matc alumni foundation newsletter winter 2003-04

Dr. Rose Ann Findlen, who has served as MATC provost for learning since January 2002, has been named acting president of the college. She also will continue in her role as provost. Findlen’s diverse management, teaching and academic back- ground provides her a unique per- spective as a college president. With a Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico, Findlen has taught ESL and English to students as diverse as officers on U.S. military bases, teachers in Yugoslavia, Native Americans in government-spon- sored programs, business execu- tives at a private institute in Paris and grads and undergrads in Missouri and Louisiana. She has held staff positions in student services at several colleges and as an academic dean and chief operating officer at MATC. Her broad background in edu- cation is responsible for her deep appreciation of a gift she received MATC Madison Area Technical College For Alumni and Friends of Madison Area Technical College WINTER 2003•2004 Whats inside... New Alumni Relations Coordinator 3 Scholarship Matching Challenge 3 Alumni Profile: Mark Schmitz ’87 4 Alumni Updates 6 Program Profile: Electron Microscopy 8 Special Recognitions 9 Calendar of Events 10 Gift Form and Personal Info Form 11 Dr. Rose Ann Findlen: Building Bridges to the Future continued on page 2 >

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Page 1: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04

Dr. Rose Ann Findlen, who hasserved as MATC provost forlearning since January 2002, hasbeen named acting president ofthe college. She also willcontinue in her role as provost.Findlen’s diverse management,teaching and academic back-ground provides her a unique per-spective as a college president.

With a Ph.D. from theUniversity of New Mexico,Findlen has taught ESL andEnglish to students as diverse as

officers on U.S. military bases,teachers in Yugoslavia, NativeAmericans in government-spon-sored programs, business execu-tives at a private institute in Parisand grads and undergrads inMissouri and Louisiana. She hasheld staff positions in studentservices at several colleges and as an academic dean and chiefoperating officer at MATC.

Her broad background in edu-cation is responsible for her deepappreciation of a gift she received





For Alumni and Friends of Madison Area Technical College

WINTER 2003•2004

What�’s inside...New Alumni RelationsCoordinator 3

Scholarship Matching Challenge 3

Alumni Profile:Mark Schmitz ’87 4

Alumni Updates 6

Program Profile:Electron Microscopy 8

Special Recognitions 9

Calendar of Events 10

Gift Form and Personal Info Form 11

Dr. Rose Ann Findlen:Building Bridges to the Future

continued on page 2 >

Page 2: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04


from colleagues soon after stepping into her newrole. The gift was a framed photograph of theBrooklyn Bridge by Walter Evans that now hangs in her office. Findlen says it’s a great representationof her philosophy and vision for the college.

“The form and function of great architecturalworks are so melded, so harmonious, that they can-not be effectively separated. The design is elegantand suited to its environment; the engineering com-ponents ensure its functionality. What we need to dohere at MATC is to make sure the underpinnings arein place, so that our students, our community, canwalk across the bridge to the future. We must strivefor quality that will stand the test of time,” she says.

“All the lines of the bridge in the photographseem to converge and that is what I want to seehappen here,” she says. “We have a lot of wonder-ful energy, some great initiatives and projects butsometimes we need a little more work to bringthem together, to create the leverage we need to get to the next level of excellence.”

For example, a joint work team composed ofcollege and high school leaders has developed amission and vision statement for the future of highschool/college interactions and partnering. Thisstatement creates a basic framework to guide theaction plan to be established in the spring semesterand is strategically related to the college’scommitment to access and excellence.

Another instance of this bridge-building activityis the college’s emphasis on using assessment prac-tices to enhance the institution’s quality. ExplainsFindlen, “Beginning with faculty and staff develop-ment sessions at the beginning of fall semester, weare committed to a year-long series of planning andlearning activities to enhance our knowledge andskill in using data and assessment techniques tomake decisions and improve processes.

“We also are establishing basic systems to providestudents the information and guidance they need toachieve their academic goals. Our extensive studentsuccess project will result in assessment and place-ment of students into the appropriate level of math,reading and writing coursework, which will improvethe quality of student learning. It will also provide amore integrated and accessible approach to the manypathways students take at MATC to reach their goals.”

For these and other initiatives, Findlen says, “A master planning design team and an economicdevelopment work team will forward recommenda-tions to create the systems and processes for action planning and implementation at theinstitutional level. The architectural blueprints they provide will lead the way to MATC’s future development as a college. Together, all of MATC’s stakeholders—board members,community members, alumni, staff and studentswill be working with us to create the systems we need to take us into the future.”

