max planck institut of quantum optics (garching) new perspectives on thermalization aspen...

Max Planck Institut of Quantum Optics (Garching) New perspectives on Thermalization Aspen 17-21.3.2014 (NON) THERMALIZATION OF 1D SYSTEMS: numerical studies with MPS M. C. Bañuls, A. Müller-Hermes, J. I. Cirac M. Hastings, D. Huse, H. Kim, N. Yao, M. Lukin

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Page 1: Max Planck Institut of Quantum Optics (Garching) New perspectives on Thermalization Aspen 17-21.3.2014 (NON) THERMALIZATION OF 1D SYSTEMS: numerical studies

Max Planck Institutof Quantum Optics(Garching)

New perspectives on Thermalization

Aspen 17-21.3.2014


with MPSM. C. Bañuls, A. Müller-Hermes, J. I. Cirac

M. Hastings, D. Huse, H. Kim, N. Yao, M. Lukin

Page 2: Max Planck Institut of Quantum Optics (Garching) New perspectives on Thermalization Aspen 17-21.3.2014 (NON) THERMALIZATION OF 1D SYSTEMS: numerical studies

Using Tensor Network techniques (MPS) for numerical studies of


Page 3: Max Planck Institut of Quantum Optics (Garching) New perspectives on Thermalization Aspen 17-21.3.2014 (NON) THERMALIZATION OF 1D SYSTEMS: numerical studies

Tensor Network States: MPS techniques for dynamics

Applications to out-of-equilibrium problems

In this talk...

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What are TNS?

Context: quantum many body systems

• TNS = Tensor Network States

interacting with each other

Goal: describe equilibrium

statesground, thermal states

Goal: describe interesting


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What are TNS?

A general state of the N-body Hilbert

space has exponentially many


A TNS has only a polynomial number of parameters

N-legged tensor

• TNS = Tensor Network States

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Which properties characterize physically interesting states?

Area law

finite range gapped


states withlittle entanglement


MPS and PEPS satisfy the area law by


TNS parametrize the structure of

entanglementlots of theoretical progress going on

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Area law by construction

• MPS = Matrix Product States

number of parameters

Bounded entanglement

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good approximation of ground states

Verstraete, Cirac, PRB 2006Hastings J. Stat. Phys 2007

gapped finite range Hamiltonian ⇒ area law (ground state)

extremely successful for GS, low energy

time evolution can be simulated too


Verstraete, Porras, Cirac, PRL 2004White, PRL 1992

Schollwöck, RMP 2005, Ann. Phys. 2011

Vidal, PRL 2003, PRL 2007White, Feiguin, PRL 2004Daley et al., 2004

Completar lo del TDVP!!!!!Completar lo del TDVP!!!!!

but entanglement can grow fast!

little entangled

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alternatively...time dependent

observables as TN

TN describe observables,

not states

problem is contracting the


exact contraction not possible

#P complete

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observable as tnti



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different approximate contraction strategies

standard (TEBD, tDMRG)




evolved state approximated as


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different approximate contraction strategies

Heisenberg picture




evolved operator as MPO

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different approximate contraction strategies

transverse contraction,


MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012




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different approximate contraction strategies

transverse contraction,


MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

relevant: entanglement in the network


in particular, for infinite system

transverse eigenvectors as


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Toy Tensor Network model helps to understand entanglement in

the network

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toy model tnintuition: model free propagating excitations

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

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toy model tn

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

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toy model tn

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

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toy model tn

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

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toy model tn

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

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toy model tn

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

entanglement also in the transverse eigenvector

folding can reduce the entanglement in this case

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MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

observable as tnclosest real case: global quench in

free fermionic models

XY model

other problems may benefit

from combined strategies




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toy model tn

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

eigenstate of the evolution

no entanglement

created in space

a second case

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toy model tn

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

fast growing entanglement in transverse direction

folding worksIsing GS





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GS found via iTEBD


minimal TN

MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2009Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 2012

combined techniques

XY model

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TN-MPS tools can be used to study out-of-equilibrium problems, thermalization


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Application: thermalization

Closed quantum system initialized out of equilibrium

Does it thermalize?

Local observables: do they reach thermal equilibrium


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Application: thermalization

MCB, Cirac, Hastings, PRL 2011

compute for small number of sites

compare to the thermal state with the same energy

thermalization of infinite quantum spin chain

fix non-integrable Hamiltonian

varying initial state

can also be computed using TN

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MCB, Cirac, Hastings, PRL 2011

non-integrable regime

We observed different regimes of thermalization for the same Hamiltonian parameters

strong instantaneous state relaxes

weak only after time average

for some initial states, none of them

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Application: thermalization

instant distance

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Application: thermalization

time averaged

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Other problems showing absence of thermalization: MBL

ongoing collaboration with D. Huse, N. Yao,

M. Lukin

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many body localization

Interactions and disorder more interesting scenario

Many-body localization

Anderson localization: single particle states localized due to disorder

Basko, Aleiner, Altshuler, Ann. Phys. 2006Gornyi, Mirlin, Polyakov, PRL 2005Oganesyan, Huse, PRB 2007

Rigol et al PRL 2007Znidaric, Prosen, Prelovsek, PRB 2008Pal, Huse, PRB 2010Gogolin, Müller, Eisert, PRL 2011Bardarsson, Pollmann, Moore, PRL 2012Bauer, Nayak, JStatMech 2013Serbyn, Papic, Abanin, PRL 2013

environment destroys localization

weak interactions ⇒ MBL phase

highly excited states localizedsystem will not thermalize

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MPS and mbl

Allow to study larger sizes than ED

Discover TI models exhibiting MBL

Oganesyan, Huse, PRB 2007Pal, Huse, PRB 2010

states at high temperature

study spin transport to decide thermalization

plus small modulation of spin density

MPS description of mixed states

TN description of evolution

MBL transition

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MPS AND MBLSimilar model with discrete valued fields





10 random realization


moderate bond dimensions needed

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many body localizationDiscover TI models exhibiting MBL

work in progress

with J=0 produces average over ALL realizations of single chain with discrete values of radom fields

Paredes, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 2005

MBL in TI model!!

phase diagram being explored

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(40 spins)

moderate bond dimensions needed

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(40 spins)

things will change with interactions J

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many body localizationDiscover TI models exhibiting MBL

work in progress

Open questionsphase diagram J, Bcharacterize MBL from results accessible to finite t simulations?limitations of the mixed state MPO description of time evolution?

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conclusionsVersatile TNS tools can be used for time evolution

approximations involved

statemore general TN contractionunderstanding

entanglement in TN important

Applications to non-equilibriumthermalizationMBL in TI systemsevolution of operators

ongoing work with M. Hastings, H.

Kim, D. Huse

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Max Planck Institutof Quantum Optics(Garching)