maulana abul kalam azad university of … · ceramic technology (gcect), kolkata jointly with...


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Page 1: MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF … · Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata jointly with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic University of Science


O N L IN E N EW SL ETTER Is s u e-I, O c to b er 2018



Page 2: MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF … · Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata jointly with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic University of Science


From the Desk ofthe Vice Chancellor

It is a matter of great privi lege and immense pleasure for me to be a part of the fi rst issue of ?Vibrance? ? the Quarterly Newsletter publ ished by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Universi ty of Technology, West Bengal. I had been cherishing the dream of such a Newsletter since long and my sincerest thanks goes to the edi torial team of faculty, staff and students for making i t come true. I do bel ieve that ?Vibrance? wi l l exhibi t the

energy, vigour and resonance of this Universi ty through knowledge, information, imagination and creativi ty contributed by students, staff and teachers of this Universi ty and play a part in the path of achieving excel lence. In addi t ion to the numerous achievements of the Universi ty, this is yet another mi lestone achieved. I hope the Newsletter wi l l be a platform to showcase the diverse events being conducted by the Universi ty and also bring

I wish this endeavour a great success!

Wi th Best Wishes,

forth creative talents of our students.

Prof.(Dr). Saikat Mai traVice Chancel lor Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Universi ty of Technology, West Bengal

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From the Desk of the Registrar

It gives me great pride in presenting the fi rst issue of the Universi ty?s Onl ine Newsletter- VIBRANCE. As you scan through the pages of the Newsletter, i t wi l l enl ighten you wi th the di fferent events conducted by the Universi ty this year. This platform has also showcased the creative ideas and aspi rations of our budding talents in a creative way.

I congratulate the edi torial committee for showcasing the potential of our students and appreciate thei r efforts in bringing out this issue.

I wish the Newsletter a lasting success.

Dr. Indrani l MukherjeeRegistrar Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Universi ty of Technology, West Bengal

Wi th Best Wishes,

Page 4: MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF … · Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata jointly with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic University of Science

I nside This

I ssue

Events (February to September, 2018)

- Inauguration of M ain Campus of M AKAUT, WB at Haringhata- Workshop on "Data Science with R"- Research Project Convention- Workshop on "New Innovations in Cloud and Fog Computing".- Inauguration of Centralised Placement Portal- Seminar on Research M ethodology- Teacher's Day Celebration- Success Stories of Unknown Indians- Commemoration of 125th Anniversary of H istorical Chicago

Speech delivered by Swami Vivekananda- Faculty and Executive Development Program


From the Desk of the Editor

Wi th Best Wishes, Dr.(Mrs.)Somdatta Chakravortty

Associate Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, MAKAUT, WB

Editor- Dr. Somdatta Chakravortty,

Associate Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, MAKAUT, WB

Editorial Committee- Dr. Bratati Ghosh, MAKAUT, WB

- Ms. Oindr i la Mukher jee, MAKAUT, WB

- Mr. Deepsubhra Guha Roy, Research Scholar, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, MAKAUT, WB

- Ms. Srirupa Das, Research Scholar, Dept. of Information Technology, MAKAUT, WB

- Ms. Riddhi Bhadoria, M.Tech. 2nd Year, Dept. of Information Technology, MAKAUT, WB

- Ms. Ankita Maity, B.Tech. 4th Year, Dept. of Information Technology, MAKAUT, WB



St udent s'

Creat ion

Greetings and a warm welcome to the very fi rst issue of ?Vibrance? !

I feel proud to announce the publ ication of ?Vibrance? the premiere issue of the Newsletter ini t iated by the Universi ty. I would l ike to express my sincerest grati tude to the Honorable Vice-Chancel lor, for his constant encouragement in this ini t iat ive. I am indeed indebted to al l the students who have contributed fascinating and inspi ring entries wi thout which we would not have been able to make such a successful debut. In this fi rst issue, we have a variety of art icles, each unique, yet bounded together by the theme ?Vibrance?. This edi t ion includes reports of technical events conducted by the Universi ty as wel l as artwork, photography and poetry contributed by our students.

We welcome your feedback as we experiment and fine tune over the next few issues. We hope that you enjoy the read!

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Ar t ist : Debasish Bhat t achar jee M.Tech, 2nd Year , IEM

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The Universi ty is extremely grateful to the Government of West Bengal for i ts active help and support which enabled the Universi ty to real ize i ts dream of having an academic campus seventeen years after i ts inception.

