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McPherson College Quadrangle l o!. 83./ssue 1- Fa/11999

Table of Contents

Opening .................................................. 2

Student Life ........................................... . 3

Sports .................................................... 17

People ................................................... 29

Ads lndex .......................... ..... ............... 41

Clo ing ............................. ..................... 48

2 • ln1ru

\\hat ~ nu ha\1.~ her~ " an >C -Pe-f'1ttv1e..I'JI

th~ f1N >C -,t>.rtv1PL..-e.. nf '"m~thmg 11~\\

l hh" th~ f1r't in,talhncntnf )UUr ~e.1rh<~<•k. ••r 111.1~ h..: more apprnpnatd),

~·•ur Tht' '"u.: '"'a' c\~nh. ·'''" 1ttc,, .uul pcnpl~ lr<>tn th~ fall

,4.!1l\t:'t~r Th~ ,ct.:t..lnd 1, ... uc.:. \\hu.:h \\111 (~l\\;r ... prmg ''-'lll~'lc.:r. ''ill h~

mailed"' )Oil tn June Prell) >C -?llti'JC< n,,·•

.. \\h) th..: d1ang~r· )<llllll.l~ )C-?L..-,Arltv1

! he rattllllJk h rr~tt~ ,unpk' \.due \\hat )llll ''gut Oil\\ ,, k"

)C -Pe-I'J-:::>tve- to prndu..:c I!\ en thnugh 11 lt<h ..:nlur page'

(\\e\c bccnunahk Ill allimlthcm li1r thL· pa't 5 )<:ar,). ;md 11\

a more pra..:llcal )C-Pe-f'1te-I'J?e..ll•r th Iii \\c·r..: l.m~mg li•rtnh' 111

cummun~..:allulb. nht!)MIIlc publ<-hmg ,~til' .m.: mnn: 1111kmand than hook

puhlhhmg ,ktll' l It al-.1 .tllo\\' lh .1 to eel )llllr ked bad. alkr the

lir't '"u~ 10 mak..: 'ur..: "..: mdud..: 1l1111g' 1nth..: ":..:ond '"uc thai arc

tmpnnant Ill ) nu

\\c..:h•N:Cfe-I'J~IION )C: .:APJe-.A.-1 )C-Pe-?I.A.-1~

"' th~ theme for th1, '"u..:. r,, )C-PL..-Of'1e..thatthcme. \\e.,e Pl"t~d th~

re,ulh 1>f a 'tmknt-h<1d~ 'un <:) on ..:a..:h nf 1h~ dl\ I 'IIlii IM)!C' of th~

'""'"n' tpp . .l. 17. 2'!. -ll11ha1 tllll'tr.lte' hu\\ \kl'hcr""' ( ••ll..:ge 'tud..:nh

rdket ur (lllllradi..:lthc gen..:raltrcnd' th.ll h.l\.: h..:en ll'~d to ddin..:

'"""''"' II'"' t/1'(' '11/'l'l'lllh' ""'"''<'II ''"' til: I'\ "' I, """ 3 ,. )

On~ of tho'~ dcfimng ..:haraetcrl'lt.:' ''that .:::<e-1'-J )Ce-1"1-:::> .m.: harJ

to define.'" h..:r~\ uur au..:mpttu )C-e-tv1PL..-I,....Y' \\lm \\ear~"'

mdl\ 1Jual,. hu1 al"' "' memh..:r' uf I h.: \kl'hcr-<111 (,,liege ..:ummunll~.

\\..:Ill\ 11..: )<lllf ){-,Artv111'J.Ari10N ullhl' I"UC ,111d \\C h11pc llll1Ccb )<1lll'

great >C .Ar I~J

. filii!' n1n\n '"foradc;c.Ju/),11}( '''"""'''"llt4ih ••IUC'tiL~Ioiitml/

Re,carch ,111m' that ()en .:\cr' ,Ire '~cpucal of organt?cd tn,tnutton,. ln "hat degree arc you .,~cpucal'!

Usually 28%

Always Never 6% . 5%

No Opmion


Sometimes 40%

\ect>rdmg tn rc,c.trch. (rcn \.cr' li:cl authont> "al\\a\' earned. nc,cr mhenh:d and can nc,cr he demanded. \rc ~ou ,;,lhng tn .tcccpt the au thorn~ of another pcNm ha,cd on plhttlnn or Jllh utlc'!

Usual! 45%

/>lways 9

Sometimes 24%

(rcn \.cr' arc II\ mg 111 \\hat ha' hccn called the Po,t-C. hn,tlilll era. \\here mnr.tht\ '' '"hlcctt\C. lla\c \OU li.mnd 111 \ouro\\n hli: that n '' dtlli..:ult tu '~hat "nl!ht at~d "ron I!"? -

Usually f>lways No et. 4"'

Opomon 12% _,.,.._ ___

Some~mes 50%

Cfe..r-.J }<( 1-+A-~ A­P)e..PUIA-110"-l I""'OP1 MA-11111'-..lCf II~ O...v r-.J P)UL-B-~. II'~ ~Y,e..Pil?A-l...-01""' A-1'-JY L-A-P1CfB­~e-A-UP1A-?P1A-?Y IP1Y'Ir-.JCf lo IA-11->B- ?01'-JIP,OL..-, ~UI II'~ v iL-L..--1"-lCf 1 o Cftv e­Pe-oPL-e..A­?1-+A-r-.J?e.., ~0-

t-+e..P,e..' ~ I o A-L-L­You P1UL-e.. ~e..NI/e..P,~ A-"-ll7 JI->OI7A-JI-> MOMe..r-.JI MA-JI->e..P)~. v-,e..e..p II !""'P,e..~t-+ A-"-ll7 ?A-P)e.. I""'OP, e..A-?1-+ Olt-+e..P), L-e-1~ ~t-+o...v

A-L-L- lt-+e.. Olt-+e..P) e;.e..N­e..P,A-IION~ lt-+A-1 v e.. ?A-N MA-11->B­A- 17ll""'t""'e..P)e..r-.J?e..,

.lvn rlltul tr fo\lt r (til ( ~ ''

ltlltnun,don-,lllf.!t ,/wm)!th, ( (IJ/t\!t /t ,, tllf t u·tt/Jult/ tiUUIIIOMIIIO

u ,/, mu! cvllt t:l ,m,J,m, lo I hr.

n,,,,h 1 ,, \II' I"'''' fl hri.C' ,,,, ,,mul hhtlt cJ,,,,ugllllti/ITmr A.tmlpoft, Rtwr~Oir:

\ugu" 2~. l'l'N. a home, lei.. ) et "cited group <Jf Clghtccn )Car-old' mao.Jc thc•r "·I) nnw the \h:Ph.:r,on ( ollcgc campth "here the~ \\ ~rc met b) our 'cry O\\ n

lacult) ;tnd ,tall . fhat da) o1

.. traumatic .. break '"" I he 'tuo.lenh \\ere\\ hhl..ed a\\'-'} to mct:t thc1r "em mar

gwup' and lrc,hman ao.J, 1" r' 1\ h1 k the1r parcnh 'tayetl 1o the 'IWn' center to lhl\ c thc1r que,tl<11l' an,\\crcd and tlh: 1-.:ar, alla)ctl lh<"e htlmc"ck h1gh 'chonl graduate' h;n.: n~\ er bct:n the .... ~unC" .... incc

the} 1\Crc ··r.:hom·· "' (uram<tlll pau'cl I Rl '>11\ll' The lilliO\\ ing da). the'<: "lt~,amc Jrc,hmJn nxJc to J...,Ul{lpOJi'

Re,er.olf ttl help dean up the camp"tc'. hcach.:,, .md tr II' \ftcmard,. the) 1\CIIt ""mnHng. ~c't came lunch and enrolln cnt.

and then. an C\cmng nfrda\,IIIUII at the' \I( \here 111 \h:Phcr-~'n .'

\cult \fu,~nnt '' Unn ( (}_ l..'tl' "\'''''""'/nun prt ,,,J,·m (""' t>dl. , ,.,, 1. ,,,/"''/at Itt,. m mm me 111111


f,, ,Jmtt" tllft'lhl "'" o/ '''tIll I m/ot mrllllt pn"!rtnlh that tilt to lttiJ'IIrt·m \,'t I/!, Itt I cUtfllcllnltd Utth t ollt)!,t.'


l.cmclrm Hwtt.·t; fr, {}mllft'l; J,., !a)/or, ,,. \ftPiu·nnll. lk\,m l.tlnWt ,/r , \jtrlltt:,/h ld \/0.

.1,111/t'' Pmul /1 /opdur aud lmand,t If,//' /1

1./IH"nth. A.\. ht·ad hu, J,. tu tht ""' tl(lt r t llllljlft'IIII.S!. tJh trflllt l·lt IIIII\ 11/ ,/rl/tt \ til A.uuof''"'' Rt.HH\oll

.lthtJII 8th"' /r lop,''' ""'' otltt r jn. ''"'" n ~" thruuglr !Itt hull• tllllt tho 111).: on, ut,llloll '", ~' nd

•• ~ .... -.1 .... .ra c ~

\\.: ll\c 111 an age \\here noth­mg "cenam \mlnm' here i' that kh more .1.:U1el~ than here .tt .:nllcge. If".: don't ha\ e pa­per' due. then there\ ,urd~ a 4llll "e need to read a .:hapter t(>r Da~' .trc full. and tr.:e tim.: a luw~ that \\C .:an ntkn ill atlord

"''· the qu.:,IH>n "·"here do ) ou go and "hat do ) ou do "nh tho'' pre.:inu' k\\ hour­allotted l(>r free tunc'' \\ell. a'~ an \er '' h<ll the) dn f(>r fun. <llld the) 'II probahl) tell )OU

that the) hang out "ith th.:~r fm:mh. \\ hat ""hangntg out''" I langmg nut "doing anythmg or nothutg at all. a' long a' 11 1' '' nh) our friend,. I mgcr pamt­mg. gomg Ill the game,. "atch­lng I \. gomg tl> the mm ic,. and pht) mg g<tme' arc JU'l

""ne uf the thmg' I' \ c done or '<-'Cil oth<:r\ domg th" -cnt.:,ter.

\\ nh a lithe 'tre" and the pre"urc ofgnmg to \<:lllll>l. 11·, m.:c to ~mm there .tre people ju't dm' n the hall or aero" the .:ampu' '' ho arc JU't "' happ) tot.tke a break and ha\ e a laugh "' )OU ,tre. \nd be, Ide,. p.:oplc arc \l l ( II more uHcrc'>llllg

l a Tw P o H L "'· .k" ll'l U tllllt\

o l on:llal I ,., t ,,or jr Hnd )ttl.t. d\ u ~tm:tt r Jr. , J,a ' 11 1 rdt

I "''' alrt r 11 b.r,J..t.tha/1 'u"u

Bmntmt /r un.J \ (,tr~,


Rt~UitJr ""''.lulu \ (/r,,t "' H tmunt:lr!ll. A..\ Br,mdon fl,, n \, \/un hmtl A\ an~/ ( hc~rltt 1111/.Jr '"'•'h1 / \ (lltt''''''"' Hulldtt1!'

6 ' ~lUlknl l1k

.hm l 'mm /1 /Jcllltl\, /_om \1, \lalro11. Jr llurtlmt\lm, oud \lmdt \It}!"'"''· Jr .'){, /uw tul{ mtnmd tlrl' lclblt• u/tt·r t'tllmg ltmc. lr

e1r own wor s ...

:\on-traditional students have

Mindy Stegman, jr., Salina

Lockers and s tud · area n ould help, inee tbere' ao place to keep our books-and supplies. - Juna Kecver, jr., Inman

\kPho.:r ... ol1 College " home 1o 'c' era I .. 11011· lr.td111011al .. ' IUdCIIh. ll1C31111lg lho ... c \\ ho d1dn ·, come ' lr;ugln from h1gh ... chool. Some ha' e famll1c' and JOlh. and ' chool " om: more 1hmg 10 add Ill I he halancc. Bu1. a' mo,1 "llllcll

./unci hu'lt.l: 11 ltw11m \lmd1 \lt-cm,m. Jr \,,/ma. and

I"'" \It \lalwn. I' . /lull lrm\oll. '"~'· tlrt ,,. u .... ·Ut mnt out


Lu{, Cht mtt II. tr . I" r~:rn.n CO. mrJ Stt'"- numwr. fr. Ta/{mc RtJt ( (i I m·u \flit it"'' m tlu diiiO rnton.aum

.hm Hn11t Jr . {')c,/1,,\. mc.11t \ tl/l"lt "lllll\ c.on(lllllldlttm

u 1/h In\ t1 \lc. '"'"""· ,,. lluh lumon d\ the\ nil 111 tltc. lohJ.,, o/ the. \TUdc.·m umott

S1udcn1 L1fc• 7

TI1c new Mingcnbad. Thcalr\: wa\ completedJU>t <b the fall semc;,tcr arri\ ed. and ha> ,!I read) b...-cn u;,ed for 'arious pia)'· concert;,. chapel ~cr\ icc,. and other acti' itic'>. The landscaping was tim shed almo>t O\ cm1ght. Jll'•t in time for the theatre':. oflical dedication dunng homccommg weekend

8 • Student Ltfe

If ~t'U \H."r~n~t h~H mg ;am lun 1111' ~nu: .... h.:r '·' lx·th.T ~o.hL"~..·J... ~~r pul,l..'' •• I hac lJ ·~.,,l "l) mu~o:h g()IO;.! ''ll. tlt.n ~~~~~ t..PulJn't f't''''hh h.t\1.' 1ruu.t...· 11 hl C\cf"\thm ~and .. ut L~..·pt ur '' nh }'•ur da-,~ I her I."\, ~..:n o.,,,, 1m~: .mJ flhl\ 11.:--, ,J...Jung anJ 'f"'n'. Jnll 1..'\tn\.Cn ... mJ r'·'~' I h~..· t111h thmg \\I..' n:alh 11\.:C\.kJ \\,h mt•rl..' lim~"''"' \.\JUIJ .Ill

u" .. • nwrc til th.n •'"}'' J\ 1

) J\\~,.'nt\ ~h'ur hour'o 1n .1 ell) '' tmh nt•t CO\llH.!h \o, tl ~nu·r~..· l'\cr 111 .1 ,Jump. JU't fi..'l t'llt there and ha\1.' '(lllll..' tun 'HlU an: ,1\\\,1)' 'urc to tind 'llnll..'thtng. ''' ... un )Our t,ut,)

'>tud~n1l1k • 9

Renaissance Trou~e . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rl~.m\/at4tl 11 lhi!tlummt 11/twlllhuhnt.Jr hmhut

./,mh' lltltt~~t. ,,1 ,,.,,,,u,r A\ 'Htlltllorttm "' '""''lfl \/, f•J,, 1 '"" 8, Tma I 'Jtnh/,, "~ \It P/r, """

Womens Quartet ........ ),mdh I on w

\/,/'htnolt, //t\\11

Thonlf'WII fr ~,t/,·ttt~

A.\ . .lo<h !tnc·r fl 1/ l>ont1/o tmd I clllh IIIII


( olumhU\. A.\

SAGA . . . . . . . .................... . . \home clflt'lt\OU fl Ifni 1'/uo/\ \/() (,cut Ill Unll' 11, \It l'hnwn, \arah \tmtl ,,. (.)umltt untl f;,n IU't ,,. lmthlll

t-\A.C~e~lta . . ................. . Ba~' m R• ,,. \f,ll.(,, J'"- 1/w,hmwn .ldntt' 1/dton. "' \uut "'' A\ Jmz R,uf, /t \It flirt nmr '""' \1,,,-J.. Cu~tflt\l ,,. \hl'h,non /mntmu llltwnllorton fr_

/mtldll \tdt 1 1/ort,m ~o flmldll ( ourt11e1 /n1 111 '"

\ulludttr: OA flll.!'h l/rrdt "' Cn1rdt1t ( ''' J> .. m,c:

'"'"'""'''" ,,. u, '' P/mm \10 fm,a \muir 1r 1/dm,, If

10 • <;tudcnt ltli:



On December 1. people " through the hall" ay' of \lcPhc~on College had 'ome haunung tmage' greetmg them. Throughout the campu'. plam. "hue 'hcch \\ere draped ne.uly 01 er all the art on campu'. Th1, "a' done a, a 1 ~>ual rc111111der to "hat our \\Orld \\Ould lnol.. hl..e \\Hhout art and cn.:ati1 II} December I "\\n "' .. ,\.orld AID Day··. Thn ughout 1111, day. 1anou-, memon<~b and ' cngagemcn" tal..e place allo1er the country . \t :\lcPhcr>on Col f!e. \\C al'o tool.. part in thl\ 'omb.:r d<~y The \IDS Qlllh ""'put on d"play 111 I nend'h1p I I all. The qUJh " made up of 1a1ou-, pate he-, that are put together by the fam1he' and 1 1c11m' of AI DS. The qmh 1' a 1cr: mo1 mg rcmmder of


ho\\ tragiC th1' thscasc can be. \lanny D1at. campus m1n1,ter.lcd a candlelight \\illk hononng those "ho

ha1c been 1 1c11m oft he •\ I DS cpidcn11c. "group of about 15 people \\a I ked m \lienee from the ~l mgenback The.m.: to the McPh.:r"ln Church of1hc Breth­

-------..... -- rcn Om:c people 11 en.: 'catcd. a fcllo\\ ­'hlp bcg<tn. The 'tor] of Ryan White. one of the fir,tlll bnng AIDS national attention. "a" read. ong~ "ere ~ung and prayer' "en.: 'a1d aloud and m ~~­knee On I nday. Dec. 3. Friendship II all gallery IIi!\ n.:opened "Hh an e\­hlbH li:atunng the "orl.. of profe,sors \\ay.n.: ( onyer... and Kdly ~ngard.

Swry am/ pieture' by Emi~r Dill.

Student l ife • II

A m~""'W'' f ri!m aw llltMI i liuM I iim~o nt!t•r 'lf1".1 'MIIjt'M,IJ '11./1('] 'Nuddli11

(aka /)n nl/11 c,, ,/l'}) ·Hall subjects! 'Tis I King Buddha. Thank you for electing me, but what were you thinking? I am supposed to write abou1 how wonderful it is to be the last homecoming king of the millennium. but I don't see it as anything special. I would rather use this precious Ink to talk about ways to make things better for the McPherson College Monarchy. First, I think we should be able to throw ou1 the fi/$t ball at the game. Second, we should be able to lead the first dance at the now non-existent dance. Finally, we should be able to eat something other than cafe food for a week. In short. royalty Is fun, I suggest you all try it, but don't like it too much, you've seen what the media does to us. Just keep hailing and I will try to reign well ... my, that Is a lot of water. Parting is such sweet sorrow, and while we are on the subject of Royalty; do not go gentle into the good knight"

Hth I. 1 11 /om \, ·t:ot r,, \I

TiJ'Intl (}}.. /J..m 1/o, , , "

'''"'!"' 1/J ( tn 1/J;:_t:<~IJI ,r_

I d'tlllfl/1. 1/rJ. ·'"''"',,,,,,I; \I l!llltJII ( 0. fj d , , , ''"' (,r, ~ ,,

12 • Student I tli:

HilliS.' \ nr.m:' t:JIIc tlzc'lr/t. \ lc/lor/111 t!Jc•

( J J/c ""' fH//Itcl. tile ctl/clc'/1•1

till rt.h11

..,tud~nt I IIi: • 13

The play lgne1 of God rcmam, one of th~ mo'>t ;pcllbmding quest> fnr tnnh. \\ n tten b) John Ptclm.:ter. the pia) '"" fir.t produced on Broad\\"> m 19H2 and dr~"" on the di1 er.,.fted >trengths of thro::c mtlcpcn­dcnt \\omen to crati a -.eamlc" offenng. The play "a' presented on ept. 17. IX. and 19 in the college\ ne" \hngcnback Theatre.

lnstde a con1 ent. a baby

'' di.,cm en.:d m a "a .. tcpaper basl..ct "ith the umbthcal cord l..nottcd around it neck: the mother. a ) mmg

nun. " found UllCOihCiOW• b)

the door to her room. She,., dul} mdictcd l(lr man,laughter and her case a'"gncd to a court p;ychtatr"t to de term me her 'anny. In the meantune. 11 "d"co1ercd the )otmg \\Olllan "an ··innocent:· a nun \\llh a beautiful 1oicc thought to be ··of(iod·· \ddcd to th" sccnano arc the court p!>yehiatnst. a "oman angered by a past stamcd b) the death of her 011 n '>l>tcr 111 a com em. and the nun\ at) ptcal mother -.upcnor "ho " dctcrmmcd to protect the "oman at all c<hh.

