mcq cardio 2

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Post on 23-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Mcq Cardio 2


    1. A 18-year-old woman patient presents with fatigue for 3

    months. Physical examination is normal except moderately pale

    conjunctivae. CBC: Hb 7.8 g/dL, MCV 68 fL, RDW 22 %, WBC

    4.5x109/L, PMN 75%, L 20%, M 5%, platelet 510x109/L. Whichof the followings is the most appropriate management at this


    A. Iron supplement

    B. B12 supplement

    C. Bone marrow examination

    D. Packed red cell transfusion

    E. Abdominal ultrasonography

    2. A 22-year-old man was referred to your hospital due to acute

    anemia and dark colored urine. The physical examination

    showed markedly pale and moderately jaundice without

    hepatosplenomegaly. Peripheral blood smear revealed some

    ghost cells, hemoglobin contracted red cells and blister cells.

    What is the most life threatening condition in this patient?

    A. Hypokalemia

    B. Hyperkalemia

    C. Hyperviscosity

    D. Hypovolemic shock

    E. Tumor lysis syndrome