maunakea visitor information station event...

Maunakea Visitor Information Station Event Log Monday 3/30/15 First protesters arrive on mountain in opposition to TMT, blocking Goodfellow Bros. vehicles from passing beyond the VIS. Saturday 4/4/15 MKSS Housekeeper van blocked from getting to HP. VIS staff required to walk to work from lower parking lot. TV stars visiting. Sunday 4/5/15 Threat posted on Facebook to suicide bomb TMT and promote armed resistance to project. Significant unease among VIS staff. VIS Mgr. visited to consult with/calm staff. HPD special duty officer hired. Tuesday 4/7/15 Just before star tour protester shouts from across street that “all people associated with TMT should be crippled”

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Maunakea Visitor Information Station Event Log

Monday 3/30/15 First protesters arrive on mountain in opposition to TMT, blocking Goodfellow Bros. vehicles from passing beyond the VIS. Saturday 4/4/15 MKSS Housekeeper van blocked from getting to HP. VIS staff required to walk to work from lower parking lot. TV stars visiting.

Sunday 4/5/15 Threat posted on Facebook to suicide bomb TMT and promote armed resistance to project. Significant unease among VIS staff. VIS Mgr. visited to consult with/calm staff. HPD special duty officer hired. Tuesday 4/7/15 Just before star tour protester shouts from across street that “all people associated with TMT should be crippled”

Friday 4/10/15 Men’s restroom vandalized: feces on walls, floor, and toilet underside. Toilet roll unraveled. Saturday 4/11/15 Second habitat tent erected. Hale building material arrival. DOCARE notified. Sunday 4/12/15 Road blocked by protesters several times in afternoon. Estimate 500 participants Construction of hale commences across street on DOFAE property. DOCARE notified. Protester caught taking trash bags from janitorial closet. VIS staff informed group leader of incident. Told to ask first, please don’t take. Cigarette butts in drainage ditch. Many kids unsupervised inside VIS and in patio area. Parents advised to accompany kids, kids requested not to enter VIS without parents. Temporary tents erected in VIS picnic area and lower HP parking lot. Additional tents erected up and down roadway. Protester tries to sell Aloha Aina t-shirts from VIS lot. Instructed to relocate to other side of street. Moves without incident Many vehicles parked semi-permanently across street Sample product testers missing from store. Heavily intoxicated protester approached VIS staff member and offered to clean the bathroom. Bright lights shining out from tent structures interfering with stargazing program; VIS staff requested protesters to shield lights. Loud music at night from tents interfering with star gazing program Occasional smells of marijuana wafting over VIS during day and night VIS parking lot, lower lot, & both sides of road filled with protester vehicles so visitors have no place to park. Some parking opened in lower lot in time for stargazing. Monday 4/13/15 Hale completed across the street from VIS HPD recalls Special Duty Officer stating it is against their standing orders to get involved in a dispute where no laws are being broken. Men’s room urinal sabotaged with massive plug of paper towels so overflowed instead of flush. Repaired by maintenance staff. Empty plastic Maunakea pin container found on floor w/ price tag removed (stolen) Shovel missing from under VIS bathroom walkway and found near a hole dug underneath VIS bldg. Some insulation underneath flooring was also torn away.

Female protester entered VIS and stood at the front counter with cardboard sign saying “no TMT” while glaring at VIS staff and shook her head back and forth. Other than the above incidents, the crowd was mostly courteous. Parking for VIS visitors was very limited. Tuesday 4/14/15 In a.m. protesters collect many, many rocks from across street to erect stone wall around completed hale VIS staff installed padlocks on crawl space below VIS and storage area below restroom. Kitchen staff member reports that Subaru crew threatened on Monday by protesters as they drove through VIS area. Protesters pointed at them in car and made a slashing gesture across throat. Approx 50 students from Kanu O Kaina Charter School from Waimea visit protesters during midday. Used DOE vehicles - 2 short buses & 2 vans in lower lot. No request submitted prior to visit. Summary: Crowd was smaller. Hale structure had rock base added. About a dozen large protesters performed warrior chant. All protester tents now have inside lighting. VIS hot water machine frequently being used to fill protesters’ large themoses. Wednesday 4/15/15 An ex-Ranger stopped by. VIS staff mentioned to him that protesters were overall nice but a few have not behaved. He said he will talk to the leaders. More calls of late have asked if the road is open or not “because of the protest” Thursday, 4/16/15 VIS Staff asked protesters to turn off white light during Stargazing. They complied. No other events of consequence. Friday, 4/17/15 Elderly protester parked in beater red pickup just above VIS driveway entrance was intermittently blasting his horn around sunset. He’d been here yesterday too. Protesters stated they wished he’d stop. Rangers approached him to request he stop, but were unable to have much conversation as he was utterly stoned and the truck reeked of marijuana. He explained that he didn’t have his conch shell so the truck horn was its replacement. Said he was responsible for protecting the universe. Declared he was pau and shortly left the mountain. Saturday, 4/18/15 No reportable incidents