Pho1111 cOLtrll'\\ o{Dr Rl<1.; 1rler

14 • tudcnt Li li:

~ Ia, I\ eii \ndcNm\ pia) Bad Seed. performed al \IC on 'o'. 19 and :!0. once again confmmcd u., "nh the lfUe'>llon ... b the 'hapc 11f hfc more mnuem~cd b) gene> or

Scltnthe oulh dunng

the 1950. the <.olond and

Penmarl. :1ppcar Ill hm c the perfect life. On the ,urh1ee. 1he1r ctght-)ear-old daughter Rhoda j, ~"eel. t.:hann­mg. and full of old-f<hhillllCd grace... She "

lm cd b) her parcm, and adnmcd b) all her elder,. 13ul Rhoda\ mother ha' an unca'} fcchng ab1IUI her daughter \\ hen one of Rhoda\ 'choolmalc' tn) ,lcnou,J) dro" n' ala picnic. \fr,, Pcnmarl. i-. mcrca-,tngly alanncd b) the b11> and ptccc' ofc\ tdcncc that 'urlacc and \\onder.. if 'ome of the fauh mtghttull be hero\\n

f'hmo' nmrtt q· of i'mw lm,mith

Student Ltfe • 15

"Ill rat·. llirl'l tin~ i\ th1• IIIII\ I 1 hat11•nuinu itntl n·llarllinu and . 11·1;,11'i111n'r thin1r that I hall' dttnl'. han a1 lui'. it 11a~ a ~J'I'illl' t'lll'f 111 rinalh hall' llll' 11111111rtnni1.1 tn 111a~1· 111.1 itlt•a\ 1 IIIII I' In lift•. I'll' lll'l'll at lin~ ~intt• I \lit~ ~i\ .wm nlll. ~o a\ _lnnntn ima~in1•. 1"11• 1\illrht•tl a lui or din•rlnl'~ at \lUI'~. Sunll'linu·~ il \Iii~ \0 ha ... rll ..... tt...,.,l ::---, ,\illlll llll hand\ llhilt•tht•_lll'il'tlln lllil~l·lhl•

. 'pilllll'l' '

Madame Pernelle .................. Mary Hughes Orgon ...................................... Bryan Wave Elmire .................................... Sarah Stover Domis ................................ Chris Bisceglia Mariane .................................... Jody Ferrer Velere ........................................ Chris Rice Tartuffe ................................. Dustin Gregg Cleante ............................. Aaron Ellsworth ;:;;;;;;;;;.....,.r"T~· Dorine ............................ Katie Sue Nicklos Flipote ............................. Nichole Willi~ms Mr. Loyai.. ............................ Dan Jenmngs Police Officer ...................... Eii Bainbridge Dlreclor ....................................... Sarah Myers

16 • '>1uc.kn1 l•k

..-..... "" .... .I hi' ta\1 had a ~rra1 1 h1•mi\IJ) h 'Ill flu• ll'l'.l hl'~innin~. •:11'1'.1 nm• in it lllil,ll'd \It'll on nr IIIII' illltJihl'l'. I 1 nnllln 't haw a\~1·11 rm· a lll'lll'l' bmu h. Thl'l r1•alh IIIH'~t·tl hard and bl'lltl~hl ttlll .illl allli;/illll rinaiiii'UIIIHI. .. --Sarah Myers. sr .. Oklahoma c,ty, d~redor forluffe



i{e,carch ha, 'hO\\ n I hal ( rcn Xcr\ an: \cry mdl\ 1duah,IIC, an ,,pre"1on of >cl l~conlidcnce

lri,mg OUIOf a hl'c11111e Of ·armng 10 fe nd lhr lhem·

. che>. Would 1h" be a fai1 dc,criplion of )Our 01\ n pcr>onal cxpcnencc'.'

\1\\.t\ ...

~~2-~---·-·- ~II •~'111110: ..

'" Opn1on

l l

~c,earch 'hlm' 1ha1 (,en Xcr, do no1 com mil lhcm,ch C> 10 an~ 1hmg. al he'l. COilllllll' lhcnhcl\c' \CI) >It\\\ I) <md \\ani~. Do ~ou ha\C

111llicuh} 111 commlllmg )OUr,cJI 10 'uch llung-. a'> daung rclallllll'hlp'. ,,,,rJ... or college·•

Athletic Trainer

Robin Johnson attended Kansas Unlversaty for hls master's degree In sports medicine

whlle world"' with their football and baseball teamS. Alter three years he has

joined us he~ at MAC. ·I ~&Uy el\)oy the small schoo~ It &!lows Ioi.E of variety work!"' with &II the sports I llke

being the oni,y one In charge\" Robin ts ortgln&Uy from Sheoby. Ohio and now ~sides ln Newton. KS, with hts wife loltchelle. whom he met and marrted whUe attending undergraduste school at

University In Columbus. OH Robin de­scMbes his college years as • studious, but

not too studious: fun. but not too tim~

Tit•"'"'' It 111 1 ,,. ldm;:Mn /. t J.'r. l' lt11,ml,lc ltlf't.' IPI K<Jhlll ,lohtllolt. tJthl tllt

tltJ/IIt r //, hot" .I to ll/11171/o tlil/tllt a(~UIIJ\1 A.a!lt..l• U, ''''"' tllllontt'UHIIt ln.l!

( rcncrallon Xcr' 11.1\C .,hm<n lhcm.,chc'> 10 be prepared 10 1aJ..c man} mJ.., 10 achle\ e a ue-.1reu •n,1l. Do )llU l'cellhat )OU arc a mi.. Iaker'?


•• II I~ n s 0 N

I hl' 199'1 ":a,on for the men\ and 11omen\ cro" cou II) •

ream' ended arrhe \ lanon Re,en111r .urhc K<. \(. ( nnll:rcnce mccr I rl',hrnan l andon Poncr ""'the lone Bulklog Ill e:trn \ Conference honor' for en her team h) lirmlung I J Ill l'[all. Porter '"" the lead runner litr rhe men\ tl'am !hi' ''-'"'on I arly on. h broke h" older hmrher JUntllr \ lanhl'\1 Poner\ mark b) 0\l'r li rr mmure,. and ,h,lltl'red ht' 011 n tecord "llh a pl'r"mal hc>t of 2 ~1

ar !hl' conlcrl'ncc ml'ct. 'ctung ~el another 'chnol rl'cnrd.

" l ie""' rhe 1110'1 con"'lelll runncr lilr !hl' men tht' )Car. pla• rng at man) of the meet-.'' '"'d Coach Roh L)on.

Roundmg llU!thl' men\ ream 11erc fre,hmen Shane \.crhcrton (31 . 29 3-l ). llearh Cramer (51 . 33: 17). Ru"l'll \\til ranh (52 . 33:-19) .• md 'ophomore Jamc' I klrnn (56 . -12: 16). \\ r!h the addruon of l lchon. !he men 11ere able 10 field a full team. 1 he) 11cre able ro place "~th. beating <;rcrlrng Collegl'

l hLabcth '>tm cr. 'ophomorl'. led the Lad) Bulldog' placmg 17 at (onll:rcm:c 111th a umc of22:32.m"'mg \ IJ.C. ur.

li:rcm:c hom>r' h) tllo place' I re,hntan \l u:hclk chul/ C<llllC aero" at ::!J .JU in 2~ place. Suphonmrc l nn \l ar,hall ( IR' . ::!6:37). \cnror <.herr \.or"' on h) (39 . ::!7:51\). and frc,hman \larch! llollrngcr (~0 • 2X:::!2J completed rhc team. 11htch placed 'c1enth Olcrall

"The cnmpclllton 1"" re.lll) rough. bur 11c all ran c~ccptionall) 11cll." ' chul/ 'Jtll. ··Jrhmk 11c had good tc •m 111111~. 11e really pulled togcrhcr I'm ln<tkmg ll>mard to nc~l '"'"'on and runnrng rhe 'amc couf\c' agarn no11 rhar 1\c 'ecn them hcforl':· Schul/ llil' regular!) number t11o runner li>r the IIUillcn. Th" )Car\ cro,,·counlr) prngram h,, helped \Cl a 'nhd limndauonli•r coming )Car,. I he c~pcricnce gamed rht' 'ca, on b) hoth young rcmm 11 Ill be a g tcm a"er nc~t fall . ( oach L)(lll "plca,ed 11 uh hn11 the 'ea,on IICill.

·· \n)llmc )oU ha1c <!!cam 1111hou1 a lor ofnpcrrl'nce there arc gmng to be a li:11 bump,. hu11t 1\lll hdp u' •ur

111 thc long run:· Lyon '"'d " \\c ha1 c a lor of c~pcncncc undcr our bclt> nm1. ;md 11e hall' lo r' o f potenualru rmpro1c upon lhr ne~l

''-'"'on. \\ uh the nc11 wlcnr 11e gel from rccrurlmg. \\c'l l he more compctlli1c." Poncr 'atd. L)Oil he hell'' thai a 'lrllll).! recrunmg cia". along 11 nh rhc c~pencncc hi, runner, gamed th" \C>hon. could

re,uh man our-randmg 'ca,on nc't )l'ar.

l bm·e: \ '></rub, fr 1/rmln. I I. l:lr=uht·tlt .\ to 'n w. Qtmu, 1; A..'>. \lent rt · !Julhm.:o . lr I t'h I \loll, \I\ ( ht·ri \ onlwrt/1\ , v lint !'hun' \10 and / .nil \/ot,hd /1. \II llmoh tllt A.\ !""''' •mtulttt· tlh \1011•


18 • Spon'

fhm•t•: Hu"C'IIIItlfttlut\,fr

)rmw . 1/ fJ/I'ht·, fum/,•rcl' ht·ftt cln tht Jinhh

lbm·l.': " " hd lt .\f lw l: It 1/mtlt·r. A.\. /m ' '"''\IBm~ Ill t1 (tlfl/tl\'"' t' m t't I

R, ..... \/,JI[/t H,,J/rng(r. Inn \ /,JI\Ira/1 \/l(hdh \dr = Cl I ,, o!lll\

anit.r: .\lrt~th \t~ht~toll '"' ( (I(J(ir \.uuh ( '"'''' Bad, RmL· It, J,l Roh t~on latr,/o~r ltuttr: Mn~t' Jltlwn 1/r:uhttJ. \· R1 ,, Utll· l H.mrhn,{~, /),u td R Ilhl

I ur I f'/1: I II db, tlr \tntt·r w

{.)ulllh ' A.\ "''' I .melon H1rtt r It (Jumt,' A.\ /"'''' 1or a f'IC'­

IWt Jm tht ltdm'tn."tntllllll!"m~

'lrrttt ''"" r und !'orr,,. u,r, '

th ftUm' wpnmmr\ """''"''' '' ,,, ~'I 'I ,urd : .. 3- n. 'f~C'imd•


I t'}t: /It u/1 (htllf(l fr Utlrtttr ,1 OA. It '"' tht I''''~ a' lrt nmnJ, 'I

,, Olllt.'l ''"" "'""'"' '"'"'' \, Jlrt.Tiu,./1 ( ol~>n~tlo \f'"'"~'· ,1 ( 0 nxht bduntlltmt

/'ur Left: llculh ("' ~'~"'': /r ll m·nct .

OA. taJ.. ... , u '''"" ITIIIft dunl/.1!/11\l"(lt'C.'

L4'}1: l m"lonl'rwta /r {!tHIIIt'l A.' .\ Ru,, l/ ll tlltmu,. /, >uma 1.1 flt•tlfh (,umt•J: /r Uunlt t

()1\ fllrtl .\-hunt

\t tht rrmr. fr Co/o­ft/do \prUIC' { -( ).


Student Assistant Coach Th1s IS Sarah's f1rst year

as an ass1stant coach w1th the cross country team S1nce her

amval at McPherson three years ago. Sarah has been an

acttve part1c1pant 1n the athlebc department Her

orgamzat10nat sk1tls proved Invaluable to th1s season A nat1ve of El Reno. OK. Sarah

1s an art. ph1losophy and rehg1on maJor

~· (~ ., 0 I~

u s 0 N

-lllJ Ur). among oth~r fa,·wr,. plagu.:d the \\Om.:n\ "''' -r

t~am th" 'ca,nn \\ llh th~ nnl) upperda"mcn heing t\\11 JUilll , and 1\\0 ,cmnr' <llllhc 'quad. ther~ "·'' lumtcd c<~lkgc-k\d pt,t\ ­mg ~'pcri~nc~ on th~ f1dd li1r the I .td) Bulldog,. \long'' uh · lack of ~,~n~nc~. lllJUI'I~' h.unper~d the team,,, \\ell

Sophnmnr~ I k.llher '>c·<'k). Den\ cr. l o. 'Jill .. \\e ·cd ,, lot nf lnJune' tlu' )Car In f.llt. a lnt ,,t the pla)er' \\cn: pia) ~ \\llh •nJunc' B) the end ot the 'ca"m \le \\ere JU'tured and \\<•m

\\ 11h "I man) mtun~' 11n th~ h:.nn. th~ l.tdll> \\O:re ti,rc d w tiuti:it a gam.: due wnnt ~1111ugh pla)er' In man~ nf the other gam~' there ".:r.: bard) .:nnugh t~am m.:mb~r' 111 pia). and the\ pla~cd "11h IIIII~ or nn chance f<•r br~ak' dunng th~ game'

Coach Dan~ '>tr<ught '"Ill. .. \\.: pht~~d '"'h ten or f.:"cr pla)cr, dunng all hut t\\n g.unc' and had 111 forkll a game bccau,c of not ha\ mg cm>ugh pla~cr,. due llllllJUriC' and mcllgib11111~' ·

fkcau;,c th~re \\ere 'n t<:" pla)er' ahk to pia). the team

t>Ul ...


p~~:kcd up ,mnc pla)~r' "ho had ,ml) a )Car or k" c'pcricncc. ·· I hnugh "e d1dn't \\Ill. \\C d1d hm c fu n and learned. .. Straight ' " 'd I he I ad) Hulldog' fin"hcd '' llh a

0- 1 X r~cnrd. hut kd the) made tr~mcmlou' 'tnde' during the ,,;a,on and lm1k till'\\ .mlto th~ next

rol' l f'}t: \tJ../..1 Lnrufi-('LJI\'1, \I (,·dar /all\, I I.

f'lc"' tlh bo/laucl\ Jmm lwrcldtlldtT \1H1 "''' tlllllfnl

u11 ''"'"""'- 1//~ lmtt"ltll'ltlm ,,a,,m ''" 11.-r l11nd \HI~ 11/t/11'' &till/oil tilt fit /,I

fop t: \ltmdt lld"'I.t '' flu,Juou A.\ lw"l''

, l f.J/1 '" ""' tt\lh J'f,u f"r '"' Ltd\ Bull r ,, \/.tHh Hit\ulltu,ftmll Ill lmu~ttlll ,r,m,/·

•tlr·,, '""'"'"til

Rit.:llt: I una \I~A.dltr Jr \,mtf'cl 1/) l!('l' Jot ''

LIC'4• ''om "tllu nJlf"IIIJ! ft ""'' 1orn11n.b

Rh"''"'l \ /utt•ln v \ ,ullf I ruth n. A\ ,(,.f, lht hoi/ /tum h, r "I'""• Ill "' lmuH \/rn'\!,111. "' I\ J,,/1' uult Aa11 \t~~uh '' \ ,ur lutomo


.\ muir. \/,,. h Rt '"'~' Rt" ua I h 1J ,

\ tHt luruh-( ort' ant! l"mt Hidtll•• Ro,·:

'-lot rmJ. ' "' '" \ml/11. Rlumdc~ \ltlrJdll ,md I dtuU \ /tu".,!all lhmt Hon·:

(. rntm,, \1, lluttl \, "'"'"' lbh Hahr .\dtllll 1/,/lllhlll ( lu1' lilt

\ l1t /It,. \ m l'hnu·c•d: l!llllit \h Adltf'

lor I o•ft: ltrlfl C , ,-,(u/ar

}1.1/J Htlf 11/lt'l


Head Coach

Dane Straoght os an alumnus of MAC's arch nval. Bethany.

Allthough hos roots run yellow and blue. we are glad to have

paonted hom red and whole on hos first year here at MAC

"It was tough leavong Bethany. espeaally sonce I was onvolved woth

the soccer program sonce ots onceptoon on 1992 •

As well as beong the head coach for women·s soccer, Dane os currently

a para-educator at McPherson Middle School. Dane spent most of

hos college years beong onvolved woth as much as possoble and playong pong-pong woth hos four roomates. He descnbes hos

memoroes of Bethany as ·a lot of fun! A lot of onJuroes• And a lot of


'>porh •:! I

--The men·, 'll<:ccr 'ea,on came w a clo'c \lith a dec""' .J-2

'ictnl) O\Cr 'it.:rllng C<>lkge a' the Bulldog' put a ,trong cndu on

"hat "'" at umc' an un,enled "a'un • The Bulldog' lim,hed \lllh an '"era II ren>nl or 5-12-1 a1

conlercnce rcc<>rd ur J-.J-1 \ fru,traung lie agauht '>outh\\c''' n and an un"'t...:c~ed ''"'to lkth•ui) kept the · D<>g' lhnn reachmg c pla~olf,. hut the team"·" abk In'"'"' ,,,.:rat prc,ca,on mhh p, and unprm.: m cr.tllthn>ugh<>lll thc enure )

··\\e nnpru\Cd one tht>lh,llld p..:rcentthh )Car and turned our team .:ompktcl) arnund:· '"'d Cuach \lardtc\lka ··t ""'

f) proud ,,r" here the team 'tancd the ) car and "here the) ended 1 ..,_..

N Lout.. for gnm th m the )' to come. ·" the team \\a' )Otmg and energell.:. "nh e~ght fre,hmcn and 'ie\Cn 'nphnmorc

<:; {> C C ~ R. Three .tumor' and t\Hl 'entor' rt>umkd out the team. The team lcadcr,tup \\Cit reprc,entcd the dl\cr"l) of the team."' 'cmor ( 1fT Bell and 'ophmnorc llnan lurne1 "ere .:o-.:aptauh thh :car.

Three player' reecl\ ed \II Cnnli:rence honor': ClifT Bell

" "' 'ck cted "' l tr'l team Dell:n,c. Ja,on 131\cn' \Ia' 'elected Second Team Lk fcn,e. and \ aron Keohn '"" <cle.:kd

Second Tc.11n ~hdftcld . The team 'deeted Ja""' Bl\cn' "' Bc'l DcfethC .. \aron Kcohn "' lk't Ofli:n,c. Ryan Seeger'" ~lo't lm­

pro,ed. Bnan Turner'" \ lr. tn,tmalllmal. and Chri' Curran a' \ l r I ithtle (h lllkll and Cia) 1\>ncr rcccl\ed 'iCnll•r

rccogmuon '"' ard,.

lhm·e: Jtt\flll Hn,·m . '' · lotttl..cJ A..\ /il!hf\ fnrtllt /la/1 fl\!tlll/\(4111 "l'f'OIIt'llf'\ ch·f,·nda

J'vl\/1 I /uHif


I t'/t: \am .fojlt , /I ( n/t ( '""I' \/0. , !uu \ tht h..tlf om to

(fiJI '''''""

lour/It Hm•·: lo'?n It , rlrurt \am .lmh ' · ( ""''''W' I om! (I· ,, ( ·w """ Third How: \Ill Ht II ( II J\, ( 11/1 lid/. R1 m .\n 1.,'1 r ld,wt \/,ttht,. St•nmd Hm•·: f'hlltd H.' t \ ., I (. HI 'Ill fllllllf. ltlll'fl A.o._lm .ltl\llfl

/ln,·n,. /llc·nt.loJm,on /!tad c , ~~ h ll.m \/.u'Cirt 11 I if"'t

HmL· R,, d /l,m.ft:.''" \II , \',m, Itt ... /1 /o At nt. Ru"t II \/at,~lm/1 '" ~ lnjbt'h'

Jar I t-jt: lt'"'n Hn, "' fr_

Tol'd·'' A.S 11 '''to~,.,.,, t/11

hd/1 '''~•ll fn•m \It P/11 nm1 1/unmz".ftlf< n/..

ltjt: R1 ,,,/1 \lat,,hull/1 . \/! ,, T\ /Ill' /all' l loot I\ od thut ~t't'/'' tht ball Jmm,, \ ltl'htl'"" llummn . ,/urmx tlu ,mu,,/,1/umm Cdtllt

Assistant Coach

Mano Rodnguez JUSt finoshed hos first season here at MAC as the

assostam coach for men·s Soccer Bom and raosed In Midland,

Texas. Mario spent most of hos bme playong soccer He attended

Central College from 1992-94 before transfenng to MAC to

round off four years of playong college soccer Mano saod that

when 11 came to college he, had a lot of fun, bull was senous. too.· Mano graduated on 1996

woth a degree on physocal educa­toon and plans on persUtng sports

med1cme after relaxong on McPherson for a whole Mano Will return to the soccer program next year and os looktng forward to a

wonn1ng season. · rm proud of allthe1r hard work

thos year but there are some edges we need to smooth out



~· •• II I~

u s 0 N

hen \\llh onl) ,e,en gtrl, onth~ 'quac.lll>r th~ Bull c.log,, there"·" a lot or 'P'nt anc.l In 'P''' ol.t l - 16 recurc.l tlw "'mwn ha'~ htgh hope' fo r nc" '~a,on and li:clthcy accntn· ph,hec.l a lot th" ''"'on The ,,a,on cnc.lec.l "nh a c.Jt,apr.omttng I< , tn I ncnc.J, L Ill\ eN I) holc.lmg out l"l>r lhur game,.

Dc,plle .t lo"ng r~curc.l. the 13ullc.log' made trcnH:nc.lou' 'tmlc'. 13~ "' otdtng a 'hutout 'ca,on. the l .ac.ltc' achtc\ cd a fi:at that h'" nm o~curr~d 111 the \lac 'oil c) hall program 111 '" o y car' T\W \\limen on the team. 'cnwr Dana ( urc.lm a. T nmdad ( olnra<lo and frC\hman \ Trc' 1110. Br<m n" til.:. Tc"''· \\er~ r..m~ed 10

the conkn:ncc dunng the ,c,hun. Cord"'" lead the team tn allad, "nh 55~ f(>r the ,,a,on. ~tlltng I J of them In:' mu '" crngcd 'lr percent 'cr< mg per game and 'l6.~ percent a"''" per game

"I thm~ th" ) car "'" a good C\pencncc. ;tnc.ln wi II help u, a lot 111 the future." I rc' 1110 'illd

\tier complctmg her ftN 'ca,,m a' heac.l coach. Jcn \\ill­tanh 'ce' th" ,._:a">n "'a htuldmg bloc~ Sh..: led' th" ""' ,, ha d "a) to 'tart out. hut 11 prm td~d a good t~'t fl1r her

" play "nh only 'C\ en gtrk s, m th<·rc ... \\ tlhanb 'atd

"I he team "~' er g:l\ e up. It "a' harc.lto ha\ e practic~ ,md " '"t of the play~r' \\ere IIIJured and wulc.ln't heal bceau'e they had 1\l pia). hut they hu11g

(,nal' for nc" )Car\ team mdude rccrulltng at '""' 15 n..:" phtyer' from the htgh 'chool and Jlllltor college P'te< cl,. ( )ut t>f the'"~~~ player,. llntr "til h~ rcturnutg nC\t year \klmda 1 re\ 1110. \Jicok Phtlltp,. I mtly Lc\\ '' and rc '>ummer '>noc.lgra".

