may 2010 issue 76


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This is the San Marcos / RGV Edition Of WEIRD MAGAZINE. May 2010 Edition


Page 1: May 2010 Issue 76
Page 2: May 2010 Issue 76

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Page 4: May 2010 Issue 76

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Will EARTHCHANGESIncreaseuntilTimewave ZERO? A Mid America Earthquake?When someone talks about earthquakes of an American fashion, all eyes focus on Cali-fornia. Is there a more famous earthquake than the San An-dreas Fault? How about the Alas-kan version? On Good Friday, March 27, 1964, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 struck Prince William Sound, Alaska. This earthquake is the third largest recorded in the world. Within the first 24 hours, there were 11 aftershocks and with a magnitude greater than 6.0 and 9 more took place over the next few weeks.

But could there be an earth-quake in the middle of these United States? How about a little history!

On December 16, 1811, an 8.1 earthquake with an epicenter in northeast Arkansas hit. It caused only slight damage to man-made structures, mainly because of the sparse popula-tion in the epicentral area. The future location of Memphis, Ten-nessee was shaken at Mercalli level nine intensity. Large waves were generated on the Missis-sippi River by fissures opening and closing below the surface. Local uplifts of the ground and water waves moving upstream gave the illusion that the river was flowing upstream.

Talk about optical illusions!

At New Madrid, trees were knocked down and riverbanks collapsed. This event shook windows and furniture in Washington, D.C., rang bells in Richmond, Virginia, sloshed well water and shook houses in Charleston, South Carolina, and knocked plaster off of houses in Columbia, South Carolina. In Jef-ferson, Indiana, furniture moved and in Lebanon, Ohio, residents fled their homes. Observers in

Herculaneum, Missouri, called it “severe” and claimed it had a duration of 10–12 minutes.

So much for the history books other than to say two more major 7-8 power earthquakes hit (each a month apart) and did great damage.

Thus we have what is called the New Madrid Seismic Zone, sometimes called the New Madrid Fault Line, is a major seismic zone and a prolific source of intra-plate earth-quakes (earthquakes within a tectonic plate) in the Southern and Midwestern United States stretching to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri. For some reason my “inner voice” is telling me that while the San Andreas fault is the first choice for one of the two major earth-quakes predicted for America in 2010, the New Madrid fault just might be the second one.

Ah, there’s just a little over eight months to judge if that’s the case. Hey, for me, it beats watching Dancing With The Stars!

2012 & Other Novelty Theories

The 2012 phenomenon com-prises a range of eschatologi-cal beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21 which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related

to this date have been proposed, but few have been accepted by mainstream scholarship. One concept that has grabbed the attention of many scholars is what’s called the “novelty theory”.

Technology, population, speed of travel, food and materials production, communications capabilities, computing power, the decrease in computer size, amount of information known to humanity, and a gamut of other things, are all increasing at an accelerating rate. That is, they are increasing, and the rate at which they are increasing is increasing.

How far can we exponentially keep up this pace?

Mathematicians have plotted the asymptotic graphs of all of humanity’s technological developments and projected them out to the point where they all, relatively simultaneously, hit infinity. Is that possible? For those that pursued such an endeavor arrived at a date infamously known as December 21st, 2012. Is this NOVELTY truly a date when everything as we know it will change?

Terrance McKenna thought so: and he’s not alone.

Our planet has experienced exponential jumps in time (can you say axial age?), near extinctions, and some major species-changing events in our history. The Agricultural Revolu-

tion, Industrial Revolution, and The Information Revolution are three of the biggest. But, now we’re into totally un-chartered waters dealing with things such as nano-technology producing microscopic computers (that are millions of times faster and more powerful than the super-computers of today).

In the time imme-diately prior to, and during the ‘omega point of infi nite nov-elty’, anything and everything conceiv-able to the human imagination will oc-cur simultaneously. McKenna fi xed the date of this his-torical endpoint as December 21, 2012,

the end of the long count of the Mayan calendar.Unfortunately, Terrance McK-enna passed away on April 3rd, 2000, but we are left with his novelty theories and Timewave Zero concepts to pursue.

McKenna’s theory said that as the complexity and sophisti-cation of human thought and culture increases, a factor he called ‘universal novelty’ approaches a curve of infinite exponential growth. He called this the ‘omega point’. In the time immediately prior to, and during the ‘omega point of infinite novelty’, anything and everything conceivable to the human imagination will occur simultaneously. McKenna fixed the date of this historical end-point as December 21, 2012, the end of the long count of the Mayan calendar.

Does anyone know for sure?

What we do know is that the frequency, the resonance, and the heartbeat of the earth is on the move and increasing. Can we stay the same in light of such movement? Are we not one with all? The earth is alive and becoming more so and we must “go with that flow” regardless of what unbelievable “novel-ties” come. They really can’t be stopped; however, we can and should stop long enough to discern the subtle body that we and all are.


Novelty: Time Wave Zero and Earth Changes

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Mayan End Age 12-21-2012 Cusp Of Great CycleWe are living today in the cusp of the Mayan end times, the end of a galactic day or time period spanning thousands of years. One galactic day of 25,625 years is divided into five cycles of 5,125 years.

The Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on the winter solstice of 2012 A.D. Following Mayan concepts of cyclic time and World Age tran-sitions, this is as much about beginnings as endings. In fact, it was considered by the ancient Mayans to signify the creation of a new World Age. We are almost at the end of the fifth and final 5,125 year cycle!

Why is everyone talking about the year 2012?The Solstice on December 21, 2012—precisely at 11:11 AM Universal Time—marks the completion of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of the Ancient Maya Long Count Calendar.

Rather than being a linear end-point, this cycle that is closing is naturally followed by the start of a new cycle. What this new cycle has in store for humanity is a mystery that has yet to unfold...

2012 is also considered the completion of the 26,000 year Precession of the Equinoxes cycle, and some say it also signi-fies the end of a 104,000 year cycle.

The recent “2012” movie serves to alert a targeted 140 million people, in case they too haven’t already heard the news. Unfortunately, however, the movie does a dis-service because it distorts the mes-sage of this ancient prophecy by associating it with fear and destruction, as depicted by the movie’s global disaster sce-nario, rather than the themes of transformation and renewal the prophecy is actually based in.

The 2012 date indeed marks

the completion of this World Age Cycle. Rather than some-thing to fear, we can understand the 2012 prophecy as signalling us that we need to awaken and realize that these times on Earth are auspicious; we are living in land-mark times in the history of our planet. We are collectively in a cross-roads moment that is calling out to us to participate in our fullest capacity. We are each being summoned to bring our inspiration and empower-ment to the fore, as we must all take our places in transforming our human culture to be one of Harmony—with ourselves, with each other and with all of Nature.

Together we are in a great initiation process, living in times of unprecedented challenge, transformation and opportunity. This planetary moment has never existed before as it does right now. Our human popula-tion is climbing off the charts, accelerating by the day, as is our environmental crises and the vast whole-system struggles of peoples worldwide, both physically and spiritually. The old world mentality, founded in separation, greed, ignorance, and unconscious consumer ma-terialism, has reached danger-ous peaks.

Simultaneously, there has never been so much possibility at our fi n-gertips as there is right now. A new paradigm is trying to emerge in our world, through our hearts and minds, like a fl ower trying to grow through the cracks in the cement sidewalk. New comprehensions and new solutions are emerging in our collective journey—from new sciences, to new economic models, new healing modalities, new energy technologies, new

educational models, new forms of conflict resolution, etc. These times of crisis are unifying us and catalyzing us to awaken to our personal and collective responsibilities in this one plan-etary equation.

As we perceive the 2012 com-pletion date as a reminder to us from the Ancients that right here and now we are living in precious times, we can realize how criti-cal it is that we align together in respect for life, becoming more and more conscious of how our intentions and actions affect the Whole.

This is an important theme of this prophecy: Becoming Conscious of All that has been Unconscious. It is time to see and know and become aware of how we can participate directly in this great transformation process, inside of ourselves and in our shared world, from the en-ergies we transmit through our feelings and intentions, to the details of our lifestyle choices.

The New Cycle that is to emerge is founded on us awakening to the beauty and responsibility of our interconnectedness. Every one of us has a piece in this cosmic puzzle, and we must help each other find our heart’s guidance in these mysterious

times. As we recognize we are in a Global Healing Crisis, we can shake off the wounded victim mentality, and arise as Medicine Warriors, here to do the necessary work to help lay the ground for a New Era to root, conscious of our obligations to future generations.

Carlos Barrios, who was trained as an Ajq’ij in the Maya tradition, has this to share in regards to 2012:

“Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action... The prophesized changes are going to happen, but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are.

“This is a crucially im-portant moment for human-ity and for earth. Each person is important.

If you have in-carnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing with the planet!.

The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It’s not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It’s encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way.”


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W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Roger. Tell us about your Music?

RLS: Thank you, glad to be part of Weird, always felt a little weird! Greetings, friends--well, let’s see, back to the beginning--been playing music since I was 8, piano was my first instrument and years later, guitar and bass. I’ve been writing since I can remember and I love all types of good music. I incorporate different things in my songs and purposely like to have a good variety on my albums. Often an artists’ CD can sound very similar from one song to the next to where it‘sounds the same’ and I don’t want that, so I mix it up. I’m a rocker who does some country though I don’t have a country-sounding voice (unless I really try twanging things up) and I like that kind of juxtaposition, it can lead to really splen-did places. And I mix in folk, funk-rock, blues-flavored numbers, psychedelia, whatever and I’m always eager to venture into new directions. Lyrically, I’ve always been way into words. I definitely pay attention to lyrics a lot more than that average person, like all songwriters do and I realize that most of the population is just rocking to whatever groove, they could care less about what it is your actually saying. That’s why there’s so many songs out there about toilets and lip stick, okay love and romance, or, like I said, toilets and lip stick.

