master builder magazine - december 2014-january 2015

December 2014/January 2015 m aste r b uilder Gold Coast Hospital reaches new heights S S S S St t t t t t t t t t t t a a a a a a a a a a at t t t t t t t t t t te e e e e e e e e e e e e a an n n n n n n n n n n n n n nd d d d d d d d N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Na a a a a a a a a a at t t t t t t t t ti i i i i i i i i i io o o o o o o o o o o on n n n n n n n n n n n n na a a a a a a a a a al l l l l l l l l l l l A A A A A A A A w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w wa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ar r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rd d d d d d d d d ds s w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w wi i i i i i i i n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nn n n n n n n n n n n n ne e e e e e e e e e e e e e er r r r r r r r r r r r r rs s s s s s s s s s s s s A A A A A A A A A A A A An n n n n n n n n n n n n n n a a a a a a a a a a a a ad d d d d d d d d d d d dv v v v v v v v ve e e e e e en n n n n n nt t t t t t t t t t t t t tu u u u u u u u u u u u u u r r r r r r r r re e e e e e e o o o o o o of f A A A A A A A A An n n n n n n n n n n n n n nt t t t t t t ta a a ar r r r r rc c c c c c c c c ct t t t t t t t t ti i i i i i i i i ic c c c c c c c c p p p p p p pr r r r r r r ro o o o o o o o o o o op p p p p p p p or r r rt t t t t t t ti i i io o o o o o o o on n n n ns s C C Ch h hr ri i is s st tm ma as s c c c c c cl l l lo o o o o o os s s s s s s s s s s s s s se e e e e e e e e e e ed d d d d d d do o ow wn n B B B B B BC C C C CI I I I IP P P P P A A A A A & & & & & Q Q Q Q Q QB B B B B BC C C C C CC C C C C C c c c ch h h ha a a an n ng g ge es s s

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volume 52 number 3


  • December 2014/January 2015


    Gold Coast Hospital

    reaches new heights

    SSSSStttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeee aannnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddd NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll AAAAAAAAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddss wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssss

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn aaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddvvvvvvvvveeeeeeennnnnnnttttttttttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeee oooooooff AAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttaaaarrrrrrccccccccccttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiccccccccc ppppppprrrrrrrrooooooooooooppppppppppporrrrttttttttiiiiooooooooonnnnnss

    CCChhhrriiisssttmmaass ccccccllllooooooossssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddooowwnn


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    *RTO 30097. Eligibility criteria apply. T&Cs apply. #Limited funding available on some courses where eligible.


  • december 14/january 15 [ 1 ] mb




    volume 52 NUMBER 3

    Published by

    Master Builders Queensland417 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane Queensland 4000Phone: 3225 6444Fax: 3225 6545Email: [email protected]

    Editor: Christine Buzzard,[email protected] Design: Paula Morphew, [email protected] Advertising: Ken Lane, Crowther Blayne MediaSpecialists, 5553 2804,[email protected]: PrintcraftDistribution: Stand and Deliver

    Master Builder is the offi cial magazine of rMaster Builders Queensland. Master Builders is thepeak industry association representing buildingand construction in Queensland since 1882. We are the voice of the industry. Our services support members to operate professional and profi tablebusinesses that deliver superior quality outcomes to their customers.

    All advertising and editorial material must adhereto the Master Builders Advertising & EditorialPolicy. A copy of the policy can be found at

    Privacy: Master Builders Queensland has adoptedthe Australian Privacy Principles published by theoffi ce of the Australian Information Commissionerand operates in accordance with those principles.A copy of Master Builders privacy policy can befound at

    Disclaimer: Any advice or information included inthe publication is given in good faith, but strictlyon the understanding that neither Master Buildersnor the Editor or any other person or organisationcontributing to the publication are to incur any responsibility or legal liability whatsoever (including liability for negligence) should theadvice or information be incorrect, incomplete, inappropriate or in any other way defective and allliability is therefore disclaimed. Articles publishedin this magazine do not necessarily refl ect the opinions or policies of Master Builders, its offi cers and staff .

    This publication is copyright. No part of it may bereproduced, copied, stored on a computer, published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication,or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium without prior permission from the Queensland Master Builders Association.

    Christmas closedown11 Preparing for Christmas


    11 2015 RDO and public holidays

    Housing & Construction Awards13 State winners

    20 #mbawards photo competition

    22 National winners

    Reports & statistics26 Survey of Industry Conditions

    28 Building approvals

    Employment & wages29 New campaign to help

    workers understand their


    Health, safety & environment30 OHS Accreditation Scheme


    32 What causes rising damp?

    Laws, codes & regulations

    36 BCIPA changes

    Tradies corner

    38 Cert IV receives thumbs up

    39 Take your career to the next


    Building & planning

    50 How to avoid using non-

    conforming wood products

    People & events

    56 Did your photo make it in?

    Member benefi ts

    61 Dont lose your grip this


    62 Treat yourself this Christmas

    Front cover: State Project of the Year and Health & Education Facilities over $250 million Lend Lease Building Pty Ltd, Gold Coast University Hospital







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  • december 14/january 15 [ 3 ] mb

    As we take our annual look at 2014 and the year that has been, it is ironic that we are refl ecting on a period that has been all about looking to the future.

    2014 has been an exciting year for MasterBuilders. Not only have we been busy leadingour industry out of one of the toughest periodsin history, as an association we have spent time developing and implementing renewed vision, strategic priorities and values, as wellas making some long-term investments inkey products and services that will ensure we remain relevant and useful to industry.

    My focus has been on giving the organisation a new lease on life with the implementation of a new strategic plan that focuses on three coreareas of value, accountability and growth. Imof the mindset that these values impact all of our members from the top tier 1 commercialbuilders, right through to mum and dad subcontractors. I also believe these values help us to off er a more effi cient, fi ne-tuned and responsive organisation that is better equipped to serve you and your businessesinto the future. We intend to be around for along time yet!

    So, it makes sense that long-term investment in the future has been a key area of focus for us this year. During the past year weve invested heavily in some key products and services 11new training programs, new products withinour eDocs system, including the launch of Residential WHS Management Plans, and aturbo-charged events program that will keepyou informed and up-to-date wherever you arelocated in Queensland.

    Grant GalvinExecutive Director

    Message from theExecutive Director

    2014: a year of looking to the future

    However, we havent just been busy working behind the scenes. As usual, our role as lobbyist hascontinued and weve been working with government departments, like the Attorney Generalsoffi ce and the Department of Housing & Public Works, to secure some signifi cant wins for theindustry.

    We have welcomed some strongly fought for reforms, including:

    Retention of the home warranty scheme

    Introduction of a disputes resolution process, and

    Maintaining our comprehensive licensing system.

    For the commercial sector, the announcement of new right of entry work health and safetylaws was perhaps one of the biggest wins in the last three years. Those of you who work in thecommercial space will also attest to the positive results that have come from changes to workers compensation, the QLeave levy reduction and changes to BCIPA.

    Another favourable outcome has been concessions to the state government capital worksprograms and contracts. We have lobbied hard against a system that previously played one contractor off against the other a process that could lead to corruption and unfair practices. Weve spent a lot of time working with the Department of Housing & Public Works to develop arobust and redesigned process that is much fairer to all.

    After refl ecting for a moment, now well start looking forward to 2015 and what the year will holdfor the industry. I wish all members, and the building industry generally, a merry Christmas and safe holiday period. The Master Builders team will be back in the new year, rested and well placed to continue to support your business on numerous levels and with a renewed suite of productsand services in place that give you the support you need.

  • mb b [ 4 ] december 14/january 15

    Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) licensees could save thousands of dollars a year thanks to changes by the Queensland Government.

    Among the changes are higher thresholds for self-certifi cation, discounted three year licence options, and an early dispute resolution model to help keep disputes out of the Queensland Civiland Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) wherever possible.

    For the fi rst time since 2006, the limits for self-certifi cation categories have increased. Revenuelimits have doubled to $200,000 for trade contractors only and $600,000 for entry-level builders.

    These changes mean licensees in those categories will no longer have to go through the expense of providing fi nancial statements every time they renew their licence. These changes are

    Tim ManderMinister for Housing

    and Public Works


    Builders set to savelikely to save contractors around $3,000 per year.

    We are also updating the licensing system to allow licences to be renewed every three yearsinstead of annually. Those who opt to do threeyear renewals will receive a 17% discount.

    There will also now be a free, mandatory mediation process within the QBCC to help licensees and consumers resolve disputes. This process is a win for all involved as it saves both parties from going to the expense of getting legal advice and then fi ghting the matter in the QCAT. An early trial of this process has been operating since July with most disputes being processed within 15 days, as opposed to an average of 28 weeks in QCAT.

    We have also recently released a discussion paper outlining proposed reforms to boost better payment outcomes for subcontractors. The paper can be viewed and feedback provided through the QBCC website at

    These measures deliver on the LNPGovernments strong plan to overhaulsupervision of the building and constructionindustry in Queensland and provide signifi cant benefi ts to both contractors and consumers.

  • Verify.(verb.) To ascertain the truth or correctness of, as by examination, research.

    Visit to help manage your steel product compliance risks.

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  • mb [ 6 ] december 14/january 15

    Behind the scenes of CSQs new social media campaign

    Take the Queensland apprenticeship pledge

    The Tradie Vs campaign brings together teams from Thompson Building Group, McNab and WorldSkills Queensland to compete against each other in four construction-based challenges think Myth Busters meets The Block.

    Teams test their ability to work together and problem solve as they race against the clock with only the tools provided.

