math 1314 lesson 2: an introduction to geogebra (ggb)mmsosa/math1314/notes/1314day3.pdf ·...

Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 1 Math 1314 Lesson 2: An Introduction to Geogebra (GGB) Course Overview What is calculus? Calculus is the study of change, particularly, how things change over time. It gives us a framework for measuring change using some fairly simple models. The formal body of information that makes up a calculus course was developed in the 17 th century by two mathematicians, each working separately: Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz. Newton’ method of “fluxions” studied how things change. Leibniz did similar work at about the same time, and contributed additionally some of the notation we use to this day. We will address two basic questions in this course. 1. How can we find the slope of a line that is tangent to an arbitrary curve at a given point? The graph below shows a cubic function and the line tangent to the function at the point where x = -1 We are interested in finding the slope of this line, because it gives the rate at which the y value of the function is changing. You already have some experience working with slope. You have found the slope of a line in earlier coursework using a formula, 2 1 2 1 y y m x x - = - . This gives a rate of change: it gives the change in y over the change in x. It tells us how much y changes for a computed change in x. We will use this idea when we learn how to find the slope of a tangent line. Differential calculus treats problems of this type.

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 1

Math 1314 Lesson 2: An Introduction to Geogebra (GGB)

Course Overview

What is calculus? Calculus is the study of change, particularly, how things change over time. It gives us a framework for measuring change using some fairly simple models. The formal body of information that makes up a calculus course was developed in the 17th century by two mathematicians, each working separately: Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz. Newton’ method of “fluxions” studied how things change. Leibniz did similar work at about the same time, and contributed additionally some of the notation we use to this day. We will address two basic questions in this course. 1. How can we find the slope of a line that is tangent to an arbitrary curve at a given point? The graph below shows a cubic function and the line tangent to the function at the point where x = -1

We are interested in finding the slope of this line, because it gives the rate at which the y value of the function is changing. You already have some experience working with slope. You have

found the slope of a line in earlier coursework using a formula, 2 1

2 1

y ym

x x


. This gives a rate of

change: it gives the change in y over the change in x. It tells us how much y changes for a computed change in x. We will use this idea when we learn how to find the slope of a tangent line. Differential calculus treats problems of this type.

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 2

2. How can we find the area of a region such as the one pictured below?

The shape of this region does not conform to the formulas we know, such as for a triangle, rectangle or circle, so we will need another method for finding this area. We will use integral calculus to solve problems of this type. Both of these areas of inquiry rely on the concept of a limit. We will begin our study of calculus by looking at limits. Then we will investigate the types of problems we can solve using differential calculus and integral calculus. A major focus of this course will be the use of technology in the teaching and learning of calculus. We will be less concerned with paper and pencil computations in this course, and more interested in solving problems. Our main tool will be GeoGebra, a free software, that you will need to download and use on a daily basis in this course.

An Introduction to GeoGebra GeoGebra (GGB) is a free software package that we will use throughout the semester. The program can be used as a simple calculator, and it can also be used to perform some fairly sophisticated calculus operations. In this lesson, you will learn your way around the GGB display, and you will also learn to do some basic graphing. You will need to download GGB onto your computer. Go to and follow the instructions for downloading the program. If you are using a computer where you cannot download the program, choose the Applet option on the download page.

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 3

This is what you will see when you open GGB.

The GGB display consists of four parts: AT TOP: the menus/icons ON LEFT: algebra window ON RIGHT: graphics window AT BOTTOM: input line TO ADJUST FONT: Go to “Options,” then click on “Font” and select the size that you’d like. TO RESIZE ALGEBRA AND GRAPHICS WINDOWS: Put cursor on the vertical line between algebra and graphics windows until you see a double-headed arrow. Then drag the line to the left or the right depending on which part you wish to enlarge. TO SHOW GRID: Put cursor on graphics window. Right-click and choose “Grid”. To undo follow the same steps. TO ADJUST DECIMAL PLACES: Go to “Options,” then click on “Rounding” and select “4 Decimal Places”. Occasionally, we’ll need to change this setting. TO SAVE CHANGES TO SETTINGS: Go to “Options,” then click on “Settings”. In the pop-up window, at the bottom, choose “Save Settings”. You will enter functions or expressions using the input line. Put the cursor in the input line and start typing. USE THE CARET KEY (“^”) to raise a number or variable to a power. USE SQRT for the square root

