massacre mexico - · massacre

MASSACRE MEXICO Mexico (Liberation Newa Service) "The openlng <a<*y oi tue Olympics was sim- ply beautiful," sang a middle class Mexican woman. "1 was so proud of our people. Wé STÄRTED EXACTLY ON TIME! (Like man, we'll show those anglos we can be just like them.) "Our people behaved themselves beautlfully. Oh yes, we had a llttle disorder ln our house, but lt*s all cleared up now." Viere are new buses, clean streets, color- ful banners, clean-cut boys and glrls who man tourlst ald centers, and walls whlch once cried out ln anger have been cleaned with new coats of paint. The blood is nearly all gone now from Tlatelolco. And the door whlch was bazookaed off its hinges at Preparatoria Num- ero Uno has been cleaned of the blood of who kaows how many (now dead) students who stood behlnd lt. The dead are buried and lt's "all cleaned up now." MEXICAN GOVERNMENT HYPOCRITICAL TOO There are billboards all over Mexico pro- dalmlng ln words and plctures that, "Through peace, everythlng is posdble." It is as though a Madison Avenue firm had been glven the "peace" account. The campaign is incredi- bla: nearly 507. of the city's billboards show white doves on variously colored backgroundsi laughlng women, playlng children and singlng workers. The doves of peace decorate every- thing: store Windows, banks, gas stations, cars and even some on the windowshlelds of motorcycle pollcemen. "The students haven't seen half of what we can do yet," said a captain of the Presiden- tial Guards to a correspondent. He was one of those responsible for what is now called the Massacre of Tlatelolco, where at least 200 died and hundreds were injured. "If they keep it up, Tlatelolco will seem like a picnic." The nightmare of Tlatelolco is either a study of military stupidity or of 19th Cen- tury sadism. At 12 noon on October 2nd, the Chief of Police Luis Cueto Rarairez told an Italien correspondent, "Madame, everything is resolved now. There will be no more fighting. It is all over." For days, student activists had fanned out throughout the city telling people of a protest rally to be held at the Plaza de las Trers Culturas on October 2nd. The rally of the previous week had taken place unmolested, unmarked by violence. There was no reason for anyone to assume that the October 2nd rally would be anythlng different. MASSACRE OF MEXICAN STUDENTS At 2:00 that aftemoon, the OHnlster of f. 5 DANGEROUS CRIMINAL &rïfr "Bi 11 Garaway was sentenced to 5 years in prison Oct. 28 for refusal. This is the high- est sentence yet given to a Loa Angeles Resis- tant. The judge, during hls sentenclng speech, said such thlngs to Bi11 as: "You're a danger- 3US crimlnal to society.' Judge Curtis rerain- Jed Bi 11 that hls sentence could be reduced any time within the next 6 months if Bi 11 stopped talklng to others about Resistance. In response to this attempt to silence Bi 11 nany men will send thelr draft cards to Judge Curtis with notes attached explaining that Bill lnfluenced*thelr decislon to reslst. Per- hbps the good judge will leam that we will not be lntiaidated. "One surprise of the sentenclng came when the prosecutlng attomey John Hornbeck, stood and pleaded for a lower sentence for Bill be- cause of 'Bill's sincerity and courage.' 3o, ïven if Bill's message was missed by the judge, lt wasn't missed by the government's attomey. Who knows— perhaps he like Mike Green, will refuse to prosecute any more drafa cases and quit the U.S. Attorney's Of- fice. "It would help if as many people as possi- >le would write to Judge Curtis, 312 No. ipring, Los Angeles, and teil him their feel- ngs about Bill, his sentence and why men must resist the draft. Please do so in the ipirit of non-violence and with due respect to Mr. Curtis--not as a judge, but as a human being." (L.A. Resistance Newsletter, 10-31-68)

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MASSACRE <» MEXICOMexico (Liberation Newa Service)

"The openlng <a<*y oi tue Olympics was sim- ply beautiful," sang a middle class Mexican woman. "1 was so proud of our people. Wé STÄRTED EXACTLY ON TIME! (Like man, we'll show those anglos we can be just like them.) "Our people behaved themselves beautlfully. Oh yes, we had a llttle disorder ln our house, but lt*s all cleared up now."

Viere are new buses, clean streets, color- ful banners, clean-cut boys and glrls who man tourlst ald centers, and walls whlch once cried out ln anger have been cleaned with new coats of paint. The blood is nearly all gone

now from Tlatelolco. And the door whlch was bazookaed off its hinges at Preparatoria Num­ero Uno has been cleaned of the blood of who kaows how many (now dead) students who stood behlnd lt. The dead are buried and lt's "all cleaned up now."

MEXICAN GOVERNMENT HYPOCRITICAL TOOThere are billboards all over Mexico pro-

dalmlng ln words and plctures that, "Through peace, everythlng is posdble." It is as though a Madison Avenue firm had been glven the "peace" account. The campaign is incredi- bla: nearly 507. of the city's billboards show white doves on variously colored backgroundsi laughlng women, playlng children and singlng workers. The doves of peace decorate every- thing: store Windows, banks, gas stations,cars and even some on the windowshlelds of motorcycle pollcemen.

