mauritius tradelink (miccp) quick steps guide online

MAURITIUS TRADELINK (MICCP) Quick Steps Guide for Online Application for Import Permit and Delivery Allowed to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection (Trade Division – Import) Version 1.4 January 2017

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    Online Application for

    Import Permit and Delivery Allowed

    to the

    Ministry of Industry, Commerce and

    Consumer Protection

    (Trade Division – Import)

    Version 1.4 January 2017

  • Mauritius Tradelink (MICCP) : Online Application for MICCP Import Permit & Delivery Allowed – Quick Steps Guide January 2017

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    1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 3

    2. GETTING STARTED ............................................................................ 3

    SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 3

    USER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 4

    3. ACCESSING SYSTEM ......................................................................... 4

    LOGIN/AUTHENTICATION PROCESS ................................................. 4

    4. APPLY FOR IMPORT PERMIT ......................................................... 8

    5. ONLINE PAYMENT OF MICCP FEES ........................................... 24

    6. REQUEST FOR PERMIT AMENDMENT ........................................ 27

    7. REQUEST FOR PERMIT CANCELLATION / EXPIRY DATE EXTENSION ............................................................................................... 33



    10. DASHBOARD LINKS ..................................................................... 53

    11. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT ......................................................... 55

    12. MAINTENANCE OF IMPORTER DETAILS LIST .................... 56

  • Mauritius Tradelink (MICCP) : Online Application for MICCP Import Permit & Delivery Allowed – Quick Steps Guide January 2017

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    The Mauritius TradeLink (MICCP Imports) system (a component of the

    National Single Window project) also known as TradeLink in this document, is a

    web-based application designed to implement a simplified and convenient system

    for the application, processing and issue of Import Permits and Delivery Allowed

    (‘Clearance’) by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer

    Protection (Trade Division - Imports), also known as MICCP in this


    MICCP is one of the Other Government Agencies (OGAs) in the republic of

    Mauritius to issue permits and/or delivery allowed. Other OGAs which will be

    connected to the TradeLink platform in the future (in a phase wise approach) are

    the Film Classification Board, the Ministry of Fisheries, Radiation Protection

    Authority, specific divisions from the Ministry of Health and from the Ministry of

    Agro Industry.

    This system maintains confidentiality of all the information provided by the end

    users and will allow access to authorized end users only.

    The importers or their representatives (also known as Applicants) who will be

    using the system to secure Import Permits from MICCP, are referred in this

    manual as “You”.

    2. GETTING STARTED This section provides you information about the various requirements and steps

    to access the TradeLink.


    Before using the system, you must ensure that your computer meets the

    following requirements:

    Internet connection, preferably a broadband connection.

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    Any of the following Web browsers:

    Mozilla Firefox

    Google Chrome

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher

    NOTE: The hardware requirements depend on the web browser that you are

    using. You must refer to your web browser's manuals to verify this information.


    To access the system, you must have an account with the Mauritius Network

    Services Ltd (MNS). Registered users are provided with valid USERID

    (Mailbox ID) and Password.

    NOTE: Please contact the representatives from MNS Customer Service for further

    details in setting an account.

    3. ACCESSING SYSTEM This section provides the necessary information on how to access the TradeLink.

    Detailed information is available including images of the actual screens.

    The TradeNet Portal is your only gateway to access the TradeLink Homepage

    (URL :


    The Authentication screen of the [TradeNet Portal] serves as the security

    control of the system.

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    This is where you need to provide your User ID and Password for the

    identification and authentication process or most commonly referred as Login


    To begin with the login process you need to:

    (1) Enter your User ID.

    (2) Enter your Password.

    (3) Click Login.

    By clicking on the login button, you are agreeing to the MNS NSA

    "By signing in I agree to the MNS NSA"

    Upon successful login, you will be greeted by the TradeNet Portal’s [License

    Message Screen]. You need to indicate your acceptance on the Terms and

    Conditions stipulated under the MNS agreement.

    The screen below shows the welcome page you are redirected to upon login.

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    You will be directed to the [TradeNet Homepage] after clicking the

    button. Announcements from the governing bodies are available in this page.

    Depending on your account type, you will have the menu bar which enables you

    to access a specific online application system. The screenshot that follows shows

    the announcement screen and the menu bar.

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    Select {Mauritius TradeLink} from the menu bar to access import permit

    application. You will be redirected to the homepage of TradeLink as shown in the

    following screenshot.

    You will have a welcome greeting with your user ID to TradeLink.

    The homepage of TradeLink consists of the dashboard which provides a quick

    overview on the count of MICCP import permit applications and requests for

    Delivery Allowed under different application/request status and consists of the

    menu bar that enables you to navigate through the TradeLink system.

    On the top right handside, the login icon shows the user Id logged in the

    system. When you place your cursor over the icon, you will have your account

    details as shown below:

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    To logout from the application simply click on the "Logout" link and you will be

    logged out from the online import permit application.


    For security purposes the system will automatically log you out if left idle within a

    specified period. An error message will appear once you try to access the system

    (Please refer to screenshot below).


    This document will describe the main steps to apply only for an Import Permit

    with MICCP.

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    New Permit application

    To apply for a new Import permit, go to the {Permit Application} on the menu

    bar and select {New Permit} and then {Import} as shown in the screenshot


    The application for import permit screen is as follows:

    The application for permit form is explained briefly below :

    Header information

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    The header part provides your account details i.e. your applicant name, TAN

    and balance amount in MUR (if any), in read-only format which you cannot

    modify at any time of your import permit process.

