may 2016 newsletter

starting off with this obscure text? The point isn’t to give you some words of wisdom or deep insight from this text because I still scratch my head whenever I read it. The point also isn’t to warn you about the dangers of teasing bald people or God’s prophets or both. Maybe the moral of the story is that boys shouldn’t tease a bald prophet of God in front of two mama bears as they are caring for their cubs. The point is that I still read this passage and have my questions. How many of you know that this passage in the Bible exists (hopefully anyone reading this letter knows now)? When was the last time you cracked open your Bible and read something from it; how often do you do so? How many of you don’t even know where your Bible is or don’t own one (if this is the case, please let me know; I’ll make sure you get a Bible)? The point of this article is to encourage you to read your Bible. We all have our questions about God, how he works in this world, and where He is in our everyday lives. Now you may not get the answers that you’re looking for from 2 Kings 2:23- 24…or at all, but what reading our Bible does is include us all into a dialogue that God has been having with humanity from the moment humankind took its first breath. We get to hear, see, and learn all the times that God has been faithful even when those whom He had saved turned their backs on Him. We get to experience to what lengths God will go to save you and me from the death and despair that sin brings in our lives. We get to read about the experience of a people that have most likely shared similar experiences in joy, pain, sorrow, grief, despair, hopelessness, and so much more and where God was in the midst of it all. 2 Kings 2:23-24 23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. This is the May Newsletter, and what is so significant about May for me is that on May 15 th , 2011, I preached as the pastor of Faith Lutheran Church (I still have that bulletin hanging up in my office). This was now five years ago! Can you believe how fast time has gone by?! Anyways, as I was thinking about being here for five years, I thought about one of the questions during my interview here, what is your favorite Bible verse. My answer was this wonderful piece from the Bible that you just read from 2 Kings. It really is one of my favorites mainly because whenever I read it I ask myself, “Why is this in here?” Why was it important to record this event about the she-bears mauling 42 boys who were teasing Elisha for being bald? Looking at this story as it is, it is a terribly tragic story about one of God’s prophets that just moves on to his next destination as two bears come out of the woods and mauls the boys who were just teasing him. Did Elisha know? Was he thinking that these boys were getting what was coming to them for teasing him and his bald head? Do I dare talk about his baldness for fear of two she-bears coming to get me? So many questions! I was also asked how I would preach on this text. I think my answer today is still the same as it was five years ago; I have no idea. So why am I Faithfully Yours Faith Lutheran Church ~ Rev. David Johnson, Pastor Congregation of the ELCA and its Northern Great Lakes Synod Church: (906) 486-9083 Parsonage: (906) 204-2401 email: [email protected] Membership Newsletter ~ May 2016

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Here is May's newsletter!


Page 1: May 2016 Newsletter

starting off with this obscure text? The point isn’t

to give you some words of wisdom or deep insight

from this text because I still scratch my head

whenever I read it. The point also isn’t to warn you

about the dangers of teasing bald people or God’s

prophets or both. Maybe the moral of the story is

that boys shouldn’t tease a bald prophet of God in

front of two mama bears as they are caring for their

cubs. The point is that I still read this passage and

have my questions.

How many of you know that this passage in

the Bible exists (hopefully anyone reading this letter

knows now)? When was the last time you cracked

open your Bible and read something from it; how

often do you do so? How many of you don’t even

know where your Bible is or don’t own one (if this

is the case, please let me know; I’ll make sure you

get a Bible)?

The point of this article is to encourage you

to read your Bible. We all have our questions about

God, how he works in this world, and where He is

in our everyday lives. Now you may not get the

answers that you’re looking for from 2 Kings 2:23-

24…or at all, but what reading our Bible does is

include us all into a dialogue that God has been

having with humanity from the moment humankind

took its first breath. We get to hear, see, and learn

all the times that God has been faithful even when

those whom He had saved turned their backs on

Him. We get to experience to what lengths God

will go to save you and me from the death and

despair that sin brings in our lives. We get to read

about the experience of a people that have most

likely shared similar experiences in joy, pain,

sorrow, grief, despair, hopelessness, and so much

more and where God was in the midst of it all.