The Universi ty started i ts operations from the State Archive Bui lding at Shakespeare Sarani and subsequently moved to i ts Salt Lake campus at BF 142, Sector I, Salt Lake, Kolkata ? 700064. The main academic

campus of the Universi ty at Haringhata, Nadia sprawling across 40 acres of land was inaugurated on February 13, 2018 by Mamata Banerjee, Hon?ble Chief Minister, Government of West Bengal in the august

Dr. Partha Chatterjee, Minister-in-Charge,Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Biotechnology.

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Workshop on

?Dat a Science w it h R?

A 7-day workshop on ?Data Science wi th R? was organized at Govt. Col lege of Engineering & Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata joint ly wi th Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Universi ty of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic Universi ty of Science and Technology (IUST), Kashmir on and from 23rd March to 29th March, 2018. The workshop was financial ly sponsored by TEQIP III of MAKAUT and UIST. The main objective of this workshop was to imbibe the cardinal principles of Data Science amongst the students, young researchers and academia in general. The goal was to learn how to handle big data, make predict ions using machine learning algori thms and deploy R to production.

The target audience was 50 comprising Faculty Members, Research Scholars and M. Tech. students of Information Technology and Computer Science & Engineering of MAKAUT and GCECT. Faculty members from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from IUST, Kashmir also part icipated in the workshop.The workshop was inaugurated by the Honorable Vice Chancel lor, Prof. (Dr.) Saikat Mai tra in which he stressed on the essence of workshop and encouraged the part icipants to cult ivate research areas in Data Science.

The workshop wi tnessed powerful informative del iberations of eminent and dist inguished speakers and hands-on training in this area namely, Mr. Snehashish Banerjee of TCS Kolkata, Prof. Biswabrata Pradhan of ISI Kolkata, Prof. Dinabandhu Bhandari of HIT Kolkata, Prof. Rajiv Sahay of IIT Kharagpur, Dr. Tanushyam Chattopadhyay of TCS Kolkata and Dr. Debashish Jana of TEOCO Software Kolkata. Prizes were given to part icipants who scored wel l in the test that was conducted on the final day of the workshop. The workshop ended satisfactori ly amidst satisfaction amongst the audience and distribution of cert i f icates amongst part icipants.

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Phot ography : Pr it hvinat h Misra M.Tech., 2nd Year , IEM

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Research Project Convent ion

Workshop on ?New Innovat ion in Cloud

and Fog Com put ing?

A workshop on ?New Innovation in Cloud and Fog Computing? was held in the Universi ty premises at Salt Lake between 4th May, 2018 and 6th May, 2018. Eminent speakers who del iberated in the workshop include Prof. Rajkumar Bhuiyya of the Universi ty of Melbourne, Austral ia and Prof. S.K. Ghosh of IIT Kharagpur.

Another awareness workshop on ?Cloud and Fog Computing? for non-teaching staff of the Universi ty was held on 27th Apri l , 2018 by Dr. Rajkumar Bhuiyya, Professor, Universi ty of Melbourne, Austral ia.

A Research Project Convention under TEQIP III was organised in Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Universi ty of Technology, WB at the Haringhata campus on 18th Apri l , 2018. Al l Research Scholars under TEQIP III from Computer Science & Engineering, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Departments presented thei r research work in presence of Prof. Saikat Mai tra, Honourable Vice Chancel lor and other subject experts.Some of the topics that were touched upon include :

- Qual i ty of Service Aware Offloading Strategies in Mobi le Cloud Computing towards IoT

- Development of Techniques for Precision Farming - Study of the Genetical Epidemiological Factors Responsible for the Origin of

Aneuploidy in Humans - Molecular Model l ing and Design Towards Understanding Microscopic Insights of

Biomolecular Structure and Function.