Rose Ann Findlen… (continued from page 1)

The Madison Fire Department kicked off its annualOctober activities for National Fire Prevention Monthby donating a fire engine to MATC. City of MadisonMayor Dave Cieslewicz and Fire Chief DebraAmesqua presented the gift to college officials.

Madison Fire Department Donates Fire Engine to MATC Fire Programs

Page 3: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04


MATC has appoint-ed Sarah Fowles asannual giving andalumni relationscoordinator. Ms.Fowles will focuson increasing theMATC Foundation’s$1+ million annualgiving campaign

and growing its alumni relations programs. Fowles’ key objective will be to generate sup-

port for the MATC Foundation from alumni, cur-rent donors, MATC faculty and staff and otherfriends of the college. She also will play a role inhelping link the school’s market-driven learningprograms with the business community by offer-ing companies and organizations the opportunity

MATC Appoints New Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Coordinator

to provide a wide array of scholarships, facilityenhancements and additional support.

Fowles previously worked as developmentofficer for New York University, a privateresearch university located in New York City.She was also a development manager at the LarkTheatre Company in New York City, develop-ment assistant for the Madison Civic Center andcoordinator for Sunday Afternoon Live at theElvehjem at the Elvehjem Museum of Art inMadison, Wisconsin.

Born in Germany and raised in the Midwest,Fowles earned her bachelor’s degree fromGrinnell College (IA) and master’s degree inbusiness from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She lives on Madison’s east side with her husband, Matthew Poulson.

She can be contacted at 608-243-4334 [email protected].

This year donors can double their impact atMATC by making a new or increased gift to the MATC Foundation! On July 1, 2003, theFoundation Board announced a new initiative:All new or increased gifts designated for studentscholarships or the Forward Fund between July1, 2003, and June 30, 2004, will be matcheddollar for dollar.

To date, the MATC Foundation has raisedover $25,000 towards this matching challenge.We need your support! A full 100% of your giftto the MATC Foundation is tax-deductible and100% is used to directly support student scholar-ships and key learning initiatives. No portion ofyour gift is used for administrative expenses.

Join hundreds of other generous donors who,last year alone, funded over 1,000 scholarshipsto deserving and needy students. Our goal forthe 2004–2005 is to provide at least 100 morescholarships to students in critical programs,particularly those studying in the HealthOccupations division. The need for qualifiedpersonnel in the health industry is extreme;MATC is going to meet that need and we needyour support to help us.

Please note, if you contributed to a scholarshipaccount or the Forward Fund last year and increaseyour gift this year, the amount by which your giftincreases will be matched by the Foundation.

MATC Foundation Board Announces $40,000 Scholarship Matching Challenge

Page 4: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04


Mark Schmitz, a 1987 graduate of MATC’sCommercial Arts program, is the owner andcreative director of ZebraDog Studios, a designfirm specializing in visual brand imaging. Clientsinclude Miller Brewing Company, LambeauField, Westin Hotels and Resorts and the 1,500-acre Pabst Farms development near Milwaukee.

He is currently working on several projects,including the logo and accompanying brandgraphics for State Street, Noodles & Companyand Camp Randall Stadium. You may havealready seen the new Lambeau logo and visualimages throughout the entire stadium, from theconcession stands to the stadium restrooms. Keepan eye out for a new look on State Street — hisbrand design will include public signing, kiosks,way-finders and a unique banner program.

Art Graduate Mark Schmitz Designs for Success

SF: What is the story behind the name of your company, ZebraDog?

MS: The formal name of the company is ZDStudios. Ten years ago I was spelling the nameto an insurance agent on the phone and said “Zas in Zebra, D as in Dog.” I thought, “That’s it!”I quickly drew a ZebraDog. Later I took a rubberstamp of a chow-chow and cut zebra stripes in it.Our name is what makes our company fun. It doesn’t mean anything deep or magical.

SF: What inspired you to start your owncompany?

MS: After MATC, I worked at severaladvertising agencies for a few years and wasdisappointed at the lack of focus given to ourclients’ corporate identities, their logo andimage. Most ad agencies don’t specialize inimage development. I wanted to start a businesswhere designers want to work, where the visualwould be the focus and where we would createlong-lasting visual identities. In second grade,my first drawing was displayed in a glass caseoutside my classroom — that’s when I first knewthat I wanted to work with visual graphics.

