mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in...

Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in porous media Mazen SAAD Ecole Centrale de Nantes Laboratoire de Math´ ematiques Jean Leray In collaboration with C. Galusinski MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october 2015

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Page 1: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in porous media

Mazen SAAD

Ecole Centrale de NantesLaboratoire de Mathematiques Jean Leray

In collaboration with C. Galusinski

MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october 2015

Page 2: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

1 m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

2 Slightly compressible two phase flowModelThe one dimensional modelDimension N ≥ 2

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Page 3: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

MULTIFLUID MODELbounded densities

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Multifluid compressible and immiscible flow

The formulation describing the immiscible displacement of m- compressible fluids is given bythe mass conservation of each phase.Mass conservation of each phase : for i = 1,m

φ∂t(ρi (pi )si ) + div(ρi (pi )Vi ) + ρi (pi )si fP = ρi (pi )s?i fI (1)

φ : Porositysi : Saturation of the i phasepi : Pressure of the i phaseρi : Density of the i phasefP : Production ratefI : Injection rate at given saturation s?i .


si = 1, si ≥ 0. (2)

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Multifluid compressible and immiscible flow

Darcy’s law for velocities Vi

Vi = −KMi (∇pi − ρi (pi )g), i = 1 · · ·m

K(x) : permeability tensor

Mobility (Mi ) : mobility of the i phase

si → Mi (si , sj ) is increasing, and Mi (si = 0, sj ) = 0

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1





Ml (sl ) mobility of liquid phase

Mg (sl ) mobility of gas phase

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1





Total mobility: M = Ml + Mg ≥ m0

The mobility of each phase vanishes in the region where the phase is missing.Degenerate problem

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Densities bounded

ρi = ρi (pi )

ρi ∈ C1(R,R+) increasing and bounded

0 < ρm ≤ ρi (pi ) ≤ ρM


m + 1 equations and 2m unknowns (si , pi ).To close the system, we introduce m − 1 capillary pressures.

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Capillary pressures

Denotes = (s2, s3, · · · , sm)

Define m − 1 capillary pressure :

pcj (s) = p1 − pj ; pour j = 2,m. (3)

No existence results for the case (m > 2).

Objective :

Assumptions on data to ensure existence.

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities


We assume that the map Pc : Rm−1 → Rm−1 such that Pc (s) = (pcj (s))j=2,m derives from apotential : There exists a function F : Rm−1 → R such that

Assumption (H1)

Pc (s) = F ′(s) ⇐⇒ pcj (s) =∂F (s)

∂sj, j = 2,m


If pcj (s) = pcj (sj ), the assumption (H1) is verified.

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Page 9: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Notion of global pressure for m-phases

How to construct the global pressure?Each pressure pi is a variation of p denoted gi (s)

pi = p + gi (s), i = 1 · · ·m. (4)

Existence of functions gi? We want

V =m∑i=1

Vi = −m∑i=1

KMi (s)∇pi

= −Km∑i=1

Mi (s)∇p − Km∑i=1

Mi (s)∇gi (s)

︸ ︷︷ ︸=0

= −KM(s)∇p

Assumption (H2)


Mi (s)∇gi (s) = 0.

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Notion of global pressure for m-phases

Construction of deviations gi (s)

p1 = p + g1(s)pi = p + gi (s)

=⇒ gi (s) = g1(s)− pci (s), i = 2 · · ·m

It suffices to construct g1 to deduce gi for i = 2,m.

The assumption (H2) is equivalent to

Total differential condition (H2)

There exists g1 : Rm−1 → R such that

∇g1(s) =1



Mj (s)∇pcj (s).

which ensures the existence of global pressure.

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Page 11: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Integrant Factor

Assume that√

Mj (s)∇gj derives from a gradient of a function :

Integrant factor (H3)

There exists Aj : Rm−1 → R (j = 2 · · ·m) such that

∇Aj (s) =√

Mj (s)∇gj (s).

Denote A(s) = (Ai )i and suppose A−1 is θ-Holder function with 0 < θ < 1.

It can be viewed as Kirchhoff transform for degenerate multiphase flow.

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Page 12: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Assumptions for the two phase flow (m=2)

For m=2, the three assumptions are fulfilled.

In fact, we have s = s2

(H1) F ′(s2) = pc2(s2).

