may 2020 magazine · bellringers - captain of the tower andrew brooke 07531 217827 magazine editor...


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Page 1: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:






Page 2: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

This photo, and the one on the front cover, were taken by Vic Constable last year.

These are the tulips, (as at 30th April) mentioned by Vic, on the back page.

Page 3: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


Rector Canon Mark Gilbert SSC

01798 345278 or 07810 004062 E-mail: [email protected]


Churchwardens Eileen Lintill, 2 Downview Road, Petworth (342948)

Nick Wheeler, Coppards, Middle Street, Petworth (343777) Director of Music & Organist

Matthew Cooke ARCO 24 Toronto Road, Petworth 07776 075275

Assistant Organist Sarah Barstow CRCO, 10 School Close, Fittleworth (865493)

Parish Clerk and Hon. Secretary to the Parochial Church Council and arrangements for Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

John Townsend, 43 Hampers Green, Petworth (343336) Hon Treasurer

Andrew Howard, Grasmere, Northmead, Petworth (343220) Bellringers - Captain of the Tower

Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor

Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email: [email protected]

Magazine Advertising Carole Field, 31 Northend Close, Petworth (344043)

email: [email protected] Magazine Subscriptions New & Renew

Mary Wakeford 01798 342293 Children’s Church

Jackie Smith, 8 Sheepdown Close, Petworth (342487) Web Master

Gordon Stevenson (343496) email: [email protected]


Roger Dallyn, 24 Station Road, Petworth (343454) Jenny Foster, 332 Grove Street, Petworth (342955) Hon. Secretary to the Parochial Church Council

Christine Dallyn, 24 Station Road, Petworth (343454) email: [email protected]

Hon. Treasurer to the Parochial Church Council Charles Bray, Woodruffs Farm, Egdean (865051)

Page 4: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

From Canon Mark Gilbert

Dear Friends,

Locked doors. People inside, sheltering. Sheltering alongside only those other people with whom they have regularly shared their lives, those other people with whom they are closest, those that are family or like family. Those they can trust, and filled with a shared anxiety. Filled with apprehension and concern. What on earth has happened? What on earth is going on? So, gripped by fear too. Fear of what an enemy might do to them, if it were to seize its chance to grab them. And fear also, of what the authorities might say if they were to just step outside and into harms way. So, the door remains firmly closed. The door remains securely locked. And the people remain hiding inside. Anxious. Con-cerned. And fearful. Does all of that sound familiar? Well I’m not just thinking about our present ‘lockdown’ in the face of COVID-19, but let me quickly say, that if you are ex-periencing the current ‘lockdown’ with anxiety, and if you are feeling trapped at home and afraid or just lonely, please do give me or one of the church commu-nity a call. No, in writing as I have of people sheltering behind locked doors, what I am ac-tually thinking about is Jesus’ disciples and how on the ‘evening of that first day of the week’, on Easter Sunday evening, they were all together ‘with the doors locked’ and they were afraid (John 20: 19 – 20). But these two verses from John’s Gospel have quite a lot to say to us, I think, and quite a lot that can really help us, especially at this moment of crisis and in our own ‘lockdown’. The dis-ciples may well have been in the room in which they had shared the Last Supper with Jesus. They may well have heard Mary Magdalene’s account of her meet-ing with the risen Jesus, earlier that morning. But the reality of the resurrection was still to emerge and so the doors remained locked, and the disciples were gripped by fear. Fear of what might happen to them. And it was into that scene of fear and anxiety that the risen Jesus suddenly appeared, greeting the disciples with peace: ‘Peace be with you!’ he says. All of which reminds me that locked doors are no barrier to the risen Jesus and that no-one need open the doors to let him in. Jesus enters into our lives wherev-er and whenever he chooses. But also, I’m reminded here, that when he does en-ter, when he does come into our lives, the very first thing that he does is to bring us peace. The effect of Jesus’ peace in our lives? We’re told that the disciples were ‘overjoyed’ (John 20: 20). The point is that an encounter with the risen Je-sus brings joy in what may otherwise seem to be the darkest and most fearful of times.

Page 5: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

But an encounter with Jesus also moves us on. As I write, the newspapers and blogs and all the rest of the observers are full of comment as to how we now need to move on from the ‘lockdown’ and how this ought to be achieved. Jesus clearly had a sense of this need to move on too. Having brought peace and joy into their fear and darkness Jesus then moved the disciples along and away from their fear-stricken ‘lockdown’ as he revealed to them all that he wanted them to do, so as to bring transformation to the whole world by sharing with everyone all that he had taught them, shown them, said to them and done for them. As the disciples’ experience proves, it is only that peace - bringing encounter with the risen Jesus that can bring to all who experience it, real and lasting joy. With my prayers for your health and safety and my very best wishes.