11 "Dc,plle the fact \\Conly had ,c,~n gtrb. thh team pn"~c.lto ha'c btg heart' 111 number' It "a' a good \\a) to lint h Ill)'"'' y~ar 111 'porh hccaLh~ I CIIJO}Cd pla)tng \\llh the gtrb.'' '")' Cordll\il .. fhcrc ''a lot ofpotcnualthcrc illtd



"nh knntfi:r \\ tlhatm lcac.lmg th.: \\:I) th.:r.: "til nnl) b..: tmprmcmcnt in the · 1."

Ri;:ltt: h ,, ,,,. /)aut~ ( t~n/m u ' l'l'

Uf' th, .JII1H 4. ht r lutmm,tlc\ •,/ "''"


IUrHit:lu: \ 1 .\ 111 /t!J II\

UCll lll\(

l Ulh Ill!\ , , \1 I( \

/lnlll """"' ,, tht 1((11

Jll II

I rttnd' ( " "'-'""' u/lc r u l'' fl ''''~ /n'm ' "'It IJ .h nmA·r ll tll~rw" ,md '"' ''"'''dill /),m If, /]Hilm "It "om,-,

f''''''" thc. tr fh,uf\" 0111 Mil llt1-:: ,/uut lll lht fu lltl/l j.!illllt

I rout Rmt•: lri,' Ro, ru /r HniiHl\llllt I\ \ It lmcltl /r, \llltl. /r Hnm "''tilt T\ lJ ,,(,nlmll" lrundad ( {) Hm/.. RoH': .lemuhrlllllltllll' . hu1.!

mm r \m11lt:m" I' /), •I ro A\ ~m!oc tll .. n 1lw, C 0 l.n11h t_,,"' 11 I om A \ \1c ,ft Plui/Jfh. 11 Clltclt

111 ,,/ I\\

I ur I t•jt: \uo!t

Pin/It/"'''"'"'' thchcllltorlu ''' ((I fill'' I'll I\"(IC1t

u lult /)ana ( onf,,,, "· ond \ II fit ttl t I

\~toclf!ni'' jr. J,.,, ,,

11 "'"" ""' f"iHI hto t)thmcll m

l mt't•r lt•jt: lmbtt 11/,n \O allii,J,., ()fl,lllcl

l1111 1 \I \dt'ft \t \t/Uft \h/mt"'ffl\UIIIt."lhl'f"'IJ\

to dt.l! Ill' tht' f'"' \INt hlot J.

Head Coach

Jenmfer Williams. orig1nally from Fort Worth, TX. IS an alumna of McPherson

College. Th1s IS her first of many years to come - coachulQ volleyball at

MAC - and probably the hardest. W1th only seven players. Jenn1fer took

someth1ng small and made 1t1nto someth1ng BIG' She brought back heart and soul 1nto the McPherson

volleyball program Wh1le attend1ng MAC from 94-97

"Jen" camed a 3.96 GPA and played both volleyball and basketball. Jenni-

fer was Involved 1n everyth1ng from be1ng FCA Pres1dentto be1ng an RA "Its a we1rd feeling be1ng back and on the other side of th1ngs I really believe 1n th1s school and I have a lot of goals

to accomplish bes1des volleyball S1nce I'm not a student I have better oportun,~es to help 1mprove MAC

And thus she has begun by upgrad1ng our tra~n~ng fac11it1es and bnng1ng an

overall des1re for an emphasiS on health and fitness to our campus

Sporh • 25



n s 0 N

l he Bulldng' en<kd rhe 199'1 l(lolhall ,e.r-1>n 111 rmprc' ra,hulll 1111h a ~~-9 \\Ill mer 1.1hortolkgc. Head coad1 Sle\e h., guttlcd rhc rc;tmrn u 7-3 record. rhe 't'h1>ol\ be,l 'mcc rhe 19XIh The 1~·':'1'"' agauhl Ona\\,t ~cpr \kPher,onourorrlw pla)·of ' · hoiiC\Cr. rhc ream r.rllicd Ill end rhcrr 'C<hllll 1111h a cnm mcing 'rclllr) rn 'end rhcrr 'cmllr' oil m '') lc

Runnrng hac~ K.:' rn :-;remer. 'tlphornorc. '""one of ,c,cralundcrcla"mcn ro a"um.: '>larrmg role' rht' Wil'l>n. <.,rcrn, r 1\J, rho: prunar~ runmng h.rc~ unul ,cmor \.J \\ rl,nn rcrurno:d fn 'rn an lllJU!} rmd11a) rhrough rh.: ,c,,.,on. '>remer finr-hcd "11h 552) •r ru,hmg <llld "' rD\. and\\ rbon had ~71 ~.rrd' and limr rthhtng TD\. rncludrng a 12X-yard 1\H>-1 D ellorl 111 h" final g.unc

I ho: Hulldog' al''' 'ome ouhr.mdmg r.rl.:mon rhe dckrhl\ c .,,de urI he ball. 1),1\ id Snodgra". \Ophnmorc. led I he ' ' •1111 "nh nl rac~lc' t<1r rhc ) car Snphomorc•, Ill rhc 'ccondat) ~nodgra". Hrandnn 13om. and I arry Sander' accounrcd li1r llllllC rhan hall olrhc h:am \ I~ mrcrc.:pllorh

Scrm>r quanerh.u:~ <.reg \kndCt 1\rlllc;l\c 'orne hrg 'h'll:' rnlilll(lr rhc nnl ,ca,on. \lcmlc7 '"II

11 lca\C \\llh numcmu' pa"rng record,.rncludrng rhc "nglc-,ca,nn record or3.0'17 ~anh. 1\hich hc '<:llh" , ... a,on

<; .. \\c drdn·r h,r,e an) lcrdo"n' an~11herc \\c "''n rhe game' 11e 1\Cr.: 'upp<hcd 10 111n. Ourolli:rN: pur up ,omc hrg numhc~. and <lUr ddcmc drd a hcc~ ol a Jnh:· \lcnde/ ""d of hi' linal ":a,<lll a' a Bulldog . .. I had a lor ur

p ltm rhh )Car 1\tlh rhc gu)' onlh" rcam and rnrhe game,:· \bo lea' mg arc'' tdc r.:cct\ cr' \nrorm> Racl ( 1.125 yard,. I~ )I),) and Bobby IIIII: \la'o '\r~o. R) an Ben

Da' td and Jere Ill) 'iho\\ a her comhtncd li>r I) lJUarlcrhac~ '"e~' rh.:rr rmal 'c;hon rng.:rhcr Fnr man} or rh<".: pla)er' r.:rurnmg nc\1 )Car. rhc nc11 ,c,r-on hcgan rhc <Ia) <liter rhc la,r game: man} arc

conunurng rolill \\Ctghr' ;md rc' re11 cndlc" 'racb nr film. \\ nh rhar ~rnd nr dcdrcalron. ncxr year\ ream and allrl'c Bulldog I an' ha' c a lor rn lml~ ron' ard Ill.

Ibm·,•: \lc Phi. r'"" \dd t ,,,h. lmt·m~m ''""""' n tht· A. tm'"' Jf,·,h au r. lllht·funOI~ ,J/umN, •' ' \ft~'o \ 1!.. 'I' ( tOwn( I Itt ,,d, 111 Jo htlf' ,,d Hnmdt Bm" \Q \f,n /,m , A\ "' h, '

26 • 'ipon'


I fir lt•ft : II lu/, l~t dd t ode h

.\tt·\, Aa;or mtttmplatn "''

lh'\ "'"'' f .I ""'(llf. ,, \lc 1'/r, '"""' A\ Uclll~ /or tht 11/ftll\c 'IIIIU0\01/tll.\flc fmt

' '~"h/>,tmn H1.1m'''''"''"' '"''""''lmtmtntugdnad\

71h o/ft"fl\1\t /m, gn,' (irt ~

" \lt'\tl 1/.lmlt• tot hul.. lm opttml' bt/on f'cl\\lll.l! "' un/, ,,.(inn

\ lull 1/u/tn '" \mllf'"· It>. ''rlrl' lm patlt"IIJ \h nclt': ""' l"t.lll/..,·el lttii/OIJtlll\

tiJrflcJ' WI.J.' tlmm!,!lumt tla '' cJWII

I ar I t•ft : />,nul \m"klf:ll.'~' w /)t~htmt

A.\ Ia ' '" Aatuu' 11, ,f, ''"' n1111Jt r '"' '/' t u}Jrt, hi tac/' /fir tit, I CIJI' tflllllr' t/h fl11mt ( IIIUlllf.! joot/Jil/1

Lejt: hhtlhththltt~ll\.11 Orcml.!t' T\ ,,.,,d, tht /t,t/111/ltllltlltmfl\ tlt,·/..uJ.. o/1

dt/tlltlen a'"'" f'llll\ dt•nnfi,•/dfm lltt tom.hdoul/

"!.!'""'' Ti.'\cl' I,~,,.,.,, l 11n-. nm .

Volleyball "Team" Honors Coaches \ \lard : 1colc Pl11lhp,, JR. Great Bend. KS.

" o;l \ 'a luablc Pla~ cr : 'ummcr nodgr;c,>. JR. Dighton. K

llu~sc l \\l a rd : \lchndaTre\lno. I"R, Brown~\ille. TX.

Women's Soccer Academic All-Americans

!\ Iandi 13chnl\c, JR. Bushton, KS.

'icki Unruh-Carcy. SR. Cedar Falls, lA.

28 • ' porb

KCAC Men's Soccer Honors

First Tea m

ChiT Bell. R. Columbm Falls. \\A.

econd Team

Ja,on Be' m..,, FR. Topeka . KS.

Aaron Koehn. FR. McPherson. KS.

Cross Country All Conference

Landon Porter. FR.Quinter. KS.

KCAC 1999 Football Honors Tony Racl. is named

.. pccial Teams Pla~cr-of-the-Year:·

Fir t Team Offense

Tony Rael. 6-2. 180. R. Cheyenne. WY. Frauk Dia£. 6-1.290. R. Lo> Angele~. CA.

First Team Defense

Ma 'o Niko. 6-4. JOO. SR. Carson. CA.

Second Team Offense

A. J. Wibon. 6-1.210, SR. Mc Pherson. KS. 1\latt lloltry. 6-0. 185. SO. 'ampa. I D.

Brandon E'an>. 6-5. J 10. FR. llouston. TX. TylcrTh1bodcau,, 6-2. 180. FR. Orange. TX.

Tim Wea\er. 6-1. 165. JR. llouston. TX.

Second Team Defense .'

Da\ld nodgra..,s. 5-10. 170. SO. Dighton. KS Will Lew is. 5- 10, 2 10. SR. Arlington. TX.

Jason chwart7. 6-1. 235. JR. \\'amc~o. KS.

1 < ,ean:h , h<m' lh<ll mdl\ 1duah'm '' one of I he ddinmg eharaCicri,uc' nf ( nera11011 X \\ould you '") 1ha1 11 define') ou''

Always 19%

Usually 50%


3% Someltmes 25%

No Op1n1on . 3%

R,~-arch ,ho", 1ha1 nmhmg " more unponam In 1h1' gcnerall<'n 1han lhcnd,Jur. \\ould )llll "-I) 1ha1 "1n11: 111 )l>Ur life'!



Usually 43 'Y.





l 'Yo

( ,en \cr, are gcnerall) m1crc,1cd 111 ,r•rilllal 1hing' bu1 lll'l rdii!Hlll' hv na1ur.:. nM .1rc 1hev mlcr<:'>lcd 111 lll'ltlulmn

-rchl!lll;l \\nulJ \llll "" 1l;a1 \Oll arc rclii!IOll''!




61. Sorreture.s



uB-NB-PJ.A-/ION Y l-f.A-"'f7 A­PJe-PU/.A-/ION P'OP! V.A-L-U/Nu /1-fB-IP! P'PJ!B-Nt?&l-f/P& (.A-L.-/v'IO&/) /v'IOPJB­/1-f.A-N /1-fB-IPJ "'f7C:.I-fOOL.- \VOP!JIJ. "'f:10 s-te-PJB-'& A­"'f:1e-C:./ION /1-fA-/ WU ?A-N L.-OC711? ~A-C:.~ ON .A-Nt? PJe-!v1e-!v1~e-PJ

/l-fO"'f7B­P'P!Ie-Nt?&l-fiP& !He- /l!v1e-"'f:1 /1-f.A-/ \Ve-PJe- uOO~ .A-Nt? ,ve-L-t...-, /1-fB- /llv1B-"'f7 /1-f.A-/ ,ve-PJB- Not &o uool7.

.A-"'f7 P'OP! /l-fB­"'f:1e-NIOP!&, WU 1-fA-V e- orve- lv10P!B­"'f:1e-!v1e-"'f:1/B-PJ /0 \V.A-1/ P'OP! /1-fO&B­uOOt? /llv1B-"'f7 /0 ~e- t?l"'f7Pt...-.A-YB-t?!

Da1 od BarT<! I I mda Barn:tl r lkn llan .... h \pnl B~nn~ ':Itt.·\~ B~nn~.;

\ nJr~" 11<>1>1>

IX.mlk"'' Jcnn&lcr Bt"'"'nn.m J!.!m n,,,~,~,.·n

~n .. un ll<"c.·r Joll Bra\ ~tcpiMnh! Bnmdh o .. ,ugl..l, Bur~htlll .. h:r Rc.•ncc ( .ul .. nn Jurll ( hn.~'' \lodoacl ( hrhhp llru« ( lal") I II'J <. lt111.: \\ J\ n~ <. un~c" (ami~ n Cr'<m ... ·(m..,, f....tth~ n 1>\!'nt \1Jnn~ l>1a1 (•>I") Doll \llr~.·d Dutrtm I aura I ell' (,a~ I nu ltmdlflu~

Juth I llUI~e J(mJth.m I r. c Da\c <•&h.:hcll \\ 111\lll.l ( lt)(lln:)'

1),-.nn.t < trnh.un "-a' ( ,ulk\ \l.m Cturnm

"'lt:\Cil t .u,t,tf,nn Janoce llaldo lumllalhhurhm Jan11:' llaru.uo' Jamc~ ll,1n \hdoclk llaneo

Jo ll a~c:' Jean lkm Jean I kndn~o:l.. ... Danllollm.on l'hohp llud'''" Rtlhm Jl•hn .. on

(kll' "''!!"' \1anl~n h:untm:ll I ani) Kolle! Roi:~~L:n f....n!.!L:hc.:l

'tchula ... "'" \.'nn.m ( hn, l aodl,l\\ Jamc .. t an~l."

30 • P.:oplc

I t: • ~(UO:><(

lll(''~ l{Pllll."~:"f

111: ;u \\01 '1"1\ l'f'\\ltut'fll\\ ·''fQI\\

'llll'llll \\ \UU.Jf

'UiriJII \\ J,"'jJUU,'l(

'Luran•.\\ jOJt\) 'lUCIIJI \\ rJr~Jrg

·'J.:'I~l!ll \\ u \41r:"( \hhll'\\ ,,"'l~lf''l\

""'\\ 'lurr 'l:"lt(t' \ \ t~t."~Jt!J\

J:'IUHiit~ \\ 1~\p(J

Ul'tj;illt!\ ;IIII H''i

Uh'(l 1 l \pu\

J-"t\1. 'F'!M J.,j\( .JU;I(Jt'~

u:-t.utuu 1 ~'1'1' \ JF"~UitliiJ j J;'l;l~o.l}f

10(\l!j U\''11'\

Ull'll•" \\~ I!UUOO

\l'"l' ,"'IU\1\l)

\'1-"111' PJ-'tPr.Jfl \qqnl\ :"1Ut4J~'lf

\ut:_F11\ ."~lllr.(l

\:tjlll'l\ \p.~UII'(

J;'l."'l d 't lji,''IUU~'(

I()IUI" UljOr

111"'1' P"'ll' l ) lpJ."'i1U;'I,\lllp, ,,,"''UJ}I

lJ'Illl4-"' l'~IJ,:'Ip;'IJ_~

:'l."lllll'" puntu\r}f j 1;"1..,,1l}ljU \.)

fllll'(''lf pnunu 1 un,pJ1'4JI}t tuu."f

'fl'!mt}l J.)tuutns

~'''':~}t .;:,-,p tqc., Ull'J·'Pd llH'd I ,...,.. I

JJ() ,"'UI'f U-''f() rU;'I\\\l}l

11>0 .o l'"ro J;'l;iUI'JJO' lU:'I;i

Pl·'l''"' U.'<!O}l

~Utpt'' l'll }l


J,,llll\ \;t(UCI'..;

»fl'l\ 1·'"4·'11\ "J,,I,"' l \ \J.,.Ulf_)

,").;')fl~l\ '1-'t'f U.'~pp!•_ pl\ Ul\;t~ I >a' I t = = I

1.'1'1(111'1\ "'''"'I\ I lli UI'l \ \.at'l)

uo\1 u~nH

'1"'n (l't:'IUtrJ

tPn 1 r.Jilr" J

I·'~U."l I ,\:'lUI',, I ......_.... I I. ............ I



1-:cnJr.o \JJm, Jn,hu.t \ h:\.md~r

\n11.1 \r,t,muh

( .md:-- ''"h~:nhl\:lllh."r \l.onucl \\lla

Rayudk llaml<r \nl.lndJ lkhnl-..1.!

R~.on lkn-Da\IJ \haniCil B~lhOil

I nn Blh.:kl'n't<~fT Brandt 13om

llrJdll.."\ Bnn\n k'"'·' Bn..l\\ n

\1.l.un Br).tnt Jcnn~ Burgcn

\lu.:1J llunh Ja,tiO ( hala .. htan ( lau ..... \!11

J~nnth:r <. h~.ttharn I auh < hrhiiJihcn

\u.:wmt tnm

"·''h~ l>l\011 \lan.oh Dr.opcr

Rana I l-llalah1 ( ~nth1J I 'cnll

Jod~ IL"m:r Ju,tlnl·l' .. hcr

.knmli:r llood to\ath~ I rant

l.t•rcll.ll rcl..'man "-~h< I un~

'>.ohnna (,.oil<' .l1..'11111it.:r (JOCtl

".:th (il\f.xl

\l.u.l~.·llrh: (,r.:~ham

I r1~: (,u,tahon ( anll~ n Ham' Ju,tm lknnan \lh,un I lorton J,t,t.ln llud,on /achar. !lull

'on~ .t Juhn .. on L tlx·n) I e' m'l1

Jun.t "ci!\Cr r~kr 1\.cr .. t

lk1h 1-:oJJ<r 11."1111) Jr...o\ conan

32 · People

I nul) l~:\\ '' I h,,rna, I~.·'''' J,,,M.., L h.·ht) P.IUI I oq"'h llradk} \l.onon

R).m \l.h.:k.:)

\ut~th: \l,t~

JJ'<m \l.t~gum~ ... '\~.:ntt \ldkannon l 0\J \h.:\l.lhllll

< .r~.·g \ h:nd~t Rh.:a \k\cr· R1k·' j~,_·v,.h,:J \llll~o.·r

Rll.t ,,tdmg \ l.trl«' ' nJ;.t-­\h,m nJr.1 ,d ... ...-n llur~an ,cJ,,m \ta·,, ,,t,.,, I >em ... \!' '~'rw.,mh~ B~an Pk1h:r ( hrh Phollop' ,,~;,,k Ph1lllp ... \l,tllh.:'' p,lncr Ru.:hanl R~o.'J.IIO

D~.·nn ... Rt.').!u.:r B~.·~ l ~ '-.amkr­"-dh ..,dm~cr

J.t"'n ''-h''.tnt "•mlx-rl~ ""-·''cr' kr~tn~ 1.\h,mah~.·r

ltm "t"'P"'" \m .... t \muh D.t\ 1d "'n'xJ. •rJ-., 1\.dfl 'HlUJI.'T

B1ll ...,rouk• \lllmdl \h:;man

"-ell)- "tl.'mcr '\ ,at..c~ Ja 'ttr'l/h.."r

\t.:phJilh.." "\hh.:l~

l>~.·rn~t.. \umr.ll

Pre'''"" '" 111.:-r Breit fh,lfllJN.m \m.1nd.1 T uttJ..: I nn 1\ oh< Inn \\c,t\I.'T

\ltdud \\ aii!Jnh ( JCfh,.'llc \\me

1.: \nn \\me

P~upk • .n


~(dOJd • t (

:t<-~:q Ull"llf

fWJ,JCl \ .... ur, r.m·r ,., .. u'i

"-J,"'jlUI' ( I'JI'\

I·"''IJ'f ·"'IU·'\(1 un'll4''f \Jtti\~J!)

u~urr r.pu~J~f

UI"II~OUI Ull<lf Ul \\Jf \,"'lJUilll)

lhl«.pnJJ 4u:wr UtlUllJ J Dl'l\

\JifnJJ \\,'HJHrJ\

I I'll '·'1"'4.) '-J;'Il)J~I I \t~f

lhliJ;lJ J ':'llut'f

uop(rll i qtmutl

,"'wJi1pJl'JI p;'\;o.~

1'1'"''11 Ul'\ I :milt'l l "'tToltW()

