) 1B%9 (#) 1B5B

 ($) 1B91 (0) 1B95


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,. 3n which of the following

 instr!ctional proced!re is the

 main component <

(A) 4ynectics teaching model

 (#) #asic teaching model

 ($) 3nd!ctie model

 (0) 4ocialDstim!lation


,1. -he comp!ter "ased teaching

 model has "een deeloped "yD

(A) +il"ert (1B9%)

 (#) 4tol!row and 0ais (1B95)

 ($) o"ert +agne (1B95)

 (0) Mecner (1B95)


,%. hich of the following expectation st!dents hae from gro!p

 learning <

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(A) -o get appreciation from

 the gro!p

 (#) -o distri"!te the work


 ($) -o ignore indiid!al iew


 (0) -o attract isolated st!dent

 towards the gro!p


,,. 3n order to modify the !ndesira"le "ehaior of a st!dent the

 most effectie method isD

(A) -o p!nish the st!dent

 (#) -o "ring it to the notice of 


 ($) -o find o!t the reasons for 

 the !ndesira"le "ehaio!r and

 proide remedies

 (0) -o ignore it

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,2. 3n which !niersity the microD

 teaching system started in 1B91 <

(A) 4tanford :niersity

 (#) Cxford :niersity

 ($) 0elhi :niersity

 (0) M. 4. :niersity #aroda



,5. -he correct meaning of $.A.3.


(A) $haracteristics of Assistant


 (#) $omp!ter Assisted 3nstr!ction

 ($) $omm!nity Assisted


 (0) Jone of the a"oe

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,9. NMan is "orn free "!t eeryD

 where he is in chains6? -his

 statement has "een gien "yD

(A) A"raham Maslow

 (#) ean acq!es o!ssea!

 ($) ohn 0ewey

 (0) . 3D3. 8ilpatrick


,;. ritten comm!nication strategy


(A) Algorithms

 (#) 0ecision -a"le

 ($) #oth (A) and (#)

 (0) Jone of the a"oe


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,>. Main responsi"ility of 4chool

 Management lies onD

(A) 'rincipal

 (#) -eachers

 ($) Manager 

 (0) All of the a"oe


,B Major o"jectie of 4chool 0iscipline isD

(A) -o ens!re safety of staff 

 and st!dents

 (#) -o create an enironment

 cond!cie for teaching

 ($) #oth (A) and (#)

 (0) Jone of the a"oe


2. At primary leel teacherDta!ght

 ratio was 1 I ,BD

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(A) According to sixth

 ed!cational s!rey of all 3ndia

 (#) According to fifth

 ed!cational s!rey of all 3ndia

 ($) According to fo!rth

 ed!cational s!rey of all 3ndia

 (0) According to second

 ed!cational s!rey of all 3ndia


21. A fa!lt in a comp!ter programme which preents it from

 working correctly is known asD

(A) #!g (#) Error 

 ($) #ooV#oo (0) @ir!s


2% 'ractical knowledge of lang!age

 is learnt atR 

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(A) 4chool

 (#) ang!age la"oratory

 ($) ang!age teaching

 (0) ang!age instr!ction


2,. 0ropping o!t from school


(A) -o come to school cas!ally

 (#) -o leae the school foreer 

 ($) -o play tr!ant from class

 (0) Jone of the a"oe


22. hich one of the following is

 not a principle of a good time

 ta"le <

(A) =lexi"ility

 (#) !thless master 

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 ($) @ariety

 (0) $oordination of efforts


25. -he reason of a"sence and

 escape from school isR 

(A) ack of interest in sylla"!s

 (#) 'oor method of teaching

 ($) 3neffectie teacher 

 (0) All the a"oe


29. Ministry of *!man eso!rce

 0eelopment was esta"lished


(A) Cct. %9 1B>5

 (#) 4ept. 19 1B>5

 ($) 4ept. %9 1B>5

 (0) 4ept. 1 1B>9

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2;. -he scope of 0ecisionDMaking


(A) Management

 (#) Crgani/ation

 ($) Administration

 (0) 4!perision


2>. =actor of personality isR 

(A) 0!ctless glands

 (#) =amily "ackgro!nd

 ($) 4chool

 (0) All the a"oe


5 hich of the following aspects

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 is disc!ssed in a -eacher?s

 0iary <

(A) $lass -ime -a"le

 (#) -eaching $ontent

 ($) #oth (A) and (#)

 (0) Jone of the a"oe


1. Most important work of teacher isR 

 (A) to organi/e teaching work (#) to delier lect!re in class ($) to take care

of children (0) to eal!ate the st!dents

 %. A teacher sho!ld "eR

(A) *onest (#) 0illigent ($) 0!tif!l (0) '!nct!al ,.