    A TV production crew has fi lmed the challenges, which have been promoted across social media, and industry is encouraged to view and share the videos.

    In the Tradie Vs Tropical Storm challenge the teams were tasked with building the ultimate port-a-loo, one that can withstand high winds and tropical storm conditions.

    The teams used their skills to come up with three unique loo designs, with comfort and style in mind (magazine rack anyone?). In an entertaining twist, a giant wind machine and water cannon are fi red up and the loos are put to the test, with devastating results!

    The other three challenges are equally entertaining; Tradie Vs Gravity, Tradie Vs Brute Force and Tradie Vs Football, which really kept the team rivalry going.

    The campaign is a great reminder to have a laugh and enjoy what we do. No day is the same in our industry and you never quite know what youll turn your hand to next!

    View the Tradie Vs videos at

    CSQs new video series is helping to promote the building and construction industry as a career of fi rst choice.


    The Queensland Government is asking employers to consider making a pledge to employ additional apprentices with those that do eligible for incentive payments of up to $6,000 for each additional apprentice they employ and retain.

    With building industry growth expected to continue in 2015, apprentices have never been more important.

    Will you consider pledging? Visit the Department of Education, Training and Employments website for more information at

  • december 14/january 15 [ 7 ] mb

    Merry Christmasfrom Master BuildersMaster Builders wishes you and your family a safe and happy festive season. Thank you for your continued support in 2014. We look forward to working with you in 2015.

    Offi ce closuresAAlAllll MMaaMaststerererer BBuuuiuildderers s offioffi ceess acacrorosssssssss QQQQueueueueenenenslslanaandd wiwillll cccllolosese oooovevevev r r ththe e ChChhC ririristststmamaass s bbbrb eak frrromommommo nnnnnnoooooooo n onon TTueuesdsdayayay, , 22222323 DDDDecece emembbeber 2020144. OffiOOffiOffiOffiffiffi ccececessss wiwiwiwiw lllll rrrreoeoeoeopepepep nnnn asasasas fof llows::

    Master Builders offi ce Reopening date

    Monday, 5 January

    Gold Coast Monday, 5 January

    Downs & Western Monday, 5 January

    Sunshine Coast Monday, 5 January

    Burnett Wide Bay Monday, 12 January

    Central Queensland Monday, 5 January

    Mackay & Whitsunday Monday, 5 January

    North Queensland Monday, 5 January

    Far North Queensland Monday, 5 January

    MaMaMaMaMaMaMMMaMaMaMaMM stststststststststssteerereeererreer BBBBBBBB iuiuiuiuiilddldldldddeeerrrreree sss s InI surance wiwillll rememaiainn opopopenen thhrrououghghouout ththe e hohoolliidadadayyyyyypppppeeppepepepeeriririririrrioododdddodo ((((((eeexexexxexxexexeexxccecececceceptpptptt fforo pubublilicc hohohooholilidadaaysysys)) ) whwhw erere evevevveeer youo aarer aaror uuunndd AuAuAAA sttraaraaliliaa, cccacacaaaacacaccaaccallllllllll MMMMMMMMMMMMMaaaaaasasassaaasaasastteteer r BuBuilldederss IInsnsuuuurrrrrruu anannnnananancececececececc ooonnnn 131131 000000 11333 1333311 226 and sos mem oonne e wiwiiwiw lllllll bbbeeeavaavavvvvvvvvavvaiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaia llalaaalalaaaaaabbbbbllblee toto aansnswewer r yoyoyouururrr ccccccalallallalalala ll l llll dududuudududd riririr ngngngng ooooffiffiffi ffi ffi ffi fficcccee eeee hhoohooh ururuu s.

    LeLeLeLeararnnn n momomomommoorerereerrere aaaaaabobobobobobob ututu ppprerrepapariringg yyyoouou aandnddndd yyyyyouoououo r r r r bubububussisis neneenn ssssss ffforor tthehe hhhololololliididdaayy ppeeeeririririoododddodd iiiiiinnn n nnn ouououuurrr rr rrr ddedededeeed didiid cateteted Chririssttmas s clclosso edededowowown n n ses ctc ioioonn ononoono pppppagagagageee 1111.


  • mb b [ 8 ] december 14/january 15

    Repeal of the Domestic Building Contracts Act in Queensland

    The Bill will repeal the Domestic BuildingContracts Act 2000 (Qld) (DBC Act) and replaceit with new provisions in the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1994 (Qld) (QBCC Act) that will regulate thecontractual requirements for domestic buildingwork in Queensland.

    The reforms are similar to the system currentlyin place in New South Wales, with the commencement date to be 1 March 2015.

    The Bill includes other amendments tothe QBCC Act that refl ect the QueenslandGovernments ongoing reform agenda. Changes in the Bill that relate to domesticbuilding contracts are outlined here.

    Domestic Building ContractA domestic building contract, as defi ned in the Bill, is a contract for the performance of

    domestic building work, which includes:

    The erection or construction of detacheddwellings

    Renovation, alteration, extension, improvement or repair of a home

    Removal or resiting work for a detacheddwelling

    The installation of a kit home at a buildingsite.

    The Bill includes kit home installation asdomestic building work, which was notspecifi cally the subject of regulation in theformer DBC Act. Kit homes include garagesand carports.

    Consistent with the former DBC Act, the Billexcludes from a domestic building contract:

    Contracts between contractors andsubcontractors

    Contracts for the construction of two ormore detached dwellings.

    Level 1 and Level 2 Regulated ContractsThe Bill introduces two levels of domesticbuilding contracts. The levels are essentially monetary limits, based on the value of thedomestic building work being performed.

    Diff ering degrees of regulation apply basedon whether the contract is a Level 1 or Level 2 regulated contract. The diff erences include:

    General provisions that must be includedin the domestic building contract more

    On 16 October 2014 the Queensland Government approved the Queensland Building and Construction Commission and Other Legislation Bill 2014 (the Bill).

    NewsCraig Sawford CBP Lawyers

    onerous provisions apply to Level 2 contracts

    In respect of a Level 2 contract, requiringthat the contract schedule contains inprominent positions, details of the price,method of calculating the price and warnings regarding price change provisions

    The maximum deposits that can be sought 10% for Level 1 contracts, 5% for Level 2 contracts and 20% if greater than 50% of the work involves works performed off site

    The documents that must be provided bythe contractor to the owner for example, plans and specifi cations and the consumerinformation guide.

    Both Level 1 and Level 2 regulated contracts must be in written form, dated and signed by both parties to have eff ect. That is, the contractwill not be binding nor enforceable by anyparty until this requirement is met.

    Non-compliance with the other formalrequirements is an off ence and the contractor is not permitted to commence work until they are complied with.

    Although the monetary limits for the levelshave not been set by regulation, it is expected that the limits will be:

    Level 1 regulated contracts above $3,300but below $20,000, and

    Level 2 regulated contracts $20,000 and above.

    Other areas of reformImportantly, unlike the former DBC Act, the Bill does not seek to regulate:

    Cost plus contracts that were essentiallyoutlawed under the former DBC Act

    The formal requirements of cost escalation clauses

    Disclosure of calculable and incalculabledelays

    The basis for recovery of variations wherethe contractor has not complied with the formal provisions regarding variations

    The fi tness for purpose implied warranty

    The owners right to end the contract if price increase by greater than 15% or thework is not completed within 1.5 times theconstruction period

  • december 14/january 15 [ 9 ] mb




    The Master BuildersPreferred Subaru Dealers

    FoFoFor r r pepepersrsrsonononalalal aaattttttenenentititiononon cccalala lll ououour r r exexexpepeeririienenenceceddd FlFlF eeeee ttt && CoCCorppororatate e teteamammm:Peter Virgo on 0417 116 565 - [email protected] Shenelle Clout on 0466 908 565 - [email protected]

    Display home implied conditions

    Rights of access to the building site for owners.

    Areas not previously regulated under the DBCAct but now regulated in the Bill include:

    Extensions of time requiring thecontractor to provide the owner with an extension of time notice within tenbusiness days of becoming aware of thecause and the extent of the delay and that the owner approves the claim in writing before the contractor can rely on the extension of time claim

    Limiting actions relying on the impliedwarranties to one year in the case of non-structural defects

    Giving the contractor a defence to a claim by an owner who is relying on the impliedwarranties if the owner has not givenreasonable access to the contractor to rectifythe defi ciencies the subject of the claim

    The requirement to pay additional premiums under the Home Warranty Insurance Scheme in respect of variations resulting in an increase in the contractprice of more than $5,000

    Removing the requirement for a contractorto obtain foundations data before enteringinto the contract in circumstances wherethe contractor cannot lawfully enter the site and the contract includes a guarantee that there will be no increase to thecontract price because of foundations data

    The requirement of the contractor to givethe owner a commencement notice withinten business days of starting work on site.

    The QBCC will also be producing a ConsumerInformation Guide that will replace the former contract information statement.

    The requirement to provide the consumerinformation guide is limited to Level 2 regulated contracts only.

    The Bill removes the ability for contractors(including industry bodies) for their ownversions of the consumer information guide tobe approved by the QBCC.

    Moving forwardThe amendments in the Bill will require allcurrent standard form contracts for domesticbuilding work to be reviewed and redrafted.

    In respect of contracts where the contract price

    is less than $20,000, they will be signifi cantlyless lengthy given that the consumerinformation guide is not required to begiven and the removal of some of the formalrequirements that were required to comply with the former DBC Act.

    Some of the changes are a win for contractors, including the removal of the restrictionsregarding recovery of variations, cost pluscontracts, foundations data and cost escalation provisions.