Sunday, 4/19/15 At 2:00 p.m. Protesters fly robotic remote drone helicopter w/ video camera over protester area to take pictures and movie of 100+ pax group as they stand in road chanting, singing with flags. VIS staff collected uprooted road reflector pole from roadway in protester area that was pulled out of ground, took 7-ft long reflector pole up to utilities for re-use at some point. In late afternoon, TMT protesters took down two large tents across the street from VIS. One large tent remains. Everything is cleaned up and looks as. Lanikila reports that they are reducing their footprint size to dissuade people from coming to the mountain just to “hang out, camp, and talk story”. He says they want to bring focus back to why they originally came to the mtn. Updates found on his FB page.

Monday, 4/20/15 At 7:00 a.m. VIS parking lot, lower parking lot, and both sides of road were filled with protester vehicles. More than two hundred protesters on hand. No room for visitor parking except below the lower lot in DLNR land DOCARE officer stops by VIS for about 5 mins, talks w/ protesters, and drives off. 10:00 a.m.: protesters have pule in road blocking vehicle access for few minutes Hawaiian flag tied to railing outside of VIS. Protester asked to take down and move. Complied w/o incident Electricity to outside wall turned off due to overuse by protesters charging phones, ipads, cameras, etc. Two teenagers come inside and ask to charge phones inside VIS. Instructed to charge in their own vehicles. Kids upset and tell FLBS staff that they are “disrespecting and desecrating Hawaiians”. The two gather a few others and five of them begin chanting outside VIS front door in “stare-down” VIS staff. For rest of a.m. and early afternoon protestersʻ kids would chant and stare every time staff would pass in front of door.

At 4:00 p.m. two protesters were observed on a hillside across street tossing stones in non-vegetated slopes of puu. Go over to investigate and they say they are clearing the land to construct a “holua sled run”. Request that they not disturb the terrain by moving rocks, and they ignore request. At 4:10 p.m. DOCARE (974-6208) was notified of incident. A Hawaiian flag was lashed to our handicapped steel pole parking spot. VIS staff reqeust that it be taken down and it was. Tuesday, 4/21/15 DOCARE officer arrives at VIS at 8:15 a.m. to inspect holua sled run area created yesterday by protesters. Inspected area with one of the Rangers and takes pix. 9:00 a.m.: Staff was cleaning bathrooms while lone female protester ranting, raving, cursing loudly on her own at picnic tables at end of parking area. After 15 minutes her statements included “if the Hawaiians can’t be on the mtn, then the haoles can’t be on the mtn. No one should be on the mtn”. Immediately thereafter she yelled “kill the haoles, kill the tourists”. This was shouted in front of two car loads of haole visitors (5 pax), who drove away shortly after. After this last statement VIS staff went to the protester group across the street to request their assistance in calming the woman down and toning down the language. A group of four protesters came over and defused the situation so no further action was needed. They offered aid willingly and apologized for the woman’s behavior and language. 10:30 a.m.: Hualalai (a protester leader and Lanakila co-leader) reports that they are looking to reduce their footprint size even more on their side of the street. He reported that people are coming up, especially on weekends, whose agenda is different than theirs and the original message is getting confused and diluted. He said they want to make it less desirable for people to come and hang out just to be seen on the mountain as part of “the movement”. 7:00 p.m.: The angry lady from this morning was inside of the VIS as staff played the First Light video to a building full of visitors. Staff did not see her enter the VIS. She interrupted the presentation declaring that “UH is poisoning the mountain”, “we are protectors not protesters”, and “I (Hawaiian) am an endangered species”. Staff asked her to refrain and if she wanted to debate we could have a discussion outside. Once VIS staff recognized her, they went out to the protester tent and urgently requested that they come and retrieve their colleague from the VIS immediately. The woman left the VIS with others and we had no further incident inside. However, she then stood 10ft outside the VIS front door loudly complaining, cursing, and protesting to her friends for 5+ minutes about “the lies the VIS are telling everyone”. Wednesday, 4/22/15