"The students haven't seen half of what we can do yet," said a captain of the Presiden- tial Guards to a correspondent. He was one of those responsible for what is now called the Massacre of Tlatelolco, where at least 200 died and hundreds were injured. "If they keep it up, Tlatelolco will seem like a picnic."

The nightmare of Tlatelolco is either a study of military stupidity or of 19th Cen­tury sadism. At 12 noon on October 2nd, the Chief of Police Luis Cueto Rarairez told an Italien correspondent, "Madame, everything is resolved now. There will be no more fighting. It is all over." For days, student activists had fanned out throughout the city telling

people of a protest rally to be held at the Plaza de las Trers Culturas on October 2nd. The rally of the previous week had taken place unmolested, unmarked by violence. There was no reason for anyone to assume that the October 2nd rally would be anythlng different.

MASSACRE OF MEXICAN STUDENTSAt 2:00 that aftemoon, the OHnlster of

f . 5


’&rïfr ■

"Bi 11 Garaway was sentenced to 5 years in prison Oct. 28 for refusal. This is the high- est sentence yet given to a Loa Angeles Resis- tant. The judge, during hls sentenclng speech, said such thlngs to Bi 11 as: "You're a danger- 3US crimlnal to society.' Judge Curtis rerain- Jed Bi 11 that hls sentence could be reduced any time within the next 6 months if Bi 11 stopped talklng to others about Resistance. In response to this attempt to silence Bi 11 nany men will send thelr draft cards to Judge Curtis with notes attached explaining that Bill lnfluenced*thelr decislon to reslst. Per- hbps the good judge will leam that we will not be lntiaidated.

"One surprise of the sentenclng came when the prosecutlng attomey John Hornbeck, stood and pleaded for a lower sentence for Bill be­cause of 'Bill's sincerity and courage.' 3o, ïven if Bill's message was missed by the judge, lt wasn't missed by the government's attomey. Who knows— perhaps he like Mike Green, will refuse to prosecute any more drafa cases and quit the U.S. Attorney's Of­fice.

"It would help if as many people as possi- >le would write to Judge Curtis, 312 No. ipring, Los Angeles, and teil him their feel- ngs about Bill, his sentence and why men must resist the draft. Please do so in the ipirit of non-violence and with due respect to Mr. Curtis--not as a judge, but as a human being." (L.A. Resistance Newsletter, 10-31-68)


PAGE 2 THE ROACH December 1 7 -3 1 , 1968


By Ron Young

Most people here feel an urgent need for change. ^»me may tjjiink Revolution is a thing of the past. "Revolution" is a word we’ve come to, not started with. We've gone through a set of experlances that made us realize the depth of the issues...the extent of change needed can best be descrlbed by the word "Rev- volution." (e.g. in civil rights, education, the Vietnam War.)

It's important to communicate what we mean by Revolution to others. I raean by Rev­olution, in terms of our Society:

1. A reversal— -turning upside-down of prioritles of the system in regard to the spending of money, human energy, vocational training, industrial and research capaclty from destructive to building purposes. Stu- dents say, "We want to bui ld, not burn.” We must spend as much on defense as we now doen the War on Poverty.

2. There has to be a far reaching re-or- dering of economie powers. The middle-class little man feels as over-taxed as well as the poverty people. The job of educating them to the fact that the money is going not to help negroes (as Wallace says) but to kill Vietnam­ese and to prepare to kill Thais. Even poorpeople are afraid of help. Poor people don't realize that'the people who try to convlnce them of this are the people who have Socialism already--the rich.

That is: Through the Agriculture Depart­ment, large farmers can get grants and help, but not the little farmers. Senator Eastland of Mississippi was one of the first to aeeeßp socialism in the form of $150,000 to $200,000 not to plant crops while some of hls share croppers went hungry.

In Rockland County, N. Y., the reason pooi whites and Negroes can’t take jobs availabl« is because they have no busses to take them t< the jobs. The County has offered jobs but nt money is available for transportation. Thibig airlines have federal money poured intc them because they serve the rich. Hourly shuttle service is available between Washingtot and N. Y.

We have socialism for the rich but free enterprise for the poor.

3. There must ,be a re-ordering of politi- cal power. One reason for the apathy among the poor and the young is not that they don't care but they believe that caring doesn't get you anyvhere. Students in high schools care how the school is run, but you can have no weight and will cost greatly. Apathy is used as a defen^fe.

One of the important things to do wlth the poor is to show them things they can do that will get them somewhere. A student standing shouting, "Care, Care." made others angty for he was "bugglng the heil" out of their frust»

tions. Instead, organizing, setting up litera- ture tables will begin to break down apathy.

Of course, when you move in the directlon of more local, decéntrallzed partlcipation and' control, you'll run into a lot of trouble, 1) because the exercise of power is always an accident, problem-filled course. And 2) the established order of power feels threatened and has to deal with the new order to power, to ro-n.-der themselves.