(H2) g ′1(s2) = M2(s2)M(s2) p


(H3) A′2(s2) =√

M2(s2)g ′2(s2) =√M2(s2)M1(s1)p′12(s2)

by a simple integration, we get F , g1, A2.

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Page 13: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Assumptions for the three phase flow (m=3)

We have s = (s2, s3), pc (s) = (pc2(s), pc3(s))

(H1) pc2(s) = ∂F (s)∂s2

and pc3(s) = ∂F (s)∂s3


The function F is defined iff


∂s3(s) =



This condition is satisfied for pci (s) = pci (si ) , i = 2, 3.

(H2) Denote λi (s) = Mi (s)/M(s) (i = 1, 2), g1 satisfies∂g1∂s2

(s) = λ2(s) ∂pc2∂s2

(s) + λ3(s) ∂pc3∂s2


(s) = λ2(s) ∂pc3∂s2

(s) + λ3(s) ∂pc3∂s3


the function g1 is well defined iff ∂2g1∂s3∂s2

(s) = ∂2g1∂s2∂s3


Total differential condition of Chavent and Jaffre














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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Assumptions for the three phase flow (m=3)

Algorithm of Chavent and Jaffre.For given a pair of capillary pressures


∂s3(s) =



we search the three mobilities solution of the following system :















∂s3∂s2(s) =




∂s3∂s2(s) =



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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities


Search (pi ) , i = 1 · · ·m solution of the system

φ∂t(ρi (pi )si )− div(Kρi (pi )Mi (s)∇pi )

+ div(Kρ2i (pi )Mi (s)g) + ρi (pi )si fP = ρi (pi )s

I1fI , i = 1, 2

Boundary conditions ∂Ω = Γinj ∪ Γimps1(t, x) = 1, sj (t, x) = 0, i = 2,m; p1(t, x) = 0 on Γinj

Vj · n = 0 on Γimp , j = 1 · · ·m.

Initial conditionspj (0, x) = p0

j (x); sj (0, x) = s0j (x) in Ω j = 1 · · ·m


s0j = 1, s0

j ≥ 0.

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Page 16: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Energy estimates

φ∂t(ρi (pi )si )− div(Kρi (pi )Mi (s)∇pi ) + · · ·︸︷︷︸lower order terms

= 0

Multiplying by ri (pi ) =∫ pi


ρi (z)dz and integrating


∫Ω∂t(ρi (pi )si

)ri (pi ) dx︸ ︷︷ ︸





KMi (s)∇pi · ∇pi dx + · · · = 0

Evolution term can be rearranged under the assumption (H1) to be

∂tE =m∑i=1

∂t(ρi (pi )si )ri (pi ).


E =m∑i=1

siHi (pi )− F (s),

The function Hi (pi ) := ρi (pi )ri (pi )− pi , satisfies

Hi (0) = 0, Hi (pi ) ≥ 0, |Hi (pi )| ≤ c|pi | for all pi .

The function F is bounded.Mazen Saad (ECN) Multifluid flows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october 2015 16 / 33

Page 17: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Energy estimates

Estimate on the velocities



Mi (s)|∇pi |2 dxdt < +∞.

No control on ∇pi since Mi vanishes.

Estimate on the evolutive term :

φ∂t(ρi (pi )si )) is bounded in (L2(H1))′.

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Energy estimates

Estimate on the velocities



Mi (s)|∇pi |2 dxdt < +∞.

No control on ∇pi since Mi vanishes.

Estimate on the evolutive term :

φ∂t(ρi (pi )si )) is bounded in (L2(H1))′.

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m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Energy estimates

Estimate on the global pressure. Using assumption (H2), we have



Mi (s)∇pi · ∇pi =


M(s)∇p · ∇p +m∑i=1


Mi (s)∇gi · ∇gi .

Then∇p is bounded in L2(QT )√

Mi (s)∇gi is bounded in L2(QT )

Assumption (H3) leads to



Mi (s)∇gi · ∇gi dx =m∑i=2


∇Ai (s) · ∇Ai (s) dx ,


Ai (s) is bounded in L2(H1) for all i = 2,m.

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Page 20: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Energy estimates

Estimate on the global pressure. Using assumption (H2), we have



Mi (s)∇pi · ∇pi =


M(s)∇p · ∇p +m∑i=1


Mi (s)∇gi · ∇gi .