 Enironmental ed!cation sho!ld "e ta!ght in schools "eca!seR

(A) it will affect enironmental poll!tion (#) it is important part of life ($) it

will proide jo" to teachers (0) we cannot escape from enironment

2. Jaodaya 4chools hae "een esta"lished toR 

 (A) increase n!m"er of school in r!ral areas (#) proide good ed!cation in

r!ral areas ($) complete W4ara 4hiksha A"hiyan‟ (0) check wastage of

ed!cation in r!ral areas

 5. At primary leel it is "etter to teach in mother lang!age "eca!seR 

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 (A) it deelops selfDconfidence in children (#) it makes learning easy ($) it is

helpf!l in intellect!al deelopment (0) it helps children in learning in nat!ral


 9. omen are "etter teacher at primary leel "eca!seR 

 (A) they "ehae more patiently with children (#) they are ready to work with

low salary ($) higher q!alification is not needed in this profession (0) they

hae less chances in other profession

;. 7o! hae "een selected in all the fo!r professions gien "elow. here

wo!ld yo! like to go <

 (A) -eacher (#) 'olice ($) Army (0) #ank

>. hat is most important while writing on "lack"oard <

 (A) +ood writing (#) $larity in writing ($) riting in "ig letters (0) riting in

small letters

 B. 4ome st!dents send a greeting card to yo! on teacher ‟s day. hat will

yo! do < 7o! willR

(A) do nothing (#) say thanks to them ($) ask them to not to waste money (0)

reciprocate the good wishes to them

1. A st!dent comes late in yo!r class. -hen yo! willR 

 (A) inform to parents (#) p!nish him ($) try to know the reason (0) not pay

attention there

11. hen the st!dents "ecome failed it can "e !nderstood thatR 

 (A) -he system has failed (#) -he teachers fail!re ($) -he textD"ooks fail!re

(0) -he indiid!al st!dent‟s fail!re

 1%. 3t is adantage of giing home work that st!dentsR (A) remain "!sy at

home (#) st!dy at home ($) may "e checked for their progress (0) may

deelop ha"it of self st!dy

15. A teacher has serio!s defect is he6sheR 

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 (A) is physically handicapped(#) "elongs to low socioDeconomic stat!s ($)

has weak personality (0) has immat!re mental deelopment

 19. -he s!ccess of teacher isR

(A) high achieement of st!dents (#) good traits of his6her personality ($)

his6her good teaching (0) his6her good character

1;. A 0eepawali fair is "eing organi/ed in yo!r school. hat wo!ld yo! like to

do < (A) only to isit the fair (#) to take part in f!nction ($) to take a shop to

sell something (0) to distri"!te free water to isitors

1>. -he most important trait of a st!dent isR

(A) sense of responsi"ility (#) to speak tr!th ($) coDoperation (0) o"edience

1B. -he p!rpose of "asic ed!cation scheme isR

(A) !niersali/ation of primary ed!cation (#) to ocationalise the ed!ction ($)

to f!lfil "asic need of persons thro!gh ed!cation (0) to make ed!cation

comp!lsory for all

%. 7o! are teaching a topic in class and a st!dent ask a q!estion !nrelated

to the topic. hat will yo! do <

(A) yo! will allow him to ask !nrelated q!estion (#) yo! will not allow him toask !nrealated q!estion ($) yo! will consider it indiscipline and p!nish him

(0) yo! will answer the q!estion after the class

%1. 3f yo! are !na"le to get a jo" of teacher then yo! willR

(A) start giing t!ition at home (#) remain at home till yo! get a jo" ($) take

some another jo" (0) contin!e applying for teaching

%%. A teacher can motiate the st!dents "yR 

 (A) giing s!ita"le pri/es (#) giing proper g!idance ($) giing examples (0)

deliering speech in class

%,. 3f a st!dent does not pay any respect to yo! then yo! willR

(A) ignore him (#) award less marks in examination ($) talk to his6her parents

(0) re"!ke him

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 %5. -he aim of Jational $o!ncil for teacher ed!cation isR 