4. There must be an opening up of thi: Society itself to world priorities. It is no longer sufficiënt to glve one's loyalty to country, nation, or f lag ^ W e now live ln the World— it is our borderï’*,'*Öur decisions how we spend money, lives, energles, study, resour­ces, must be ' in terms of the whole world and that world. has to be held together. War has to be lalcf aside— it's no hèlp anymore. The questlon ls not: Why the draft? but Why do we need an»ärmy? Instead of taking up manpower in the army so we don't have an unemployment Problem» why not use our manpower in construs- tive jobs?'

Is this Idealism? No. Idealism is thinking that by piling up new weapons we’re making ourselves safer. No, we're just making the other side iess safe, so they pile up nuclear weapons too. So now other small countries want bombs. Since we say security is in bombs, they want some security too. We must realize that our security is based on others feeling equally secure. In 20 years missiles will be ringed around our cities on launching pads almed at China. The engineers are going to be shocked. Polltlcians are going to say, "Why didn't you make them so they can be tumed around and aimed in, for the real problems are inside the cities, not on the outslde. The eitles will be burning from the inside because the people have gotten so discontent living right beside the most expensive looking rais- siles they've ever seen.

5. Finally, Revolution must take place in our own lives. Change must take place ln choosing a vocation and what we do with it. We need brave teachers who are unafraid to talk about controversial issues. They must be intelligent enough to be able to do what they feel is real education and still stay employed

And there is a need for trouble-maklng. We must make it uncomfortable. Change only takes place when it's easier than leavlng things thi way they arei ■i"Non-violence must be recognized as trouble-making. Why is this true and necessary?

It roakes people uncomfortable , bitter and angry. 'or example, sit-ins in the South re- sulted -many arrests and caused much finan­cial loss to segregated restaurants. The Mayor of Nashville said, "I favor desegregation, but

S t« 9


December 1 7 -3 1 , 1968 TtiE ROADi PAGE 3

w ork, study, GET AHEkO,Ki^(Reprinted in part Erom the New Left Notes, the weekly publication of National SDS)

Late ln September, SDS learned that the Iniversity (of Chicago) was planning a huge inaugural dinner for the new President to which were invited 2000 of the country's top business and political leaders— and a handful of atudents. Among those invited were Mayor Richard J. Daley of Pig City, a man noted for his actlons durlng a certaln recen;. conven- tlon; Avery Brundage, internatl cnally knownracist, a close friend of Hitler's; Robert McNamara; Edward Kennedy; Arthur Goldberg; Ibe Fortas; Otto Kerner; Everett Dirksen; seven (count 'em seven) members of the Roche- feller dynasty; plus the Trustees, administr*- tors, and selected faculty, Billed as maln speaker was McGeorge Bundy, a key figure in engineering US imperialism in Vietnam and now President of the Ford Foundation.

SDS called for a massive student protest outslde the Hilton. We wanted to say that the time has passed when 2000 fat-cats can get t» gether for a pleasant evening of wlning and dlnlng and expect it to go smoothly. We set up our picket line in front of the Hilton's ma in entrance with over 150 students, carry- ing signs likes "Welcome to Pig City," "Is it Plato that U of C REALLY loves?" and "Free Speech for Capitalists and Imperlalists." Chanting "Work, Study, Get Ahead— Killl" the pickets who were not invited to the Presi­dent ' s banquet held their own festlvltles ln the streets for four and a half hours.


Meanwhlle, several radlcals had managed to receive lnvitatlons to the dinner held inslde» Determined that the ruling elite no longer have care-free get-togethers, the invited SDSers planned a contlnual disruption of the speeches which came after dinner. Typlcal din­ner conversationas between radlcal students and the administrators invariably seated next to them were as followsi

. vfxeasantly and with ..un en-sion) are you a student in college?

SDSs (smiling) Yes I am.Adm: Same as above, shaking head affirma-

tively) Do you like the University?SDS: (snlllng broadly); No, I thlnk it eats

shit.D.shes were cleared and the speeches began.

The disruption was planned so that every five minutes, students dispersed throughout the enormous room would stand up and scream a pol­itical rap to the audience. For example: "Uni­versity money in Trustee David Kennedy’s bank supports racism in South Africa....And Mc- George Bundy, you are responslble for the gen­ocide in Vietnam. You're soaked in blood and your stench of death fills the room. I'm go­ing to join my brothers in the Street where the air is cleanerl" One student shouted, Mc­George Bundy, you developed that atrocity which is our policy in Vietnam, now I've been called to fight in that atrocity. Nere is my answer to that call!" and rlpped up his draft card. One girl yelled, "You spend $150,000 here tonight that could have been is ed to es- tablish a child day-care center for the univ­ersity community." After each student gave his rap, he stomped out of the room, shoutlng "Work, study, get ahead— killl" and joined the picket line outslde. Disruption lasted untll the end of the dinner.

