~matix page... · the gaseous emissions (nox, nh3, urea dust) from various units including prilling...

' FERTI LISERS ANO CHEMICALS Ref.: MFCU MoEF&CC/ EC Compliance/020 The Regional Officer Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Eastern Regional Office A/3,Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneshwar·7S1 023 Matix Fertilioers And Chemicals Ltd. CIN NO. U?.4120WB?009PLC153272 Dfhce & Plant : Panagarh lndustr1ai Park P. O. - Panai:iarh 'iazar - Purb;:i Bai-dhaman - I 13 148 WP.st 8P.ngal Indra. T 343 806 8001/8002 F +!J 1 343 306 8009 info@rnutixgrouμ.com 30 1 h November, 2019 Sub: Submission of Half yearly Environment Clearance (EC) Compliance Report for Fertiliser Plant at Panagarh, Distt. Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal for the period of April'19 to September'19. Ref.: MoEF Ref. F. No. J-11011/440/2009-IA II (I) dated April 22, 2010 including its amendments dated 19th December, 2013 and 15th May 2015 and 23rd February 2018. Dear Sir, This has reference to the above cited subject. Enclosed please find herewith half-yearly Environmental Clearance Compliance report along with the monitoring data for the period of April'19 to September'19 Trust that you will find the above information in order. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Matix Fertlisers And Chemicals Ltd A.K.Singh GM-Environment Enclosure: As above. Copy to: 1. Member Secretary, West Bengal Pollution Control Board 2. Zonal Officer, Zonal Office Kolkata, Central Pollution Control Board 3. Environment Engineer, Durgapur Regional Office, West Bengal Pollution Control Board. cn""flllAF OFFICE . POONAM CHAM8EllS, A -WING. GTH Fl.0011. on ANNIE Bf:SANI fiO/\D, WOllLI, MIJMBAI . 400 018, INUI/\ 91 ?? BI 1F;700(1 II QI 22 G11G7011

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Ref.: MFCU MoEF&CC/ EC Compliance/020

The Regional Officer Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Eastern Regional Office A/3,Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneshwar·7S1 023

Matix Fertilioers And Chemicals Ltd. CIN NO. U?.4120WB?009PLC153272 Aeg1sL~reJ Dfhce & Plant: Panagarh lndustr1ai Park P. O. - Panai:iarh 'iazar Oi~L. - Purb;:i Bai-dhaman - I 13 148 WP.st 8P.ngal Indra. T ~91 343 806 8001/8002 F +!J 1 343 306 8009 info@rnutixgrouµ.com

301h November, 2019

Sub: Submission of Half yearly Environment Clearance (EC) Compliance Report for Fertiliser Plant at Panagarh, Distt. Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal for the period of April'19 to September'19.

Ref.: MoEF Ref. F. No. J-11011/440/2009-IA II (I) dated April 22, 2010 including its amendments dated 19th December, 2013 and 15th May 2015 and 23rd February 2018.

Dear Sir,

This has reference to the above cited subject. Enclosed please find herewith half-yearly Environmental Clearance Compliance report along with the monitoring data for the period of April'19 to September'19

Trust that you will find the above information in order.

