masthead font styles (3)

Music Magazine Masthead Font Styles

Upload: chris238

Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Music Magazine – Masthead Font Styles

Masthead Font Styles

Font Name: Marsneveneksk

This is a font I think is truly fit for purpose for a rap magazine because it has a effect on the audience of catching their eye through the stereotypical graffiti look of the font. As well as this it’s a complex design which I like although it is quite difficult to read.

The denotation of the font style that is chosen for my magazine title is Marsnevenksk and I believe it is an audience eye catcher as well as appealing to the desired target demographic. This font style connotes a lot of attitude which is a symbol which the rap genre in particular adopts and likes put across to their target audience.

Masthead Font Styles

Font Name: Amsterdam Graffiti

The denotation of the font style that is chosen for my magazine title is Amsterdam Graffiti and I believe it is an audience eye catcher as well as appealing to the desired target demographic. This font style connotes a lot of attitude which is what a stereotypical rap magazine looks to do and puts across to the target audience a sense of rebelliousness. In comparison to VIBE’s style the Amsterdam Graffiti portrays a more wavy look to it and so not as fit for purpose but due to the colour scheme used in both they give off a similar effect.

Masthead Font Styles

Font Name: Next Ups

The denotation of the font style that is chosen for my magazine title is Next Ups and I believe it is an audience eye catcher as well as appealing to the desired target demographic. This font style connotes a lot of attitude which is a clear symbol which is expressed through rap music in its entirety and put across to their target audience a good representation of the genre.

Masthead Font Styles

Font Name: Philly Sans

The denotation of the font style that is chosen for my magazine title is Philly Sans and I believe it is an audience eye catcher as well as appealing to the desired target demographic. This font style connotes a lot of attitude which I like and is a key feature when it comes to representing the rap genre and puts across to the target audience a representation that it stands out from the crowd. In comparison XXL has a similar font style to Philly Sans although Philly Sans has more definition on the letters but XXL looks more fit for purpose as the font edges are straighter.

Masthead Font Style –

Final Choice

I have decided that the most applicable for my rap genre magazine was the font style Next Ups. I have chosen this style because it is a font that expresses a lot of attitude which is a key for a rap magazine so it can appeal to the target audience. As well as this it is key for the font to be easy to read so it can establish brand recognition which it does. Most people in my survey agreed that the black and white contrast was the best colours to go for because it definitively connotes the sense attitude put across by the colour which be the same as the house style red, white and black for continuity purposes. The masthead will be placed at the top and in the centre of the front cover so it can stand out to the readers. Although this font style isn’t as slick as XXL or VIBE but it is still fit for purpose I believe to be the masthead for my magazine.