mastering the new pr: tips for today and tomorrow

Mastering the New PR: Tips for Today AND Tomorrow CNW Evolving Communications – Vancouver – April 16, 2015

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Mastering the New PR: Tips for Today AND Tomorrow

CNW Evolving Communications – Vancouver – April 16, 2015

Our Agenda for the Morning

•  What is the New PR? •  Tips for Mastering the New PR

1.  Optimize Your Social Platforms 2.  Create Awesome Social Content 3.  Promote Your Social Content 4.  Measure Your Impact 5.  Improve Your Organization’s Social Process

•  Your Questions

What is the New PR? An evolved communication model. It’s a process rather than an event.

•  Dialogue rather than a monologue

•  Listening is an essential component

•  As is action – actually doing something in a public forum

What is the New PR? •  Messages achieve

velocity more quickly than we’re used to

•  Everyone (individuals and corporations) has an equal opportunity for amplification

•  Platforms are varied and constantly evolving

Optimize Your Social Platforms

Optimize Your Social Platforms

Social platforms are evolved on someone else’s development road map à get familiar with that road map, or at least the resultant functionality. •  Use them as a participant •  Make sure the “profile” is filled out completely

and is up to date •  Start following the official blog of your platforms •  Stay up to date on image/visual standards

Create Awesome Social Content

Put a picture of awesome social

content here

Create Awesome Social Content

Are you creating interesting, compelling, funny content that your audience WANTS to consume? Are you encouraging and rewarding interaction? •  Give some social recognition to your audience •  Use interesting imagery •  Check your tone •  Use an editorial calendar, ideally an

organization-wide editorial calendar •  Become a good photographer •  Practice content excavation

Promote Your Social Content

Promote Your Social Content

Are you telling your audiences that you are on social? Are you using traditional channels to promote new channels? Can they verify official accounts? Can they find you? •  Put them in your email signatures •  Put them at the end of videos •  Put them everywhere •  Use them in press releases (especially if you’re

using #hashtags that you want to catch on) •  List them on your website (in a findable place)

Measure Your Impact

Measure Your Impact

Do you know what your important metrics are? Are you reviewing them regularly? •  Define what you want your social media to do

for you •  Create a shared metrics dashboard with other

departments •  Host a “measurement week”

Improve Social Process

Social Media

Who Owns Social Media?

Improve Your Organization’s Social Process

Do you have social media standards in your organization? What is your governance policy? What is your social media usage policy? Are you ready for a crisis? •  Start using an enterprise-level social media

management tool •  Start a weekly editorial meeting •  Create a shared asset resource library •  Develop a social media crisis plan