To enter a cube root such as, 3 2 , type: 2^(1/3)

Example 1: Use GGB to compute 2 3 33 ( 2) 8− + − − Command: Answer:

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 4

Example 2: Use GGB to compute 25 3( 2)e − −

Command: Answer:

Example 3: Use GGB to evaluate 1





if 2 and 10x y= − = .

Command: Answer:

Tables You can make a table, similar to a table in Excel. TO VIEW SPREADSHEET VIEW: Click on “View” and enable “Spreadsheet.” Example 4: Suppose 2( ) 1.875 12.3 7.164f x x x= − + − . Use GGB to create a table of values that starts at 1.63x = and has an increment of 0.26. A. Create the list of x values.


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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 5

B. Enter the function in the input line. If you make an error in entering the function, in the algebra window, double click on the function and make any corrections. Command: C. Create the list of y values.


D. Create the list of ordered pairs.

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 6


Once the ordered pairs are formed AND highlighted, find the icon at the top left area of the GGB window and click it.

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 7


Good things to know when working with GGB: NEW WINDOW: Control N or click on the File menu and select new. DEACTIVATE OR ACTIVATE EQUATION OR VALUE: In the Algebra Window, click on the circle to the left of the item. Example 5: The path of a small rocket is modeled by the function 2( ) 16 128 12h t t t= − + + where initial velocity is 128 feet per second and initial height is 12 feet. The model gives the height of the rocket in feet, t seconds after launch. Find the height of the rocket: A. 2 seconds after launch. B. 4 seconds after launch. C. 5 seconds after launch. D. 8 seconds after launch. Enter the function in the input line. Command: Evaluate the function at each t value given above. Command for A: Answer: Command for B: Answer: Command for C: Answer: Command for D: Answer:

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 8

Graphing Example 6: Use GGB to graph the function ( ) 2 3f x x= − − . Enter the function in the input line. Resize the graphics window, if needed, to get a good view of the function.

TO MOVE GRID: Make sure that is selected then put the cursor anywhere on the grid, and move it. TO VIEW STANDARD VIEW: Ctrl+M or right-click on the grid and select “Standard View”. TO ADJUST X- Y- AXES: Put the cursor on the respective axis and move up, down, right or left.

Example 7: Graph the function 3 2( ) 3 3 96 180h x x x x= − + + − and find an appropriate viewing window.

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 9

Finding Some Features of a Graphed Function You can find the zeros (also called roots or x intercepts) of a function using GGB. Example 8: Suppose 3 2( ) 2 9 18g x x x x= − − + . Find the zeros of the polynomial function. A. Enter the function in the input line. Graph and resize if needed.

B. Find the zeros of the polynomial function. (When you begin to enter the command, a list will appear.) Command: Answer:

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 10

Example 9: Suppose 2


3 5( )


x xf x


− −=−

. Find the zeros of the function.

A. Enter the function in the input line. Graph and resize if needed.

B. Find the zeros of the function. The command in the input line will be the same as in Part B of the previous example; however, this function is not a polynomial so we’ll need to choose the command: Roots[<function>,<start value>,<end value>] Make sure to choose the command “ROOTS” NOT “ROOT”. Command: Answer: The relative extrema of a function are the high points and low points of the graph of a function, when compared to other points that are close to the relative extremum. A relative maximum will be higher than the points near it, and a relative minimum will be lower than the points near it.

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 11

GGB will help you find these points. Example 10: Suppose 3 2( ) 5 2 3g x x x x= + − + . Find any relative extrema. A. Enter the function in the input line. Graph and resize, if needed.