    It is likely that the removal of the restrictionson cost plus contracts will result in an increase in litigation given that cost plus contractingis often the source of disputes betweencontractors and owners.

    The reforms are largely positive and remove some of the areas that were unnecessary and problematic under the former DBC Act.

    Changes have also been made to the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act, whichyou can read more about on page 50.

    For more information about changes to the QBCC, visit

  • mb b [ 10 ] december 14/january 15

    Time is running out for asbestos qualifi cations

    If you remove more than 10m of non-friable asbestos youre required to renew your qualifi cationsby 31 December 2014 if you dont renew prior to the deadline, dont expect to work in asbestos removal in 2015 until you have.

    With the process of renewing your qualifi cations and having your new licence issued taking up tosix weeks, now is the time to book your place in an Asbestos Worker Program course so you dontmiss out on work opportunities in the new year. There are only a handful of course dates left torun in 2014 in Queensland, so dont delay, book your place now!

    In a win-win for industry, Master Builders has also secured Asbestos Worker Program funding,which can save building and construction industry workers $225 and help them meet the end of year deadline. The funding from Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) is a helping hand for anybuilding industry workers; however, places are limited.

    For more information or to confi rm availability and your eligibility for funding, call 1300 13 60 02, email [email protected] or visit

    The deadline for updating essential asbestos qualifi cations is now only weeks away if you currently work in asbestos removal, you must update your qualifi cations to continue to work legally in this space in 2015.



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  • december 14/january 15 [ 11 ] mb

    Preparing for Christmas festivities

    If youre planning a Christmas function, remember that an employer may be held vicariously liable for the actions of their employees. This may result in action being taken against an employer for harassment, WorkCover or other employment and/or workplace health and safety related claims.

    Here are a few simple tips for workplace functions:

    Comply with your workplace drug and alcohol policy

    Prior to the function make sure that employees are aware of what is considered appropriate behaviour and that incidences of fi ghting, bullying, off ensive language and sexual harassment will not be tolerated

    Remind employees that the function is deemed a work event and employees

    are subject to the usual disciplinary procedures

    Ensure there are clear start and fi nish times for the function

    Only serve alcohol for a limited time and ensure there are plenty of soft drinks, low strength beer and lots of food and water available

    If employees are attending a work-related Christmas function, then it is the employers responsibility to ensure that they are able to return home safely, so you may need to consider giving staff cab vouchers, hiring mini buses or nominating drivers, etc.

    Make sure you meet health and safety obligations, not only for your employees but also for contractors, guests and entertainers (if they are in attendance)

    With Christmas just around the corner, employers need to ensure that workplace health and safety issues dont put a dampener on the festive season.

    Christmas closedownMikki Richardson Senior Workplace Relations Adviser

    A supervisor or manager should be in attendance at the function at all times. They should signal when the function is fi nished

    Avoid functions where drinking is on site, in construction work areas, or venues where there is no alternative transport or inappropriate entertainment is supplied.

    Remember to have fun, but not at other peoples expense.

    For more information, contact Master Builders on 3225 6407 or email [email protected]

    RDOs 2015

    Monday 5 January

    Monday 2 February

    Monday 2 March

    Monday 30 March

    Monday 27 April

    Monday 25 May

    Monday 22 June

    Monday 20 July

    Monday 17 August

    Monday 14 September

    Monday 12 October

    Monday 9 November

    Monday 7 December

    Public Holidays 2015

    New Years Day Thursday, 1 January

    Australia Day Monday, 26 January

    Good Friday Friday, 3 April

    Easter Saturday Saturday, 4 April

    Easter Monday Monday, 6 April

    Anzac Day Saturday, 25 April

    Queens Birthday Monday, 8 June

    Exhibition Day (Brisbane only) Wednesday, 12 August

    Labour Day Monday, 5 October

    Christmas Day Holiday Friday, 25 December

    Boxing Day Holiday Monday, 28 December

    New Years Day Friday, 1 January 2016

    2015 RDO & public holidays calendar

    Fast fact: Jingle Bells was the fi rst song sung in space.

  • mb b [ 12 ] december 14/january 15

    Preparing your building site for wet weather

    In order to prepare your building sites for the likelihood of wet weather you should be implementing the following actions to minimise erosion and sediment control impacts.

    Examples of good practice1. Minimise disturbance Keep any earthworks to a minimum and maintain as much grass,

    mulch, gravel or erosion control blanket as possible, especially towards the edges of the works.

    2. Stabilise your access Maintain access points and haulage roads with rock to minimise the amount of material tracked onto public roads.

    3. Install sediment fences Install and regularly maintain silt fences on the downward slopes of the site. On steeper slopes several silt fences may be required to reduce the sediment fl ow.

    4. Divert up-slope water Install diversion drains or speed bumps which can direct any cleanup-slope water away from the works, or water within the works, to other areas where access occurs regularly.

    5. Clean up litter and waste Regularly clean the work area to ensure that rubbish and othermaterials are not transported outside the works in the winds or water fl ow.

    6. Designate wet trades area On larger sites, locate trades and clean-up areas away from areas where it is likely that the water can enter the stormwater system. This water ends up in ourcreeks and streams and can cause signifi cant damage to fl ora and fauna. If the washout wateris being discharged to the sewer, check with your local council about obtaining a Trade Waste Permit.

    7. Ensure stockpiles of material are kept behind silt fences Keep stockpiles protected from being transported by wind and water by erecting silt fences or surrounding them by a bund,and where necessary cover them in waterproof sheeting.

    What are some of the impacts?By not adequately preparing your site, major sources of stormwater pollution can occur and cause:

    Damage to the work area caused by high-fl owing water

    Signifi cant harm to the environment through sediment loading and muddy water fl owing intolocal catchments

    Blocking of local council drains through sediment build up

    Flooding of neighbouring properties due to blocked drains in front of the site

    Possible breaches of local and state laws, leading to signifi cant infringement costs or fi nes.

    With an increase in wet weather and storms over the Christmas period, its a good time to assess whether you are managing erosion and sediment control adequately on your sites.

    Christmas closedown

    Environmental laws that govern erosion and sediment control The three key pieces of legislation that cover Erosion and Sediment Control are:

    1. Environmental Protection Act 1994

    2. Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009

    3. Sustainable Planning Act 2009

    From 1 September 2014 the State PenaltiesEnforcement Regulation 2014 increased thepenalty units for depositing sediment and other contaminants into waters, a roadside gutteror storm water drainage from 20 to 50 penaltyunits. This means the penalty amount hasrecently increased from $2,277 to $5,692.50.

    Local government compliance offi cers throughout Queensland can now issue aPenalty Infringement Notice (PIN) for $5,692.50when they inspect a development or building site and observe that a contaminant has and/or could reasonably be expected to be depositedinto waters, a roadside gutter or storm waterdrainage.

    A prosecution or court penalties for major environmental off ences can also exceed $1million.

    Remember the golden rule!All appropriate controls required to be put in place to minimise erosion and sediment control issues should be in place before the end of the day or before a rain event, and procedures must be put in place to

    ensure those controls are maintained!

    For more information about how to manage erosion and sediment on your building sites,contact Master Builders on 3225 6404.

    Use of Master Builders holding account over ChristmasMaster Builders holding account will not be operational from Friday, 19 December 2014 until Monday, 5 January 2015.

    No deposits or fund releases will be processed during this time. If you need to use the holding account before the Christmas shutdown, you should allow suffi cient time for a transaction to be processed.

    All transaction requests must be received by Master Builders prior to 9am on Tuesday, 16 December 2014.

    Enquires can be made via email to [email protected] or by calling us on 1300 30 50 10.

  • december 14/january 15 [ 13 ] mb


  • mb b [ 14 ] december 14/january 15


    Dean M McEwan T/A DRM Design &Construction


    This canal-front Mooloolah Island homefeatures all the trimmings youd expect of a modern Sunshine Coast resort home. The design maximises the magnifi cent waterviews of the Mooloolah River, with the communal living spaces, kitchen, and masterbedroom all overlooking to water views.

    Sustainable living spaces have been created through the use of passive solar design,natural lighting, cross fl ow ventilation, lowenergy fi ttings and fi xtures, and locally sourced natural materials. D R M Design andConstruction has delivered a signature homeand is a deserved winner.


  • december 14/january 15 [ 15 ] mb


    Gold Coast University Hospital Lend LeaseBuilding Pty Ltd


    The Gold Coast University Hospital provided signifi cant opportunities for contractors on the Gold Coast, as the largest infrastructureproject in Australia.

    It would not have been possible without a dedicated team and co-ordination like amilitary exercise, with Lend Lease taking onan enormous commitment to training onsite. The enormity and complexity of thiscannot be understated as it involved over80,000m of concrete, 9 million man hours to complete, 900 air handling units, and over 8,000 emergency exit lights, just to name a few.

    This is just another example of the depthand experience of the Lend Lease team andwe congratulate them as the winners of the 2014 Project of the Year.


  • mb b [ 16 ] december 14/january 15

    The Bach H2 Homes Pty LtdT/A H2 Constructions QLD


    Dale and Karl from H2 Homes are nostrangers to producing quality homes ataff ordable prices. This unique design, setin a rural backdrop, is elevated to give afl oating appearance from the road and hasfour bedrooms, a large entertainment areaand a home offi ce.

    We congratulate Dale and Karl, and all involved at H2 Homes, as the 2014Presidents Award winner.



  • december 14/january 15 [ 17 ] mb

    Jayden Sharp


    Jadyn began his apprenticeship with Murphy Builders Queensland in December 2010, and since then has been exposed to a huge variety of carpentry work within the building industry.