W: How long has the (band) been together?

RLS : I’ve been playing with the guys in my band a good while, bassist Jay Ewell has been playing with me for five years and drummer Jimmy Spencer’s been with me a year and a half so or. In Austin, especially if you’re a singer-songwriter, you really need a few folks at each position if you want to play regularly. And in this town, you can do that, there’s so many good ones. At one point, I had five bass players and five drummers in

regular rotation, when one guy wasn’t available, I would just call the next guy. Really makes things interesting and gives you lots of perspectives on your songs, jams, etc., not to mention keeping you on your toes. We do a lot of jamming and we play short, tight arrangements. There’s a bunch of my songs that open themselves up where we can really raise a ruckus, and usually in the coda section, the end, we go off into the big, wide open exploratory zone and that’s where the energy soars. And I play acoustic a lot as well. So, to answer the question, several years!

W: Your music very often has a political message in it. Where does this stem from?

RLS : I can’t help but write about what I see and discern and suspect and am disgusted by. So much of what goes on in our world is right in front of us and yet we are truly bogged down by daily life to do much about it, let alone recognize it, at least in a truly meaningful way. I have always written about subjects beyond girls, cars, drugs, the usual rock topics. I write about all of that as well, but I just go wherever the inspiration takes me and you can’t open your eyes in this world we live in and not be outraged, alarmed and amused by what’s happen-ing. Since high school, I’ve always been into causes and trying to help in one way or another. In college, I orga-nized or helped organize over twenty benefit concerts for different charities and causes including Amnesty International, which of course really brought political and ethnic injustice to the surface for me. We did an anti-apartheid benefit (this was the 80s), rainforest benefits and lots more. College is a great center of free expres-sion and social energies colliding, at least it’s supposed to be, so naturally, the music just fit right in and vice versa. So, I’ve always found plenty to write about and not just writing in a serious way about serious matters. I’d say there’s a healthy sarcasm in some of the delivery, like on the songs “Pharmaceutical Nation”, “Leave Willie Alone” and a few others. I used to be much more strict in my chastising the world yet without as much irony or whimsy. I used to be such a serious boy.

W: What needs to change about our political system?

RLS : We are Rome about to fall. There’s no question, it’s just when the dominoes will go. Hate to be so blatantly cynical but if the asteroids or volcanoes don’t get us, then certainly we will. If it’s not the wars we wage and the terrorism those wars create, if it’s not some lone bomber, if it’s not the aliens, if it’s not solar flares, then our own petty treatment of each other will do us in. And of course there’s this raging debate about global warming but the fact is -- we, our predecessors chief among us, are ruining our home. Look at pollution, look at the fact that there is literally nearly no place left on this planet where fish are untouched by human-made chemi-cals and poisons. Look at one thing after another when it comes to food, medicines, mainstream commercial products, aspartame, I mean come on! Okay, I’m getting onto a rant, but it’s all related. We need massive change and nothing will be easy, no matter the change. Like a lot of folks, I’m not terrifically rosy about our future but I am hopeful and somewhat optimistic that the human rights factor and the human conscience factor, especially, can overcome some of this hateful, despotic oppression that exists worldwide.

For America, we have to aban-don the two-party system. It’s not really a two-party thing of course, they’re two sides to the same, old bullshit story. The fact that health care isn’t built into the system, that needs to change. These Draconian laws about marijuana, that’s got to go, and hey, California may ac-tually make it legal, yeehaw! Finally, that’s a good thing. See? There is hope.W: Political oppression and music have very often gone together over the years. Why is that do you think?

RLS : It’s the best way to fight the oppression. With peo-ple’s minds and hearts rather than swords and stones. Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, they are perfect examples. Marley is a king as far as I’m concerned, and a massive influence on songwriting as well as human rights. Books, articles, poetry, plays and of course movies, they’re all very effective in framing arguments and showcasing abysmal political repression and strife. But music is the most immediate, you can sing a song and force people to think with a melody. “We Shall Overcome” is the ulti-mate protest song, right? Sums it up pretty damn well. I titled my fourth album New Dark Ages because I wanted to make a statement but with a light, sarcastic twist. At least that’s what I was hoping to do.

Photo by Becky Castro Delgado

The i l luminating Music of Roger Len Smith

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W: I like the sound of it and it has an Americana, Tom Petty feel to it. Is that fair to say?

RLS: Absolutely. I don’t mind that comparison at all. Tom is a huge compliment and influence. Thanks for checking it out. He has his sound but also a good variety of things he’s done over the years and the thing I love about ‘AAA,’ Americana, alt-country or whatever you call it is that it’s about the song. And yet, labels are just fairly generic, everyone has their own interpretation. For me and many others, it started with Dylan and the Beatles and you just move on from there.

W: Tell us about your next big show in May?

RLS : Well, Bob Schneider is playing my front lawn on my birthday and I’m opening the show! That’s more or less true. Our neighborhood MUD community center is having a BBQ cookoff with all these cookers going at it and Bob’s headlining, it’s a show of four or five bands and my band is first up, 11am and it happens to be on my birthday. And if that wasn’t enough fun for the day, I’m also playing the bar Weirdo’s (how appropriate is that?!) on Mopac @ Parmer Lane (use to be Nuno’s North), that night with my band, 8pm-midnight. Come on down! Also playing Hanovers in Pflugerville, Tuesday, May 4, a bunch of acoustic shows around town and in mid-May, I fly up to Ohio to play a few shows in Columbus and Cleveland.

W: Tell us about a few of the Illuminati songs.

RLS :You bet -- my album from 2007, New Dark Ages, which is really a double album at over 70 minutes, was sort of my commen-tary on the Bush-Cheney regime and more of course. It’s hardly a new thing, all this decep-tion and outright thievery has been going on for decades in this country and for ages across the globe.

We’re Rome about to fall. I mean, shit, people, Eisenhower even had the balls to warn us. Yet, so much has come undone. And you can’t talk about that without bringing up the ruthless agendas of corporations and the global elite. “Phar-maceutical Nation” is just what it sounds like--a protest expose song about how addicted they’ve got nearly everyone to drugs, medicines, all that we supposedly need. It got picked to be on the soundtrack of a documentary about human guinea pigs. Also from New Dark Ages is “Bio Willie Diesel (Leave Willie Alone),” about Willie Nelson’s semi-annual pot busts, or that’s what it seems like. Every couple of years, they pull his bus over and guess what they find on board? Gee, I wonder. Kind bud, anyone? And I used that scenario as a platform to rail about the fact that we’re still not using bio-fuels like we should and how most of the ‘drug wars’ and such our

government wages are really ruses for more capital and political gain. The song got a lot of radio airplay in Hawaii. “Dangerous Days” is about how the Illuminati, the powers that be, the invisible men in charge, can just do anything and get away with it. Literally highway rob-bery and murder. And that brings us to “Robbed Blind,” in which I actually use the term ‘Illuminati’ (which, by the way, is very different from the Illuminati portrayed in Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons). I like playing “Robbed Blind” with its Chuck Berry/Elvis Costello mix of fre-netic rock ‘n roll energy and that helps the lyrics come off more sarcastically than just outright depressing. To me, the lyrics are funny. Oh and I also mix in Bush, Cheney and (Condi) Rice into the lyrics on this one. “Hardest Of Rains” is about September 11. “You’ll Say Anything” is from my newest album, Clear Blue Skies, and it’s a theme of ‘you’ll say anything to get what you really want’ split into three verses, one of which has to

do with being the president of America.

W: Are you a fan of Alex Jones? RLS : I am a fan of Alex. I agree with a lot of what he says, not everything but I’m certainly appreciative of the fact that he’s out there, doing the dirty work to at-tempt to shine a light to the mainstream on what’s really going on.

I often say to people, if even 10% of what Alex is talking about is true, then we’re fucked. Think about it, listening to Alex and similar radio hosts can be a bit depressing at times unless you try to pitch in and at least engage in a discourse on these timely topics.

That’s ultimately the best that any media can do--open the lines of communication, as demented as some peo-ple are. Alex is very brave to do what he does, especially in his films, when he breaks into the Bohemian Grove or tries to infiltrate the Bilderbergers with Jim Tucker and much, much more and thankfully Alex, and others, are out there doing that. Because, truly the masses are sleeping, truly the world at large is in denial or in the dark about what seems to be about to happen...

W: Where can folks find your Music around central Texas?

RLS : My CDs are for sale at the stores around town, Waterloo, Cheapo and I perform all over the state and we do occasional tours of California, Hawaii and else-where. I play both acoustic and with my band all over Austin. I do acoustic shows out at the Austin airport a lot, the County Line BBQ, Jovitas in South Austin and

many other places. Check out my My Space page for show dates. We’re doing another Grateful Dead/Allman Broth-ers jam night in August with my friend, Harry Bodine’s band. Details forthcoming, we just did two of those shows at Jovitas this spring, lots of fun, two drummers in my band for those shows.

W: How do readers get ahold of you for a gig and to contact you to pick up your CD?

RLS :I perform all over and my CDs are for sale at Waterloo Records on 6th, Cheapo Discs downtown on Lamar, Pirahna CDs in Round Rock and online

at My first CD, National Boulevard, is due for a reprint and people can special order that one by emailing me. Also, I’ve got a Facebook page and my My Space page acts as a sort of radio-press kit with a bunch of songs available for listening and all my show dates are posted. Folks can email me directly at [email protected], I always have my CDs at shows. Blue Skies) (New Dark Ages)

W: Thanks Roger. Any final thoughts to Weirdo’s?

