
CHALLENGE Seeking to capitalize on trends indicating that seniors are the largest growing group on Facebook, The Mather engaged SociaLogic for support in optimizing its Facebook presence and outreach.

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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ChallengeSeeking to capitalize on trends indicating that seniors are the largest growing group on Facebook, The Mather engaged SociaLogic for support in optimizing its Facebook presence and outreach.

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InsIghtThe retirement community’s target market is confi ned to one geographic cluster, so we determined a campaign of pay-per-click and pay-per-acitivity ads on Facebook would be an effective, and cost effi cient way to boost awareness.


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sOlutIOnSplit-test creative: Which messages would bring the most traffi c to Facebook? Which messages would generate the most “likes?”

SociaLogic also recommended cross-promoting property events on their wall, and enhancing the value of their posts to appeal more broadly to future prospects.

Plan For Your Future

Don’t take a leap of faith. The Mather offers predictable costs, investment protection, healthcare options and Evanston location.

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resultsWe’ve helped The Mather make more informed decisions about its Facebook presence and outreach investment.