''IJUf) l'JnlUI'p:'lp\

''IIIJ~) ''l'''nq."~P\

Ul UU!) \LJHllllll

•"~Jqqw) rpilu\ .. ;'I \1~1) PI W(J

'1UilJ \,"t.'\C I J;"'l~•'. l r. ,"'."',""-1·'~

•~nuo, 1 ,"'UOIWI~

"'''II ·'ll·'urr IIII'IOI'UIIII'Il

4UO\\'II'I U\'Jl'\

:'IJ•"J."Iq 1 :'I:'IJ''W\ J,"'l'l',_l :"1.)1!1\

n\."(JIItl'-t'f lll rlti\' ,(J Ulftlf

u:a;i••c1 rput!W\ ur.un ) J,'ttJul"'U4_)

LU~)I\l) lfl.:'lllll;"l'l

\uJun.) m~uu UI'UJ,'lJU.) UOJ,"'lllr)

umnu pt!4-''l \ J;'l(lll U :t''·"f

wnu uoput!Jfl J."'JIIl tf ·"''·"f

UI'Utq.111!1 t.'4)

riJ;;'·"'-"'fl J:'llfd''''IJ4_) IWl'll·"'r''ltl UIJtl)

PI>~IIUliO{I PJI'>Ip I pi\1'(1-UO!I 041 \1[1

OOPU4UII'U 'I I J-"''1rf1 "'1\\.;" 1

Ull"'n:i\ " \Jtl;'i'."'JI)

,."''11\ l"d\ llll"'O\ "'ClUllll l

"·'II\ JO\jlll\'

• • • •

J.~t..:quclmc I cgth Rcnal.l I Khl} (. hn ... t.t I I' '"l!'hln ( amcn,m I ong )(ln..lon I nng J....uhcnnc \1akc1k' Inn \l,,,..,h,lil lc\t \1.t ..... m \u•m \ldlh<r t ckh \1.1\ .Inn \1,a~ Ja...on \la~gmnc ... l ;.Wra \ lorgan 1\.atlwnnc ''~klo"" ( hen Ou ... ·llcth.~ Laura P.trl' Stc\ en Pctdlu Denn" Pktlf l JUJ flu, ... ·, \\Ill Po,C~ ('nome Pu~.:J...ct

k"IL:J KiJ111C)

\laOtmna R~w J...r:''"l R.l) thn""hll"hcr Ri~:L.' Oa\ td R~~:hard' I r<dd) R"hdl Rc\ Rogct' DJ\lu R11ha \he had ~Jncho I dgar \,mdcr' Juhc l.,t.:hcd I h:athl'r l.,~:hoolc~ Doug 'tdm Jnl' ( hn,tophcr Sc) mnur Ball) '>mllh \l)m '>orrcll Jacoh \t.ti,,H,nh 1\.c\m \tcmcr 1\. tmhL.'rl) "',tcmcrt \loll) '>ar~<khn llua~th\Wh'f

DJnrelll· \\\,lilt "-> ronn.t ""' J...a) Ia 1 J) lor 1\.athl") n I htc, ..... ·n 1\.auc lnht,b \ra Tunc~ Bnan rurn..:r \ngd.l l ln'-·h ~bb) \\;ahr ~~ dnc~ \\ hnc Dale \\ ullcn .... ~hnctJcr 1.1ng ' JJ..:,-,h 'tcnn~ \ ot l.,it-tun•d:

Ju""lln Unrd..:r L1un.: I>1J1

People • 35

Kids Bein Kids

P.: , 'lll/lup ""• • llft711

I f ' liJJJ 1/dj.,"/lt H

t n.,,, an.! t '111''' 11 kll. fllr,'llil/ /tllll llllli.lllt.•

o l/ (,r ,l/11• J..tcAIIIf.' •lift 111

t/,,. /oi V•• o/ Htllmt.:'' I f. J/1 I lttrJIJt.,.•h tt l !Itt , ,,r tlh Am J. ', l tJflt'rl w mc '111111): ltttJil than &J

frkn.l•hlf' lh lrdo , A Tllm IR£1Ir ~ J.,

/tn'l •

R unn1ng .1mund campu .... ar~ hllll' ph:l'l'' uf rl'aht) ... cream­Ill g. cr~ mg. laughmg. pl.1~ mg putllng 01 ''mil! nn C\l'~t'lll.!'·, tJl·c-. Jhc~ ~u.: 1\..:nt .tnd I mrn.1le.: ( hn:'1. ( J) ll'..: and (.arm R~~r,: h.lnJ,nn. and <•rJnl B.1rrcu

1\cm. 1. and I nHI) • .:! • • m: th-: ~o:h11drcn (\f Ru.:hanJ .md J''"' (. hr\." ... t .IPm '' rc ... llknt Jarc~.:tor ' 'I Bmmg.:r IIJII Jnd '' ap­rrc\.1.111\l' tlf J Jt~ Ill \\hh.:h 'h~o.• \.dO ' IJ) ,\1 humc \\ nh her l.."hlldrcn anti .11~' h.l\l' a~o:l.."c'''lll~ h.lh}·'Ht..:r ...

I he:~ ~hl'\l' th.ll thr..'tr ch1lllrcn' .1 H.'J"\ rda\mg dkd un th~.· 'tudcnh. 'h\!" '~uu

"I ~'r 'tud~nt' '' ho h.t\ c: lch '"''-'r' ,,r tmllhl'r:-. .11 h~lllll' thl' IHHilC\- .nnuhphc:rc: hdp' 1 he: ~,J, h,l\ .... hc:l'n a n:.11 'm··" rchl..'\ .. ·r hlr th .. ·m Th .. ·~ h.! \ I.' rl..',llh ''J"'II..'IlC:t.l up hl .111 tl11..· c\tf".l Jtt('llllllll 1 h~o.• l'''ll..•g~,.• J.,,J, h.,, '-' m<lrl..' '''~, th.m Ill) ~,u, Ju.·· J~,m '-4\H.I

(,, ~ . ''the "'''n tll DJ\l' .mt.llu1U.1 B.trrt:U 1).1\C "thl..' oll...llkllH'" l'4..lUI1~1(.1( ... lutknt .nhll..'ll..' .... mJ I antLt "thl' ()\ll/Ullf

I tall rc-... 14..1..-nt ~.lm.·(hlf

36 • P~npk

\n·un.hng lo thl' llarrl'tt,. I her .. • ;trc m.m~ .llh .mtag~ ... JnJ da,o~c,' 111 ro~t ... mg a )Oung. chald un o1 ... ·ollc:!;l' c;.1mpu'

·\\c: d4..Hft .ll\\,1~"' gc:1 nlm nt tJnul) tunc ... ,JuJ D.:t\1.' Jk,pll\.' 1h1..'1r of )\n\ JQ and the: unht.tnt <Jttl'ntwn h'\\01

""' m.m~ lhtkr\.'nt fi'.'4..1plc:. It\ In):! tlll campu' t!'"-·"' thl..'tr '(lll a chJnt.'c: "' ~ UJX'Il and , .... ~ulc

.. ( •rant~o."Jn umlid~.-"tltl) anh:rad "nh Jl'=liPk Ht all age: ... fa(t..~ JOI..I llJII\lflJhllt..''· "l>,l\~ '-Jid ·fl\!':) 110\ , ht' parl..'llh all W~

... ~, he: 11.1 ... the- Ppfl'munu~ 10 Jl'""'"' •hrPou~,th~.."r p..-..lplc •• ( J\1\!~. ~ • • mJ lami. I . .src lhe dau~..:ht..:-r' ot \IJH .mJ Jcnru

RtdurJ'('Il h:nm h.t, tx.-cn thl! \1ct!lcr lt.all r\! ... td~nt Jarl.!'~tor t"t1r t\\o ~it.'.lr' .md hdu:\r.:' that hl'm~ nn J C~llil:gl.! '-:"ampu' \\ttl ha\1.. J"X''''I\1.:' (,mg-tcrrn clli:c-t on h~.!r d.1uylucr' "'thl' ,,,,J 'he h<t:-. tx.·c-n pk'.hl:~l h~ h,m n: ... f\1..''-:"tfulth~ ... tud\·nt.tnr~ tn her glfl"'

llw llUlfl..' thl..'~ an.: anHmd an l!du~.-.llumal .umo,phcre. th~.

m''fl' cJul~ttun ~'"''me .. a Jl.1r1ot ,, tlk'\ J\1 \nJ that\ a ~tll"\4.. 1 thmL!' .. .... w.t knm

I ' I' ,,,...,.,,,,q{l/0 'rort/,,trmnr: Rou tuU•t atrHifJ'IIft , 1('1///tfl•

u;f/IIT /1111 f:.nllftOft.l 1/fr1/ )., II/

t/m,J Am lll.'t•~tiiJnt• HllhJ..n..,t.JI Nm '1. \vl111r OA. tJ.j •.tr-tn • logr•'r.

lA 'lriU/t"'ttptJIIfl• T/h. J.1d• an' AN' IUitdh /tl kat U .. iJHV'IIIt..,. to lt'r In

thar Nllnl '" p, 'lllfJ; r /lull II.JI'r. 11nJ lmtiJ Rilrrtllllm, ~.,.., ''''' /h,m,/tJir-lllittJ»/df:t I t?{ r.ll• R •tft; r h 1./n., tn un Ill lt."'lllt q If. n;.:

11. """' n11n1> 1opul/ tJUr II.Js..'r»t t "' , 11n.l c u11111?t, ltanf,mt ,,,, ~~ 'lltl• hi 4-o for,, rid. •ll'rJim,/ lll'lf'k• ,u,ti/UI full •"'' c .nl.' /1c "''u /rt,'lfd,atllhltUJitl o/tll, ~· ttll~t.!.rl/ulldunm:/inr •1.7Ht•lt'f'f/.:r1110111 1,/J,Jtt lll"l 'rkuJir II rn a/•01111/u. •.Jft"ll oj A- Ill/It J:lll 1 tit { ltlfllfl /ti /tmth•n amunJ" u It II 0111 Au ,..,

Story by Janelle Flory

J\n,hlph~r'''" \nJr~\\..,

'''"·twlo.h \ndre''' \nthon~ \rnold I h1ah.:rh ll.ulk) D.l\rd lka<h llr.1Jic:~ lk.1'lc~ I <l<ill' Bohr an

J....a,"·~ B~' ~" Ju,tm llm..::r Ja,on B1\~lh Dalla' lll.r.ll<><l D.mrd ll<><<ln \IJrl'h! B\,lhng~r

'-,hat,mda &m~r Jmu Bo)nhHl \l.trlr.. Buch.mJn \lau Bull ~dam ( a<.tl \\ado Carter Lut..~ Chcnndl (,JJh.m tlannm Bnan Chlll>n DO\ rd Ct~<:lncl

\dohna ("I"' JU,IIIl OJ\1,

Kenan Da\1' Da\\n lk l a T<rrr< J~, ... ..:: l)~(luc Btl! O.:nnmt• I mil~ Drll Brandon Draper

~tc\ "' Dunl'.lll Rudolf(, Duran Jnn Llhnl ""tcph.:n I nnqu~l' J\.!..,..,IC3 f 'lJlll\ d R~.1n I ,qul\d Bmndon I 'an' rorrc~ I Jlrn' 1 r.ll'~ f1rd1 "lh.aun I "h~r ll~.11h (~omtcr

S.unud ("~l\lm (),1\ 11.! Gtlul'h)

\nccla < '""'~' \IUOifJ f lamud-St)\;OW

Scotl Ha~~' Ch"·r Heml.m S.arah llultm.m l\.1m~rh.: llng.m ""'\Jmlt.·r 11om 1-.:~lo lluloll

38 • People


0Jmd knnang ... T) l~r J~n ... ~n \IH.:ht'lk Jt1hn"m <.. l)d~ Jonl'' Sam Jmll'' \\ ilham "·lufu,l <.. oRcc "cnnun

"')p.:lll.:l!'r I .1kt: Tnc1;.1 I .ua!-!hhn \latthl!'\~ I .... tun.ann

<.. n'una \lan.:um \latthl.''~ \lan.:u ... \dJill \1,111111

\tdh-..J \h: \Jh,tl'r \\c ... k·) \td Lama \ k !;dhp Jcnmkr \l.:ah

Lm rl!'rt~o:l' \tuntc \hch;~cl \lurph~

~C'-lp.:k• Pcdn1 landllrt Pt,n.:r


Dcnna' \arnmmh LarT) \.tndcr ...

l'~opk • 39

\lichclk ~chult ktl~l"'\ "'..:ntt TrJ\ 't~.ll"

'<.llh,'\ '~~ ..

R).tn "'-''-'gl.!r \ 'cntt

( hark~, "h.m11'lurg ( hn,tlnl· '\hl..'lkr

"-·"'-' \muh Br.uld~ ~p .. w

lr.l' '' \tarr \ l 11.:h.h:l \u..:hc:r "'' lt/t:r h kr llut-. .. kJu\

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ltmh hlcr \li~C \ rt"~J

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JJ,t'll /O(ll

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l.'n..:c. John 111!-:klun. 1r. <alcll\\UOd \ptlllg ... l oln , h:.tml.',llu't IHl\\ t rn~•nant

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.. , finh~xl thl.' ~.1 ... on ~ llh th.: ~me ro.n I made ~\M:h.l nmOC). II lUnd plcnt~ ul atl\ cnturc, .md no\\ I ha'c enough 'h.lrlt:' tu tdl m)- gr.tntl~:hilllrcn .... hc 'lid

40 · People

dt /i<'lf1 tale

• .lion /•1 lk1!J !wider • ?lw1m , 11/111< ~-, o/ .lo!J11 IllS:< ·1/wn


Rc,carch 'h""' th;H ( ocn \c!'. ha\ c hccll able to em­hracc ch;tngc' til thc1r II\ c' much more read II} than pre\ 1ou' gcllcratton' ll:1\ c )OU hccn ahk to acccpt

ch;lllgc Ill )OUr hli:" Alwa)5 Never Someltmes

18% t % 14% No Optmon

~=:sUtlr!~;;::~ 10'1'.

Usually 57%'

C.,tudlc' "'} th,n Cocn \cr' lt.t\C the l<l\\C't cnlkctt\C ,clf-c,tccm nl .Ill) )t>uth gcncr.num 111 hi't<ll') . \\t>uld )llll 'a} that )OU IJa\C a

hc.tlth} k,cl,,f ,ctf-c,tccnf'

Usually 46•4



No Optmon


C.,tudlc' ,h,m that < ocll \cr' .trc 'taf\ cd l<•r gemullc ltn c and alli:ctt<lll. .md ·'' ,1 rc,ult . • m: ha' mg , ... , to lind the tnttm.ll:) thc1r I" c' .trc mt"mg. II.!\ c } <>ll C\ cr t<>ulld ) nur,df tn ctrcum,tallcC'

'111111.1r Ill tlu''

to..~ ever 46

IH-e­e::>U"'=="Ne-..;:,..;:,e-..;:, IN?t,.,Ut?e-t? IN IH-1..;:, ..;:,e-t::-IION p.-p-,e­..;:,u.ppop-,!INCf lv1A-? IH-nout:AH-IH-e-ln ?ON!nle::>UIION..;:, I o IH-1..;:, 1..;:,..;:,ue-. p[....e;..p.-..;:,e- IA-!11e­l1tv1e- IO [.....00111 IH'P10Ut:AH !H-e­A-t?..;:, A-Nt? L,...e;..l !H-e- e;>~Ne-..;:,..;:,

o-...v Ne-n..;:, II)No-...v YOU A-PPne-t::-IA-Ie­IH-e-tn ..;:,u.ppop-,1!

42 • \tb & Index

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Quadrangle Staff Fall Issue

l,1uden1 Life Secliun [dilors: ( .th:b \Ia~. "ri1111g Ru"cll \\'tJ,on. de,agn

l,porh S~clion Ediror~: \ltd1dk Johnson." ming '>ummcr 'inndgra>'· dc,tgn

People Sl'Ciion Edilor>: Juna Kcc\ er. "nting '\anc~ l.aPrad.

\ !hrrlising Sale\ and ()e~ign Edilor: \mand3 Dagen

Phulograph~ Ed iwr: 1-..11111111 Hogan

\d' i\cr: f...n,lln Bo) cr. dtrc.:tnr nf college nlmmunh.:.anun'

1)~\il(ll a\\i\lanl~:

'>honna De\lu". 'itephc:n l.nnquct. lmtl) ) C\\1'

Edilnrial a>sblanl: 1-..nn '>tcmcn

!'holograph~ Credih: \II mm-crcdncd photograph' "ere t;t~cn h) <)uadrangk or commumc;llt<llls

t>lltcc 't;ttl mcmhc:r' c\ccpl the folio" 111g: )l.tgl' l) phutn nf C<htUillC \\ tnncr' h) '>colt '.Jc))earmnn page I 0 group rhotns h} SIC\ e \ 1;11111 rage 14 rhoros h~ Rae~ r> kr 15 photos h) \nna \ra,mllh

Jlu, t\SUC "''' puhlt,hed b) tho: \kPhcrsnn ( nllcgc '> (on\crnmcm u'111g fund' C<>llcclcd from sllldcm ac:ll\ II) Ji:e, One thma-.nul cnptc' "c:rc pr1111ed al \knnon1h: Pn.~'' m 'C'" h._lll. Kan ..... h .

\d, & Indo:\ · 47


48 • i\(h & Index

I ~

McPherson College Quadrangle Vol. 83, Issue 2 -Spring 2000

Table of Contents

Opening .................................................. 2

Student Life .................................... ........ 3

Sports .......................... ......................... . 13

People ........... ................. ....................... 23

Clubs & Organization ......................... 27

Ads/Index ...................................... ........ 41

Personnel ............. .... ............................. 48

2 • lmro

Thi i the second in tallment of your yearbook,

or maybe more appropriate ly, your year=ine. This

is ue covers event , acti vitie , and people from the

pring semester. Pretty }t-?IIINCf, no?

We chose CfB-NB-PlA-IION }t: CfPlB-A-1

}t A-lk?N~

as the theme for th is year. One of the def ining

characteristics of Gen Xers is that they are hard to

define, so here's our attempt to }t -B-tvtPL.-I~Y

who we are as individual • but also as members of

the McPherson College communi ty.

We invite your }t-A-tvtiNA-IION of this issue

and we 'hope it meet your great }t­



4 • Student Ltlc

Spring ctivities 200

ri~ht 1-cutlt Cltrnriall\t.'ll. }1: (idom/tu\ A.\. ln~da (i,.imn./1: llmth.',/tom P I Counn,·t fn,w. \o. .\trtlu uu.:r OA Jt'f\lt u I ''I""' d. It· Polio~ Pine' ( • J l>clft• ll"ullt·u\( hn~•iclt·r \0 .

. \t·rantnn AS und C/u•r I h rmwm. fr Prt.·,, oil I aile~ fL. t'II/IH tlu:1r mt.:IU ut tlu.: formal /'how hl ( "lrt n \on\\orlln

11hmt .\tuclc'llh ut tlu' \tun \\IIW.:r

formal clam. t•J tltt• lilt.: hi til\ m 111

\lmg,·nhtlt ~ flu alt r Phow ,.,, Ch('rt


h:ft /.1ghl\ , c ctmc·rd. m tum Both • \fUch-111\ 'omhtt.'f'U\ hud /WI til tim

) tan ''"'"'' fmmal l'lroto hr Chtn \rW\\\tll·th)

Jt·rn Bou"-n m llrt• rouh:llt ' Whit• ,!!t'h rcrJd)

10 ttl~(' tilt.• \fIt d t ' II I\

11Wih' 1" dl

('u,lnomght Photo h1

( " t' , . ,


S u r a It ( 0 II\ I i t"ll

Autt. Smull. uud \lure-it' Hollmt:,t•r In

tlrt·tr /ud. ut lh"-' rouh•llt tahl"-'. Photo h1 ( hc•n \tJt\\\"fiTfll\

Prof Gun, F,-,, GuHU/Hur ( hrl\tlm .. . \hdlt·r, It t• /lurpt·r. Fit Bumhrttl~ ... . and I tTl \lmon pltn 8/r~c J.. .lac~ PluWJ h.1 Cht.TI \tlnn rwtll\

J"~' 1/alth clcul\ lt/u/e lhm /Jolin , Doug llal{tlt' and Bi/11 Rm \mtth ( mlft.mplutc.. tlu. u optiom Photo h1 ( h ... ·ri \on1H1rtln

Student Ltfc • 5

l<·lltrilotfll/11 .Joh11 llopki111 pre" 1111 l11 1 porr11a Ill If(

ltlld<'lll.l 1/c 11111 lured In S(J I to <'lll<'rtt/111 or a 1111111 1111 lpn/ I, .!IJIJIJ Photo hr Chen

./1:11 Tar/or hod her 111111d rt!od h1· the ma~icw11 Qm•c11 of heart\, .le11'1 Phow hy Chen \or11111rthr.

1/( H'llim A.r1111 llrllw1111 11 \lllyected to the

IIIII!( I< 11111\ "'""" · 1'/mw 1>1· Chen \on11'twt/n .

6 • Student I. IIi:

Bill Smu{e 1 en{il'l that the maginmr '1 mpe rs ill lliU he{on II\ magi< all1 tralll{ilrllll.'d Photo h1 Cheri \'t~r\lwrtln~


Student Government Activities 2000

Jot' Salop<'~ am/ Peter Sam/and re111~1· tlu•mleh·e,.for the Bli==ard t!/Bucl.\ gamt'. Phow In· Cltt'rt \on11orthr Richard Sahato.1 JOilll the karao~<' fun 11 ith .John

lngelhart and Sco/1 \lcDearmon Photo hr 1\ri.\ Boye1:

Pett'r Somluml . .lcnnr Bur~-:cu and Brent .lolmwn play wuh .. ,nul.e.1 111 a can .. to 111/lmtmcr Photo h1 Cheri \ 'on 11'0/'t/n.

