mayan astrology explained

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  • 7/30/2019 Mayan Astrology Explained


    Mayan Astrology Explained: The


    If youre looking for anArt NouveauTarot reading, orWestern Zodiachoroscope, then author

    and Druidic practitioner Erik Oakenshield is the man for the job. A true modern renaissanceman, Erik has more than a decade of experience under his belt. He can also be seen writing for

    Oranum, a worthy site for horoscope readings.

    The astrological practice that many of us are familiar with is that of the Western convention.

    What many of us are unfamiliar with, however, isMayan astrology. While conventionalastrology has its roots dug heavily intoGreek culture, Mayans shared their own set of standards

    with the rest of the Mesoamerican natives. These practices were adhered to for centuries until thepeople and culture both were all but decimated by Spanish invaders of Central andSouth

    America. Fortunately, the tradition of Mayan astrology has survived in small communities, and

    even though it is not well-advertised, its secrets are waiting to be unlocked.

    Time vs. Space

    Greek astrological concepts oftentimes have to do with space. The year itself refers to the earths

    specific position on a plane, circling the sun. Your zodiac sign is determined by what

    constellation passes through the zenith in the night sky on the eve of your birth. Mayanastrology, on the other hand, is based almost solely on time. Thats the most important thing to

    realize here, as this is what makes it very hard to calculate theMayan calendarin correlation

    with the Gregorian. They still used the one standard rotation of the earth to calculate day andnight (sun-up to sun-down to sun-up again), but after that base unit, almost all semblance is lost.

  • 7/30/2019 Mayan Astrology Explained


    The Mayans kept their own systems of time, starting from a day 0 (simply a starting point for

    their calendars, close to 3100 B.C.), with different calendars repeating in a base-20 system. The

    most common is theTzolkinCalendar which is made up of 13 repetitions of 20 different days.

    To make it more comprehensive, imagine that instead of having a7-day week, we had a 20-dayweek, and (just like in the 7 day week) each individual day had its name. The 20-day week

    would go through 13 cycles before resetting, resulting in a 260-day year with a unique

    astrological significance assigned to each of the 260 days.

    The day-signs or sun-signs are the significance given to each day in a 20-day cycle. They are

    each linked to one of the cardinal directions, which have significance of their own inMesoamerican astrology (East implies initiative, North represents the mind, West is

    relationships/encounters, and South signifies feelings/emotion). Here are the sun-signs and their

    corresponding characteristics:

    Imix: Crocodile/Alligator (East)Creator and nurturer

    Ik: Wind (North)Idealist, adaptable communicator

    Akbal: Night/Hearth/House (West)Serene, enduring

    Kan: Seed/Lizard/Net (South)Influential force, fertile

    Chicchan: Serpent (East)Mysterious, i instinctively wise

    Cimi: Transformer/Transformation/Death (North)Full of faith, disciplined

    Manik: Deer (West)Active, familial healer

    Lamat: Rabbit/Star (South)Constantly moving and thinking, funny and intelligent

    Muluc: Offering/Water (East)Emotional, imaginative

    Oc: Dog (North)Loyal friend, team-player

    Chuen: Monkey (West)Artistic, clever, attention-receiver,_Tzolkin,_1999.JPG
  • 7/30/2019 Mayan Astrology Explained


    Eb: Grass/Road/Human (South)Easy going, humble, hard worker

    Ben: Reed/Cane/Staff (East)Courageous, protector

    Ix: Jaguar (North)Secretive, intelligent

    Men: Eagle (West)Innovative, critical, ambitious

    Cib: Wisdom/Owl/Vulture (South)Wise, serious, fearless

    Caban: Earth/Earthquake (East)Rational, set convictions

    Etznab: Flint/Mirror/Knife (North)practical, coordinated, craft worker

    Cauac: Storm/Rainstorm (West)Vigor, youth, helpful healer

    Ahau: Light/Flower/Lord (South)Loving, romantic, artistic

    Each one of the 13 cycles also has its own characteristic that mixes in with the sun-sign andcreates one of 260 unique astrological profiles. Finding your sign under the Tzolkin Calendar can

    be confusing, though there are some websites that will calculate cycles from day 0 all the way up

    to your birthday. This system of astrology is not to be confused with the one that measures theastral zodiac. The latter system covers a 365 day period and more can be found out about it here.