2 Kings 2:23-24 – 23 From there Elisha went up to

Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys

came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of

here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He

turned around, looked at them and called down a curse

on them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears

came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the


This is the May Newsletter, and what is so

significant about May for me is that on May 15th,

2011, I preached as the pastor of Faith Lutheran

Church (I still have that bulletin hanging up in my

office). This was now five years ago! Can you

believe how fast time has gone by?! Anyways, as I

was thinking about being here for five years, I

thought about one of the questions during my

interview here, what is your favorite Bible verse.

My answer was this wonderful piece from the Bible

that you just read from 2 Kings.

It really is one of my favorites mainly

because whenever I read it I ask myself, “Why is

this in here?” Why was it important to record this

event about the she-bears mauling 42 boys who

were teasing Elisha for being bald? Looking at this

story as it is, it is a terribly tragic story about one of

God’s prophets that just moves on to his next

destination as two bears come out of the woods and

mauls the boys who were just teasing him. Did

Elisha know? Was he thinking that these boys were

getting what was coming to them for teasing him

and his bald head? Do I dare talk about his

baldness for fear of two she-bears coming to get

me? So many questions!

I was also asked how I would preach on this

text. I think my answer today is still the same as it

was five years ago; I have no idea. So why am I

Faithfully Yours

Faith Lutheran Church ~ Rev. David Johnson, Pastor

Congregation of the ELCA and its Northern Great Lakes Synod Church: (906) 486-9083 Parsonage: (906) 204-2401 email: [email protected]

Membership Newsletter ~ May 2016

Page 2: May 2016 Newsletter


Stewardship Talk ~ April 17, 2016

Mission Minute Number 1

Our congregation here at Faith Lutheran Church is a part

of God’s plan for our community. This year we are asking

you to increase your giving to the work of our

congregation and the whole ministry of the Evangelical

Lutheran Church in America. God provides and God is

generous! How shall we respond to God’s grace?

I read about a fellow who was driving home from work

one day when he stopped to watch a local Little League

baseball game being played in a park near his home. As he

sat down behind the bench on the first-base line, he asked

one of the boys what the score was.

“We’re behind, 14 to nothing,” came the reply with a


“Really,” the man said. “I have to say you don’t look very


“Discouraged?” the boy asked with a puzzled look on his

face. “Why should we be discouraged? We haven’t been

up to bat yet.”

Our congregation is now up to bat! Our need to give will

develop our spiritual life. Can we grow as people of faith

this year? Our stewardship ministry focuses on three

words, “Welcome, Worship and Witness.”

The Church--this congregation is called to be a welcoming

place. As we grow as people of faith we are privileged to

encourage our community to love the Lord Jesus Christ.

This building and our work together should be seen as a

place of refuge and hope. Your faithful commitments of

time, talent and treasure allow this work of welcome to

continue. We indeed are “up to bat.” What will we do to

invite in God’s people?

F r o m t h e P a s t o r ’ s D e s k c o n t . . .

I can’t guarantee that cracking open that

book or dusting it off and opening for the first time

or even getting a new Bible and opening it will

answer all of your questions. You may come across

obscure passages like 2 Kings 2:23-24 or left with

more questions than you have answers. But what I

believe is that God will speak to you through the

words that you read; that you will take part in a

journey that has led many to have strength when

they felt they had nothing left to give, hope in the

midst of hopelessness, peace when things were most

chaotic through the words they heard God speak to

them. And if you start your journey in Matthew,

Mark, Luke, or John, you will read about a God who

became human like us and gave up everything,

including His very life all for you.

Fa i th L u t h er an Ch u rc h Cou n c i l

Jeff Swanson

Kathy Solka

Norma Denney

Nancy Harmala

Ross Carlson

Cheryl Salmer

Bob Katajamaki

Jerry Kippola

Steve Bailey


Mi ss i o n St a t e me n t It shall be the mission of Faith Lutheran Church of

Ishpeming to develop, strengthen, and share witness

to the message of the Gospel; through an increased

understanding of our ministry, and our daily living,

both individually and as a congregation.