    His skills have gone from strength to strength and he consistently shows great aptitude, with work colleagues and clients describing him as a reliable and confi dent young apprentice, with a truepassion for the trade.


    Murphy Builders Qld Pty Ltd


    Murphy Builders have had a strong commitment to investing in their people since their inception30 years ago.

    Director, Leigh Murphy provides strong leadership and coaching to the companys apprentices,and inspires young apprentices to strive for their best every day.


    Julie Nutting


    Julie has grown her passion for the building industry from humble beginnings and is currentlyundertaking studies to get her builder licenceall while raising two children at the same time.

    Starting as a site clerk and progressing onto contract administrator, Julie is now the GroupProjects Manager for Azzura International Constructions, overseeing up to 500 contractors onvarious projects.


    John Plozza (Pro-View Homes Pty Ltd)


    With over 13 years experience in the industry, John is passionate and excited about the directionof his company Pro-View Homes in the Townsville region.

    Specialising in high quality residential homes, it is evident that John goes the extra mile withdesign, quality and uniqueness. He is dedicated to keeping his product fresh, contemporary andauthentic whilst continuing the reputation he has worked so hard to achieve.



  • mb b [ 18 ] december 14/january 15


    Display Home up to $275,000Val Eco Homes Pty LtdFitzroy Display Village (Brisbane)

    Display Home $276,000 $375,000Alliance Homes Pty LtdT/A Stylemaster HomesLakeview 35 (Sunshine Coast)

    Display Home $376,000 $475,000Ausmar Homes Pty Ltd T/A Ausmar HomesThe Manhattan (Sunshine Coast)

    Display Home $476,000 $625,000McLachlan Special ProjectsThe Resort (Brisbane)

    Display Home over $626,000Ecobuild Qld Pty LtdEcohouse (North Queensland)

    Individual Home up to $275,000Grant McDonald Homes Pty Ltd(Sunshine Coast)

    Individual Home $276,000 $375,000Cummins Construction Pty LtdT/A GJ Gardner Homes Gold Coast NorthBroadbeach 311 Custom (Gold Coast)

    Individual Home $376,000 $475,000H2 Homes Pty LtdT/A H2 Constructions QLDThe Bach (Gold Coast)

    Individual Home $476,000 $625,000Matteo La Spina T/A La Spina HomesBarringtonia Close Residence(Far North Queensland)

    Individual Home $626,000 $775,000Mark Underwood (Gold Coast)

    Individual Home $776,000 $1 millionNicolaas BruinSpringbrook House (Gold Coast)

    Individual Home $1 million $2 millionChristopher R SmithOcean Vista House (Sunshine Coast)

    Individual Home over $2 millionDean M McEwanT/A DRM Design & Construction(Sunshine Coast)

    Best Heritage Style HomeS & S Timmer Constructions Pty LtdSmall House (Downs & Western)

    Housing for Sloping SitesEco Projects and Developments Pty LtdTugun Beach House (Gold Coast)

    Home Renovation/Remodelling Project up to $275,000

    Liveconstruction Pty Ltd(North Queensland)

    Home Renovation/Remodelling Project $276,000 $575,000Urban Trend Constructions Australia Pty Ltd T/A Urban Trend ConstructionGorman 2nd Storey Addition (Mackay & Whitsunday)

    Home Renovation/Remodelling Project over $576,000

    Liral Pty LtdKewarra Beach Mansion(Far North Queensland)

    Low-Rise Multi-Residential Housing (duplexes)

    Gibson Building Pty LtdCooks Landing (Burnett Wide Bay)

    Low-Rise Multi-Residential Housing (townhouses)

    CKP Constructions Pty Ltd (Brisbane)

    Medium-Rise Multi-Residential Housing (units/3 storey)

    Condev Construction Pty LtdEdgewater Stage 1 Townhouses(Gold Coast)

    Innovation in Workplace Health & SafetyRGD Constructions Pty LtdBoulevard Townhouses (Sunshine Coast)

    Excellence in Sustainable LivingNicolaas BruinSpringbrook House (Gold Coast)

    Best BathroomLiveconstruction Pty Ltd (North Queensland)

    Best KitchenRussell T Kelly T/A Artizan Cabinets (North Queensland)

    Trade Contractor Carpentry & Cabinet MakingMikat Constructions Pty Ltd (Brisbane)

    Trade Contractor Brick/Block Laying & Stone MasonryAntoni J Roki T/A Pietra Lunga Stone Masonry Sandstone Chapel at Montville Arts & Crafts Centre (Sunshine Coast)

    Trade Contractor JoineryMinka Joinery Pty Ltd (Sunshine Coast)

    Trade Contractor Concreting & TilingT U Projects Qld Pty Ltd, Monilli Jewellers (Brisbane)

    Trade Contractor Swimming Pool, Outdoor Living & LandscapingMCD Construction (Qld) Pty Ltd, Aqua (Brisbane)

    Trade Contractor CladdingBlue Star Plastering Pty LtdSpringfi eld Central & Lakes Railway Stations (Brisbane)



  • december 14/january 15 [ 19 ] mb


    Health & Education Facilities up to $5 million

    J Hutchinson Pty LtdT/A Hutchinson BuildersEmmaus College Main Street Library(Central Queensland)

    Health & Education Facilities $5 million $20 million

    Adco Constructions Pty LtdBond University Abedian School of Architecture (Gold Coast)

    Health & Education Facilities $20 million $250 million

    Watpac Construction Pty LtdTranslational Research Institute (Brisbane)

    Health & Education Facilities over $250 million

    Lend Lease Building Pty LtdGold Coast University Hospital (Gold Coast)

    Sporting & Community Service Facilities up to $5 million

    Gilchrist Constructions Pty LtdHeadspace (North Queensland)

    Sporting & Community Service Facilities $5 million $20 million

    Evans Harch Pty Ltd T/A Badge Constructions ProjectsCoomera Community Hub (Gold Coast)

    Sporting & Community Service Facilities over $20 million

    ADCO Constructions Pty LtdGladstone Entertainment ConventionCentre & Offi ce Redevelopment(Central Queensland)

    Retail Facilities up to $5 millionEvans Built Pty LtdG Smith House (Sunshine Coast)

    Retail Facilities over $5 millionJ Hutchinson Pty Ltd T/A Hutchinson BuildersCapri on Via Roma (Gold Coast)

    Commercial Building (offi ce accommodation) up to $5 million

    Northbuild Construction Pty LtdMarine Diesel Traders Offi ce & Warehouse(Brisbane)

    Commercial Building (offi ce accommodation) over $5 million

    J Hutchinson Pty Ltd T/A Hutchinson BuildersVerde Townsville (North Queensland)

    Residential Building (high-rise over 3 storey) up to $20 million

    RCQ Construction Pty LtdIluka (Sunshine Coast)

    Residential Building (high-rise over 3 storey) over $20 million

    J Hutchinson Pty Ltd T/A Hutchinson BuildersSea Pearl (Sunshine Coast)

    Industrial Building up to $5 millionShadforth Lythgo Pty LtdHarley Davidson Building (Sunshine Coast)

    Industrial Building over $5 millionLaing ORourke & Beca Joint VentureQ Catering Facility (Brisbane)

    Tourism & Hospitality Facilities up to $5 million

    Astute Projects Pty LtdPolar Bear Junior Enclosure (Gold Coast)

    Tourism & Hospitality Facilities over $5 million

    Built Qld Pty LimitedSheraton Noosa Resort & Spa (Sunshine Coast)

    Refurbishment/Renovation up to $2 millionBenco Constructions Pty LtdThe Burp Dispensary (Mackay & Whitsunday)

    Refurbishment/Renovation $2 million $5 million

    Box & Co Pty LtdQUT Gardens Point O Block (Brisbane)

    Refurbishment/Renovation over $5 millionAlder Constructions Pty LtdGold Coast Turf Club (Gold Coast)

    Lifestyle Housing for SeniorsPaynter Dixon Queensland Pty LtdNoosa Care, Carramar Tewantin (Sunshine Coast)

    Innovation in Workplace Health & SafetyLeighton Contractors Pty LimitedAustralian Pacifi c LNG Water Treatment Facilities Project (Downs & Western)

    Innovation in Environmental ManagementWiley & Co Pty LtdJBS Dinmore Bio Gas Recovery & Effl uent Treatment (Brisbane)

    Excellence in Sustainable BuildingLeighton Contractors Pty LimitedQUT Science and Engineering Centre (Brisbane)

    Civil Contractor of the YearFK Gardner & Sons Pty LtdGore Highway Road (Downs & Western)


  • mb b [ 20 ] december 14/january 15

    With the State Housing & Construction Awards winners announced recently, the #mbawards social media competition winners have also now been chosen.

    #mbawards photo comp winners announced

    All members had to do was share theirfavourite photos from the awards program in three diff erent categories entries, people and on the night.

    Master Builders Executive Director,Grant Galvin, had a tough job picking thewinners from more than 300 entries, but here they are!

    The competition was a great opportunity for members and their employees, friends and colleagues to get involved and showcase their experience of the Awards. Three $250 gift voucherswere up for grabs courtesy of competition sponsor, James Hardie.

