maths: abacus evolve year 3 (textbook 1, 2 and 3) – pearson publishing

M a t c h i n g C h a r t s a n d L ea r n i n g S o f t w a r e M a t h s W o r k s T e a c h i n g Y3 / P4 a n d A b a c u s E v o l v e

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Page 1: Maths: Abacus Evolve  Year 3 (Textbook 1, 2 and 3) – Pearson publishing


Matching Charts

and Learning Softwaree

MathsWorks Teaching


and Abacus Evolve

Page 2: Maths: Abacus Evolve  Year 3 (Textbook 1, 2 and 3) – Pearson publishing

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IntroductionThe MathsWorks Teaching and Learning software allows you to add an interactive dimension to your maths lessons, making the teaching of key mathematical concepts engaging for each and every child.

Each CD-ROM contains up to 15 interactive programs, each with up to four different versions. This gives you a wide range of motivational tools to help you bring your maths lesson to life.

There are two types of program. Explore programs are teaching tools to assist whole class or group teaching. Some are designed to help teachers and teaching assistants model key mathematical concepts, while others provide a problem for the class to solve together.

Challenge programs build on the Explore programs. They provide activities for children to work on collaboratively, in pairs or small groups. Some Challenges are completely open-ended while others expect a solution. Feedback supports children when they make errors or lets them know how they have done when they have completed an activity.

These charts demonstrate how the innovative Teaching and Learning software can be used to complement your Abacus Evolve lessons, helping you to slot the interactive programs in alongside your existing planning. With engaging tools to demonstrate key concepts and a wealth of Challenge activities, this software is perfect for enhancing whole class teaching, and adds breadth and variety for pupil practise.

Page 3: Maths: Abacus Evolve  Year 3 (Textbook 1, 2 and 3) – Pearson publishing

Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block A1.a Compare two 3-digit numbers Day 1, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Sequences, Explore > start number, e.g. 350

Day 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Explore

Day 2, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Challenge > build the number

Block A1.b Partition 3-digit numbers into H, T and U

Day 3 and 4, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Explore

Day 4, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Challenge > what number am I?

Day 5, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Challenge > build the number

Day 5, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Challenge > what number am I?

Block A1.c Count up to 100 objects by grouping in 5s or 10s

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y2/P3: Counting to 50, Explore > group into 5s and 10s

Block A1.d Count on and back in 100s from any number

Day 3 and 4, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Explore

Day 3, 2-dot activity or 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of, e.g. 1 or 10 > numbers to 50 or 100

Day 4, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of, e.g. 1 or 10 > numbers to 100

Block B1.a Know pairs of multiples of 100 that total 1000

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > choose either complements to 100 or totals to 10 or 20

Day 1, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Challenge > totals to > 10

Day 1, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Challenge > totals to > 20

Day 2, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Challenge > totals to > 20

Block B1.b Use pairs that total 100 to make the next multiple of 100

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Addition problems, Explore > addition grid

Day 4, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Addition problems, Challenge > digits 1–9

Day 5, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Addition problems, Challenge > digits 1–9

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4


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MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4


Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block B1.c Classify and describe 2D shapes, including quadrilaterals

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y5/P6: 2-D and 3-D shapes, Explore

Day 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore > either Venn or Carroll > is a quadrilateral

Day 2, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Shape sorter > Challenge > ensure a 2-D option is selected, e.g. is a quadrilateral

Block B1.d Identify and sketch lines of symmetry in simple shapes

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Symmetry searcher, Explore

Block C1.a Measure and compare lengths in metres and centimetres

Day 2, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths m/km

Block C1.b Use decimal notation for metres and centimetres

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths cm/m

Day 4, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths cm/m

Day 4, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths m/km

Day 5, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths cm/m

Block C1.c Organise and interpret data in simple lists, tally charts and frequency tables

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual data, Explore > select any data option > show tally > hide bar chart and bar line chart

Block C1.d Organise and interpret data in pictograms

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y2/P3: Magic data tree, Explore

Block D1.a Add a 1-digit number to a 2- or 3-digit number, bridging a multiple of 10