    Since a MNS fee (also known as ‘single window application fee’) will be

    automatically deducted from your MNS prepaid account on submission of a MICCP

    permit application (either a new permit application or a new request for permit

    amendment), it is recommended that you check the balance amount of your

    MNS prepaid account before proceeding with the creation/submission of a new

    application for import permit.

    Your applicant email is provided in an editable mode for any modification since

    the time of your registration. It is very important to ensure the correct and valid

    email address provided at the time of creation of an import permit application for

    all notifications regarding your application will be sent on the same. The icon

    reads the following information:

    You must then choose a Transaction Type from the List.

    Importer details

    You must input either your Importer BRN (Business Registration Number for

    corporates or individuals who have a BRN) or Importer NID (National Identity

    Card for individuals with mauritian citizenship) or Importer Other ID (Other

    Identity for individuals without mauritian citizenship).

    You may refer to section 12. Maintenance of Importer details List with

    regards to creation of different type of importers.

    NOTE :

    The textbox with labels with are compulsory fields that need to be filled to proceed with

    the creation of the import permit application else you will be prompted with the following

    error message.

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    Line(s) of HS Code

    You need to input the corresponding HS Code(s) for MICCP Trade controlled

    commodities that you would like to import.

    NOTE : you can click on the link Custom Tariff to refer to the Custom Tariff document (in

    pdf format) for Hs Codes that you wish to import. However not all Hs Codes being listed in

    the Custom Tariff document are configured in TradeLink because not all Hs Codes require

    an import permit from MICCP Trade Division (Imports).

    For each HS Code line, you need to select its related Product Code.

    NOTE : Product Code is defined by MRA Customs Tariff for example to distinguish between

    controlled and non controlled commodities of a basket item Hs Code or to distinguish

    between a controlled new and used commodity.

    If you have not selected its related Product Code, you will get the following error

    when you proceed further.

    Below is an example of a filled application for permit (‘main’ application).

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    The allows you to delete a row of HS code.

    The only active command control buttons in the newly generated application

    forms are:

    (1) : Allows you to save changes.

    (2) : Allows you to navigate to the next section of the import

    permit form.

    (3) : Allows you to cancel an application.

    Click on button to save your values for your new permit. If your permit

    form has no errors and all the mandatory fields have values, your permit will be

    successfully saved. A unique application number also known as ‘main

    application number’ (i.e. P2016022200000426MNSADMIN) will be generated for your

    new application for permit form and you will get the following success message.

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    After the generation of your application number, you will have the following active

    commands button:

    (4) : Allows you to save changes

    (5) : Allows you to navigate to the next section of the import

    permit form

    (6) : Allows you to cancel an application.

    (7) : Allows you to delete an application.

    Automatic generation of specific MICCP application(s) for import permit

    Click on button to continue with your import permit.

    You will be redirected to the next section of the permit application form which is

    specific to MICCP with sections such as beneficiary, trade, payment, item Hs Code

    and attachments. The specific MICCP import permit application form being

    automatically generated will be identified by a unique generated MICCP

    application number (i.e. P2016022200407MIC) with a default permit version

    number 0. You can refer to this number to communicate with other stakeholders

    such as MICCP, MSB, the Treasury and MNS with regards to your MICCP permit


    NOTE :

    - If you input several lines of Hs Code for general goods commodities only (such as

    spare parts), only one MICCP import permit application which contains all the Hs Codes,

    will be generated by the system.

    - If you input several lines of Hs Code for second hand motor vehicles only (such as

    passenger car 1200cc), a MICCP import permit application per line of Hs

    Code, will be generated by the system. Each permit application will contain only one Hs


    - If you input several lines of Hs Code which consist of a combination of several general

    goods commodities (such as spare parts) and one second hand motor vehicle (such

    as passenger car), a MICCP import permit application which contains all the general goods

    Hs Codes and another MICCP import permit application which contains only the vehicle Hs

    Code, will be generated by the system.

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    A specific MICCP permit application containing general goods Hs Code(s)

    A specific MICCP permit application containing a second hand motor vehicle Hs


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    When you click on the icon , the form will expand as shown in the screenshot


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    The icon will indicate that the form is in an expanded form. Click on the icon

    if you wish to hide the details.

    At this step you will have only the following active commands button:

    (1) : Allows you to save changes.

    (2) : Allows you to cancel the changes made to your


    (3) : Allows you go back to previous section to view and modify

    any editable values.

    The application status will be "Incomplete" at this point of time.

    All mandatory fields indicated with a will need to be filled prior to saving your

    application as "Complete".

    Upload Attachments to the MICCP permit application

    Attachment section in the import permit form will allow you to attach documents

    solely in PDF format only to support your import permit application.

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    You can either upload required mandatory individual file (i.e. proforma invoice) or

    mandatory bundle file (i.e. trading licence, certificate of conformity for pocket

    lighters) from your local computer drive.

    You can also optionally upload any other individual attachment(s) under the label

    ‘Any Other Documents’.

    Save and Submit the MICCP permit application form

    Once you have filled up the form and save the changes, the application status will

    be changed from "Incomplete" to "Completed". You will have the

    button active on page reload with the following success message.

    When you have verified all the details input in your import permit application and

    your application does not require further modifications, you can proceed with the

    submission of your import permit to MICCP for processing and approval by the

    officers. Remember that once the form is submitted, you cannot do any further

    modifications on your application form.

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    MNS fee

    On submission of a new MICCP permit application, the system will automatically

    check for available funds (balance amount of your pre-paid account with MNS)

    for payment of the MNS fee due (also known as ‘single window application fee’).

    If there are insufficient funds, the submission will not be successful and you will

    be notified by email to replenish your account.