    Category: People

    Winner: Courtney Kain fromSchiavello Constructions

    Caption: Awards night #blacktie#jupiterscasino #winners #mbawards #redcarpet

    Category: Entries

    Winner: Mcelhenny Constructions

    Caption: May the odds be forever in our favour #fi ngerscrossed #masterbuilders #awards #entry #Saturday #mbawards #construction #capricorncoast

    Category: On the night

    Winner: Libby Kelly and Jayden Sharpfrom Murphy Builders

    Caption: Winner winner chicken dinner!So proud of @jaydosharp the newestapprentice of the year! #masterbuilders #apprenticeoftheyear #mbawards











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    Water path

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    Water path





    Water escapes shower enclosure





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    Tile height gauge


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  • mb b [ 22 ] december 14/january 15

    National Award winners

    Queensland was well represented at a national level, bringing home six awards, including thehighly sought after National Commercial Master Builder of the Year award. r

    Master Builders Queensland ExecutiveDirector, Grant Galvin, congratulated allwinners who represented Queensland at anational level.

    The level of competition at the Master BuildersNational Awards is extremely high, so wereincredibly proud that our members went home with six awards from such a strong fi eld of competitors, Mr Galvin said.

    Achieving this recognition at a national level is

    one of the highest industry accolades a buildercan receive.

    It goes to show that Queenslanders areproducing high quality projects and that werea force to reckon with on the national stage.

    Queensland winners included:

    National Luxury Project Home $1 million to $2 million Christopher R Smith (Sunshine Coast)

    National Commercial/Industry Construction Award $5 million to $10 million Sheraton Noosa Resort & Spa, Built Qld Pty Limited (Sunshine Coast)

    Winners of the 2014 Master Builders National Excellence in Building and Construction Awards were recently announced in Canberra.

    National Public Buildings Award $10 million to $50 million Bond University Abedian School of Architecture, ADCOConstructions Pty Ltd (Gold Coast)

    National Public Buildings Award Over $50 million Gold Coast University Hospital, Lend Lease Building Pty Ltd (Gold Coast)

    National Commercial Master Builder of the Year Gold Coast University Hospital,rLend Lease Building Pty Ltd (Gold Coast)

    Department of Social Services National Lifestyle Housing for Seniors Multi Unit Development Azure Blue Carina tIntegrated Living Project, CockramConstruction Limited (Brisbane).

    For more information about the National Awards, visit the Master Builders Australiawebsite at


  • december 14/january 15 [ 23 ] mb

    2014 Master Builders National Excellence in Building and Construction Award winners


    National Commercial Master Builder of the Year

    Gold Coast University Hospital Lend Lease Building Pty Ltd, Queensland

    National Residential Master Builder of the Year

    Touchstone Construction Services Pty Ltd,New South Wales

    National Specialist Contractor of the YearMonash University New Horizons Building82, Clayton Melbourne Facades, Victoria

    National Presidents AwardFiona Stanley Hospital Project Brookfi eld Multiplex Construction, Western Australia

    National Apprentice of the YearMartin Lewis, New South Wales

    Department of Social Services National Lifestyle Housing for Seniors Award Purpose Built Detached Dwelling

    The Grange Lifestyle Village,Nash Bros Constructions Pty Ltd,New South Wales

    Department of Social Services National Lifestyle Housing for Seniors Award Multi Unit Development

    Azure Blue Carina Integrated Living Project, Cockram Construction Limited, Queensland

    National Export Award Building and Construction Services

    The Buchan Group

    National Export Award Products and Manufacturing

    Starena Australia and Jayline Australia

    Wood Solutions National Young Builder of the Year

    Serena Giudice, Western Australia

    National Environment and Energy Effi ciency Residential Building Award

    Matt Jolley Builder, New South Wales

    National Environment and Energy Effi ciency Commercial Building Award

    Melton Library & Learning Hub ADCO Constructions (Vic) Pty Ltd,Victoria

    National Alterations/Additions Award under $150,000

    Aspire Constructions, New South Wales

    National Alterations/Additions Award $150,000 to $350,000

    Barbaro Homes, Western Australia

    National Alteration/Additions Award $350,000 to $500,000

    Elite Homes (Melb) Pty Ltd, Victoria

    National Luxury Alterations/Additions Award over $500,000

    Beebo Constructions Pty Ltd,New South Wales

    National Display Home under $250,000 The Gateway New Generation Homes, Western Australia

    National Display Home $250,000 to $350,000

    Huntley 30 Rawson Homes Pty Limited, New South Wales

    Toyota National Display Home $350,000 to $500,000

    Glenleigh 44.5 Kurmond Homes, New South Wales

    Toyota National Display Home over $500,000

    The Curzon Mayfair Homes, Australian Capital Territory

    Assa Abloy Lockwood National Project Home under $350,000

    Scott Salisbury Homes, South Australia

    Assa Abloy Lockwood National Project Home $350,000 to $500,000

    Exterior Dimensions Pty Ltd, South Australia

    Assa Abloy Lockwood National Project Home $500,000 to $1 million

    Bakker Homes, Newcastle

    National Luxury Project Home $1 million to $2 million

    Christopher R Smith, Queensland

    National Luxury Project Home over $2 million

    Touchstone Construction Services Pty Ltd, New South Wales

    Cbus National Medium Density 2 to 5 Dwellings

    Lyden Builders Pty Ltd, Tasmania

    Cbus National Medium Density over 5 Dwellings

    DHA 20 Houses Muirhead PTM Group Pty Ltd, Northern Territory

    Cbus National High Rise Apartment BuildingEliza Ceerose Pty Ltd, New South Wales

    National Excellence in Workplace Health and Safety Award

    Cat and Fiddle Arcade Stage 6 Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd, Tasmania

    National Commercial Historical Restoration/Renovation Award

    Graythwaite Estate Stage 1 Works Carfax Commercial Constructions Pty Ltd, New South Wales

    National Commercial/Industrial Construction Award under $5 million

    St Patrick's College Fairbrother Pty Ltd,Tasmania

    National Commercial/Industrial Construction Award $5 million to $10 million

    Sheraton Noosa Resort & Spa Built Qld Pty Limited, Queensland

    National Commercial/Industrial Construction Award $10 million to $20 million

    Devonport Aquatic Centre (SPLASH) Vos Construction and Joinery Pty Ltd, Tasmania

    National Commercial/Industrial Construction Award $20 million to $50 million

    Garangula Gallery Manteena, Australian Capital Territory

    National Commercial/Industrial Construction Award $50 million to $100 million

    Medical Sciences 2 John Holland Fairbrother Joint Venture,Tasmania

    National Commercial/Industrial Construction Award over $100 million

    SA Health and Medical Research Institute Hindmarsh Construction, South Australia

    Toyota National Civil/Infrastructure Award under $25 million

    Cullen Bay Pontoon & Gangway Advance Civil Engineering, Northern Territory

    Toyota National Civil/Infrastructure Award over $25 million

    Cotter Dam Project Bulk Water Alliance,Australian Capital Territory

    National Public Buildings Award under $5 million

    Birubi Point Surf Life Saving Club Hansen Yuncken, Newcastle

    National Public Buildings Award $5 million to $10 million

    Marryatville Learning Centre Romaldi Constructions Pty Ltd,South Australia

    National Public Buildings Award $10 million to $50 million

    Bond University Abedian School of Architecture ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd,Queensland

    National Public Buildings Award over $50 million

    Gold Coast University Hospital Lend Lease Building Pty Ltd, Queensland

  • mb b [ 24 ] december 14/january 15


    Industry celebrates in style

    The Housing & Construction Awards playa pivotal role in promoting excellence inthe building and construction industryin Queensland and gives the industry an opportunity to showcase and celebrate quality workmanship and innovation.

    Winning one of these awards provides anexcellent platform for public acclaim and is agreat publicity tool that members can use toset their business apart from the competition.

    A fantastic night was had by all, with gueststreated to fabulous food and an entertaining performance by Soul Mystique, who captivated the audience with their astounding dance andquick costume change act.

    A photo booth, which was proudly supported by BlueScope, provided endless hours of entertainment throughout the evening, whilelocal band, Top Note, took to the stage afterthe formalities wrapped up, providing tunes forthe crowd to dance the night away.

    For those who attended, thank you for your support and enthusiasm the State Awards isa great opportunity for you to see the fruits of the industrys labour.

    Also, many thanks to those memberswho continue to support the Housing &Construction Awards program its your contribution and commitment to excellencethat continues to ensure its ongoing success.

    Entries for the 2015 Housing & ConstructionAwards will open in February.

    Queenslands State Housing & Construction Awards winners were announced in September at Brisbane City Hall.

  • december 14/january 15 [ 25 ] mb


  • mb b [ 26 ] december 14/january 15

    Boost in confi dence across QueenslandMaster Builders latest Survey of Industry Conditions regional snapshots for the September 2014 quarter have revealed the fi rst positive move in business confi dence since the 2013 federal election.

    Reports & statistics

    While the reality of the end of the resources boom continues to be felt for many regions, it is reassuring that confi dence appears to be levelling at a relatively high point.

    For the most part, the trends of the previous quarter continued in September.

    Although the south east corner continues to lead the way, with the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast regions being the standout performers, Far North Queensland had a signifi cant surge forward off a low base.

    Unfortunately the resources regions of Mackay & Whitsunday and Central Queensland continued to struggle, however despite challenging business conditions, both turnover and profi tability are expected to improve further over the next quarter.

    The key constraints across most regions were once again the level of demand, planning approval processes, and infrastructure charges.

    Labour costs is an area of concern in regions with a less fl exible labour market, dominated by the resources sector. There are signs, however, that the labour market is already beginning to respond to the downturn, moving to the new growth areas such as the Sunshine Coast.

    Despite the challenges, there is a positive outlook for the future across much of the state.