SF: How would you define branding?MS: Brand development is creating all the

visual and written pieces that are out theredescribing a company’s or entity’s promise.When we create a plan for a visual brand, we’recreating a kind of window to the soul ofthat company or entity. We havegreat allegiance to certainbrands. For example, every-one has their favorite sham-poo. The goal in public andprivate America is to create


Interview by Sarah Fowles

Page 5: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04


equity in brands, whether the brand isMadison’s State Street or a resort hotel. Timeand frequency build a brand. We have to makethings feel authentic.

SF: What is your favorite brand?MS: Volkswagon. It appeals to the

demographic I’m in right now. Their brand isa modern classic and very creative. I also likethe Miller Brewing brand — it’s a very goodvisual brand. I was involved in developing a lot of it, so I have to like it. When I wasyounger, we called Miller beer the “beer of the future.”

SF: Can you describe your inspiration for the new State Street look?

MS: What a tough topic. State Street is thecore of our city, county, state. It ties our great-est academic institution to our greatest politicalinstitution. It’s really difficult to begin creatinga visual brand for that street, which is really adistrict. The State Street Corridor is what we’recalling it. I lived on State Street for six yearswhile trying to get a four-year degree, and Ithink that my inspiration comes from years ofliving on the street, being part of the fabric ofthat street. I wanted to create a timeless icon forthe district.

SF: Can you describe the new look for State Street?

MS: It’s modern classic, art nouveau,contemporary but with a nod to the historicaldistrict that State Street really is. Timeless.We’re finally creating a banner system forState Street that is maintainable and change-able. There also will be a gorgeous lightscape— lighting design is a really big part of this. Itwill be reminiscent of the twinkle lights in the

trees on State Street.Ingrid McMasters was instrumental inhelping to achieve thelightscape; Ken SaikiDesign in the overallstreetscape and visioning.

SF: Can you describe howMATC played a role inyour career?

MS: It wasn’t until Iwent to MATC that Irealized that I could bein this art world at abusiness level. That’swhat MATC really taughtme — how to practice cre-ative talents and get paid for it.I wasn’t the best student. I did a lot of stuff the night before itwas due. I still do. I think I graduated with a 3.7GPA, however. Goodunder pressure!

SF: What advice do you give to 2003graduates of the GraphicDesign program?

MS: Learn how to draw, then, learn how to build a website. Drawing skills are critical. If you cannot pick up a pencil and draw, youcannot be in this industry. You will be busted.Kids in design classes talk about their favoritefilter — it’s all digital stuff. If you’re going tointerview with my studio and you can’t draw,forget it. Drawing and compositional skills arethe keys to success.

Page 6: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04



Nicole Peterson �’03 (LiberalArts) will be attending UW-Milwaukee in the Fall of 2003to study English.

Diana Schramer �’03 (LiberalArts) is currently a full-timestudent at UW-Madison pursu-ing a bachelor’s degree in legalstudies.


Erin Cipra �’02 (InteriorDesign) will attend ArizonaState University in the Springof 2003 to work towards abachelor of arts degree ininterior design.

Kay DeWaide �’02 (HumanServices) works as a familyadvocate for CommunityPartnerships, Inc. and attendsEdgewood College, majoring in art therapy.

Vicki Gullickson �’02 (MedicalCoding) works as an outpatientcoder and data analyst forMeriter Hospital.

Elizabeth (Swenson) Helt �’02(Human Services) had a babyboy and is a homemaker.

Ruth Holden �’02 (Accounting)works as a coordinator forREM of Wisconsin.

Patricia Kranz �’02 is workingpart-time as a line therapist forWisconsin Early Autism Projectand working part-time as afreelance photographer.

Stacey (Lepple) Kuehn �’02(Business Mid-Management)was married on September 14,2002.

April Lee-Pertzborn �’02(Dental Hygienist) was marriedJune 2, 2003, to MarkPertzborn. They live inMadison with their two-yearold daughter Raechell. Sheworks as a registered dentalhygienist with Dental HealthAssociates in Madison.

Katrina Parker �’02 (NursingAssistant) has been working asa personal living assistant forthe Community Living Alliancesince February of 2003.A





Paula Swanson, Motorcycle,Marine, Outdoor PowerProducts, Graduate 2002

Page 7: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04

Matthew Schaalma �’02(Printing and Publishing) worksas a pressman for ConleyPrinting in Beaver Dam.

Kim (Schiltgen) Truog �’02(Dental Hygienist) works as a dental hygienist for Dr. Lord,DDS.

Stacy Zimmer �’02 (DentalAssistant) is a dental assistantand scheduling coordinator withFitchburg Dental Clinic.


Heather Baehmann �’01(Recreation Services) works asa front desk reservationist forClarion Suites in Madison.