    If there are sufficient funds, the submission will be successful and the system will

    automatically deduct the MNS fee amount due from the available funds. Your

    balance amount will thus be updated after deduction.

    Upon successful submission, the status of your permit application will be changed

    from "Completed" to "Submitted" and a confirmation message will appear as


    Your import permit application will be updated with the status "Submitted" and

    date submitted will be generated.

    Your dashboard will now read "Number of submitted permit applications: 1".

    You can click on the link and you will have list of your submitted permit

    applications. Since the status reads "Submitted", the import permit application

    will be loaded in read-only format.

    Retrieve Permit Application

    You can also monitor the status of your import permit approval process from your

    dashboard on your homepage or by retrieving same using the "Retrieve Permit"

    search page from the menu bar under {Permit Application}. To do so click on

    {Permit Application} on the menu bar and then select {Retrieve Permit}.


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    {Retrieve permit} directs you to the search page of permit applications.

    The following shows a search using the MICCP application number of the above

    submitted example.

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    You can refine your search using the various search criteria given and click on

    button. Depending on your application status, you will have the View

    icon , edit icon , the "more" link containing link for cancellation and so


    The button enables you to clear your search criteria entered and launch

    a fresh search.

    Duplicate Permit Application

    You can choose the facility provided by TradeLink system to duplicate the same

    information while applying a new permit so that you can make minor changes and

    save time while applying several applications.

    To do so click on {Permit Application} on the menu bar and then select

    {Duplicate Permit}.

    {Duplicate permit} directs you to the search page of permit applications.

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    You can search either by the application number (‘main application’) or by the

    importer name.

    Then choose the reference application number to duplicate, from the results list of

    all applications which can be duplicated, by clicking on the Duplicate icon under


    A new application for permit form is automatically generated with a generated

    application number (‘main application number’).

    The form contains duplicate data (same data as the reference application

    number) for Application section, Importer Details section & HS Code section and

    for MICCP Header section & Items section but without duplicate data for

    Attachments section, Remarks section & Conditions section.

    On the main page (1st page), you can edit all the input fields in the Application

    section and Importer Details section and can add/remove HS Code from the Hs

    Code section.

    However you cannot change a general goods to a vehicle Hs Code or a vehicle to

    general goods Hs Code.

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    On the MICCP page (Next page), you can edit all the input fields in MICCP header

    and Item details sections. You can also upload attachments in the Attachments


    You can then save and submit the form which now contains modified duplicate


    NOTE: the action buttons will be similar to those which appear in a new application that

    was created from scratch.

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    MICCP vetting and processing of Permit application

    The officer at MICCP will first vet and then process your MICCP import permit



    During vetting, your permit application can be set to "In Error" status by MCCP

    due to anomalies noted in some data fields (as remarks for ‘in-error’).

    In this case, you will have to response to the ‘in-error’ by retrieving the

    application (from the dashboard or the search page), then make corrections to

    the application, save and submit it again to MICCP.

    You can do the following actions on the given application :-




    You cannot do the following actions on the given application :-






    Under Query

    During vetting, your permit application can be set to "Under Query" status by

    MICCP due to missing or wrong attachments noted (as remarks for under query).

    In this case, you will have to response to the query by retrieving the application

    (from the dashboard or the search page), then upload the correct attachments to

    the application and submit it again.

    Under Process

    During vetting, your permit application status will become "Under Process" once

    the application has been viewed at least once by MICCP.

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    NOTE : after successful vetting, the application will be ‘accepted’ by MICCP (with remarks

    for acceptance). The application status will remain “Under Process”.


    During vetting or processing, your permit application status can become

    "Rejected" if MICCP decided to reject it (with remarks for rejection).


    During vetting or processing, your permit application status can become

    "Cancelled" if MICCP cancelled it (with remarks for cancellation) based on receipt

    of your electronic request for cancellation of the permit application.


    During vetting or processing, your permit application can be approved by MICCP

    (with remarks for approval). On approval, the application status will either

    become "Ready for Payment" or "Approved".

    In certain cases where penalty fees have been introduced by MICCP in the permit

    application, the permit status will read "Ready for Payment". To get approval

    for your permit application, you will have to clear the penalty fees indicated on

    your import permit application. Only after you have cleared the penalty fees, your

    permit will have the "Approved" status. The online application system provides

    you with the facility to do online payment (explained further in this manual).

    If your permit application does not have any penalty fees the status of your

    import permit will be "Approved".

    At the "Approved" status, your permit application will have a permit number

    (generated automatically), a permit issue date and a permit expiry date.

    5. ONLINE PAYMENT OF MICCP fees Once the import permit application has been approved by MICCP Officers, you will

    be required to clear the payment of MICCP fees (‘penalty fees’) applicable to your

    application when your application status reads "Ready for Payment". When you

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    have cleared the payment for your application, the status will automatically

    change from "Ready for Payment" to "Approved".

    TradeLink provides the facility to do online payment through Payment gateway.

    To do so, simply go to the {Payment} menu on the menu bar and select

    {Payment}. You will be redirected to the following screen.

    Enter your MICCP application number in the textbox and click on button . The result will bring the payment details list relevant to your import

    permit application. Example below shows the payment screen for the import

    application number used in this document as reference.

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    Select the checkbox on the left of the rows generated to proceed with the

    payment. The label "Total Amount: Rs-" will automatically be updated with the

    sum of all fees selected by you for payment.

    Click on button to clear your payment.

    The button allows you to reset the payment form and launch a fresh

    form for your payment.

    While processing your payment, you will get the following screen. Do not close or

    navigate from this page.

    The payment gateway will require the input of your credit card number details,

    your name and other details.