    These latest results go hand-in-hand with the recent positive result for building approvals (read more on page 28) and paint an optimistic picture for the building and construction industry in most regions across the state.

    conditions, both turnover and profi tability are expected to improve further over the next quarter.

    picture for the building and construction industry in most regions acrossthe state.

    Fast fact: Queensland became a separate state from New South Wales back in 1859 after Queen Victorias approval.

  • december 14/january 15 [ 27 ] mb

    Brisbane Industry confi dence remained high,

    recovering the small loss made in theprevious quarter

    Trading conditions for the residential sector jumped ahead over the quarter and although the commercial sector lostsome ground, conditions still remained comfortably within positive territory

    Turnover and profi tability moderated but are expected to surge forward over the next quarter

    Few businesses are reporting a shortage inskilled labour

    Lacklustre level of demand remained the most critical constraint on business growthin Brisbane

    Gold Coast Industry confi dence held steady during the

    September 2014 quarter

    Trading conditions for the residential sectormoved into positive territory, however thecommercial sector lost some ground madeover the previous quarter

    Turnover and profi tability dropped awayslightly

    Employment levels held steady

    Wage levels have come under pressure, with28% reporting an increase over the quarter

    The most critical constraint on businessgrowth in the September 2014 quarter wasthe lacklustre level of demand.

    Sunshine Coast Industry confi dence remained at a high

    level during the September 2014 quarter

    Trading conditions for both residential andcommercial building remained well within positive territory, despite losing some of the gain made in the previous quarter

    Turnover remained comfortably withinpositive territory

    Employment levels in the industry improved slightly over the three months toSeptember 2014

    The lacklustre level of demand remainedthe most critical constraint on businessgrowth on the Sunshine Coast.

    Burnett Wide Bay Industry confi dence held steady, remaining

    at a high level

    The residential sector dropped further into negative territory, however the commercialsector surged forward into strong positive territory

    Turnover and profi tability fell sharply,losing much of the gain from the previousquarter

    Employment prospects improved, with the majority of businesses (76%) now expecting to hold their current staffi nglevels steady

    The level of demand remained the mostcritical constraint on business growth inthe region.

    Darling Downs & South West Queensland Industry confi dence dropped away slightly

    during the September 2014 quarter butremained within positive territory

    Trading conditions for both residential andcommercial sectors eased off at the sametime as Toowoomba Regional Councilsinfrastructure charges concession came toan end

    Both turnover and profi tability held steady

    Employment levels held steady, with 82%anticipating that they will be able to retaintheir existing workforce

    Wage growth pressure continued

    Labour costs continued to be the mostcritical constraint on business growth inDarling Downs & South West Queensland.

    Central Queensland Business confi dence dropped away over

    the quarter, returning to negative territory

    While still at low levels, both the residentialand commercial sectors showed a strongimprovement

    Turnover and profi tability improved, butstill remain in negative territory

    Fewer businesses reported reductions inemployment levels

    The lacklustre level of demand was themost critical constraint on business growth,along with problems with mortgagevaluation aff ecting access to fi nance.

    Mackay & Whitsunday Business confi dence remained in negative

    territory over the September 2014 quarter

    Conditions in the commercial andresidential sectors are still grim

    Even in the face of challenging businessconditions, both turnover and profi tabilityimproved over the September quarter

    Employment levels held steady, withthe majority (58%) of businesses now reporting that they expect to maintaincurrent staffi ng levels

    Apprentice employment was subjected to increased pressure as businesses areunwilling to make long-term commitments

    Wage growth pressure held steady over thequarter

    The low level of demand remained the most critical constraint on business growth in the region.

    North Queensland Industry confi dence held steady during the

    September 2014 quarter, maintaining a positive outlook

    The residential sector experienced a strong improvement in trading conditions,however this was not matched in thecommercial sector

    Both turnover and profi tability dropped slightly over the quarter

    Employment levels held steady over the September quarter

    The outlook for apprenticeships improvedstrongly with 40% of respondentsexpecting to increase their apprentice levels

    Wage levels strengthened with nearly a third of respondents reporting strongerwage levels

    The level of demand was the most critical constraint on business growth in North Queensland.

    Far North Queensland Business confi dence surged forward

    slightly during the September 2014 quarter,reaching the highest level in the history of the survey

    Trading conditions for both the residentialand commercial sectors experienced amarked improvement

    Turnover and profi tability returned to positivity territory for the fi rst time in two years

    Both employment and apprenticeship levels in the industry were fairly stable overthe quarter

    Wage levels were steady across Far North Queensland and should continue to remain so into the December quarter

    The lacklustre level of demand was the most critical constraint on business growth in the region.

    Master Builders Survey of Industry Conditions provide information and analysis on industry expectations and business performance, based on a survey of Master Builders members acrossQueensland. For copies of the report, visit

    Reports & statistics

    Fast fact: Bellenden Ker in north Queensland has the highest annual rainfall in the whole of Australia.

  • mb b [ 28 ] december 14/january 15

    Building fi gures refl ect state-wide drop in unit approvalsThe latest Queensland building approvals fi gures, released recently bythe Australian Bureau of Statistics, weakened during September due to a drop in the multi-unit sector.

    The 8% drop in dwelling unit approvals over the month (3,243 to 2,985,seasonally adjusted) was no cause for concern amongst the industry.

    These monthly fi gures are typically volatile and can be entirelyattributed to the multi-unit sector, which dropped 20% in September.

    Looking at approvals for detached houses, the fi gures held steadythroughout the month, increasing by 0.7%.

    From a longer-term perspective, Queensland building approvals are stillstrong, up 22% from the previous 12 months.

    This increase has been driven primarily by multi-unit approvals, which increased 32.5% over the 12 months, while approvals for detachedhouses grew by 14.5%.

    Reports & statistics

    Call us now for a quote on your next project.Rob: 0418 748 255 | Fax: 07 3803 3022 | Email: [email protected]

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    Region September 2014 August 2014 % change over the monthTotal current

    12 monthsTotal previous

    12 months% change over

    12 months

    Greater Brisbane 1,895 1,879 0.9% 21,111 15,206 38.8%

    Gold Coast 269 373 -27.9% 4,522 3,055 48.0%

    Sunshine Coast 278 321 -13.4% 3,134 1,920 63.2%

    Darling Downs & South West Qld 172 144 19.4% 2,088 1,764 18.4%

    Wide Bay 130 147 -11.6% 1,465 1,239 18.2%

    Central Qld 83 79 5.1% 1,332 3,005 -55.7%

    Mackay 52 48 8.3% 1,184 2,451 -51.7%

    North Qld 183 158 15.8% 1,915 1,683 13.8%

    Far North Qld 85 96 -11.5% 1,090 840 29.8%

  • december 14/january 15 [ 29 ] mb

    New campaign to help workers understand

    their rights

    During this campaign, FWO will be contactingemployers to talk about minimum wages,penalty rates and allowances, overtime, pay slips and record-keeping.

    Hundreds of construction businesses willcome under scrutiny and both residential andcommercial builders will be monitored, as well as electricians, plumbers, painters anddecorators, tilers and carpenters, bricklayers, concreters, landscapers and plasterers.

    Master Builders supports the state andfederal governments position of employersmeeting their obligations and paying worker entitlements at or above the award. We believeit is important the FWO undertakes compliancework as an educational and support activityrather than strict compliance.

    Throughout this campaign, Master Builders will continue to support our members by givingguidance and advice on worker entitlements.In fact, our Workplace Relations Team handlesover 3,000 workplace enquiries per year, fromwages and employment matters, to WorkCover, apprentices and other human resources-related matters.

    The construction industry covers a broad range of trades, allowances and entitlements. If youare an employer who is unsure of the correctpayment, contact the FWO or Master Builders if you are a member.

    As well as providing assistance for members, we have introduced training courses, like theCertifi cate IV in Building & Construction, to assist members transition from worker to

    The Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) has launched a national construction campaign to help employers and employees working in the building and construction industry to understand their rights and obligations at work.

    Employment & wages

    employer. This course covers multiple unitssuch as occupational health and safety, project management and contract management, all designed to meet the needs of builders and managers wishing to obtain the technical qualifi cations for the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) Builder Low Rise licence.

    Throughout the campaign businesses will beselected at random, however some employerswho have previously come to the attention of the FWO will also be included.

    FWO have advised that inspectors can issue on-the-spot fi nes of up to $2,550, and in the event of a matter warranting legal action, companies can be penalised up to $51,000 per breach and individuals up to $10,200 per breach.

    If you are an employer who is contacted by theFWO regarding an audit, please be advised that you are obliged to comply with the request.

    For further advice on any workplacerelations matters, including the national construction campaign and what it meansfor you, please call 1300 30 50 10 or email [email protected]

    Fast fact: Master Builders Workplace Relations Team handles over 3,000 workplace enquiries per year.

  • mb b [ 30 ] december 14/january 15

    Streamlining of the OHS Accreditation Scheme

    The purpose of the review was to explorehow the scheme could be streamlined andmodernised, while still maintaining the high safety standards required for accreditation.

    As a result of the review, the Offi ce of the Federal Safety Commissioner has recently announced improvements to the scheme. These improvements are scheduled to comeinto eff ect from 1 January 2015.

    The Review to Modernise the Offi ce of theFederal Safety Commissioner and the AustralianGovernment Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme Report outlines the keyimprovements to be made which include:

    Increasing fi nancial thresholdsThe schemes fi nancial thresholds (the value of projects at which use of accredited builders becomes a requirement) will be increased by $1 million (for both directly and indirectly Commonwealth-funded projects) to refl ectprice movements since 2007.

    Domestic housing The scheme will no longer apply to therelatively small number of Commonwealth-funded projects involving the construction of single-dwelling houses (nor alteration, extension or refurbishment).

