mathematical modeling and simulation of refrigerating compressors

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  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


    Purdue University

    Purdue e-Pubs

    International Compressor Engineering Conference School of Mechanical Engineering


    Mathematical Modeling and Simulation ofRefrigerating Compressors

    R. PrakashUniversity of Roorkee

    R. SinghPurdue University

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    Prakash, R. and Singh, R ., "Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors" (1974).International CompressorEngineering Conference. Paper 132.hp://
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  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


    Heat Transfer in Valve PassagesSince suction an d discharge gases flowthrough very narrow valve passages withsmall thermal resis tance, there i s a poss ib i l i ty of s ignif icant amount of heatt r ans fe r from discharge gas to the suctiongas which in turn would decrease the thermodynamic and volumetric eff ic iencies proport iona l to the increase in the in le ttemperature of the gas. No informationabout th i s heat t ransfer i s available inthe l i t e ra ture for refr igerat ing compressors3. However, in in te rna l combustionengines, Engh and Chiang4 have shown it tobe s ign i f ican t .Applying Fi r s t Law of thermodynamics to thesuction valve passage (schematic shown inFig. 6) yields ,Ws CJ:l T5 0 + d.Qd..s =m:s ~ Ts (lg)d.:t d t a.twhere Tso an d TS. are the temperature of thegas going in to and out of the suc t ion valvepassage, ~ i s mass flow ra te . The heatt r a n s f e r ~ s f r o m the discharge valve gasto the su%f"ion valve gas may be expressedas

    ( 20 )where"' rand As are overal l heat t ransfercoeff icient an d area respec t ive ly . \ !through a plane wall i s

    ' I ' I b= - + - + - (21)U 'flcl. "'s Kwhere ~ and -IJ5 , the film coeff ic ients indischarge an d suction passages respectively,are functions of l oca l Reynolds number an dPrandt l n u m b e r . : E ~ i s the thermal resis tanceof sol id par ts , b i s wall thickness and Ki s the thermal conductivi ty of sol id par ts .The input to mathematical model are A, b,~ ~ L a n d K.. For common mater ia ls , thevalue of ~ i s widely reported in the l i t -erature . The information regarding convect ive heat t ransfer coeff ic ient ( fL) i svir tua l ly non-existant, thus in the absenceof available data, it is proposed to corre la te here McAdam's equation for turbulentflow in pipe, 5

    N _ n.:. D ~u ~ - Kl. 08 O'f=o. 023 R.el.. Pr-&: (22)i.: s, d.where subscr ipt :.., designates suction ( S )or discharge (d . ) passage gas. Nu. isNusselt number, PR, i s Reynolds number andPr is Prandtl number.

    R, f.:.'-'"'- D ~ t..:. ! d..e = ,l. .A.l'- (2:3)

    27 7

    p,.. ~ . s.d...11.1:.. - t(l,. ' (24

    \ } i , = Q!njl J> At ; i..= s,cL (25cit. "Ai.. !L4 :nt ; "-'=- !.,d. (26

    where p ,A.(.& K.. are gas density, vi scos i tyan d thermal conductivity respect ively. Thvalve passage has been assumed to be c i r -cular in geometry, of diameter D and crosssect ional area A All the f luid propert iesin (22)-(24) are evaluated a t mean bulktemperature of the f luid . Since Prandt lnumber ( P r) i s generally near uni ty,equation (22) may be reduced to ,08Nu ::: 0023 R.e.\.. (27l,. i.::. s.d.

    The temperature of the suction gas a t theconclusion of heat t r ans fe r process wil l begiven by ( lg) as follows:

    Ts = Tso + dJ;cLy'Cp ~ ~Heat Transfer in Compressor CylinderIn the cyl inder, per iodic hea t exchange i staking place between i t s walls and ref r ig-erant vapor due to considerable temperaturevar ia t ion of the vapor as compared with thealmost constant wall temperature and thera te of heat t ransfer from wall to the vapoduring early par t of the compression is~ = ft(t) Alt) [Tw-T(.t)] (28where Alt) i s the hea t t r ans fe r area, ~ { _ t )is heat t ransfer coeff ic ient and Tw i swall temperature. During the l a t t e r par tof the compression, heat i s t ransferredback from vapor to the wall an d i s expresseas