A much appreciated quiet day on the mountain. Some kupuna came up to visit our neighbors. Very peaceful. Thursday, 4/23/15 No reportable incidents. Friday, 4/24/15 A very quiet and peaceful day until the evening during setup of telescopes. Staff asked a man using the far plug on the wall to charge his phone and his laptop if he would please move it so he could plug in a telescope. He said yes, but since it wasn’t dark yet, could he keep it in for a while more. Staff said sure. The man then said it was public property and we all needed to share. Staff said that no, actually the electricity is paid for by the VIS, and is not free. A Ranger came over at this point and asked again if the man would move his stuff to which the man replied that this was his mountain and everyone else was there because he allowed it. Man had slightly aggressive posturing and speech seemed slightly slurred. Rangers went over to the camp to ask that they unplug the laptop and explained that it’s one thing to plug things in when they are not being used, but the VIS puts on a free public stargazing in the evening and if one of the staff or volunteers asks that they unplug their things, it’s important for them to oblige, and not intimidate or argue with them. The majority of the group acknowledged that that was so, with the exception of the one man in question. He said he wasn’t intimidating staff and that the Rangers are the ones trying to intimidate them by coming over there together. The rest of the group were very cooperative and took the one semi-belligerent man away to the hale to talk with him. One guy introduced himself and said that if there were any more issues to please let him know. He then went and removed the laptop and phone from the outlet. Saturday, 4/25/15 All is well and calm. No reportable incidents. Sunday, 4/26/15 Smaller than usual weekend number of protesters (20-30). Probably due to UH-Board of Regents meeting at UH-Hilo in a.m. 8:40AM-9:10AM: About 30 regular protesters and 50 members of the Royal Order of Kamehameha have a ceremony so vehicles cannot pass on roadway out front. MY (see photos, note hale built across street in middle photo) Update by C.P. Road access blocked as of 9:50a.m. By 10 a.m. roadway access clear up and down. At 11:30 a.m.

Several visitors here for the Escorted Summit Tour report that reservation agent at local Rental Car facility in Kona told them that “all telescopes on Maunakea are broken and none working except for two of them”. Also he told them that “if TMT were built it would be obsolete when done and taken down shortly thereafter”. VIS Manager called rental agency to report to manager (Ron) that sharing mis-information about Maunakea is not appropriate when speaking with visitors coming to Maunakea; it’s like telling visitors that flowing lava is visible at crater at Volcano when it’s not. He understood and thanked me for calling and would look into incident. 2:15 p.m.: Staff overhears a carload of protesters shout that they needed to follow the summit tour to the top to monitor their activities. Three protesters hop into 4wd and follow with his nine cars. The group stops at Park 2 at 2:30, and the protester car joins the tour. They stand on the other side of the parking lot to listen in on Pablo’s talk. When the tour heads to the summit at 2:55 they choose not to tag along. At 6:00 p.m. when back down at the VIS, staff asks the protesters who did the “monitoring” if everything was okay and the information accurate. They said they learned two new things about the mtn they didn’t know before. Staff asked them why they were followed and they said they thought we were sneaking TMT people up to their site to begin construction. Clarified that this was just part of our regularly scheduled tours on Sat and Sun. They and rest of protesters were invited to join the free tour any day on the weekends. Telescope protesters fill out VIS Guest Log Sheets with comments “Kingdom of Hawaii is watching”, ‘Nuff telescopes already”, “A’ole TMT” etc. Monday, 4/27/15: initiated daily “check-in” meeting between VIS and protester core group this a.m. VIS staff introduced themselves and explained our common interests (education, safety, welcoming and keeping visitors safe) and agreed to meet each morning. Protesters were receptive and agreed. Tuesday, 4/28/15: 4:00 p.m.: a group of eight visitors comes into VIS and asks “why doesn’t TMT go where the eight broken telescopes are located on the summit?” VIS staff ask them

where they got that info and they all say the group of protesters across the street shared that information with them. VIS staff corrected the untruth and told them that only one telescope on the mtn is “broken” and not in use - UH-Hilo’s Hokukea telescope. Then shared facts and details about the TMT project with the group. Immediately after, walked across the street to speak with the protesters about their mis-information and the need to share accurate information with everyone. They said that they’d heard or read from others that 8 or 9 scopes had been broken and out-of-commission for years. VIS staff corrected them, shared factual information about the telescopes, and requested that we ALL speak the truth concerning the mountain. Wednesday, 4/29/15 Many fewer protesters across the street today. About 8 in the tent for the morning check-in. Kaho’okahi said they’d told people to go rest, go to their jobs, use the down time to recoup their lives. Thursday, 4/30/15 Staff had a brief morning meeting with the neighbors. They told us that there is a large gathering planned for this Sunday, May 3rd. It will begin at Pu’u Hulu then move up to the site across the road. No incidents to report. Friday, 5/1/15 No reportable incidents Saturday, 5/2/15 No reportable incidents Sunday, 5/3/15 Expected large group (200+) of protesters midday from larger gathering of Hawaiian Sovereignty activists that met down at Puu Huluhulu on Saddle Rd. A few came up from down below but larger numbers never materialized. Protesters donate two large packages of toilet paper to the VIS. Put into cleaning supply closet. Could use them to stock portable luas between weekly servicing.