    After your payment has successfully been cleared, your import permit will be

    updated with a permit number, permit issue date and permit expiry date.

    NOTE : Instead of going through ‘online’ payment in TradeLink, you can also

    choose to effect payment of fees manually at the Treasury cashier (‘offline

    payment’). You will first have to obtain a payment voucher from MICCP. After

    payment, you will receive a payment receipt from the Treasury cashier. You will

    then have to go to MICCP with the payment receipt for the officer at MICCP to

    update the payment pending application as paid in TradeLink. After your payment

    has successfully been cleared, your import permit will be updated with a permit

    number, permit issue date and permit expiry date.

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    If a permit requires some amendment either after its issue (before consignment

    arrival) or during processing of the related request for Delivery Allowed but

    before its approval (on consignment arrival), you will need to apply for an

    amendment on the permit based either on your own initiative or on an instruction

    received from MICCP for permit amendment (‘Amendment Required’).

    6.1. Create your request for Permit Amendment based on an instruction

    received from MICCP for permit amendment

    Click on the dashboard link Number of permit applications requiring amendment.

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    Select the permit application number and click on the view icon in order to view the

    permit with its MICCP remarks for permit amendment.

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    Select the permit application number and click on the edit icon in order to amend the

    permit by generating a request for Permit Amendment (based on the current version of the permit number).

    NOTE : You can also, on the same screen, view the latest MICCP remarks for

    permit amendment in order to know which permit data fields MICCP would like

    you to modify.

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    6.2. Create your request for Permit Amendment based on your own


    Click on the {Permit Application} on the menu bar and then click on {Amend

    Permit} as shown below.

    You will be redirected to the following page, where you have to specify the related

    import permit number, to proceed further.

    Select your permit number from the dropdown list (i.e. select ‘MIC201600216I’)

    and click on button to generate a request for Permit

    Amendment (based on the current version of the permit number).

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    6.3. The request for Permit Amendment form

    The request for Permit Amendment form contains all the information found in

    your permit application.

    You will be allowed to edit the following permit header and item fields only :-

    Header level

    - Beneficiary Name and Address

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    - Country of consignment

    - Currency

    - Total Amount (Foreign currency)

    - Total Amount to Transfer (Foreign currency)

    - Bank

    - Branch

    - Mode Of Payment

    - Purpose of Importation

    Item level

    - Description

    - Country of Origin

    - Quantity

    - Total (Foreign Currency)

    - Chassis Number

    You will also be allowed to upload attachments.

    At this time you have only the following active buttons:

    (1) : Allows you to save changes in the form as “Completed”.

    A new MICCP import permit application form will be generated with a

    unique MICCP application number.

    (2) : Allows you to submit the form that has been saved as

    “Submitted” to MICCP.

    Upon submission of your request for Permit Amendment form, the permit

    version number on the new application form will be incremented by 1.

    The status of the current permit version number will be changed to

    “Request for Amendment”.

    (3) : Allows you to delete the generated new request for Permit


    (4) : Allows you to cancel the changes made to your


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    If the MICCP officer approves your request for Permit Amendment, the permit

    will thus be amended with the incremented permit version whose status

    becomes “Approved”. The current permit version number will be deactivated.

    If the MICCP officer rejects your request for Permit Amendment, the permit

    will not be amended and the incremented permit version will be deactivated.

    The current permit version number will become active again with its status

    resumed to “Approved”.


    Request for cancellation of Permit Application / Permit

    To request for cancellation either of a given permit application or of a given

    permit, you will need to retrieve the given permit application or given permit,

    from the Permit Application Search page.

    On Actions column, you should click on More Request For Cancellation.

    The system will ask you to confirm whether you would like to submit the request

    for cancellation of permit application/permit to MICCP. Upon receipt of your

    electronic request, MICCP will have to proceed with the cancellation.

    Request for extension of Permit expiry date

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    To request for extension of validity of a given permit which is already expired,

    you will need to retrieve the given permit, from the Permit Application Search


    On Actions column, you should click on More Request For Extension.

    The system will ask you to confirm whether you would like to submit the request

    for extension of permit expiry date to MICCP. Upon receipt of your electronic

    request, MICCP will have to proceed with the extension.


    New request for Delivery Allowed

    To request for clearance upon the arrival of your consignment, you will need to

    apply for delivery allowed. To create your request for Delivery Allowed, click on

    the {Clearance/Delivery Allowed} on the menu bar and then click on {New

    Clearance / Delivery Allowed} as shown below.

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    You will be redirected to the following page, where you have to specify the

    agency for which you are applying for delivery allowed, to proceed further.

    Select your agency from the dropdown list (i.e. select ‘Ministry of Industry,

    Commerce and Consumer Protection’) and click on button to

    continue with your request for Delivery Allowed. You will get the following screen

    where you will have to input your import permit number and click on .

    The permit number used in the screenshot above was generated when the

    payment was done for the related import permit application (created in this

    manual as reference).

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    The permit number you have input is validated and you will be redirected to the

    new request for Delivery Allowed form with values pre-populated from your

    import permit application.

    The request for Delivery Allowed form will contain all the information found in

    your permit application. At this time you will have only the following active


    (1) : Allows you to save changes to your form.

    (2) : Allows you to cancel the changes made to your


    You will be required to input the actual shipment date value as well as upload all

    mandatory documents to support your request for Delivery Allowed. Email

    address is provided with editable mode allowing you to re-enter your email

    address if there has been any change.

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    Upload Attachments to the MICCP request for Delivery Allowed

    You can either upload required mandatory individual file (i.e. proforma invoice) or

    mandatory bundle file (i.e. product specification, fire clearance for fireworks) from

    your local computer drive.