    (29d.tFor inclusion in thermodynamic model (10),equation (28 ) "can be used as by controlvolume convention, incoming heat flux i sposi t ive, an d outgoing heat i s negative,thus ~ 8 ) would automatically take care ofthe s ign.Heat t ransfer area A l t ) i s ,

    A(:t) = A\'+ A = piston area :

    A _ ~ L :: 4 Y!;] )Awlt) :: 1f.D X(t)


    ( 31


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    where Dis diameter of cy lin der Veis c lea rance volume and X(t)is the p is to n d isp lac emen t from TDC(expression for X(l }i s prov ided by kinem atics model) . Thus h ea t t r a n s fe r a rea i s

    mental work. In the p a s t , th e in v e s t ig a to rs (N usselt6 , E'ichelberg7 1 e tc ) concen tra ted ont ime average hea t t r a n s fe r c o e f f ic ie n ts andre la t io n s were not expressed in dimensionle s s form and can th e re fo re be genera lized w ith d if f ic u l ty . e tc )concentra ted on in stan taneou s hea t t ra n s fe rra te s and the c o r re la t io n s are in dimension-Att) = n D,_+ 4 Vc.. +Til> xtt) (34)4 ..D

    In ta b le 2 1 some o f th e a v a i la b le c o r re la t io n s fo r h e a t t r a n s fe r c o e f f ic ie n t ntt)arel i s te d . A ll th e c o r re la t io n s except byAdair e t been eva luated fo r in te rn a lcombustion engines and are based on exp er j-

    le s s form, as shown below: b CNu(t) =- a. R.. .el-t) .. Pr('t) (35)where0.. , b and C.. are co ns tan ts .

    ITable 2 I Heat T ransfer C o rre la t io n fo r Cylinder

    IIn v es t ig a to r C o rre la t ion

    Nusselt6 i\(t) =0 0 2 7 8 ( \+ 0 3 8 U"p) [ptl) T(- t.) ]'l3 (1 928 p ~ j:>sL.~ tt.) 0 0565 1/3 (plt) T{.tJ]'/2 'T: OR_Eichelberg = '-'"p ~ : ;f-pjl :L1939 ) _ji_ 6tiJ ~ .. -rt"

    D const. 0 7 Nult) = - -where K lt) R lt) =f(t)"PDPelt)::. R .e lt) Pr(t)1963) e ...A.L (t)c.onst..,=- 04- O 7

    Nu(_t) - ~ l t ) j ) = c.ons'to..t\t- flt) (228 Vp) ] )R.e.l'l) :(1968) -

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  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


    Table 3 Valve Model Cond itions

    Process va lve cy linde r Valve ConditionsPosi tion mass Displacementssu c tion !im_lt)=dms q5 (.t) o ~ q,5 (t ) A s alve ~ ~ oving dt d.t t I t:Z. Ps ~ p(t) Suction su c tion q.s == As diameter

  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


    e energy1\ enthalpy, heat t ransfer coeff ic ient~ ra t io of specif ic heats

    ~ thermal conductivity, spring s t if fness1- connecting rod lengthWI mass of gastJl mass of valvet1 polytropic indexp pressureq, valve displacementQ. heat t ransfer

    ~ crank radius , gas constantS entropyUL in te rna l energy\J- veloci tyV volumeW workt timeT temperatureX displacemente crank anglel.l.) c i rcu la r frequency/:::.. maximum valve t rave l(l) ava i lab i l i ty function f9r ~ l a s e d system

    ...U. viscosi tyj' densi ty

    subscriptsd. dischargef flowF force0 i n i t i a l or steady flow condit ions.p pis ton5 suctionV valve

    REFERENCES1. Soedel, w., "Introduction to Computer



    Engh, G. T., and Chiang, C., "Correlat ion of Convective Heat Transfer forSteady Intake Flow through a PoppetValve", SAE Paper No. 700501, May 1971Rohsenow, M. M., and Hartnet t , J . P.,"Handbook of Heat Transfer" , McGrawHil l Co., 1973.