B. Find the relative extrema. Command: Relative Max: Relative Min:

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 12

Example 11: Suppose 1

3( ) 3h x x x= − . Find any relative extrema. A. Enter the function in the input line. Graph and resize, if needed.

B. Find the relative extrema. Since the function is not a polynomial, the command is: Extremum[<Function>,<Start x-Value>,<End x-Value>] Command: Relative Max: Relative Min:

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 13

Intersection of Two Functions Example 12: Find any points where 2( ) 1.45 7.2 1.6f x x x= − − and ( ) 2.84 1.29g x x= − intersect. A. Enter the functions one by one in the input line. Graph and resize if necessary to view all points of intersection.

B. Find intersection points. Command: Answer:

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Lesson 2 – An Introduction to GGB 14

Example 13: Find any points where 6

( )f x xx

= − and 2 1( ) 4

2xg x e x−= + intersect.

A. Enter the functions one by one in the input line. Graph and resize if necessary to view all points of intersection.

B. Find intersection points. Since the function is not a polynomial, the command is: Intersect[<Function>,<Function>,<Start x-Value>,<End x-Value>] Command: Answer:

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Lesson 3 – Regressions 1

Lesson 3: Regressions Using GeoGebra

In this course, you will frequently be given raw data about a quantity, rather than a function. If this is the case,

you will need to have a method for finding a function that “fits” the data that is given – that is, a function that

passes through or passes close to many or most of the points of data that are given. These equations are called

regression equations. You’ll be able to use GGB to find these. The process involves several steps.

Example 1: Suppose you are given the data shown in the table below.

x 0 1 2 3 4 5

y 1.6 2.5 2.9 4.1 3.7 4.2

A. Create a table of values in the spreadsheet view of GGB.

Recall: To view the spreadsheet, go to the “Veiw” menu and select “Spreadsheet”.

B. Create a list of ordered pairs in Column C of the spreadsheet.


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Lesson 3 – Regressions 2

C. Select the ordered pairs and create a list using the list icon in spreadsheet mode.

D. Find a linear regression model.



E. Find a cubic regression model.



F. an exponential regression model.



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Lesson 3 – Regressions 3

You will also be asked to find a value for regression models called 2r or 2R . These values are measures of the

“goodness of fit” for a regression model, and will be between 0 and 1. The closer the value is to 1, the better

the linear regression model predicts the trend of the given data. The closer it is to 0, the less useful it will be in

predicting future values. There are differences between the two values, in terms of how they are computed. For

our purposes in this class, they will give us a piece of information for determining how well a regression

equation fits the underlying data.

GGB will compute this value for you if you specify the list of points to use and the name of the regression


The command is “RSquare[<List of points>, <Function>].

Example 2: Use the data and the cubic and exponential regression models that you found in Example 1 to find

values for 2r or 2R for each of the two regression models.

A. 2r or 2R for the cubic regression model:



B. 2r or 2R for the exponential regression model:



Example 3: Suppose that we know the revenues of a company each year since 2005. This information is given

in the table below:

year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

revenues ( in millions of dollars) 2.1 2.8 3.4 4.6 7.9 11.2

Before starting this problem, rescale the data so that the year 2005 corresponds to 0.x =

A. Enter the data into the GGB spreadsheet and draw a scatterplot. Then create a list of the ordered pairs.

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Lesson 3 – Regressions 4

B. Find the linear, cubic and quartic regression models. Find the value for 2 2or r R for each model.

Linear Model

Command: Command:

Linear Model: 2 2or r R :

Cubic Model:

Command: Command:

Cubic Model: 2 2or r R :

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Lesson 3 – Regressions 5

Quartic Model:

Command: Command:

Quartic Model: 2 2or r R :

C. Which model would be the best one to use? Why?

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Lesson 3 – Regressions 6

D. Use that model to predict revenues in 2012.



Note: There is also a power regression model command: fitpow[<list of points>]