Thanking you ,

Yours faithfully, For Matix Fertlisers And Chemicals Ltd

- ~~~~-A.K.Singh GM-Environment

Enclosure: As above.

Copy to: 1. Member Secretary, West Bengal Pollution Control Board 2. Zonal Officer, Zonal Office Kolkata, Central Pollution Control Board 3. Environment Engineer, Durgapur Regional Office, West Bengal Pollution Control


cn""flllAF OFFICE . POONAM CHAM8EllS, A -WING. GTH Fl.0011. on ANNIE Bf:SANI fiO/\D, WOllLI, MIJMBAI . 400 018, INUI/\

91 ?? BI 1F;700(1 II • QI 22 G11G7011

MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD Green Field Fertilizer Project (2200 MTPD Ammonia, 3850 MTPD Urea and 54 MW CPP) at Panagarh, Dist. - Burdwan, West Bengal

Sub : Six monthly compliance report of Environment Clearance. Ref : MoEFCC letter No: J-110111440/2009-IAll (I) dated 22"d April 2010 including amendments dated 19th December 2013, 15th May 2015 and 23rd February 2018.




(i) The company shall undertake measures for water Company has undertaken various measures like recycling of water in the conservation. The specific water consumption shall not process, reuse of treated waste water in dust suppression and green belt etc. exceed 8 m3/tonne of urea produced. The waste water to conserve the water. generated from all sources after treatment and recycled back The specific water requirement will be below to 8 m3/ tonne of urea produced. in the process and use for green belt development to maintain zero discharges condition. The treated effluent shall

Zero discharge condition was amended by MoEF & CC to discharge of 201 conform to the prescribed standards. The process water condensate shall be recycled as boiler feed water. The m3/hr. treated effluent, conforming prescribed std. to River Damodar vide

process condensate from the urea and ammonia plant after letter no. J-11011 I 44012009 - !All (I), dated 19th December 2013.

stripping shall be recycled. Compliance status of the EC amendment dated 19th December 2013 is enclosed with this report.

The date of commercial production of urea is 151 Oct, 2017.

The process condensate generated is recycled as OM water.







MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD The project authority shall obtain prior permission for drawl of surface water from the State irrigation Department. A copy of permission shall be submitted to the Ministry's Regional office.

The gaseous emissions (NOx, NH3, urea dust) from various units including prilling tower shall conform to the prescribed standards. At no time the emissions levels shall go beyond the stipulated standards. In the event of failure of pollution control system (s) adopted by the unit, the respective unit shall not be restarted until the control measures are rectified to achieve the desired efficiency.

The Company shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated environmental clearance conditions, including results of monitored data on its website and shall update the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional office of MOEF, the respective Zonal office of CPCB and the State Pollution Control Board. The levels of PM10/PM2.5, NH3 and NOx (ambient levels) and emiss.ions from the stacks shall be monitored and displayed at a convenient location near the main gate of the company and at important public places.

To control fugitive emissions, regular monitoring of shop floor environment shall be carried. Leakages in the form of gases, liquid and dust emission shall be checked and mitigative measures taken. The company shall provide de-

Permission for drawl of water from Damodar River has already been obtained from DVRRC and submitted to MoEF& CC, Regional Office vide our Jetter MFCUMoEF/CG/2011 dated 05th February 2011. An agreement with DVC has also been executed as per the condition of the permission Jetter.

The emissions control has been taken into account from the design stage itself to achieve the emissions much below the stipulated standards all the time. In the event of emissions exceeding beyond the stipulated norms, necessary corrective action is immediately taken to bring the emissions within the prescribed norms.

EC compliance report along with the monitored data, are being uploaded on company website periodically. The hard copies of the same are being submitted to Regional Offices of MoEF& CC, Bhubaneswar, Zonal office CPCB, Kolkata and WBPCB.

The monitoring data of Ambient Air Quality as Annexure - I Ground Water and Effluent Water Quality as Annexure- II, Stack Emissions, as Annexure-111 for the duration of April'19-Sep'19 is enclosed

Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) levels, Stack emission are displayed outside near the main gate.

Monitoring of Fugitive emissions in the form of urea dust will be started.

Gas detectors have been placed in all strategic locations for monitoring and



MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD dusting system at all the transfer points in the bagging mitigation of any leakage of ammonia, hydrocarbon, CO, Cl2 etc. system.

Any leakage of dust and liquid will be eliminated and mitigative measures will be taken.

Wet de-dusting system in urea bagging plant has been commissioned.

(vi) The company shall provide double walled ammonia storage Ammonia Tanks are double integrity cup-in tank comprising of an inner cup tank and leak detection and repair programme shall be in and an outer tank. The outer tank is designed for full containment of vapors place and ammonia sensors shall be installed to detect the and liquid in the event of failure of inner tank. Ammonia detectors have been leakage of ammonia and measures shall be taken to prevent provided in Ammonia, Urea plant, Ammonia Storage area and other strategic leakage of pipeline for ammonia by regular inspection of the