Monday, 5/4/15 No incidents to report Tuesday, 5/5/15 Two to three protesters hanging out on VIS patio during day sharing their thoughts, ideas, opinions with visitors. Ask them to share information from across the street. They left but came back later to hang out and charge up their phones, cameras, and other devices. Four person dome tent erected next to hale across street for protesters to sleep overnight. Wednesday, 5/6/15 Nothing to report Thursday 5/7/15 Most protesters at court hearing in Waimea. Quiet during the day. Discussed possibility of Hawaiian star-tour with JoJo

Friday 5/8/15 Two males showed up at VIS around 12:30, said they were “flame throwers” and wanted to do it at the Summit. Marilyn informed them that that would not be okay. One then hiked to the top of Kilohana, disrobed, began chanting. Protesters disavowed any connection with them, two protesters followed up to Kilohana to ensure no problems. Incident ended without further excitement. Saturday, 5/9/15 No incidents to report Sunday, 5/10/15 Afternoon: protesters erect another 10ft x 10ft canopy tent on opposite side of the road Later afternoon: about a dozen protesters resume stopping arriving cars and visitors to share information and pass out info sheet. They also resume enthusiastic flag and sign waving. Monday, 5/11/15 Protesters hang large bed sheet on side of new tent that shouts “KAPU; MAUNA KEA’’. The sign faces the VIS. Also, new small plywood sign reading “Come Join Us; We are Friendly” found leaning on VIS entrance sign. Tuesday, 5/12/15 No incidents. Wednesday, May 13th A protester named came over to the VIS around 9:30am to inform us that a very angry local lady, not associated with the group, stopped by their tent. The protester was not sure why the lady was upset, but she tried to speak to her calmly without success. The lady went back to her black hatchback cursing and yelling then sped off towards the summit. VIS staff relayed the information to the rangers. About an hour after that, someone from Keck called the VIS to report that an angry lady had been in the visitor gallery was demanding to know where the TMT site was. The Keck staff member dealt with her in a non-confrontational manner and she soon left in a hatchback. Police officers showed up at the VIS about 10:30am saying they had gotten a call from VLBA about an angry woman. Police spoke with protesters about incident and also took report from Rangers who had spoken with the angry woman on her way down from the summit.

Morning meeting: was well-received and provided opportunity for discussion about incident with angry woman. None of them had met her before, and said it was clear that she was “distressed.” She was quite angry and aggressive (cursing and yelling at them) on her way up and they were able to calm her down a bit on her way back down. They expressed appreciation of Rangersʻ quick response time after being informed of the incident. Thursday, 5/14/15 Meeting with protesters at 10am went smoothly. No incidents to report. Friday, 5/15/15 Met with protesters this morning. Conversation was very friendly and productive. No incidents to report. Saturday, 5/16/15 Met with protesters. All were friendly and offered food. No incidents to report. Sunday, 5/17/15 Three new tents (two 10’x10’s and one 20’x20’) erected in the morning on the other side of the road for massage and acupuncture treatments. Additional protesters (50+) for ceremony at ahu inside silversword enclosure @ 10:00 a.m., roadside @ 10:30 a.m., and at hale @ 10:45 a.m.. Monday, 5/18/15 A.m. meeting: occupiers were cleaning out main tent, said it would be taken down by today. (“Why?”) “We’re hitting ‘reset’”. It was taken down before noon. Staff asked them if they were aware there are rodents in the area, indicating the food they keep in the tents, they replied they’d seen some. Around noon a reggae musician named Pato Benton stopped by to voice his support and performed a few songs. Afterwards the assembled group (about 30) sang Hawaiian songs for about 20 minutes, then the singer left.

Tuesday, 5/19/15 AM meeting was pleasant and smooth. Protesters informed VIS staff that they had obtained oil pans to put beneath all of their vehicles to catch any extra oil. The main tent is still up but in a more collapsed position - they said they planned to have it fully down today and would just leave the single 10x10 canopy due to the decreased numbers in their group. About 11:30 a cement truck (West Hawaii Cement) showed up looking for the “comfort station,” scheduled to pour concrete for bathrooms. The work order said “half way up the Mauna Kea Access road, at the Comfort Station.” Several calls and about 30 minutes later it was determined they were intended to be at the Mauna Kea County Park on Saddle Road. All were relieved, but protester response was quick and efficient. Luckily, part of their response was to seek our help, so good relations seem to be in effect. They also mentioned that “they would be getting us better internet soon.” When asked how they would do that, they said they were working on getting a satellite dish so that they could keep up with social media from up here. 1:30 p.m.: Main, larger tent taken down