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Poet ry : Deepsubhra Guha Roy, Research Scholar , Dept . of Com put er Science and Engineer ing

Poet ry : Tiyasha Gangully B.Tech, CSE

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from MAKAUT, WB wi l l no longer need to hunt scores of websi tes to source out job offers as the universi ty is coming up wi th thei r own placement portal where students can access l ist of interested companies and find out about vacancies. In order to aid students to seek credible job offers MAKAUT central ized placement portal wi l l be effective where students can resource job opportuni t ies and prospective employers too can reach out to students who fi t thei r company profi le. The State Education Minister,

Universi ty launched a unique Placement portal , f i rst of i ts k ind by any varsi ty of the country on 28th June, 2018, aimed at providing a unique interface of graduating students and employers. Students passing out

The State Minister lauded the universi ty's portal , www.makautplacement .com as the fi rst such ini t iat ive by any insti tut ion in the country that wi l l provide placement assistance to students. The minister urged students to avai l this opportuni ty and asked al l the MAKAUT-affi l iated col leges to make the best use of the portal . Vice-Chancel lor of MAKAUT, Prof. Saikat Mai tra highl ighted that students wi l l be able to showcase themselves to the national and global job market through the portal as the resume of the students wi l l be extensively visible to potential employers.

A large database of students of nearly 200 affi l iated col leges wi th detai led interests and sk i l l sets wi l l be generated and employers from di fferent sectors wi l l get a seamless searching for employees sui table for thei r companies.

Dr. Partha Chatterjee was present at the inauguration of the central ized portal .

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Seminar on Research Methodology

Teacher 's Day Celebrat ion

The Universi ty observed Teachers Day on 5th September, 2018 by fel ici tat ing and awarding teachers of i ts affi l iat ing col leges who were nominated by the respective Insti tutes.

Amongst the invi ted guests were Smt. Manasi Roy Chowdhury, Co-Chairman, Techno India Group, Mr. Simranpreet Singh, Di rector, JIS Group and Dr. Malay R. Dave, Principal, JIS Group who fel ici lated the teachers during the program. The Honorable Vice-Chancel lor, in his speech, stressed on the need of value based education and importance of interactive teaching wi th students. The members of faculty who were fel ici tated represented:

· Bengal Insti tute of Technology

· Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering Col lege, Durgapur

· Dream Insti tute of Technology

· Haldia Insti tute of Management

· Insti tute of Management Sciences

· Si l iguri Insti tute of Technology

The program began wi th an introductionof the event by the Registrar, Dr. Indrani l Mukherjee.

Prof. Dipti Prasad Mukherjee, Deputy Director, Indian Statist ical Insti tute, Kolkata took a one day cert i f icate course on Research Methodology (joint ly organised by Computer Society of India-Kolkata Chapter and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Universi ty of Technology, West Bengal)on 21st July, 2018. The seminar was based on how to do research and focus on deep vert ical learning instead of horizontal learning. The course was inaugurated by Prof.(Dr.) Saikat Mai tra, Honorable Vice Chancel lor,MAKAUT.

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Phot ography : Mainak Das, M.Tech, 1st Year IEM

Poet ry : Madhur im a Das, M.Tech, 2nd Year CSE

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Success Stories of Unknown Indians

In a bid to accl imatize management students to the country?s intestine trade mi l ieu, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Universi ty of Technology, West Bengal (MAKAUT, WB) had involved them in an industry-academia interface enti t led ?Success Stories of Unknown Indians? on 15th September, 2018. The Universi ty highl ighted several small and medium business ventures that are operating wi th equal panache. These viable small scale local business models can be used to study indigenous market trends, the Universi ty envisaged. Col lege students were asked to present case studies of successful start-ups and nano-enterprises to bring out the odds that these innovators faced in giving existence to thei r dreams.

The Vice-Chancel lor of the Universi ty, Professor Saikat Mai tra, inaugurated the event wi th an inspi ring speech. In the Fi rst Phase, students presented case studies and highl ighted the potential of these enterprises and in the Second Phase students explored possible areas of col leges and students engaging wi th them to boost thei r brands. Management Students arranged workshops for these short l isted enterprises, some also developed short fi lms and YouTube videos to promote thei r brands via several onl ine and social platforms. As several of these grass root entrepreneurs had very l i t t le exposure to the onl ine mode, this was of immense help to them. Innovative al l woman start-ups l ike start-ups Twirl and Nazcraft, 145 East part icipated in the event. Several NGOs l ike Turnstone Global and Parichay also featured in the event.

Part icipating col leges include Insti tute of Management Study, George Col lege of Management & Science, Dinabandhu Andrew Insti tute of Technology and Management, B.P. Poddar Insti tute of Management and Technology, Heri tage Academy, Dreams Insti tute of Technology, Future Insti tute of Engineering and Management, NSHM, ILEAD, Nopany Insti tute of Management, Eminent Col lege and Dr. B.C Roy Engineering.

