may & jun 2014 - · pdf filenindja came to know the lord, and developed a passion for...

SIM USA DAILY PRAYER GUIDE “Deep & Wide!” The Church is increasing rapidly in size, but it must also grow deep in faith. It is vital that SIM equip the Church to grow both ways. Through genuine partnerships, thousands of local church leaders can be equipped and empowered to disciple others effectively, helping them grow in faith with deep roots in the Word. SIM is dedicated to enabling church leaders around the world to mature their congregations into intimacy with the Almighty. To do this, we help train church leaders on all points of the learning scale—from oral learners in Paraguay to Masters and PhD candidates in several African countries. God is using SIM to grow His Church into a dynamic body that thrives even in the deepest of hard places. 2 Corinthians 1:11 KJV “…helping together by prayer…” MAY & JUN 2014 PRAYING AROUND THE WORLD 1 2 3 4 5 The Americas: 1 Europe: 2 West Africa: 3 East & Southern Africa: 4 Asia-Pacific: 5 Thank you for praying. If you would like to receive By Prayer by email, please reply to « [email protected] ». “What you have heard me say in front of many people, you must teach to faithful men. Then they will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2 NLV International Office Pray for Walter Diem as he prepares to take up responsibilities as Deputy International Director for Europe and West Africa on June 1st. Ask God to empower Walter as he guides, encourages, and helps each area team to work effectively together for God’s glory. May 01 THU HELPING TOGETHER BY PRAYER Worldwide Many SIMers serve in isolated areas with poor power and internet connections. Ask God to protect and encourage them, and give “just- in-time” help in any emergencies. Pray their faith will be strengthened, and that they will be faithful in their own prayer lives. International Office Thank God for the leadership He has given to SIM. Ask Him to guide the International Leadership Team’s preparations, and the Board of Governors and its Finance Committee’s deliberations, as they meet June 9–20 in Fort Mill, South Carolina. 02 FRI

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Page 1: MAY & JUN 2014 -   · PDF fileNindja came to know the Lord, and developed a passion for the Bible, as he studied God’s Word with SIMer Gary Freeman. After graduating from Bible


“Deep & Wide!”The Church is increasing rapidly in size, but it must also grow deep in

faith. It is vital that SIM equip the Church to grow both ways. Through

genuine partnerships, thousands of local church leaders can be

equipped and empowered to disciple others eff ectively, helping them

grow in faith with deep roots in the Word. SIM is dedicated to enabling

church leaders around the world to mature their congregations into

intimacy with the Almighty. To do this, we help train church leaders

on all points of the learning scale—from oral learners in Paraguay to

Masters and PhD candidates in several African countries. God is using

SIM to grow His Church into a dynamic body that thrives even in the

deepest of hard places.

2 Corinthians 1:11 KJV

“…helping togetherby prayer…”

MAY & JUN 2014







The Americas: 1 Europe: 2 West Africa: 3East & Southern Africa: 4 Asia-Pacifi c: 5

Thank you for praying.If you would like to receive By Prayer by email,

please reply to « [email protected] ».

“What you have heard me say in front ofmany people, you must teach to faithful men.

Then they will be able to teach others also.”2 Timothy 2:2 NLV

International Offi cePray for Walter Diem as he prepares to take up responsibilities as Deputy

International Director for Europe and West Africa on June 1st. Ask God to

empower Walter as he guides, encourages, and helps each area team to

work eff ectively together for God’s glory.

May 01THU


WorldwideMany SIMers serve in isolated areas with poor power and internet

connections. Ask God to protect and encourage them, and give “just-

in-time” help in any emergencies. Pray their faith will be strengthened,

and that they will be faithful in their own prayer lives.

International Offi ceThank God for the leadership He has given to SIM. Ask Him to guide

the International Leadership Team’s preparations, and the Board of

Governors and its Finance Committee’s deliberations, as they meet June

9–20 in Fort Mill, South Carolina.


Page 2: MAY & JUN 2014 -   · PDF fileNindja came to know the Lord, and developed a passion for the Bible, as he studied God’s Word with SIMer Gary Freeman. After graduating from Bible

FrancePraise God for answering our March 15 prayer, sending new

team members! Laurie Arsac is the new personnel coordinator,

and Vincent Wastable the new communication coordinator.

Ask Him to open doors for their support, and to give Director

Jean Salmeron wisdom to orient them for His glory.