RLS :Keep it weird! I appreciate the time and space and wish everyone wisdom and good health, along with a lot of good music, hemp and maybe some Scotch. Keep it real but keep it weird and no one does it any weirder! Thanks a lot, Russell, best of luck with everything.

The Music & Politics of Roger Len Smith

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lIVE lONGANDpROSPERA small Canadian town has been obsessed with all things Star Trek for as long as anyone can remember, but deni-zens always felt some-thing - or someone - was missing. Until the weekend.

Leonard Nimoy, who will forever be known as Mr Spock from the 1960s sci-fi TV series, finally fulfilled the dreams of the farm-ing community that shares the name of the character’s home planet by paying a visit.

His remarks to Vulca-nites, many decked out in their homemade Star Trek uniforms, were, well, logical.

“I have been a Vulcan for 44 years - I figured it was time I came home,” the 79-year-old actor said to cheers at a ceremony at the centre of the town.

Vulcan, a community of 2,000 people about 100 kilometres south-east of Calgary, has for years identified with Star Trek.

It has become a tourist drawcard, especially for hard-core Trekkies.

There is a model of the USS Enterprise space-ship at the turn-off from the highway.

Pictures of Spock as well as space scenes adorn buildings downtown.

Town officials look for any opportunity to put on their uniforms and pointy ears and the town’s annual summer fair is known as Spock Days.

The council had tried for years to attract Nimoy, who played the half-Vulcan, half-human first officer Mr Spock known for his logical solutions to crises facing Captain James Kirk, played by William Shatner, and his crew.

Nimoy didn’t stay long, but for Vulcan, his week-end visit tops all other events.

Locals are calling it “the Holy Grail moment”.

“It’s an opportunity to welcome Spock home, to welcome

Leonard Nimoy back to Vulcan - his home community, his home planet,” - Mayor Tom Grant, Vulcan ears affixed, said as he strolled down the main drag behind an En-terprise-theme parade float.

Nimoy left his handprint - fashioned in a Vulcan salute - for the town to cherish and he unveiled a bronze bust of him-self as Spock.

He listed numerous honours bestowed on him over the years for his work in the famous role, most recently being inducted into the US Space Foundation

Hall of Fame. But he said the tribute paid to him by the town of Vulcan was the most touching of all.

“Wait until Bill Shatner hears about this,” Nimoy joked.


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Canyon Lake

May 8

Hawk Sports Camp 3rd Annual Crawfi sh Bowl & Washer Tournament12pm-6pm. Mystic Shores Pavilion, 299 Grosbeak Dr. All you can eat! All the fixins: potatoes, corn, bread, but... BYOB! Children’s food will be available for pur-chase along with water/cokes for sale. All proceeds will benefit HSC for kids. Must RSVP. $20.00 (Boil) or $30.00 (Boil & Tournament). Pre-pay online.

May 15Fish Fry at VFW Post 857311am-3pm. VFW Post 8573, 14625 River Rd. Spon-sored by The Men’s Association of VFW Post 8573. Fish, coleslaw, french fries and hush puppies. Cost $6. 830-964-3334.

Dripping SpringsMay 15Studio Tour and Hill Country Art ShowMay 15Studio Tour and Hill Country Art Show10am-6pm. Presented by Artists of Dripping Springs. The Hill Country Art Show will take place at Roger Hanks Parkway and Hwy 290W, which is 1.2 miles west of the intersection of RR12 and US Hwy. 290 West. Texas Commission on the Arts Texas Originals and many other artists will be selling their original art and craftsmanship,. Pick up your Studio Tour map at the Art Show and take a leisurly ride to visit the Studios. Enjoy artists demonstrating at the Studios. Catharine Murphy, 512-531-9837.

GrueneMAY 16th 14th Annual KNBT Americana Music Jam at Gruene Hall 1am-11am. Gruene Hall, 1281 Gruene Rd. A celebration of Americana music featuring excep-tional artists of the genre. Event benefits a different lo-cal charity each year. Co-sponsored by Gruene Hall and KNBT 92.1 FM Radio New Braunfels. 830-629-5077.

WimberleyMAY 15th 15th Annual Garden Tour10am-4pm. Hosted by Wimberley Garden Club. Tour six gardens, shop the plant sale, and enjoy complimen-tary refreshments. Tickets can be purchased at the Wimberley Chamber of Commerce, 512-847-2201. $10, includes a map. Norma Stiegler, 512-847-5366.

MAY 28th-June20thGrease8pm per-formances on Fri., Sat.,

and Sun. “Why, this car is automatic, it’s systematic, it’s hydromatic; Why, it’s grease lightning!” Emily-Ann Theatre & Gardens, 1101 FM 2325. It is 1959 and Rydell high is filled with rebellious, thrill-loving students. The students at Rydell High have to deal with love, gang violence, peer pressure, and friendship all while dancing and singing to some of the most beloved songs from the 1950s. Purchase tickets online. 512-847-6969.

KerrvilleMay 27-June 13Come on out and enjoy the magic of the Kerrville Folk Festival. You’ll be glad you did and you will want to come back every year. The 39th annual festival opens Thursday, May 27, with Ana Egge, George Ensle, Big Wide Grin, and Austin Lounge Lizards, and closes with Micky & The Motorcars. May 28 closes with Randy Rog-ers. May 29 closes with Jimmy Lafave. May 30 closes with Indigo Girls. May 31 closes with Brave Combo. The evening concerts continue through June 13. For a full schedule and ticket discounts of 15% until May 22, visit the website. 830-257-3600.

HarlingenMay 8th 6pmBlues on the HillSaturday May 8th 6pmMcKelvey Park 1325 S. 77 Sunshine StripHarlingen **Free admission*Lawn chairs welcomed*Food/beverages on available site*please no outside food/beverages ice chests FeaturingTutu JonesPride & Joyand EMT Blues Revue

McAllenState Farm ArenaMay 19th-24th RINGLING BROTHERS CIRCUS

June 6th DWIGHT YOAKAM Dwight Yoakam in Concert with spe-cials guests Will Hoge May 19-24, 2010. 8:00 p.m.

Tickets: $79, $69, $59, $47, $37 plus fees

MissionMay 14th Chevelle May 14, 7:00 pm (Friday)Las Palmas Race Park7509 North Taylor RoadMission, TX

May 15thMark McKinney - Randy Rogers BandLas Palmas Race Park7:00 pm (Saturday)

MAY 27thThe Black CrowsSee Page 13 >>>

AustinMay 8thThe Spill Canvas w/ Tyler Hilton, AM Taxi, and New Politics EMO’S 7:00 pm (Saturday)

TXRD Lonestar RollergirlsSaturday, May 8th 7:00p at Palmer Events Center, Austin

May 12thCarrie Underwood’s “Play On” TourWednesday, May 12 7:30pFrank Erwin Center, Austin

San AntonioPapa Roach - 12 Stones - Nothingmore

May 12 - Scout Bar

WEIRD Events MAY 2010

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W: Hey guys welcome back to weird.

AOV: Thanks for having us again, its been awhile

W: So what new with you guys? whats been going on musically i know you guys have gone threw a change of singer wise? and musically ive heard the new stuff kinda “trippy” .

AOV: Musically its been very refreshing and exciting as far as the creating process goes, since we became a three piece around three years ago, ideas and concepts have been very open and flowing. In the beginning phases of are 5th mark since are conception in 1999, three original members still stand, Louie(guitars), Franco(drums,vocals), and Tommy(bass) and we feel the music is as potent as ever.

W:Oh yeah!! what made y’all change from Axe of Vengeance to plain ol a.o.v.?

AOV: Basically fans,bands,and friends started calling us AOV for short and it kinda just stuck, and its easier to remember, plus most people cant spell vengeance for some strange reason. W:So the mighty axe has hit it 10 yr mark what was that like? and any regrets?

AOV: In Hindsight there are no regrets, of course we had our moments of trouble, first with our exiting of our first vocalist, Albert Morin respectively in 2004, and an-other bump in the road in early 2007, with the outing of our second vocalist, Adrian Pizano respectively. On the other hand, all the great shows, awesome bands we’ve shared the stage with and becoming better musicians together, ithas been a great experience.

W: What would you say has been the most influential in the progress of the band? Most of your ep, demo, or cds have sounded different and original in its own way.

AOV: It would be a combination of things really, mostly the music we submerge ourselves in as a collective and individual, also comic books, movies, etc.

We want to take what our predecessors have given us and sort of pay respects to them, by creat-ing something all our own.W: So whats in your tape deck, cds player ,ipod or

misc. mp3 player? AOV: Well, the tape deck in the “Metal Van”aka, “Space Van”aka, Francos van, when it works, Grave, Mercyful fate, Tori Amos, Aha. Our Cd players have got all kinds of stuff, Today is the Day, Man or Astroman, Macbre, Banco Del Mutuao Soccrosso, Dinosaur Jr, Fooly cooly soundtrack, Bruce Haack.

W: How can are readers contact you guys for booking info upcoming shows and the latest and greatest on a.o.v.?

AOV: The most convenient way would be through Myspace at, with all the necessary info, along with music off our New CD “Sensory Motor Trips”, live footage, pics, and the latest news.

W: OK so you guys have been a band for ten yrs made many a song, played many a show, and traveled many miles to this point, the new cd (sensory motor trips) what does this cd mean to you? how would you describe it to people who have and haven’t heard you guys before? And how do you feel about the overall outcome?

AOV: Well, basically means we’re still here Fuckers! still moving forward, still creating music, still gaining fans. Well some people have described our sound as, “psychedelic death metal”, trippy, creepy, violent, visual. We also seem to convert the occasional listener, people often come up to us and say “ I don’t even like that type of music, but that was really good”

W: This cd comes with a built in trippy intro that sounds like it was used to torture ALIENS or could be used to torture insurgents. There is also a super sweet outro that takes you to the cosmos.... great job!