Wednesday, 5/20/15 AM meeting was smooth. Protesters mentioned that they would like to come on the summit tour, saturday. Smell of field dressed animal in male toilets. Suspected dry blood on disabled stall floor. Thursday, 5/21/15 AM Restroom clean: Blood found on floor of mensʻ handicapped stall. Beach sand also found. Met with protesters for the morning meeting today which went smoothly. Others were sleeping in the hale. Friday, 5/22/15 Met with protesters across the street. Nothing new to report on either side, but mentioned the suspected field dressing of animals in bathroom stalls. No one had any information regarding but promised to keep an ear and eye out for whoever might be responsible. No further incidents to report. Saturday, 5/23/15 Meeting with group across street without incident. Sunday, 5/24/15 Some protest leaders visited this afternoon. One got a tattoo from Hawaiian practitioners. At morning meeting, protesters expressed interest in joining Summit Tour, maybe next week. They understand the requirements. Asked them to notify us in advance if they were going to bring more that a few participants. The protesters blocked the road for a chant. VIS staff had to pass on the shoulder as they would not move. Monday, 5/25/15 Meeting with group across the street was smooth and calm, no notable incident. Tuesday, 5/26/15 Governor’s press conference today. Protesters’ site mainly quiet. Just as star tour was beginning, male voice from protesters’ camp started yelling about desecration. Hard to make out exactly what he was saying, but went on for maybe a minute, then stopped. VIS staff said he’d been doing this intermittently for the past several days. Wednesday, 5/27/15

Only one protester was present today for morning meeting. Spoke with him about man yelling from across the street both last night and previous nights. He says he doesn’t know who he is but will relay the message that “this is not the way” if it happens again. Thursday, 5/28/15 Morning meeting with protesters. Staff spoke about several topics. Protester mentioned that his mother will be teaching a cultural class this Monday, June 1st across the road. Noted an increase in protester numbers: up to 25 as of the afternoon. Friday, 5/29/15 Nothing to report Saturday, 5/30/15 Morning meeting w/two protesters across street. No issues to report for a.m. At night from approximately 7:30 p.m. onwards there were a couple of protesters yelling VERY loudly in Hawaiian at visitors walking from their car to the VIS and as cars passed by. The shouts also occurred during the entire time of the star tour, disrupting the presentation. Protesters were shirtless, waved HI’n flag frequently, and behavior seemed fueled by alcohol. Sunday, 5/31/15 Three protesters join summit tour w/o incident. They did not harass, interrupt, or disrupt tour in any way. Monday, 6/1/15 More protesters on site than usual (25+) in a.m. probably due to Monday morning and anticipation that TMT vehicles may show up at start of work week. TMT folks are no show. 10:35 to 10:55 a.m.: protest group blocks road for ALL vehicle traffic (up & down) as protesters have welcoming ceremony in roadway with school group from Ka’Umeke Ka’eo Hawaiian Immersion PCS. Approximately 75 pax from school, including ~50 students, take part in event. School group drove four vans up from Hilo, including two State DOE vans (license #E131 & D874).

In middle of day a one man outrigger sailing canoe (w/ sail) was brought up mountain and erected next to hale on opposite side of the street.

One protester informed me that some of the protesters are in Poland for a “cultural exchange”, something they’ve been doing every summer for the past 4 years. Tuesday, 6/2/15 Met with protester across the street. Ask him for everyone's safety if he wouldn’t mind letting us know when groups are coming up plan to meet in the road, blocking traffic. He

said sorry that it was longer than he had thought it would be and would try to let us know in the future when such events would happen. I told him about a runaway vehicle that came by over 55 mph and the safety of all is at When VIS staff was explaining what our scopes were looking at, just at that same moment the protesters starting yelling i mau ku maunakea over and over. Wednesday, 6/3/15 Met with protesters across the street. Everything okay. Thursday, 6/4/15 Had a friendly morning meeting with the protesters which went smoothly. No incidents to report. Friday, 6/5/15 Morning meeting went smoothly. Protesters were napping peacefully. Saturday, 6/6/15 A.M.: discovered coffee grounds in sink in men’s room from someone who cleaned out coffee pot. In late afternoon hole discovered by Subaru worker in door on east side of Subaru. Reported to rangers and police. Two police arrive at 10:00 p.m. at VIS to investigate. See Ranger report for more details. Sunday, 6/7/15 A.M.: again discovered coffee grounds in sink in men’s room from someone who cleaned out coffee pot. Found protester walking out of bathroom with his camping pot. Told protesters across street that coffee grounds should be put in trash; don’t put in sink. Morning meeting with protester across street. Discussed hole at Subaru, and that protests need to be peaceful. See Police Incident Report No. C15016638. Monday 6/8/15 At morning meeting, again gave several copies of “standing in the street is dangerous” leaflet, and also reiterated notice that CFHT instrument would be coming up on Wednesday and to please let it pass. Protesters agreed no problem. Regular high number of protesters for a Monday morning (30+) expecting something to “happen” at beginning of week. Four HPD CSI officers stop at VIS to acclimate before head up hill to investigate Subaru hole incident.