In God’s Peace, Pastor Dave


Stewardship is about getting dollars

in the offering plate! If this is what stewardship is about, why did Jesus

talk so much about how we use what is entrusted

to us? Stewardship is about growing in our

relationship with Jesus through the use of time,

talents and resources entrusted by God. It is not

about achieving a budget or getting enough to

keep the doors open.

Page 3: May 2016 Newsletter


Signe Carter - Eastwood

Mary Denney

Elmer & Shirley Juntila -Valenti

Lois & Simeon Richards

Geraldine Harrison—Valenti

Judy Garceau

Lois Toy - Valenti

Reflections on Stewardship by Kathy Richards

I wanted to be part of our stewardship ministry this year

for my first time because giving back to God for all that

he has provided for me and my family is very important

to me. I want to share with all of you three reasons why

this is so.

First of all, tithing was very important to my parents. I

remember them discussing this when I was younger and,

as a result of their example, it is important to me to

show my thankfulness to God for all he has provided. It

also helps me to grow my trust in God; to trust that He

will take care of me and my family.

The verse I think of when I am preparing my church

offering is “Whoever can be trusted with very little can

be trusted with much” Luke 16:10

I believe that God is trusting me to do good for others

with what he has provided me.

Secondly, giving to others now has more meaning to me

than buying more things for myself. I have learned over

time that having more stuff sometimes just causes me

more stress. Because with my schedule, finding time to

use it, somewhere to store it, having to clean it, repair it

and then possibly dispose of it just adds more stress.

While giving to others, brings me peace and joy.

The two verses that reflect my thoughts are “Tell them

to use their money to do good. They should be rich in

good works and should give happily to those in need,

always being ready to share with others whatever God

has given them.” 1 Timothy 6:18

Also, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will

be also.” Luke 12:34

Finally, there are many good organizations that one

could support. However, I choose our church as my

main recipient because I can actively participate in

helping to fulfill God’s mission through our church in

the area my family and I live.

The verse that resonates with me in this regard is “Go,

therefore, and make disciples of all nations” Matthew

28:18. Through using my time, talent and offerings, I

feel like I am meeting this commandment.

These are the reasons why stewardship and giving back

to God through our church is important to me.

With that, let us pray: Lord, instill in our hearts a spirit

of love and compassion. Inspire us to make a difference

in our parish and community, by being generous with

our time, talent and treasure in order to build up your

Kingdom. Let us constantly remember that all we have

comes from you, in Jesus name we pray. Amen



Judy G.

Judy H.

Judy H.
























Cliffs Workers


Family of Pastor Rudy Kempinen / Family of Lorraine Aho

Those we keep in

our Prayers

Stewardship Talk continued...

Our Home-bound and Nursing Home Residents

Page 4: May 2016 Newsletter


Quilters craft table is new for

Spring / Summer. All proceeds go

directly to Faith Lutheran Church.

(Anyone can add a craft for sale :)

Faith Lutheran Church Quilters’

While you are Spring

Cleaning, the Quilters are looking

for gently used sheets, blankets,

mattress pads, fleece blankets and

throws to be used as fillers. If you

have some of these items to donate,

please leave them on the bench downstairs outside

the Fellowship Hall.

Thanks to all for the past donations and all

future donations; these are GREATLY appreciated

by the Faith Lutheran Quilters.

Page 5: May 2016 Newsletter


On the evening of

March 23rd my cousin

Eric Lequia was in a

horrible accident. In an

effort to help a student

and defend his wife from some kids who grabbed

her. He was hit in the face, knocked backwards,

tripped, and cracked his skull on the pavement. He

was rushed to Green Bay where he was placed in

the neuro ICU unconscious for three or four days.

In the process he has gone through facial

reconstruction surgery which included putting a

metal plate and pins in the left side of his face, but

he still has a long road of recovery to go. The

doctor had said that if he had been hit just a quarter

of an inch higher our family would have been

going to his funeral.

This man and his wife Andrea have

sacrificed and served our country with honor. Eric

spent 10 years in the military serving in Iraq 2006-

2008 for OIF-OEF and serving in Afghanistan

2009-2010 for OIF-OEF. His wife Andrea has

also served 15 years including three tours in Iraq.