Marisa Braun �’01 (Liberal Arts) is pursuing the doctor of naturopathy degree and isworking as an executive/specialevents assistant for UnitedCerebral Palsy in Madison.

Pam Korte �’01 (Nursing) hasworked as a registered nurse atWatertown Hospital sinceMarch of 2001. She is also acharge nurse and preceptor.

Angela Martin �’01 (VeterinaryTechnician) wrote an articletitled “Head of the Class” forthe October 2003 issue of theVeterinary Technician journal, a national publication.

Phillip Savidusky �’01 (VisualCommunications) has beenworking as a desktop publisherat CopyMax in Madison formore than a year. He also hasestablished a freelance videoand graphic design businesscalled Dream Big Productions.His freelance work has beenused in ANEW magazine and he has produced two nationaltelevision commercials.

Jaimi Sheil �’01 (Liberal Arts)will graduate from EdgewoodCollege in December 2003 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology.

Lisa A.Z. Wilson �’01 (NursingAssistant) works as a homehealth aide in Cambridge, WI.


Blair Walker �’00 (Liberal Arts)will finish her bachelor’s degreein anthropology this fall.


Sara Shackelford �’95(Veterinary Technician) wrotean article titled “Surgical ScrubNursing” for the September2003 issue of the VeterinaryTechnician Journal.

We’d love to include your news! Please fill out the formincluded with this newsletter or simply email your news [email protected].


James Garwo,AssociateDegree Nursing,Graduate 1999

Todd Jones,Liberal Studies1998 (currentlyDisabilityResourceSpecialist at MATC)

Page 8: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04


MATC’s Electron Microscopy program is one of only two programs in the nation to offer atwo-year associate of science degree. In the pro-gram, students learn the operation of electronmicroscopes, sample preparation and image inter-pretation for both biological and materials typesof samples. The program has a job placement rateof 99% and starting salaries of $40,000.

Sarah Fowles interviewed Michael Kostrna, lead instructor in Electron Microscopy.

SF: What is an electron microscope?MK: An electron microscope uses a beam ofelectrons, instead of light, to magnify a biologi-cal or material specimen. To give you an idea ofhow powerful electron microscopes are, we canmagnify a specimen a million times or more.

SF: How many students are currently enrolled in the program?MK: We currently have 30 students in theprogram between the first and second year.

SF: Which companies are the primary employersof your graduates?MK: There are many local employers, includingthe UW, Alfalight, Endpoint and ImagoScientific Instruments. Many of our graduateswork for computer chip manufacturers, such asMicron Semiconductor, Motorola, IBM, Inteland Texas Instruments. Graduates who choose towork with biological materials often work formajor research hospitals and clinics.

SF: Can you share some alumni success stories?MK: Sure. One student, a 30-year-old male,entered the program after six years in the armywith no background in science. After his first yearin the program he got a summer internship atArgonne National Lab in Illinois, where he made

Electron Microscopy: The World Up Close

a favorable impression. During his last semester,Advanced Micro Devices flew him to Austin,Texas, for an interview and offered him a jobpaying $50,000 per year. However, Argonne wasso impressed with him that a new governmentposition was created for him and they offered him $54,500 per year to work on a new nanotech-nology project. He took Argonne’s offer.

Another student, an older female, entered theprogram with a background in ecology. She didvery well in both the biological and materialsaspect of the program and served as a mentor foryounger students. Upon graduation, through ourcontacts at Duke University, a new position inthe field of infectious diseases was opened upfor her at the Center for Disease Control inAtlanta.

continued on page 10 >


Page 9: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04


Foundation Honors Three Faculty Members

The MATC Foundation honored three facultymembers during the college’s spring commence-ment ceremony on May 17, 2003. Englishinstructor Sonja Hansard-Weiner, Spanishinstructor Jo Ann (Jody) Thrush Withers andAccounting/Business instructor Mark Fingereach received the Distinguished Teacher Award for 2003.

Dr. Simone’s Legacy

Dr. Simone’s “Legacy ofGrowth” was celebrated with aspecial reception for communi-ty leaders on October 21 at theMadison Club. Over 150 atten-dees enjoyed music providedby members of the MadisonSymphony Orchestra and a

video presentation developed by MaureenKennedy of Boelter & Lincoln Communicationsof Madison. A tribute fund, “The Beverly S.Simone Fund for Staff Development” wasestablished in the MATC Foundation to promotelearning and leadership development opportuni-ties for faculty and staff members. Over $12,000in gifts has been received to date.