SERVICES IN MAY Follow the live streaming of services weekdays and Sunday on line

Please pray for each other, ourselves and our neighbours, here in Pet-worth, Egdean, this country and the world, so that this health crisis can be

resolved as soon as possible.

Please be in touch with Fr Mark at any time. We will always be glad to hear from you with any requests for prayer, updates on parishioners and

their loved ones, and if we can assist in any practical way.

If you know that someone is alone or vulnerable at the moment, please try (as far as is possible and appropriate) to check regularly how they are and

if they need any assistance. ********************************************

We thank - and pray for - all those who are working tirelessly in these dif-ficult times; workers in the NHS, care homes, police and the good neigh-

bours who are looking out for the more vulnerable members of our society. Thank you - and keep yourselves safe.

Page 6: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

Adrian was born in 1936, so his early years were overshadowed by the war. He was largely brought up by his grandmother, with whom he had a close and lov-ing relationship until her death. Adrian's childhood home was next door to a farm and as a small boy he was encouraged to visit, do odd jobs and help with the horses. This led to his lifelong love of animals and farming and instilled in him many of the qualities which made him the man he became. Adrian was not an academic student at school and, after a short while at his secondary school, it was suggested by the headmaster that he would be better suited to agricultural college, which he attended at Lingfield. Adrian thrived and developed his abid-ing love of farming and the countryside. Following this he was called up to Na-tional Service, which he served in the Marines. Adrian was very proud to have served in the forces and as a result of this training he was always very methodi-cal and organised in anything he undertook. On completion of his National service Adrian retuned to farming, working for a few different employers, often cycling long distances very early in the morning, to get to work in time for milking and then, of course, after a long day cycling all the way home again. In the mid sixties Adrian was encouraged to apply for his own farm, as a tenant of the Leconfield estate. Adrian took over the tenancy of Nithurst farm where he built up his own herd of dairy cows, producing high quality jersey milk, and making cream, which he sold at the Tillington shop and also one of the butchers in Petworth. During this time he also worked at Barlav-ington, as it was very difficult to expand his business without subsidising his in-come. Adrian was married briefly, but the marriage sadly didn't last and subse-quently Adrian concentrated on his farm and other interests. He loved sailing and initially had his own small boat, later going into partnership with friends to have a part share in a bigger sailing boat, which they kept moored at Bosham. This enabled Adrian to have quality time relaxing away from the farm when time allowed. Other interests included a love of classic cars, especially Jaguars and steam trains, notably the Flying Scotsman, which he got to ride on in York-shire, and subsequently a trip around the Surrey hills. He also enjoyed a stint on the Watercress line.

Adrian eventually left the farm and settled in a cottage at Tillington, where he became the main carer for his elderly mother. It was at this point he met Jill, who visited his mother whilst working as a District Nurse. Adrian started driv-ing for Social Services at The Grange in Midhurst. He also began volunteering at the Weald and Downland Museum, working with the shire horses. This unfor-tunately came to an end, when he had cardiac surgery and he never regained suf-ficient strength to manage them.

ADRIAN EASTON Eulogy given by Fr Mark at Adrian’s funeral

Page 7: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

Jill and Adrian were married in 2005, in St Mary's, where Adrian served as Churchwarden for many years, having previously served as Churchwarden at Tillington. Adrian re-gretted not having children of his own, in earlier years, but thoroughly enjoyed becoming close to Jill's family, and loved being ‘grandad to Jill’s grandchildren, Chris, Matthew, Lennie, Sofia and Tilly. Jill shared Adrian's love of the countryside and they enjoyed many holidays together in York-shire, Cornwall, Wales and Shropshire, always ac-companied by their dog Pebbles and subsequently Zoe. Adrian was a faithful Christian and was a reliable, rock solid friend to many. So many have subsequently described him as a gentle man and a gentleman, and that's just what he was.


What is there to say in a poem this May? As we live in fear for all we hold dear.

While in towns and cities pigeons quietly coo

Countryside animals neigh, bleat and moo

Pheasants call, birds sing throughout the day Dogs bark echoes, sparrows twitter, children play

Silence reigns in between with fewer planes and little traffic

We are entreated to ‘stay at home’, thank A G Bell for the dog and bone

This invisible, silent, marauding, alien invader Brings no little green men, but humans dressed in PPE,

(That’s full body overalls and masks to you and me)

Except essential services and much loved NHS there’s total STOP; Terrified, we feel our civilised foundations rock

Impatiently waiting for this time to pass, Virus has no respect for any social class

What is there to say in a poem this May? Thank God for love, life and sunny days.