    Multiunit residential projects (such as townhouses, duplexes and apartments) thatare above the fi nancial thresholds will continue to be covered.

    Removing the prerequisite for AS/NZS 4801:2001 Building and construction companies seeking (or maintaining) accreditation under the scheme will no longer need certifi cation to Australian Standard AS4801 (or equivalent). The schemescriteria and auditing are far more extensive.

    Unaccredited builders can undertake scheme projects through a joint venture arrangement Unaccredited builders will be able toundertake Commonwealth-funded buildingwork as a head contractor so long as they arein a joint venture with an accredited company and operate under the partners schemeaccredited systems.

    This arrangement was previously only availableto international companies. The accreditedpartner will risk losing their accreditation if the unaccredited partner fails to adhere to theschemes requirements.

    Extending maximum period of accreditation The maximum period for accreditation (or reaccreditation) will be increased from threeyears to up to six years (but only for companies with a strong compliance record). Existingaccreditation periods cannot be extended.

    The reaccreditation process will also bestreamlined and the paperwork signifi cantlyreduced, particularly for companies with a strong compliance record.

    A targeted, risk-based compliance model A new risk-based compliance model will beintroduced to better target audit resources to companies with a higher risk of non-compliance.

    All companies can expect more regular siteaudits, but the compliance burden will bereduced for companies that consistently demonstrate high performance in complyingwith the scheme over time.

    Over the past year, Master Builders members have provided important feedback to the Department of Employment during a review into the Offi ce of the Federal Safety Commissioner and Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme.

    Health, safety & environmentStephanie Gaylard Manager Workplace Health & Safety

    Streamlined application processes and improved guidance material A range of changes will be made to how thescheme is administered by the Offi ce of theFederal Safety Commissioner (OFSC). Theseinclude clearer guidance material to assist companies to become accredited and how tobetter prepare for the audit process.

    An online portal and application process is expected by around April 2015. This will include assistance on how to complete the application.

    The OFSC also proposes to enhance its education and communications material to better disseminate information about best practice safety standards across the buildingindustry.

    Increased recognition of scheme accreditation by states and territories

    During 2015, it is anticipated that schemeaccreditation will automatically meet the work health and safety application requirements of all state and territory prequalifi cation schemes for their civil and commercial constructionprojects.

    International companies A number of the improvements to the scheme will assist international, as well as domestic, fi rms in the accreditation process andsubsequent compliance approach.

    The Government has agreed that any opportunities to further increase access for international companies should beinvestigated, but that competitive neutrality for domestic building companies will bemaintained.

    Australian Government agencies Agencies will be required to provide advancenotice of upcoming tenders, commencementof scheme tender processes and ensureadherence to scheme requirements. Thiswill also allow the OFSC to better target its educational and communication resources to areas where a high volume of Commonwealth-funded building and construction work is expected to occur.

    A review into the scheme criteria itself will be undertaken early next year. Master Builders will be involved in this review, and will be seekingfeedback from members to assist with this process.

    For more information about the review, or for a full copy of the review report, contact Master Builders on 3225 6404. Alternatively,call the Offi ce of Federal Safety Commissioner on 1800 65 25 00.

  • Damp assessment What causes rising damp?RiRiRisingngg ddddamamamamp p p isisis fffouououndndndn nataturururalalalllylyllly iiinnnnn momomomoststststtt mmmmmmasasasononononryryryry sssstrtrtrtrucucuctututuurererees s sss aasasass tthehe moistutututuurererererre iiiinnn sososoililil aaandndndd mmmmassasonononryryryry tttriririesesess ttttoo o o acacacacchihiieveveveve eee eqeqeqqquiuuiu lilililibrbrbrb TTTThihihiss sseqeqeqeqeqeqqqquiuuiuuiuuuu lilililibrbbrbrbrbrrbrriuiuiuiuiuii mmmmm ococoo cucucc rsrssss iiiinnnnnn nanananaaaatututututtut rererererere aaaaandndndndndd iiiiiisssss evevevveevididididididenenenenenenenee t tt t ininininnn mmmmmananaananany y y y y fofofofofofoormrmrmrmrmrmrr ss,s,s,s,, sssssucuucucucucuuchhhhhh h h asasasasasasas tteetempmpmpmmpmpmmpmpererere atataturururu ee e whwhwhhwhererererereee e eeee hhehehhhhh aat ssssprprppreaaadsdsdsss ffffffffffrorororororororor mm mm m hohohohoh ttttt tototototo ccccolololold;d;d;d;d; eeeelelelelel ctctctctriririricicicicitytytyty wwwwwheheheheerererererererrr aaaa popopopoposssisissss tit veveevev ccchahahaargrgrgrge ee e fl flfl fl owowowowowwowwss ss totottt ttthehehehehe nnegegatatatatattiivivivivivve;ee;e;ee aaaandndndn iiin n n wawawateteter r r rr whwhwhwhererere e ee dadaddaampmpmpm nennneneeeeessssssssss ininininvavavavavav deddddeddedes a drdrry y arararareaeaeaaea. . ..

    ThThThThThThThThThTTTT atatatatatsssss wwwwwwhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhh tttttttthehehehehehehehehehehehhehhehe BBBBBBBuiuiuiuiuiuiuildldldlddldldldininnininingg g g g g CoCoCoCoCoCoCoCodededededdededed ooooooof f f fffff AuAuAuAuAuAuAuAuAA stststststststrraraarararalilililililil aaaaaaa rererererereequququququququiriririririresesesssssesee ttttttthahahahahahhh t tt ttt t aaaaaa dadadadadadaampmpmpmpmpmpmpmppppppppcocococococococococoooooococouururururururuuuruuu seseseseseeseeeeese isis insstatallllllededededddd tttttooooo prprevevvenenenttt uuuuundndndn ueueueu dddamamammmmpnpnpnesesess s s orororro dddeeteteteee erererioioi ratititionononno oooof f f bubububub ilililldididd ngng ellelemee ennntsts.... IIIIttttt ss s alallsoso wwwhyhyhyyhy bbbuiuiuildldldderererss s ininnnstststalalallll aaa dadadadaaampmpmpmmmpppmpmppppmpppcococ ururursesese bbbbeleelowowoww ttheheheh ttttimimimbebeebeer r r rrfl oooo r r

    AsAsAsAsAs mmmmmmmmmmooioioioiooooo ststststururururee e e ririririiseseseses ss ss frfrfrfromomomomomomomoooommommmmmm tttthhehehhe eeeeeeeararararaa ththhthth bbbby y y y y cacacaaaaacacacaacacapppipipipippipppp llllllllararararary y yy y acacacacacaa titititiitititionnononon ttttttthrhrhrhrhrhrhrououououououugghghggghghggh ttttttthehhhhehehe wwwwalalalalalalalllllll s s s s popopoorerererereee ssssstrtrtrucucucu tututurerererere iiit t crcrcreaeaeaeaaaeaaatetetetetttttt sss anaa elelectcc riricacacalllll popopopopppp teentntntiial,l, (((ZeZeZeetata PPPPPPPPPPPPPPooooottototooo enenentititit alalalal),),), bbbetetetweweweenenen thththhe e e ee wawawawawawaw lllllll aaaandnddnd ttthehehee mmmoioioiiststststuurre... TTThihh s s popopp teteteeenntnttntnntiaiiiaiaialll caaususesess mmororore e e e eeee anaanananddd momoorerere wwwwatataterere momoomoleleleleleecucucucucuuucuc lelelelessss cacacarrrrrryiyiyingngngg ddddddaaaamammagagagagininnng g grgrgrgrgrg ououououndndndnddndd sssalalaltstss ttttttoooo trtravavavelelelel fffffffrrrororororommmmmm thththt eee popopopop sisisiitititit veveve (t(t(t(t(t(t(t(thhhhhehehehehehehe eeeeearararararaaaa ththhththththth))))))),),),), tttttttttoowowowowowowowarararararararardsdsdsdsdsdsd ttttttttheheheheheheeehehehe nnnnnnnnnnegegegegeegeegegegatatataatatatativiviviviviviviveeeee e ee (u(u(u(uu(u(upp p pppp thththththhthttt e ee eee wawawawawaww lllllllllllllll ))s)s)s)s)s)...

    RiRiR sisingngng dddddaaaammma p p pp cacacann bebebe cccauauausesesed d d bybyby ttthehehe aaabsbsbsenenenenenenenenenennene ceccccecec ooof f f ananan eeeff ff ff ececececttiveve ddamampcpcouoursrsr e e eororo bbby yy bbrbbrbbrbrididididddddgigigingngn oooof f f thththee dadadadampmpmpmmm cococoururursesese. .