Then∇p is bounded in L2(QT )√

Mi (s)∇gi is bounded in L2(QT )

Assumption (H3) leads to



Mi (s)∇gi · ∇gi dx =m∑i=2


∇Ai (s) · ∇Ai (s) dx ,


Ai (s) is bounded in L2(H1) for all i = 2,m.

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Page 21: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Energy estimates

Estimate on the global pressure. Using assumption (H2), we have



Mi (s)∇pi · ∇pi =


M(s)∇p · ∇p +m∑i=1


Mi (s)∇gi · ∇gi .

Then∇p is bounded in L2(QT )√

Mi (s)∇gi is bounded in L2(QT )

Assumption (H3) leads to



Mi (s)∇gi · ∇gi dx =m∑i=2


∇Ai (s) · ∇Ai (s) dx ,


Ai (s) is bounded in L2(H1) for all i = 2,m.

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Page 22: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

m-fluid flow : compressible immiscible, bounded densities

Main result when densities are bounded


The couples (si , pi )i , i = 1 · · ·m, are a weak solution in the sense :

p ∈ L2(H1Γinj

), s ∈(L

2θ (W τ, 2

θ ))m−1

, τ < 1

A(s) ∈ (L2(H1Γinj


pi ∈ L2(L2),

and satisfy for all ϕi ∈ C1([0,T ];H1Γinj

(Ω)) with ϕi (T ) = 0,


φρi (pi )si∂tϕi −∫

Ωφ(x)ρi (p

0i (x))s0

i (x)ϕi (0, x) dx



Kρi (pi )Mi (s)∇p · ∇ϕi +


Kρi (pi )√

Mi (s)∇Ai (s) · ∇ϕi


Kρ2i (pi )Mi (s)g · ∇ϕi +


ρi (pi )si fPϕi =


ρi (pi )sIi fI ϕi .

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Page 23: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

Slightly compressible two phase flow

Slightly compressible two phase flow

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Page 24: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

Slightly compressible two phase flow Model

Model : Slightly compressible

We consider the case of slightly compressible phases where the density of each phase is takenas an exponential law with small compressibility factor.Mass conservation of each phase:

φ∂t(ρi si ) + div(ρiVi ) = 0, i = 1, 2 (5)

The velocity of each fluid Vi

Vi = νiV − Kα(s1)∇si , i = 1, 2 (6)

The total velocityV = −KM(s1)∇p, (7)

and νi = Mi/M, and α(s1) = M(s1)ν1(s1)ν2(s1)p′c2(s1) ≥ 0.

Slightly compressible assumption

we assume that ρi = ρi (p) satisfies


dp(p) = ziρi (p), zi > 0. (8)

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Slightly compressible two phase flow Model


dp(p) = ziρi (p), zi > 0.

Mass conservation of each phase can be written as: for i=1,2

φ∂tsi + φsizi∂tp + div(νiV) + νiziV · ∇p − div(Kα∇si )− Kαzi∇si · ∇p = 0. (9)

Pressure equation. Adding the two equations for i=1, 2

φ (z2 + (z1 − z2)s)︸ ︷︷ ︸d(s)>0

∂tp + div V︸ ︷︷ ︸dissipative

+ (z2 + (z1 − z2)ν(s))︸ ︷︷ ︸f (s)

V · ∇p︸ ︷︷ ︸≈|∇p|2

−Kα(s)(z1− z2)∇s ·∇p = 0.

Saturation equation. The equation for i = 1, is considered to be the saturation one

φ∂ts + φsz1∂tp + div(ν1(s)V) + ν1(s)z1V · ∇p − div(Kα(s)∇s)− Kα(s)z1∇s · ∇p = 0.

