may 2019 newsletter - north beds methodist

1 Rev. Gill Baalham – 930025 Rev.Di Harpham – 918691 Rev. Catherine Wilson – 825665 May 2019 Newsletter Catherine’s Column One of the interesting, even exciting, implications of moving house in November, as we did 6 months ago, is that you have very little idea of what is growing in your new garden: what it will look like, where there will be colour and life, flowers and even fruit. At the beginning of April we were delighted to see blossom on the plum tree which we have heard so many good reports of, and we are currently waiting for the apple tree(s?) to produce

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Rev. Gill Baalham – 930025 Rev.Di Harpham – 918691

Rev. Catherine Wilson – 825665

May 2019 Newsletter

Catherine’s Column

One of the interesting, even exciting, implications of moving

house in November, as we did 6 months ago, is that you have

very little idea of what is growing in your new garden: what it

will look like, where there will be colour and life, flowers and

even fruit.

At the beginning of April we were delighted to see blossom on

the plum tree which we have heard so many good reports of,

and we are currently waiting for the apple tree(s?) to produce


their blossom too. Near the greenhouse there are fruit bushes

– gooseberries, and possibly blackcurrants, and raspberry

canes; we will enjoy whatever grows in our new patch of land.

Five weeks after Easter is a time called Rogationtide – coming

from the Latin word rogare meaning ‘to ask’. Traditionally at

this time a procession was held around the parish boundaries,

sometimes known as ‘beating the bounds’, to ask God’s bless-

ing on the land. It also included praying for those who work on

the land and for the right weather to help the crops grow; be-

fore the days of scientific and technological expertise, people

were much more aware of their dependence on divine help!

The seventeenth century poet and clergyman George Herbert

saw the Rogationtide procession as a means not only of ask-

ing God to bless the land, but also of promoting good relation-

ships between neighbours across boundaries, and of caring

for the poor in the community. These are surprisingly contem-

porary themes in spite of the four hundred years since he was

alive. As we continue in a state of uncertainty over our future

relations with our European neighbours and how we will man-

age our shared borders, an attitude of conciliation and friend-

ship towards them – and towards our neighbours closer to

home of course – is a good aim to have.

St Owen’s Lent appeal this year was for the Foodbank in Bed-

ford (don’t forget to make that donation if you took part) –

which gave us an extra opportunity to care for the poor in our

local communities in addition to the food donations boxes we

have in church. And as the world seems to become smaller,

with enhanced communication links, it’s appropriate that Chris-

tian Aid week (12th to 18

th May) falls so close to Rogationtide.

Their annual campaign allows us all to support those across

the world, in our ‘global community’, who have so much less


than us. I understand there will be some envelopes delivered

in our villages, and if you don’t receive one, or prefer to give

digitally, you can donate via their website at .

We aren’t ‘beating the bounds’ of the parishes this year – but

you may like to walk around your own garden or piece of land

when you have a few minutes. Enjoy the growth and the life

you can see. Ask God for his blessing – on what you are

growing, on the time you spend there, and on the people you

will invite in. Pray for your neighbours, and consider how you

could show them God’s love through the way you treat them.

And don’t forget to be mindful of those who need your help.

Bless Lord this good earth, and make it fruitful… Bless the

homes of our parishes… Bless our common life and our care

for our neighbour. (Rogationtide litany)

Church Services are on page 6 and the diary at the end >>>

Coffee Morning

In aid of the

Karibuni Trust

At Oakley Methodist Church

Saturday 18th

May: 10:30 am–12:00



AMIGO coach trip to London

In addition to the itinerary printed last month here are some ide-

as for what you might do between the end of the guided tour

(3:15 pm) and the journey home.

Call into Twining’s historic tea shop - well worth a visit. https://


Cross over to St Clement Danes - the central church of the

Royal Air Force.


Wander through the Middle and Inner Temple complex with

their beautiful buildings and gardens. https://

Retrace your steps to pay a fleeting visit to Dr Johnson’s House

in Gough Square.

If it’s pouring with rain, one can call into Ye Olde Cock Tavern,

frequented by Pepys, Tennyson and Dickens.

Covent Garden is not far away and there are plenty of places

for a reviving cup of tea.


8.00 a.m. Leave Oakley Village Hall

4.30 p.m. Pick up the Coach in the vicinity of the Royal Courts

of Justice for our return journey.

the cost per person is £45.00.

If you wish to book contact John Dixon, 30 Hunts Path, Oakley,

Bedford, MK43 7SR.

Tel. No. 01234 824959, e-mail [email protected].


Church Services are on page 6 and the diary at the end >>>

REMINDER (For full details see last month’s Newsletter)



Sunday 12th

May 2019, 2.00pm until 5.00pm

Entrance: £5 (children under 14 – free)

In aid of refurbishment of organ at St. Mary’s Church.

Gardens are 1.4 miles from top of Westfield Road. There

is on site parking


The Churches Together United Service started with a walk from

St Mary’s Churchyard to the Methodist Church.


Your May Church Services

Sunday 5th

8:00 am Holy Communion (Traditional),

St Owen’s, Bromham.

9:30 am Holy Communion, St Mary’s.