Btlh Rar Snuth and Dalla\ 8/mMocl. pmnclt' clumer IIIU\IC

during tht' \/anti Gn11 luncheon h01tcd 1>1· '>odl'\lw-1/arul// in the mlleg<' ca{L'Iaia Photo h1 l\ri1 Bmer

Student Ltfc • 7

G-.-~d-..~~·~ .. 2000 ·

Simi Alderman hcad1 for the

8 • Student Life

GtW\t .lfJt'aker D1: Shannwt /\ire/mer ''J] de/i1·en her \fiCCCh enwled " TilL' Frwts or the :':>jtirir" to the gradullftng da1.1. Photo hi' Tim Smith

Dr Jean //em/rick' · dtrcc·uJr of clwrch relariom. g11'e' the opening pnn·et:•Piww b1 Ttm 'imith

Krill\' ll illim111. Ro: O 'Dell and Ruche/ (ill II' \/Of' /or a final pic. Plu1tm h1 Tim Smuh

Grmlualt 01car Delgado \ /uno:. Dr .Jan •·an 11.1<'it. 11 /hke lfil!ano"''kt. and \leg 1'<111 l11eft pow after gmduarion Pholll h1 Tim Smuh

Roommlllt'.\Summer Snodgra•• and Sara llren are do1e fi'ieml• . Camp111

11on i l>e the ""'"' 11 u/umt them ttJg<'ther Phow 1>1· Tim \'muh

Student L1 fc • 9

~ • •

@ ooulJj and N

II ,.~ t

#":~ i the 1'1 -r~fl


+ ,J ..... .J •


by Timothy Mason ' t

Directed by • Krissy Williams •

Cast List: Beaut) ................................................ Genellc Wine Merchant ............................................. Bryan Lucorc Wynne ...................... .••.......................... .... Jim Raib Gcotr ................................................... Dan Jenning> Iris ..................................................... LcAnna l lulcc Lilly .................... ........................... l~lissa Thompson Old Woman .............................................. Jcn Taylor

quare Gregory ..................................... Eddie Monte I lector ................................................... Bryan \\'aH: The Bca't ................................. ...... Danny William;, The Bca,t\ Double .......................... Chm Btsccglia

cr. anh ................... Mal') llughc~. Enc Gu:.taf,on. Anna Ara;,mllh. Kate Smtth. Sara M]Cr>.

Aaron Elh"onh. Kat1c Sue :"\icklm.

10 • Student Lafc

Cast List: Poole ................................................ Chris B1sccglia Charlotte ....... ............ ....... .............. Eilnbcth Sto,er Dr. llenr) Jekyll Mr. I <.h,ard llydc .... Dustin Gregg Cclestmc .............................. .. . Kauc Sue icklos Dr. Lanyon ............................. . ...... . .... Chm R1cc Uttcr,on ............................................... Bryan \\'a\c II !Ida ......... ..... ...................... ................. Jcn Taylor Penny ............................. ............. Anna Arasmllh Child ..... .... .................. ... ......... \ataile \\ 1cns

by Leonard H. Caddy

Directed by Dr. Rick Tyler

tudcnt Life • II

12 • Student Ltfc

l nde J,,J.,,, p,,r \m..•ld t.\: h ... Purrct-.

".ar.& \l~~r""(. ~'mplt\R Jrn Ta~ (,•r

(. h.anc.ll~r (. ~-u'h "arah "tO\ ~r

"U/omnc: Turner \an•n lll""''"h

l>u ... tan ( ,r.:gg R1.:l T~kr

bd··"''" t unnt!hl \u .. lln (. urtnl!"hl

\IJmw l)ulc \ .. .-n•rah .• t < Jam a.: I h•rr

Tallan' (traham Urandtm Ctumm, J J 1\.r ... ·htltd. R~·hh 1\.rchlltd

\lc"\ r~ lt.'r A. ht, tta~ ...... at <. larnK"I"'.m.<JJrl .... p.lf\t.Jt I>Jilt.Cf

lland"all..m~ lh'llt.hnt , ... ,, .. ho)'

h.) h..: tun~. Ja~.:1 f...thl\t. k". ll11a~1h S1o·u:r. (u:ndlc \\me

(and~ \"4-:hcnhlt.'RI\t.'t ('i.'~

"''m \ldk.•nmm "tha''" \lien ( hn, l urran

1\lcrl\.cN Seth (~<)(loll

........................... ( nuh I e" '' (.,," f nmL Jcn fa)lt•r. U..ld. \h,·•~ Bum' liNd (iu.: .. h ..,;, he I unl. JJn 1\.nth\lc ... BT'\Jn I u..:t•re. t onm'-· Plk:let \\alln; .. , . Rcbt..'\:~J hhiCr llt.•ll'"'!J BJ,.,nd ... ·.. I !.IRJ I"Jr.lh ( t•n .. u..:n. l)l'llt•rt:" .. ( '''.Jn"'-'' lrnm.

. ( h:r.ddule- JJ\71 ~n,-m 1.,: ... \J.!"'""'- (''""'c. Pu..:L...:-1, ThdmJ -·1 h!Jt'<lh "h"''--r. \1Jrt,•ne \1J\ - ( t\.'ndlc \\ m ... •

( ttlh.m ( 'lamun 'K''Ie \\ 1lham ... Rdx•n:a J-o,tcr

Bnan \\.1\\.'

\h~1a Uum ..

I h1J"'1h ..,1('1\\.'r, 0'-'ndlc \\ ane 1\.~h.: f·unL.

G y p s y


Br)'an l u..:m·e Ur~nl J~)hiNin

i\rthur Laurent'>. Julc St}nc, & ·~ephcn


Otrected by Dr Rtck T} lcr

• •

11 (~

•• n I~

C'het Bu<hman

L u s 0 N

4 ' f Bobb) Hill


Sam Jonc!o.

Bnan Turner Ja>on Zoo~

Chet Buchman. a 'ophomorc from \lcPherson. led the men'> golf team dunng the spring 'eason. Buchman has cOmJM'tt!d on the \arsil) men·, golf team for two )Car-,. and he placed ,e,enth at the KC\C meetm \\'ichua \\llh a score of 238.

"I thought the team progrc.sed 'cry \\ell O\er the season and culmmated \\lth Chet Bechman \ oubtandmg performance at the conference meet:· -.atd coach RogerTnmmell .

Other team member-, performed \\ell in the two-day conte>t m Wichua. 'an1 Jone, \\as ..econd on the team ,coring r-. Bobby Hill scored 309. and Bnan Turner. 332. \!ember-, of the team looked at the season a' a learnmg e\penencc. '-.lo't of the umc the} competed as mdi' iduab because the} dtdn 't ha\ e enough golfer, to comprhe a team.

• )J

·~ •• u

The \lcPh~r,un Collcg~ ""m~n \ '"lihall 1~.un flm,hed '" ' " "" • \\ llh 1\\11 \\ llh Ill,, doubk h~adcr "!!"""' c~mral College un \\cd \ n l

I~ u s

I 'I llo1h g.unc' \\~nllhc full '"'"n """!!'· \\llh lhe Bulldog' <:Om• 11111 on lnp 15-10 and 14-.' I he ''"' \\ '"' hmughl 1hc1r ren>r<llll -1-12 ··11 '' J' ntcc Ill '' tn the la~t l\\ (l game:!\ on the: ..,c~t,on:· '~lid ( hri,la Lt\ tng~ton. outfu:ldcr

"The fiN game""' dn,~. hul \\C ""'"a hie 10 pull il nil."" '"'d Brenda Jan,cn. p11eher. "The '~~ond \\a' prohahl) our m<hl crmr-lr " game of 1hc ,ea,un.""

rhc lcam '"" eonllnucd lo 1mpro1c 1hrouglmu11h~ \~J\011 btlli ~

h1111ng and fc•ld1ng . (hen Oullc1c and Jan,cn holh wnlnbulcd "''"I 0 gam~' fmm 1hc p11dung mound. Ou1flcld~f\ Be1h ,,me) l ad •

and \;Ill ber,olc made ,e,~ral l..c) pia)' lilr ouh Dilen"'"'>· llarl.. l

N and Jan,~n hll a pair nl mplc, althe hlp of 1he order 1<> 'e11he pace. •her , s1rong h1h came from Lc.\nn \\me. Kcll) 'ioudcr and Ileal her Sch'"' y.

In h" fiN ~~ar '"head ,oflb.lll co.1ch. \lll..e \ld omucl.. ""' plcJo,crJ \\tth the team\ l~1ur " ' '"· I he ftr..,tl\\0 \\In' carne agam't Central on \pnl 5

··o,~rall pia~ conunued 1o gel bencr "' •1cll "' mdl\ •dualunpl"l c­mcnh. ·· '"'d \lc("onmcl...

"'\\'e d1d lhc be'1 1111h "hal "" hatl""Jan,cn '"'d ··,\,a leam. "" 'uppur1ed each o1hcr playmg "~" JlO"''""' ·· \ lc( onmcl.. ""' proud of 1he accumph,hmcnh I he I cam made lie recugn~Lcd ouhl•lndulg pia~ lhr<lUghout th~

'cason by Jan,cn. \\'inc. Oulle1c. I. I\ mg,lon. Schooky and Souder. 01hcr con1ribu1u1g I cam mcmbef\ mcludc \ nc ' Rhode,. I bef\ok. Laprad. and Sha\1 ne) 1\clsen

""\\c came 1ogc1hcr a' a 1camthi' )car.'" Rarklc) >aid ··'\;c\1 year \\c"lll""c 10 1al..c the nc\1 'tcp ufbc1ng more compcttii\C:

Th" "a' 1hc 'ccond year of compc1111on for \\Omen\ ,on ball a' a club 'I'""· '-ic\1 )Car I he 1cam "•II be ,m oll~<t \JNI) 'JlO" \hhl oflhe pla)Cf\ led tha11h1> '""be a good change for 1hc lcam .

.. \\'.:'11 he much mon.: orgamtctl'' ... a ad J~m~cn. "i.lnd more p\!uph: " 11 .. ~.:riou .. l~ '' 11h ll hemg ,1 '.l~H} 'purl \\dl be facmg lougher upponcnh and \\00 •1 be able Ill pull UUI a \\In In OllC inmng."" JaO\Cil Sill d.

The KCAC ha' \Ome 1cry compcu uvc lcam\ mcludmg K.m'.J' \\c'l)an and lnend, toacl1 \kt"onmcl.. "coni dem, 1hough. thai \\ 11h a lull ) car of 1raimng and mand.uory prac11cc 1he Bulldog' "111 be compe1111g 1111h 1hc'c lcam' (lll '"

C\Cil pla)mg field. A m•IJOnly oflhc members arc C\~cled lo rc1um and gn11\1h "c\pecled lrum r~crullmg . ("um~lln

'aNI} 'ron \\ •II ""help aurae! \ludcnh."" accordmg 10 ~1ct"nrm•cl.. Jan,cn \ ho~ itlf nc\1 year;, ··a dcd!c;ucd 1eam "i1h \lmllar goal' .md "1lhngnc" 1<> '""" hJrd mdl\ •dually anJ "'a


14 • pons

Ibm·~: Brenda Jan~n "J'Im' \lUI th~ psh:h a' Kelly Souder prepo.m.•, hlr I he lut

Ibm·~: I cAnn \\me 'end, om: tlymg a\,,1~ tmm the hJth:r\ bt.l\ .'


Far /.eft: A McPhcr,on College pia) ~r '-!ladcco. mto thmJ \\-hale her opponent nw~.,c., the catch

l fiddle: LcAnn \\one ,Jidc:"' mto homebasc

/.eft: \ 'al Lber\ole ... arctche ... 10 make the catch !><fore her oppo­ncm tag' the ba~.

f'ar Left: \lcPhc"'>n College'> onl'ocld huddle' up before the bcgmmg oft he game

Ll'ft: Brenda Jan"'n ta~c, a hard '" tng dt the plate

ibm·t': Brenda J.m,cn 'C«lt)Jl' up the ball before the opponent ,JnJc, tnlo thard ba~

pons · 15

~· (~ ., D I~ u s 0 N

I ar Ri;.:ltt: hxld llagu~ .... r .. !..1)' one p.l\t a I n..:ntl ... de~ kndt.:r dunn~ fil""ot round pia~ nfthc 1\.( \C conkn:n(.;~ tuur· namcnt. Ill\! ··D.m £'··beat I ncmh to alh anL:c Ill th~ '-\:~o."·

und mund agam ... t ou~ma Um\CP~Il)

Ri~:h t: \me BJlcr. fr .. p\)\h'l" on~..~ up Jml O\Cr tlh.' de~ fender. \n1~ l:Ontnhut~d a lot hlthc \Jr"11) ... qu~d an tha' bc111g hh flf',l )e,tr

Below: The team and the t:m, 'ckhr.ttc J huge\\ llll"Cr Ott.I\\-J L'ni\Cr"lty .• ld\ancmg ··1 he f),,,..__~, .. hlthc ... cam·

f1n41l' agam't Kan"" \\~..,..,lq·an _ \lt.:Ph~r-nn ended up com· mg ~hon of the final-... h,l,lllg a h,m.J tuught hattie hl the "\\ ('O}Otc'

16 • Spons

\ len\ basketball has had an exctlmg season. accordtng It fa"'' and lh.: pla).:rs. \\tth an m.:mll r.:cord of 17- 13 \ tl 1 tilt 'emilinals of K( 1\( 1oumamen1 ''"' a btg accomplt .. hmcnt It the' Bulldogs. !'hey ended the sem.on \\tlh a lm.s lo "-an"''. \\esle) n '" the semifinal game. '

Bulldog I kad ( oach Rog.:r Tnmmcll C'\pr.:"cd I hal 1he ~ad.

crshtp of the"' \en tor~" til be mt".:d The '>entur> (Josh Ale'\. 1dcr' Ben Pro"or. R) an llargtn. Tod~lllague. Enc Retehcn. & Cia) ltag., gard) made ttnponanl CllntribuiJon• throughout 1he sca,on.

I Iague and l largtu arc both mo·ltmc 1\cad.:nm: AII-I\ , ten. can' Pmclor "a' 'ceond ttl the confcr.:ncc m rcboundttlg. A Il-K( \C Jumor \nlonto I ord rcccl\ cd lllltlorablc: \lcnuon A Il-K( \( Alc,andcr '"t" 1hc lcadtng scorer and rcboundcr ttl the confer nee, All-KCAC. MVP of'1hc KCAC. and 1st lcam 1\i\11\ AII-Amcncan II i'> \ 11-.\mcncan honor" 1hc second ttl 'vi.I\C ht'olur)'.lhc fir-~ O<' tng Ld Dd~ ttl 1959.

' '"tNow: J.l\ lkrbcri>. 1 h.~.( n ll.lfiS.SO (~'loDdo'pnngs. • {C) l n \\alter J' llutchNm . .,_, R)oanlllrgll sr: l)•.nnh .. --r, ~"· \ntorut'

ford ... Mdd T \ lo~h \lc-undcr sr \l...l'bC'T'§(lR. t..' Jor&.tn I llfl •

er )..:' antJ l 1m"R. M) R n \:k"\ ( CJ \ n 1mJ Rott·: R~l:f

head C031.:h J;amo Prt,Ul lr IPJ">L.l. "-' \l.m Bull. tr \\illmc:l:1'~~.

Rtllhln. sr \ amu Of.\ lo&J llap:oc SL ( hcnC) .,_, \nr~ B.tLl"f.

( ··~· ~' lkn Ph'ltor r < 1U\IlW\. Ot.. ( Ia) IIJ • rd ,;r l c-h.Jnon. n ( '·1\l'r b""I"IJnt ,,lJdw

lur I ('ft: I l o.u:h Rog~r f n nuncll ~1\'-"'- unc of 111' Jn'-f' .. pecche' lu thl• lt\c l'" the n,,.,w, m lnmt ot a f'J-.:"-c't hnu~ \ l~o.":lll\\htk. R~an l la~att .

,r. It\\.."' hi'- unrul) 'h1n

I t•jt: 1 ,,,fd llagul..'", .. r .. f''"'' ur a I hrc her dd\.."n,cman dunng \ld,hcr"'n\ Ja,t htlm~ c•un~.· agam't lkthci(,,Jkgc J,\.Jd,,a .. ~"''nlork-Jdcr I h1r tht: Build•'.£'· c' 1..'11 ''hen m• ...... mg ~\­crJI \\Cd,,._ dllt..' In .1 hrtl~CO ft"lt

l ur lt'}t: Jn,h '\il"\i.llldcr. 'r. cu1b up lor

the la~up •'' Cia~ ll .tggJnl ,r .. rcad1c' h l

r~l1.\llllll \lc\and~r "J' tml) tlu: 'ccond J'l.l~t.·r 10 \ I \ ( hl,hlr) IU n,..'CII.'\1..' tiH.: hi tL·.un '\I\ \II \maH:an honnr

\litltllt•: R~.mllarg1tt. 'r.~ \\.Ill ... fur the ng.lll f11,1ll11.'1ll to hllthl.' tlp.-:11 'f'l'l

I rft: lkn llnl\:htr, ... , • J'Uh th~ m'"'-"' ""a

l kth~ llclcnd~r umkr tht: tl;.t-.~ct.

fhm·t•: \nh\lllt' I ,,r,t Jr .lh)I,."S '"ml.' dnhhn!! \\h1lc thc tllkn...c '1Jn ... '" r-nh.:m

'ipon , • 17

~· (~ ,, II I~

u s ()


Th~ 2HIKI tmck team "a' }oung and 'mall 111 numb~r- but ht 111 hean. I \en though pmwce' \\Crc tough b..:cau'c of lack ofcompc111 •n. the t.:am n.:mamd cuntidcnt and 'tro' 1.!' for [X'NlnaJ llc'" 111 tht:1r C\ .: :\

Both the m~n\ .md \\Omen\ team' found th" )C.Ir lob.:·'" enJO)ab anu prl'l<.luctl\..: kammg C\Jl4:ril.!lll:C Th..: h:am h loc.l~lllg fnn' ard 'to nc\l ,e,N>n "11h the1r nc\\ he.1d .:oach. [nk D1kku1 .

··\\c arc c\pccllng a lot oftakm~d rccru1h ti>r nc\1 )Car. .., 111 , ~ecm ''c1rd "uh mnrc people and a nC\\ coach. bw \\C ~til arc \\ant111 to unpro'c and gn.m nc\t )'Car:· "i3}~ I nn \ tar,hall. 'ophomon: from Brook\ tile. Kan.

The ''(ln1Cn \ tral·k team surpas"'cd lh h\.''t time' of the o,ca ... l n 1n • four race' dunng the KC \C conference track meet at Bethel on \1a\ ~ and 1>. The '"'men fm"hed "uh an unofT1c1.11 m era II 'core of I 0. ~ig.ntficantl) h1ghcr than m )C3~ pa,t. Tht~ \\Utncn \ rc1a) team cum pn,cd ofl rin \lar,hall. \ian"'' Sanche/. \leh'"' \lc \Jh,ter. and l litab..:th Sttl\CI, fm"hcd filih 111 the ·hMIO meter race on fnda) The \\Omen \\Cfl.! able tO taJ..c 51 "iCCOTld' Ofl.thCif prt..!\lllU' tlmC. to filll,r • \\Hh a sea ... on nc ... t of I()·" I "itm cr rJn Ill the "it.!~«.llld heat of the \\Omen ....

open XOO-meter race. She tin"h~d limnh ,uthe tap hchmu three ~oulh\\c,lem runner- \\llh a wnc of2:27. four '~colul, unu·• her ,C<I'Illl he'! 1 he '"'men\ -h41XI meter rda) team fi n"hcd 'twngl} 111 fuunh place "uh a tunc of 4 22

On the men\ "de. Shane l>;cthcrtlln ran the open 1500-metcr race 111 4 15 mmutc,. knuckmg I 'I '~cund' oO" h" pre\! 'I" urnc ScH:r~tl runncr' arc alrco.uJ) lo<.ll...tng. f()f\\ard w nc\t year. and on.: runner ha' C\Cil begun trauung fur lnng dt\lancc C\C' ,

thi, ,pnng. and 'ummcr Teammcmb..:r- \\ere'" folio"' Heath (,arncr. fr .. \\amer. OJ... . Inn \1,1r-hall. "'·· Brook\llle. "-'-· \klt"a \leA lit :r. ,

fr. <;ami John. K<;. <;hanc 'cthcnon. fr. Colurauo <;pnng,. CO. \lan\111 Sanchct. I hdalgo. T\. Chrl\llnc Sheller. fr .. Fldora I l11ab..:th Stmcr. "'·· Qumtcr. J... <;, I )1111 \\a her. Jr. HmchN)n. J... S. Ru"ell \\ 1lhanh. fr.. Yuma. \/

\tot') h~ ( ·hn' ( ·umn Jnd Summer Snudgr..1''

tb{JI·,•: " ' cthcnon. If . ... 1.1~'" llh the pad. dur­mg the ''pen I :'i(H)-m~tt!r m..:c at the h.( \( ..:onfer­cm.:e mect

18 • Spon,

Ibm·~: (. hn ... ttnc "ihdkr. fr. tm­''h'-' 'tnmg at the 1\.( \( '"·onkrcn~c meet dunn~ the ll~n I -\CM)-mctcr r..1n~

lbm·e: Ehtaherh Sttl\Cf, <~~~'-- ph.:~' up her "trid~..~ 111

h,l~., to catch thl!' "'outh\\l~..,tem nmn~" Uunng lh~ 1'00 meter rJc~ S10\~r tin~-ohl."d l~."lur1h Jnt..l unpm\ed her j'eNlllJI hc ... t 11111e Ill ~.17. t~1ur ... en,nd .. ta~l~r than her pTI.'\HlU'


r dtmn • the ..a,~r)O.mctcr rcla\

I ttr I f'}t : I nn \ -.n. P"''"' .1 ~ \\ runn~r JU'I

het«m:h.mdm~ntlt\• l lll,t~th\tn,cr ,o. lnth1.!4\40()- • meter rda~ l ft:r cllnn' ,et Stmerup rnr~rt\:~t po .. nion h• P·''' T.t~lr ft,r a hlurth pl.h.:c hm-.h

l t'}t: lkath ( puh m .1 -.trong tuw .. h dunng. th~.· op...·n \fK)-meh:r rd.L\ <~.una flm-.hcJ \\tth aum.: ''' :! 14 .at the t...< \( m~d

I 4'/t: \ nl \.uh.:h~:t. -.r., h.ullh otl to I nn \ lar-.h.tll. 'o dunn}! thl· ·hXOO-meh:r rd.t~- I he \\Om.:n J..noct..ed oil 'i I ''-'l'omh fmnt tiH.'Ir tun~ at th~ l... ( \(. cnnfi:r..:ncc m..:..:t.