"CULTURED" GUESTS KICK STUDENTSThe audience responded at first by screara-

ing "Get out of hereJ", "Sit downi" and shut upi" Comments to one another were, "This uni­versity is too free, get those communists out of herel" As the audience realized they were in for a full night, they became increaslngly venomous and vulgär. Guests began to hit and kick students as they left the hall. They jumped out of their seats to grab demonstra- tors before they could speak, and cursed , shrieked, and waved their fists at us.

One girl had water thrown at her while shoutlng to the audience. By the end of the evening those who financlally support our "Great Universl.ty" had been shorn of all their cultured pretenses. When confronted with student opinion, all McGeorge Bundy could do, interruptlng hlmself, was shout, "You’re...You’re...You,re...SILLY!" And Jul­ian Levi, brother of the new President and a power by his own fight in the University, spat in a student's face.

During the dinner, the hotel's kitchen staff, who were diggeing the disruption a lot helped uninvited students to Infiltrate the ballroom through the kitchen entrance. The evening ended with a sense of victory and suc- cess for the students, both lnside and out. The demonstrators retlred after four hours of picketing, but confronted the departing guests with the spirited chant of "Work, stu­dy, get ahead killj" The faces of the rul­ing elite were so drawn and so expressionless that they looked like powered pulp.


F ' 1 * THE RQACri . Qecem bejr_17-31, L9fo


CAFETERIA UNITEA group of student workers from the UH

cafeterias met on Dec. 4th to conslder griev- ances against their exploiter, Saga Food Com­pany. It was not a wage disDute. but a far more basic struggle--the| establiivment of communication caafmels between the laborers and the management. Students carae with an assortment of gr ievances:

1. If a worker was disllked by a supervi­sor for 3ome reason, even for havlng a beard or similar personal characterlstlc, he could be flred without recourse because the chaia of command was so vague. Students never knew to whom they could appeal.

2. Along with this vagueness went a vari- ety of arbitrary decisions on hiring and fir- ing, including,

A. A black student was told there were no jobs available, when in truth there were;

B. John Ui teek was not hired because Saga feared his political influence (he raight organize the workers and present demands);

C. People were afraid to complain about condltions for fear of being told nIf you don't like it you can quit," or even told not to come back at all;

3. Many grievances centered around the ir- regularity of the h0urs, for example;

A. Someone would come to work as sched- uled and be told they weren't needed that day and it was just tough if they were inconven- ienced;

B. "We're short on help today; you work 2 extra hours."

C. iomeone would be guaranteed a certain number of hours per week (say 20) and then find that he was only needed for 7, causing hardship on the stomach;

O. At least one student was told ha had to work on Thanksgiving Day or not at all Aat week, thereby having to sacrifice a date and a Thanksgiving meal himself;

E. Changes in the schedule were made at the last minute, without notpfication, caus­ing substantial inconvenience;

F. Time and a half for overtime was not provided at all;

4. Hostllity lnstead of understanding on the part of management;

5. Ralsing the prices of food far in ex- cess of increases in wages;

6. Shorter hours in which the cafeterias are open, from 10 PM to 7 PM, meaning that those working a 4-7 PM shift don't get to use their meal tickets and are forced to eat else- where.

According to a representdtive of the Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union, those who are paid the least are the ones who are generally worried that the boss is going bankrupt (when he is probably socklng away thousands of dol­lars) and tend to be ironlcally pro-manage- ment.

One of the most convinclng argument:, for the forming of a union was the contlnual

NOMINATfONS?The letter printed below was sent to sorae

60 faculty members who "count" in the opinion of the administration»

Prior to the selectlon of our last Presi­dent, the Board of Regents drew up a list of "important qualifications for the position."They are regarded by the Board as still valid. They are:

1. The new president should be a vigorous man, one who is "on the ascendency" in his eareer." It is lntended that he lead the Uni- verslty to great accoraplishments and in so do Ing, bring greater stature to himself.

2. Age is not a deterraining factor, al- though a "younger man" between 40 and 55 would be preferred.

3. Academie standing or acceptance is a prerequisite.

4. Broad experlence with multiple disci­plines, as contrasted to experieince limited to one discipline la deslred.

5. A high degree of empathy withora cap- acity for understanding diverse national, economie, and religious backgrounds is essen­tial. Ability to develop and understnad the spirit of "aloha", as well as a capacity for understanding human relatlonships, is re- quired.

6. Proven administrative experlence.7. A wlfe ^io can manage the social respai-

sibilities that accompany the offioe of Presi­dent.

8. Experlence in college or universlty teaching.

9. The capacity to maintain a view of the widest scope of service of this Institution, yet retaining a "universlty centered" adminis tration.

II. As you view the deslred course of the University's development and the attendant Problems, what criteria do you feel are the most important as a basis for the selectlon of our next president?

III. The Senate executive Committèe feels that, inter alla, the ability or capacity to establish and maintain effective relation- ships with various groups is very important. These groups consist of students, the faculty, and various communities— local, national and international.

On the basis of these three sets of criter­ia, what is your evaluation of each of the local nominees?