As a result of the injuries that he has sustained

from this incident, Eric has still not been given the

all-clear to go back to work.

It was brought to my attention that there

was a desire to take up a collection for Eric and his

family as they journey down this road of recovery

and the trials that they face. We are planning to

take up a collection for Eric Lequia and his family

on Sunday, May 15th after the worship service

(starts at 10:00 am) in order to help in any way that

we can as they incur travel costs, medical

expenses, and loss of income due to his inability to

work. I am thankful for the prayers that you have

provided and continue to ask for your continued

prayers for health and healing.

In God’s Peace,

Pastor Dave

Keep in Your Prayers

Please note that on May 15, the coffee “Love” offering is for Eric Lequia to assist with his extra

medical expenses, Marilee is serving. Please donate if you can.

JOSEPH’S COAT RACK Sponsored by the Altar Guild


If you need a ‘coat’ …………………………...….... take one!

If you know someone who needs a ‘coat’…….….....take one!

If you have a good, clean ‘coat/jacket’………….....bring one! (For men, women, and children)

This is a free recycle, reuse project sponsored by the Altar Guild. At the end of each

month of there are any coats/jackets on the rack they will be boxed and sent to Gaastra

Mission. If the Mission is not in need that month they will be brought to either St.

Vincent DePaul's or Goodwill.

APRIL UPDATE: Twenty-six more coats, jackets and shirts have been donated to Gaastra Mission

through this program at Faith Lutheran; thank you to all that donated. They are still in need -- they will

accept gently used flannel shirts and sweaters as well as Spring jackets and vests. They are very grateful to

get our donations. Coffee offering on April 24, was for Gaastra and we donated $140. Gaastra is in

desperate need of a new furnace. The Mission has 66 beds and helps men and women recover from drugs

and alcohol. Questions—please call: Marilee Koval 485-4349 / Irene Kindstrand 486-4373.

May God Bless You! Faith Lutheran Altar Guild

Page 6: May 2016 Newsletter


If you are unable to serve on your scheduled day, please switch with someone or contact the following:

Irene Kindstrand— Lectors and Ushers Kathy Magnuson— Communion Servers Cheryl Salmer—Counters

C o f f e e S e r v e r s 05/01 Irene and Judy for Melissa H Graduation 05/08 Mothers Day Gathering 05/15 Marilee for Eric Lequia “Love” Offering 05/22 Kathy Richards / FLLC Scholarships 05/29 Graduation Sunday - Fellowship

C o m m u n i o n S e r v e r s May Carole Watson June Kathy Magnuson

U s h e r s 05/01 The Baileys 05/08 Karen and Ken Blau 05/15 Marlene and Claude Kautz 05/22 Mary Hewitt and Irene Kindstrand 05/29 Bev and Jerry Kippola 06/05 Melissa and Ward Harmala

L e c t o r s 05/01 Marilee Koval 05/08 Irene Kindstrand 05/15 Bailey Peterson 05/22 Irene Kindstrand 05/29 Marilee Koval 06/05 Emily Kaare

C o u n t e r s 05/01 Cindi Armitage and Robyn Stille 05/08 Kathy Richards and Laura Korte 05/15 Debbie Kroon and Robyn Stille 05/22 Judy Swanson and Laura Korte 05/29 Cheryl Salmer and Robyn Stille 06/05 Elaine Maki and Laura Korte

W i t h T h a n k s t o T h o s e W h o S e r v e i n M a y


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

May 2016

Mutual Ministry


Church Council


Confirmation 7pm

Confirmation 7pm

Confirmation 7pm

Children’s Sunday

School 9:45am

Worship 10am



Children’s Sunday School 9:45am

Worship 10am

Children’s Sunday School 9:45am

Worship 10am

Mothers Day Children’s Sunday

School 9:45am

Worship 10am

Share & Care

Children’s Sunday School 9:45am

Worship 10am

Confirmation 7pm

Grass cutting volunteers are needed for Spring and Summer.

If you can lend a hand (or two) with the church and

parsonage lawns, please see Nancy Harmala.