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Explore

Block D1.b Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2- or 3-digit number

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Explore

Block D1.c Read the time to 5 minutes on analogue clocks

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, Explore

Day 3, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, Challenge > time differences

Block D1.d Read the time on analogue and digital clocks; solve problems involving time

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, Explore

Day 4, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, Challenge > setting the clock

Day 5, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, Challenge > setting the clock

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Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block E1.a Understand multiplication/division as repeated addition/subtraction

Day 2 and 3 main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division modeller, Explore > grouping

Day 2, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division modeller, Challenge > grouping and sharing without remainders

Block E1.b Know the multiplication facts for the 2 times table

Day 4, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > multiplication bonds (2)

Day 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore

Block E1.c Recognise unit fractions; fi nd unit fractions of numbers

Day 1, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Explore > single fractions > select of 20

Day 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Explore > single fractions > select of 15

Day 1, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Challenge > build the wall

Day 2, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Challenge > build the wall

Block E1.d Know doubles of numbers to 20; derive multiples of 5 and 50, and corresponding halves

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > multiplication bonds (2)

Block A2.a Round numbers less than 100 to the nearest 10

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom number line, Explore > fi xed point > zoom +

Block A2.b Order numbers to 1000; say a number lying between two 3-digit numbers

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Explore

Day 3, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Challenge > build the number

Day 3, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Challenge > ordering

Day 4, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Challenge > ordering

Block A2.c Count on in 10s, 100s or 50s from zero

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore

Block A2.d Recognise odd and even numbers up to at least 50

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Number sorter > Explore > Venn diagram > is even

Day 4, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Target totals, Challenge > one player > odd or even totals

Day 4, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Target totals, Challenge > one player > odd or even totals

Block B2.a Know pairs of multiples of 100 that total 1000

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 1000

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4



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Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block B2.a (cont)

Know pairs of multiples of 100 that total 1000

Day 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > money > complements to £1

Day 1, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 100

Day 2, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 100

Day 3, all dot activities

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > money > complements to £1

Block B2.b Use pairs that total 100 to make the next multiple of 100

Day 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore > make a line > start 800, end 900, steps 10

Day 4, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 100

Block B2.c Introduce, classify and describe prisms

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism

Day 1, 3-dot activity and 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism

Day 2, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism

Block B2.d Classify and describe common 3-D shapes by properties

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y5/P6: 2-D and 3-D shapes, Explore

Day 3, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Challenge > either Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape challenge

Day 4, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Challenge > either Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape challenge

Day 5, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Challenge > either Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape challenge

Block C2.a Measure and compare capacities in litres and millilitres

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > capacity > pairing capacities ml/l

Day 2, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > capacity > pairing capacities ml/l

Block C2.b Use units of time: days, hours, minutes, seconds

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, Explore > hide digital clock

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4

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Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block C2.c Organise and interpret data in frequency tables

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual data, Explore > frequency of types of vehicle > show tally > hide bar chart and bar line chart

Block C2.d Organise and interpret data in bar charts

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual data, Explore > frequency of types of vehicle > show tally > show bar chart

Block D2.a Add and subtract a multiple of 10 to and from a 2- or 3-digit number

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore > make a line

Block D2.b Add and subtract a 2-digit number to and from a 2- or 3-digit number

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore > make a line

Block D2.c Add and subtract a multiple of 10 or 100 to and from a 3- or 4-digit number

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore > make a line

Block D2.d Add and subtract 9, 11, 19 and 29 to and from a 2- or 3-digit number

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 9/19/29

Day 3, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 39/49

Day 4, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 29/21

Day 5, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 19/21

Block E2.a Know the multiplication facts for the 5 and 10 times tables

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Sequences, Explore > step 5, start number 0

Block E2.b Rehearse division as the inverse of multiplication

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Sequences, Explore > set up a suitable array, e.g. 5 ≠ 6 by selecting ‘Trail 30’, and then hide numbers as these are not needed

Day 4, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Challenge > check the grid

Day 5, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Challenge > check the grid