W. GorterBob Hiatt

evasion of the question by management head Russell Wright when asked, "Can you think of any reason why we should not form a union to gain a better procedure for dealing with our grievances?"


December 1 7 -3 1 , 1968 THE ROACH PAGE 5


If there ls somethtng golng on in your high school outslde "legitimste cKennels" or else a one-slded use of those channela, teil lt to The Roach via HS edltor Sara Nugent, phone 946-1084» We need news storlesl________

The latest encounter of the Hawaii High­school Students For Peace has been to put out a newspaper, named Occasional Tripe, for highschool students. The newspaper is trying to have articles with subjects that relate to highschool and yet are usually ignored in school newspapers. O.T. is attempting to be a voice for students who need a place to air their needs, make announcements of their ac- complishments, or simply express theraselves. All articles, poetry, or critlcisms of O.T. are welcome and can be malled to 734-A Ocean View Drive, 96816. If you have questions or would like to obtain some O.T. to distrlbute at your school, call Riley Lee at 946-9380 or Norb Buelsing at 955-1995. At the present, O.T. is free but to pay for ink and paper, fu- ture issues may cost a little (5?). The fol­lowing article is taken from the first issue.

Kalani has a Student Union. The group's purpose is to be a common unit for Kalani students who would like to express their needs to the administration, the Department of Education and people who make declsions concerning school environment. It is entlrely independent in it's goals and Interests. Some of it's objectives are: 1) making Kalani stu­dents more aware of world issues by bringing speakers and providlng literature on relevant and sometimes controversial issues that con­cern students 2) introducing some sort of draft education in school 3) changing or abo- lishing the dress code 4) establishing a Stu­dent Bill of Rights 5) settling of the no- smoking restriction. The Student Union is willing to discuss and encompass any new idea or comraittee that will work for greater ex- presslon for students. The Union's advisor is William Lindsay (a very cool English teacher and also the Student Government Advi­sor.) The Union is administration approved and is in the process of setting up coramit- tees and spreading it's name on campus. The Union is like the student's baby. It ls their thing. They will either make it or itwon't exist, for it is purely a student gro upstriving for student expresslon and student need. If the Union is necessary the studentsof Kalani will make it succeed.

Anyone who can read the entire 15-page interview of Eldridge Cleaver by Nat Hentoff in the Dec. Playboy and still be fundamental- ly opposed to him and the Black Panthers is a fascist racist.


jjicenor, Luis Eschecerria announced that the govemmoent was taking steps toward a peaceful solution to the turmoil in the city.

By 4:00 the supporters of thé students be- gan arriving at the plaza de las Tres Cul- turas. The movement had widespread support a- mong ordinary citizens--the middle dass and the workers. The workers themselves had often been the victims of police repression and bru- tality. The middle dass was upset because of the unprecedented vlolation of university autonomy. Many brought their families, and even pregnant women were there. Children ran up and down the Plaza yelling at each other. It was a beautiful evening.

By 5:30 the cement was wet with blood-the ground littered with shoes, eye glasses andpurses, piece3 of children's clothing and the bodies of innumerable dead; men, women and children.

HH0SE RESPONSIBILITY?One does not maintaln populär support

by planning a supposedly peaceful rally with children in attendance, and then provoke the army to charge the crowd. And even if the riflemen were a few misguided "revolutionär- ies attempting to provoke the army into brutallty so that the populace would "arise in anger and put down the government"— even if this were the case, the present government and its army, without ulterior motive, cannot hide behind those acts as justificati on for the killing and wounding of large numbers of unarmed children, women and men.

So the question remalns: who? and why?In whose interest is this dlsruption in Mexi­co. The government says the communists. Ui* communists say the CIA. (The CIA was not avail­able for comment. They were at the Villa Olympics trying to figure out what to do about Tommy Smith and John Carlos.)

Restlessness and discontent have been building steadlly. Add to this the Mexlcan student consclousness of the rebelllons at Berkeley, Columbia and Paris, and you have- some of the elements that ignited the move­ment. ’ •

On the government's part, the admin­istration of Diaz Ordaz has not been the mo£ populär in the hlstory of Mexico. As thia country struggles from undeveloped t o developed, the role of the president is chang­ing. He can no longer be the benevolent father, dispenser of "revolutionary" goodles. Diaz Ordaz ls the first president in Mexican history to be booed as he gave the annual Informe (State of the Union Message). He ls neither totally a puppet nor toally a puppet- eer and at times there appears to be a power vacuum in this administration.

Then there is the changing economy of Mexico. The private sector struggles for more

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>PAGE 6 TiiE RUACri December 1 7 -3 1 , 1963

Decem ber 1 7 -3 1 , 1968 TrtE ROACu PAGE

■ ROACH CUPS A regulär Roach feature containlng artlcles and mat­erial from other underground publications.

"Thww who profes» to favor freedom and yet deprecate aritat ion. are men who want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters.”