Ministry FocusNindja came to know the Lord, and developed a passion

for the Bible, as he studied God’s Word with SIMer Gary

Freeman. After graduating from Bible school in Niamey,

Niger, he taught a course on the Bible to 15 young men.

Next he preached an excellent message at his home church,

resulting in numerous requests from area churches that he

come to share the Word. This excites both Nindja and us as

we pray!


Ministry FocusSwiss-born Walter Diem and wife Marianne, SIM’s new DID

for West Africa and Europe, served from 1999–2013 as di-

rector of the Swiss offi ce, playing a key role in reorganizing

SIM ministries in Europe. This past decade saw more than a

four-fold increase in missionaries or teams sent out by this

offi ce! Previously, the Diems taught at Sinendé Bible Insti-

tute in Benin, where SIMer André Noureux currently teaches

27 pastors-in-training. | DID = Deputy International Director



UruguayThe most secularized nation in Latin America, Uruguay has

the highest percentage of atheists and agnostics. Pray for

those training youth leaders to meet these challenges as

they minister to the next generation. Also, please ask God to

use eye injections to heal Luis Cortes’ eye.

SwitzerlandMore than 2,000 are expected at each of two youth

congresses. “RJ Bulle” in French-speaking Switzerland was

May 2–4. “CREA” for German-speaking youth is June 13–15.

Both teach missions—pray that God will use SIM’s partici-

pation to call workers into His harvest through SIM.

ParaguayPlease pray for Jonathan and Cecilia Lee as they seek to mo-

bilize Paraguayans into missions. Ask God also to strengthen

them as they continue to raise awareness for the needs of

terminally and chronically ill people and their families.Ministry FocusESI pastoral training has 800 active participants and 850

graduates since Kep and Debbie James started it in Bolivia in

2002. It is encouraging to see God’s Word infl uencing many

pastors and church leaders in four Latin American countries.

One pastor testifi ed, “God is helping me dig into [the] Word

like I never have before…. This study is changing the way I

think about God and live the Christian life.” | ESI = Equipping

Servants Internship

May 03SAT

BoliviaPray for two current ESI leader couples: Tomas and Nancy

Diaz in Ecuador, and Edwin and Alicia Callejas in Peru. Ask

God to give wisdom and guidance as Kep and Debbie James

plan to open ESI in fi ve new South American countries in the

next fi ve years. | ESI = Equipping Servants Internship


BoliviaPraise God! The SIM-related church (U.C.E.) has just begun

its own program to train cross-cultural missionaries! Pray for

wisdom for Gualberto Salinas, the U.C.E. missions director.

Arden Steele asks that we also pray for unity among all

evangelicals who are training missionary candidates.


BrazilThank God for David Guacollante, from Ecuador, who is

on a three-month training internship here as part of his

preparation to serve in Africa. Ask God to give him wisdom

and the ability to communicate in a language that he is

just learning.


CanadaPray for Culture Connections missionaries partnering

with urban churches in local kingdom initiatives, creating

breakthrough communities and multiplying local and global

opportunities. Pray for more people to join Culture Connec-

tions, and for Canada to be reached with the gospel!


EcuadorPray for encouragement and open doors for Christian and

Julia Waidelich (Germany) and Josh and Karen Parsley as

they continue raising support, hoping to arrive in Loja in

August or September. Pray for strength and energy as both

are young families with their fi rst baby.

OCLA (Offi ce Connection Latin America), Guatemala

Praise the Lord that Juanita Buñay’s visa to work in Bolivia

for a year was granted after we prayed on March 9! Pray that

Vivian Ochoa (Guatemala), who arrived in Ghana April 25,

will have a smooth transition to this new country of service.


PeruPlease pray for SIMers teaching in both Lima Evangelical

Seminary and the Bible institute in Arequipa. Pray for

wisdom selecting subjects, and communication skill to

help students apply what they learn. Pray for guidance into

future ministry for those fi nishing their studies.


United StatesPray for MKs (missionary kids) who will soon graduate from

high school and college. Pray these young adults will see

God at work and deepen their walk with Him during these

signifi cant life changes. Ask God to raise up spiritual leaders

from among our SIM MKs around the world.

United StatesSeveral families are struggling with severe illnesses with long-

term physical and emotional eff ects. Pray for God’s protection

in body and spirit as they face long and diffi cult treatments.