Jhm·,•: Ru-...cll \\ llllanh. lr . pn:· pan.·, w hn \\Jh:r tlurml! the 'tccpk ch&N.:-.

fhon•: I nn \1ar..hall. .• "'f'llxk' out tlf th~.: hh"-1..' ·" \ Sam.:hct ... r .. huJU, them Jm, n

Spon ' • 19

~I (~

•• H I~

u s 0 N

WcrnerY s ~ai~etba JJ

lhfH'('.' \,JJ-.I!d.t "-tlf\l/ll.'f, Jf .• fum ... 11 Up lilf thl! GllllC:r-.J <.h

')ha\\OL.'~ 'l!l,~•n. )r h,.,.~, 1111 Both \\ttnll."ll \\t.:rc nut thL.'

la't pan of the "•,.•"''II Ju.: to .1 h•m \( L .uH.I hmt...&:n ft'ttll,

l la1 mg onl)i on.: 11111. the I ad} Bulldog' sullcr.:d dunng. 1e seao,on. plagu.:d h} lllJUnes and other ellgthtlll~ problem;,. a''' 11 as lo"ng pia}<:~ at the ( hrtstma' breal.. 13) th<: l;~;,t gam.: ag.n st B.:than~ College m the upcnmg round of th<: K( \( towmamcnt, the Lady Bulldl'!!' unl) had ctght playe~ c<lpahh: ufpla) mg.

Thts season 11 "' a lcammg e~pencm:.: and a mllcrcoao,t.:r P tc fl>r the )nung team. ( u.~eh \\ nght has htgh c\pcctauons for"' t ~.:ar e1.:n though th.: r.:turnmg numb.:~ ar.: km.

"Rccnuung h<IS gone 11dl. and \\l! ar.: at sc1cral 11<!'-1 pla~.:rs to JOtn us." ''ud Wnght "llliS "til hdp us bUild 11 tth our •

returnmg "" ".:mnr' hlr nc't )~ar:· The L ad) Bulldog''' til h<ll.: se1 .:rat returnmg pia) c~ 11 hog \ e

high eumnhuuono, hl the team through mn the season The Ladies st,t}ed dnsd} matched 111 many games but fell bc­

hmd quicl..l} Ill the finalminull:s of pia}. "The gtrls played lhctr hearts out m c1el') game." o,atd Co •• h

\\ nght All though th.: season tell slm11 ofpt"<:-o,.:ason cxpcctauon;,, hopes

an: lugh for next year ·" e1 .:ryon.: e\c<:pt .latme lltm d l "ill >c r.:turnmg. Jaune '""the on I} semur tlll the squad. and she sub,c­quentl) !.:ad the t.:am m scoring and r.:boundmg.

rc ... p~.-·..:11\d~ a-. Juhc: \d1..:~.:f ... o 1nd Jamh.' I h''''-'11 . ... r pan: U' re-"' 'und 1! n..:,:~..~".u'

20 • Spol1s

I ,,., lltJ•··: ,,,n,:lt.l I n:~m 11. Jr ''Hllllh n~.:ntl" \II ·r\J (nllu:r .. /, tr e~ ~~~" II.,; I \, Julh: '-,~,:h .. d. 'tl lknrunghtf\, 1\. '- h.\IIHlnJ "umr.ll, rr nl 111tl '"'~·'\I \klut!.IJ lrirt.'\ Bn'"ll'\111\: I\_ .m,t l nn \l.&r .. h.all.

l\1lh .. • It "-! IJmJ.. RmL' lk.atll tl,h .. h. \ld \\ n •hi, )Jl..nt.a "-!tw11.:r

'f (,\ I.,; l~,;.aBHMOJL.,I't:r'-tn"'-(U\ J.umcllti\\~II.M 'Hit'IIUlO.

ft.unc),M' (uuJon, \R. ~r R .Jr • 0~ \mf,.:r \lkn hf.;c ( () 'knna (,_.u,, \11ll,rJ. t I I'·~ Jf \uror-J.

A 1 tJnl ( oodl I~ llJIJ\\ 1 '\o 1 Jli~:tun·d : 'h.J\\flC\ :'\d"-'" (, CJI\:

I ar /. eft: ( nJch \ k l

\\ ri hi Ia~' ' '"' the .. trat..:~;' m thl' huddle dunng thC' la .. l hom..: ~am~.·''' the ... ~.·a,rm.

l t•{t: \m~r \lkn .. o tiJh th..: hall J\\3)

fwm a Bulld,)g

"h:kn4!r '' l11h: Jann~ I ft,,,dl. 'r ~~" rc:.uJ) h' r~o'\:tl\l'f thl'


litr I ('{1: J.uml.! !IU\\1..'11. '' • l!Ch 'l'llll' nM­J('f .ur '' IHk hauhn~ h1r th..: lip oil Jaun.: \\J' th..: ltllll' ,._.nulf h1r thl.' I :nh Bulldnl!' und" .1 .. h .. tl'd m 1-:agu~..· 'taudmg h1r n:ho.,und ... Jnd S\:(trmg thrtlU,!!htmt th..: ''-'J!\4.111

I 4'/t: k''1t:a Brtmn, 1r. and \m~r \lien • ... o. pia) ll~ht Jck1h1.' ,m .1 < onumha plo.1~ cr dunng h'umaml.'nt .h.:tU'Il .It K.Jn,,t, \1..'\\man ( nllt..•gc

lbtwtt: l hm~,;• l l. .. r .. ''-"h a pu.:l h1r ''n'"·,umng J'"•,, H.:a llnw .. n. tr ,,Jult: dl.'liH:,,h.:J tm D~m llnlt~ ... r .. ltkll'-<m

thli'-'·"'' ."1,'111

,"'I'Jd 11 iiuunp 111'4 ,,lj l !'iWnJ.\~ llt"Ul{ilf llf.""~IU :o•.uuiJ

'unds • l~

pn~' thl'-114t'f

Ullfll}( tpr~l.) .:llll',,l ~lJI Jtll J~I'W;'IJ lC;"IJ:i r. II;\;'\({ 'r4 .,If ··~Pillll~ lll·"Pill' ,,lll "·"liLF'Jllli.;"'J{I '1""11 (,,

"·,l'l""l' Ul i:>t pur. '.;"'('i1UI'­

tu L~t'-lliO"Ullor 'LUl'-1';'1" 'Ill! ·ui111 ... m.,\ ''"' un·~,l :'IIJI IUtUI (li'Tlh-- 'IUU.,I '. ll;'llU .""~ljl tll J."JlU,"'Illl ihiiWJli,"IIJ \jUtl

."'Jl'l "1'1'10 'J:'IF'II''f llltUI Jtll\1~ P 'llt"UljOf lli:Ufl :JI(:fJH

• ••


·I~UJihll Jo~r 1 :'141 ;'IJn_pq

~-'11-lr.Jll ';lu!Jnp Hlll' t.klJJl

I' ,,Jl~t.h:"\llU' Utl'UlJtlf IU:UtJ

pm~ urtJ(-"1.,-U J Ul{l'lf :ifil l

L ' '

P\IIJ~>,," ljl·XII'/Ij l \ll \J1"Ill,

pu~~ Ut!\~ .:111~ II ,:l'fl~lll ,:-'\ Jl~~\ l\~LI lnq 'lHl'l!~' "lljl :'11\ilt~..:'ll ..:'141 H~ 'Jil:tli~Uil~ ;"\J,"'I\\ ..:'~.\\ .. 'LJU,r.:'l"'- 1\,"lll UHXIf'! lU;"ptJUU."'\ :'\Jr 'J;...qUI,"'ILU ilUIWilPJ '':tiillrlF' :'\Jith:'IQ

pn~' umu,:\oilll .: =':"'HI:'I~J:'I<h.:'l .1 \ttt,nd p!~J r. 'r." uo..,t~;'l.., :'l(llll " :'11(1 ..

lltl'd<; 'l'llli(~-'J~'B Ul

pet.'J'll' ilm \p01' pt:nn .. ,.,41 uJuJ_I w~ ... qP ·"XI n"tr 111" ut!ltPoiUJ '.tnpnJcJ ptm uu'm1nr ".lulu.""~' J~' "''nl :llll·""4 II"' :'lihu~t(:'l ;nfrw \ ,"'llllll

··""~Ill~ nt "' lllt'~l "='tj."'WUJ 1n J;:tqtUilll :'lllll"''"'4 111 '' .1.-,U~J~JUU:l ~til ftulUIUf )\ 1'1 ·"'41 Ul '1111~1 ... \tP .. Jr\ "iUn!iluo..,J:llJe.PI \ ,,. JI~I.'IOJ:'l

·"1 11'" ''LI 1. '1!1U.1,U \\ • .,u.l'' .-xltll( ·"'lll pun 'J;-t\l~tJ i1u!tUilt."J '!' l"r:'IJ w t(ll" ·""'IHI:xiUu.\.1 ;'IJ('tlU u~'=' ~ ottut~.;ll :'It( I '1-":x.l':l ur"'U4Uf

Jl!tl ) ·:-iitn'4~ pUI~ klll:'ll'!"llt_\.1 l(lt\(.\ JU ')lJ,"'IlU."'~(•"'~ \\:tU 'RliiJlj Jll \\ lHl'1~:'1' '..le:t{ 1\:lll " lf :'ll~O:l p r:tlj "1' 'fWq Uthlll(Uf \Ill\\

P!'!' Whlltl''~f tpr.,,,_) •• -... \nil :'ltpt(ll" ilunw ,.,lm~il :tlfJIO«l\fl' UlJ r. p;'ltUt'JI 1 'flll41 1 .. ' U(l\,Ul(Of Hl:'l.lfl J'lll!\ ,,"l(.:'ll!0.1

Mtlll:"l pnn;J t~ ~U~,,q til Jl;'l \!«' \UI ..,1',\\ ll~l( \\ l'l;l .\J;t \ fl:'IUJr.:'l( :tlf.. tpr.o.'l ' .lllll-'1 'l~ ;'1_\J:"~ C.ll \i!lii'IUUlh.ltll'JI_I \ UC.hUl(Of 'l~\\ lo.;ltfl

pit~' Uthlll(Hf ll!tltl}l

lpt~n.) . .' tiiU (WlJIIIl' ,"'1\\ tnq ;""~_\~l!P~hun.1 _,J,,\\ ·"'\\ ·th'l..,l~;'l' "l"ll'\ :tt(ll(ll\\

p;,,, .• .,Jd "I'\\ 1 ' ':'1""'1 put~ "'U!\\ JU tunowP U;""~\., \tPJd r JWl( -'\\ .•

p~~' I <>:-.; -"·"1' <~lll~llll'l P·'·" i: ''' '.I"Jil'·\1 ll'·''l o,, ·w~.\}1 pu•· J~ll'~ld .;fful'f''l·"' .;lJ.,.\\ ;'I\\ ;o~,m .. ,,q 111utt.l H~l(ltr. l(.""~trtu

\<c,, 111, ''"' 11 .. 1'"" JJ_li•"JJ • .''~'llo'fi<>l II•'" p~'i"(tl 1 I'"" ihr.J.) .. PUI~Id pm1 ud}i pur. '"'"'"l"f put• um.).O "J<>l'OJ,(

pun lJI!lll·'~"' "4"f r~P"I·'"' '"'"·1J pm~~J ,., r. l(l!" ('J('liJ UIC~Itpr~ :"f'llllll ·'41 J<U ~UilDll\\1 Jl'(lllll' r. f'~·'"I"'Jd PVI'J4 -~l'lll<lf' ~41

'l·'l·o-9 (l'JIU~.) J~'~' ""'' 1114 '<~·r ''l·tl"·'"""d" ttJ "1 11~1 lh''llll''f ·pu·, uc,~Ull''f,.'lf.1ll'tu p .. ~,ii r. Ullll ,;l\1:':1 1 'fUI4J 1 'tHh

,""~S "lllJ UUiliJ;'I<.iUI\l." l"'·"'~tfittU'II .\lU ..,\~.\\ .IOtWJ. l'lltrilt~ lj.)Wlll (~\ ...

J-'li'''Jd UriJU ('liC 'Uir.,).0 'IJ4,) 'JIII;)<IJtl 11~1( "UO~U4tlf lliJlfl 'UI'(lt 'iflr.J~") fl:"pnr~lll "•"l(i1UI ' Ul iluq;'\c.ILUtD :'I"OtiJ , '"U(."llltl

flUC U! \\ ;llJU tfll \\ Hhl .)lUI~.-, '.1,:\.\l'(d 'Jf:lUI~ U;'llll . .:t.\~1 .;141 JU 4-"~l'; J

N 0 s 11 ~I H

. ·'lUll\\ ·~ .... ~ 1~,;'\"i ,;'lliJ Jtl ,, \ll!:lll~'l'.·:uJ;:'IJ .Jq t.ll p."'~\l'\JJ Jll:lUWlUilltl ,.,L( J, 'JOt.JI!J, 1r. "I \ 1!1\ d

'(lUll~\ ll<> J~JIIIl,) lii'I I,IJlL) Jl'llliJ.) (llll' ~i!·'llll.) JlX(C(. l'll!";l11 '"(d lliJlll r) JllU1111 llll"'l~:'l._ ".ffuuc.l' '~tp t.fn p."'~ddi~J\\ Ull':"l 'IIIU."'~I '.li:'IUI mN:'Illcl ."l\ l

:'1\jl '':'\"''"(pu t~ ~ll!\\ U.'I;'I_\\J."'Il\ llid' U."'l\;'1 Ul' 'ilUI\\04' ' l (rllo.;.)J L(l~:\\ li

J&LH4'J.l l

J (.4'J ~ (

:>idll"d • t t:

urpJl'l" \J'lii'M'·""Il''4) Jt~Ul(tlf \ttl\

li\l'lll(tlf JU,'"~JH pllUU'"'

;'I,"\( I I! I ':i t :tHI \ .. , I

li«''P"II )f 'l''-'l'''f IF'""II \' ,"lllU1'f

J~"~'ll ;;:IF"~'i

\.nl"ll lll·'""<l J;'oillllllllf l ·"'='l4"·'"~1'f

ll' l llll'l \ " '4'1"11 rJ:'I.U~f 1 \l'::'fl'."'JPU\

''1.:"1upu.,II·1U£'1\' 41:..11'"\

•r "I


•11 Ill



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'r1 I\ r.q 1

1'111( 1 ~'t'}l J:tjiUll:'lf

ii>ll(J >Cll \pUI!Jfl Ill ll!l(iliiUI"I \ ~111"11

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''~ll\-''CI·"Ul.'J\ ruutll(~

..:1 \1'() O.:'tC\\

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1'\Pp.o) ]1'111'(1


lll'lU.l(tl. ) ',) t'Jf'UI~·)

tll'liP(Il, ) ,,IJJr_) lhhlll\

"'''J \ )1lt."'\;

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J IC_) lll:"~ Ul'UIJ

J.;\'1l'l(IU{J ". ) J,,J,"'Id



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11-'Hllll) untru IF'\\'\1 '·"!"':'! \\

'Ul'UU."PI\ lf P41~J'lf I t~JI'\

~i: • ·'llhld

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.;"lUI\\ •"~II;'IU,.,D

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hlJ \q :"1''<1 J.~_puu.'r lJI!ilt,, ''I\ · 1\ pp;iu\

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'l·""lf\ ·"ll.;llf.:'IIJ\ lhhllf\ ,:,,,,;:t,.,s \lh'J

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\ljJJnl\ ,,;a 1 ''Pll"ll}l II~..U01\ f ~II.)Ul\()

\."''f'IJ\ ~ll·"'ll·"'ll\ \Ill\

"''~"''"'" r """'"' ';"\UUt!f \I' I\ ."~IL\r.: \\ 111~,1~1

1;"\l'tjlWI\ li·"'U UIUI:I\ 1 U~1l{J."'~t"-1

111Uf.l\ ~~purr IJJJtt~

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10'\ llllllld

Je,,l..:a BJ1rd l r~~ Brl'Kll' JJ) lt~h.:r

JuJ1 (ol~>d \na I aur.1 ( 1Uih.'rr"~' \)IIUlii.'(IUIICnl..'/

Jthh llcdlund Onnfn: h1dn' ( (.'had Jam~:' \LUI t\...:nh

{reM~~: K1ng Ill 'han~: lt,.,IUillh\l

I ra\1' \1.1r11n llumtx•n,, \1.anllll!l' Ill Jcnmkr \11.:(. ,m,m ( hrhtOJllh:ro·<. .un Hm..:~..· ()rr 1 ara l,unung.

(.r.ugRJm .. ~..·\ Ja~mt: Rt,,tnh,,r .. ~..: ( rJI~ lh.m Ju,ttn ~'-"lwnnu\cr \dJill \1.11;1lltH"C

\ll~o·h.h.:l.a "'ii.1U~Iu.:r

\l~eh.,,·l \mllh \1.1r..: \,uN:Iu\\ \nd~ \\ ,t,h~U\\ II/

26 • People


\\ lh."J'l \h arn\-:d !"l.a~o.k .-1 1111.~ .ur .. pttr11n \\ J~o.lniJ lh~o.rl." \\,to;.J IC'l:l ,,, _glt'l(ll11111

1h.: .ur ,a-; \\C' .sll ,t~r~n~.,t tor ,,ur n.: .. ~~.·u,~ httm~ .. It l~o.'ilh ~,.,an lx· lhHI as .s m~o..i'ur~ 11

\\ .1 ... u tlu .. fl''llll I r~.-.thA·d th.11 lh~.· tnp '~·'' 11HH~o.' .. u~.~.~.--.. .. htlth.mlnutJall) tlwught

\h ~'"'' ''·'"' th..: htuldmg uhl rl." ... p.unn~ '''··tl httu .. \.·.., l)ur 111\.! our nwnth lug\.·th.:r ~\L hmn~.:J Jh'l

"nl~ ,, '-=t)t~pt.:r.HI\l' \\or~lllg rd.ttuln .. tup \\h1d1 .llhm..:d lh \t) ,1\,.'\'Pmpll'h tilt: ph~ .. , ~.:.til.!'~'· hut af,~,,,, 'I.""'~ 111 .t~.:~.~.·pt.ull'~. ttli­"Tani.'L'. "·nmp.t''''m .md r\.',run .. thlln' h11 "'.ll.'h oth~..·• .md mur~..· tlllt,.,rt,mtl\. lor ththl.." f...-...., l ollun.ll"~ th.Jil tHtr,L"I\L''

I hat '"" thl..' nllhl '.Jiu.thk· \.'\jll..'­nr-:1~~..:1..' 111 th~.· 111p It .tlln\\t..:tl lor .a n:h~th­

tll~ ''' d•r~"lhlll .• 1 rl..'l.'\ .llu.Jihtll 111 \ .thh.' '~ s­tl."nh .mtl rnnnllc ... . antt 01 \11111 Ill JX'f'~l.' .. II\ I.' fh,· t~.:ar-. ti'J;.It \\\;r~ sh,J ~l.."nt~.:rl.'d ''" lhl..' IJrl..'\\1.'11. th~.· llllf'-'nan\.t: .mJ unp;.1d ,,r th~ trtp and lh\.' pc-.•pk \\ho h•ud11:J u"

\ L'OIIplc lit tll~o.• \\tlf11CI1 h,J\1,.' J ... oo.

\."u.k:J h• tunh.:r lmdcr!l.t.mdmg of 1h~. '-!p .. uu .. h·,~alo. ng 'H' .t h.:\\ h.t\~d~­ h•L'\(llt'fL'Iuturt" \nluiH\.'l"r Ph'~r.tnh 111 ;~n dh•rt h•~r.:onuuu~ thL"tf 11~\\1\ lli~'"' ­

\."rt.:d '"''mmum~.ut 111 hunt; \..Ill"--......

History Clu Ph1 Alpha Theta. the Nat1onal

Honor Soc1ety in H1story, offers students 1n history the opportunity to meet distin­gUished h1stonans and to present the1r own papers at reg1onal nat1onal confer­ences.

Members 1nclude Adam Bryant, 1r Qumter, Mary Burkholder, sr., McPherson: Enc Gustafson. Jr .. McPherson and Ben Matthae1, sr., McPherson.

Accord1ng to Gary Entz, facult adv1sor Eps1lon-Eta Chapter. they ma be a small club on campus but they are hoping to grow 1n the future. Member sh1p 1s open to any student who has taken at least 12 semester hours 1n h1s tory w1th the average grade of 3.0 1n al h1story courses.

McPnerson College 1s home tc the Eps1lon-Eta Chapter of Ph1 Alpha Theta

Giving a port of students attitude towards teaching

Sl ry by B<>lh Kodd•~

Today·s Educators wanted to g1ve something back to the com­mumty as the1r way of say1ng. ·we were wanting to make a d1fference 1n the life of a child • sa1d L1z Wil­son, co-president

As the1r Chnstmas present to the town of McPherson they adopted a fam1ly The only facts they knew about the fam1ly were the ages. cloth1ng s1zes and gender of the k1ds. Clothes. toys and nonper­IShable food 1tems were left to be wrapped at the ·wrapping party."