    You can also optionally upload any other individual attachment(s) under the label

    ‘Any Other Documents’.

    Save the MICCP request for Delivery Allowed form

    Click on button to save your request for Delivery Allowed form. The

    page reloads with the success message and error message if the mandatory fields

    have not been filled.

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    In the above scenario, the error message is due to the fact that we have not

    attached the mandatory documents and the actual shipment date is left empty.

    Hence the application is saved as incomplete.

    You have to input the actual shipment date of your consignment and attach the

    necessary documents to your request for Delivery Allowed form and click on


    If no mandatory field is left blank you will be able to save your request for

    Delivery Allowed form with clearance status "Completed".

    When your request for Delivery Allowed status changes to "Completed", the

    following active buttons are available:

    (1) : Allows you to save changes

    (2) : Allows you to cancel the changes made to your

    request for Delivery Allowed form.

    (3) : Allows you to submit your request for Delivery Allowed form

    for processing.

    (4) : Allows you to delete your request for Delivery Allowed form.

    Submit the MICCP request for Delivery Allowed form

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    Click on button to submit your request for Delivery Allowed form to be

    processed by MICCP. You will have the message as shown below that your

    request form has been successfully submitted with status ‘Submitted’.

    Retrieve request for Delivery Allowed

    When your clearance status reads "Submitted", you can view your request form

    in read-only mode with a button that will enable you to print a layout of

    your request form. At the bottom of your request form, you will have the [Back

    to Dashboard] link to navigate to the dashboard on your homepage.

    The dashboard provides you with a quick overview of requests for Delivery

    Allowed under your account with their status.

    You can click on the link provided to browse your request for Delivery Allowed for

    a specific status.

    Alternatively, you can retrieve your request for Delivery Allowed using the

    retrieve clearance screen from the menu bar.

    Select {Clearance/Delivery Allowed} from the menu bar and go to {Retrieve

    clearance/ Delivery Allowed}

    You will be redirected to the following screen. Insert your search criteria and click

    on button. You can input various search criteria to narrow your


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    button enables you to reload a fresh search.

    MICCP vetting and processing of the request for Delivery


    The officer at MICCP will first vet and then process your request for Delivery


    Under Process

    During vetting, your request status will become "Under Process" once the

    request has been viewed at least once by MICCP

    Under Query

    During vetting, your request can be set to "Under Query" status by MICCP due

    to missing or wrong attachments noted (as remarks for under query).

    In this case, you will have to response to the query by retrieving the request

    (from the dashboard or the search page), then upload the correct attachments to

    the request and submit it again.


    During vetting or processing, your request status can become "Rejected" if

    MICCP decided to reject it (with remarks for rejection).


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    It is only upon successful cancellation of the related MICCP permit application by

    MICCP officer that the request for Delivery Allowed will automatically be cancelled

    with status ‘Cancelled’.

    ‘Final’ clearance by MICCP

    When the MICCP officer gives approval to your request for Delivery Allowed form,

    the status changes to "Approved" (‘final’ delivery allowed/clearance granted by

    MICCP) allowing you to take physical delivery of your consignment (after MRA

    Customs has given its clearance on the customs declaration).

    ‘Provisional’ clearance by MICCP for consignment which requires control from

    Agency (i.e form MSB) after Customs clearance

    It is to be noted that for some MICCP controlled products such as fireworks and

    electric cables which require control by a control agency (i.e. sample laboratory

    testing by MSB) most often outside the Custom’s compound after clearance by

    Customs, MICCP officer will instead give a ‘provisional approval’ to your request

    for Delivery Allowed form.

    The status changes to "Approved Pending Agency Control" (‘provisional’

    delivery allowed/clearance granted by MICCP) allowing the control agency to

    process the request.

    Then after the agency’s successful control, MICCP officer will be in a position to

    either give a ‘final release’ to your request for Delivery Allowed form (allowing

    you to take physical delivery of your consignment) or give a ‘not release’ to your

    request for Delivery Allowed form (for the consignment to be either destroyed or


    NOTE :

    In certain cases where penalty fees have been introduced in the request for Delivery

    Allowed by MICCP, the request status will read "Ready for Payment". To get approval for

    your request, you will have to clear the penalty fees indicated on your request form. Only

    after you have cleared the penalty fees, your request will have the "Approved" or

    "Approved Pending Agency Control" status. The online application system provides you

    with the facility to do online payment (explained earlier in this manual).

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    If your request does not have any penalty fees, its status will be either "Approved" or

    "Approved Pending Agency Control".

    9. Summary of application/request status

    Status Description

    1. Application for permit (also known as ‘main’ application, identified by a

    generated application number i.e. P2016080901160MNSADMIN).

    Created The newly created application for permit does not contain any

    related specific MICCP import permit applications or contains

    related specific MICCP import permit applications which have not

    yet been submitted to MICCP.

    You can retrieve the application for permit (from the dashboard link

    only provided it does not contain any related specific MICCP import

    permit applications). You can either delete or modify the


    You can for example change the importer BRN, add or remove line

    of Hs Codes.

    After modification, you can either delete the application or save the

    application or proceed to the next step (auto generate related

    specific MICCP import permit applications).

    Locked The newly created application for permit contains at least a related

    specific MICCP import permit applications which has already been

    submitted to MICCP.

    You cannot retrieve the application for permit (neither from the

    dashboard nor from the search page) and cannot delete nor modify


    2. MICCP application for import permit (also known as specific MICCP

    permit application, identified by a generated MIC application number i.e.


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    The MICCP permit application is automatically generated on clicking on the ‘Next’

    button from the main page.