 (A) to open college of ed!cation (#) to promote research in ed!cation ($) to

maintain standards in colleges of ed!cation (0) to proide grant to colleges

of ed!cation

 %9. 8indergarten system of ed!cation was contri"!ted "yR 

 (A) -. '. J!nn (#) 4pencer ($) =roe"el (0) Montessori

%;. WJational $o!ncil of Ed!cational esearch and -raining‟ was esta"lished


(A) 1B91 (#) 1B9% ($) 1B9, (0) 1B92

%>. Essay type test are not relia"le "eca!seR (A) their answers are different

(#) their res!lts are different ($) their checking is affected "y examiner ‟s

mood (0) their responding styles are different

%B. A g!ardian neer comes to see yo! in school. 7o! willR (A) ignore the

child (#) write to the g!ardian ($) go to meet him yo!self (0) start p!nishing

the child ,. -o maintain interest among st!dents in class a teacher sho!ld

 R (A) !se "lack"oard (#) disc!ss ($) tell stories (0) ask q!estion ,1. -he

p!rpose of new ed!cation policy isR (A) to proide eq!al opport!nity of

ed!cation to all (#) to improe the whole ed!cation system ($) to link the

ed!cation with employment (0) to delink the degree with ed!cation

,%. -o raise the standard of ed!cation it is necessaryR

(A) to eal!ate st!dents contin!o!sly (#) to gie high salary to teachers ($)to reise c!rric!l!m (0) to make good school "!ilding

 ,,. hat is most important for a teacher <

 (A) to maintain discipline in class (#) to "e p!nct!al in class ($) to remoe

diffic!lties of st!dents (0) to "e good orator

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,2. hy st!dents sho!ld play games in school <

 (A) 3t makes them physically strong (#) 3t makes work easier for teachers ($)

3t helps in passing time (0) 3t deelops coDoperation and physical "alance

 ,5. =amily is a means ofR

(A) 3nformal ed!cation (#) =ormal ed!cation ($) JonDformal ed!cation (0)

0istance ed!cation

,9. -here is tension among illagers and yo! are teacher there. hat will yo!

do <

 (A) 7o! will inform N+ram 'radhanO (#) 7o! will try to pacify them ($) 7o!

will report to police (0) 7o! will keep distance from them

 ,;. A teacher can deelop social al!es among st!dents "yR 

 (A) telling them a"o!t great people (#) deeloping sense of discipline ($)

"ehaing ideally (0) telling them good stories

,>. hat will yo! do in leis!re time in school < 7o! willR (A) take rest in

teacher ‟s room (#) read maga/ines in li"rary ($) talk to clerks in office (0)

check home work of st!dents

 ,B. A teacher asks the q!estions in the class toR

(A) keep st!dents "!sy (#) maintain discipline ($) attract st!dent‟s attention

(0) teach

 2. 7o! like teaching profession "eca!seR

(A) it has less responsi"ility (#) yo! are interested in it ($) it is easy (0) it

proide yo! more holidays

21. *ow the st!dents sho!ld "e motiated to get s!ccess in life <

(A) 4elected st!dy (#) 3ncidental st!dy ($) 3ntensie st!dy (0) earning "y


2%. 3n context of the ha"it of A"senteeism of st!dentR

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(A) -he principal and parents sho!ld get worried (#) -he officials of the

schools sho!ld take action against them as per school‟s discipline ($) -he

teachers sho!ld take it as a serio!s pro"lem (0) -hey sho!ld "e gien less

priority in the class room in relation to reg!lar st!dents

 2,. -o whom the responsi"ility of organisation of c!rric!lar actiities sho!ld

"e stored with <

 (A) -he principal (#) -he teacher who is appointed for this work ($) -he

teachers who take interest in it (0) All the teachers

22. hen the st!dents try to sole the q!estions in some different way as

ta!ght "y the teacher from prescri"ed "ooks then these st!dents sho!ld "e


(A) 0isco!raged to cons!lt some other "ooks on the s!"ject (#) Enco!raged

to cons!lt some other "ooks on the s!"ject ($) 4!ggested to talk with their

teacher after the period (0) 4!ggested to follow the class room notes in order 

to get good mark in the examination

 25. -he experienced teachers do not req!ire the detailed lesson plan of atopic "eca!seR

(A) -hey can teach in a good manner witho!t its help (#) -he n!m"er of

c!rio!s st!dents is ery poor in the class ($) hen they commit some

mistake they do not face any challange from their st!dents (0) -hey can

eq!ip themseles with "rief o!tline as they gain specialisation in it thro!gh


 29. -he pro"lem of dropDo!t in which st!dents leae their schooling in early

years can "e tackled in a "etter way thro!ghR

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(A) ed!ction of the weight of c!rric!l!m (#) 4ympathy of teachers ($)