Teresa Charman

Page 8: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

BELL RINGING AT ST MARY’S While ringing is in abeyance, some of the ringers have still been able to ‘meet’ each other for refreshments at their usual hour on Thursday through the won-ders of modern technology. Those of us who are not working are being encour-aged to spend some of our leisure time learning new ringing methods, which again is possible without bells because so much is now available on the Internet. For those of you who do not know, a ‘method’ is a way of ringing the changes in a particular order that everybody can memorise. A good way to learn is to number the bells and write down the order they are rung in. So if they are rung in ‘rounds’ i.e. without any variation, on six bells it would be recorded like this: 123456 123456 123456 123456 etc. If changes are rung then some pairs of bells swap position each time the rope is pulled. Here is the simplest example. 123456 214365 241635 426153 462513 645231 654321 563412 536142 351624 315264 132546 123456. If you now choose a bell, say number 4, and draw a line through all the 4s in the diagram above, you will see that a pattern emerges. The more complex the method, the more complex the pattern, but there is usually a fair amount of symmetry to the pattern even when complex methods are rung. When bell-ringers learn a method, the pattern is the ‘music’ which helps them to memorise where their bell should be ringing in relation to all the others. Now I really must get on with my homework… Andrew Brooke

Page 9: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

27 idioms to find. Answers at the back of the magazine

Page 10: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


I'm normally a social girl I love to meet my mates

But lately with the virus here We can't go out the gates.

You see, we are the 'oldies' now

We need to stay inside If they haven't seen us for a while

They'll think we've upped and died.

They'll never know the things we did

Before we got this old There wasn't any Facebook So not everything was told.

We may seem sweet old ladies Who would never be uncouth

But we grew up in the 60s If you only knew the truth!

There was sex and drugs and rock 'n roll

The pill and miniskirts We smoked, we drank, we partied And were quite outrageous flirts.

Then we settled down, got married And turned into someone's mum,

Somebody's wife, then nana, Who on earth did we become?

We didn't mind the change of pace

Because our lives were full But to bury us before we're dead

Is like a red rag to a bull!

So here you find me stuck inside For 4 weeks, maybe more,

I finally found myself again Then I had to close the door!

Page 11: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

It didn’t really bother me I'd while away the hour

I'd bake for all the family But I've got no flaming flour!

Now Netflix is just wonderful

I like a gutsy thriller I'm swooning over Idris

Or some random sexy killer.

At least I've got a stash of booze For when I'm being idle

There's wine and whiskey, even gin If I'm feeling suicidal!

So let's all drink to lockdown

To recovery and health And hope this awful virus

Doesn't decimate our wealth.

We'll all get through the crisis And be back to join our mates

Just hoping I'm not far too wide To fit through the flaming gates!

Pam Ayres


Please note due to the Coronavirus: We have postponed until next year the ‘Beating the Bounds’ Fundraising Walk for Egdean Church. The deadline to hold the Annual Parish Meeting has been extended to 31st October 2020. This will allow time to assess the best time and manner of holding the meeting. The Churchwardens, who were elected to hold office in 2019, will continue to hold office until 31st January 2021.

Deanery Synod representatives who were elected in 2017 (or those appointed since) will continue to hold office until 30th November 2020. Christine Dallyn Hon Secretary to Egdean PCC

Page 12: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


Since the lockdown, my son Anthony, for his daily exercise, has been doing a daily ride to different parts of London, often with Karla and my granddaughter, Lauren. He says ‘These are some pictures that hopefully we won’t see again… . it is very nice, however, to ride the streets with very few cars, etc.’ Jean Huggett

Tower Bridge and the Tower of London


Buckingham Palace

Page 13: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

Anthony and Lauren in Hyde Park The Mall

Trafalgar Square

Contact Canon Mark Gilbert SSC

The Rectory


West Sussex GU28 0DB

Fr Mark’s Telephone number is :-

01798 345278 or 07810 004062

email :- [email protected]

Page 14: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

GILLIAN WILKINSON Eulogy given by Vic Constable at Jill’s funeral

In May, 1963 – 3 months before we married, Jean came for an interview at the Herbert Shiner School, and Gill offered her a bed for the night. This was the start of a happy friendship which has lasted, good times and bad, through the inter-vening almost 57 years. Gillian Sutton started her teaching career at St An-drew’s RC Secondary Girls School in Leatherhead in 1957. Subsequently in 1962 she joined the staff of the Herbert Shiner School in its second year of opening. In both these posts she established Domestic Science – Home Economics – Departments. Herbert Shiner, as a small Secondary Modern (later to become an Intermedi-ate School) was a very pleasant place in which to work and study, and the curriculum was expanded by many events, often involving Gill, culminating in a major ex-hibition in 1970 celebrating ‘100 years of education for all’ – an event which attracted at least regional if not na-tional publicity. Meanwhile we came to know Graham Wilkinson in 1966 when he joined the staff for a year before he took up a post at Seaford College, and I join- Gill in the Graffham ed the Herbert Shiner in 1969. Rustics ‘Daisy pulls it off’

In 1971 Gill made another career move by taking up the position of head of Home Economics at Hazlewick School in Crawley, and she moved to a flat in that town then, but did not sever her links with her friends in Petworth!