locations. Regular inspection and Preventive maintenance system are in pipeline.


(vii) The company shall undertake adequate protection measures Adequate protection measures have been taken for handling of ammonia for handling of ammonia vapour in case of plant upset vapor in case of plant upset condition. condition. Safety valve exhaust and drains shall be connected to flare and vent stack. Ammonia Plant, Ammonia storage facilities, Urea Plants are equipped with

adequate safety valve and flare stacks for handling of any emergency conditions.

(viii) The catalyst generated shall be sent to recycler for reuse So far, no spent catalyst has been generated. The spent catalysts will be sent instead of disposal at the waste disposal facility. to PCB authorized recyclers.

(ix) The company shall develop the green belt in 33% area, out of 33% area of the total land has been earmarked for green belt. A total of total area to mitigate the effect of fugitive emissions and 75,000 nos. of saplings have already been planted in consultation with DFO, noise as per the guidelines CPCB. Durgapur.


MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD (x) The company shall implement all the recommendations made All applicable conditions of CREP guidelines for Fertiliser industry are being

in the Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental complied. Protection (CREP) for fertilizer industries.

(xi) Occupational health surveillance of the workers shall be Pre-employment health checkup is carried out regularly. Occupational Health carried out on a regular basis and records shall be Centre is in operation. maintained as per the Factories Act.

(xii) The Company shall comply with the recommendations made Being Complied, as applicable. in the EIA/EMP and Risk Assessment and public hearing reports Commitment made in Public Hearing (PH) with its compliance status was

submitted to MoEF& CC regional office vide our letter dated 22.09.2016.

Onsite emergency plan has been prepared to address the potential risks.

Recommendations in EIA/EMP i.e Environmental Monitoring during project construction stage and operation stage have been undertaken. Full-fledged Environmental laboratory has been set up. Expenditure for EMP has been exceeded from budgetary provision of Rs.152 Crores to 184.082 Crores up to September 2019.

(xiii) The Company shall make the arrangement for protection of Adequate fire- fighting equipment and Fire network are in place. There is a possible fire hazards during manufacturing process in separate department with well trained and experienced professionals to material handling. handle any such untoward situation. The key measures taken are ;

1. Adequate water storage with independent pumping (supplying constant pressure) system.

2. Fire hydrants and monitors are provided at strategic locations. 3. Fire extinguishers have been placed at appropriate locations inside the




4. Fire alarms placed in strategic locations of the plant 5. Necessary PP Es are made available for the plant personnel. 6. Company has taken two no.s dedicated fire tenderswith foam system. 7. Fire Safety Certificate (NOC) obtained from West Bengal Fire Service

Department. 8. Regular Mock Drills, Disaster Drills are being carried out to enhance

preparedness for handling emergency situations.

(xiv) During transfer of materials, spillages shall be avoided and Spillage shall be avoided during material transfer. Spillages if any will be garland drains be constructed to avoid mixing of accidental recovered to the best possible extent. spillages with domestic waste and storm drains. Garland drains are provided. Storm water drains and effluent drain/oil

collection trench are constructed separately to avoid mixing of effluent with storm water.

(xv) The company shall develop rain water harvesting structures Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) pond has already been constructed to collect to harvest the runoff water for recharge of ground water. the Run-off water for reuse. Pumps have been installed. Pipeline lying is in

progress to recover the harvested water to the raw water storage reservoir for its reuse as raw water.

In addition, raw water reservoir of capacity 1, 37,000 M3 has been constructed.

(xvi) Provision shall be made for the housing of construction Construction labors involved were mostly local & residing in nearby areas. labour within the site with all necessary infrastructure and Safe drinking water, Medical facilities, etc. had been provided to construction facilities such as fuel of cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, labors during construction phase of the project. Permanent toilets have been Safe drinking water, medical health care, creche etc. The provided for safe sanitation. housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be



MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD removed after the completion of the project.


(i) The project authorities shall strictly adhere to the stipulations of the SPCB/ State Noted. Government or any statutory body.

All the conditions stipulated in GTE, CTO, issued by WBPCB as well as conditions imposed by state authorities are complied with.

(ii) The gaseous emissions (502, HCI, NO., NH,, fertilizer dust) and particulate Gaseous emissions monitoring is being regularly carried matter from various process units shall conform to the standards prescribed by out by in-house environment laboratory as well as by the concerned authorities from time to time. Emission data shall be periodically MoEF& CC recognized laboratories and are found well monitored and reports submitted to Ministry's Regional Office., CPCB and SPCB. within the stipulated stds.

The results of monitoring data are being regularly submitted to the concerned authorities.