Ask for God’s suffi cient grace (2 Cor. 12:8–10) to carry them

and help them testify to His strength in their weakness.



BeninClara Klassen praises God for the increased interest shown

by pastors and youth leaders for her two-week servant lead-

ership seminars. There are now more requests than she can

schedule! Pray for the fi ve students in the Master’s program

that Clara mentors on a weekly basis.


Burkina FasoThank God for “Open Door Development,” a new, ambitious

ministry fi nding practical solutions to common development

problems. To be completed, the Mahadaga village water

project needs additional competent staff . Pray that Christ will

supply and be honored as Christians impact their community.

20TUEChileThe Interdenominational Seminary for Rural Leaders is

starting its 18th year. Pray for maturity and discernment,

and a fresh touch from the Lord, as leaders meet three days

each month April–November in a four-year cycle. May this

training strengthen their rural churches!


United KingdomPlease pray for wisdom for Steve Smith in his new role as

UK director. Pray for the UK team during this year of change

and transition, including two new appointments—fi nance

director and director for strategic development.


Central African RepublicIn light of chaos and violence in C.A.R. for many months,

graduate-level seminary classes have moved from Bangui

to Yaoundé, Cameroon. Pray that God will protect those re-

maining behind in Bangui, and will enable those in Yaoundé

to fi nish the school year well.





Page 3: MAY & JUN 2014 -   · PDF fileNindja came to know the Lord, and developed a passion for the Bible, as he studied God’s Word with SIMer Gary Freeman. After graduating from Bible

“…I pray that you… may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people,

to …know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be fi lled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

Ephesians 3:17–19 NIV

Ministry FocusA Bible school is being built in Gurage, Ethiopia, while

SIMers Howard and Jo-Ann Brant hold classes in a local

church. Twenty-one students, hand-picked by their church-

es, graduated from the two-year program last July and have

returned to their churches, changed and maturing, as full-

time ministers. Mikyas pastors one of the largest churches,

and his congregation says, “We have never heard preaching

like this before.” Pray God will use each graduate!

Note:Parentheses behind a name indicate the nationality

and/or SIM sending offi ce; if none, the person comes from

either SIM USA or the offi ce submitting the request,

or it is omitted for security reasons.

GhanaApproximately 50% of the population in Ghana is between

ages 15–35. Please pray for the new “Sports Friends Ghana”

project as SIM partners with Ghanaian churches to train and

equip members to use the powerful platform of sports for

church planting and discipleship ministries.

East Africa Offi ce, Ethiopia

Thank God and pray for missionaries sent from this offi ce

to Zambia, South Sudan, Pakistan, China and Ethiopia. Ask

Him to guide in preparing the fi rst couple from East Africa to

serve in Malawi. Pray for Mestawit Mamo’s heavy heart; she

recently lost her mother.

MalawiSIM and the Africa Evangelical Church train leaders on two

levels. Intercede for students at the Evangelical Bible College

to be spiritually and practically equipped as pastors, and

pray that the Lay Leadership Training Program would em-

power elders, deacons and deaconesses in their ministries.

EthiopiaPraise God for the Durame School of Mission, the only school

we know of in the Horn of Africa preparing students for

cross-cultural missions. Please intercede for the 49 students.

Thirty are currently completing campus coursework, and 19

are completing one year of fi eld training.

Côte d’IvoireRejoice that the radio ministry is expanding into major cities

throughout the country. Pray for the needed fi nancial back-

ing and local leadership to expand quickly, and to eff ectively

reach areas around each major city.

May 22THU

Guinea“Transition” is the key word for the David and Katie Hayward

family as they fi nish their fi rst term and return to the U.S.

this month for their fi rst home assignment. Please pray

for the myriad of adjustments for them and their three

young boys.


MaliPraise God for answered prayer—SIM is now offi cially rec-

ognized by the Mali government! Ask Him to give wisdom to

use this privilege to His glory, and pray He will send workers

into this country, now wide open for SIM.


NigerJosiah and Anne-Jisca Meyer (Canada) arrive next month

to teach at ESPriT, one of few Bible schools in francophone

West Africa able to give a post-secondary diploma. Pray for

the Meyer family’s adjustment to life and to the French edu-

cational system. | ESPriT = Ecole Supérieure Privée de Théologie

NigerThe Foyer Evangélique Universitaire (FEU) would love for

more women students to use its facilities and participate in

off ered classes. Pray for En Seoung Kim and Laura Armitage

as they seek to build friendships to help these women

understand the love Jesus has for them.


