matthew's story

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/6/2019 Matthew's Story.



    Its a Monday morning, last day of school. Jacks smiling as he gets out of bed; you dont

    see him doing that a lot. The reason hes smiling is because for the holidays hes going to

    Sydney with his dad Jim. As he heads down the stairs, he finds his mother, there,

    cooking breakfast for him. Good morning sweetie! cried Jacks mot her Lily. Lily and Jim

    had been divorced for only 3 months and 26 days now, Jack always counted. Jack was an

    only child, he was 10 and half when his parents split. His mother stayed in Darwin with

    him, and his father moved to Alice Springs.

    Oooh, bacon and eggs! screamed Jack with excitement.

    Freshly cooked for you sweetie! replied Lily.

    Morning Lily, morning Jack, cried Jacks half step dad; Jessie. Jack never really liked

    Jessie, he always seemed quiet. His mother and Jessie had only b een dating for

    about 1 month now, he had moved in about two weeks after they started dating. Jack

    thought it was all rushed. Alright, Im off! said Jack with a load of excitement in his voice.

    As Jack got onto the bus that takes him to school every day, he went and sat down next to

    his best friend James. James and Jack had been best friends ever since Jack was born.

    James was younger than Jack, by about 9 months. They didnt care. Hey Jack, excited for

    the holidays? asked James,

    of course! replied Ja ck.

    Once Jack and James made it to school, they went to their lockers. Just as they were

    putting their books away, the school bully Adrian, and his gang had come up. Oi loser!

    screamed Adrian, Jacks school years had been miserable because of Adrian. Yes Adrian?

    asked Jack, Adrian wasnt the smartest cookie in the jar, and neither were his gang. Adrian

    didnt reply, he just pushed jack into his locker, and moved on.

    As Jack was recovering, the bell rang. Jack and James were in every class together , and

    sadly, so was Adrian. Their first class today was Maths. Jack and James LOVED Maths, not

    only because they were both good at it, but the teacher there was a very nice teacher.

    After Maths, they had recess, then English, Lunch, then History; after th e day, Jack was

    picked up from school by Lily, as usual.

  • 8/6/2019 Matthew's Story.


    As Jack got arrived at his house, he jumped on the computer as usual. The phone rang his

    mother picked up, and she started to seem a little serious but sad at the same time, she

    just walked into her room. Jack assumed that it wasnt a big deal. About half an hour

    later, when Lily was usually cooking dinner, she called Jack into her room. As Jack came in,Lily was crying. Mum, whats wrong?! screamed jack as he hugged Lily, she replied with

    honey, Im really sorry, but...your dad has been in a car crash....hes dead. Immediately,

    Jack started crying, but screaming! This isnt happening! Your lying! he

    slammed the door on his way out.

    After about 3 hours of Jack grieving over his fath ers death, he hears the doorbell. He

    opens the door to find two large, men, dressed in black. One of the men, asked, My

    names Chris Choe, is your mum around?, without saying a word, Jack turned around and