    6 . Nusselt , w., "Der Warmeubergang zwischeArbeitmedium und Zylinderwand in Kolbenmaschinen", Forschungsarb. Geb. Ingwes. 300, 1928.7. Eishelberg, G., "Some New Invest igat ionon Old Combustion Engine Problems",Engineering 148, 1939.8. Annand, w. J . D., "Heat Transfer in theCylinders of Reciprocating InternalCombustion Engines", Proc. Ins t . Mech.Engrs. , Vol. 177, No. 36, 1963.9 . Woschni, G., "A Universal ly Applicable

    Equation For the Instantaneous HeatTransfer Coeff ic ient in the InternalCombustion Engine", SAE Paper No. 670931968.10. LeFeurvre, T., "Instantaneous MetalTemperatures and Heat Fluxes in a DiesEngine", Ph.D. Thesis, University ofWisconsin, 1968.11. Adair, R. P., Qvale, E. B., an d PearsonJ . T., "Instantaneous Heat Transfer tothe Cylinder Wall in ReciprocatingCompressors", Purdue Compressor Technology Conference 1972, pp. 521-526 12. Jenson, .o., "Heat Exchange in Reciprocating Compressors", P;roc. XII In t .cong. of R efr igerat ion, pp. 861-873.13. Shapiro, A. H., "The Dynamics an d Thermdynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow", .Ronald Press co. NY.14. Schwerzler, D. D. and Hamilton, J . F . ,"An Analytical Method for DeterminingEffec t ive Flow and Force Areas forRefrigerat ion Compressor ValvingSystems", Purdue Compressor TechnologyConference 1972, pp. 30-36.15. Shigley, J . , "Theory of Machines",McGraw-Hill co. 1969.

    Simulation of Posit ive Displacement 16. Thomson, w. T., "Mechanical Vibrations"George Allen and Unwin, 1953.ype Compressors", Purdue Universi ty,1972.2. Van Wylen, G. J . , "Thermodynamics", JohnWiley & sons, New York, 1964.


    3. Qvale, E. B., Soedel, w., Stevenson, M.J.,Elson, J . P. an d Coates, D A., "ProblemAreas in Mathematical Modeling and Simu- t ion of Refrigerating compressors,"ASHRAE Tr. , 1972, par t I , pp. 75-85.281

    Gatecliff , G. w., "A Digi ta l Simulationof a Reciprocating Hermetric CompressorIncluding Comparisons With Experiments"Ph.D. Thesis, The university of Michigan, 1969.Singh, R., an d Soedel, w., "A Review ofCompressor Lines Pulsa t ion Analysis and

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    Muffler Design Research", Purdue com -pressor Technolo gy Conference,1974.19. Singh, R., "Mathematical Modeling andSimulation of Refrigera ting compressors",M .E . Thesis , University ofRoorkee,Roork ee, India, 1973.20. Singh, R., "Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors", Notes for Q.I.P . summerSchool Course in 'D esign of Refrigerat ion and Air conditioning Systems",University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India,June 18-July 14, 1973.

    .... ...


    P. R e f r - i ~ e r a . 1 \ n _ 9 Compressor Physica.t Model3 disc.ha..rge~ . - - - - j ~ d ~ . - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - o ~ ~ ~ d ~ i ~ i ~ o - n - 5 1

    cort 1 1 ~ n ~ -e.ffe.c..t\ve.. pisTor,VC.. ~ di!>pla.C.e.)I'V\0..11\tAduClL pistort

    P.s Ts Pd.. Tct..___ ~ s dms ----- ..tat

    ~ t t ) T(t) Wilt)e..(.t)AW

    cih1d... Id 1

    F( 3 Conirot Volu.rne..p-V Dia.gra.m.- jor Compressor


  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


    Fi9 4 Bas_IC Compressor Processes~ f : t . : = . . . , ___

    ~ ! . d \1\.s (a.)Cit Sucho.,

    and ControL Volutne.p(t.) A ~

    Ps > ~ l t ) (b ) 4WC.Ompression

    YV\Lt>.::: c.onst

    (d) AWexpans, or)


    2 3E n 1 h ~ l p 1\

    F.9S Refrl,gera.tion Cyde Show\n.9 Ac..tuo.l COW 'lpressor Proc.,essessud\ot1t\,e

    Fi96 Heat Tro.nsfer ,,., Va\ve Pa.ssa.ges283

  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


  • 7/30/2019 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Refrigerating Compressors


    1=1u.i ci, - f\o\0 " W\od.e\

    Pu"'c..h outt:>u.t

    Fi.g Io

    Ru."'se-,__ __- - t " ' " " tC l.