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Page 26: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

Slightly compressible two phase flow The one dimensional model

The one dimensional model

We set QT = Ω× (0,T ). We investigate the following nonlinear boundary value problem ofparabolic type in QT

γd(s)∂tp − ∂x (M(s)∂xp)− γβ(s)|∂xp|2 − γα(s)∂x s∂xp = 0, (10)

∂ts + γb(s)∂tp − ∂x (α(s)∂x s) + γk(s)|∂xp|2 + aγ(s)∂x s∂xp = 0. (11)

γ : compressibility factor. z1 = 2γ, z2 = γMixed boundary conditions

p(t, 0) = 1, p(t, 1) = 0,s(t, 0) = 0, α(s)∂x s(t, 1) = 0,

Main properties

d(s) ≥ d0 > 0, M(s) ≥ m0 > 0

b, k, f and aγ continuous on [0, 1]

Main assumption

α(s) ≥ α0 > 0 (Non degenerate case)

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Page 27: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

Slightly compressible two phase flow The one dimensional model

The one dimensional model

Denote S0 = u ∈ H1(0, 1), u(0) = 0. We search (p, s) ∈ P × S :

P = u ∈ L∞(H10 ) ∩ L2(H2), ∂tu ∈ L2(L2)

S = u ∈ L∞(S0) ∩ L2(H2), ∂tu ∈ L2(L2).


Let (p0, s0) ∈ H10 (0, 1)× S0.

(Local existence) For every γ > 0, there exists a number T∗γ ∈]0,T ] such that thesystem has a strong solution on QT∗γ .

(Admissibility) Moreover, if 0 ≤ s0(x) ≤ 1 a.e in x ∈ [0, 1], then 0 ≤ s(t, x) ≤ 1 a.e inx ∈ [0, 1], for all t ∈ [0,T∗γ ].

(Uniquness) The system has a unique strong solution.

(Consistency) The solution of the system (pγ , sγ) converges to the solution of the usualincompressible model, obtained for γ equal to zero, as γ goes to zero.

We give explicitly the dependence of solutions on the compressibility factor γ.The proof is based on the choice of test functions : p, ∂tp, ∂xxp, s, ∂ts, ∂xx s, Sobolevinjection in dimension 1.No possibility to extend results to dimension N ≥ 2.

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Page 28: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2

Dimension N ≥ 2

We consider the specific case :

The two fluids have the same compressibility factor : γ = z1 = z2


dp(p) = γρi (p), γ > 0

The quadratic term γV · ∇p ≈ γ‖V‖2 ≈ 0 is neglected.

Pressure equation :

φ (z2 + (z1 − z2)s)︸ ︷︷ ︸=γ

∂tp +div V + (z2 + (z1− z2)ν(s)) V · ∇p︸ ︷︷ ︸≈‖V‖2≈0

−Kα(s) (z1 − z2)︸ ︷︷ ︸=0

∇s · ∇p = 0.

The saturation equation :

φ∂ts + γφs∂tp + div(ν(s)V) + γ ν(s)V · ∇p︸ ︷︷ ︸≈γ‖V‖2≈0

− div(Kα(s)∇s)− γKα(s)∇s · ∇p = 0.

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Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2

Modelling : Slightly compressible N ≥ 2

Pressure equation :γφ∂tp − div(KM(s)∇p) = fI − fp

Saturation equation :

φ∂ts − s div(V) + div(ν(s)V)− div(Kα(s)∇s)− γKα(s)∇s · ∇p = (1− s)fp

Pressure regularity: p ∈ L2(H1), V ∈ (L2(QT ))N .Degenerate dissipation in saturation: several cases

α(0) > 0, α(1) = 0

α(0) = 0, α(1) > 0

α(0) = α(1) = 0

Assume that : α(s)∇s := ∇β(s) ∈ (L2(QT ))N .

No control of ∇s.How to control the terms : s div(V), γKα(s)∇s · ∇p.

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Page 30: Mathematical analysis of compressible multifluid flows in… · Mazen Saad (ECN) Multi uid ows MOMAS, Nice 5, 6, 7 october

Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2

Weighted weak solution : Slightly compressible N ≥ 2

Φ∂ts − s div(V) + div(ν(s)V)− div(K∇β(s))− γK∇β(s) · ∇p = (1− s)fp


∇p, V et ∇β(s) are bounded in L2(QT ).

• consider a regular test function ψ,


Ωs div(V)ψ =

∫ΩψV · ∇s︸︷︷︸



∫ΩsV · ∇ψ, (no sense)

• The following formulation has a ”sense” if we consider κ(s)ψ as test function


Ωs div(V)κ(s)ψ =

∫ΩψV · ∇(s κ(s))︸ ︷︷ ︸



∫Ωsκ(s)V · ∇ψ,

where κ(s) is a function to be chosen. However, the dissipatif term has ”no sense”,


Ωdiv(K∇β(sη))κ(sη)ψ =


K∇β(sη) · ∇κ(sη)ψ︸ ︷︷ ︸convergence?