Jean and I moved to another house in Petworth in 1976, and, at our housewarm-ing, Graham and Gill met up again. This led to their marriage a year later, and they set up house in Wisborough Green.

I moved from the Herbert Shiner to Midhurst Grammar School in 1976, and in 1978 Gill was successful in her application when Head of Department for Home Economics at Midhurst became available. The Wilkinsons then moved into School House at Herbert Shiner. Sadly Gill lost Graham when he died on 19th March 1992.

At Midhurst Gill and I had rooms at either end of the science wing, and because we both taught craft-based subjects (mine was Rural Science) we had a fair amount of informal contact – I was dealing with food production while Gill was dealing with the processing of food. Turkeys, pigs and sheep were the main points of contact.

Page 15: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

Early on in my time at Midhurst my Head of Department at that time used to make brawn – cooked in the Home Economics room – until Gill persuaded the powers that be that we ought to have our own cooker at our end!

Home produced and dressed turkeys – and all the trimmings – were cooked up the corridor for the annual science (and domestic science) Christmas dinner – and a grand affair it was! Perhaps the most interesting occasions were when the sheep that were grazing the grass outside our rooms would wander up to the open French door to Gill’s room to see what was cooking!

Both our subjects suffered from National Curriculum changes – Gill found her subject absorbed into the Design Technology Department, while Rural Science was virtually lost in all Schools (ours was an exception) because of ‘Balanced Science for All’. Gill was a strict teacher, but a very caring person. She was always ready to help anyone, child or adult, that was in difficulties. Jean and I were beneficiaries through the years, but particularly when Jean was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Even in the last few weeks it distressed Gill that she couldn’t come and sit with Jean when I was out. God bless you Jillie. We are so privileged to have known you. We will miss you.

Vic Constable

PETWORTH PARK ANTIQUES & FINE ARTS FAIR The Antiques Dealers Fairs Limited has announced that The Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair, originally planned to take place from 15th to 17th May, has been postponed. The marquee will now be erected and opened with some 60 dealers exhibiting from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th Septem-ber 2020. Held at the National Trust's Petworth House and Park, the delay will hopefully mean that visitors to the Antiques Fair can also enjoy the treasures of Petworth House when it reopens.

Page 16: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

Dan Sneller, recently appointed Youth and Community Development Manager, has been looking into ways of helping the young people who are members dur-ing the Coronavirus shut down. Young people are well adapted to an online environment. Dan has worked hard to take advantage of this by setting up a secure virtual youth club where vulnera-ble young people can still find support, advice, signposting and practical help. Through this, and other online platforms, he has been able to maintain that sense of community which has built over the past 18 months among our youth. Dan is uniquely skilled and positioned right at the heart of the community to provide young people with the specialist support they need at this challenging time. What has this looked like practically? - one to one, confidential chats via whatsapp - for those times when a young per-son needs to talk and hear a real voice rather than a virtual one - making sure that all young people have access to internet so they are not total-ly isolated from friends and support - signposting to practical help for overcoming anxiety and the things they can do to protect and boost their mental health - making sure everyone has contact details for Childline and the West Sussex Youth Emotional Support (YES) team for specialist support if they need it - and the MASH safeguarding helpline

PETWORTH YOUTH ASSOCIATION at the Sylvia Beaufoy Centre

Page 17: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

- explaining the ‘rules’ around gathering and social distancing in terms that young people can really ‘get’ and encouraging them to do their bit by staying home - contacting every young person on our register who left their mobile phone contact details - to check in with them, and to proactively ask what help they need - contacting parents via email (where we have permission), to offer support, advice, help or signposting to other resources - using a ‘trickle feed’ approach on Instagram and Twitter (young people's pre-ferred social media platforms) to provide Information, Advice and Guidance - as well as ideas for fun and free things to do - ranging from ‘Boredom Busters’ to a virtual tour of the Great Wall of China! - providing links to relevant e-learning courses aimed at this age group (such as online Mental Health training for over 14s, Food Safety courses and First Aid courses) - helping young people find relevant volunteering opportunities where they feel they can make a real difference by supporting others safely

After the Easter break, Dan is aiming to set up some additional online clubs for young people - including a cookery club and an art club - (the most popular ac-tivities at our face-to-face clubs). You can follow this on the social media links below if you'd like to know more. Or to get in touch with him directly then email [email protected] Thank you for reading this far - and for all of your ongoing support. We are real-ly grateful! Stay safe everyone!

