mathews v. indemnity insurance co. of north america texas state citation to indemnity

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  • 8/7/2019 MATHEWS v. INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA Texas State Citation to Indemnity


    :\ j"" . " (C I T A T I 0 NT H E S T A T E 0 F T E X A S

    CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-10-OO3685


    , PlaintiffJ AM ES M AT HE WS



    Defendant, in the above styled and numbered cau se:YOUHAVEBEENSUED. Youmay_ploy an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a writtenanswer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10 :00 A.M. on the Monday next following theexpiration of twenty days aftar you wara s.rved this citation and petition, a default judgment maybe taken against you.Attached is a copy of the ORIGINAL PETITION & JURY DEM AND of the PLAINTIFF in the above sty le d andnumbered cause, whic h wa s filed on OCTOBER 14, 2010 in the 419TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COU RT of Travi sCounty, Austin, Texas.ISSU ED AND GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of said Court at office, October 15, 20 10.REQUESTED BY:BR ADL EY D EA N M CC LE LLA N2028 E BEN WHITE STE 22 0AUS TIN, TX 78741BUS INESS PH ON E: ( 512) 327- 688 4

  • 8/7/2019 MATHEWS v. INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA Texas State Citation to Indemnity


    Plaintiff:MATHEWS, JAMES


    In the 419TH District CourtTRAVIS CountyCause No. DIGNI0003685


    Officer's ReturnCame to hand October 15, 2010 at 10:24 A.M. and executed in DALLASCounty, Texas, on February 22, 2011 at 5:00 P.M. by delivering toINDEMNI1Y INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, by delivering to ITSREGISTERED AGENT, CT Corporation System, AND SIGNED BY R. PINA, at350 ST PAUL ST,N DALLAS TX 75201, by certified mail, number 7010 18700000 1315 4480 return receipt requested, a true copy of the Citationtogether with THE ORIGINAL PETITION & JURY DEMAND AND E-FILEMANDATE NOTICE.

    by :--+l------~--L.-4--

    Travis Coun

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    Certified Fee \--------j postma",HereClCl Retum Receipt FeeCl (Endorsement Required) I- ~Cl Restricted Delivery FeeCl (Endorsement Required) 1- _~ -D1OtnOOU3085-1 Of Norltl Amerl(!L.r:> 'tv tns CoIndeml'\\ tlon Systemct corporaUL 51 N

    350 S1_,P~)(1'\201l)ALLA~ .

    l I t - 3 ; " " F i : l , t . W " b ' 1 it i o

    IS i @ 4 i i iM i iM . !I

    SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Complete Items 1. 2. and 3, Also completeItem 4 If Restricted Delivery Is des/red. Prin t your name and address on the reverse80 that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, ,-or on the front If space permits. -.

    n I..A...n._.

    A SIgnatureX

    o lGN10003685-1indemnltv Ins Co Of North Amer i eo: > . \ ; , , ,Ct Corporation System350 ST PAUL ST,N E DDAllAS TX75201 rECE IV

    7010 1870 0000 1315 4480 ~~ Ii J r s r m 3$11. Feb~ 2 o p 4

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    C E R i\ F \E O M A \ lBruce Elfant, ConstableTravis County Constable

    Precinct 51003 Guadalupe

    Austin, Texas 78701November 02,2010

    To: PostmasterIRVING, TX 75063

    Cause: D1GN10003685-1

    Address Information RequestPlease furnish this agency with the new address, if available, for the following individual or verifywhether or not the address given below is one at which mail for this inidvidual is currently beingdelivered. If the following address is a post office box , please furnish the street address as recordedon the boxholder's application form.


    I certify that the address information for the individual is required for the performance of this agency'sofficial~ties. ~J .. . : :'.i

    coI Bruce EI~'C& f#...~---Travis County Constable Precinct 5'J

    For Post Office Use Onlyl Please Provide Postal SealLJ Mail is delivered to address givenLJ Not known at address givenLJ Moved, no forwarding addressy~o such address~ Other (Specify):-B% ,'wJ,S l);J, t t p l A t t ; . c : 9 . Ir J< H , Il. }JP

  • 8/7/2019 MATHEWS v. INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA Texas State Citation to Indemnity


    Bruce Elfant, ConstableTravis County Constable

    Precinct 51003 Guadalupe

    Austin, Texas 78701December 08, 2010

    To: PostmasterIRVING, TX 75063

    Cause: D1GN10003685-1

    Address Information RequestPlease furnish this agency with the new address, if available, for the following individual or verifywhether or not the address given below is one at which mail for this inidvidual is currently beingdelivered. If the following address is a post office box , please furnish the street address as recordedon the boxholder's application form.