    MICCP officers can retrieve, vet and process specific MICCP permit applications.

    Incomplete The generated MICCP permit application contains either mandatory

    data fields which have not yet been input or no item line(s) or no

    uploaded mandatory attachment(s).

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the dashboard link or

    from the search page). You can then modify it.

    After modification, you can delete the application or save the

    application to Incomplete or to Complete.

    Completed The generated MICCP permit application contains ALL mandatory

    data fields which have been input and at least one input item line

    and ALL uploaded required mandatory attachment(s).

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the dashboard link or

    from the search page). You can then modify it.

    After modification, you can either delete the application or save the

    application to Incomplete/Complete and/or submit the application

    to MICCP.

    Submitted The MICCP permit application has been successfully submitted to

    MICCP for vetting and processing.

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the dashboard link or

    from the search page) for viewing and printing. But you cannot

    modify it.

    While being ‘Submitted’ and if the need arises, You can submit an

    electronic request for cancellation of the permit application to

    MICCP (for the latter to cancel the permit application).



    The MICCP permit application that was submitted or re-submitted

    has been viewed at least once by MICCP.

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the search page only)

    for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

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    While being ‘Under Process’ and if the need arises, You can submit

    an electronic request for cancellation of the permit application to

    MICCP (for the latter to cancel the permit application).

    Note : if MICCP officer gave his ‘acceptance’ on the permit

    application after vetting but before processing, you can view the

    acceptance remarks.

    For commodities (i.e. helmets, electric water heaters, gas

    regulators etc…) which also require control from a control agency

    (also known as ‘recommender’) such as MSB before importation, on

    giving MICCP’s acceptance, the permit application will automatically

    be routed to the control agency for vetting and processing.

    In Error The MICCP permit application has been set ‘in-error’ (with reasons

    of in-error) by MICCP during vetting because MICCP officer noticed

    some anomalies on the application.

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the dashboard link or

    from the search page) for viewing and printing.

    While being ‘In Error’ and if the need arises, you can still submit an

    electronic request for cancellation of the permit application to

    MICCP (for the latter to cancel the permit application).

    You should read the list of anomalies and remarks for in-error that

    have been input by the MICCP officer and then modify the

    application by correcting the anomalies noted. After corrections,

    you should then save and/or submit the application again to MICCP.

    Under Query The MICCP permit application has been put under query by MICCP

    (with reasons of query) during vetting or during processing because

    MICCP officer noticed some missing or wrong required attachments

    on the application.

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the dashboard link or

    from the search page) for viewing and printing.

    While being ‘Under Query’ and if the need arises, you can still

    submit an electronic request for cancellation of the permit

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    application to MICCP (for the latter to cancel the permit


    You should read the query remarks that have been input by the

    MICCP officer and then upload the correct attachments. However

    you cannot modify the other data fields. After the upload of

    attachments, you should then save and/or submit the application

    again to MICCP.

    Cancelled EITHER

    The MICCP permit application has been cancelled by MICCP (with

    reasons of cancellation) either during vetting or during processing,

    based on a request for cancellation of the permit application which

    was successfully submitted by you.

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the search page only)

    for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.


    The already issued MICCP permit has been cancelled by MICCP

    (with reasons of cancellation), based on a request for cancellation

    of the permit which was successfully submitted by you.

    You can retrieve the permit (from the search page only) for viewing

    and printing. But you cannot modify the permit.

    Rejected The MICCP permit application has been rejected by MICCP (with

    reasons of rejection) either during vetting or during processing,

    based on MICCP officer’s own decision.

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the search page only)

    for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

    Ready For


    The MICCP permit application has been approved by MICCP (with

    reasons of approval) during processing, based on MICCP officer’s

    own decision.

    However since MICCP officer applied some MICCP fee(s) on the

    application, the permit application becomes payment pending.

    You can retrieve the permit application (from the search page only)

    for viewing only. At this point, the permit application can contains

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    conditions for approval. But you cannot modify the permit

    application nor print the payment voucher.

    You should then proceed with payment of the MICCP fees either by

    paying online through the government payment gateway via

    TradeLink with your valid credit/debit card or by deciding to pay

    offline by first going to MICCP Trade Division to get the payment

    voucher, then proceed to the Treasury cashier for manual payment

    and then goes back to MICCP Trade Division to give them the

    payment receipt which contains the MIC application number (for

    MICCP to update the permit application as paid in TradeLink).

    Once TradeLink considers the payment as successfully effected, the

    permit application status will become ‘Approved’.

    Approved EITHER

    The MICCP permit application is approved by MICCP (with reasons

    of approval) during processing without applying any MICCP

    fee(s), based on MICCP officer’s own decision.


    If the permit application was payment pending (‘Ready For

    Payment’ status), the application status becomes ‘Approved’ upon

    successful payment (online or offline) of MICCP fee(s).

    When the status becomes ‘Approved’, a unique permit number

    (i.e. MIC201600483I) is automatically generated.

    You can retrieve the issued import permit (from the search page

    only) for viewing and printing. The permit can contain conditions of

    approval. But you cannot modify the permit.



    The already issued MICCP permit has received an ‘instruction for

    permit amendment’ from MICCP.

    You can retrieve the permit which requires amendment (from the

    dashboard only) for modification of specific header data fields

    and/or item line data fields and/or uploading of additional

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    attachments. However you cannot add or remove item Hs Code


    You can then save the modification and submit it as a request for

    permit amendment to MICCP (identified by a generated MIC

    application number, with status ‘Submitted’ and with an

    incremented permit version number i.e. ver 1).