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The room was whi tewashed - the fresh coating of plaster smelled eeri ly fami l iar. The paint had wiped away any scratches or smudges that had adorned the wal ls previously. Had they left nothing behind, though, in the house they had spent so many decades l iving in? The joys and sorrows l i fe had chosen to bring to them whi le they had resided wi thin these four wal ls - could i t be that they had taken everything when they had gone away? That i f they should ever return, this freshly whi tewashed room would never recognize them again?

Had I, too, left nothing behind in the house I had just bade adieu to?

As a chi ld, I had loved playing wi th plaster. It had been fun, back then, because everything about i t had seemed to radiate a sense of newness. Echoes of a fresh beginning. Nothing to conceal under the hard whi te surface, unl ike now. Nothing to be afraid of.

I examined my new surroundings, trying, but fai l ing, to forget that untarnished memory. A fragment of my identi ty had been lost between then and now, and I just had to deal wi th i t . It should not be as hard as I envisioned.

My old home was defini tely not a place I was going to visi t anytime soon. A few years from now, and the place was going to be reduced to a distant memory, edges dul led by the flow of t ime. Could i t ever real ly be completely erased, though? Could I ever treat i t as i f i t had never existed? Forget al l the recol lections that have given shape and added colour to my l i fe?

The gentle swaying of the great oak trees against the autumn breeze. The dry rustle of thei r leaves as I walked beneath, fingering thei r rough trunks. Feel ing the rain trick le down my sk in as I lay on the grass, chin up and eyes shut t ight. The purple sunrise from the balcony. The fl icker of the candle as i t kept the looming shadows at bay.

The dread and lonel iness at night when the house was devoid of people. Losing myself in the campus wi th only an imaginary friend to guide me back through those rustic trai ls. Feel ing the cool night ai r brush against my cheeks as I looked up at the moon through my window rai ls, eyes wide wi th wonder and head propped up between my arms. Dist inguishing shimmering shapes in the clouds and weaving them into a fai rytale of my own.

Now the fai rytale was gone, shattered wi thin seconds. A wal l of fragi le glass that could not have kept off the harsh real i ty much longer. Imagination could only shelter me so much. Real i ty appeared to be in a class of i ts own.

A part of the whi tewash had flaked away under my fingers, to reveal a t iny ink curve. Did i t , too, belong to the imagination of some other chi ld, who had once stood where I now stand, giving form to the dreams he had once dreamed? Had he real ized that he would have to abandon his palette someday?

The whi tewash is what comes between both of us and the memories that have made us, molded us into who we are. Memories, however, remain memories as t ime ripples on - i t was I who had to walk forward to embrace the upcoming dawns as bravely as I could.

I tr ied to convince myself that the action was justi f ied.

WhitewashAnkita Maity, B.Tech, 4th Year, IT

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Com m em orat ion of 125t h Anniversary of Hist or ical Chicago Speech delivered by Swam i


On the occasion of 125th Anniversary of the Historical Chicago speech del ivered by Swami Vivekananda, several programmes were organized by the Universi ty from 11.09.2018 to 18.09.2018 at i ts Haringhata Campus. The programmes includes Quiz, Essay, Elocution and Poster Contests, and a Seminar on "India's Contribution on World Peace".

Quiz Com pet it ion

Essay Com pet it ion

Swami Vivekananda's Speech in 1893 at the World's Parl iament of Rel igions in Chicago made the spi ri tual leader popular as "Messenger of Indian Wisdom to the Western World". To commemorate the occasion of 125th Anniversary of the Historical Chicago speech del ivery by him, a Quiz Competi t ion on ?Li fe of Swami Vivekananda? was organized on 11th September, 2018 at 2:00 pm at MAKAUT, Haringhata. More than 100 students part icipated in the competi t ion. The winners of the event are:

1) Mr. Prakash Kumar (1st Sem BTech, CSE)

2) Mr. Rajeev Ranjan (1st Sem BTech, IT)

3) Mr. Asish Kumar (1st Sem BTech, CSE)

4) Mr. Anki t Kumar Yadav (1st Sem BTech, IT)

5) Mr. Ujjwal Abhishek (1st Sem BTech, CSE)

