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Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Upload: malantiselfhelpgroup-foundation-organisation

Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

1. Introduction

Malanti self-help group is an independent, Non-religious, Non-political, Non-

denominational, Non-Governmental and Non-profit making community based organization in

Uganda established for among other things. It was founded in 2014 by four Ugandan

professionals in Biira community; led by, Mr.katumba David a professional poultry farm

based in Biira-Wabale, Mr.Ssabakooloto James a retired public health officer and tutor,

Mr. Sajabbi Fredrick an Engineer by profession and Mrs.Nakayiza Betty a retired social

agronomic Worker. This organization has initiated other members in the community.

This organization was led by Mr.katumba Arinkiza David following his profit less support to

the community, who offered 15 acres of land at free lezzy for 40yrs, to Malanti self-help

group, being a community based organization its has initiated up 20 membership who have

contributed to supportive programs like making brick for sell and building of the

organization office structures and support the organization works, Malanti self -group

started with a Vision to An empowered old-aged population in community based

developments, health access and rights hence reduction to deepening poverty in the

community. MASE brings together doctors, famers, nurses, care givers and other

professionals with NGOs interested in promoting human rights, reduction in poverty among

the community. Due to the proven and tracked solidarity record of addressing community

problems, health and human rights violations and influencing policy change in the

community through advocacy-oriented research, awareness camps and Volunteer

recruitments of members to support the venerable people in the community. Mase is well

established community based organization ready to transform the basic and help sustain

and change the lives of people in the community.

It is a service delivery and advocacy organization working with the aged, men and women

including their specified support less grandchildren as far as they are concern.

2 .Vision

An empowered old-aged population in community based developments,

health access and rights.

3. Mission

To contribute to the reduction and prevention of old age suffering,

discrimination and poor medical access, through empowering elderly people


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

and their less fortuned grandchildren within our community and nation wide.

Empower elderly people in our community through; social community

N.B this organization/association shall not only stand to support elderly

people, it shall allow/ listen to other human problems if they are



The Association philosophy is a chore in conceiving responsibility to the

increasing numbers of elderly discrimination, violence and abuse of their rights,

HIV and STIs, alcohol and substance misuse and increase the literacy rates

community for their entitled properties. In light of these, MASE will became an

outreach entity whose purpose of establishment is to increase awareness, and

economic stand, health behaviors and medical easier access, project practices

through life skills education, counseling, small scale poultry farm training help

startup, belief and awareness of the community about the necessity of elderly

people in community decisions.

The Association is committed to renaming a responsible corporate citizen that is

bound and guided by the following core values.

God fearing, the members and staff shall be encouraged to have trust in God

for wisdom and guidance.

Team work and commitment to the vision, the association attaches the

highest importance to team ethics to ensure reinforcing coordinated efforts

by all staff members and supported by responsive.

Integrity transparency and accountability- All staff of this association and

members are duty-bound to be truthful and honest in their dealings with the

organizations to respect public office, and be answerable to their action.

Hard work, diligent services and commitment to our objectives in order to

optimally realize our corporate goals and the economic needs of our



Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Social responsibility, discussing issues to reach a common understanding

and encouraging the exchange of ideas.

Value for money, individual staff and the association as a whole seek to

promote cost-effective-utilization of all scarce resources including time.

Spirit of volunteerism, help for the needy people and extension of helping

hand everywhere necessary.


To spear head community development through small scaled community

poultry farming projects for the elderly people, entrepreneurial/vocational

skills training; making valuable crafts even for elderly people with Disability,

carrying out awareness/sensitization programs, thus educating the public on

how to reduce and prevent old aged discrimination and abuse of their rights;

through empowering the aged people and their grandchildren within and out

of the community by: providing micro loans and helping them to adopt a

culture of financial saving and reinvestment for projects sustainability,

providing free legal assistance and judicial support at community level; to

effectively tackle accusations of witchcraft, property inheritance scandals

and related violence against the elderly people.

6. Executive summary


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Malanti Self-Help Group (MASE) is an independent, Non-religious, Non-political,

Non-denominational, Non-Governmental and Non-profit making community based

organization established for among other things.

To create an informed community; conscious of their rights and forms of


To reduce deepening poverty, numbers of homeless suffering old-aged

people and their orphaned grandchildren by providing different skills which

can be turned into income generating activities.

To rehabilitate and transform the minds of traumatized

dependents/community victims, old aged who have lost their children and

caring relatives, PWDs and abuses like rape, abductions for as sacrifice gifts

and accusations for witch craft in the community.

Provision of free legal assistance, and judiciary support at community level;

effectively to tackle accusations of witchcraft and related violence against

older people especially women.

To sensitize/create awareness to the public about disable/vulnerable

persons amongst community groups, after a careful assessment and

observation of youth, adults and elderly. It has shown that the great majority

of the community members are so poor and poverty is related to the above

main areas of concern vice versa.

N.B. Malanti-self-help group (MASE) in its other hand also shall form a team of

member’s among its own group to take care of vulnerable elderly aged people in their

homes, patients in hospitals where necessary.


Poor corrupted pension schemes; most times the funds are stolen and not

delivered to very community and benefit nothing from economic growth and


Chronic poverty and Food shortage. ;Low levels of income among the

vulnerable old aged hence leading to malnutrition ,

Poor health medical access, many elderly people live in rural areas where

there is few or no medical access


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Environmental changes i.e. floods and mad which gives them difficulties in

moving with on foot/wheelchairs, the major cause of the problem is lack of

mobilization, information and advocacy among the leaders.