The monitoring data of Ambient Air Quality as Annexure -I., Ground Water and Effluent Water Quality as Annexure-II, Stack Emissions, as Annexure-111 for the duration of April'19 to Sep'19 is enclosed.

(iii) All the waste waters generated from the various processes shall be recycled/ Waste waters generated from various processes shall be reused in the plant and zero discharge shall be maintained. The domestic waste recycled. water shall be treated in septic tanks and treated waste shall be used for a. Process condensate from ammonia plant is recycled irrigation in the green belt. back to the process.

b. Process condensate from urea plant is recycled back





No further expansion of modifications in the plant shall be carried out without prior approval of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. In case of deviations or alternations in the project proposal from those submitted to this Ministry for clearance, a fresh reference shall be made to the Ministry to assess the adequacy of conditions imposed and to add additional environmental protection measures required, if any.



to the process c. Domestic effluent is being treated in STP & reused for

greenery development. d. Effluent from Boiler Blow Down, OM plant, Cooling Tower Blow Down is treated in ETP.

Noted and agreed.

1) EC has been amended by MoEF & CC, vide letter no. J-11011 / 440/2009 - IAll (I), dated 15.05.2015 for use of naphtha as fuel in addition to CBM

2) MoEF&CC has exempted requirement of EC amendment for use of propane as fuel in Primary reformer vide letter dated 23rd February 2018.

3) The plant Lay out has been revised as under. The same was informed your good office vide our letter dated 1st December 2017

• 3.646 acres of land which was due from WBIDC has been allocated by WBIDC

• Further, approximately 39.25 acres of land which was originally allotted to us by WBIDC was located on the IOCL ROW and to its West. These 39.25 acres have been handed back to WBIDC and in exchange, WBIDC has allotted the same

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At no time, the emissions shall exceed the prescribed limits. In the event of failure of any pollution control system adopted by the unit, the unit shall be immediately put out of operation and shall not be restarted until the desired efficiency has been achieved.

quantity of land (39.25 acres) contiguous to the South-east side of the original allotted land.

• 132 KV sub-station is also installed within the premises near the South East boundary to get the connectivity from state grid.

The revised layout has been approved by Directorate of Factories via letter no WBF/OL/2018/238/P.

Noted and complied with.

The emission from stack attached to Captive Power Generation Unit is being regularly monitored and found to be well within stipulated stds. The Stack Emission monitoring data is enclosed as Annexure-111

(vi) I The locations of ambient air quality monitoring stations shall be reviewed in I Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) stations have been consultation with the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) and additional finalized and fixed in consultation with WBPCB. stations shall be installed, if required, in the downwind direction as well as where maximum ground level concentrations are anticipated.



Presently 3 nos. of AAQM stations are fixed in 120 degree angle in the project site and regular monitoring is being carried out by MoEF&CC approved external laboratory as well as by in-house environment laboratory.

Additionally, One no of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (CAAQM) station has been installed.

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MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD (vii) Dedicated scrubbers and stacks of appropriate height as per the Central Stacks of appropriate heights are provided as per CPCB's

Pollution Control Board guidelines shall be provided to control the emissions guidelines. from various vents. The scrubbed water shall be sent to ETP for further Hydrolyser and Stripper have been provided at Urea plants treatment and scrubber has been provided at Urea Bagging Unit. The

water from the scrubber is recycled back to the process.

(viii) All the storage tanks will be under negative pressure to avoid any leakages. Negative pressure for storage tanks, secondary Breather valves. N2 blanketing and secondary condensers with brine chilling condensers with brine chilling is not applicable. system shall be provided for all the storage tanks to minimize vapour losses. All Liquefied ammonia is stored in atmospheric storage tanks. liquid raw material shall be stored in storage Tanks and Drums. N2 blanketing facilities are available in all storage tanks.

No liquid raw material is used.

(ix) The company shall undertake following Waste Minimization measures. The plant is based on latest technology with inbuilt features

)> Metering and control of quantities of active ingredients to minimize covering all the measures stipulated including energy conservation, pollution control and increased efficiency. waste.

)> Reuse of by-products from the process as raw materials or as raw > Metering and control of quantities of active ingredients material substitutes in other processes. are provided.

)> Use of automated filling to minimize spillage. > By product generated in ammonia plant will be used ;;.. Use of 'closed Feed' system into batch reactors. as a raw material in urea plant. >- Venting equipment through vapour recovery system.

)> Use of high pressure hoses for equipment cleaning to reduce waste water > Automated filling system is in place in Urea Bagging

generation. plant.

> Not applicable, as our operation is a continuous process.