BPAC Helps Businesses Garner $132 Millionin Government Contracts

In September, the United States Department ofDefense awarded MATC a grant for $348,054, a 65% increase over last year, to provideWisconsin businesses free technical and market-ing services to help them compete for govern-ment contracts. The grant issued to MATCcontinues the efforts of the college’s BusinessProcurement Assistance Center (BPAC). BPAChelped Wisconsin businesses earn more than$132 million in government contracts during the 2002–2003 fiscal year.

English Instructor’s Book Begins a Fly Fishing Mystery Series

English teacher John Galligan published TheNail Knot, the first installment in the Ned OglivieFly Fishing mystery series, in October. He is alsothe author of Red Sky and Red Dragonfly. Hewas a presenter at the Wisconsin Book Festival,which took place in October in Madison. Copies of The Nail Knot are available; also at Barnes &Noble, Borders, and

Recent MATC Honors and Awards


Sonja Hansard-Weiner

Dr. Beverly Simone

Jo Ann (Jody)Thrush Withers

Mark Finger

Page 10: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04

Calender of EventsJanuary 27, 2004 Live broadcast of nationally recognized Patch Adams,

“Having Fun Working for Peace, Justice and Care,” 6 p.m., Truax campus, Room TBA. FREE. Call 608-243-4334 forreservations. Please note this is a broadcast of a live talk — Patch Adams will not be at MATC in person.

April 29, 2004 Annual Scholarship and Alumni Awards Breakfast, 7:30–9:00 a.m.

May 15, 2004 MATC Commencement. Alliant Energy Center Veterans MemorialColiseum, 10 a.m.

May 17, 2004 H. Douglas Redsten Golf Classic IX. Call 608-243-4334 for more information.


SF: What are two challengesfacing MATC’s electronmicroscopy program?MK: Attracting students tothe program and finding themoney necessary to buyequipment. A new transmission electronmicroscope, which can mag-nify small samples a milliontimes or more and producetwo-dimensional images,costs $250,000. A new scan-ning electron microscope,which can magnify sampleshalf a million times and produce stunning three-dimensional images, costs $150,000.

SF: What advice would you give to someoneinterested in entering this field?MK: People entering the field of electronmicroscopy should have a strong interest inscience, good observational skills, written andoral communications skills and the patience

and physical ability to perform small scale,detailed procedures. Should someone be interest-ed in attending MATC’s electron microscopyprogram, class attendance and good social skillsare strong requirements.

For more information about the program, visit

Electron Microscopy… (continued from page 8)

Page 11: MATC Alumni Foundation Newsletter Winter 2003-04

I would like my tax-deductible gift to apply to:

! Forward Fund: scholarships, innovation growth and special projects

! One of the following divisions or campuses:

! I am interested in endowing a scholarship. Please contact me.

! I would like information about including MATC in my will. Please contact me.

! Other, please describe: ______________________



Make a Gift

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Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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Years of attendance at MATC _______________________ Year(s) of graduation ________________________________

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Send Us Your Contact Information and Class Notes

Did you recently start a new job? Get promoted? Achieve a career goal you are proud of? Get married? Have your first (or second or third, etc.) baby? We would love to publish your special news in Profiles, MATC’s alumni publication. Please share any news or comments in the space below.






You may mail your form and payment to us at MATCFoundation, 3550 Anderson St., Madison, WI 53704. You may also call us to make a credit card payment at 608-246-6294. You will receive an acknowledgement letter that provides your tax-deduction receipt for IRS purposes.

Amount:$ ! $25 (Donation amount suggested to join Alumni Association)

! $100 ! $300 ! $650! $1,000 ! $5,000

! Other $ ________________________________

I will make this gift in:! A single payment, OR ! Multiple payments.! Please contact me to discuss arrangements.

Payment Method: ! VISA/MASTERCARD! Discover! Personal Check (mailed to

MATC Foundation, 3550 Anderson St., Madison, WI 53704)

Credit Card # _______________________________

Expiration Date (Month/Year) __________________

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Want more information?See the MATC Foundation web pages on the MATC Website. Go to and under “Community Resources,” click on “Alumni and Friends.” Or call the Alumni and Foundation Office at (608) 246-6441.

Writer: Sarah Fowles

Graphic Design: Meri Annin and Amy Kittleson

Contributing Writer: Robert Dinndorf

Proofreader/Support Work: Robin Gee, Janet Kelly

Alumni Association Coordinator: Sarah Fowles, (608) [email protected]

Curious about how the WolfPack teams are doing? The MATC Athletics Department has unveiled a newwebsite design at Check the website regularly for game information, the latest scores, and special events.

MATCWolfPack Athletics