Low levels of Education; literacy levels remain low is old aged people and

most especially the women.

Age discrimination and changing of roles and practices within the family and

among the community members and rarely report these abuses due to fear

of fear of ignorance of their rights.

Deep rooted socio-cultural exclusion belief in witchcrafts

,human sacrifice

The experience of economic exclusion, and are often denied employment

and credit schemes

Rape, Murder and false witchcraft accusation; old aged are often murdered

by their children and relatives; thus properties inheritance and marriage

disputes are often at the heart of these accusation.

Absence of free legal; assistance, and judiciary.

Lack of right identity documentation; to prove their eligibility for free or

subsidized service


NB. This non-organization is not only made or written for those with abuse it’s an

association for all.

Therefore the beneficiaries and benefits are:

The beneficiaries are elderly, old vulnerable aged men & women , and less

fortuned grandchildren dependants, disabled HIV/AIDS victims living with

the abuse and the benefits of the organization include:

Increase knowledge and skills in the field of development

Increase income to the beneficiaries.

Improved standards of living.

Poverty reduction in communities.

Freedom and hope to live better life.


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Reduction in abuses.


To create awareness in people about human rights, old-aged care giving with

hygiene and sanitation and recognition of the importance of key documents

such as birth certificates, land titles etc

To create awareness to the people/community to always have time and

mercy for the above vulnerable victims that they need your help.

To mobilize and organize the old aged in the community to form groups and provide

and startup a small scale life sustaining poultry project. And others like weaving,

crafts making this will empower them with start up income generation through this

community based old aged project, income generated will help starting a village

saving culture to help them sustain their grandchildren.

To support NGOs/government to extend their activities to the old-aged in the


To give support to vulnerable old aged families, with related family’s food

supplement and provide daily life materials to widows and scholastic

materials to their orphanage vulnerable children (OVCs).

Provision and insurance of the four basic needs to the vulnerable old aged

people in the provision of materials like brackets, bedcovers

mattress, cups, plates etc

Lobby and advocacy is also another concern in acquiring of

pensions and grants.

To mobilize fund and start up a the first free elderly home in Uganda to care

for the vulnerable aged people with an orphanage home which in future shall

care for their less fortuned abandoned grand children.


In order to realize the above vision and attain the stated mission, MASE is guided

by the following objectives:

Helping individuals and groups to solve frequent obstacles hindering

development amongst the needy orphan’s, and HIV/AIDS.


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Promoting older people in economic inclusions and access to insurance or

credit schemes

An adequate standard of living to the older people as recognized in the

international human rights treaties ratified by African states.8 the charter on

human peolpe1s rights (1981) includes the right of older and disabled people

to special measures of protection in keeping their physical and moral needs

(article 180)

Promoting skills, knowledge and proper planning for rural groups using

methods for active participation (MAP), participatory learning approaches

(PLA) and self-reliant participatory development (SRPD) among the PWDS

and others.

Promoting the importance of identification documents i.e. birth certificates,

national ids to prove their age eligibility to benefits like pensions.

Promoting/Encouraging the sustainability of self help groups for


MASE intends to develop from a project organization focusing mainly on three


Training community elderly aged members, to a program organization with

several projects being implemented under an integrated development


Sponsoring those who have the love and heart to study, the organization

shall try its level best to raise fund for them.

The CBO also has a plan in hand to build up a small factory industry

association for the following project that shall generate income for the


Poultry farm basically commercial layers.

A soap making

Agro-processing and marketing project

Animal power utilization

Wheelchair workshop and walking crutches for the disabled.

Bridgette making project(charcoal made from waste materials to

protect the environment)


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

More awareness session regards children /old aged

people protection, domestic violence, human rights etc.

MASE as a young organization is planning to introduce and put in use these

projects in a nearby short time, both formally and informally but has not yet built

its capacity to fully to implement all these projects under one amalgamated



On that, the project is also being planned to extend its branches to the Districts that

are in need of its planned project.


15 acres of land.

Co-operation among the members and development partners

The majority of the member have integrity and reliable

Members own the Association

Skilled board

Team work

Fast decision making by the board.


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Some of the members and their Grand children.


Financial illiteracy of members

Source of funding is still very meager

Networking, lobbying advocacy as skills in the resource mobilization are

still very inadequate within the Association.

International partners.

Yours sincerely,


David Arinkiza Katumba

Chef Executive director


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Malanti Self-help group

P.o Box 1192

Kampala- Uganda.

Tel/Mob: +256 782-268269, 256-782-731-182

E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]


.... ....................

Otim Bisegerwa

Email: [email protected] , [email protected]

Funds campaigner

Kaate mike

Email: [email protected],

Proposed land given to Malantselfhelpgroup land site


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Malanti selfhelpgroup proposed land site.

Board of trustees, From left. Nakayiza Betty (seniouconsellor), Mr.katumba David, Mr.Bogole Eric, Najingo

Florence, Mr.SSabakoloto James


Hatching ideas of Hope Able to Sustain Communities

Mr Katumba David Executive Director in white coat, Bogole Eric,Namuli ,Marry , Kaate Mike and other members

in the Malantiselfhelpgroup.