(x) Fugitive emissions in the work zone environment, product and raw materials Fugitive emissions in the form of urea dust will be storage area shall be regularly monitored. The emissions shall conform to the monitored.



MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD limits imposed by state pollution control board/central pollution control board.

(xi) The project authorities shall strictly comply with the rules and guidelines under Complied. Manufacture, Storage and import of Hazard.ous Chemicals Rules, 1989 as amended in October, 1994 and January, 2000

(xii) The overall noise levels in and around the plant area shall be kept well within the The noise level in and around the plant area is being standards by providing noise control measures including acoustic hoods, maintained well within the std. silencers, enclosures etc. on all sources of noise generation. The ambient noise levels shall conform to the standards prescribed under Environment (Protection) Silencers are provided in process and stem vents in Act, 1986 Rules, 1989 viz 75 dBA (day time) and 70 dBA (night time). ammonia/Urea plant.

Emergency DG (EDGs) is equipped with acoustic enclosure and silencer.

Ambient noise is being monitored and complying with Noise Level Standards.

Noise monitoring data from April 2019 to Sep'19 is enclosed as Annexure IV.

(xiii) The company shall undertake eco-developmental measures including Eco development measures Is being done on ongoing community welfare measures in the project area for the overall improvement of basis under the CSR activities. Present status of eco-the environment. The eco-development plan should be submitted to the SPCB within three months of receipt of this letter for approval.

development measures is enclosed as Annexure-V.



MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD (xiv) A separate Environmental Management cell equipped with full-fledged A separate Environment Management Department (EMO)

laboratory facilities shall be set up to carry out the Environmental Management has been established at site equipped with full-fledged and Monitoring functions. environment laboratory having all requisite facilities for in-

house environmental monitoring and overall environmental management of the plant.

(xv) The project authorities shall earmark adequate funds to implement the Noted. Adequate funds have been earmarked for conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Environment and Forests as well as the Environment protection. State Government along with the implementation Schedule for all the conditions stipulated herein. The funds so provided shall not be diverted for any other Expenses in Environment Protection like Environment

purpose. Monitoring, etc. during April'19- Sep'19 is approx. 2.72 lacs

(xvi) The implementation of the project vis-a-vis environmental action plans shall be Six monthly compliance reports are being submitted to monitored by the concerned Regional office of the Ministry/SPCB/CPCB. A six MoEF & CC regional Office, Zonal office of CPCB & SPCB monthly compliance status report shall be submitted to monitoring agencies and and also being uploaded on company's website. shall be posted on the website of the company.

(xvii) A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concerned Complied. Panchayat, Zila Parishad/Municipal Corporation, Urban local Body and the local NGO, if any, from whom suggestions/ representations, if any, were received while processing the proposal

(xviii) The project proponent shall also submit six monthly reports on the status of Six monthly compliance reports with monitored data are compliance of the stipulated E C conditions including results of monitored data being submitted to MoEF & CC regional Office, Zonal office (both in hard copies as well as by e-mail) to the respective Regional office of of CPCB & WBPCB as per guidelines on regular basis. MoEF, the respective Zonal of CPCB and the State Pollution Control Board.



MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD (xix) I The environmental statement for each financial year ending 31 51 March in Form-V Environment Statement for the Year 2018-2019 has been



as is mandated shall be submitted to the concerned State Pollution Control submitted to State Pollution Control Board vide letter no. Board as Prescribed under the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, as MFCL/ENV/BS/Env.Statement/2019-05 dated 24th Sep'19. amended subsequently, shall also be put on the website of the company along with the status of compliance of environmental clearance conditions and shall I Copy of the same is enclosed as Annexure-VI also be sent to the respective Regional Offices of MoEF by e-mail.

The project proponent shall inform the public that the project has been accorded environmental clearance by the Ministry and copies of the clearance letter are available with the SPCB/Committee and may also be seen at Website of the Ministry at http://envfor.nic.in. This shall be advertised within seven days from the date of issue of the clearance letter, at least in two local newspapers that are widely circulated in the region on which one shall be in the vernacular language of the locality concerned and a copy of the same shall be forwarded to the concerned Regional Office of the Ministry.

The project authorities shall inform the Regional office as well as the Ministry, the date of financial closure and final approval of the project by the concerned authorities and the date of start of th.e project.




• The date of the financial closure was has been communicated to RO; MoEF&CC.

• Steam and Power Generation (SPG) unit has been commissioned in August 2015 along with utility

services and are operative.