    The status of the current permit version number i.e. ver 0 becomes

    ‘Request for Amendment’ and is disactivated.

    NOTE : MICCP officer will then retrieve the request for permit

    amendment in order to either approve it (permit is amended with

    updated data and with the incremented version) or reject it (permit

    is not amended and keeps the current version with unchanged


    3. Request for Delivery Allowed (also known as Clearance application,

    identified by a generated Clearance Number i.e. C2016072800284MIC).

    A request for Delivery Allowed is created based on a MICCP permit number.

    The request contains the MICCP permit data fields as well as specific data fields

    (‘actual shipment date’, ‘inspection required’ flag) and specific attachments that are

    required by MICCP at time of consignment arrival such as commercial invoice and

    bill of lading.

    MICCP officers can retrieve, vet and process requests for Delivery Allowed.

    Incomplete The generated request for Delivery Allowed contains either

    mandatory data fields which have not yet been input or no

    uploaded mandatory attachment(s).

    You can retrieve the request for Delivery Allowed (from the

    dashboard link or from the search page). You can then modify it.

    After modification, you can delete the request or save the request

    to Incomplete or to Complete.

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    Completed The generated request for Delivery Allowed contains ALL mandatory

    data fields which have been input and ALL uploaded required

    mandatory attachment(s).

    You can retrieve the request (from the dashboard link or from the

    search page). You can then modify it.

    After modification, you can either delete the request or save the

    request to Incomplete/Complete and/or submit the request to


    Submitted The request for Delivery Allowed has been successfully submitted to

    MICCP for vetting and processing.

    You can retrieve the request (from the dashboard link or from the

    search page) for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.



    The request for Delivery Allowed that was submitted or re-

    submitted has been viewed at least once by MICCP.

    You can retrieve the request (from the dashboard link or from the

    search page) for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

    Under Query The request for Delivery Allowed has been put under query by

    MICCP (with reasons of query) during vetting or during processing

    because MICCP officer noticed some missing or wrong required

    attachments on the request.

    You can retrieve the request (from the dashboard link or from the

    search page) for viewing and printing.

    You should read the query remarks that have been input by the

    MICCP officer and then upload the correct attachments. However

    you cannot modify the other data fields. After the upload of

    attachments, you should then save and/or submit the request again

    to MICCP.

    Cancelled The request for Delivery Allowed is automatically cancelled only

    upon successful cancellation by MICCP officer of its related MICCP

    permit number.

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    You can retrieve the request for Delivery Allowed (from the search

    page only) for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

    Rejected The request for Delivery Allowed has been rejected by MICCP (with

    reasons of rejection) either during vetting or during processing,

    based on MICCP officer’s own decision.

    You can retrieve the request (from the search page only) for

    viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

    Ready For


    The request for Delivery Allowed has been given ‘provisional’ or

    ‘final’ clearance (‘delivery allowed’) by MICCP (with reasons of

    delivery allowed) during processing, based on MICCP officer’s own


    However since MICCP officer applied some MICCP fee(s) on the

    request, the request for Delivery Allowed becomes payment


    You can retrieve the request (from the search page only) for

    viewing only. But you cannot modify the request nor print the

    payment voucher.

    You should then proceed with payment of the MICCP fees either by

    paying online through the government payment gateway via

    TradeLink with your valid credit/debit card or by deciding to pay

    offline by first going to MICCP Trade Division to get the payment

    voucher, then proceed to the Treasury cashier for manual payment

    and then goes back to MICCP Trade Division to give them the

    payment receipt which contains the Clearance Number (for MICCP

    to update the request for Delivery Allowed as paid in TradeLink).

    Once TradeLink considers the payment as successfully effected, the

    request for Delivery Allowed status will become either ‘Approved’ or

    ‘Approved Pending Agency Control’.

    Approved EITHER

    The request for Delivery Allowed is given ‘final’ clearance (‘delivery

    allowed’) by MICCP (with reasons of clearance) during processing

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    without applying any MICCP fee(s), based on MICCP officer’s

    own decision.


    If the request for Delivery Allowed was payment pending (‘Ready

    For Payment’ status), the request status becomes ‘Approved’ upon

    successful payment (online or offline) of MICCP fee(s).

    You can retrieve the request for Delivery Allowed (from the search

    page only) for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

    NOTE :

    - MICCP officer might not approve all item hs code lines when

    giving ‘final’ clearance.

    - You can take delivery of the consignment after MRA Customs has

    cleared the related Customs declaration.






    The request for Delivery Allowed is given ‘provisional’ clearance

    (‘delivery allowed (pending control)’) by MICCP (with reasons of

    clearance) during processing without applying any MICCP

    fee(s), based on MICCP officer’s own decision.


    If the request for Delivery Allowed was payment pending (‘Ready

    For Payment’ status), the request status becomes ‘Approved

    Pending Agency Control’ upon successful payment (online or offline)

    of MICCP fee(s).

    You can retrieve the request for Delivery Allowed (from the search

    page only) for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

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    NOTE :

    - MICCP gives ‘provisional’ clearance (for commodities which

    require control from Control Agency (also known as ‘recommender’)

    such as control of fireworks, electric cables by MSB) in order to

    allow MRA Customs clear the consignment. After Customs

    clearance, the Control Agency will then proceed with its control (i.e.

    consignment sample testing by MSB) before giving its final release

    or no release.

    - MICCP officer might not approve all item hs code lines when

    giving ‘provisional’ clearance.

    - You cannot take physical delivery of the consignment, at this


    Final Release The request for Delivery Allowed was initially given ‘provisional’

    clearance by MICCP for MRA Customs to clear the goods and has

    already been controlled by the Agency Control (such as MSB).