    Name: INDEMNITY INS CO OF NORTH AMERAgent: MOUNTAIN,ROBIN MLast known address: 6600 CAMPUS CIR DR E STE#300, IRVING, TX 7~D63I certify that the address information for the individual is required for the performance of this agenEisofficial duties. ~fI/4t-Bruce ElfantTravis County Constable Precinct 5

    For Post Office Use Only/ Please Provide Postal SealUMail is delivered to address given~Not known at address given

    Moved, no forwarding address.No such addressLJOther (Specify):

    New Address:

    Boxholder's Street Address:

    Postmark/Date StampAgency Return Address:Travis County Constable Precinct 51003 GuadalupeAustin, Texas 78701

    Travis County Constable - P.O. Box 1748 - Austin, Texas 78701(512)854-9100 - Fax(512)854-4228 -

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    Page 1 of2



    Brad McClellan Teresa McGarah 2/16/2011 9:47 AMRe: DIGNI0003685-1 INDEMNITY INS CO OF NORTH AMERICA, ROBIN M.MOUNTAINTeresa McGarah

    From:To:Date:Subject:---------_._-----_._._-- ._--- _ .. -_._-------_ .. _ - _ . _ _ ._---

    Teresa,Thanks for checking back on this.I was able to track down Robin Mountain, the former agent, after a phone maze to Pennsylvania and back at(972) 465-7604 and she indicated "CT Corporation" is the new registered agent for sevice of process but she wasunable to find an address_ The address we were able to find for CT Corporation is:

    ALLAS, TEXAS 75201Please try service at that address and keep me posted. Thanks again for all your efforts.


    Brad McClellan

    Of Counsel, Law Offices of Richard Pena, P_C_1701 Directors Blvd. Suite 110Austin, Texas 78744

    512.327.6884 office512.694.8843 cell512.327.8354 facsimile

    The information contained in this email, including any attachments, is attorney-client privileged and confidential informationintended only for the use of the intended recipient or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient. If the recipient

    tile://C:\Documents and Settings\MulligT.TRA VIS\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4D5 ...

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    reading this is IIbtassociated with the addressee(s), then this email has been received in error, and recipient is advised that theuse, retention, copying, dissemination, and/or forwarding of this email and any attachments is strictly prohibited and recipientis hereby directed to immediately: (I) delete this email and its attachments; and (2) acknowledge such receipt, nonuse, anddeletion by return reply email to the sender. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of thiscommunication is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.

    From: Te resa McGarah To : b rad.mccl el lan@yahoo .c omCc : T e re sa McGar ah Sent: W ed, February 16, 2011 9:01:11 AMSUbJect: D 1G N10003685-1 INDE MNITY INS C O O F NO RTH AM ERIC A, R OBIN M . M OUNTAINMr. McClellan:I spoke with you on 1/4/11 regarding the above mentioned case. At that time you stated you wouldresearch a possible alternate address/new agent and call me back. To date, I have not heard from you, soI just wanted to check back with you and see if you had been able to come up with anything.Thanks,

    ruoro olfccYarahCourt Clerk ITravis County Constable, Pet. 51003 Guadalupe StreetAustin, TX 78701512-854-3220t~.resa-,-rn~arah@C;:Q.travis.tx,us

    f il e: IIC :\Documents and Se tt ings lMul ligT.TRA VISILocal Se tt ings \TemplXPgrpwise\4D5. ..

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    U.S. Postal Service.,CERTIFIED MAIL!", RECEIPT(Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided)


    ; r a g d ~ '~ m i ! ; 1 1 ' 1 I i t E i.JI I. ICJ PoNge'III '~'I,J/''1, .. . ,.CJg ReIlJm Receipt FM( Endon IamenI Requ it e d) I ICJ R__ Delveoy fM.J I ( En do rs em en t R eq U ir ed )--------"1~ T01aiPostage & , , - I $ IIJ"ICJCJr-

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    o 1 G N 1 0 00 3 6 8. 5-1In dem ritv Ins C o O f N orth A meq C U )Rotiln M Mounta in o r 5 U C G e 5 .s o y -.;600 C4MPUS elR DR E S'TE # 300iRVING 1X 75 063

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  • 8/7/2019 MATHEWS v. INDEMNITY INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA Texas State Citation to Indemnity


    B ru ce E lfa nt, ConstableTravis County Constable

    Precinct 5P.O. Box 1748

    Austin. Texas 78767February 25 . 2011

    MCCLELLAN.BRADLEY DEAN1701 DIRECTORS BLVD STE 110AUSTIN. TEXAS 78744Fax Number: 3278354Case No. D1GN10003685-1Court: 419 District CourtCounty: TRAVISPlaintiff: MATHEWS,JAMESDefendant: INDEMNITY INS COMPANY OF N AMERespondent INDEMNITY INS CO OF NORTH AMERAttached please find a copy of the Officer's Retum for the above referenced case. Forproblems with this fax contact me at (512)854-9100.Barbara Ochoa

    ATTENTION: eFllersRemember to include 'Please use Constable Pet. 5' in the SpecialInstructions/Comments box so we will receive your paper.

    CHOOSE PRECINCT 5If you want ...- 2 417 Service Status Check Online- Live-person Service Check Hotline- Daily delivery to all state offices

    - Rush Service when needed- No extra charges for Research- Located by the Courthouse

    1e5.comTravi. CountyCourthouseComplex -1003 Guadalupe, AuaIin. Texas78701(512)8~100 - F8X(S12~228 - - S Z Z t t S S Z t s

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    t I t = ' O N : r I I ~N O I S S I W S N Y H l A H O W i W = a a o w

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