may 18, 2015 motion to interven v 4 charles severance august 29 2015 att

VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FAIRFAX COUNTY CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Plaintiff vs. Case No. : CHARLES SEVERANCE, Defendant _________________________________ MOTION TO INTERVEN IN SUPPORT OF THE TRUTH OF THIS CASE AND ALL EVIDENCE TO BE HEARD AND INVESTIGATED COMES NOW Janice Wolk Grenadier Intervenor In Propria Persona to be heard by this court and all information that Intervenor has, be considered by this court in the BEST INTEREST OF JUSTICE and the Truth of this case and all evidence to be heard and investigated. That Janice Wolk Grenadier and her girls lives have been effected and the apperance of the Old Boys Network at one if not more times having her name on the Hit List and the evidence has been ignored by the FBI et al. That the FBI did have a private meeting with the Virginia Legislature which by all apperance resulted in Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser resigning – right after her resignation the apperance is Michael Gardner was re-arrested for doing it the “Virignia Way” as Senator Mark Warmer called how things were/are done in Virgina during his campaign. Michael Gardner after being found guilty of molesting young girls in the McLean, Virginia area was given a second shot by the Supreme Court, so he could try and hire a hit man to kill theses young women. The man who is kiling for hire needs to be stopped, but what we should be more worried about is the appearance of the cover up by the Judiciary, the Gorvernment and the Elected Officials of who is hiring these hit men. 1

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vs. Case No. :





COMES NOW Janice Wolk Grenadier Intervenor In Propria Persona to be heard by this court and all information that Intervenor has, be considered by this court in the BEST INTEREST OF JUSTICE and the Truth of this case and all evidence to be heard and investigated. That Janice Wolk Grenadier and her girls lives have been effected and the apperance of the Old Boys Network at one if not more times having her name on the Hit List and the evidence has been ignored by the FBI et al. That the FBI did have a private meeting with the Virginia Legislature which by all apperance resulted in Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser resigning – right after her resignation the apperance is Michael Gardner was re-arrested for doing it the “Virignia Way” as Senator Mark Warmer called how things were/are done in Virgina during his campaign. Michael Gardner after being found guilty of molesting young girls in the McLean, Virginia area was given a second shot by the Supreme Court, so he could try and hire a hit man to kill theses young women. The man who is kiling for hire needs to be stopped, but what we should be more worried about is the appearance of the cover up by the Judiciary, the Gorvernment and the Elected Officials of who is hiring these hit men.

I Janice Wolk Grenadier have personal knowledge of facts in this declaration and if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to them that there is and should be question on if Judge Bellows should be recused due to the apperant friendship with Pete Scamardo who in the 70’s it appears hired a hit man Charles Harrelson to kill his child hood friend Sam Delegia Jr, which brings the question was the idea of how to get rid of your spouse brought to the Old Boys Network by Pete Scamardo as the hits begain in or around 1984 with Dr. Rixsey. That Judge Bellows by all apperance in the news has disallowed any negative information on the spouses or issues the spouses may have been having.

1. That on or around August 19, 2015 the book by Mike Volpe “ The Chrs Mackney Story – Bullied to Death” was released. That Chris Mackney took his own life in December 2013, the question becomes was it Murder by the Old Boys Network or Suicide? This is


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a portion of the book that goes into the acts and actions of Judge Bellows against Chris Mackney which is just what Pete Scamardo wanted:

In September 2009, following his mother’s death, Chris Mackney inherited approximately $156,000. And hired attorney James Watson to help prepare for a hearing in November 2009. Watson didn’t respond to my e-mail and I’m not shure how long he represented Mackney but it was short; Mackeny was out of money again by the Spring 2010.

With Samenow’s report as leverage, Dina Mackney (Daughter of Pete Scamardo) argued for sole custody and all marital assesta at the hearing which Watson advised Mackeny to accept, but Dina Mackney wanted even more.

At the hearing, Dina Mackney argued to cut off all contact between Chris Mackney and his children, despite no evidence to justify such drastic action.

Judge ellows called the request “extraordinay” but found Chris Mackney violated a previous court order to stop sending harrassing emails, suspended all visitations for three months, and invited a third shrink into the proceedings by requiring Mackney to receie a psychological evaluation.