Tuesday, 6/9/15 Let protesters know about both CFHT instrument (tomorrow) and Gemini solar panels & manlift (Friday and next week), requested “let ‘em through”. All wearing new scarlet malos & kiheis “made for us by our auntie” today. Wednesday, 6/10/15 CFHT instrument made it up without event. Many people present today. They said more had come to participate in the CNN interviews that continued today. CNN had already headed further up the summit for more filming by the time of the 10:00 meeting. Said that not much scheduled for the day but tomorrow many would head down after the morning to participate in Kamehameha celebrations. Towards the end of the meeting, Saeko-san of Subaru and Director of Subaru arrived and asked to speak with Kahookahi - the Director thanked him for the “message of aloha” they had shared after the “bullet” incident and apologized for any insinuation that the “bullet” had been believed to be from their group. He said he knows they send messages of aloha and peace and Subaru had not believed they would be a part of violence but the media took the story where it did. Saeko-san then asked if they could all go “sit and talk story” in the protester tent, which they then did. Thursday, 6/11/15 Meeting with protesters this morning was pleasant and informative. I was told that many went up to the summit earlier around 8:30 am to “serve trespassing papers” to TMT. It was also mentioned that they are waiting for the announcement today of whether or not TMT plans to resume operations next Monday. Star tour cancelled: Early in the evening during telescope set up, Protesters were howling and whistling from their truck beds across the road. This would stop when VIS staff were not present on patio area, and re-commenced when VIS staff returned to patio area. Later while beginning the star tour, howling and shouting could be heard as soon as laser pointer was directed toward the sky. This continued until VIS staff announced star tour would not take place due to disruptive behavour from protesters. VIS staff informed Ranger TW that star tour had been cancelled due to disruptive behaviour. Whilst VIS staff conversed with Ranger, a protester overheard and stated that the shouting was not intentional. VIS staff then accompanied protester to camp, where one of the individuals appeared hostile and possibly intoxicated. Refused to engage in a civil manner with VIS staff, so meeting was called off. Protester complained about having to listen to ‘VIS staff shouting all night. Stated, that VIS staff were providing erroneous information in regards to the Hawaiian interpretation of the night

sky (actually, said VIS staff learned directly from the master navigator of the Hokulea). Ranger stayed with protesters at this point, while VIS staff returned to patio area. Shortly after, a Range invited a protester to VIS to perform his version of star tour. The talk lasted less than five minutes. Protester then returned to the protester tent and stayed quiet for the rest of the night. Friday, 6/12/15 Morning meeting did not take place this morning. Around 1:00 p.m. an older protester came into the VIS and complained loudly, angrily, and incessantly with staff about the mountain, telescopes, statehood, capitalism, sovereignty, etc. He also yelled at female visitor who accidentally coughed in his presence. Shortly after staff left the mountain due to a second day of aggravation from an angry protester. 5:00 p.m.: Protester parked his vehicle on side of road above VIS where cones read “Authorized Parking Only”. Ranger asked man to move truck to other side of road, and protester got into angry confrontation with Ranger about his “rights”, sovereignty, etc. While this was going on the protester’s wife came into the VIS and harassed and yelled at VIS staff about telescopes, “rights”, sovereignty, and other stuff. Saturday, 6/13/15 A.M.: Staff met with protesters. Lead protester thought that the event on Thursday night between protester VIS staff CP was “funny”. VIS staff told him that the VIS would appreciate it if they not get yelled at during the star tours because all it does is give everyone a bad impression of the mountain. Sunday, 6/14/15 VIS staff discovered green, red, yellow Kingdom of Hawaii flag zip-tied to large snowblower at utilities baseyard next to HP. Flag unfurled in “open” position so seen easily. Took flag down and delivered to VIS manager as evidence of trespass. VIS manager reports that this flag was discovered attached to equipment on 6/11 by rangers and photos were taken, however, flag was not removed at that time. VIS Mgr went over the incidents of Thursday night and Friday afternoon with a protester leader, or so assumed. Two questions were asked: do you guys have a problem with the VIS and what we do? and are you as a leader responsible for your people? He answered "no" to both, and said he wasnʻt a leader, that all the people up here are here as individuals and they do what they want to do. He said they (he and the regulars) tell people who join them how not to behave, but "theyʻre gonna do what theyʻre gonna do.