NigeriaPraise God for Bert and Debora Oubre, and for David and

Ruth Hamaker, adjusting to life at Egbe Hospital in response

to God’s call. Pray for eff ectiveness in ministry as they train

the staff in maintenance, patient care, and teaching.


NigeriaPray for encouragement and peace for SIM missionaries and

national believers working in areas such as Gyero, Gure and

Kano, where there are security challenges.


AngolaPraise God for ISTEL (SIM-related theological college in

Lubango) and its key role in training new leaders for Angolan

churches. Pray that faculty, including SIMers Marco and Lillian

Faleiro (Brazil) and Sheila Foster Fabiano, may eff ectively

model servant leadership to an incoming class of 21 students.



EthiopiaPlease ask God to use the Evangelical Theological College

(Addis Ababa), operated by the SIM-related Ethiopian Kale

Heywet denomination, to equip students for wise leadership,

unity, and depth of discipleship in His Church. The 330 stu-

dents come from over 45 denominations throughout Ethiopia.


KenyaAsk the Father for spiritual strength and health for all SIM

missionaries and their families. May they be kept strong and

encouraged to fulfi ll the call God has placed on their lives.


KenyaPray for clear vision as SIMers seek to reach unreached

people groups. May each be guided by the Lord in knowing

what workers to train, and how to accomplish the task. May

the name of Jesus be lifted high, drawing all men, women,

and children to Him.


West Africa Offi ce, Côte d’Ivoire

Pray that the Lord will help this small team to implement its

2014 Strategic Plan with wisdom and faithfulness, and pray

for Director Dr. Bako as he leads the team.

Jun 01SUN


Madagascar, Mauritius, ReunionPraise God for His grace and protection shown to all the

Indian Ocean island nations during the past cyclone season.

Lift His name high!


LiberiaPray that God will guide the search for a new director for

SIM Liberia. May the right person for the role respond to

God’s call and be available to take up the post with full

support at the appropriate time.


TogoPete Bitner and Nigerian missionary Joshua Yakubu meet

with a small group of SIM-related Togolese missionaries

three times a year. Pray for these young men to grow in their

love for the Lord and their ability to minister as they work

through spiritual growth and church leadership materials.


EritreaPray for the future of the Eritrean Church as the government

continues its persecution.


BotswanaThank God for the ministries of Dave and Ginny Long and

Robert and Phillippa Cismas, on home assignment. Pray

for continued growth of believers in their absence. Ask God

to guide the Cismas family, expecting to return from home

assignment in Romania independently from SIM.

SenegalPlease pray for the Henger family as they pack up and say

goodbye to colleagues after almost 14 years of service in

West Africa, preceded by four years in East Africa. They are

seeking God’s leading for future ministry following home

assignment in Germany.




Page 4: MAY & JUN 2014 -   · PDF fileNindja came to know the Lord, and developed a passion for the Bible, as he studied God’s Word with SIMer Gary Freeman. After graduating from Bible

PhilippinesPlease pray for the follow-up and discipleship of young

believers from ethnic backgrounds who became believers or

made Christ Lord during youth camp last month. Pray for an

eff ective disciple-making program for them.

PakistanPraise that the Salghoda Book Room ministry is going well.

Pray for visitors who want to know more about Jesus and for

those ministering to them, as well as for book van staff . Pray

that Abraham and Margaret (Korea) will have Spirit-fi lled

wisdom as they develop this ministry in more practical ways.

MongoliaThank God that Manje from northeast India has responded

to His call and is preparing to serve here. Pray that He will

supply her full support, prepare her heart, and permit her to

arrive later this year.


Ministry FocusIn South Korea, students at SIMTI (SIM Missionary Training

Institute) come with warm hearts despite the need to wear

winter coats indoors! Some in this intensive English/missions

program are students at the host seminary, but others come

just for our course. For a few this is a “last step” before leaving

for their country of service. The rest have more schooling

ahead and are seeking God’s guidance regarding missions.