The club also v1s1ted Roosevelt Elementary School right before the Chnstmas break to read stones . make paper w1sh chains, and share a treat of punch and cook­Ies The students traveled between the classrooms to part1c1pate m each of the act1v111es

'~ ' ~ t(\0 \_() ~ ~

ti Mus1c The Dance ( 'tub broucht nC\\ m­

tcre'>t to the campu> a> bdly danc­ing and Latin dancing le.,>ons started. \\'hat began a' something fun to do at mtenenn has turned 1nto an actl\e club. The\ \\Crc to ha\c appro\lm;tcl~ 20 attend the belly dancing and 15 the Latin dancing. ! he po-.-,ibilitie' for ne\t seme~ter include ballroom daneinl!.

··w~h the fi rst group of belly dancer~ they were very cnthusim,­tic about it and it wtl'• a lot of fun. Some of them wen: a bit >hy and \\ere thmking maybe somebody might think thcy \\ere doing ~orne­thing they shouldn't be doing. Quickly the] felt differently about that;\ald Mary Flagg. >ponsor.

The belly dancer~ gmc a "girb onl y" demonstration after the spring ~cmestcr stancd. The dance form \\as w.:ll rccel\cd and the group tnplcd thc1r numbers.

That's "hen thcv decided to be­come an ofTicial ~tub on campu-.. Dcni~c Ofl>\\Orlh\. \\c-.t Plams. Mo .. put together. the budget to ~ub1mtto tudcnt Gmcmmcnt \-,­'i'X:iation and ara Stm cr. Quinter. ''orkcd on T-~hirts for the mem­bers "ith the im.1gn1a of ··Bell) Danct: Troupe 2000:·

··Bell) dancing 1'- good C\Crcrsc for anybody. It IS Ycry graceful. a muscle dance as opposed to -.tcp dancing. There is not a lot of hop­ing around. It's jm.t plain fun and the laughter is great:· l'lagg said.

The Latin dance class started be­cause of the intcrc'>t of stuth:nh to learn ho\\ to ~alsa. Marcelo Ar'Juello. Quito. Lcuador. and Ana Gutierrc1.-Agui tar. Vcracrut. \1c\ico. were the instructor'>. They thought the -.tudcllh "ere ha' ing a good tune.

··1 1m c to dance. and there aren't man) places in \lcPhcr-.on to do

11. Saba is a lrnlc ditTicult becau'e oft he complicated dance steps. but the people '>eemed to like n. It " 'cry e\prcssi\ c and make-.) ou fee l alr\c:· Ciutrerra- '\guilar. said

rial!!.! -.a1d she has had funlearn­rng L~llll dancc.,\n~om: is able tn

learn 1 f the) \\ 111 gi' e n a chanu:. "The Latin dance has a lot ofh •1

mm e1m:nt. some of them arc the o,amc and other' arc just difl'cr~.: 11 enough to make me feel uncoordi­nated. It make' me laugh." she sa~J .

1 he Dance Club is planning l<l

cont inue offering dance class.:' nc\t fall and to explort! di fferent form' of dance. They are consiu­crrng btl\ ing some theme dances for the campus community where they ma) do -.ome perfomlance u' \\ell as mstruction. "h cryone 1' \\clcomt!. Pleas'

come 1010 U'> \\e ha\e plan' to e\plore di Ocrcnt dance forms and to ha'.: fun:· I lagg -,aid.

' Story b y Jun a K eever -30 • Club' & Organr/<liiOn~

/Jr.m I 0 /U"Ilt.tltiU\14 Qfl

\/,m,/olrgm/JtJ. (/m,mrt \he lh r. \ftauru JJ,,,,,,J~ ''"'"" ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,.,. C c1nllu \1.,,. llttgl!. ttl/.!

ltM(JIIfltltt··~i!lltftll IJh

c/aq '"'' ltllll!ht h1 ltJ.:udlo dnJ Ctlilh r~t:

I •mlt/r //,, halltt.l tltt tlm~c, '''I'' Itt tlrt 11 hom, lootJ, a1 I tlttJtJ,,,. and \/,wo I'll to h, A.1mm1

ll a11

bringS Virtual Reality Games

a n G e

Casino Night

to Water Games

pus Volentine . D

s once

On~ l·~hn~<H) C\cmng~\l:ll c­

mcntlilkd the\\ at" of the cali:tcria. "· thchuhhuh\\;Nl't;thnutthemeath 1f ,urpn'c hut Bh11ard of Bud.,. a g;u e ,(10\\ from "- ramer I nterpn 'c' '- u­dent- plao.:cd thctr name ttl a hat .. d "ere ~:ailed to tho.: 'tag.: to II') and " m ,1 JlllllUIC Ill ,llllllllC~ 11l<tChtndillcd \\ •lJ ~500

(.roup' oflnur \\Crc called a d chmmato.:d 111 g.une' and rda~' It c dnn!,.mgt•r..mgcJuJCct•utnlrub~ butt ~ and o.:hubh) hunn~ 1 'htl\ mg lo\\' 111 ~·•urmouth ,md ... 1~ ing '\:hubbv hunn~"l

ltnall~_lnurcmlle\tant- \\ c e n.tmm o.:d dtm n and a Ita 1" n rda\ ' ( hrh Plullip,.Jr Rt\cr,tlk. Lthf. .. J Robert \larttno. fr. San Otego. l t­It I . \\ere read~ to grah ,nme ca,h'

I he l'mal relay. ' tao.:!,.mg all ll<lllllg tra)' and bo\\ band balano.:u ~ and\\ .tll,.mg ann" the cat<:tcna \\ 11 them. emkd 111 a \o.:lllt-hcatcd dd•. tc t>n "hetherornnt \.lanmct,talkd \\ a 1-

mg li>tl'lulhp,tot;tll \ lantne/\\it'P ~

datnJ.x! th.: \\ Hlll<T anti '(lCnt nne nun tc

gr..tbhmg 11~ mg .:a'h 111 a b<" the 'tt.: f .1 phtlllC hoot h. \ 'i'a'tu.: group nf,tu­dent' <:hcercd hun on

S(, \ nm,tdered the C\ cnt .1

'u..:<·e". u'ulg the f..r.uncr( 'omp..m~ I )I'

other\\ dl attended C\ enh thnmgho 11

the )Car \/on ht .It'll Tmlor

SPECTATOR L .?»ey tftJ Affe.r roe S/tJ..(r

n tc 'tatluf the 'ipe.:tatur '"" bu· hh) car hccpmg up nn ;tilt he ch. ., and e\ ent- th;ntonh pl;t<:c <Ill can• ' Bntcc ( ktl} .• td\ hOI' •• 111d the

nc• ·•P.:r'wtl "''rhed unul tnurur jj, the mommg Ill get the hnllc't nc" 'pre" mtun~ litr the late'' cdt-1101 the paper C\Cry <tthcr I m lay

Qn ralukk'ons/ Spear tor SLI!/i

£ '/P Cau.forena cAwardo

C'41/uumt111iliu1F 2nd \,1/,J.\t..u ''

,,,b/, \(<t/II.JII II .. ~.If l///,•111 s~ni.·~ ll'l tlilltJ .

l.lud/, (/,,,,_,, Lt 11111 1' 'Ill<

~r.l L« IIIII 1''111<

,,,b/, \1.'111~<'11 \,u,,/1 .\l,•t<'l

·rr.mlp'\'1'' c/,.,,;qu: l11J h111dk r/<'11/

'CdiUNia/1\'l ilii(<J.' ..;>~ /.,, laud/, (1,,,~, I1'S

,,,,u .. \It'll/It'll f2 <'1111/t'•l/

' '""'' \/.1l't'l Sport~ frttlww.:

,,,bf, M,·111i.•11 r,, ,,~, Ti1d1

lull'liori"W~ d•·•(qu: Jblt \l<tlli.JII "'''"'I (it~"'

·I ufo.qmplii<~.

11d· ludtt 1' •\</•'"" 'Ti:a111r~li li'litiii.<J ·

IIOII•'Itlblt \l<tlli••ll

rti, ... , n,,,m1• "'" 'lft•tJdfliiL'II'Iilil\lJ· .!nd .\~.. u ... tfl \ftll t."l

I hc't: .tn: 'om~ oft hi.! ... tori-.:.._ t:l\\­

~r~d tht' '~ar .iii I t' c ·,,,~uh) n:,ign~d atth~ ~nu nf

dth) .:-Jr atnng" 11h all fh.: trnmthc ;tutn n: ... t .. 'lratlllll prt)gmm

41 \thkllt: ..cholal'>htP'" til he nlkm.l lnn\Omen\ \ollc) hall and ha,hcthall. and m~n\ ha,hcthall.

~ Jnhnllurdcn. P') dtnlng) m'tntc­tnr. re,tl!n~d .ttkr 26 \e,tr' at \lac W I hc~(,cmliln prngr.un \\,hdht:<>ll·

unucd "11h the hope' ot enhanemg the

"ram'h pr<tgr.un -4 I here" a' 6." pcrn~ntlullton m­

~r-.:a"~ t('lr th\!' ..:ommg ~ l.!

Groups share common goals

l cammg Ill r.:ach nul beyond th.:m,cl\ c' '' one of the goal' of ,Hidcnh "hom arc Ill\ nl\ cd "11h 1\:acclull} Sunpl) Together (P,I).

Peace \ \\an:nc" and l labtlat of llumanll~

\ccurdmg Ill Seth ( ,txxl. Jr. '\nm lllc. Penn .. the rca'l>n fnrthc Brethren l tkntll~ (.nlUp name change to p,, '' tu make the group more fncndl~ 1\l all ,tudcnh

"The group pro\ tde' kllm\­' I"P for ''utknh "llh a Brethren background. hut all arc "clcom.: f hc group 1emb to be more ceu­mcntcal and trtc\ Ill he more lllclu"onl\t." tiood 'atd.

ll abttat for l lumant l} ami Pea c.: ' " ar.:nc" !.!" .:' \ tudenh an opponunit) wmakc a th llcrcncc.

··rct>plc 111 gencml feel ,, rc­'pon\lbtht~ 10 "lCICI} "'a" hoi.:. rh" "a \\J~ "'fultill pan of that rc,pon\lbtlll)

\tu.l. nl\ ,, Ill ,.,,1/UI/ nrc,,,,' \ /t llo:, \,,,. tllld .!milt I til '"' hotllt ,,, ,,,,, I'·'~· 'fH'IU

n,. ,.,, t:rtlllf' "'"' l."'' lt~t '"''' /•If ,, Ut"'t /../1 HINt \ttlal'l w ,,, !rome ,., / .. n.ulldlt I nl' \pon l',,, "'' /c '""""'' jl \/,/'h•t"'" HmllttJ•Itl )I \hl'htt'"'' Cn11tlh Hm, \/, 1•hc1 ,.m C ,,,,,,,. ''""• r. 11 lldorc~ /u11,, \/,,,, RJ,,,,,/,' 11 1/unt,lourg. n ,, 11nd 81 lit• or, , /, \t•nn~Jitld \lo l'ttltln tflllffl\1 t•/ \lottlfl,,l(g

Psssst. Did you hear the news? We've

changed our name from the Brethren Identity Group to Peacefully Simply Together.

Pass the word.


I rutll \/ ,u"' IJtu \f'flnuH \/,,,-,,

RlrJUJ, Jt 1/.~rn,hul): Htm \..11! (K1tlr.l jr

'"'" ll 1\ nn lm\tJ ''nirh Jr. IJ,k,u lo"'IJ ,JIIJ(,,,,,flam11 HJ.~. t ru~t lntUnJa II( If, , I-11\MtJI'th Amr \1 It t~ If lllhlm' jr. ( t ntntll<~ A.u11 u11.J

IJ.hnac rlf" Jr \ ·I~ rrr

Habitat for HumanitY \/.J,c HhtJtl,l \" \ f,Jmn /J,.,. \.. t1

1111/JI ,., Jr. 'r'rm•tuM \J, lmw \rrmJ J, Ht a \II/,~: I mnwln &lhtth R.Jri.IC'\ {I th,,/ln,.J..I\,m

Manny ®i ez--M~et Cutt~r to Mi n i s l~r ,,...1 l "' r '' dll hour I lt'ti.S U•tnlltJ.f:' to llf"Cmne u uu tt

nttter. 11u•l-ee/ tf'OU!t.l almt' rn '/llcii1(."T\ ,uhl hdll't'' tm,/ ,,. roh Wd.s to brttaL· utlcW.,I I IPanr,•,J lum to cw rtnch ,m~l l.tu/J (>n \tlU \\(>f(' 12, \\hat did HlU \\JI11

to I wht:n )OU ~re" up? 1 rluml(lu rl ""'"LI /,.. roo/ to nm /11 rh~ /~>rt<t <11/ th .. trme I j, ''"

:1 m all krn.b 1>} "'""'''/ 'luh ill llvu on~..-1 Btth lz 1-m'lrunmtlll•!l

I \\~h ,our fir~ro.t joh~

I ~''*'.1 '" 11 gn~rr\' ·''""'far S I WJ

Q. \Vhat i' the mo~ro. 1 uniqut• ih'm in \OUr

refriger.uor~ ;\ _ \ • • 1\.rc/.·m( Ju1t \tliiC4'lhllt II P J:Ol

ur lt'\tl\ It u JIHI nght1 I pur 11 un t"f.Xl. hr/r and 1>«1 '"ab 1/rkP hot an./ 'f'l<''

Q. \\ ht·r«.' h the mo't unu, ual pia<,. \OU

hoi\ c bt~t·n? A , ln.rtu¥ Ameruan ... u't"IH /o.fK-... 111

\t 1duta It\ nia tu l't'ahiL' to mec.litUe m a p£1<~ Irk<• that J lwvluu'<'tl /{frtll name /or

G .. I \\'mtk.uouk<l Jhr G""' Mvrtnv Q. Do wu hO\c anv rwarh of "isdom to ,,a,, on to tht.• \tudrnt'?

:\ Go to <kll> <tnd do the '""* You mrlv hm'f' fouryt·a~ to put up wuh it_ It's not t!l,ll h,m/ Q. \\hat h.·i~un~ timt' acti,itie' do )OU


,\ Wntwg /'<"'11) , re.dml(. gnl(, mt<l tlmm•w'- thmg' tnvtmtl

( lub> & Organt/allon' • 35

I n•\icl<'lll: Dustm Gre~~ \ iff• 1 n'\hlt•nl: J....rh~Y Wdlr:)rns &. Ann:~ Ar:~~rmth

\.-c a·t •l.u- ~ ll"f'cl\un•a: S:~rJ i\lyer5-Cornpton


> .., rl

\tNnhN-\: Jen T:1ylor, RJchel Grms, SJr.lh Stovt.:r Genelle Wrne. Chrrs Br>ct.:~lr:J. LeArm-1 Hulce. K.::ltre Sue Nrcklm. Clms Rrce. Aprrl Benne, Steve Benne. Scott Mc[)eJrrnon

\ltnthtn of ( n-atnt fn, \tlf. a·n t'n)m m~wlltrtwll urt "'r u tn-rt•uhtdt t•/ Jf,.,, '1\ pt.~rt of tht• lln\ fin.- ..fn,. Bur/J . .': J,,/1,,,,,. o,,£, n~ .ft.''"" Bnmn. fmth Lt"MI\ J,mn Btll'):ttl. Uulm ('omtl"\ f'/'ltU,..'fJI"J. FnmtmH A'( I/, Frr~ J 1\flfnn•Jf'J, Jmt111 Bonkr (\Itt -prt>•tdt>nll. 1(1/ E~·,....nlt lpn ,,/, 1111. Ctlll Clcmm11 fl'rtl Ht'lllll', Ttmt tmlln. \,,, pu .. wr~ Ubwll 1/t~rtmt ,,, .. niUM lrt'U\Uh.r} A.Hu .. FullA Ttm, u..,unm ""'' At~th, frvn:

36 • Club' & Organt/itiiOih

,· 9nternational ltudent @rganizOt • I On

Cluh' &. Organ11ation., • 37

~rhaps you've seen the men and women who wear the distinct automot1ve Jackets and sh1rts. Maybe you already know them and one was a fnend who gave your car a Jump when the battery was dead? They are the members of CARS. Club (College Auto Restorat1on Stu­dents).

In order to ra1se awareness of old or ant1que cars they attend car shows and swap meets and hold the1r own fund-ra1sers. Th1s year they have traveled to severa dtfferent places to learn more about automobile restora t1on In January they went to a shop south of W1chlta that restores Cord automobiles whiCh were made dunng the

According to the1r 1980 charter, the1r m1ss1on is late 1920s and early 1930s. The club hosted a booth at a "to promote and preserve 1nlerest 1n the restoration of old swap meet 1n Wichita 1n February where they sold parts cars." To become a member a student needs to be an and talked ·shop" w1th other auto restorers. They also auto restoration maJor or a technology traveled to Hutch1nson to v1ew a pn-student. but according to M1ke Watson. vate automobile collect1on. faculty sponsor, no one would m1nd Club membership 1sn't ar visitors to the1r club. Th1s off1cers years hard work, they like to have fun too off1cers Pres1dent Jason Mayg,nnes. Among the other act1v1tles that the Jr .. Andover. Vice-president John CAR.S. Club members participate V1viam, sr .. Hutchmson, Secretary. mare restoration of vehicles. They Treasurer Chns Phillips. Jr., R1vers1de, are currently worl<mg on restonng a Cal.. and Pres1dent-elect Adam Mar- 1971 Cadillac convertible. They also tin. fr .. Bloom1ngton, M1nn. CARS. have open shop. when club mem-Ciub restores automobiles that are do· '"·"· """'' 1/tl, \,., ,,,, •. '·" " h,....,," " ' bers can use the eqUipment to work nated to the college. They are scruti- .lul "'"''"'"'''' '"''"' th. '"" """'"'' r 1 8 ' on personal proJects. They enJOY

ed t h th t th I b \lto11 Tilt ,fum 1 uth 11dc1111 t ,,,/1!111/t thtlll ~fJ · · h h b

mz o see w e er or no e c u , .. " . ,, , , 1, ,1

'" meeting t1mes w en t e mem ers should restore them. If reJected, the can gather together to swap stones car is sold and the money goes 1nto the program. and help each other w1th problems that they encounter.

luro Rnl.,mlll'" ""'' /,•,h t1UI''1..T\ Utult "" • ""!'It h th, lt'\ltlrllt/1111 ol cl / 111,­(umdtr•

38 • Club' & Orgamnt1on'

\lrcftlt'l, /ult ( luun,/1. (harbt· \h,u~thury: l.htu•n C~tU1 \lmtm. J11mn

''"!."tunol\ltlt'Hat m \lrdJ/, nm u~'-"'"" Atn \t"Mmllll ll ,uuO..HI\ ),,, ,,J, 1/u.J,,,, Itt HI, \lm-cmnt .ltl\1,, , .... , l I,.,,,""' mr.Joltt~/i fnt.tlO.



Ctn)! /ol/1111111 lllt•l.llm 1~1\1/t· H.ttJ. nm .lr11oh }cllll\ .lflmn 1/o/r•(hl<tl.! •' .1•111• lnwm ChrJM \, mo14t: /u,rm 1., IJ.~ttt! \.hnu1r• Rt\ Rt,:,rs, R,\, \l,tlt H til fit ,,... ( hn~ /'lutltp• ,,,J,J I t!l 1 \Ju• ,,,

[fiarl~s cA !!an rl(c;lin, ] r.

Yom dre:Jrn~ :Jre no\\' re:JI­Ity v\'e :)re 50 proud o(

I h:1ve :Jiw::tys told yo to re:1ch (or the st:1rs :1nd

you dlt\. So. qrry on, :Jnd fW•'> 1t on to the children entrmted 1r1 you Lbten,

Lc:Jrn :Jnd 1 e:1ch.

40 • \th & lndc'

We love you,

Je((& Mom

f1a nna 1v{arie


All the rnernor1es you h:1ve ~Jiven u~. th:1nk you. Your

love, ~mdcs, good d:Jys, n::td d:Jys 1-rom J n::thy to

;.'ldolesccnce, to ::t teen:Jger, now to:) wornJn. Your l1fe you sh:)red w1th us,

th:1nk you. Kut our Shonn::t 1s now 901119 to

rn:1ke 1t on her own, ThJnk you All om love to you


Yow- lov1ng, Gr:lndp:l & Gr:lndm~



To An~v- out little bu~nes:.

WhJt .1 'PectJIIOY you hJve been Jntl.con­bnue to roe to tiS. ~ Ve ;Jte so ptouc\ or your Jdw~vernent o( J

I colle~e ~e~tee. Thrs fW>t yeJt hJ> been so wonc\et(ul-­thJnks (or ber n~ '>th.:h J lovrn~ son :~n<l (trend We wrll rnrs'> you rnme lhJn you cJn ever· know

\ \!e love you.

o\\orn & 11:~.\ tAnnre & Peppet too')

l'f19(q To votl ~c~t [)u,tm

our ok!e>t ~n. You Qrne to ,\kPhchon

vou h~.! lob ot fun

You rnoveJ 111 ;tuft th~t ~~rely tit 111 yom Jorrn. You took m l~r~e -pe~ker; "' 1ttl11' were the notrn

You rnt!llob ot lid> >o h1~h you could '111~ You m~de 111~ ny (nend>

~e~~rne Horne.:orn111~ K111~

You ~ccornplt>he,! ~~~ lh111~> OVCI~Ornlll~ e~~h hur,{le,

Who knt:l\' your hr~~e>l (e~t would ~e >Llttln~ ~' .1 turtle

) ou h.1J lll~ll)' ~ ~t<!~lj'tOf<!>>Ot o(lhts I Jo ptob'

they tiK>tl~ht o( you l> ~ ltne votlll~ rn~n

I ~ould onl) ~ll<!»