This new evaluation, done by Dr. William Zuckerman, cost Mackney thousands more he didn’t really have. In addition to interviewing Mackney and Samenow, Dr. Zuckerman also interviewed Dr. Colleen Banchfield and Dr. Guy Van Sycle producing an objective report concluding Mackney was a frustrated litigant and a danger to no one: “At the same time, his narrative was conssitent with the sense of him feeling overwhelmed, overmatched, not in control, and frustrated, along with some suggestive of depressive qualities…he presnted material in a clear and organized fashion, reflectin no serious cognitive pasychopathology.”

Dr. Zuckerman then tesified that there was no reason Chris Mackney shoudn’t see his kids and Samenow, the so-called independent expert, testified for Dina Mackney. On direct examination, Samenow requrgitatd Dina Mackney’s version of events of the infamous fight from January 19, 2008; during his cross-examination, Mackney produced his ripped shirt and Samenow admitted Mackney had shown him this shirt in their sessions, unable to explain how the ripped shirt squared with his testimony on direct examination. Chris Mackney had a victory, albeit a short lived one.

“So after 6 months of being kept from my children by Judge Bellows, I was to have overnight again with my children for the time in over a year, over Easter weekend,” Mackney said in a blog post, but Dina Mackney filed a motion to stop overnight visits.

During this time, Mackney had moved into an apartment and was ordered to fax over a copy of the lease and a receipt for the first payment to Dina’s lawyers. Mackney didn’t write down the instructions and only faxed a copy of the lease. On April 1, Chris Mackney’s Kafkaesque nightmare climaxed when this was used as the reason to remov eovernight visits.


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“Judge Bellows was told that I was going from memory and that the fax of the lease communicated all the information requested.” Mackney said in a blog post of what happened next. “When I objected to the fact that he was taking away visitation because I failed to send a copy of the receipt, which had notiong to do with my children, I became very frustrated and upset. So then judge Bellows then took away all visitation simply because I forgot to send a copy of a receipt in a fax.”

In June 2010, Judge Bellows made it permannet by issuing a final order forbidding Chris Mackney from ever seeing or speaking on the phone with his children which he never did for the rest of his life.

You might ask why this part of the book is important – This is what Pete Scamardo who in the 70’s it appears hired a hit man Charles Harrelson to kill his child hood friend Sam Delegia Jr wanted. That since Chris Mackney had found out about his hiring of Charles Harrelson to kill Sam Delegia Jr. he wanted Chris Mackney dead – no different than what Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman and the Old Boys network wants of Janice Wolk Grenadier since on or around September 1997 the events unfold with the Old Boys Network supporting the apperance of Hit Men et al as well as several Judges to rule in Divorce Lawyer Ilona Grenadier Heckmans favor to further cover up her crimianal acts and actions that were and are malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton, or grossly reckless knowledgabel as a Divorce Lawyer discriped in the attached e-mail to the Commonwealth Attorney Byan Porter.

2. That on or around September 3rd of 1997 that on an unexpected cab ride to the airport as my x-husband David Grenadier (son of the late Judge Albert Grenadier and step-son of Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman of Greanadier Anderson Starace Duffett and Kieser) as he was suppose to take me to the airport and was late I was outside waiting and not in my home. My x-hsuband as I had called him to find out where he was – started yelling at me and saying a cab was on the way. I can persume now his disappointment the money it looks like he and Ilona spent to have me killed has come back to bit them. When I got in the cab and the driver could hear David yelling he said to me hang up the phone, hang up the phone if you don’t hang up the phone I will pull over and hang it up for you. I hung up the phone, the driver than said we can take care of that for $5,000.00 – Exhibit A is the e-mail sent to Bryan Porter with this information and more on Monday, March 10, 2015 after reaching out to Sheriff Dana Lowhorne and Bryan Porter Commonwealth attorney and being ignored.

3. That where Janice live’s in a circle around Janice there have been over 5 hits – Dr. Rixsey, John Doe, Nancey Dunning ( which you will read in the e-mail came to my house twice to check on me, I now believe she knew more and was from what she said afraid of what could happen and maybe knew what was going to happen to her) Ron Kirby and Ruth Ann Lodato.