10.30 am Morning Worship, Methodist Church,

Jim Ragless

Sunday 12th


9:00 am Holy Communion (Traditional),

St Leonard’s, Stagsden.

10.30 am Churches Together in Oakley

United Holy Communion, St Mary’s.

Sunday 19th

8:00 am Holy Communion (Traditional), St Mary’s.

10.30 am Family Worship with Communion, St Mary’s.

10.30 am Morning Worship, Methodist Church,

Geoff Talbot.

3:00 pm Churches Together in Oakley

Service of Remembering, St Mary’s.

Sunday 26th

9:00 am Holy Communion (Traditional),

St Leonard’s, Stagsden.

10.30 am Café Style Worship, Methodist Church,

Roz Addington.

6:00 pm Evensong, St Mary’s.

Thursday 30th


7:30 pm Deanery Communion, St Mary’s, Yelden.



A wonderful evening's entertainment was provided by the Sax-

ophrenia Quartet at Oakley Methodist Church on Tuesday 26th

March. The event was well attended and the audience was

very generous in donating £84.00 by way of a retiring collection.

Also ‘Saxophrenia‘ sent the following :

Dear Jenny

We really enjoyed playing for your Amigo group yesterday

evening. You were a very appreciative audience and many of

you were kind enough to talk to us after the concert.

Sue says that you contributed £84 to Tibbs Dementia Founda-

tion as the retiring collection and we thank you for your gener-


As I mentioned we are also playing at St Mary’s Church,

Oakley, as part of their fundraising summer programme of teas

in the church on Sunday June 16th 3.30 – 5.00 pm.

We will also be playing in the interval of a handbell ringing

concert at St Paul’s Church, Bedford, on Saturday 4th May from

7.00 pm.

Best wishes, Caroline



Once again we will be meeting to open our boxes and

count the money which has been raised to help

change the lives of vulnerable children.

Last year house boxes raised over £1.4 million.

Please come to Cayell Cottage on Wednesday May

15th between 10.30 and 12 noon for coffee and count-

ing. If you are unable to come then, please contact me

in order to arrange when you can bring your box be-

forehand or if necessary I can collect.

If you haven’t already got a box you are welcome

to come along and join in.

Signed ……………. Jill Scarr Tel.823403


Tuesday May 28th from 6.30 p.m.

Garden Party

at The Old School, Lovell Road, Oakley

Drinks and light refreshments will be available. Please let

John Dixon know by the 23rd

May, if you wish to come.

Tel. 01234 824959.


<< Church Services are on page 6 and the diary at the end >>

Walking and Praying the SCALLOP way

On Saturday 13th April a group of church members walked

13 miles from Sharnbrook Methodist Church to London Road

Methodist Church calling at Oakley, Clapham, and Park Road

Methodist Churches on the way. Others walked various parts of

the route. At each church we prayed for the church and its sur-

rounding community and the church provided us with refresh-

ments (lunch in the case of Clapham). Finally, at London Road,



<< Church Services are on page 6 and the diary at the end >>

Teas in Church




3.30PM – 5.00PM

Once again summer is approaching and we will be welcoming

everyone to St. Mary’s Church, to enjoy a selection of delicious

cream teas and cakes served by a wonderful group of dedicated


You will be delighted to know that once again, I have arranged

some entertainment.



Clarinet quartet with vocalist


Both Saxophrenia and Lickerish Allsorts have a varied reper-

toire of music which was enjoyed immensely last year.

We are looking forward to welcoming you all.

Diane Alder

Easter Craft Day

On the day before Easter Sunday the Methodist Church was set

out with examples of arts and crafts from several people. (See

photos following.) The day included a workshop in needlepoint,

which is taking palce in one picture.


<< Church Services are on page 6


The Churches’ diary for May 2019

Thursday 2nd

10:00 am

Messy Church, St Mary’s

Thursday 9th

10:00 am

Messy Church, St Mary’s

Sunday 12th

2:00 – 5:00 pm

Open Garden, Westfield House.

(More details inside.)

Tuesday 14th

10:30 – 12 noon

Oakley Coffee Charities coffee morning,

Vanda Singleton, the Methodist Church.

Wednesday 15th

10:30 – 12 noon

‘The Childrens’ Society Boxes’ – count.

Cayell Cottage. (More details inside.)

Thursday 16th

10:00 am

Messy Church, St Mary’s

Saturday 18th

10:30 am – 2:30 pm

Coffee Morning, Methodist Church.

(More details inside.)

Tuesday 21st

3:30 – 5:30 pm

Messy Church for All, Methodist Church.

Thursday 23rd

10:00 am

Messy Church, St Mary’s


Sunday 26th

3:30 – 5:00 pm

Teas in Church , St Mary’s

(More details inside.)

Tuesday 28th

10:30 – 12 noon

Oakley Coffee Charities coffee morning,


Tuesday 28th

6:30 pm


Garden Party, The Old School

(More details inside.)

Your next issue. Your June newsletter will be in the churches

on Sunday 26th May. Your contributions must reach me by Sat-

urday 18th May . Please send in your contributions in writing

either to your church’s co-ordinator or directly to me and in-

clude all events in June. Noel Evans.