« I f you want the h appin «» of the people, let them speak out,„d teil what k i n d o f h . P P . n e s .

they want and what k.nd they

don’t want!”ALBERT CAMUS

*1 belleve in anything that is necessary 1 > ta correct unjust conditions—political, *,economie, toeial, physical, anything « U that's necessary. I believe in it — as tong as it's intelligently directed and designed to get results. “


M i tMalcolm X

January 1, 1965Marines and tank stand guard in case South Vietnamese prisoner tries ta



PAGE 8 THE ROACH December 1 7 -3 1 , 1968

V N W O M E N LIBERATION"Ten women are not worth one man," sign

fied the feudal role of women ln Vietnam un- til 1945. But in the course of the struggle against two colonlallst lnvaders, the Viet­namese women contributed greatiy to the fight­ing the producing needs of their people, and in the process--are transforming their roles and consciousness. There have been many heri- ones; young commandos from the villages (tho*e who punlsh the traitors), women's militi units which down US aircraft, sink US war­ships, and attack enemy outposts; the vice- commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the NLF, a woman who fought against the French and whose husband and son were killed by the forelgn army.SEEDS OF LIBERATION IN VIETNAM OPPRESSION

Slowly under French rule, and with great acceleration under US occupation, the centu- ries of fecnale dependency and fear were shat- tered by the hatred and anger at the slaughter of civilians, the oppresion of the Saigon regime, and the occupation by foreign troops. In the struggle, the women are building the basis for their society after the war.

The revolutionary significance of the re- solution lies in its commitment to raising the conscicu sness of the entire population. The Decree requires both the self-effort of women and the education of men. It is compul- sory that it be studied by both sexes:several weeks of discussion were spent on this Decree in unions and factorles, in agricultural co- operatives, army units, etc. These groups help to educate and critlcize; to bring down tö dally concrete life the implications of the liberations of women. This resolution ia not limited to time of war. It is building the cadres for the future society, where the decentralized dlstribution of work, the edu­cation of children, the equality ln family life and in responsible posts will continue.

ROLE IN TET OFFENSIVEIn the major clties, women students and

young workers, including some of the prosti- tutes in Saigon, played an important role during the Tet offensive. They served as guldes (the eyes and ears) of the NLF fight- ers, taking them through complicated streets, identifying traitors and agents, and houslng and protecting them, assuredly supply lines, cared for the sick, and helped return the main forces to bases in free areas.

Liberation of Vietnamese women is being forged from very concrete actions: actions of survival, of humanity, no claims of utopian liberation already achieved, no pleas from E^issive victims of violence and brutality.

But the fusing of action and consciousness as women, as Vietnamese, and as members of the Third World.

(Bernardine Dohrn is Inter-Organizational Secretary of SDS.)

Rubin freaks | them out in C « rVANCOUVER, B. C. (LNS) - - The Faculty Club of the Unlverslty of British Columbia (UBC), an off-limits-to-students sanctuary for the staid old men of vancouver academia, was li- berated for a day recently.

It all started when Jerry Rubin, who was addressing about 1,500 UBC students, asked the crowd: "Is there anywhere on campus that needs liberation?"

Several people yelled out, "The faculty club!" Most students laughed, but when a handful actually headed for the faculty club, the whole crowd joined in, and the ranks swelled to about 3,000 by the time they ar» rived there.

RUBIN RITESIn a letter, to INS, Rubin described what

happened:"Two thousand of the most beautiful people

you ever saw went marching down the road, into the exclusive and the elite Faculty Club, breaking a historie and cultural taboo, llber- ating the liquor, smoking grass in $20 bill cigarettes, flying the VC flag above the buil­ding, swimming nude--turning the entire plaoe, hitherto banned to students, into an orgy."

An editorlal in the UBC paper, the Ubyfcse* • described the day's events as "a politicalact only in the yippie terms of striking out against authority, making the protest, and then having some fun."

PERSONAL OPPRESIONThe edltorial warned that this was not a

Situation involving concrete issues, but a response to the fact that "students feela great personal oppression by the authorita- tian unlverslty."

Rubin, dressed in a stylish cape made from a National Liberation Front flag, made his appearance on the attractive UBC campus over- looking Vancouver Bay on Oct. 24. He called the universities "baby-sitting agencies" and urged the Canadfans to "abandon the creepingmeatball"— that is, to drop out and rejeetanything that is oppressive.

Rubin's crowd started out with considera- ble hostillty toward him, but his speechquickly charmed them all and set the mood forthe Invasion of the Faculty Club, according to the Ubyssey report.


Jecem ber 1 7 -3 1 , 1968 THE ROACH PAGE 9

29 th Brigade Chickens Out

There are a fev men in the 29th Brigade who have shown enough courage to follow up their slgnature on the Petition with some action, like coming to Resistance meetings or organizing their fellow GI's. Most, however, have elther been chlcken or apathetlc, probab-- ly both.

You would think that when it is either act or go to Vietnam they would have enough Inter­est in their own behalf. Having initiated a Petition and asked the community to support them, and having already received some sup­port from our congresslonal delegation, it would seem reasonable that the men would press for Victory instead of merely hoplng some mlracle will save them. One would think that they would have learned that it takes power to change things, and that in strong united action they would have power.