The song PARALYZED BRAIN ECLIPSE awesome title by the ways! This track has a very different sound from the normal brutality you guys have mostly produced, what inspired the song and whats it about.....?


AOV: Musically it was inspired by our love of extreme metal and progressive/psychedelic influences, trying to merge both tastefully. The song is about a patient in a coma recovering from a violent accident, in the patients mind all is well and moving towards recovery, on the outside the doctors feel strongly that the patient will not make it back, the lyrics are from the patients point of view.

W: Cool well thanks again guys and best of luck any shot outs?

AOV: Thanks for having us again, a few shot outs, the true fans(you know who you are), Miguel Chavez, Javs, Unbroken Loathe, Drujo Demana, Slow grind, Slay the Dawn, Criselda, Laurie Pineda, Mantallica (R.I.P), all the underground/Internet radio that plays us, Serg, Steve and Banister, In Asunder, Kill to Thrill, Tentacles, Sever-ance, Russell Dowden, B.S.M, Zaphron, Inno, Copz lounge, Hop shop bar, Headhunters in Austin, (Tripple Crown San Marcos), Salazar Sailor, family, friends and anybody who supports true art.

Axe of Vengeance 10 Years Later

Page 15: May 2010 Issue 76
Page 16: May 2010 Issue 76

Page 16 •

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Business Classified Section Page 16

Page 17: May 2010 Issue 76
Page 18: May 2010 Issue 76

Alien AdviceBy Heidi Hollis

Dear Hei-di: Hi my name is Ally, I’m 15 and I need help. I have been see-ing

Shadow People come out of my mom’s bedroom at night, but they don’t seem to bother her. The thing is, though, I recently told her about what I have been seeing and now she plans on putting me into some therapy thing. She doesn’t believe a word I’ve told her even though I have witnesses. Some of my friends came over for a sleepover and saw the Shadow People, too!

One time I was lying in bed and felt my blankets being lifted up and down in a really fast motion. I couldn’t move because I was so afraid and I couldn’t even scream! All I could do was just lay there and when I tried to say something it only came out as a mere whisper. Then a few months later I felt something touching my leg and try to pull me out of bed.

At the time, I was in my mom’s room because I was so afraid of what I was seeing, that I demanded to sleep in there with her. On this night when this happened, though, she went down stairs because she has a bad back and some-times it’s easier for her when she sleeps on the couch.

I thought I heard the Shadow Being talk, even though I had the covers over my head I could still see through the sheets. But, I thought I heard it say,

“Lets see how stupid these humans are.” Then that’s when I felt that I was being pulled out of the bed! I think I kicked it as I tried to scream and (LOL) I started to snort like a pig. After that is when I was suddenly able to scream for my mom. So my question is: are these Shadow People dangerous? I need to know how to get rid of them and/or prove to my mom that it’s not just my imagination.


Ally________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Dear Ally,

I’m sorry that you have to deal with these things at such a young age where it can be confusing, desolate and ut-terly terrifying! I know because I’ve been there myself.

It sucks when the people we look up to in our lives at that age, don’t believe us when we tell them something that is the absolute truth. It doesn’t matter if you are telling them that you didn’t break their favorite vase because some spectral visitor apparently threw it across the room, smashing it to tiny bits, while you were the only one home. Nope! All that matters is that you replace that vase out of your hard earned allowance—taking the blame for some rotten, invisible scoundrel!!! Arrgh! Well, that’s what happened in my case anyways and that’s the gosh honest truth! I was alone, heard a smash, came a’running, saw the pieces scattered, told my par-ents what happened, they looked down their noses and made me pay for it!

So you see Ally, you aren’t alone in what you are experiencing. Many of us have experienced the paranormal while growing up and I don’t know many that have actually been believed by their parents. My dad in particular was stern to say that our heavily haunted home had nothing but pos-sible bats in the attic wrecking havoc on our (me and my siblings) imaginations.

It wasn’t until I became an adult did my dad finally confess some of the more horrorific stories any of us encountered while living in our home growing up. My dad felt that if he acted as if he were afraid that none of us would have the gumption to even step foot in that house! Essentially, my dad had us all fooled, but he was right to do so—in a sense. I know that I wouldn’t have wanted to even stick a toe in that house if I spotted my dad, with his arms flailing in the air, running and screaming about what he saw.

In your case, your mom doesn’t seem to give any hint that anything is going on from her perspective and she doesn’t understand where you are coming from with your perspective, either. But one thing I have to give kudos to your mom for is that she cares to help in some way. Many parents just let paranormal talk in one ear and slide out the other—but your mom heard you.

She can’t relate to it, she doesn’t know about it, so she’s seeking out answers in the best way she knows how. I’ve actually received quite a few emails from kids and teens

like yourself who have seen odd things and been put into therapy. So again, you are not alone in that respect either.

I say, heck, if you are going to be enlisted to go to therapy then let it all hang out! Mean-ing, let them know all your issues, vent it out, get it out, make use

of your time with the therapist since I think we can all need someone to talk to sometimes. As kids, we have to follow our parent’s suggestions, even if we don’t exactly agree with them.

Another interesting fact about therapist’s, who have consulted experiencers of the odd sort, is that it’s been through therapist’s help that many alien abductees have been able to recapture their memories about their alien encounters. Even the very first modern day-alien abductees, Betty and Barney Hill were hypnotically regressed by a therapist and put these types of experi-ences on the map of the world!

So, seeing a therapist isn’t a terrible thing and you may be fully surprised at the support you might receive in fig-uring out more regarding what you are experiencing. On the flip-side, if you were an adult being told by a naysayer to “go get some therapy” because you reported seeing something odd—I’d have a whole other set of advice on what to tell that person and where they could go!


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Page 19: May 2010 Issue 76
Page 20: May 2010 Issue 76

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Infowars.comApril 26, 2010

Illinois state Reps. and Chicago Democrats John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford are calling for on the governor, Chicago mayor Daley and Superintendent Jody Weis to use the National Guard in response to crime in the city.

“As we speak, National Guard members are working side-by-side with our troops to fight a war halfway around the world,” Fritchey said in a Sunday re-lease. “The unfortunate reality is that we have another war that is just as deadly taking place right in our back yard. Is this a drastic call to action? Of course it is. But is it warranted when

we are losing residents to gun violence at such an alarming rate? Without question.”

“Enough is enough. We’ve already lost too many lives. We need action now,” Ford said.

Fritchey said guard members have been trained in civil law enforcement as part of their nation-building assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is illegal to own a handgun in Chicago. Proponents of outlaw-ing the Second Amendment in the city argue that taking guns out of the hands of citizens will reduce violence and the murder rate. 113 people have been killed in Chicago so far this year, the exact same number as U.S. troops reported killed during the same time period in Iraq and Afghanistan. The murder rate in Chicago soared immediately after the city banned handguns in 1982.

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits mem-bers of the federal uniformed services, including the State National Guard, from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace of-

fi cer powers that maintain law and order on non-federal property within the United States. The act does not apply to National Guard units while under the authority of the governor of a state.The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act gave the president the authority to call out National Guard troops in the event of “public emergen-cies,” although the wording of the bill was later repealed and reverted to the previous wording of the Insurrection Act.

In 2007, following Hurricane Katrina, Congress changed the 200-year-old Insurrection Act to allow the president to control state National Guards in the event of an emergency. In a letter to Congress, a number of state governors called the change “a dramatic expansion of federal authority during natu-ral disasters that could cause confusion in the command-and-control of the National Guard and interfere with states’ ability to respond to natural disasters within their borders.”

In 2008, Defense Secretary Robert Gates or-dered the Pentagon to conduct a “broad review” to deter-mine if the military and the National Guard and Reserve can “adequately deal with domestic disasters.” Gates’ order followed an earlier report released by the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves urging the Pentagon to “use the nation’s citizen soldiers to create an operational force that would be fully trained, equipped and ready to defend the nation.”

Chicago Police

Supt. Jody Weis said he did not believe calling out the National Guard is the best solution for a soaring crime rate in the city. “I appreciate their frustration and their willingness to help,” he

told Fox News. “But I am simply not sure the National Guard is the answer to our problems — at least in terms of mass deployment. I’m frankly not sure what their mission would be.”“I spent six years in the Army, and I never got any course on how or why to obtain a search warrant,” Weis said. “That simply isn’t part of the military mission, but it’s something our officers have to deal with every day.”

In July of 2009, an Illinois Na-tional Guard military police unit deployed armored vehicles on the streets of Springfield.

In February, Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl called in the National Guard in response to a snow storm. The troops soon began patrolling the streets. The mayor told residents on a live broadcast that the should

“be advised that you will begin to see National Guard Humvees in some of your neighborhoods beginning this evening.” Ravenstahl also said issues that would normally be handled by police would be handled by

the National guard, including “domestic disputes” normally addressed by the police.

During the G20 summit in Pennsylvania last year, neigh-boring New York announced it would mobilize the National Guard and deploy Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters. “The New York Army National Guard aircrew and helicopters are fly-ing in support of the Pennsylva-nia National Guard’s Joint Task Force G20 which is executing Operation Steel Kickoff, securi-ty support for the G20 Summit involving 2,500 National Guard Soldiers and Airmen working at the direction of the Secret Service,” reported ReadMedia Newswire in January.

In 2008, National Guard troops were dispatched to patrol Times Square during the New Year celebration.

The Iowa National Guard was forced to rollback a military training exercise on the streets of a rural Iowa town in February, 2009, after negative publicity. The Guard had planned a four-day urban military operation in tiny Arcadia, Iowa, popula-tion 443, sending troops to take over the town and search door-to-door for a suspected weapons dealer,

WorldNetDaily reported.

