mature man - zelia gattai pps

Text: Zélia Text: Zélia Gattai Gattai (Brazilian writer - Jorge Amado's w

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Page 1: Mature man -  zelia gattai pps

Text: Zélia GattaiText: Zélia Gattai

(Brazilian writer - Jorge Amado's wife)

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““There is an unmistakable and seductive beauty in the personality of many men who are now in middle age.Of course, every rule has its exceptions, and each age has its own value.

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Those who today are above of 40,50 or 60 years old, we can see with certain ease , the , the sensitivity of their sensitivity of their hearts, the devotion hearts, the devotion they have for what is they have for what is most beautiful: the most beautiful: the FEELING.FEELING.

They are more intelligent, experienced, They are more intelligent, experienced, charming… eloquent.charming… eloquent.They know what they say and they know They know what they say and they know say in the right time.say in the right time.

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They are catchy, know They are catchy, know how to present without how to present without trouble. They build a trouble. They build a good friendship.good friendship.In terms of relationships, In terms of relationships, they know exchange the they know exchange the quantity for quality... quantity for quality...They have sharp vision They have sharp vision of the values of life, of the values of life, know how to treat a know how to treat a woman, with respect woman, with respect and affection.and affection.

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Are special Men, romantic, interesting and Are special Men, romantic, interesting and attractive by their way of being, thinking and attractive by their way of being, thinking and the way of looking at life, are more poetic, more In the way of looking at life, are more poetic, more sentimental, more emotional and more exciting.sentimental, more emotional and more exciting.

More mature men have More mature men have more resourcefulness in more resourcefulness in dealing with women, dealing with women, are can recognize their are can recognize their qualities, are more qualities, are more witty, discreet, are witty, discreet, are more understanding more understanding and more educated.and more educated.

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The reason why The reason why many older men many older men have these wonderful have these wonderful qualities is due to qualities is due to several factors: the several factors: the option of being and option of being and living of each one, living of each one, their personalities, their personalities, their training and their training and family roots, wisdom, family roots, wisdom, individual tastes, etc individual tastes, etc

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But I think in part there is a good But I think in part there is a good deal of influence about your way deal of influence about your way of living in any given time of your of living in any given time of your life ; movie and music heard left life ; movie and music heard left good memories of his youth, a good memories of his youth, a time not so remote, but that time not so remote, but that certainly does not return.certainly does not return.Lived his youth (the period that Lived his youth (the period that marks the lives of us all) on one of marks the lives of us all) on one of the best periods of our time: Of the best periods of our time: Of the 1960 and 1970. Considered the 1960 and 1970. Considered the "decades of golden youth, the "decades of golden youth, when the romance was sung in when the romance was sung in verse and prose.verse and prose.

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The healthy influence of a time, caused The healthy influence of a time, caused by by so many important events, so many important events, which now remain in memory, and which now remain in memory, and that changed the lives of many. that changed the lives of many. A time when the best of the fest is A time when the best of the fest is the dating, the dance to the the dating, the dance to the rhythm of gentle ballads. rhythm of gentle ballads. The moonlight was inspiring, the The moonlight was inspiring, the Sunday sun was only joy.Sunday sun was only joy.

They listened to the Beatles, Johnny Mathis, the king Roberto Carlos, Antonio Marcos, Chaka Khan, Golden Boys, Bossa Nova, Morres Albert, the Young Guard and many others who packed their "Youth Sunday afternoons, how many joys! Old days, beautiful days. "

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Were and still are the men who knew more dating: Were and still are the men who knew more dating: Dating the gate, shaking hands, hugging tight, with Dating the gate, shaking hands, hugging tight, with respect and affection, the eye in the eye had more respect and affection, the eye in the eye had more value ... value ... The fashion was the love or suffer for love. Many The fashion was the love or suffer for love. Many have lived for love ... Others died of love ...have lived for love ... Others died of love ...

These mature men These mature men today, have never today, have never been of "stay". Or been of "stay". Or they were dating they were dating right, or were in the right, or were in the "pit", or were alone. "pit", or were alone. If they "stay" would If they "stay" would be forever ... was to be forever ... was to marry with the marry with the woman belovedwoman beloved

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With “With “Benito di PaulaBenito di Paula”, they sang the ”, they sang the "Brazilian Women in the first place!""Brazilian Women in the first place!"The passion for our country was evident The passion for our country was evident when they sang:when they sang:""The beaches of Brazil, sunny la,la,la,la la...The beaches of Brazil, sunny la,la,la,la la... The sky of my Brazil have more the splendor The sky of my Brazil have more the splendor ....The hand of God blessedThe hand of God blessedWoman is born here, has much more love ...Woman is born here, has much more love ...I love you,my Brazil, I love you ...I love you,my Brazil, I love you ...No one holds the youth of Brazil ... zil ... zil ... No one holds the youth of Brazil ... zil ... zil ... zil zil ..."..."


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The youth has passed... but left engraved on them, the most sublime and romantic way of living.

Today they have a "baggage" of knowledge, experience, maturity and intelligence, which have accumulated over the years.The time took care to distinguish them from others: Letting their hair silver color smooth movements, the voice paused, but more sound. Today they are men who marked an era.

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I've been fortunate to have some of them as online friends, even without seeing them in person, I realize these features through their words and gestures.

Many of them today, "dominate" with skill and dexterity these virtual machines, proving that neither the advancement of technology has changed their feelings, because these men still enchant with verses, rhymes, songs and words of love.Nor are they decreased the great capacity to love, feel and express their feelings. Many have become poets, others love poetry.

Robert Redford: Robert Redford: as said Oprah Winfrey: devastatingly beautiful…

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Why the most important is not the old denounced in the details of their faces and yes the rare values of their personalities. The important thing is to realize that their hearts remain young ... Are older men, and that we , women of today, we have the privilege of being able to admire them...

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Zelia Gattai

Thank you so much Thank you so much Zélia Zélia Gattai Gattai by this text simply by this text simply WONDERFUL!!!!WONDERFUL!!!!

2013- 2013- januaryjanuary..Loving you – kenny G