Some if you tell them not to, it makes them just want to do more." He mentioned that the movement was all individuals. Monday, 6/15/15 Early a.m.: about two dozen protesters on hand with expectation that TMT crews show up at beginning of work week. Two persons present in the group with very large professional-grade video equipment waiting for something to happen. TMT does not show up. VIS parking lot full of protester vehicles at 8:00 a.m. Wedding party of 30+ people on mountain to take group photo at protest site. Group gone by 9:00 a.m., and parking lot back to normal. 10:35 to 10:45 a.m.: protest group blocks roadway while chanting. A few visitor vehicles had to wait until group finished before they could pass through. Morning meeting: Staff requested protesters ask visiting groups not to block the road during their pules for safety reasons. In response, a protester came out and started going on about how it’s their cultural right to pule and practice wherever and whenever they like and we cannot tell them otherwise. Staff replied we are not asking them not to practice, but for safety reasons please keep the roadway open. Protester continued going on about how we “got mad at him for yelling his love for Hawaii and the land the other night and that isn’t okay because it’s his right.” Staff explained people may misperceive the message when it’s yelled at them, at which point he started yelling and screaming repeatedly about how he loves the mountain. A female protester offered to accompany staff to talk to the group blocking the road. As they walked away female protester apologized for another protester's behavior and said that he was just worked up with the whole situation and has a different way of expressing it. Staff reiterated that we just want people safe and standing in the road isn’t that. She said they look out for each other and would keep that in mind. As Staff returned to VIS, a protester called out that he did not want to do morning meetings anymore, leave them out. Another protester was standing next to him and agreed he’d participate in morning meetings if he were here. 12 noon: approximately 50 protesters on site. 2:00 p.m.: protester flies drone helicopter over VIS and protest site collecting video footage. Guy was here a few weeks ago doing the same thing. After five minutes helicopter lands.

Tuesday, 6/16/15 Nothing to report Wednesday, 6/17/15 Morning meeting: met by the protester who likes to shout. He reiterated his message that he’s shouting his love for the mauna and can’t help it because it’s spiritual, and explained he thought if anyone had a problem with him yelling or anything, they should bring it to him personally. Thursday, 6/18/15 Met with protesters this morning. Had a brief, cordial chat. Protesters said that most people were in court for the 31 who were arrested. He was the only one there this morning. No other incidents to report. Friday, 6/19/15 Morning meeting went well. Protesters told VIS staff that from now on if a protester feels the need to express himself in a loud way, they will blow on the conch shell instead. This was demonstrated promptly by a protester going outside the tent and blowing on the shell. Saturday, 6/20/15 No morning meeting due to VIS short staffed and many visitors on mtn asking questions and needing assistance. In evening Press Release comes out that TMT will return to the mountain and resume construction activities on Wednesday June 24th. Sunday, 6/21/15 Many new faces across the street. Many protester vehicles in parking lot, some with flag poles here in the morning. Otherwise quiet. Monday, 6/22/15 7:00 a.m.: At least 50 protesters on site Protester phones, laptops, and cameras, plugged into ALL outlets along patio wall. Powered turned off to patio to save electricity costs. Protesters upset that no “free juice” for their devices. VIS staff informed them there should be electricity back on along the wall at end of day in time for stargazing.

In early a.m. two groups of visitors tell staff that they did not drive up to VIS because afraid to cross line of protesters at VIS entrance. Parked at lower lot and walked up to VIS. Met with protesters in am. Nothing to report 12:30 pm: roughly six trucks drove up to summit in caravan including one truck with the company name of “ Hawaiian Rock “ with a truck load of what appeared to be either beach or river rocks. Protesters and some of the more prominent neighboring crew were in the back of one of the trucks. VIS staff notified VIS Mgr and Rangers. Tuesday, 6/23/15 815a.m.: Approx 50 protesters on site. By 10am, entire cross the street parking filled with protesters as well as most of VIS lot. 10am meeting foregone today. Protesters meeting with police at 10am. Wednesday, 6/24/15 (See Hawaii News Now) VIS never opened all day as there was no parking left open by the number of protesters present from before dawn. Home page and phone messages updated with closure info. Some visitors came anyway and were disappointed. Rangers turned many away below R1. As some parking opened up after the Summit Road was closed, we opened VIS at 6 pm. for stargazing. Had about 100 people and nice skies. A little after 6 Harpers van arrived at the protesters’ encampment to loud whistles, shouts, and conch blowing. Several folks got out and greeted & hugged the protesters. By 830pm: VIS rubbish cans were overflowing, even though VIS had been closed & not selling food & drink until 6pm. Staff pointed out this was because protesters had been filling our garbage cans all day. At 10 p.m., VIS was closed & bathrooms locked, leaving only porta-luas available. Had to wait for last protesters, one of whom was washing his malo in men’s room sink. Staff explained to 3 protesters using the bathrooms while he waited that we are unable to leave the bathrooms open when the VIS is not open. They asked what time we’d be closing them, staff replied when the VIS closes at 10. As VIS staff left parking lot, one protester approached student staff saying “you’re going to open the bathroom for us”, but as this staff member didn’t have keys they were unable to assist him and left. Thursday, 6/25/15 VIS and Road to Summit Closed. Many protesters onsite expressing their thoughts, ideas, and opinions.