Page 18: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


The Coronavirus pandemic has dramatically altered demand and operation of our Petworth Food Bank. Foods needed for Food Bank stocks:





TOILET ROLLS Please put items in the basket by the door of the Petworth Co-op or contact Geoff (details at bottom of Report). Demand has increased due to economic effects of the pandemic, and we have had to sideline over half our regular volunteers due to age/medical risk. We have also adopted a no-contact method of distributing food boxes, which means that all boxes are now delivered - collection from the URC (United Re-formed Church, Petworth) adding an increased risk of virus spread between vol-unteer and client. Our main advisers, the Trussell Trust, still insist on two volunteers for each deliv-ery, even though there is no contact with the client, it means that two cars have to be used for each delivery where the volunteers are not husband and wife. Children’s Lunch Packs (KLPs) are routinely distributed (to children entitled to free school meals) at the start of the holidays. Normally one KLP is given out per child, for a two-week holiday. This year the schools closed early for Easter, and it was decided to issue two KLPs per child, since it was obvious that the govern-ment would not have a system in place by the end of the official school holidays. This resulted in our wonderful group of young(ish) volunteers distributing almost 80 food boxes (KLPs plus normal Red voucher requests) over a period of three days. A truly herculean effort.

Page 19: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

P A C T N E W S Petworth Area Churches Together working together in harmony

In March we welcomed the new Chair of PACT – Bob Sneller who worships at both the Petworth Community Church and at All Hallows in Tillington, per-fectly placed for this role. And we were able to give grateful thanks to Hugh Rolfe of the Sacred Heart who has been Chair for the last three years, gently guiding and moving forward the initiatives of PACT. Hugh will continue to work with the rest of the very active committee to reinforce the amazing work that our vicars do in helping local communities connect with churches throughout the area.

April has been a very different month than we’d expected. Sadly there was no Palm Sunday procession and no Spring Lecture with Chief Executive of CARE, Nola Leach. And yet in spite of that we know that God is full of love and compassion - and there has been plenty of scope for us to share that across gardens, streets and shopping aisles. ‘So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promises! Discover creative ways to encourage oth-ers and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love.’ Hebrews 10:23-24.

We have had magnificent support from the Headmaster of Petworth Primary School and his deputy Head as temporary volunteers and we have had three new volunteers over the past week. The Chichester branch of Trussell Trust has given us wonderful support, meet-ing all our requests for food boxes, and public food donations from the Petworth Co-op are now above normal levels. Geoff Pye [email protected] Petworth Food Bank organizer on behalf of PACT Petworth Area Churches Together.

Page 20: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


Big, safe God.

All God, all embracing

Arms enfolding.

Holding, caring.

Big awesome,

Mountain high

God. All powerful.

Righteous. Justice seeking

Holiness. All God.

Safe God, big God.

Safe God,

Cave deep

Love. Beyond knowing.

Guardian. Safely keeping

Sanctuary. Hand steady.

Big God, safe God.

Big, safe, father-hearted God.

Not demanding, or constraining,

Simply wooing, you pursuing.

Watching, danger not avoiding,

Not cocooning.

Big, out on a limb,

Cliff hanging,

Over the edge,

Tightrope walking


Big, safe God.

Tony Sneller April 1998



Page 21: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

Answers at the back of the magazine

Page 22: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


One of the questions I posed that night was ‘what is a goatsucker?’ It seemed that no-one knew. Well, as explained that evening, it is a bird, and a rather curi-ous one at that. A Victorian engraving illustrates it thus

The Victorian ornithologist William MacGillivray wrote

Hark! It is the whirr of the fern owl. Nearer, more distant, feint. It has ceased, but there, the creature itself sweeps overhead, glides along, flutters,

shoots aside, and is off.

If you have seen a fern owl/goatsucker/gabble-ratchet/lichfowl/eve-jar/razor grinder/screech hawk/night hawk/night crow/night swallow you will readily em-pathize with him. It is a unique experience in birdwatching, one which I have enjoyed annually for 30 years or more. The name nightjar first appears in 1630 and was adopted officially as its English language name in 1843. Gilbert White called this ‘wonderful and curious creature’ a goatsucker. The species Latin name is caprimulgus, derived from capra – she-goat, and mulgere – to milk. Goatsuck-er first appeared in English in 1611. So why this curious name? It has history – back to Aristotle writing in the 4th century BC. Pliny perpetuated the name and the myth in the 1st century AD, de-scribing how the bird “fly to the goat’s udders in order to suck their milk”. What the ancient Greeks and Romans actually saw was the bird flying around close to goats, hunting for the insects that would be attracted to a goatherd’s stall. There are roughly 80 species of nightjar world-wide, one, the Nechisar nightjar known only from a single wing found on a road in remote Ethiopia! Ours, the European nightjar migrates here for the summer, and emerges at dusk to hunt for moths. Its remarkable churring is vocal and uttered from a branch, or even tele-graph wire.