What do they do instead? They worry about such trivial matters as the radical reputa- tion of R eslstance! They pay more attention to public "image" than to reality. An image is a reflection of reality. Why are they so tlmid about confrontlng reality? As MEN, not as military robots. If they can't stand by themselves, no one can support them.

The election results of the California Peace . and Freedom candidates are finally available to us. The presidental candidate, currently a refugee from injustice, Eldridge Cleaver was not permitted on the ballot be­cause of hls age. But his wife Kathleen re­ceived 5419 votes compared to the winning vote of 35,729— 15.27..

Bobby Seale, Black Panther Chairman and co-founder with Huey Newton, had 4725, which amounted to 10.67. of the vote of the winner. Huey Newton had 12,164 or 11.9%. In thet state wide U.S. Senate election, Paul Jacobs ob- tained 91,254 votes, but it only amounted to 1.3%. Part of the reason for his small per­centage was the fact that the race was hotly contested by liberal Alan Cranston (who won) and Reagan's chief henchman, Max Rafferty.

(Further editorial comments)

What the US power structure is faced with is the conspiracy of truth and life. That is why forces within and without the country (SOS, Resistance, Peace and Freedom, Black Panthers, etc. and Student rebelllons and liberatlon movements all around the world) are unitlng to combat imperialism and racism. Each group ls coming to the same conclusions by different roads. Truth Infiltrates tyranny and makes it tremble.

Fwccouldn't it have happened better without all that trouble." Not so, for some people'a morallty cbn't be reached except through their pocketbooks. Or the Berrigans, who were advised by their lawyers to say less and get a better sentence, answered, "We read ourwatches dlfferently. There's not time left not to say it all, to try to change things without caus- ing trouble." Frederick Douglass, a black free man said long ago, "Those who want change without causlng trouble are those who want the ocean without the roar of the waves or the ha» vest without first ploughing up the field.

And we can't afford sloppy trouble, or a sloppy Revolution. Clarity in troublemaking is necessary not only because it's decent, but it is also important strateglcally. You allow a lot of people to get off the hook if they don't know what you want.

The quallty of trouble making has to sug- gest the end we seek. In our society, the quallty of troublemaking is Important because society needs not just new Information but to know what it means to be alive. Part of peoples' trouble is fear of being alive. People can't understand draft refusers because they're sick. Society supports them in thëir sickness. We have to build a kind of movement that is psycho-theraputic as well as socially, educatlonally, and politically theraputlc. This doesn't mean we shouldn't upset people. We must confront them with the dlfficult truth and stay around to see it through. We must raise truth in a way that the person who feels threatened by the truth knows that we'renot out to get hlm but to bring truth alive.

The Movement must raise questions that aet people free. We must reach out to help and support.

Two quotes apply here. George Orwell wrote, "The problem in all revolutions of the 20th Century is that of ending the revolutlon with the same old Adam with a new skin."

And Berdayev wrote, "What we need is the kind of revolutlon that liberates men socially and spiritually at the same time."


PAGE 10don Young addressÖfe“BJ

|hor^shop on honvioiennn

W E ROACH December 17-31, 1966 .’hn q a n c t .ia rv oy Sfteve K u b o ta ’-**■

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December 1 7 -3 1 , 1968 THE ROACti PAGE 11

M assacrefn M exico •fVovn p .Sends. But the roots of the problem--a rotten

"modernization in Mexico's economy" and for huge amounts of foreign Capital, no matter the price. They are pushing for cuts in pub­lic spendlng and the streamlining of the mas­sive "family" bureaucracy which now adminis-ters the country. 1970 is a presidential elec- tion year in Mexico and some say that in or­der to get its way, the private sector is maneuvering to put one of its own in the pres- idency. did elements of this sector provoke the events to show up a weak president and crumbling public sector?

And what about the army? This year DiazOrdaz was to give seven governships of States to generals, until the civilians inhis party, the PRI, found out about it. Be-hind the scenes, the civilians paid for a pub­lic campaign in the press attacking milltar- ism. The end result was that five of these governorships went to civilians and only two to the military. The influence and power ofthe military seems to be on the wane. The Mex-ican army has no real tigers to fight. So per- haps it creates paper tigers to justify its exlstence. Did they provoke the violence to demons tra te to the country that strong raea- sures in the tradition of rlght wing militar- ism are needed to keep law, order and stabil- ity 1

From all this and from past Investigation^ several theorles have been presented that sup- posedly explain the student rebellion:

IT'S A COMMUNIST PLOT: Most of the members of the Mexican Communist Party (PCM) were arreat> ed on or shortly after the 26th of July, when the first serious repression took place, and ret the Movement has continued. On the other 'and, none of those arrested since then have been linked to the PCM.IT'S AN INTERNATIONAL PLOT: As mcntionedabove, authorities have not been able to link the few forelgners arrested with the Movement.