—By Jimmy and RoxAnne Cox, S. Korea

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of youon earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather

in my name, there am I with them.”Matthew 18:19–20 NIV

C-SEA (Central & Southeast Asia), Thailand

Pray the new leadership structure of the C-SEA Offi ce will

bring smooth-running operations and good relationship-

building as people take on new leadership positions. May

the God of all encouragement strengthen team members

as they meld together.

NepalAsk the Father to strengthen Julie’s work mentoring Nep-

alese colleagues who are leaders in their churches, while

also taking positions of leadership in health, development

and rehabilitation programs within the Good Neighbor

organization with whom she works.

ThailandPray for Kay Gim and Christina Tay (East Asia), ministering

to youth and international university students from nearby

countries through sports and English teaching. Pray for

students returning to their countries over school break to be

a light to their unreached families.

ZimbabweThank God for two short termers! Ask Him to enable Sam

Knight (UK) as he works alongside the HOPE for AIDS team

and with aspects of administration. Pray for Katharina

Luscher as she helps the Waldvogels (Germany) in their

ministry to orphans and vulnerable children.

TanzaniaPraise for the re-registration of SIM Tanzania, as the

vetting process continues. This will make it possible for SIM

Tanzania to own properties for building projects such as the

primary school in Lindi.

MozambiqueAfter years of living in a small village to prepare, Alfred and

Belinda Paetzold (S. Africa) are beginning to teach the Bible

to the Yao people in their mother tongue! Pray that many

will be hungry for the Word, attend faithfully, accept it as

Truth and come to faith.

Jun 10TUE

ROSA (Region Of Southern Africa), Johannesburg

Intercede for Carlos and Carmen Ramirez as they prepare to

come from El Salvador to serve as the new ROSA regional

treasurer. Pray for staff —particularly the fi nance depart-

ment—during the interim without a treasurer.


South AfricaAsk God for opportunities to partner and work alongside

the Church to encourage current leaders in identifying

and developing potential leaders, challenging them to

become involved in missions, and off ering help in training

for missions.


South SudanAsk God to guide as this team evaluates the future. Pray

that He will give unity if all are able to return, and ability

to re-establish old relationships and develop new ones to

bring to Christ people who will become disciples growing

in faith.


ZambiaPray that the many Bible schools here will teach and train in

a relevant and meaningful way, especially addressing issues

of integrity and servant leadership. Pray that churches

sending students will support them, and school leadership

will be creative in sourcing needed resources.



AustraliaMay was Missions Month in many Baptist churches. Ask that

more laborers through SIM will result. Pray also that God

will use Director Omar’s June 3–4 role as plenary speaker at

the annual conference of Christian Management Australia to

connect management and business people with SIM.


BangladeshPraise God for SIM’s seven full-time evangelists working in

various under-reached areas in the Southwest. Pray they

would continue to grow in their leadership abilities and also

be skillful in training spiritual leaders whom God can use in

powerful ways to grow His kingdom.


ChinaThere was a tragic act of terrorism in March, when minority

people used knives to kill many, leaving hurting families

and great racial turmoil. Please pray that God would let His

goodness shine in darkness and show SIM how to be a part

of His healing process.

East Asia, Singapore

Pray as the SIM East Asia personnel department goes

through a comprehensive restructuring process to better

receive inquiries, process applicants, and train new

missionaries to serve with SIM.

IndiaMany are coming to faith here. The SIM country review

affi rmed that grassroots discipling and equipping are

strategic to strengthening the rapidly growing Church. Pray

for SIMers who are training grassroots leaders, and ask God

to call others to join this great opportunity.

JapanPray that SIM ministries here will be impacted by missionar-

ies’ refreshed encounters with God at the recent Spiritual Life

Spring Retreat, with its emphasis on spiritual transformation.

Pray for ongoing renewal for missionaries, staff , and their

families—especially through the busy summer months.

KoreaSIM International Director Joshua Bogunjoko visited in May,

speaking on various occasions to encourage and challenge

Korean churches and seminary students about involvement

in world missions. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use his visit

to strengthen mission mobilization for many years.



New ZealandPray for God’s enabling guidance as the SIM New Zealand

Board meets June 16. Pray also for travel safety and wisdom

for SIM Zambia Director Sung Sik Park, visiting June 24–28.





NamibiaPlease pray that several short-term SIMers coming in the

next few months will see God working in their own lives.

Pray for safety and the ability to settle in quickly. And ask

Him to give staff energy to keep up with them!