Lawmakers Call for Troops on the Streets of Chicago

Page 21: May 2010 Issue 76

W: Welcome To Weird Maga-zine. Tell us about Dons.

DFC: Dons is becoming the most popular place to hang out on the water. We’re getting more employees from the New Braun-fels area, and visitors alike. Better rapids, more privacy and hey; Everybody loves Don!

W: How long has Dons been in business now?

DFC: We’ve been doing this for 4 years now with Don and this year is getting even better and bigger crowds!

W: Is it really about four hours of toobing like I hear?

DFC: Well last year yeah, with the drought and all, but this year the water is moving faster with all the rain we’ve been getting in the hill country so the river is moving faster. Total time is about 2.5 - 3 hours.

W: What Specials are going on now that it is Warming up and the Spring is here?

DFC: Well it’s $10 to Float and a $5 entry fee! But it’s well worth it! (editors note)* Look for the ad in this issue for Dons and it’s only $8 to get in. See who says I

don’t be trying to help yall out now? - End editor’s rant.W: Can I rent a tube for my ice chest and bring my cold bever-ages?

DFC: You sure can! Those toobs are for rent here too. We recomend you go over to The Eskimo Hut and fill up your ice chest and get a ticket there!Kill two birds with one Iron Skillet! ;)

W: Do you offer special party’s for graduation?

DFC: Well over the years, yes Don has been known the throw a ShinDig or two out here. If students want to book a private party out here prolly just talk to Don himself or ask about open dates at Eskimo Hut.

It’s Good Clean Fun out here!A great way to kick back and enjoy the river and some sun!

W: What should students know about Don’s Fish Camp going into the Sum-mer?

DFC: That it’s a fun place to go and have some good clean fun in the sun. Just kick back and enjoy the river. Also for the tough guys out there. NO FIGHT-ING! You Will Be BANNED! So check your Testoronie at the door.

W: When camping do many folks build a fire and fish?

DFC: Yeah fishing and a fire at night is cool with us. (Unless there is a fire ban going on).

W: Does Don’s ever have live music out there in the Day or on weekends?

DFC: Yeah as a matter of fact bands are coming out here more on the weekends Satur-days usually after 3pm- 10pm! So come on out here and enjoy the music by the water. And hey, if you have a band and want to perform out here. Stop by the Eskimo Hut for informa-tion to get a gig with us!

W: Any other events out there at Dons recently? DFC: Well the other weekend the gang from Corrider Comedy came out here and did stand up comedy by the water. That was pretty cool!

W: Craig, thanks man. I look forward to hanging out and cruising down the river this summer! Any final thoughts to Weird Readers?

DFC: Yeah, we just appreci-ate everybody’s business for keeping us going strong for 4 years! We hope yall keep coming back and make us your

choice for floating down the


Stay Cool at Dons!Bring all the WEIRDO’s out with ya!PS.


Toobing Down The River: @ Don’s Fish Camp

Page 21 •

Page 22: May 2010 Issue 76

Science & Beyond by Jay Abazi Across

1. Frozen water4. Gasoline and ethyl mixture11. Open a bottle16. Saltwater fish17. Guacamole’s main ingredi-ent18. ___ Jean; 60’s country singer19. Serious situations21. Lawn or meadow22. Comedian __ Carvey23. Aerial phenomenon (abbr.)24. Backbone25. Small horses used for children’s riding31. Less hopeful34. Irritate35. Native American tribe of northern Utah member36. Poem of noble intent37. Fish limb used for balancing38. SNL character and movie played by Tim Meadows (2 wds)41. Voyeur (2 wds)44. African antelope45. British nobleman46. Greek letter after Rho48. Actor Nicolas ___52. “Land of the Free” (abbr)55. Act of creating construction equipment58. French explorer Samuel de ____62. Fuel63. 10 Grams (abbr)64. Fortune or chance

65. Money machine (abbr)66. Pilot’s helpers

68. Legal doctrine of adoption (lat.)72. Women, e.g.73. Inflict damage74. Flower holder78. Indian region known for tea79. Dietary supplement, e.g. (2 wds)83. Large fishing net84. Salt of acetic acid85. Copy (a cassette)86. Ink spot on shirt87. Fish with bony skeletons88. Get older

Down 1. ____ over (surfaces)2. Deep unconsciousness3. Biblical garden4. Restrain freedom of speech5. St. e.g.6. Father’s child7. Magical group8. Israeli port city9. Ancient Greek theatre10. ___ Angeles, CA11. Wordless12. Certain loss (2 wds)13. Braincase14. Hindu’s immortality nectar15. Heli- or key-___20. Scrape24. Headless nail26. Enhanced sound (hyph)27. Ireland, poetically28. Metallic sound29. To carry out30. Upper house of the U.S. Congress (abbr.)31. Narcotic, slang32. Scheme33. Prophet, e.g.38. Enter website (2 wds)

39. Weapon’s need40. Draw in liquids by mouth42. Prune’s beginning43. South American monkey47. Seaweed extract49. Assistant50. Chew on51. Green ___ & Ham53. Astronauts, e.g.54. Los __, CA; near San Francisco56. Trading center57. Supercomputer of Nuclear testing (abbr.)58. Greek letter “X”59. Cell phone, e.g.60. Absence of organ or tissue61. Electric current unit66. Ventilate67. Please respond (abbr)69. One of the languag-es of the Arabian Peninsula70. Vestment of Christians71. Honey badger75. Verdi opera76. Slimy, night-feeding mollusk77. Central European river, arises in Czech Republic78. Donkey79. Large vessel80. Chinese communist leader __ Zedong81. “___ Going Down”82. Word after fish or hair

Answers Next Month -

Puzzels & Stuff !

Page 22 •

Page 23: May 2010 Issue 76

The Organics INTERVIEW

Page 24: May 2010 Issue 76

Alien Contact Could be Dangerous27-Apr-2010THE aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least ac-cording to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist — but that instead of seeking them out, human-ity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.

The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawk-ing, one of the world’s leading scien-tists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universe’s greatest mysteries.

Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets,

but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in inter-planetary space.

Hawking’s logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each con-taining hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.

“To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational,” he said. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.”

The answer, he suggests, is that most of it will be the equivalent of microbes or simple animals — the sort of life that has dominated Earth for most of its history.

One scene in his documentary for the Discovery Channel shows herds of two-legged herbivores browsing on an alien cliff-face where they are picked off by flying, yellow lizard-like predators. Another shows glowing fluorescent aquatic animals forming vast shoals in the oceans thought to underlie the thick ice coating Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter.

Such scenes are speculative, but Hawking uses them to lead on to a

serious point: that a few life forms could be intelligent and pose a threat. Hawking believes that contact with such a species could be devastating for humanity.

He suggests that aliens might sim-ply raid Earth for its resources and then move on:

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intel-ligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such ad-vanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise what-ever planets they can reach.””He concludes that trying to make contact with alien races is “a little too risky”. He said: “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

The completion of the documentary marks a triumph for Hawking, now 68, who is paralysed by motor neu-rone disease and has very limited powers of communication. The proj-ect took him and his producers three years, during which he insisted on rewriting large chunks of the script and checking the filming.

John Smithson, executive producer for Discovery, said: “He wanted to make a programme that was enter-taining for a general audience as well as scientific and that’s a tough job, given the complexity of the ideas involved.”

Hawking has suggested the possibil-ity of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon.

So far, all the new planets found have been far larger than Earth, but only because the telescopes used to de-tect them are not sensitive enough to detect Earth-sized bodies at such distances.

Another breakthrough is the dis-

covery that life on Earth has proven able to colonise its most extreme environments. If life can survive and evolve there, scientists reason, then perhaps nowhere is out of bounds.

Hawking’s belief in aliens places him in good scientific company. In his recent Wonders of the Solar System BBC series, Professor Brian Cox backed the idea, too, suggesting Mars, Europa and Titan, a moon of Saturn, as likely places to look.

Similarly, Lord Rees, the astronomer royal, warned in a lecture earlier this year that aliens might prove to be beyond human understanding.

“I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive,” he said. “Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.”

Stephen Hawking’s Universebegins on the Discovery Channel on Sunday May 9 at 9pm

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Hawking warns: Alien Contact Could be Dangerous Page 24 •


Page 25: May 2010 Issue 76
Page 26: May 2010 Issue 76

The Nessie Files: Governments & Lake MonstersBy Nick Redfern No less than 250 million years ago, movements in the Earth’s crust led to the creation of a huge rift across Scotland that, today, is known as the Great Glen. As the centuries passed, the deeper parts of the Glen filled with water, and it now exists in the form of three main lakes, or lochs, to give them their correct title: Loch Oich, Loch Lochy, and Loch Ness.

For more than a century-and-a-half, the three lochs have been connected by the sixty-mile-long Caledonian Canal, which provides passage for small marine vehicles from the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. By far the largest of the three lochs is Loch Ness. Twenty-three miles in length, almost a mile wide, and 755-feet deep, it contains more water than any other lake in the combined British Isles. Surrounded by trees, mountains, ancient castles, and fa-

mous for its deep and dark waters, it is very little wonder indeed that Loch Ness is viewed by many people as being both a magical and a sinister location. And, as practically anyone and everyone who has ever marveled at the mysteries of our world will be only too well aware, the loch is the al-leged home of Nessie – arguably the planet’s most famous long-necked lake-monster. But precisely what the creatures of Loch Ness really may be is a matter of deep debate and controversy. Some researchers conclude that a still-living colony of plesiosaurs – carnivorous reptiles that surfaced at the start of the Jurassic period - lurk within the deep waters of Loch Ness. Others believe that the creatures may be giant, monstrous eels. And, of course, there are some who conclude that the stories are nothing more than fabrications, and an ingenious ploy to help boost Scotland’s tourist-based economy.