IT'S A CONSPIRACY BY POLITICIANSi Followers of former President Adolfo Lopez Mateos. Newspapers have given ample coverage to the alleged backing of the Movement by PRI's for­mer leader, Carlos Madrazo, by Lopez Mateo's secretary, Rumberto Romero, and 3everal hlgh- level individuals. in reality, declarations made by arrested students have only pointed out to cash donations.

In other words, the student movement isneither acommunist plot, nor an international conspiracy, nor a coup by resentful politi- cians.

GOVT TRIES TO DISCREDXT THE MOVEMENTAttempts to discredit the student move­

ment have been frustrated by a double process which uncovers official corruption while clearing the way for a truly populär struggle. The government knows only too well that the supposed conspiracies only serve demagogie

officialdom, populär discontent, widespread injustice--have led the student movement to limits unsuspected at the beginning. In an effort to halt this struggle for democrac^ the presidency has approached the newly organized National Strike Council (CNH) tode- bate cohditions previous to the discussion of the Six Points. These conditions are:

(1) The immediate withdrawal of troops from all occupied schools

(2) The end to repression and(3) The llberty of all polltical prlsoners

due to the student conflict. Several of these prlsoners have been traced to the various concentratlon caraps but have since disappear- ed, as is the case of Raul Alvarez, student in the Faculty of Science, at the UNAM.

The future of the police state which Mexico has become depends on these talks.


Several leaders of the Mexican student strike have been apprehended and subjected to torture. It is feared that two leaders taken by the government forces on Oct. 2, Raul Al­varez Garin and Luis Cervantes Cabeza de \feca, may now be dead.

According to a dispatch from LNS corres­pondent Julian Meza, himself a strike parti­cipant, both Raul and Luis have been subject­ed to simulated executions. Reports reaching outside from Military Encampment Number One, where the two were being held, said that twice dally, the prlsoners faced a firing squad. They were blindfolded, with their feet tied and their hands bound to a post. Someone shouted "Firel" but the bullets went into the air. ,


PAGE 12 THE ROACH December 1 7 -3 1 , 1968

The first, round, not quite sraall. Perhaps she ls despondent over trying someone else's way. And they teil me she ls Reall

Two ls 50, slim, perfumed-aged model. Be- speckled paisly adorns her well-lifted body. Someday she has to go-but to what? Still ahe wears a time plece. And they inslst she is Reall

Th en three— glorlous beauty! Hiatically ageless— formless— nothing to fear, lose, or worry over— Love, her only belief— she smilaa as lts reward.

Sparkling eyes reflect her llfe— warm, gen- tle, soft— and those eyes show the understan-J ding of compassion.

And I peacefully submlt that this ls Real^ ity.

Peace,Mi ki

VICKY AT THE GA TERandom C h em ica ls— b e g in —grow— change...the essence endures.Standing alone— a grassy rlse, gazing froa

still clouded thoughts on the fertile land­scape and vlrgln riverlet below.

...she la aware of her belng.No questlons asked now, no answers noeded-

only bittersweet occasions remembered.The sun is there— warm agalnst a tamsed

face.Long, waving brunette

freely In the cool breeze.Feet are bare, cradled comfortably ln the

soothlng turf.Smiling, she reaches skyward— sonething

restricts her— a white whispy gosn sensually caressing her lush body.

Fuzziness goes— thinking and walking, she ls love.• .she is happiness— laughter comes, controllable— but still the natural express lat of joy.

Approaching a group— somehow lovely— flov­ers and soft muslc. Her smile is met and re- tumed— friends.

The malden discovers—Life,Miki

strands separate

I u i 'm

We had intended to give you all a Roach Christmas present— a new and vastly iraproved fonnat for The Roach. But the deal with the printer we had lined up feil through. His la» yer advised him not to take material without a power of veto over content. We were unwi 11— ing to consent to this arrangement. However. we are still looking for someone who will print an 8-page tabloid for us at reasonable rates. If we can do this, we can print sever- al thousand, and thereby extend ROACH POWER!


Someone told meIt's all happening at the zoo.I can't believe it,I can't believe it's true.It's a high and happy journey From the country to the campus;Just a fine and fancy ramble To the zoo.But you can take the Tri-town bus lf it’s snowing or it's cold.And we animals will love it lf you do.Somethin' teils meIt's all happening at the zoo.I do believe it,I do believe it's cool.The freshmen stand for honesty,|U.G.C. is insincere,And the faculty are kindly but They're dumb.2—S ers are skepticalOf changes in their statusA nd the I.D.C.. is very fond of rum.D.C.S. is reactionary,He crucified our missionaries,S.D.S. plots in secrecy.And we all turn on frequently.What a farce! You gotta come and laugh At the zoo.

Time — again

Dancing crystal bower gardensLife, oh life .the sea is

ragingCome walk with me

can I know your secrets?

Can I wander among your ra in and still command the sun

do you love me stillmy darling?

Must I wish again?and ever

or shall we meet? sing love a bold song

For I am still a man

Michael Peter Walsh