• The date of commercial Production of Urea is 1•1

October 2017.

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MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD Green Field Fertilizer Project (2200 MTPD Ammonia, 3850 MTPD Urea and 54 MW CPP) at Panagarh, Dist. - Burdwan, West Bengal

Sub : Six monthly compliance report of Environment Clearance Amendment.

Ref : MoEF letter No: J11011/440/2009/-IA II (I) dated 19th December 2013



i) All the specific conditions and general conditions Noted. specified in the environmental clearance accorded vide Ministry's letter no.J-11011/440/2009-IA (I) dated 22nd March, 201 O shall be implemented.

ii) Company Shall enhance the captive power plant Captive Power Plant of capacity 54 MW (GTG of 24 MW and STG of capacity from 33 MW to 54 MW comprising of one 30 MW) has been installed. Low NOx burner has been provided. GTG of 24 MW and one STG of 30 MW. The fuel shall be used as gas. Low NOx burner shall be installed.

iii) The effluent generation from cooling tower, oily water Noted. and DM plant effluent shall not exceed 201 m3/hr. All

The effluent generation from cooling tower, oily water and DM plant the effluents after treatment shall be routed through a properly lined guard pond/holding pond for is not exceeding 201 M3/hr.

equalization and final control. In the guard Presently, effluent generated from DM plant is being neutralized in pond/holding pond automatic monitoring system for Neutralization pit (N-pit). Effluent from cooling tower, boiler blow



MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD flow and relevant pollutants (i.e. pH, ammonical down, neutralized effluent from N-pit are treated in ETP and nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, etc.) shall be provided with collected in holding ponds (2 nos). After conforming the quality of high level alarm system holding pond water to the stipulated stds, it is being reused in green

belt and horticulture purpose.

Excess effluent from holding pond will be discharged to Damodar River. Automatic monitoring system of flow, pH, Ammonical nitrogen and Nitrate nitrogen has been installed.

iv) The treated effluent shall be discharged into the River The treated effluent conforms the specified standard before Damodar after conforming to the standards prescribed discharging to River Damodar. West Bengal Pollution Control Board for the effluent discharge and after obtaining (WBPCB) has already amended the CTE and accorded Consent to permission from the WBSPCB. No process effluent will operate permitting the treated effluent discharge into Damodar river be discharged in and around the project site. vide their letter no 728-7/WPBD/Cont. (6726/15) dated 27.04.2016

v) Regular monitoring of ground water by installing Regular Monitoring of ground water from piezometric wells are being piezometric wells around the guard pond and sludge carried out through MOEF&CC approved external laboratory. Copy is disposal sites shall periodically be done and report attached as Annexure-11 submitted to the Bhubaneswar Regional Office of the Ministry , CPCB and SPCB


MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD Sub : Six monthly compliance report of Environment Clearance Amendments.

Ref : MoEF letter No: J11011/440/2009/-IA II (I) dated 15h May 2015



i) All the safety precaution mentioned in the risk Noted. All safety precaution suggested in the risk assessment study assesment shall be implemented. has been implemented.

ii) Automatic online monitoring system (24x7 monitoring Automatic online monitoring system for flow, pH, Ammonical device) for flow measurement and related pollutants in Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen has been installed in treated effluent the treated effluent to be installed. The data to be made discharge line. The online measured data will be made available to available to the SPCB and Company Website the West Bengal Pollution Control Board and will be uploaded in

company website.

iii) Similarly Automatic online monitoring system (24x7 Automatic online monitoring system in the stack has been installed. monitoring device)for air emission to be installed.The The data will be made available to the WBPCB and the same will be data may to be made available to the resprctive SPCB uploaded in Company website. and the company website.

EC COMPLIANCE Page 15 of16


MATIX FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS LTD Sub : Six monthly compliance report of Environment Clearance Amendments.

Ref : MoEF letter No: J11011/440/2009/-IA II (I) dated 23rd February 2018



i) The proposal was considered by the sectoral Expert Appraisal Committee Noted. (EAC) in its 301

h meeting held during 2-3 November,2017. The Committee noted that the proposed additional fuel arrangement would save the equivalent quantity of CBM, resulting in its increased availability as feedstock for increase in plant throughput. The Committee also suggested that such proposals involving no change in production capacity and not contributing to any increase in pollution load, may not be insisted for any environmental clearance or amendment in the existing environmental clearance.

ii) Based on recommendations of the EAC and further deliberations in the Ministry WBPCB issued the recommendation for use of vis-a-vis the Ministry's Notification dated 23rd November, 2016, you are commercial propane on 18.09.2018. required to obtain 'No increase in pollution load' certificate from the concerned State Pollution Control Board in accordance with the provisions of the said Notification. You are also requested to submit compliance status of the existing EC conditions after receipt of the desired certification from the SPCB.

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