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That I was jailed October 22, 2014 – November 12, 2014 to silence and scare me. That I was tortured while I was in jail:

14 days Solitaire Confinement – till around 5pm on election day which is Torture

What is Solitary Confinement? In the early nineteenth century, the U.S. led the world in a new practice of imprisoning people in solitary cells, without access to any human contact or stimulation, as a method of rehabilitation. The results were disastrous, as prisoners suffered severe psychological harm. The practice was all but abandoned. Over a century later, it has made an unfortunate comeback. Instead of torturing prisoners with solitary confinement in dark and dirty underground holes, prisoners are now subjected to solitary confinement in well-lit, sterile boxes. The psychological repercussions are similar

CCR’s Challenges to Solitary Confinement In May 2012, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a lawsuit against the state of California for its use of prolonged solitary confinement in the infamous Pelican Bay prison. Ashker, et al. v. Governor, et al., is a federal class action challenging prolonged solitary confinement and deprivation of due process, based on the rights guaranteed under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments, at Pelican Bay In Wilkinson v. Austin, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in support of CCR’s claims that prison officials cannot confine prisoners in long-term solitary confinement in a super maximum prison without first giving them the opportunity to challenge their placement.

Solitary Confinement is Torture The devastating psychological and physical effects of prolonged solitary confinement are well documented by social scientists: prolonged solitary confinement causes prisoners significant mental harm and places them at grave risk of even more devastating future psychological harm and at times, these harms were found to be permanent or persist even after one was released from solitary. Researchers have demonstrated that prolonged solitary confinement causes a persistent and heightened state of anxiety and nervousness, headaches, insomnia, lethargy or chronic tiredness, nightmares, heart palpitations, fear of impending nervous breakdowns and higher rates of hypertension and early morbidity. Other documented effects include obsessive ruminations, confused thought processes, an oversensitivity to stimuli, irrational anger, social withdrawal, hallucinations, violent fantasies, emotional flatness, mood swings, chronic depression, feelings of overall deterioration, as well as suicidal ideation. 

Exposure to such life-shattering conditions clearly constitutes cruel and unusual punishment – in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Further, the brutal use of solitary has been condemned as torture by the international community. Juan Mendez, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, concluded that even 15 days in solitary confinement constitutes torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and 15 days is the limit after which irreversible harmful psychological effects can occur. Other independent human rights bodies at the UN have also expressed concern about Pelican Bay prison and the overall use of solitary in U.S. prisons. However, many prisoners in the United States have been isolated for far longer than just 15 days – Janice Wolk Grenadier was only a few hours short of 15 days

Denied phone calls till 10 pm on 1st day Woken up every 2 hours at night


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Not allowed out of cell till 2 or 3 am for one hour, left in cell for over 24 hours limit.

When tried to make phone calls the calls through system did not work and could not get help

Sat down and told I had less rights than someone who murdered someone by City employee Jonathan Teumer and Lt Rea – for sneaking out the documents that got me out of jail early. The actions were deliberate and evil to intimidate me further. That Mayor Euille was given such documents as well as all other State officials

Denied access to Priest and when I did see him and asked for my cross or rosary – He explained he had been told by Lt. Rea it would have to be if she deemed it appropriate for me to have. He did not understand or had never seen such a situation where it went through a Sheriff like Lt. Rea. This action was pure evil.

No Advocate Denied mail returned to sender – saying I was not there – my mail I did

received had been opened – I requested a copy of the court order and was denied

Denied phone calls to lawyers Stripped searched – patted down – men watching me shower I was lied to consistently by the Sheriffs – especially Lt Rea and Capt.

Williams Moved around to try and disorient me and show control they had The Magistrate when finally I was allowed in front of him warned me “If I

did not stop this it would only get worse for me? Which I took as a personal threat on my life and on my children’s lives – Which I took as a personal threat on my life and on my children’s lives –Especially with the knowledge of at least 5 known hits in the City of Alexandria – and the Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kinser being forced to retire early – Gift to the Democrats letting Fund Raiser Michael Gardner out of jail – who had by DNA results found guilty of molesting young girls in McLean – only to turn around and try to hire one of those hit men to kill the girls – Do it the Virginia Way as Senator Mark Warner would say in his Campaign

Denied appropriate forms for filing of complaints and requests All Avery v. Johnson rights denied Denied my documents on my day of court, prior to going to court. Judge Clark in Court stated “Ms. Grenadier I have no choice but to release

you and then turned to Lawyer Michael Weiser and stated “I am sooooo very sorry I can not collect your legal fees for you – you will need to do a judgment against her for collection” As Lawyer Ben DiMuro et al were no shows after lying in court, lying in court documents et al.


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The head Sheriff assured me I would be released within 2 hours of getting back to the jail – I was not released till after 8 pm over 8 hours from getting back from the Court. The apparent reason was to further try to intimidate me and further the mental anguish of false imprisonment and to try and enforce the EVIL POWER they believe they have in controlling a single mom who told the “TRUTH”, and did not spinelessly walk away from the Old Boys Network.