For certain branches of the British Government and military, however, the monsters of Loch Ness have secretly been a favourite topic of investi-

gation for decades. For example, in the late 1970s, official documents made available to the public in 2005 reveal, the then-Conservative government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had seriously considered a request to use dolphins in a search for the creatures. If the existence of the monsters could be proven, the official world thought, it would have a very positive bearing upon Scotland’s tourist industry. Amid complaints from the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani-mals, however, the plan was never put into action. But still the “Nessie File” remained open. Then, in the mid-1980s – now-de-classified files demonstrate - the government secretly tried to deter-mine if the Loch Ness Monsters were at risk from hunters and poachers. At one point, govern-ment officials were seriously con-sidering drafting new legislation to protect the animals, despite the fact that no one could even be sure they existed. Eventually, the documents show, the government concluded that: “The legislative framework to protect the monster is available; provided she (or he) is identified by scientists whose reputation will carry weight with the British


Of course, so far no such identifica-tion has been made. Unless someone within the Government knows some-thing we don’t. And perhaps they do. In 1965, additional files show, the British Royal Air Force’s Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre at RAF Brampton analyzed film-foot-age taken in 1960 that purported to show a Loch Ness Monster and concluded: “One can presumably rule out the idea that it is any sort of submarine vessel for various reasons which leaves the conclusion that it is probably an animate object.” Perhaps, one day, we will learn more about the British Government’s real-life X-Files on the monsters of Loch Ness.

Governments & Lake Monsters

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W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Marie. How are you?

MDJ: I am great, very busy, but great!

W: Well I wanted to interview you because your work is per-fect for Weird Magazine. Lets talk about your books. How did

you get into the alternative sciences, new age and paranormal?

MDJ: I have been interested in these subjects since early childhood and it was natural for me to write about them once I realized, again at a very early age, that I was destined to be a writer. I am also a lover of hard science, having grown up with a geophysicist for a father! I love exploring the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. I got very much into metaphysics about twelve years ago, which led into writing about the links between quantum physics and the paranormal, and now my research is moving into the field of Noetics, con-sciousness and the power of the human mind to create reality.

W: What is the new one about The Trinity Secret: The Power of Three and the Code of Creation ?

MDJ: I was a minister for many years and as my disser-tation subject chose to examine the trinity symbolism found in religion, mythology, science, psychology, even fairy tales and creation stories. I wrote a very formal paper, and it was not publishable, but always wanted to turn it into a book eventually. My writing partner and I just signed a two-book deal and decided to take the trin-ity concept and turn it into a book, discussing the ways that triads appear throughout nature and religion. The entirety of creation seems to be based upon a 3-fold process that we describe in the book. What we realized is that the Holy Trinity of Catholicism is found in every religion and spiritual tradition, and represents a process of creation, NOT a description of a deity, as we have all been taught. The book also looks at the prominence of the number 3 as a power number in myth, religion, science, mysticism, and again, even folklore. 3 is profound!!!

W: The number 3 really does have significance. MDJ: Absolutely. Of all numbers, probably the most profound significance, because it represents the triune nature of reality. My favorite example is physicist David Bohm’s description of the orders of reality - the explicate, which is manifest physical reality; the implicate, which is the unseen and invisible connectivity underlying manifest reality; and the super-implicate, which is the Godlike overseer of sorts. This is a perfect description of the trinity concept. Father, son and holy spirit is just one of many ways to say the same formula, or code, of creation. 3 is profound in Masonic

teachings, occult teachings, and just about every religion, and the book really delves into how and why this one particular number is so holy and exalted!

W: Speaking of numbers, I myself always see 11:11. I see your recent book talk on this.

11:11 - The Time Prompt Phenomenon: The Meaning Behind Mysterious Signs, Se-quences and Synchronicities.

Why do many of us see 11:11?

MDJ: People all over the world experience time prompts, which are basically times that seem to be sig-nificantly noticed on a regular basis. They don’t always have to appear as time, though. Just any number se-quence, such as a store receipt, a license plate number, etc. 11:11 is the most popular and widely reported and we found a direct connection with the enigma of the year 2012, when the Mayan Long Count calendar is said to end (although I believe it just resets back to zero, as do many scholars and the Mayan themselves!!!).

Apparently, the big change people are expecting to occur in the year 2012 will occur at approximately 11:11 am GMT on December 21, 2012. This is the mo-

ment the Winter Solstice begins, a time very pro-found to the Mayan culture, as well as the Aztec. So, you have a lot of people reporting 11:11 as a time prompt, although one must ask if the wide-spread dissemination of this over the Internet has not helped create the snowball effect of more and more people hearing about 11:11, and thus going on to notice it more often. Our brains seek pattern and once the brain finds a pat-

tern, it becomes embedded in our neural pathways and we begin to ALWAYS notice it. It may have always been there, but now we have a vested interest in noticing it!

W: As we lead up to 2012, what can humanity expect from this date? Are we due for calamity or an uplifting in human conscious?

MDJ: I suspect, as in any year, we will get both. Maybe a little more of each, because people are setting powerful intentions to experience one or the other, and I firmly believe collective intention can influence manifest real-ity. But, the original mythology of 2012 did not say the world would end. It was simply the end of a natural cycle. Ancient cultures lived in accordance with natural cycles and were very much aware of the cyclical action of the stars above, just as they were the birth-life-death cycles on the ground below. As above, so below. But nowhere is there VALID PROOF of this year bringing Apocalypse. That is a Western religious belief that was attached much later on to the whole 2012 mythol-ogy.

The Mayan elders who have come forth to speak about the latest interpretations of their calendar have expressed distress over the outright lies and miscon-ceptions modern media and many writers have put forth. 2012 is not any kind of end, they say. Just the end of one particular cycle and the beginning of another.

But rest as-sured, every-thing and anything bad or good that happens that year will no doubt be attributed to the 2012 enigma!!! And when the world does not end, the Armageddon crowd will simply latch onto another date!W: I don’t know what you believe, but I personally am hopeful that it is the dawning of a new age.What were the Mayan trying to tell us?

MDJ: That nature above and below operates in cycles, and every ending is a new beginning. EVERY ancient culture believed this, as indicated in creation myths and origin stories of the Sumerians, Babylonians, name it. Cycles play a huge role in the Hindu mythology, with Yugas as world eras we are mov-ing through, with one leading into another. Yes, there are dark and heavy cycles, but they always give way to a Golden age to follow. The Judeo-Christian Bible even speaks of this - Apocalypse followed by 1000 years of peace, then more violence, etc... All is cyclical. Nature tells us that, but most of us don’t spend ENOUGH time in nature to see. I do believe that those who want the dawning of a New Age will find one, because they intend and expect it. But it will be on a more individual scale...I don’t think we as a species are anywhere close to general mass enlightenment!!!

W: What is the difference in 2012 and 2013?

MDJ: I think the main difference will be in the prolifera-tion of technology that makes our lives busier, more complex and more breathless! The exponential speed by which technological progress doubles is increasing and it just may leave us and our humanity behind at the starting gate.

MARIE D. JONES Interview

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MDJ: I see 2013 as the dawn of overwhelm. I think we are feeling that overwhelm now, with too much information coming at us from all sorts of media, espe-cially the Internet, with social networking pretty much taking over actual personal contact for many people. More information means a more taxed brain, and we will need our brains to adapt or die, so to speak, to the stunning advances that are coming our way. Technology, and of course, political conflict and economic chaos, are what I see in 2013. No return of Jesus, or appearance of an Avatar. We are on our own kids!

W: Your book PSIence: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal Phenomena. There are many things that mainstream science is ignorant or arrogant about regarding the paranormal. This book touches on that.Is that correct?

MDJ: Both sides show incredible arrogance. But I am generalizing because there are people on both sides of the fence that are open minded. BUT there are still large numbers of scientists who refuse to acknowledge subjective experience that cannot always be replicated in a laboratory setting. AND there are those in the paranormal community who think they can find the an-swers they seek without any knowledge of science. Both are ignorant and arrogant. We must seek that middle ground where we are all doing serious research, while

also finding a way to bring the subjective and personal experience into the light and examine how we ourselves may be involved in the manifestation of para-normal phenomena. Quantum theory is a great place to start because the behavior of particles at the quantum level is even more paranormal than the paranormal. And if some of those behaviors can be extrapolated to the more cosmic behavior of objects, we might be onto something.

W: Have you ever seen UFOs? There is a definite con-spiracy by governments of the world to keep the UFO information a secret. Would you agree? Take the Brook-ings Report for example.

MDJ: I saw something once I could not explain, but in no way do I think it automatically qualifies as an alien ship. A UFO is just that, an unidentified flying object. I studied UFOs for over 15 years with MUFON, and can now tell you that I believe we are dealing with something more interdimensional than nuts and bolts. As for government cover-ups, I believe they know more than they let on, but not much. I think some of the conspiracy involves their not knowing how to explain something, and not want-ing the public to know their own ineptness. Secrets are never kept for long, though. Full disclosure may never happen, but we have enough personal witness reports to pretty much say that, yes, something is out there. We just don’t yet know what it is, where it comes from, and how it gets here. That is still up for debate.I love a good conspiracy, but often think we give the government way more credit then they deserve. They may know just as much as we do, but because they must

give the sense of control, don’t want us to know we are all playing on a level field. How do you govern a populace when the populace is on the same level you are? I think we are dealing with a conspiracy that is more about uncertainty and fear of losing control than a sinister plot to keep us from knowing the truth.