Page 23: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

It will fly round the heath with a distinctive butterfly-like flight, uttering occa-sional grunts (reminiscent of a leopard calling her cubs, by the way, but proba-bly not an issue to concern you in the UK!). It also claps its wings, another means of contacting other nightjars. The male also possesses distinctive white wing panels. This enhances its visibility as it flaps slowly around in the dark. Thus it is said that the way to attract a nightjar is to put a white handkerchief on the top of your head and then walk slowly forth clapping. This may seem a little eccentric, but I can only describe my leading a class of birdwatchers one even-ing, and persuading my 10 year old son to do this. There was much joking about how he should be taken into care, when a nightjar suddenly appeared from no-where, swept low over his head, and vanished. That as they say ‘wiped the smiles’. We are lucky living in Petworth, we have a choice of local venues. Ambersham is the best in my experience. Even so, the chances of success range from zero to stunning. Last year Luke and I visited, and the outcome was the best yet. So if there is anyone who fancies trying for this unique experience in the birding calendar, then let me know. All you needs is a good supply of insect repellant, sting relief, hope and patience. But don’t let this put you off, it can be a truly memorable experience! Andrew Howard


HERE FOR EACH OTHER I have had an amazing response from our congregation at St Bartholomew's, Egdean to help each other out by either keeping in touch with others by phone, helping with shopping or in anyway that might be needed. I know it works as being 70+ I have had to take advantage of the kindness offered by one of St Bartholomew's younger families. I have had so many offers to help us all so please ring me if you are in need in any way and I will find someone from my incredibly long list, all of whom are itching to go! As this continues it may be that those on whom you rely may not always be available to help. So please just ring me on either 01798 342955 or 07733 104352 and I will ensure that help will be on its way. Jenny Foster

Page 24: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


Peregrine Falcon by Michael Blencowe of the Sussex Wildlife Trust You say you want a revolution Circling high in the blue skies above Sussex is one of the world’s deadliest predators. Pere-grines are hunting above us. Scanning the avi-an traffic in the Sussex airspace, their incredi-ble vision locks on to an unsuspecting bird passing below and the Peregrine instantly ne-gotiates one of the most sophisticated aerial manoeuvres possible. They stop flying. With wings and feet tucked in tightly, peregrines drop from the sky at an unbelievable speed – hurtling earthwards at up to 200 mph - the fastest creature on our planet. Every-thing, even the eyelids and nostrils on this bird are built for speed. Like a bomb made out of muscle and feathers, it’ll decimate any victim in its path. We’re fortunate to still have these amazing birds here in Sussex. During WW2

their taste for pigeons (including those carrying war-time messages) saw Peregrines treated as if they were on the payroll of Mr Hitler himself. The Secretary of State for Air declared war on these falcons and issued the ‘Destruction of Peregrine Falcons Order’. The birds were slaughtered, their nests destroyed. After we gave Adolf the old heave-ho, Peregrines were left alone and numbers began to recover. But they were to face an even more deadly threat than the British Government; Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (or DDT to its friends).

Farmers worldwide had started spraying a variety of wonderful new chemical insecticides all over the countryside to improve yields. These invisible poisons hit the bird at the top of the food chain the hardest. In 1958 there were 650 pairs of Peregrines in Britain. Six years later there were 68. Concerns over their de-cline sparked an investigation that led back to the source of the Peregrine poi-soning and the world’s eyes were opened to the reality of the damage that these chemicals could cause to our environment and to us. Rachel Carson wrote ‘Silent Spring’, the environmental movement was born and green was upgraded from a sort of yellowy-blue colour to an entire way of life.

Page 25: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

Concerns over their decline sparked an investigation that led back to the source of the Peregrine poisoning and the world’s eyes were opened to the reality of the damage that these chemicals could cause to our environment and to us. Ra-chel Carson wrote ‘Silent Spring’, the environmental movement was born and green was upgraded from a sort of yellowy-blue colour to an entire way of life. Today, perched on our cliffs and ca-thedrals, high above the organic food-filled shelves in kitchens across Sus-sex, the killer that kick-started the en-vironmental uprising stands defiantly overlooking us all like a beaked Che Guevara. A feathered testament to revolution, strength and tofu veggie burgers.