    The request has been given final release by MICCP.

    You can retrieve the request for Delivery Allowed (from the search

    page only) for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

    NOTE :

    - MICCP officer might not approve all item hs code lines when

    giving ‘final release’.

    - You can now take physical delivery of the consignment.

    Not Released The request for Delivery Allowed was initially given ‘provisional’

    clearance by MICCP for MRA Customs to clear the goods and has

    already been controlled by the Agency Control (such as MSB).

    The request has not been given final release by MICCP.

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    You can retrieve the request for Delivery Allowed (from the search

    page only) for viewing and printing. But you cannot modify it.

    NOTE :

    - You cannot take physical delivery of the consignment. The latter

    will be eventually destroyed or re-exported.

    10. Dashboard Links

    For the Permit TAB, click on the following dashboard links :-

    Number of created applications : to get a list of newly created applications for

    permit (‘main’ applications) which you can still modify and save.

    However the given applications should not yet contain any related specific MICCP

    import permit applications.

    Number of incomplete permit applications : to get a list of specific MICCP import

    permit applications, not yet submitted to MICCP, which you can still modify and


    Number of complete permit applications : to get a list of specific MICCP import

    permit applications, not yet submitted to MICCP, which you can still modify, save

    and submit.

    Number of submitted permit applications : to get a list of specific MICCP import

    permit applications, already submitted to MICCP, which you can only request for

    cancellation, view or print.

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    Number of permit applications in error : to get a list of specific MICCP import

    permit applications, for which MICCP set ‘in-error’ due to anomalies, and which

    you can view, print, make corrections and submit again to MICCP.

    Number of permit applications under query : to get a list of specific MICCP

    import permit applications, for which MICCP sent a query for missing or wrong

    attachments, and which you can upload attachments & save them and submit the

    application again to MICCP.

    Number of permit applications requiring amendment : to get a list of specific

    MICCP import permit applications, for which MICCP sent an instruction to amend

    the permit, and which you can only modify specific data fields and then submit a

    request for permit amendment (a new MICCP permit application number) to


    For the Clearance/Delivery Allowed TAB, click on the following dashboard

    links :-

    Number of incomplete Clearance applications : to get a list of requests for

    Delivery Allowed not yet submitted to MICCP, which you can still modify and


    Number of complete Clearance applications : to get a list of requests for Delivery

    Allowed not yet submitted to MICCP, which you can still modify, save and submit.

    Number of Clearance applications Under Query : to get a list of requests for

    Delivery Allowed, for which MICCP sent a query for missing or wrong

    attachments, and which you can only upload attachments & save them and

    submit the request again to MICCP.

    Number of Clearance applications Under Process : to get a list of requests for

    Delivery Allowed, for which MICCP already viewed them, and which you can only

    view or print.

    Number of submitted Clearance applications : to get a list of requests for

    Delivery Allowed, already submitted to MICCP, which you can only view or print.

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    11. Statement Of Account

    You can verify your statement of account with MNS through TradeLink.

    To retrieve the statement of account, go to {Report} on the menu bar as shown

    in the screenshot below.

    Then select {Statement Of Account} as shown in the screenshot below.

    Your statement of account will contain, for a given period, the updated balance

    amount as at today (available funds in MNS pre-paid account) and all the

    transactions (deposits received and payment of single window application fees).

    An example of your Statement Of Account screen is shown below :-

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    Permit application account details

    When viewing an application for import permit, you can also expand your

    account’s accordion details to check your current balance (Balance MUR) before

    creating/submitting an application for permit.

    Below is an example of your account’s accordion details :-

    NOTE : the amount shown in the above examples are just ‘dummy’ amounts used for

    testing purposes only.

    12. Maintenance of Importer Details List


    In order to create new applications for import permit either for yourself (as a self-

    importer) or on behalf of importers (as a representative/agent for importers), you

    will first have to define the importer details in TradeLink.

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    To create a new importer, go to {Maintenance Importer/Exporter} on the

    TradeNet Portal menu bar and choose Importer/Exporter for Permit

    Application as shown in the screenshot below.

    Then click on New button to open the form for input of importer details as shown


    You can define three type of importers :-



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    If the importer is a corporate or an individual who does have a BRN and a TAN

    and would like to import controlled commodities (i.e. regularly for sales on local

    market etc…), you should input both a valid BRN and TAN. The system will check

    whether the combination of BRN/TAN that you input does exist in MRA database.


    If the importer is a citizen of Mauritius who does not have a BRN/TAN but would

    like to import controlled commodities (i.e. occasionally purchase from the

    Internet or import personal belongings as a returning resident etc…), you should

    instead input his NID (National Identity Card number) in 14 characters long (i.e.



    If the importer is not a citizen of Mauritius who does not have a BRN/TAN/NID but

    would like to import controlled commodities (i.e. occasionally purchase from the

    Internet etc…), you should instead input his Other ID (i.e. passport number).


    In order to view or update an existing importer details, you will have to

    retrieve the given importer.

    To retrieve an existing importer, go to {Maintenance Importer/Exporter} on

    the TradeNet Portal menu bar and choose Importer/Exporter for Permit

    Application to open the search page as shown in the screenshot below.

    Then input a search criteria (i.e. Importer/Exporter Name) or a combination of

    search criterias and click on Search button to get the search results list.

  • Mauritius Tradelink (MICCP) : Online Application for MICCP Import Permit & Delivery Allowed – Quick Steps Guide January 2017

    Mauritius Network Services Ltd Ver 1.4 Page 59

    Then select the corresponding row from the search results list and click on the

    icon to open the form for viewing/editing of importer details as shown