W: Lets talk about the book you co-authored Supervolcano in light of recent events. Since mankind can not prevent a Volcano, what should humanity prepare for in the event that ancient geo-physical history repeats itself ? MDJ: You cannot prepare for a super-volcano. Sorry, they are just too big and devastating. Luckily they rarely happen! But we can all be prepared for lesser natural disasters and I personally am a fully trained Com-munity Emergency Response Team rep in my region, and training with Red Cross in disaster response. I am a Ham radio operator and belong to several disaster Nets. You don’t have to go THAT far, but at least have two to three weeks worth of food, water and necessities. No longer is 3 days worth good enough. The more prepared the better. But in the event of a supervolcano, we

are all pretty much gonna be thrown back into the Dark Ages, and the only real survivors will be the native and indigenous tribes that already know how to live off the land. So much for progress and technology!

W: On a Global scale humanity is in a very volatile posi-tion. Would you agree?

MDJ: Yes, but it is all due to our own inability to get along and share resources. Greed, power and corruption will be our down-fall, not aliens, supervolcanoes and superbugs. Humanity is on the brink, and the saddest thing of all is that it is in our control to change that. We just don’t seem to have the collective desire to do so. W: I host Weird Radio myself a few times a year. Tell us about your radio show?

MDJ: My partner, Larry Flaxman, and I will be doing a show called Fringe Freaks on Tuesday nights on the Para-X Network. We plan to be the Howard Stern and Robin of the paranormal. Enough said! W: What kind of guest have you had on the show?

MDJ: We are starting up next month and will have people we admire and respect, at the cutting edge of new science, paranormal, science, and Noetics. But we expect to do a lot of commentary and just have fun with the show. It will be no holds barred, so not for everyone!I do co-host for Dreamland on occasion, and have the pleasure on that show of interviewing luminaries in those same fields. It is fun to be on the other side of the interview coin!!!

W: How can people get in touch with you for your power-ful books and more information about your work?

MDJ: People can email me via my websites, and I try to answer every email. I am also on Twitter and Facebook.

W:Any final thoughts Marie for Weird Magazine readers on the future of humanity?

MDJ: People need to get off their asses and stand for something, or they will fall for anything.

W:Marie thank you for your time and the wonderful work you do.

MDJ: Thank you for letting me talk about it!!!

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The Soviet Navy and UFOsThe former chief commander of the Soviet Navy has revealed informa-tion on UFOs that until recently had been secret. The Soviet Navy had so many encounters with mysteri-ous objects raising from or diving into the ocean that a special analytic group was set to make weekly re-ports to the naval commander-in-chief.

Vladimir N. Chernavin, 81, was the chief commander of the Soviet Navy and deputy minister of defense of the USSR from 1985 to 1992. He is the recipient of several high Soviet and Russian state honors. The mate-rial he presented is peppered with the names of other distinguished Soviet naval officers. Some of those officers have spoken before about their knowledge of UFOs, but others are being publicly associated with the phenomenon for the first time.

Among the information Chernavin revealed are these statistics pro-vided by former naval captain of the first rank Vladimir Azhazha: “Fifty percent of meetings with UFOs are connected with the ocean, and 15 percent with lakes.” Forty-four per-cent of cases have been recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, 16 percent in the Pacific, 10 percent in the Mediterranean Sea.

Azhazha also recounted an incident in the Pacific Ocean, when a Rus-sian submarine was pursued by six unidentified objects, which emerged from the water and took flight after the submarine surfaced to evade them.

Azhazha is the author of dozens of books and articles on UFOs. He was the captain of the experimental submarine Severyanka in the 1960s and has recounted his experiences with unidentified objects under water before.

Former rear admiral and nuclear submarine commander Yury Beketov is quoted describing events that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle. “We repeatedly observed that the instruments detected the movements of material objects at unimaginable speed, around 230 knots (400 km. per hour [250 m.p.h.]). It’s hard to reach that speed on the surface – only in the air [is it readily possible]… The beings that created those material objects significantly exceed us in develop-ment.”

Naval intelligence expert and captain for the first rank Igor Barklay noted that the unidentified objects were most often spotted in deep water near where military forces are concentrated – off the Bahamas, Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the east coast of the United States.

Unexplained activity in Lake Baikal is also recorded. In 1982, divers on a training exercise encountered swim-mers in silver outfits with no visible breathing apparatus. They were at a depth of 50 meters (164 feet). Three people died trying to pursue the mysterious swimmers.

The link between UFOs and the ocean has been noted before, Capt. Vladimir Prikhodko commented on the information. He noted that American naval forces have also had experiences with rapidly-moving objects underwater and above it in the Caribbean Sea and elsewhere.

Researcher Paul Stonehill writes that there are numerous Soviet accounts of strange objects beneath the surface of the sea. In the summer of 1982, Mark Shteynberg, along with Lt. Colonel Gennady Zverev, were conducting periodic training of the reconnaissance divers (“frogmen”) of the Turkestan and Central Asian military regions.

The training exercises had been taking place at the Issik Kul Lake, a

deep-water lake in the Transiliysk Ala Tau area. Quite unexpect-edly the officers were paid a visit by Major-General V. Demyanko, commander of the Military Diver Service of the Engineer Forces of the Ministry of Defense. He arrived to inform the local officers of an extraordinary event the had occurred during exercises in Siberia. Frogmen had encountered mysterious underwater swimmers, very human-like, but huge in size (almost three meters in height)! The swimmers were clad in tight-fitting silvery suits, despite icy-cold water temperatures. At the depth of fifty meters, these “swimmers” were not wearing aqualungs, but sphere-like helmets concealing

their heads.

Alarmed by these encounters the local military commander decided to capture one of the creatures. With that purpose in mind, a special group of seven Soviet frogmen chased one of the strange swim-mers. As the Soviet frogman tried to cover the creature with a net, the entire group was thrown out of the deep waters to the surface by a powerful force. The frogmen were in danger of dying because they needed decompression stops to equalize the pressure in their bodies. All of the members of the ill-fated expedition were stricken by decompression sickness known as the Caisson disease. The only remedial treatment available was to place them in a decompression pressure chamber. Unfortunately, the closest one could handle only two persons. Four frogmen were put in the chamber and three perished, and the rest became invalids.

The Major General rushed to Issik Kul to warn against similar “devil-

may-care” actions. Although the Is-sik Kul Lake is more shallow than the Baikal Lake, both lakes contained similar mysterious creatures. A short time later, the Turkmenistan Military received an order from the

Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces. The order consisted of detailed analysis of the Baikal Lake events.

The documents contained bulletins from Engineer Forces listing ap-pearances of underwater creatures in numerous lakes, giant discs and spheres coming in and out of the lakes, and powerful lights emanating from the deep, etc. The documents were highly classified and were used, “to prevent unnecessary encounters.” Shteynberg served near the Sarez Lake in the Pamir Mountains. The lake was roughly a kilometer and a half deep. Sophis-ticated radar “tracking” of US SDI satellites was conducted in this area. The radar repeatedly tracked disc like objects diving and sub-merging into Sarez Lake, later they surfaced and lifted off.

Professor Korsakov of the Odessa University reported Soviet officers from Sevastopol Naval Base had observed and photographed a UFO ascend from behind a battle cruiser in the Black Sea in the 1950s.

In August 1965, a crew of the steamship RADUGA, while navigat-ing in the Red Sea, saw a fiery sphere dash out from under the water. As the sphere emerged from the sea it created a gigantic pillar of water as it ascended upwards. The pillar collapsed some moments later. The sphere was sixty meters in diameter, and hovered 150 meters above the ship illuminating the sea.

In December 1977, not far from South Georgia Island the crew of the fishing trawler, VASILY KISELEV, observed a doughnut-shaped object rising out of the sea. Its diameter was between 300 and 500 meters

causing the trawler’s radar to stop operating. The object hovered over the area for three hours, and then suddenly disappeared. In June of 1984, seaman Alexander G. Globa, from the Soviet tanker GORI was in

the Mediterranean, twenty miles from the Straight of Gibraltar. At 16:00, Globa was on duty. With him was Second-in-Command S. Bolotov. They were standing watch at 1600 hours when both men observed a strange polychromatic object. When the object was astern, it stopped suddenly.

S. Bolotov was agog, shaking his binoculars and shouting: “It is a flying saucer, a real saucer, my God, hurry, hurry, look!”

Globa looked through his own bin-oculars and saw, at a distance over the stern, a flattened out looking that looked like an upside-down fry-ing pan. The UFO was gleaming with a grayish metallic shine. The lower portion of the craft had a precise round shape of about twenty meters. Around the lower portion of it, Globa also observed “waves” of protuberances on the outside plating. The base of the object’s body consisted of two semi-discs, the smaller being on top; they slowly revolved in opposing directions. At the circumference of the lower disc Globa saw numerous shining, bright, bead-like lights. The bottom portion of the UFO appeared completely even and smooth, it’s color that of a yolk, and in the middle of it Globa discerned a round nucleus-like stain. At the edge of the UFO’s bot-tom, which was easily visible, was something that looked like a pipe. It glowed with an unnaturally bright, rosy color, like a neon lamp. The top of the middle disc was crowned by a triangular-shaped something. It seemed that it moved in the same direction as the lower disc, but at a much slower pace. Suddenly, the UFO jumped up several times, as if moved by an invisible wave. Many lights illumi-nated it’s bottom portion. The crew of GORI tried to attract the object’s attention using a signal projector. By that time, Captain Sokolovky was on the desk with his men. He and his Second-in-Command were watching the object intensely. However, the UFO’s attention was distracted by another ship, approaching at the port side. It was an Arab dry cargo ship, on its way to Greece. The Ar-abs confirmed that the object hov-ered over their ship. A minute and a half later the object changed it’s flight’s trajectory, listed to the right, gained speed and ascended rapidly. The Soviet seamen observed that when it rose through the clouds, appearing and disappearing again, it would occasional shine in the sun’s rays. The craft then flared up, like a spark, and was gone instantly.