Friday, 6/26/15 VIS and Road to Summit Closed. FLBS annual inventory commences. 7:30pm: Two protesters giving out information on hiking trails to two visitors, saying that you could not hike up to the summit, only to about 10-12K ft, beyond that is the sacred realm, and you can not go any higher When driving state (VIS) vehicle past encampment, protester shouted “Hawaii tax dollars!” at VIS staff. Saturday, 6/27/15 VIS and Road to Summit Closed. Day two of FLBS annual inventory. Small group across street. No more than 20 protesters at one time on mountain. Few drummers banging away from about 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bottle of urine found in right-hand lua below (closed) restrooms Sunday, 6/28/15 VIS and Road to Summit Closed. Day three of FLBS annual inventory. Group of two dozen protesters on mountain 3:30 p.m.: phone call from 911 dispatch on VIS priority phone in response to 911 call from protesters. An elderly protester, from Honolulu, was feeling cold, weak, and tired so protesters called 911 on his behalf. PM went to assist along side of road getting his history, taking vitals, and asking questions to determine severity of his condition and if he needed immediate medical care. While assessing had 911 dispatch on line to keep apprised. He did NOT want medical assistance from ambulance, wanted to rest, and be left alone. Although behavior seemed a bit erratic he did not seem to be in medical distress so ambulance call was cancelled. He asked to be left alone and slept under anti-TMT protester sign on side of road. 6:00 p.m.: got call at HP from astronomy staff member that a small group of protesters stacking rocks in roadway about ½ mile above ranger roadblock at HP. Contacted rangers by radio to say that protesters putting rocks in roadway above HP. Rangers respond that they would investigate. 6:30 p.m.: PTA ambulance and fire chief show up at VIS in response to 911 call from Ranger. The sick man had woken up a short time earlier, and feeling energized left his perch and personal belongings at the protester site to start walking up the road to the

summit. He was confused and delusional when encountered Ranger roadblock at HP. Rangers observed his condition and called 911 in response. With ranger escort ambulance encountered the sick man approximately ¾ mile up roadway above HP. Two HPD officers arrived soon thereafter. He again refused medical assistance and ambulance transport. For his safety and well-being he was taken off the mountain by HPD. More info found in ranger report. 6:30 p.m.: VIS parking lot full and far side of road filled with protester and visitor vehicles. VIS staff let public know that VIS closed, stargazing program cancelled, and summit road closed. Monday, 6/29/15 The attached sign was found taped to the men’s restroom door behind the VIS at about 3pm. Phone number is the Governor’s office. Sign was subsequently removed, pulling off some of the paint on the door with it.

11am: ~10-12 protesters moved on to the patio, three had set up a table to have lunch. An older gentleman in a red robe was approaching visitors and explaining the situation, saying that “they closed the VIS to force us out” and claimed “they are doing this, and it’s bad for the tourists and the little ones, and we haven’t done anything wrong, we haven’t caused any havoc or anything”. Tuesday, 6/30/15

10am: Two women protesters came to the old warehouse asking if they could use our bathroom. I told them sorry but we don’t have a bathroom down here. They asked where do we go to the bathroom, and I told them up at Hale Pohaku. They asked “Oh, is that far?” I pointed out to them where it was. They asked if we knew when the luas would be opened and I let them know that we had no idea at this point what was going to happen. They then asked that we make a note in our log that they saw a tourist man peeing in the bushes by the VIS. I let them know I would make a note. Afternoon: protesters showing sign saying “don’t like how this place is being managed?” showing pile of feces and listing Governor’s (?) phone number. Later, two luas installed just makai of protester encampment on DLNR land, west of the road. Main (silver tarp) tent removed, smaller 10x1 popup tent newly pitched. Installed “no services” signs at VIS and at blue sign just up from Saddle Road intersection. Wednesday, 7/1/15 Nothing to report Thursday, 7/2/15 Additional lua showed up in encampment (total now 5). Friday, 7/3/15 nothing to report Saturday, 7/4/15 nothing to report Sunday, 7/5/15 nothing to report Monday, 7/6/15 Protesters notified VIS staff that a handicapped (wheelchair) person was not able to use the bathrooms (because closed) or visit the silverswords (because not ADA accessible). The person apparently used the protesters’ luas. Visitor asked if it were true that they couldn’t hike up the trail. Said the protesters had told him only Hawaiians are allowed to hike up. Tuesday, 7/7/15 As of 3:15pm all 5 of the luas have been removed. The pump truck was here for removal of waste then all were hauled off. Some of the A signs have also been taken down.

Very large tent put up on dirt next to Hale. Appears to be the largest tent protesters have erected so far.