Block E2.c Know the multiplication facts for the 3 times table

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Sequences, Explore > step 3 (or 6), start number 0

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4

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Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block E2.d Recognise non-unit fractions; fi nd non-unit fractions of shapes and numbers

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Explore > compare fractions > compare, e.g. of one shape against of another

Day 4, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Challenge > complete the wall

Day 5, 1-dot activity and 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Explore > complete the wall/build the wall

Block A3.a Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100 and 10; understand and use £.p notation

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom number line, Explore > fi xed point > enter start number (as £.p)

Block A3.b Solve ‘real-life’ problems involving money (comparing amounts)

Day 4, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom number line, Explore > fi xed point > enter start number (as £.p)

Block A3.c Add a 2-digit number to a 2-, 3- or 4-digit number by partitioning into T and U

Day 1, 2 and 3, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Explore > addition grid > start at 20 > step 1 > go > hide totals > ‘move’ 10 squares out (then click on ‘move’ again to disable this feature) and click on each moved square to reveal number. Challenge children to replace each one in the correct place on the grid using the addition methods explained in the lesson.

Day 1, 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Challenge > complete the grid > 10 ≠ 10

Day 2, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Challenge > complete the grid > 8 ≠ 8

Day 3, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Challenge > complete the grid > 6 ≠ 6

Block A3.d Add by identifying near doubles, using doubles already known

Day 4, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > multiplication bonds (2) > 5 ≠ 5 grid

Block B3.a Recognise odd and even numbers up to 100; count on in 5s and 50s

Day 1, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number grids, Explore

Day 2 main teaching

Teaching and learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore > make a line > start 0, step 50, end 1000

Block B3.b Know the multiplication facts for the 4 times table

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore > make a line > start 0, step 4, end 40

Block B3.c Make and describe right-angled turns; identify right angles; use set squares

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, Explore > hide digital clock


MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4



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Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block B3.d Recognise and use the four compass directions N, S, E, W

n/a n/a

Block C3.a Locate position on a grid with the rows and columns labelled

n/a n/a

Block C3.b Measure and compare weights in kilograms and grams

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Scales, Explore > scales

Day 4, 2-dot activity and 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > mass > pairing masses g/kg

Block C3.c Use units of time: years, months, weeks, days, hours

n/a n/a

Block C3.d Classify and sort data in Venn and Carroll diagrams

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Explore > any settings

Day 3, any group

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Challenge > Venn diagram > set appropriate challenge

Day 4, any group

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and number sorter, Challenge > Carroll diagram > set appropriate challenge

Block D3.a Use informal written methods to record additions for 2- and 3-digit numbers

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Explore

Block D3.b Begin to use column addition to add 2- and 3-digit numbers

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Explore

Block D3.c Find a difference between two 2- or 3-digit numbers by counting on

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore

Block D3.d Use informal written methods to record subtractions for 2- and 3-digit numbers

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number line, Explore

Block E3.a Understand division as grouping Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division modeller, Explore > grouping > set calculation to, e.g. 13 ÷ 4 or 18 ÷ 4 to model division with remainders

Day 1, 2-dot activity and 3-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division modeller, Challenge > sharing and grouping with remainders

Day 2, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division modeller, Challenge > sharing and grouping with remainders

Block E3.b Multiply by 10 and 100, shifting the digits 1 or 2 places to the left

Day 3, 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place value, Explore > model multiplying by 10 and 100 using the place value grids

Block E3.c Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions

Day 1 and 2, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Explore > compare fractions > compare halves with quarters and quarters with tenths

Day 1, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions of objects, Challenge > complete the wall

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4

Page 10: Maths: Abacus Evolve  Year 3 (Textbook 1, 2 and 3) – Pearson publishing

Abacus Evolve Weekly Plan

Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Day and Activity

Teaching and Learning Software

Block E3.d Find totals, give change and work out which coins to pay

Day 4 and 5, main teaching

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > money > pairing amounts £/p

Day 4, 2-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > money > pairing amounts £/p

Day 5, 1-dot activity

Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number boards, Explore > measures and money > money > pairing amounts £/p


MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4