Sussex Wildlife Trust is an independent charity caring for wildlife and habitats throughout Sussex. Founded in 1961, we have worked with local people for over half a century to make Sussex richer in wildlife. We rely on the support of our members to help protect our rich natural heritage. Please consider supporting our work. As a member you will be invited to join Michael Blencowe on our regular wildlife walks and also enjoy free events, dis-counts on wildlife courses, Wildlife magazine and our Sussex guide book, Dis-covering Wildlife. It’s easy to join online at

Page 26: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:



3rd EASTER 4

Acts 2.42-47, Psalm 23, 1 Peter 2.19-25, John 10.1-10

Family Service at Egdean Rogation 9.15 am

Parish Mass 10.30 am

10th EASTER 5

Acts 7.55-60, 1 Peter 2.2-10, John 14.1-14

Parish Eucharist (Egdean) (BCP) 9.00 am

Parish Eucharist 10.30 am

17th EASTER 6

Acts 17.22-31, 1 Peter 3.13-22, John 14.15-21

Parish Eucharist (Egdean) (BCP) 9.00 am

Parish Eucharist 10.30 am


Holy Eucharist 9.00 am

24th EASTER 7

Acts 1.6-14, 1 Peter 4.12-14; 5.6-11, John 17.1-11

Parish Eucharist at Egdean 9.00 am

Parish Eucharist 10.30 am


Acts 2.1-21, 1 Corinthians 12.3b-13, John 20.19-23

Parish Eucharist Egdean 9.00 am

Parish Mass 10.30 am


Tuesdays Holy Eucharist 9.00 am

Wednesdays Holy Eucharist 9.00 am

Thursdays Holy Eucharist 9.00 am

Fridays Holy Eucharist 9.00 am

Page 27: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:
Page 28: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:
Page 29: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:
Page 30: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

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Page 47: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS FUNERALS Pray for the repose of the souls of ADRIAN HOLLIS EASTON. It was with a deep sense of both shock and sad-ness that the parish learned of Adrian’s sudden passing. He had served St Mary’s faithfully, including 12 years as churchwarden, during a period that saw two interregnums. In addition he oversaw a number of im-portant projects carried out to the fabric of the church. He had previously served in the same role at All Hallow’s, Tillington before he moved to Petworth. It was perhaps fitting that he was taken ill while out walking with Jill, alongside one of the fields that he had farmed for so many years. He held a lifelong love of farming and of the countryside. Father Mark held a Requiem Mass in St Mary’s on 8th April which was fol-lowed later in the day by burial at Hampers Green cemetery. ROBERT ALASTAIR FERGUSON FORD treated countless numbers of pa-tients during his many years of running his dental practice at Lancaster House in Golden Square. His retirement years were spent living at Colhook Common with his wife, Janet. He passed away at St Richard’s hospital on 19th March aged 87 years. The committal service was held at Chichester crematorium on 3rd April. DILYS HOUNSHAM, formerly of Sheepdown Drive, passed away on 14th March. Following Philip’s death at the age of 89 years Dilys was widowed in 2013 and had spent the latter part of her life in a care home. The family hope to arrange a thanksgiving service at a later date when the cur-rent restrictions are lifted. JONATHAN WOOD who so sadly passed away at St Richard’s hospital on 7th April as a result of the Coronavirus. With his wife, Suzy, the couple had recently moved from Chiddingfold to make their home here in Petworth. JOSCELYN ANN BRADLEY had been a well known member of the Perworth community. She will be particularly remembered for the work that she put in to establishing the Cottage Museum. Along with others, in the 1990s, she was, without doubt, the driving force in its creation. Her knowledge of antiques and attention to de-tail helped in furnishing the Cottage to give it its 1910s appearance Others will remember her, too, for the period she ran her little shop in High Street. A deep sadness in her life was the loss of her daughter, Judith, at the age of 38 years in 2000, followed by Max’s passing in 2014. Ann died in a Surrey Care Home at the age of 87 years.

Page 48: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

EILEEN FISH who passed away at Rotherlea Care Home on 20th March aged 93 years. Eileen had lived in Northchapel for the greater part of her life, mainly in one of the cottages facing on to the village green, and she was later to move to a flat in Luffs Meadow. In 2013 with failing eyesight she became a resident at Rother-lea care home. Eileen had been a widow for the past 28 years. Her husband, Lionel, had been an enthusiastic member of the Petworth Town Band, and Eileen continued to support the band after his death by attending functions when and where the band were performing. Her funeral was held at St Michael’s church in Northchapel on 9th April. We also extend our sympathy to Canon Peter Cole following the loss of his wife, Marion. While living in retirement at Fittleworth, Peter looked after that parish on occa-sions and also helped us out here in Petworth when needed. A few years ago the couple moved to live in Pulborough. The Committal took place at Worthing Crematorium. Our thoughts go out to the parishioners of Kirdford and Plaistow following the loss of their popular vicar, the Revd P AULINE LUCAS, who died suddenly at The Vicarage on Good Friday afternoon.

