maths homework explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4) ry student is set a standard homework, one per week. is set on Edmodo. will appear each Monday once school has finished. can be accessed via iPad or computer. Print it out if you homework is set by level. must join the appropriate level group on Edmodo. e a note of your code on your planner accounts page. tograph that page with your iPad .

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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

• Every student is set a standard homework, one per week.• It is set on Edmodo.• It will appear each Monday once school has finished.• It can be accessed via iPad or computer. Print it out if you wish.• The homework is set by level. • You must join the appropriate level group on Edmodo.• Make a note of your code on your planner accounts page.• Photograph that page with your iPad .

Page 2: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

The Edmodo level codes are as follows:

maths homework KS3: take a picture so you have them all!

4bfquw for (Level 3 and 3-4)ek7gj9 for (Level 4 and 4-5)e5ythg for (Level 5)jhcpti for (Level 5-6)7fqavy for (Level 6)p23rge for (Level 6-7)5atpmh for (Level 7 and 7-8, KS4-1)ygekpv for (Level 8, KS4-2)qe3ucr for (KS4-3)

Page 3: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

The codes are as follows:

maths homework KS4: take a picture so you have them all!

7 -  5atpmh for (7, 7/8, KS4-1)8 – ygekpv for (8, KS4-2)9 – qe3ucr for (KS4-3)

Page 4: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

• The standard homework looks like this.

Page 5: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

In your homework book: (Yrs 7-10: Y11 must print out and answer on the sheet)

• Each new homework is started on a new page.• Write down the level and test number at the top & underline.• Write each question number clearly.• Do not copy out the question.• You MUST show your workings.• Circle your final answer and then draw a line across the page

before starting the next question.• Attempt ALL questions.

Page 6: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

Marking: (Monday).

• Homework is self marked (RED) at the beginning of a lesson.• The answers will be made available on your Edmodo group.• One mark per question.• Total the score, write it at the end, and circle it.• Write a What Went Well (WWW:) & Even Better IF (EBI:) pair• Make sure your teacher signs your homework book.• 3 consecutive scores of 24 and/or 25 – advance 1 half level

Page 7: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

For KS3, your teacher willgive you a graph to stick in the inside cover of your homework book.

It must be filled in and checked by the teacher each marking.

Page 8: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

Good Practice:

Page 9: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

Bad Practice:

Page 10: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

Incident Consequence Delivered by No homework

 SIMS & break detention.You must attend with the completed homework 

Class teacher

No homework for the break time detention

  SIMS & 30 min after school detention (Thursday) & note in planner

SIMS - class teacherNote in planner – class teacherDetention – department rota

3 missed homeworks in any half term

Phone call home with supporting letter.Homework club Monday after school for 3 weeks

Phone call & letter home – class teacherHomework club - RR

Page 11: Maths Homework Explained

West Lakes Academy: maths homework (KS3 & KS4)

• Home work is about you taking responsibility for your maths education

• It will foster your development as an independent learner

• Make use of the resources available during the week:

• Your peers• Homework Club• MyMaths, MathsWatch, and other online resources• Your teacher

• Do NOT leave it until the night before. We will know!