To commemorate the occasion of 125th Anniversary of the Historical Chicago speech del ivered by Swami Vivekananda, an essay competi t ion had been organized at MAKAUT, Haringhata Campus on 12th September, 2018. The topic of the Essay given to the Students was ?Swami Vivekananda and Universal Rel igion?. Around 46 B.Tech and M.Tech students from al l the departments of this Universi ty had part icipated in this competi t ion. Prof. Sriyankar Acharya as a convenor and Dr. Sujoy Mistry as a co-ordinator organized this event. Honorable Vice Chancel lor Professor Saikat Mai tra highly appreciated this event. The main purpose of organizing this competi t ion was to inspi re and encourage the students to fol low the ideology of Swami Vivekananda. The response from the part icipating students was very satisfactory as they looked massively enthusiastic to express thei r knowledge about Swami Vivekananda's iconic Chicago speech by wri t ing essays.

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Elocut ion Com pet it ion

A poster competi t ion was organised at Universi ty Haringhata campus on the topic ?Harmony of Rel igion? on 14th September 2018 to commemorate the occation of 125th anniversary of historical Chicago speech del ivered by Swami Vivekananda. Nearly 35 students including both PG & UG part icipated in the event and made the event successful.

Post er Com pet it ion

An Elocution Competi t ion held on 13.09.218 at MAKAUT, WB, Haringhata campus . The topic: was "Relevance of the message of harmony of Swami Vivekananda to Youth of the day ". The Co-coordinator of the program was:Dr. Pradyut Sarkar (Associate professor CSE) and Honorable Judges of the event were Dr. Sriyankar Acharyya. (Professor CSE) , Dr. Raja Banerjee (Professor ,Department of Biotechnology),Dr. Rina Rani Ray(Associate professor, Department of Biotechnology). 6 students had part icipated in this Competi t ion. Sarbaji t Chakrabart i (, 2nd year) stood 1st and Sayendeep Mahanty ( 2nd year) stood 2nd in this competi t ion.

Sem inar on ?India?s Cont r ibut ion t o Wor ld Peace?

Swami Vedaswarupananda Ji Maharaj from Ramkrishna Mission Insti tute of Culture, Golpark del ivered his speech on the topic ?India?s Contribution to World Peace? at the seminar hal l of our universi ty on 18.09.2018. Inaugural speech at the seminar was del ivered by our Hon?ble Vice Chancel lor, Prof. Saikat Mai tra. He emphasized on relevance of Swami Vivekananda in today?s world especial ly for the youth to fol low his l i fe to bui ld a better communi ty. Afterwards Swami Vedaswarupananda Ji Maharaj addressed the students as future of our country inducing the message of peace and harmony as this can spread happiness among al l by reducing social unrest. He highl ighted importance of study and knowledge for developed and healthy mental health which is not complete wi thout good physical health which comes only from physical activi t ies, playing games etc.

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He explained several courageous phenomenon of Swami Ji?s l i fe as case study to invi te the youths to venture into a world of bravery, honesty, knowledge, enthusiasm, happiness, peace, harmony and devotion. ?Vidya dadaati Vinayam ? should be real ized and bel ieved from heart and soul to render honour and respect to the others. Swami Ji addressed the audience at Chicago as ?My Brothers and Sisters of America? and he became one of them. Peace and harmony enhances closeness i rrespective of rel igion, economical condi t ion, educational qual i f ications, age, so-cal led social status among al l leading to ?ONE-NESS?. Knowledge, intel l igence, bri l l iance and wealth are to be invested for wel l-being of mankind, not for destructions over rel igion. Alarming issues l ike poverty, hunger, malnutri t ion, i l l i teracy, epidemics result ing suffering and death in most of the developing countries including India are to be fought over to abol ish these for gi ft ing a l ivable-world to the future ci t izens.

