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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Pre Colombian Civilizations Meso-American civilization Andean civilization
  2. 2. Meso-American civilizations CULTURE LOCATION DATES Olmec Gulf coast of southern Mexico 1150 BCE800 BCE Zapotec Oaxaca, particularly Monte Albn 500 BCE900 CE Totonac east-central Mexico 500 BCE900 CE Teotihuacn central Mexico 400600 CE Mayan (Maya) Southern Mexico and Guatemala 250900 Toltec central Mexico 9001200 Aztec central and southern Mexico 1400early 1500s
  3. 3. Evolved in Meso-America (part of Mexico and Central America) and the Andean region (western South America) These were extraordinary developments in human society and culture
  4. 4. The Mesoamerican scripts deciphered to date are logo syllabic often called hieroglyphic scripts. Five or six different scripts have been documented in Mesoamerica but archaeological dating methods and a certain degree of self-interest, create difficulties in establishing priority
  5. 5. Mesoamerican writing is found in a number of different mediums The Mesoamerican book was typically written with brush and colored inks on a paper prepared from the inner bark of the ficus amacus.
  6. 6. it's located in the mid-latitudes (between 10 and 22 N) of the Americas in the southern portion of North America, encompassing much of the isthmus that joins it with South America. Situated within the wider region known as Middle America, lowlands (those areas between sea level and 1000 meters) and altiplanos or highlands (those situated between 1000 and 2000 meters above sea level).
  7. 7. HIGHLANDS The highlands of Mesoamerica generally contain two separate regions: the mountainous zone of central and western Mexico, and the highlands of Guatemala and the Mexican state of Chiapas.
  8. 8. LOWLANDS On the southeast coast of the Gulf of Mexico, in Belize, and in southern Campeche and Quintana Roo, rainfall can be quite heavy. The lowlands, however, offered a great degree of variability usable flora and fauna resources.
  9. 9. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND FAMILY LIFE SOUTH Wide gap between rich and poor. Hierarchy of wealth and status. Few cities poor transportation. Women more powerful men die leaving property to widows. NORTH Was a gap between rich and poor but not as wide as south. Because of harsh weather industrialization begins. Growing population fertile people/not soil. Early marriage = high birth rate. Women would often die during child birth.
  10. 10. The Mayan civilization was developed around 2600 BC in the Yuctan area in Mexico and Central America.
  11. 11. Also called Formative Period, because is considered that in this period great cultures were developed. It also developed others activities such as the metallurgy, the ceramic and the elaboration of textiles.
  12. 12. The Mayans had many gods, and each god represents a natural phenomenon. Between the most important Mayan gods are: Hunab Kukulkn Chaak Kinch Ahau Ah Puch Ex Chuah
  13. 13. They made sacrifices in honor of their gods. Initially they made sacrifice with animal but later with humans. The mayans had a holy book, the Popol Vuh where tell about the origen of the world, the history of the gods and the Quich towns.
  14. 14. God controlled everything. Priests had great influence because mayans thought priests could talk to gods. GOD HAD CREATED HUMAN BEING FROM MAIZE AND WATER. GODS KEPT THE WORLD IN ORDER AND MAINTAINED THE AGRICULTURAL CYCLE IN EXCHANGE FOR HONOUR AND SACRIFICE. Rain God Snake Sun God Jaguar Death God Bat
  15. 15. The Maya economic system was largely based on agriculture, craft production, and trade. The backbone of the Maya economy was a middle class made up the workers and artisans who produced goods that the trade networks required. Through farming, domestication of animals,and the development of personal employment through acquiring sought after skills the middle class of the Maya developed an extremely complex trade network that was overseen by an elite class that made up the governing party.
  16. 16. Trade was the main factor that kept Maya cities growing economically. In summary, the economy of the ancient Mayas was running by a middle class under the supervision of the elite class. Resources from all over the geographic regions of the Maya world and beyond made up the economy of the Maya. This system was a form of free market trade, except in the major cities in which the local government had direct control over the trade networks and economy.
  17. 17. The Mayan music was made in group. The instruments of percussion was very important. In this time not existed instruments of rope. The Mayan music was based in two types of instruments: Wind: whistles, flutes and snails. Percussion: turtle shells, xylophone,
  18. 18. A family of American Indian languages spoken by Mayas 6 million indigenous Mayans still speak Mayan language. Most of them live in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. Guatemala consists 21 known Mayan languages and Mexico consists 8 known Mayan languages. Most of these are derived from 5000 years old language PROTO- MAYAN.
  19. 19. One of their most fascinating inventions. There were many calendars but most famous Mayan calendar was LONG COUNT CALENDER. This calendar consisted 260 days. In this cycle runs for 52 solar years before they are repeated. This calendar ended on 12 December 2012.
  20. 20. The region is generally divided into three loosely defined zones: the southern Maya highlands, the southern (or central) Maya lowlands, and the northern Maya lowlands. The southern Maya highlands include all of elevated terrain in Guatemala and the Chiapas highlands The northern lowlands cover the remainder of the Yucatn Peninsula, including the Puuc hills. The southern maya highlands are at an elevation of 4,220 m (13,845 ft).
  21. 21. Climate in the Maya region can vary tremendously. The climate of the northern Maya lowlands can vary greatly. The southern lowlands receive much more rainfall and, climatically, contain tropical and sub-tropical zones. Unlike the highland regions of central Mexico, the southern Maya highlands are generally cool, temperate in climate, and covered in thick vegetation.
  22. 22. Ruled by powerful semi-devine kings called Halach Uinic. Highest authority in maya city centre. Chiefs and Priests: served as advisers to help carry our government functions. Priests: lead rural practices including sacrifice and offerings. Population largely rural used cities for primarily religious centres.
  23. 23. EVOLUTION OF MAYA CULTURE Olmec 1200-1000 B.C. Early Preclassic Maya 1800-900 B.C. Middle Preclassic Maya 900-300 B.C. Late Preclassic Maya 300 B.C. - A.D. 250 Early Classic Maya A.D. 250-600 Late Classic Maya A.D. 600-900 Post Classic Maya A.D. 900-1500 Colonial Period A.D. 1500-1800 Independent Mexico A.D. 1821 To The Present
  24. 24. The architecture was of aspect religious, so the cities represented ceremonial centers. Between the most important was located in Copan, Piedras Negras, Tikal, Palenque and Chichen Itza. All the cities had two types of edifications: the Temple and the Palace. The Temple was rectangular and was built on others pyramids. The Palace was the dwellings of the priests and officials.
  25. 25. Decline No one really knows what the cause of the Mayan's decline. What they do know is that over population occured as well as over use of land. Therefore less crops grew each year. This period also consisted of warfare of the city states. This disrupted their trade. There could have been a possible drout and as a result, there was movement to a better location. In the late 800's, the most Mayans abandoned their cities. There were very few cities left, but they managed to servive. Eventually though, the Toltecs attacked the Mayans
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