SPORTS QUIZ 1. Snooker: Welshman, Matthew Stevens, was runner-up to Shaun Murphy

in the World Championship in which year? 2. Darts: ‘One dart’ was the nickname of whom? 3. Cricket: Name the left-handed former Sri Lankan opening batsman, who was particularly successful in limited over internationals. 4. Football: Name the Brazilian team that beat Liverpool in the 2005 FIFA World Club Cup Final. 5. Tennis: Currently two players have won eight of a major Grand Slam ti-tle in the ATP. The Australian Open and Wimbledon are the two tournaments. Who are these two players? 6. Table Tennis: What is the number of players needed for a doubles match? 7. WWE Wrestling: Which former superstar won the 2008 and 2009 ‘Money in the Bank’ Ladder matches at Wrestle- Mania 24 and 25? 8. Golf: Graeme McDowell represents which country on the PGA tour? 9. Rugby Union: What is Argentina’s team nickname? 10. Formula One: What is the product of the Formula One championship wins of Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton? Compiled by Mark Thomas

Answers at the back of the magazine

Page 49: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

The Useful Numbers Page

County Councillor Janet Duncton........................01798 344914 District Councillor Eileen Lintill......................... 01798 342948 Town Council Office…………………..………. 01798 344883 Public Library…………………………………...01798 342274 Petworth Surgery……………………………….. 01798 342248 (Out Of Hours Service)………………………… 0300 1301313 Petworth Police Station………………………… 101 x 588229

Red Cross (Petworth area) …………………… 0800 0280831 WRVS Meals On Wheels………………………. 01798 343773 Citizens Advice Bureau………………………… 0344 4771171

Liaise @ Frontline – offer a free service for help with debts, repossessions, final demands and bailiffs………. ICIS – free advice for finding support and care in West Sussex …………………………………………………..0800 859929 Action against Bullying – Childline…………….0800 1111 StartUp Co your local Enterprise Agency………0845 7827887 Sussex Pathwatch………………………………. 0845 6070999

Traveline (for bus timetables)…………………. 0871 2002233 Traveline (for train information)……………….. 08457 484950 Compass Bus - Route 99 enquiries…………….. 01903 690025 TANDEM - hospital and surgery transport……. 01730 813962 Petworth Community Mini-Bus…………………01798 344898

Sainsbury’s Free Bus [Monday only] Dep: Hampers Green 09.40 & Petworth Town Square 09.45. Dep: Sainsbury’s Chichester 11.50

Petworth Over 60s (Friendship) Centre………. 01798 342942 Petworth Lunch Club………………………….. 01798 342942 Petworth Masonic Lodge……………………….01798 343454 University of the 3rd Age……………………….01403 783359

Alcoholics Anonymous………………………... 0845 7697555 CRUSE (Organisation for the bereaved)………..01243 530202 Samaritans………………………………………08457 116 123 Relate (Marriage Guidance)…………………….01243 788935

Energy Watch…………………………………...0845 9060708 GAS Emergency Freephone…………………….0800 111999 Water (Midhurst & Petworth)…………………..0845 2720845 Electricity Emergency…………………………..0800 0727282

Page 50: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:


1. 2005 2. Peter Manley 3. Sanath Jayasuriya 4. Sao Paulo 5. Australian Open: Novak Djokovic; Wimbledon: Roger Federer

6. 4 7. C M Punk 8. Northern Ireland 9. Pumas 10. 42

Football Quiz 1. Leeds 2. Notts County 3. Celtic 4. Manchester United 5. Motherwell 6. Queens Park Rangers 7. Newcastle 8. Tottenham Hotspur 9. Liverpool 10. Bolton Wanderers 11. Sheffield United 12. Swansea City 13. Millwall 14. Hamilton Academicals 15. Queen of the South

Idioms Quiz

1. In a nutshell 21. No room to swing a ca 2. Piece of cake 22. The cat’s got your tongue 3. Cherry on the cake 23. Kick the bucket 4. Bald as a coot 24. Pull your socks up 5. A screw loose 25. Cold feet 8. Stiff upper lip 26. From rags to riches 7. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth 27. Time flies 8. Ear worm 9. Keep your cards close to your chest 10. Joker in the pack 11. Ace up your sleeve 12. Heart on your sleeve 13. On a silver platter 14. Spill the beans 15. Big cheese 16. Red herring 17. To tie the knot 18. Put all your eggs in one basket 19. Walking on egg shells 20. Shadow of your former self

Page 51: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

A family from St Bartholomew’s took this lovely picture on a walk around the church at Egdean with the bluebells in the copse opposite the church entrance.

Page 52: May 2020 magazine · Bellringers - Captain of the Tower Andrew Brooke 07531 217827 Magazine Editor Jean Huggett, 42 Orchard Close, Petworth 01798 343906 email:

VIC’S EASTER GARDEN 2020 Here's an image of the bulbs grown especially for the Easter Garden. The first bud broke on Easter Monday, and you can see they have moved apace since then (this picture was taken on 16th April.) There are still many buds to come out, and you can see in the front there is a pot that's only just started to flower. The tulips are showing no sign of flowers yet, but they are growing well. Vic Constable