Yom ii1ture looks ~n~ht h.:Qu>e vou h.we ~

\ -..:e love vou ~ut ,{on t wom· Ve \\On t :),f..: you to PlY u> ~lcl1

Love Morn & D:Jd

42 · Ad~ & lnde'

1\gzalynn () ''!Oe!/ You be~:ln lle shu~~ ~ In~ to l1ve. You

continue by ltv1119 ::1nd lovtn~ to the Fullest whtch ts how you serve God, too Uohn 3·16). We ~re pwu~ o( you

Love. Mom & D~d


·r:uan Hhnzli/L From )'Out f1r;t rnetli·I\Otkm~ h1rnm<:t to rm.:hmm~ plrt> for~ i\\l'well Were proud o( vou l~cornpl.;hrnenb'

LO\e, \\om. DJJ. Jeternv & StuJtt GtJndrnJ & GtJnjpJ ,\\11111 ~ P.lpJ .'

1Paul 'E. 1Proc~e

Through yout 1oumey o( I1Fe, continue to rn:tke

conflqent qeCISion:. ~nq cho1ces th:tt wdl btln~ you h~ppme)s M-1y ~II yout go~ls ~nJ dte:tms come

tue. We h:tve ~lw~ys been ptouJ o( you

With bless1ngs ~nd love,

D<ld & Mom

arafl ([f/ui~ tina CCrJnc~tein

Nevet stop te~chm~ For yout dte<)rns. We w1ll :tlw~y) be

thete w1th love qnd support.

D:td. Mom, S~lem, Z~c. )~cob & R.lchel

Ad' & lnd~\ • -13

44 • Ad; & lndc\

Clavton :ranzed· 'Parter

Just :1 Color:Jdo Roy!

From w:mtrn~ to be :t cow­boy, to :1 zookeeper. to the only pebon lh:Jl pl:Jy> rn

three rro(es>ron.:tl sports, to bem~ .:t le.:tcher.

R.:Jbe, I thrnl you rnJde the rr~ht chorce.

Love you, "'orn

S:Jrnrme, "'oily & lv:Jn

D~d , H~nd me the H~mmer

I see 21 dent th~t needs to be hxed!!!

Congr::ttul~ttons on~ job well done!

:Jolin c~L 'D 'cf~malo

AT. Automohde Restor·~tton

Love, Morn. D~d . Lor1. ...... B;Jbette


1?..icf1ard 1\_~aziJz

Frorn (;) rrner to (ooHd l pl:1ycr to tc;)chcr' You (111-l lly l\ld tt' We Jrc so

proud o( yot(.

1\ ll o( our love,

K11n Shelly Cole!

\ \'h~t ·1 guy' You :tl~''lY' ,cern to ' ~o htgh 1

\ \'oodworkmg -1-=-ldcmtcs, 'rorb. lc:tdcr,hlp-­

you ve excelled 111 .:1ll 1

Congt·:~tul:-tttom' Go l1ve your drc:nns, le.:Jcher .:1 nd

co:~ch '

Love. ,\\om &. D.:1d. Doug 1 t.:)\'1'>. Du.,ty Gr:tndm.:J &

P.:J Gr.:Jnclm:~ &. Gnndp.:J Rcrg & Gnndp:'l f I:Jgue

Th:ml you God for ToJcl'

\ c.b & Ind.:\ • .t5

I Nt/ -\dam-., t... cndro1 I 81"\.tnt. \dam Dur:m, Rud.\ltll \1 IIJ~U<. T•>dd \ 16. 17. ~~ ~5

-\~u1ar. KcJII'• \ Ou.:hanan. \l.rl R Dur .. t. Jenmlcr R llamud-~lCoro. \lumro l1 \i!u .. un. Grc~'~ .\ llu.:hman. ( het l ra ... t~..-r. l1...-s \I ~-~. :~ llanLII~.I ""' ). 42 \lc\aoder. Jo,huJ f • 17 Bul~. \lall 1-a,tcr. ~t.l(tC l ~~ llanl~r.l\ <. Reed '\ \llc.11:~. \pnl 0 ~q Uuller.Jc-,~ E~N,Ic. \.1llm:c L 1'. 'h II.Jfl!IU. R_)an \ I' \llen. \ml>cr \I 21 Bui);Ctl. Jcnn~ .• _ -· , . ~6 fl·llalabt. R.m.t \ ll.urer. l cc Ja) .\lien. \ha"n \1 Bum ... \IKIJ (.' 29 I::. IIJon. J,m \\ llam,, Carohn P ' 2 "ndcr-on. Scott r Buttler. Je!J .. e l ll'\\\onh. \Jrun I IIJ)th:n, T1mt1lh) C .... I" 19 Antln:''"'· ""'tophcrwn Huum. \hchacl \ I nm~uct • ..,tcphcn \ ~\} 11.1~ 1.:'1. Scour t \ndrc\h, \jH:hoJa, ( a~.:al. \dam l·uh. 'tOun Yong I kdlund. Jo,h ;6 Arn ... mllh. Anna ( ..... .... ]:! C Jrr. UnJn K 24 I .. qui\ el. Jc,..,lca R ... .. , J,1Q llcm. Kdl} DJ\\ n

~ \rgucllo. \r1.u~L'lu .......... .... 11 Caner. Walle M bqullCI. R)'an . 37 llclhm.\ C. Arnold, Anthon} L. Jr ( hala,ht.ln. Ja!!Oll [~tr,.J,I, Rc 1 nlJ 14 lkndn~o.·l..,, Sarnh \1 .. 1~ 29 hchcnhrenncr. rami)" 1.. {'hJnC)". Tt.!n R """'· llr•mJon 0 llerbcr,. Jay B ... I 19

Au!)tm, fhorna .. U .\(, (. hcouham. Jcnmfer Dc\\,ld bcnn.<.)mlu.l Jlcmtan. Ju,un ( \\lla. \tanucl <. ( honnell. C l.ul..e J' I '~"•tu, Uc\ erl~ J llcnnann. ( her Oamhndgc. I ll.h N (. h1ldc~. l...1tnna I Jlrn!!, Torr .. ·~ \ I I kr'T'era. \ndrca K -~ Oamter. Raqucllc ( hn,hp. \lu.:haell ferrer. Joth M llcu. \ndrt\' llJ1er. L""' ''A . Jr 1~. 17 ( hn.!>h!ll>tCn. \ 1cl..) 24 lanoml.•hl, B1ll lhll.llubb) \ .. . I :J Patm:1J l. (. hn,l! I Jlth 4 lm:h. Tra9 11tll.(h.trk' I Ua1rd. Je.,,,l·J 16 ( IJnnm. (Jtlhan F- .. ........... ~6 l1~hcr, Ja~ 1(1 llonlm~cr. J.a~o.:(')b L. Balun. \\c!!k') P ( lau3-.<"n. Tara 0 . f•,hcr. Ju,ttn D I h•Otn.Jn. t..;arah C l:brl..h."), I h1ahcth 15 l hhllll. IJn,m R r ~-.her. Shaun 1lllj:.ll1. K•ml>crhc BcJ..:h. I)J\uJ \I (. lm' er... Grant D . .. - ..... 1~ Hu..Ml. Jcnmlcr llf'h~. l)amd R. < . J

Oca..,lc). Brad Cfk.:lnc::l. Da\ld L'). Jant.'llc K 13 lloltr), \1.111~~ 0 llchnk<. \ma1111.J R Cc.1(1:.SCI>II-\ ;!J 1Q h'nll.l. \lrnlf.'ne llnlt.....:hlag. Jame!l \I Bdi.ChO ~~. :!9 ( oh:mJn. \lh!l-\.-'" OTam 14 hml. \ntonll' 1'. ~~ lll"''l\l:f. 1\dl~ J fdd1e \ Col!:man. (. ameron C Ft"h:r. Rdll.'n:J 114lfll. \(1.'\ander L • llcn-03\ u.l. Dl~ the ( olcnlan. (. J.ndr.J (. ~4 I mn1, 1\:Jth) R I h1non. \Ill :tOO D

lkn·Oa"d. R)an G - :!-' CnnrO). UnJn l . - !~ rr\.'\:rtUn. Lutl.'lla A 21 I Ionon. ~I.Jt.:l Hench. Brandon (,)lhtlcn. SJf3h ( 5.:!~.-H h'~t:. Lc,lu.· lhmcii.Jam~ . :!0. ~J ~ lknJJmln. Jr.i.hana~ha .. ~~ CurJ,,, a. IJJnJ L 24 I un~. J...)lt< \I l lud'*'"· R .... :! .. ~

Benn<. \pnl Q, .2-l 16 (.olton. t\.cnnelh \ I unl.. l.l<.:C) J llml!*\n, Ja..on P Benne. ~IC\ en I) ~ ~J (rnnk.' J1ll Gallo . ..,abnna ~I l luh.:c. lc.-\nna !... Bcnmtidd. hh,anJ., II { rl.'"'· 'hanu:a 29 (tarncr. llc.&th A I~ llukll. K)lc \1

Ue\C:r.,lro:a;,c) \ Cnpc. Addma I 15 (ienns. Su-,.Jn llull./achM) J Btt:dcml.m, r m\1, (TO\\, \letona L < un~ru.:h. \tan<l l n~clhan. John 7.12.1'J o,~,e~ll3. ("hrt~otophcr Curran. ( hns 29. n Culdlrc). \1arl.. I) lmm. Courtnl') ~

Bmcr, Ju,un II D' Amalu. Jnhn 1\ 24. JS. 44 Uncv. Jcnntlcr 1'~ 1 o,tdto. ()nofrt.' .. . 26. 3 7 tll\en,. J<l,nn R Oa~cn. i\mam.l.a Ciood, J1wh 16 Jamc,. tho.u.l '6 lll.t<'~l.x;k. Dolla, ..... 7 Da\I ... Ju,tm GIK>d, ~·h J 15 Jnnwn. llrcnd3 l. 14. I ~ ·~ llhd .. '-'n'IJff, Conn I 2M DJ\ 1~. 1-..cnan 0 ( nOOm. S<unud I I J .. uwm. Kalhl) n llllcken,tafT. 1-rm ~s I>Jlh, \\aco JS (ioul\h), OJ\ uJ \ J .. m/cn. H.1on H. i3{><c~h. IJ.101<i '\ IX lkUue. Jc'-"-' .\ Cir.aham. \.tadclmc 0 J.:Oe-N>n. I a T1,ha \1

Bolhnger. \lur~1e R 5 De La Torre. Oa"n \I Gr3\ C\, D.l\ IJ R ... II Jcnnm~;!l. Uamel P llonl~o.·r . Ju,tm _ll\ Dd~ad~t-\lunoz4 0-,car '>. 24. ,., Cireg1;. Du .. wa :!~. ~2 Jcn~n. T~ler 11 !lorn. llr.tndlln \I Lk\lo"''· Shonna ~-t .:!~. ::!9. 40 finbhk. ·\n(;\'la J Jtlhn,, \lar..:1a L Born. Brandt lknnmg.l:lill (,nlfm. Tumlth> \ John1o0n, \m) I Boughfman. \hdtad I ().:)0, JJo,(.ln 0 J~ (inllo. \dcbu~'la 2~ John"o(ln. <_,rcg~\f)- R Bol\man.lh.1 1"' IJtu. I rani. \I .111 ~4 Gnllo, .~dcd.lnhlll J~,hn...on. \111:hcllc \1 BoY. !l<r. ShJiond.l l D•v·l '11Jrza. \n3 \"<tli.:t Cinmt". \n~d.1 J''hn.\On. S Urcnl '"'· 2.1. ~J -Oo}ntdn. Jum IJIII.I mtl> l. Gru:..,. Ra..:~l L J,,hnwn. Stm) a R Brotll..~. Trc)o D"on, Ka1h~ Gu~taf"'>(m. f nt.: <. Jpm.-... ( hdc \\. Jr Oro" n. Bradlc) (' ()raper. Br.mdon D Jo1\,t.,, Da\ld T On>\\ n. llrcanl J3~r.,:v~ .. IJrap<r. \t.mah L t.ulaem:J. \hnme Jonc'. Pamela R. Um" n. Jc .... li.:a Dudl.llrand) ~4 • .:!9 llaggard. ( Ia~ IJ J\)1\(" ... ~JI11 u ........ Brubal....:r. Peter(. 24 Dun..:an. lC\C JM IIJgu.:, fA,ugl,h R J,,nlJn. (. Rand)

46 • Ads & Index



( h~.ul~-- \ 1. \\dliam.Jr



\h:l'he~\0, Jcllre~

\kat--. J~:mu!Ct

\knda ~~~"'· R,1llcr1o \h:nda, (,n:~t'l') \

\k~cr·Kth.~. Rhea l \ lh:Jr.r....,. \nn \I \lt~lh~ ( hn .. \ \fillet .. l" ..... ''~a \I \f,mt..:. I hJdu: \fof};:.lll, I ~Ur.l l \ltlrrdl. Dvndk J \ lurrl". \lt~had R \ lurrh;. Rhonda t \I U,l!t"J\~. '\t.·l•ll P \I~'-'"· \Jt<lf( ,unplt.-nJ ,,mta ... \1ar.,_,,

'J\Jm'. \laru• J ' ,h.t\\ndra 15.20 ,d...,ln. llur~Jn 'l'lht:r1lln. '-;hJnt.': IX. I'J. :!IJ '"'u""·h, to.;.oll nnJ \,c\\U~mcr. l)bre J l'C\\II1illl. I httn1.1$ A

" 'dmh, DJ\ td R 'ljh:~lu,, }l.athcnnc :n ''~h. (n..:t~hcn ~ ~Q

'' ~•'· \la'u 'Uf'I\Wnh). (her)! il .:'!5. ~'

Rh<\.ltk,. \bnc \ Ru.:~. ( hrt,ftlf'hl!r (, R~e.:h:tr-d ... I >a' td \ t R1,hdl. I n:dd) \1 Rt,crJ.I "~'""'\I Rt.unhm""·· J.s\ me Rt.'llman. "'l1..1~t \ Rodn~ua. l ''''nne Ro~l..'r ... Rc\ Ruu, Antlr..:~ R).ln.<. rat~ Rtth.a. OJ., ad 'Jiupd. J,,-<rh n '-;am land, Peter(.

".amml~'"· lknm .. l)

"-..mchct, \iJn ... ul S;.lll~.:h .. ·t, \1ldlJd I "".snJcf'-. I A '\Jmkr-..1 J~ ~thcd. Jultc ">t.:hnudl. 1\.,Uh) I "'ldli.Xllc). llc~tlhcr 'J ...,chotlll<l\Cr. Ju,rm S~.:hn~dcr. JeO"re~ \ Jr \dlUit. \1tchdk I "\ch" otnt. (A·utg Sdt\\JnJ'. J.Nm l t:l'

Scun. Jellcr~ \

1J, 1j


:!II. ~I

'.J 'l'r'"\~rd'' · I Dent~ Scah. John \ 0'(. Jm, ( hmh,rh~r ~n ··u:ar .... TrJ\ '' O"l>dl. Rutal)nn J ·-·-·-- 9 • .J.:'! \dx·-.. 'an..:' R.

,... Orr.Uro~~

Oudlcth:. ( hc:-n L .,3~o.l.' , lll\l('

.:!b ,,"l!'-'· \kit ....... l.J 1-\ PJr~"- Laura \

P.Jr-<11. TrcnH'n II ~-\ P.I)Ue. J.tml•,[

l'cdrt' . ..._._.,,rdc \1 l\otdu. 'h.'\t:n F

1!tl 1\:tllho.lOC . ..,;_~)~ f­Pictkl n~.1n Plctll.lknm' L .Jr

·-· .. :!6 , ...... ~ct. R)an (. '-,\.'gll\ IJ Tl'Tl~

S..:nu. \1Jn- I ~c,cr-..1\.nnl\!.:rh I \~ mnur. (. hn .. tuph...·r \\ '" '>hJm~"'l'· ( hJrJc, \ • 111 " '\h..:ch. \lh ... on \I ~-.,

'tk-llcr. (. hn ... tm"· "'l~t\1-ah.:r. kr.:m~ \ "ihufdt Jnlk:c \1 Stmp-..t.,n. Tunoth} St.temurc. \

1~ • .:!II. 21

" 2l

Phtlhp ... ( hn'h'phcr P .::!5. )!ttl Slaughr.:r. \l~~.:h.u~la l,h,lhp ... '\t..:uk 29 ~mtth . \nt'J \1

Pl'lltl11!!. TarJ .:b \math. Btll) Ra). II

25 2:'i 21> ~(>

Pl'rtcr. ( ht~llm J s. 2~ . . n . .w \mnh. 1\.Jte I'Mh:r. LJndon T 1\mer. ~1Jilhc" \1 1\'1\l'~· lJ !Ia U

~ ls Puxtor. Ben IJ ::!'"' Prl'"-'· l'aull

(Jumt,UIJ_ Ja' tl..'r!l , Tnn~ Ra~cth. r>u ... un

..:!~. l\ R..ut .... Jam..-... J RJtnc) Jc....,.,._a RaJlllrC.t, SI.'~u, .. Jr

:!h RJm~"\ , (. ~ l ~ R..lln~.., , A

RJu, \1al>vnru K.l}

RJ\ ..... ~ ... u.1 .:!!\ Rt."Vm. Rt ... hJ.Td ~-- Rcgt..:r. rknru,

Ret~.hl.'n, l n .. · (

""muh, \1Jr"·nll \nuth. \1u:hacl ..................... .. ~mtt h. lnnnth) II Snodgra ..... I>J\ al J SmKI!!rJ''· Summer I '\llfTtll. \1 ~t .i u ~luder. 1\.d II l I"' "tpcl!r Hr.tnd~ ""fllUic. 8 11!

2~ '\t.JI..\~otlrth. Ja'-=4'h -\

~1arr. T "'' '' "'cl!-man. \lthnda ~q

11 !'.ttemc.;r, ~dl~ ~

~IClllC.:T. J.;:~,.'\111 J ~h '-.tCIIl('rt. ~unh...·rl~ 15 ~~~~hh.'r \ hducl .\ 1~

~lll\Cr. I h1a~th 1~ IQ, ll, 11

21 \h.,..~r. ~-\~" 25. 4"' "ttndhn. \lnlh \1 2Q

~trMtCf, 'Jlr.C}J.a \ I ~U. ~I

P. ::!5 '":rhJm..: • :!~

\umra1. Dcrn~L I "iumrul. ~~ronna Roanhor-.c :! 1 ""am. D.uudlc '"I.''!!""· \n~da \1 ~\\11/I.'J, JanJ ...,_ ~" 11/\.'f, rrc .. lt."ln 1 TJ~ (,,,, Jcnmkr I>

fa\ltlf". ~'"b fh•t"',JcaU\. f\ kr fhtc,\.C"n, "-Jthn·n Th4'lle Broul' R Th'mr~'"· Ur.:n II I hum~m. I h .. ..a \ I lhnh J..:c, m ( r,nd. Jr~l 0 h•htd ... I\.Jitl'

r.,nc~. \rJ TrJnLma. Dtlh-.n r ranl tn.l. ,~,~ lc \ rrc\tnU. \lchnd.l . , 1-.,hudm. RL·

furncr. Tunic. \manda T~ lcr. I nul~ I l 11um. Rci"k;u:a l ·Inch. \ni!da t nruh-{ Jl\.'\. '\tcolc ..

\ aknL '·'· Rna \lam: \.in~hm \131\.·

\1\ tam. Jt,hn I II \ rlt .. La. \hchJc-1 \\ .tt;Lmcr, \ndr .. ..,, P

\\.ahr. \hh\ \\aldrun. \ntlll'n) U \\a her. l 'nn

\\l!a\cr. I tn~•lh~ \\chncr. 1\.alt~ \\.:11 .... \mJndJ R


. ~I

.. 13 .. ~<,)


\\ cmp. I mmcn l ~ \\ hllc \,m'ltl (. 1~

\\ hllc. '}Jn.:\ I \\ten ... Jcnndl:r H. \\ tlham ... Buhbt \ \ Wilham,. £>ann) D n \\dlt;.lm'-. H)(m~ \1 \\ l! ... 1'-n-,unJ l ...... 6. 'J. ~5 \\tlltJnb. ~I tim ... \\ tlhJnh. ''chnlc 3~ \\ tl hJm~. Ru-."ol'lll\. 19 \\ tlltitm"nn. RLmald \\il'-011. \ J \\il't(m,llllab.:th 2.5 Wti'-4.\R, Jthhu.a L

"'''''"· Ru ..... l.'!!l \\me ( icncllc R ~~ . 3..$ \\me lc\nn IJ I-\,:!9.J:! . 1~

\\ ullcn"'·hncu.l:cr, O:alt­\\~llk,rl!, ( hn:!<~tm.l \t


'\an,. lan~ ~:-, 'cnn>, JJ ... 4•h J ~5. 3:oi /,'lt,L, Ja ... m R 13

Ad' & Index • 47

-t8 • Ads & Index

Quadrangle Staff Spring Issue

tudent Life Section Editors : Caleb May. "nung Ttm Smtth. de~tgn

Sport s eetion Editors: t-.hchdle Johnson. wnting Summer Snodgra~s. design

People cction Editors : Juna Kec' cr. "riting

ancy LaPrad, design

Adu rtising Sales a nd Design Edi tor: Amanda Dagen

Ph otograph) Editor : Kimmi I logan

Ad' iscr: Knsun Boyer. director of college communtcauon>

Des ign & Ediror ia l assist ant : E:mtl) Le\\i~

The from co\er for thi> i>suc \\as dc'>tgned by Nancy LaPrad and Summer Snodgra,~. The collages for the bad cover \\Crc dc>igncd and created by student' 111 Prot: Kelly Frigard"s intermedia an cla;,s. The art ist;, featured arc (clockwise from upper left corner ) Justin Border, l: mily LC\\ i;,. Val H1crsolc, and Kevin Thn

I ht'> tssuc "'"published by the McPhcr,on College tudcnt Go' ernmcnt using> collected from student acti' tty fcc ... One thousand coptes \\ere printed at Mennonite Press 111 Nc" ton. Kam.a'>

5 6 58, .. 5 66 2 . ...