Attractie enironment of the school (0) Enco!ragement of the st!dents

2;. -he ideal teacherR (A) -eaches the whole c!rric!l!m (#) *elps his

st!dents in learning ($) 3s a friend philosopher and g!ide (0) Maintains good


2>. -he aim of ed!cation sho!ld "eR

(A) -o deelop ocational skills in the st!dents (#) -o deelop social

awareness in the st!dents ($) -o prepare the st!dents for examination (0) -o

prepare the st!dents for practical life

 2B. -he "est method of checking st!dent‟s homework isR 

 (A) -o assign it to intelligent st!dents of the class (#) -o check the answers

in the class in gro!p manner ($) -o check them with the help of specimen

answer (0) -o check "y the teacher himself in a reg!lar way

 5. A time "o!nd testing programme for a st!dents sho!ld "e implemented

in 4hools so thatR

(A) -he progress of the st!dents sho!ld "e informed to their parents (#) A

reg!lar practice can "e carried o!t ($) -he st!dents can "e trained for final

examinations (0) -he remedial programme can "e adopted on the "asis of

the feed"ack from the res!lts

 51. -he essential element of the sylla"!s for the children remained o!t of

school sho!ld "eR (A) iteracy competencies (#) ifeDskills ($) J!merical

competencies (0) @ocational competencies

 5,. -he priority to girls ed!cation sho!ld "e gien "eca!seR

(A) -he girls are more intelligent in comparison than the "oys (#) -he girls

are lesser in n!m"er than "oys ($) -he girls were "adly discriminated in

fao!r of "oys in the past (0) Cnly girls are capa"le of leading for social


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52. -he s!ccess of integrated ed!cation depends onR (A) -he s!pport of

comm!nity (#) -he excellence of textD"ooks ($) -he highest q!ality of

teachingDlearning material (0) -he attit!dinal changes in teachers

55. -he q!ality of schools ed!cation is excl!siely depending !ponR 

 (A) 3nfrastr!ct!ral facilities (#) =inancial proisions ($) 3nternational s!pport

(0) -he q!ality of teacher ed!cation

 59. -he idea of #asic Ed!cation is propo!nded "yR 

 (A) 0r. Xakir *!ssain (#) 0r. ajendra 'rasad ($) Mahatma +andhi (0)

a"indranath -agore

 5;. -he most important indicator of q!ality of ed!cation in a school isR

(A) 3nfrastr!ct!ral facilities of a school (#) $lassroom system ($) -extD"ooks

and -eachingDlearning material (0) 4t!dent Achieement leel

5>. -he "est remedy of the st!dent‟s pro"lems related with learning isR 

 (A) 4!ggestion for hard work (#) 4!perised st!dy in i"rary ($) 4!ggestion

for priate t!ition (0) 0iagnostic teaching

 5B. -he inDserice teacher ‟ training can "e made more effectie "yR

(A) :sing training package which in wellprepared in adance (#) Making it a

residential programme ($) :sing coDoperatie approach (0) 'ractising

training follow!p proced!res

9. $hild a"o!r 'rohi"ition Act (1B>9)R

(A) 'rohi"its all types of child la"o!r !pto 12 years of age of child (#)

'rohi"its child la"o!r in riskDtaking works only ($) 'rohi"its child la"o!r

d!ring school ho!rs only (0) 'rohi"its child la"o!r "y imposing the

responsi"ility of children?s ed!cation on the employers

AnswersI 1. (A) %. ($) ,. (#) 2. (#) 5. (0) 9. (A) ;. (A) >. (A) B. (#)

 1. ($) 11. (0) 1%. (0) 15. (0) 19. ($) 1;. (#) 1>. (0) 1B. ($) %. (0)

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 %1. (0) %%. (A) %,. (A) %5. ($) %9. ($) %;. (A) %>. ($) %B. ($) ,. (0)

 ,1. (#) ,%. (A) ,,. ($) ,2. (0) ,5. (A) ,9. (#) ,;. ($) ,>. (0) ,B. ($)

 2. (#) 21. ($) 2%. ($) 2,. (A) 22. (#) 25. (0) 29. (0) 2;. ($) 2>. (0)

2B. (0) 5. (0) 51. (0) 5,. (0) 52. (#) 55. (0) 59. ($) 5;. (0) 5>. (0)

5B. (0) 9. (A)