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Riddhi Bhadoria, M.Tech, 2nd Year, IT

I am up against the animal cruelty rather than consuming non-vegetarian products. A lot of people ignore, to see the fine l ine between them. Standing against the animal cruelty wi l l not cost you your freedom to have meat. Many people do not have the clear concept of animal cruelty. For them,only an involvement in the offence against the animal consti tutes cruelty. But they don?t even consider the fact that somehow we are also contributing to be a part of i t . People always over look the condi t ion of the animal they are going to consume. Accept i t or not, an unhealthy animal is as poisonous as a dead one. Have you ever looked at the condi t ion of the chicken you buy from a butcher shop? Have you ever noticed that they have plucked thei r feather from thei r sk in? Have you ever thought why would they do i t? Well i f you care a l i t t le you wi l l surely get to know that when a bi rd or any animal is upset they start hurt ing themselves. People wi th pets must have come across to the fact, that when they do not get appropriate attention they start behaving di fferently or pluck al l thei r feathers in depression. It is sad but nobody cares unti l i t?s your own pet. Chickens are forced to spend thei r enti re l i fe in such small cages where they can barely move which ult imately leads them to unhealthy mental condi t ion. They hurt themselves, thei r wounds get infected, but the buyers choose not to consider. It is not less than a cruelty in any sense. Over the past year, I have come across a very raging issue, where people across the globe are coming together to oppose this. The issue referred to is the China Dog Festival, which is celebrated by eating dog?s meat. It is not hard to understand that the reason for such outrage is i t being about ?dog? and human?s relat ion wi th i t considering the fact that majori ty of the population have them as pets. It is undoubtful that any other animal would not have given rise to such appal l ing reactions. Why is i t that only dogs are showered wi th such love? Don?t the other animals deserve a simi lar treatment? Al l animals deserve the same. If a cheetah can be trained to act as a pet, then what makes i t less of an individual to be viewed di fferently.How eating meat of chicken or goat or any other animal is di fferent from rel ishing dog?s meat. Dogs are not even on the verge of extinction category so to have raised such concern. The feel ings of humans toward dogs is merely because of them being the most preferred domestic animal. It is utterly unfai r on our part that we discriminate among animals when the Consti tut ion of every country echoes the notion of non-discrimination. It is qui te painful to see the lengths people go to save the animal wi th a cute face and remain unaffected when i t comes to others.Nature created us equal, treated us equal but i t is us who brought in the i l l of discrimination. We should love every creature and treat them equal ly, they are beauti ful in every means. If we are ready to fight for our pets we should be fighting for others too. They, being same and showing simi lar emotions, deserve an equal chance at l i fe and no less.What I am asking you is not to stop loving dogs but ask ing you to present that love for the other animals too.Raising your voice against cruelty does not ask you to become a vegetarian. But you are responsible for your own heath. Stop consuming the meat which comes from a depressed animal, start giving them a beauti ful l i fe. Start making a change. Promise yourself next t ime when you see a bad chicken in the shop you better say no to i t . Only we can make the di fference.


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The Universi ty col laborated wi th Cambridge Marketing Col lege,UK to host a three day

event from 28th to 30th September, 2018 dedicated for Faculty and Executive Development

Program on International and Digi tal Marketing ? aimed at providing training on

state-of-the art practices and software tools.

Candidates were made abreast of the latest technical approaches to Marketing ranging

from Evolution of Marketing to Privacy and Ethical Practices. Candidates, simultaneously,

received hands on training on Adope Marketing Cloud, SAP Hybris, IBM Watson, Small

Scale tools for Small and Medium enterprises alongside developing International


Over 80 faculty from di fferent col leges

part icipated in the extensive three day

event held at the Salt Lake Campus of the

Universi ty.

Whi le the program was primari ly conducted

by Professor Nandan Sengupta of

Cambridge Marketing Col lege, UK , he was

assisted by his col leagues from UK over

Skype. Prof Ki ran Kapur, CEO of the

Cambridge Col lege, Chartered Marketer and

Fel low of CIM , Prof Charles Nixon, Chartered Marketer and Founding Director of the

Col lege and Prof Terry Nick l in is a Chartered Marketer and Chairman of the

Cambridgeshire Branch of the CIM also addressed the candidates over Skype and answered

several queries about International Marketing.

Page 21: MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF … · Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata jointly with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic University of Science

News Cl ippings

Page 22: MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF … · Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata jointly with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic University of Science
Page 23: MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF … · Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata jointly with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic University of Science
Page 24: MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF … · Ceramic Technology (GCECT), Kolkata jointly with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Islamic University of Science


All members of faculty, staff and students of MAKAUT, WB are strongly encouraged to submit articles of interest directly to the editor for inclusion in future issues. You are kindly requested to share with us any questions, comments or concerns by emailing us at [email protected].

Phot ography : Pr it hvinat h Misra, M.Tech, 2nd Year , IEM