Source: Mosnews

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The Soviet Navy and UFOs

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Page 32: May 2010 Issue 76

Sketch of A Poet: Daniel Bianchino by Marshall Anderson

The sun was slowly rising into a crisp December day when I went into Taco El Charro and met Daniel Bianchi-no in the backroom. He was smoking from a handmade pipe, adding a sweet aroma to the bell peppers and onions from the kitchen. He clicked off his portable radio from NPR’s morning news and eased down his pen. “Smoking is one of the rights our government has taken away,” he said. I lit a cigarette to confer. For me this interview was a nerve racking experience because I had no questions prepared. My brain was spinning “Gar-con,” coffee and huevos rancheros. MA: Where are you from?DB “Massachussetts”MA-How’d you get to San Marcos?DB- “I was on a cross country trip to California, and in Arkansas, a friend suggested I pass through. I ended up staying.”

MA-”Your writing never drops off the poetic plane, but its touchable, understandable, and most always rhym-ing--do you oppose modern poetry?”DB-”No, but I don’t want to slip into prose. I prefer the rhyme and its simplicity.”MA-”So, I love the van (a light-blue Volkswagen).” DB-”Yes its called the blue canoe.”MA-”..And it has ‘Simplify or Die’ written on the back, as does your website. This must be a chosen way of life worth expounding upon?” DB-”Indeed.” Adding to my inexperience as a journalist was the fact that I had been in a mental funk (I’m really a songwriter, sorta common) and was constantly evaluat-ing and re-evaluating myself. I told Daniel about the pre-vious weekend when visiting College Station for family Christmas. My songs, the stacks of paper I had, seemed to be weighing down my existence. So I threw them all into a dumpster behind the motel and took a photo with my cell phone. He began describing his “Night of the Dark Soul”, when he built a bonfire in his backyard and threw “manuscripts, poems, everything” in as a friend rushed out to stop him. “All writers are recievers,

transmitters of a cosmic energy. It must be harnessed within the cycles of life.” Two days after 9/11 Daniel is quoted in the Conway Daily Sun (New Hampshire) as saying ,” We need to make a psychological killing, not to kill someone else--its within each of us. We need to face our fears, and in that we’ll raise our consciousness to a higher level.” Daniel has written several hundred poems and songs (one collection of poems is to be read to your cat) , and a play titled “Don’t Stop The Music” which will premiere in Boston this Fall. His words are elegant and simple with a lovingness for humanity and truths. Not any grand scheme of things, but how life’s beauty exists in water seeping through the cracks of a sidewalk, or how a bumble-bee in flight surpasses all fate and des-tiny, or from his poem “Angelina”,

“I was on a cross country trip to California, and in Arkansas, a friend suggested I pass through. I ended up staying.” Angelina, AngelinaI know where you’ve been.Like dogs hear barkWhen its only the wind.

I admire him for his resilient struggle against the pow-ers of modernity that confine us. He could have walked side by side with Emerson in Concord (he grew up not too far from there), crept in a Baltimore shadow with Poe, or sailed the seven seas with Whitman. He is a 19th century relic, timeless in his existence. America lost to greed. Its personality was strangled by restric-tions upon individuals who strove to shine against the dull backdrop of coorperations and advertisements. A saturated society is blinded by knowledge. On the fringe is where the action is--against the grain. Fuck rent when you have a blue van. After that morning at El Charro, Daniel and I met up several times and talked music, writing, and the hap-penings of the day. All writers have made a deal with themselves that life can never exceed the purpose bourne within us. Our art is life and should express the bareness of our soul without hesitation, doubt, or fear. The nine-folded muse is no mythical creature, but appears on cool mornings on the front porch with long blonde hair, three green eyes, staggers our momentum, and sends us dashing to the nearest pen.

Rainfall on the San Marcos square can reveal mysteries if our eyes are seeing and our heart is open. Sunlight on the Tantra patio can inspire us to song if our skin is at ease. At Tantra Coffee House is where Daniel fed me a few lines to my favorite song I have ever written (a ballad from the view of my mother talking to me from heaven). Daniel has supplied many young musicians/songwriters with words and applied them to music. He has become a regular in the scene and a perfect companion to San Marcos. He gets inspiration through others and leaves them breathless, most of the time. He explains, “Once I was in a grocery store parking lot in New Hampshire and I was sitting there in my car watching this woman go into the store. I felt some words coming, so I wrote a little bit down. As she returned, I followed the rule that if you write something for someone or about them, you show it to them. Some people take it the wrong way and get the creeps.”

He looks like he’s trimmed his beard. He’s wearing a bandana and dark sunglasses. He’s telling me about the Michael Jackson special he watched last night. I’m sit-ting on the Tantra patio three months after interviewing Daniel. I had yet to start typing and I saw a flier in Tantra for “D.B Reading Beat Poetry” that week. Later that day I was bicycling in San Marcos and a red Dodge 3500 blind-sided me. I recieved a seperated shoulder and a trip to the hospital. I had to leave to Dallas, and missed Daniels performance. Hopefully he sold some handmade pipes and signed a few shirts. I’ve heard patrons talk about being moved by his flow of words that so easily find their way into our mind and spirit. You can choose to shy away from your existence or leave your prints across every space that you encounter. Some-time a while back, Daniel decided the “Night of the Dark Soul” wasn’t dark enough. That with persistence and faith those words would re-appear. You can find all of Daniel Bianchino’s works at His latest recorded song, “I Need A Second Look” is for sale on ITunes Music Store. Here is his latest poem :

“Two In One”

Our words are mixed together now,Like two rivers that convergedYour’s in mine, mine in your’sTogether they are merged.

Thoughts that share their samenessExperience entwined Both now one as clothes when weaved, Both from the same vine.

A song to sing our hearts songComposed from that withinSharing life’s many sidesSharing where its been.

The music is the juice, sad butSweet the noteIt touches deep that essence holdsSqueezed till drops they float.

Your soul sings the melodyThe truth in every partIt touches me as others willBecause its from your heart.

Our words are mixed together nowThe music is the rindYours in mine, mine in yoursNow two in one; to find. (Sweet the song that sings the soul, from body bent inside that holds, like ice that melts though it be cold, for warm it stays when all is told.)

Sketch of A Poet: Daniel Bianchino

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Police State 4: Resis-tance Is Not FutilePaul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.comMonday, April 20, 2010

Alex Jones’ latest documentary film arrives with a warning – no human being who wishes to remain free can close their eyes and plug their ears anymore to the reality that a dictatorial glob-al regime enforced by a cadre of vicious thugs is now firmly mov-ing into position, and that it will impact their lives unless they join the growing undercurrent of spiritually awake humans who have resolved to resist the many facets of its tyranny.

Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA landed, April 21st, and it’s imperative that Infowarriors the world over fire up those DVD burners once again as part of another information salvo against the New World Order, buoyed by recent success as more and more people globally cast off the chains of their brain-washing and their manipulated view of themselves as weak, intellectually impotent bystand-ers who in reality, working together with millions of others, really can change the world for the better and secure the future of their species.

Almost two decades ago, the world was aghast at video footage showing the beating of Rodney King, a shocking example of police brutality that made so many headlines because American cops engag-ing in such behavior was still relatively rare.

Now almost 20 years on, you can visit You Tube and find similar examples of egregious police brutality, oppression, and harassment on an almost daily basis. Images of police beating protesters and other innocent bystanders to a pulp has become a normality as America sinks into a condition resembling any tin pot corrupt third world dictatorship where free speech is met with the blunt force of a leather-gloved fist or the jolt of a 50,000 volt taser.

No one can deny that America is now run by a brutal police state that has trained its enforc-ers that the American people are the enemy and that dissent and free speech is on a par with domestic terror-ism.

Just as Invisible Empire put the final nail in the coffin of any doubt that a dictatorial global regime is being imposed to collectively boss this takeover, Police State 4 reveals conclu-sively that the face of this new empire will not be the all-loving, all-embracing benevolent global government that we have been sold on by leftists and progres-sives, but a hardcore boot in the face of humanity tyranny that will aggressively crush anyone who dares speak out against it.

Police State 4: The Rise Of FEMA chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclu-sively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nation-wide. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner — it’s only the beginning of the New World Order’s hellish plan.

This film exposes how the “Con-tinuity of Government” program has established an all powerful

shadow state.

“This fi lm will wake up minds, make it go viral”

“The Police State isn’t coming. It’s here!”Alex JonesDirector Police State 4Prepare to enter the secre-tive world of emergency dic-tatorship, FEMA camps, and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own govern-ment unleashes false fl ag operations to justify its oppression.

Then watch as Alex Jones takes on corrupt mercenary police and exposes mainstream media brainwashing.

The success and impact of this film in contribut-ing to the global awak-ening now taking place will only be measured by the time and effort that Infowarriors invest in getting the movie out there and exposing new people to this informa-

tion for the first time.

The sleeping giant of free hu-manity is slowly stirring from its slumber, and as the police state squeezes tighter and tighter, as the shadow of tyranny darkens the door of society, the acceler-ated awakening will only quicken yet further. Now is your opportu-nity to make a vital contribution to that mass awakening.

Get the DVD today and make copies, or get a Prison membership, download the movie and share it with others.

Time is short but if the last year or two has shown us anything, it’s the fact that we are, slowly but surely, making a difference by changing the way people view both their own role and purpose on this planet, as well as crush-ing the manipulated brainwash-ing being imposed on us all that attempts to sell the illusion that resistance is futile.

Police State 4: Resistance Is Not Futile !

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