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  • 8/3/2019 MatthewVerseCardsNIV


    Matthew 3:8 Matthew 4:4 Matthew 4:19 Matthew 5:16 Matthew 5:23 - 24

    Produce fruit

    In keeping

    with repentance.

    It is written:

    "Man does not live

    on bread alone,

    but on every word

    that comes

    from the mouth of God."

    "Come, follow me,"

    Jesus said,

    "and I will make you

    fishers of men."

    Let your light shine

    before men,

    that they may see

    your good deeds

    and praise

    your Father in heaven.

    "If you are offeringyour gift at the altar

    and there rememberthat your brother has

    something against you,

    leave your gift therein front of the altar.

    First go and bereconciled to your brother;

    then come and offer your gift.

    Matthew 5:46 Matthew 6:1 Matthew 6:14 - 15 Matthew 6:19-21 Matthew 6:24

    If you love those

    who love you,

    what reward will you get?

    Are not even

    the tax collectors

    doing that?

    Be careful not to do your

    'acts of righteousness'

    before men,

    to be seen by them.

    If you do,

    you will have no reward

    from your Father in heaven.

    If you forgive men

    when they sin against you,

    your heavenly Father will

    also forgive you.

    But if you do not forgive

    men their sins,

    your Father will not

    forgive your sins.

    Do not store upfor yourselves

    treasures on earth,where moth and rust destroy,

    and where thieves

    break in and steal.

    But store upfor yourselves

    treasures in heaven,where moth and rust

    do not destroy,and where thieves

    do not break in and steal.

    For where your treasure is,there your heart will be also.

    No one can serve

    two masters.

    Either he will hate the one

    and love the other,

    or he will be devoted

    to the one

    and despise the other.

    You cannot serve

    both God and Money.

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    Matthew 6:33 Matthew 6:34 Matthew 7:1 3 Matthew 7:21 Matthew 9:37 38

    But seek first

    his kingdom

    and his righteousness,

    and all these things

    will be given to you

    as well.

    Therefore do not

    worry about tomorrow,

    for tomorrow will

    worry about itself.

    Each day has

    enough trouble of its own.

    Do not judge,or you too will be judged.

    For in the same wayyou judge others,you will be judged,

    and with the measureyou use,

    it will be measured to you.

    "Why do you look atthe speck of sawdustin your brother's eyeand pay no attention

    to the plankin your own eye?

    Not everyone

    who says to me,

    Lord, Lord,

    will enter

    the kingdom of heaven,

    but only he

    who does the will

    of my Father

    who is in heaven.

    The harvest is plentiful

    but the workers are few.

    Ask the Lord

    of the harvest,


    to send out workers

    into his harvest field.

    Matthew 10:24 25 Matthew 11:28 30 Matthew 15:19 Matthew 16:23 Matthew 18:15

    A student is

    Not above his teacher,

    nor a servant

    above his master.

    It is enough

    for the student

    to be like his teacher,

    and the servant

    like his master.

    Come to me,all you who are

    weary and burdened,and I will give you rest.

    Take my yoke upon youand learn from me,

    for I am gentleand humble in heart,and you will find rest

    for your souls.

    For my yoke is easyAnd my burden is light.

    Out of the heart come

    evil thoughts,

    murder, adultery,

    sexual immorality,

    theft, false testimony,


    Get behind me, Satan!

    You are a

    stumbling block to me;

    you do not have in mind

    the things of God,

    but the things of men.

    If your brother

    sins against you,

    go and show him his fault,

    just between the two of you.

    If he listens to you,

    you have

    won your brother over.

  • 8/3/2019 MatthewVerseCardsNIV


    Matthew 18:21 - 22 Matthew 19:14 Matthew 20:16 Matthew 21:6 Matthew 23:23

    Then Peter came to Jesus

    and asked,

    "Lord, how many times

    shall I forgive my brother

    when he sins against me?

    Up to seven times?"

    Jesus answered,

    "I tell you, not seven times,but seventy-seven


    Let the little children

    come to me,

    and do not hinder them,

    for the kingdom of heaven

    belongs to such as these.

    So the last

    will be first,

    and the first

    will be last.

    The disciples

    went and did

    as Jesus

    had instructed them.

    Woe to you,teachers of the law

    and Pharisees,you hypocrites!

    You give a tenth of yourspices--mint, dill and cummin.

    But you have neglectedthe more important mattersof the lawjustice, mercy

    and faithfulness.

    You should havepracticed the latter,

    without neglecting the former.

    Matthew 24:14 Matthew 25:41, 46 Matthew 26:52 53 Matthew 27:51 53 Matthew 28:18-20

    This gospel of the kingdom

    will be preached

    in the whole world

    as a testimony

    to all nations,

    and then the end

    will come.

    Depart from me,

    you who are cursed,

    into the eternal fire

    prepared for the devil

    and his angels.

    Then they will go away

    to eternal punishment,

    but the righteous

    to eternal life.

    "Put your swordback in its place,"

    Jesus said to him,"for all who draw the swordwill die by the sword.

    Do you thinkI cannot call on my Father,

    and he will at onceput at my disposal more than

    twelve legions of angels?"

    At that momentthe curtain of the temple

    was torn in twofrom top to bottom.

    The earth shook

    and the rocks split.

    The tombs broke openand the bodies of many

    holy people who had diedwere raised to life.

    They came out of the tombs,and after Jesus' resurrectionthey went into the holy city

    and appeared tomany people.

    All authorityin heaven and on earthhas been given to me.

    Therefore goand make disciples

    of all nations,baptizing themin the name of the Father

    and of the Sonand of the Holy Spirit,

    and teaching them to obeyeverything I havecommanded you.

    And surelyI am with you always,

    to the very end of the age.

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