    DuDuDuuDuDuDuDuriririririririririringngngngngngngngg bbbbbbbbririririririririririckckckckckckckckcc lalalaalalalayiyiyyiyiyiyyy ngngnngngngngng eeeeeeeeexcxcxccxcxcxcxcxcxccesesesesesesesesesese ssssss s s momomommomomomom rtrtrttrtrtrtarararaararara oooooooftftftftftftftfttenenenenenenen ffffffalalalalalalalalllslsslslsslslslss dddddddddowowowowowowowowo nnnn nn nn bebebebebebebebeehihihihihihihihih ndndndndnddndnd tttttttthehehehehehehe bbbbbriririririckckckckckckwowowowowowoworkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrk,,,,,,inininnttototototototo ccccavavaa itititittieieiees s s whwhwhww erererrree e eee ititttittiti sssstitititickckckcksss s totototoo bbbbbririririckckckckkkkk ttttttilililllllesesess aaandndndnddd lllanananana dsddsdsds iiiiiin nn n nn thththhhththe e e e gagagagagaggg pspspspspp bbbbbbbetetetetetweweweweweeneenenenennenn thththhhhhheeeee e eeeeee flfl fl fl flflooooooor r r jojojoisisistststs, , , bebebebeeaarararraraararareeererrs ss s ananandddddd brbrb icickwkwwwworororororo k.k.k. TTThehehesesese mmmmmmororortatatatatarr r r dddrdrdrd opopopo pipiiingngngn s s s cacan nn n n crcrcrrreaeaeaeaeaaaaatetetet aaa mmmmoioioistststururu e e brbrbrbrbrbrrrbrbridiididii gegege aa dddiririrrecece t tt papappapappp ththth fffororor mmmmoioioio stststturururururre e e e totototo cccrereeepepepp ffffrororor mmm dadadadadadaddampmpmpmp mmamamaam sssssooos nrnrnry y y yy tototoo yyyyyyyyououo r r rr fl fl fl fl flfl flflflfloooooooooooooooo r r r bebebearararerersss ananaaa ddddd jojojojojojojooj isisissiststststs, , , pepepepepeperiririmemememeeteteteteteerrrrrr titititiitiitiitimbmbmmbererer fffrararamimimimiingngngnngg, ,, , ,,plplplplplpllasasasasasasasastetetetetetteteterrrrrr ananananna dddd d d titititititt mbmbmbmmbmbmberererrererr tttttttt iriririririmmsmsmsmsmsmsms........

    AsAsAs ttthehehe mmmmmmoooiooio stststurururee e e cococontnttenenenntt t vavavaariririesess wwwwititithihihin n n ththhthhhhe eee e ee mmmmmmamammasosonrnrnryy itttitt iiiindndn ucucu esesess aaa wwwwwwetete titit ngngng////drdrdryiyiyiy ngngng cccccycycycycccyclelee,,, cacacacaususususininining g ggg ththththe ee sasasaltltttss tototo eeexpxpxpanananddddddd ananananannaa ddd cococo tntntraraaaactctctct aaaccccorordididingngn lylyly, ,heheheencnccn e ee e ttthththththeee e e e brbrbrbreaeae kdkdkddddowowowoooooo nnnn ananannddd dededeteteteeriririrr ororo atatattioioionn n nnnnn ofofofofofofof tthehehe pppplalaastststerererer, , brbrbbricicck/k/kk ststononneewewororork k kanaanananndddddddddd mmmomomomortrtrtrttarararrar. .. . AsAsAsAsAs eeeeeexcxcxcxcxcessesee ssss momomomomoisisiiisisistttttutututurerererererere eeeeeeevvvavavavavavvapopopopopopopoporararararrararaaarr teteteteteeteteteteteet sssssssssss aaaaaaaa sususususususurfrfrfrfrfrfrfr acacacacacacacacaa e e ee e ee sasasasasasasass ltltltltltltlttt rrrresesesesssesididididididdidididueueueueuueueue iiiiiiiiiissss s s s llleleleleleleleftftftftftftft beebebehihhihihhihhhhh ndndndndd...

    Damp Assessment GuideRRRiRiRiRiRiRiRRRiRR sisisisisiisisiiis ngngngngngngngnnggnng ddddddddddddamamamamamammamaaamamamppp p ppppp pppp isssississisisisiisisss gggggggggggggrorororororororororroununununununununu ddddddddddd momomomomomomomomommm isisisisisisissisissi tuttututututuutututureerererererererrereree tttttttttthahahahaahahahahaah ttt t t ttt t ccrcrrrcrcrcrcreeeeeeeeeeeeeepspspspspspspss uuuuuuuuuupp pp p p p pp p thhththththththtthrororororororororouguguguguguguggghhhhhhhhhh ththhthththhththt eeeeeee popopopopopoppppp rerereerereessssssanaananananndddddd cacaaaaaaccaappiippipipippiilllllllllllllllll aaararararieieieieessssss ffofofofofofof mmmmmasasasasasasonononono ryyryryryy sssstrtrtrtrtrtrucucucucucuucucu tututuurererees.s.s.s. TTTTTTTTTThihihihihiihiis s s sss ss momomomoiiisisissstutututurererere ccccononononntatatatat iininini s s s vavavavaryryrryiniinining g gamamamamamammouououououoounnntntntntnnnntntnntssss ofofofofofof ddddddisissisissosososososolvlvlvlvlvlvvedededededed ssssssololololololubububububblelelelele mmmmmmininnininnererererreralalala sssss sss susususuuuususuuuuuucccchchhchhcccc aaaass s s ninininitrtrtrtrtrrtratatatatatesesesese , chchchchlololooriririiridedededed s,s,s,

    sususulplpphahahateteess,s, eeeetctcc.,., ccccomomomommomomomonlnln y y y rerereeeerefeerrrredddde tttto oo asasa saasaltltss. ThThThisiss ssalalt t cooontnttn amamamaminatioon ncrcrcreaeaeatetetess aaa sasaaliliinenene ssolololutututioioionnn wiwiwiw ththththhhinn aandddnd ooon n n thththee ee susurffacace eee ofofoo mmasa ononononoo rryry wwala lsls..

    SaSaSaSSaSaSaSalilililililililinenenenene sssssollololololol ttutututututiiioioioioionsnsnsnsns aaaaaareerererererer aaaaa dddddddetetetetetetereeererererrererererentntntntnttt aaaaaaaaagagagagagaagagaggagagainininininiiii ststststst ttttthehehehehehee gggggrorororororroroooooowtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwttwwwtwtw h h hh hhhhhhh ofofofofofofofo mmmmmmmououooououoouldldlddldldld aaaaa dndndndddddndndnd aaaaarerererere hohohohh sstststststttilli e e e tototo mmououulddd sspopopopopopoopoorerees.s. TTThehee cccapapapililillalalaaryryryryryry mmmoioioistststurureee wiwiwilllllll aaaaaaff ff ffff ff ffffffffeece t the fulll ttthihihiicckckkkccc nnenessss ofofof ttttheheheh wwwalaall non t t jujuuuststststt tthehee iinsnsnsididide e e ororor oooooututututtttssisisidedede... AsAsAs ttthehehe eeexpxpxposoo edd mmmmmasaaasonnnnryy sususuurfrfrfrfrfrr acaaaccca esees aaarere ssssububjejectctctctct ttttto o thththhee sususurfrrfacacace e eveveveveeveve apapapaaa orororo atatatioioionnn ofofof tttheeeheheeh ccapppilllaryryry mmoistststststtururururuurre eesussususussususuuus rfrfrfrfrfrrr acacaccaccacccceeeeeeeeee sasasasasasassssss ltltltlttltlt ddddddepepepepeppposososoososossssitititittsssssss wiwiwiwiwww llllllll aaaaacccccccccccumumumumumumumu uululllatatatatataaa e e e e e oononononooon tttttthehehehehh wwwwalalalalalallllllll ssss s ss sususususususuurfrfrfrfrfrfrfr acacacaccacacacacacaaceeeeeee effleffleffleffleeffleffleffl ororororororo eseeesesesescecececec ncnccncncncncnce.e.e.eee.e.

    AsAsA mmmoiooio ststs urure e e cococ ntntntenentsts vvararary,y, ttttheheheheehe iinntnttntererernanananalll sasasaaltltlt cccononontetetetentntnt wwwilillll gogogo ttthrhrhrrrouououououuuughghgh aaa wewew ttttttinining/g/g/drdrd yiyiyingngng cccycycyclelele wwwhihihichchch cccccauauuaua seseses s thththee e sasaaltltltsss tototo eeexpxpxpx ananannddd anand d d cococooontntntntntrararactctctt wwwititithihinnnthththe e e wawwallll. ThThThT isiis eeexpxpxpananansisisionononon cccanana cccccauaauauaaa sesese tthehehe sssurururfafafaacecece ooof f thththee mamamasososonrnrnryy yy yy tototooototo flflflaaakekeke aaandndndnfafafafafafafafaff lllllllllllllllllll ooooooooff ffffffff ffffff aaaaaandndndndndndndndnd ttttttheheheheheheheh mmmmmmmmmororororororororooro tatatatatatataaaaarrrrrrr rrrrrr r totototototototototototott bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbececececececececececomomomomomomo eeee e veveveveveveveeeryryryryryyryyy pppppppowowowowowowowwwwwdededededededededeeryryryryryryryryryyr ssssssububuubububub-fl-fl-flfl-flflflflooooooorererererereescscscsscscscscenenenenennnennccecececcece. .

    RiRiRRiRiRiRiRiRisisiiisssss ngngngngg dddamamammp p p isisiss aa nnnnnnnnnnaaaaaatattaaaa urururrralalala ppphehheheh nononomemememeeenonnnnonn nn heheheh ncncnn eeee thththhhhheeeeeee rererererequququququuquiririri ememmenenentt t ofoff aaa dddadadadadadd mpmpmmm -p-p-pproroofofo ccouursrsrsrsrsrssseeee.e.e.e.e WWWWheheheen n n a a a dadadampmpmpppmppppp-p-p----p-p-p-prororooofofof ccouo rse e isiiisii eeeeeiiititttitheheheh rrr mimimiisssss ininng,g,g, fffffaiaaiaiaia leleledddororrroror bbeeeenn imimimprprpropoppoppererererrrrerlylylyylyl iinsnsnn tataalllllledededd tttthehhe ddddddamamaamama pnpnpnp esesesssss wiwill cccononoonononontttiti