That the reason that this happened to Janice Wolk Grenadier is to cover up for approximitly $20 Million or more that is owed to Janice by Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman (who intervened into Janice’s Divorce to control it) which has been covered up as in the Chris Mackney story and to Silence Janice from Exposing those involved such as Senator Mark Warner who in or around September / October of 2014 it was exposed the corruption of “Pay to Play” offering a federal judgeship to a daughter of a Democratic Senator in the Virginia Legislator. Senator Mark Warner chould not be re-elected with more fuel to that scandel. I was jailed and held in solitarie confinement till 5 pm on election day to ensure those e-mails between me and his office could not become public, as I had started to do on October 14, 2014. That the hacking and intrustion into my computers and phone became worse till I was jailed. That the hacking and intrustion into my computers and phone even became worse after a conversation with others about the tie between Judge Bellows and the Chris Mackeny story Bullied to Death.

That more of the corruption and collusion in a Rico and Raceterring fashion can be found in Janice Wolk Grenadier cases:City of Alexandria Circuit Court:

Divorce Case # CH 99 1253 Court of Appeals: Record No. 2141 – 13 – 4

Bellefonte Ave Case # CH 01 0654 Supreme Court Appeal: No. 11 0156

No. 12 2204 Grand Jury Case # M01101482 – Denied access - kidnapped with witness in another

court room. Spring Street Gutters / RV Case # GV 12 – 3028 Divorce Lis Pendens Case # 1400 2193

Prince William County Divorce Lis Pendens Case # 14-2185 and 14-2185 1

USDC of the Eastern Division of Virginia Rico and Racketeering Case No. 1:2011 – cv - 01136

USDC of District of Columbia State of VA, Loretta Lax Miller et al, Ilona Grenadier Heckman et al 1:14 – cv – 00162


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Appeal Court No. 14 – 7020 Judicial, Elected Officials and Government misconduct Case No 14 – 1463

That the above cases have never had a trial with a Judge with Jurisdicition that did not rule with

out Bias, Retribution and Retaliation. Under Virginia Rule 17.105 (b) a Judge must recuse

when there is bias or the apperance of bias. As Judge Kloch stated “The appeareance of Justice

is just as improtant as Justice itself”.

As intervenor, I have an interest in the matter in litigation in this action. As the Judiciary

and the Government in my case, in Chris Mackney’s case and now by all apperance in Charles

Severance to deny due process and for the crime to be properly investigated for my own

persoanal and my childrens safety.

In this action, I want to see a fair and just trial for Charles Severance just as I want one

for myself. Just like Chris Mackney deserved and so many other Virginians and Americans

deserve and are being desinfranchised by an enterprice that is self reporting and “I’ll scratch your

back you scratch mine’ type behavior.

I'm in a class of individuals who suffered injury to business and property--i.e.,

prospective business, contracts and/or employment opportunities--as a direct result of the City of

Alexandria, the State of Virginia, Judiciary, Government and the Elected Officials as well as the

Federal Judiciary all a public enterprise, which is financed by funds derived from the public and

shows a pattern of racketeering activity, with deceit and fraud.

I'm in a class of individuals who will suffer future injury to life, business or

property--i.e., potential loss of privileges, personal property and/or liberty--as a direct result of

continuing public policy enterprise of “I’ll scratch your back you scartch mine” an enterprise

called the Old Boys Network of Virginia – no different than the mafia where the collusion of the

Judiciary, the Government and the Elected Officials are paid off – in this case becoming one of

those gains you entrance into the Old Boys Network of Virginia.

WHEREFORE, the instant application for intervention should be granted. I declare

under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and Judge Bellows should recuse

himself as defined under the Rules and the Laws of the Supreme Court of Virginia and the

United States Constitution demanding Due Process for all. That this is where the rest of the

World looks to for hope and believe in a Fair Trial and Due Process.

Executed on August 31, 2015 Respectfully Submitted,.


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Janice Wolk Grenadier

Declarant/Intervenor 15 W Spring Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22301 [email protected] 202-368-7178

Attached:Exhibit 1 E-mails Bryan PorterExhibit 2 City of Alexandria / State of Virginia / Prince William County Demand LetterExhibit 3 Additional information to Demand Letter Exhibit 4 Demand for Special Grand Jury to Bryan Porter

Certificate of ServiceThat on or around August 31, 2015 I hand delivered, emailed or mailed a copy of the Intervene to Charles Severance’s Attorney and to Bryan Porter, Commonwealth Attorney at 520 King Street 3rd floor of the City of Alexandria, Virginia 22314