K∇β(sη) · ∇ψκ(sη).

=⇒ Notion of weighted degenerate weak solutions.

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Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2

Weighted weak solution : Slightly compressible N ≥ 2

φ∂ts − s div(V) + div(ν(s)V)− div(Kα(s)∇s)− γKα(s)∇s · ∇p = (1− s)fP

Assume : α(1) > 0 et α(s) ≈ sr avec r > 1

Consider test function κ(s) = sr−1 and denote h(s) =∫ s

0 κ(y)dy , we obtain



∫Ωφh(s)dx + (r − 1)

∫Ωα(s)sr−2︸ ︷︷ ︸≈s2r−2

|∇s|2dx = −r∫

Ωsr−1∇s · V dx

+ (r − 1)

∫Ων(s)sr−2︸ ︷︷ ︸≈sr−1

V · ∇s + γ

∫Ωα(s)sr−1∇p · ∇s +


(1− s)sr−1fp .


‖sr−1∇s‖(L2(QT ))N ≤ C .

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Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2

Weighted weak solution : Slightly compressible N ≥ 2

Nondegenerate Problem : let η > 0

φ∂tsη−sη div(Vη)+div(ν(sη)Vη)−div(Kα(sη)∇sη)−η∆sη−γKα(sη)∇sη ·∇pη = (1−sη)fP


The solutions of the saturation equation) satisfy

(i) 0 ≤ sη(t, x) ≤ 1, a.e. (t, x) in QT .

(ii) (sr−1η ∇sη)η , (s


η α12 (sη)∇sη)η and (α(sη)∇sη)η are bounded in (L2(QT ))N .

(iii) (h(sη))η is bounded in L∞(0,T ; L1(Ω)).

(iv) (η12 s


η ∇sη)η is bounded in (L2(QT ))N .

(v) (φ(x)∂th(sη))η is bounded in L1(0,T ; (W 1,q(Ω))′) for q > N.

(vi) (h(sη))η and (sη)η are relatively compact in L2(QT ).


The sequence ((s3r+2η α(sη)∇sη))η is a Cauchy sequence in measure.

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Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2

Weighted degenerate weak solution


Let θ ≥ 6r + 6. There exists (p, s) such that

p ∈ L2(H1) ∩ L∞(L2), V ∈ (L2(QT ))N , φ∂tp ∈ L2((H1(Ω))′)

0 ≤ s(t, x) ≤ 1, a.e. in QT

κθ(s) = sr−1+θ , hθ(s) =∫ s

0βθ(y)dy ∈ L2(0,T ; H1(Ω))

α12 (s)β′

12 (s)∇s ∈ (L2(QT ))N ,

satisfying for all ψ ∈ L2(H1)

γ < φ∂tp, ψ > +


KM(s)∇p.∇ψ dxdt =


(fI − fP )ψ dxdt,

we define

F (s, p, χ) =−∫QT

φ(x)hθ(s)∂tχ dxdt −∫


φ(x)hθ(s0(x))χ(0, x)dx



V · ∇(sκθ(s)χ) dxdt −∫QT

ν(s)V · ∇(κθ(s)χ) dxdt



α(s)K∇s · ∇(κθ(s)χ) dxdt − γ∫QT

Kα(s)κθ(s)∇s · ∇pχ dxdt


(1− s)fPκθ(s)χ dxdt,

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Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2

Weighted degenerate weak solution


and F satisfying

F (s, p, χ) ≤ 0 for all χ ∈ C1([0,T [×Ω) with supp χ ⊂ [0,T [×Ω and χ ≥ 0 (12)


for all ε > 0, there exists Qε ⊂ QT ,meas(Qε) < ε, such that,

F (s, p, χ) = 0 for all χ ∈ C1([0,T [×Ω) with supp χ ⊂(

[0,T [×Ω)\Qε.


Formally, we have shown that

for θ ≥ 7r + 5, the saturation equation is satisfied

sθ(φ∂ts − s div(V) + div(ν(s)V)− div(Kα(s)∇s)− γKα(s)∇s · ∇p − (1− s)fp

)= 0,

in the sense of distribution except in small region Qε ⊂ (0,T )× Ω, mes(Qε) < ε.

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Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2


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Slightly compressible two phase flow Dimension N ≥ 2


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