
AMPLIFY AMPLIFY I have decided to use this font from ‘Dafont’ on the cover of my music magazine as I feel like it fits my genre well. It has a very rebellious look and this is something that reflects the punk rock genre. Using the colour black for my masthead will attract the attention of my audience as it is very bold, it will also attract attention as it is in capital letters. I attempted to change the colours to incorporate red although have not decided to add anymore colour to my masthead as I feel that it will not go well with my front cover ideas. I think that this masthead looks very informal and gives indication of what is going to be featured in the magazine.

Upload: heatherjanew

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Masthead


AMPLIFY I have decided to use this font from ‘Dafont’ on the cover of my music magazine as I feel like it fits my genre well. It has a very rebellious look and this is something that reflects the punk rock genre. Using the colour black for my masthead will attract the attention of my audience as it is very bold, it will also attract attention as it is in capital letters. I attempted to change the colours to incorporate red although have not decided to add anymore colour to my masthead as I feel that it will not go well with my front cover ideas. I think that this masthead looks very informal and gives indication of what is going to be featured in the magazine.