maternal nursing - commonly used abbreviations

Abbreviations Commonly Used in Maternity Nursing AB abortion ABR auditory brainstem response AFI amniotic fluid index AFP alpha fetoprotein AROM artificial rupture of membranes BF breastfeeding BMI body mass index BP blood pressure BPP Biophysical profile BR breast BSO bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy BUFA baby up for adoption BV bacterial vaginosis CBC complete blood count CBE clinical breast exam CIRC circumcision CL cleft lip CNM certified nurse midwife Contx contractions CPD cephalopelvic disproportion CVS chorionic villus sampling C/S cesarean section C-section cesarean section D & C dilation and curettage DFB double footling breech Updated 3/07 1

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Page 1: MATERNAL NURSING - Commonly Used Abbreviations

Abbreviations Commonly Used in Maternity Nursing

AB abortion

ABR auditory brainstem response

AFI amniotic fluid index

AFP alpha fetoprotein

AROM artificial rupture of membranes

BF breastfeeding

BMI body mass index

BP blood pressure

BPP Biophysical profile

BR breast

BSO bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

BUFA baby up for adoption

BV bacterial vaginosis

CBC complete blood count

CBE clinical breast exam

CIRC circumcision

CL cleft lip

CNM certified nurse midwife

Contx contractions

CPD cephalopelvic disproportion

CVS chorionic villus sampling

C/S cesarean section

C-section cesarean section

D & C dilation and curettage

DFB double footling breech

DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding

DVT deep vein thrombosis

EBL estimated blood loss

EDC expected date of confinement “due date”

EFW estimated fetal weightUpdated 3/07 1

Page 2: MATERNAL NURSING - Commonly Used Abbreviations

Epis episiotomy

FH fundal height

FHR fetal heart rate

FHT fetal heart tones

FM fetal movement

FOB father of baby

FTP failure to progress

G gravida

GBS group B streptococcus

Gyn gynecology

hCG human chorionic gonadotropin

H&P history and physical

HA headache

HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet

HRT hormone replacement therapy

Ind induced

I&O intake and output

IRDS infant respiratory distress syndrome

IUFD intrauterine fetal death

IUGR intrauterine growth restriction

IUP intrauterine pregnancy

IUPC intrauterine pressure catheter

LDR labor-delivery-recovery room

LDRP labor-delivery-recovery-postpartum room

LFD low forceps delivery

LGA large for gestational age

LMP last menstrual period

LNMP last normal menstrual period

L/S lecithin-sphingomyelin ration

Updated 3/07 2

Page 3: MATERNAL NURSING - Commonly Used Abbreviations

M/B mother/baby(couplet care)

MEC meconium

NB newborn

NICU neonatal intensive care unit

NKA no known allergies

NKDA no known drug allergies

NST nonstress test

NSVD normal spontaneous vaginal delivery

NVD normal vaginal delivery

Ob obstetrical

ObG obstetrics and gynecology

OCP oral contraceptive

OCT oxytocin challenge test

OU both eyes

P para

PARU post anesthesia recovery unit

PCA patient controlled analgesia

PIH pregnancy induced hypertension

PMH past medical history

PP postpartum

PROM premature rupture of membranes

PPROM prolonged premature rupture of membrands

PTL preterm labor

RDS respiratory distress syndrome

R/U rule out

SBE self-breast exam

SGA small-for-gestational age

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Page 4: MATERNAL NURSING - Commonly Used Abbreviations

SIDS sudden infant death syndrome

SROM spontaneous rupture of membranes

STI sexually transmitted infection

SVD spontaneous vaginal delivery

SVE sterile vaginal exam

TAH total abdominal hysterectomy

TOC test of cure

TORCH toxoplasmosis, other, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes

UTI urinary tract infection

VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean

VE vaginal exam

VS vital signs

VSS vital signs stable

WNL within normal limits

Updated 3/07 4