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MARY S SHRINE Volume 73 No. 1 Spring/Summer 2012 Mother of The Light

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MARY’S SHRINEVolume 73 No. 1 Spring/Summer 2012

Mother of The Light

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Among the “buzz words” floating around the Church these days is the “New

Evangelization.” You may have read about the New Evangelization in your diocesan newspaper or parish bulletin and perhaps your bishop or parish priests have spoken about the New Evangelization. Ever since the pontificate of the Servant of God, Pope Paul VI, because of the increasing secularization of society, the Holy Fathers have identified a need for the re-evangelization of today’s world. Both Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have frequently addressed this concern and announced the call for a New Evangelization. To articulate how essential the promotion of the New Evangelization is, Pope Benedict established a Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization and has proclaimed a Year of Faith which will begin October 11, 2012.

Pope Benedict XVI tells us that the thrust of the New Evangelization is “to propose anew the perennial truth of Christ’s Gospel.” The Good News of Jesus is the same “yesterday, today and forever” (Heb 13:8) and the Holy Father challenges us to present this message anew, once more, in a new way, a different way, with a “renewed missionary drive...that truly makes an impact on people, awakens and transforms hearts.” As Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington, has succinctly summarized, “the New Evangelization is not a is a mode of thinking, seeing and experiencing…a lens through which we see the opportunities to proclaim the Gospel anew.”

The work of the New Evangelization is the seed for the renewal and revitalization of faith in the Church. As Mary’s Shrine welcomes nearly one million visitors annually, we experience first hand that among the Catholic faithful the ground is fertile to receive this seed. Our people are thirsting for a deeper faith, a more secure faith, a stronger faith and greater meaning in their lives.

For centuries, shrines have assisted pilgrims in their life of faith by providing a place of respite from the challenges, struggles and busy-ness of contemporary society. For over ninety years, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception has served as a sacred space where, through the example and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Spirit of God awakens and transforms hearts; the message of the Gospel is proclaimed and God’s voice is heard. Through personal and communal prayer, through Marian Devotions, through the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception provides the avenue which Blessed John Paul II called “an opportunity for the faithful to encounter the living Christ” and Pope Benedict XVI describes as “a school of prayer where we learn to listen, to ponder and to penetrate the profound meaning of the manifestation of the Son of God, drawing our example from Mary.”

When he met with the bishops of the Washington/Baltimore Province during their ad limina visit this past January, Pope Benedict spoke of the spiritual and cultural challenges of the New Evangelization, stating “the Church in the United States is called, in season and out of season, to proclaim the Gospel…as a key to human happiness.” As the Church progresses in the work of the New Evangelization, Mary’s Shrine will make every effort to support this great initiative, to help unlock the key to happiness and nourish the seed of faith, by encouraging all those who enter our doors to strengthen their faith through prayer and the sacraments, opening their life to God’s presence as did the Blessed Virgin Mary and with Mary, to place themselves at God’s service, responding “yes” to whatever God may ask. ❦

» RectoR’s Message

Mary’s ShrineBy Reverend Monsignor Walter R. Rossi, J.C.L.



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The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a Catholic church dedicated to the patroness of our nation, is a place of worship, pilgrimage, evangelization

and reconciliation. It offers visitors the occasion for a deepening conversion, a step forward in the journey to God, with Mary as the model for that journey. This monumental church, raised by Catholics of the United States because of their devotion to Mary the Mother of God, gives visibility to their faith and Catholic heritage. Mary’s Shrine invites people from across the country and beyond into the saving moment of faith, hope and charity, so that they may be reconciled and transformed into living symbols of Christ’s presence in the world. It is here that the faithful gather to worship God, give honor to Mary, and are sent to spread God’s word wherever they go. ❦


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The 2012 National Prayer Vigil for Life, held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the

Immaculate Conception on January 22 and 23, took on an added element of urgency not only for the respect and protection of all human life, but also for the freedom of conscience and religious liberty.

Just days before, on January 20, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced its mandate that, beginning January 1, 2013, religious institutions (e.g., Catholic charities, hospitals, schools and universities) must include, in their employee health care plans, coverage for sterilization procedures and contraceptives, many of which act as abortifacients.

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Chairman of the USCCB Pro-Life Activities Committee and celebrant and homilist of the Opening Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life, addressed the issue during his homily before a crowd of 12,000 gathered in the Basilica, as well as many thousands more who participated via live broadcast on EWTN, the global Catholic television network. Cardinal DiNardo stated in no uncertain terms that “Threats against life and against the consciences of those who say ‘yes’ to

life must be met with timely and unwavering action, in our families and institutions, and yes, in the public square.”

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, celebrated the Closing Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life held the morning of January 23, the day of the Annual March for Life. Cardinal Dolan likewise addressed the issue in his homily. “From a human point of view, we might be tempted to surrender when our government places conception, pregnancy and birth itself under the Center for Disease Control; we might be tempted to give up hope when chemically blocking conception or aborting the baby in the womb is considered a right even to be subsidized by others who abhor it; we might be tempted to give up when the ability of feeding, housing and healing the struggling and suffering of this globe is curtailed or impeded unless one does not also help women abort their babies…but not us…who have stayed up all night in prayer in this, the home of a pregnant woman who stands at the center of all of history.”

Cardinal Dolan, of course, was referring to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception as Cardinal DiNardo had done the night before when, in his homily, he declared, “We are in the House of Mary. In all pro-life work and activity and prayer, she is the great model, disciple and friend who leads us to Christ.”

In his Closing Remarks at the National Prayer Vigil for Life, Monsignor Walter Rossi, Rector of the Basilica, thanked all who participated and prayed that Mary Immaculate would guide their efforts in what Cardinal DiNardo hailed as “grand and eloquent witness” and Cardinal Dolan proclaimed as “radiant inspiration” in the cause of life and liberty. ❦

National Prayer Vigil for Lifeand Religious Liberty

Hundreds of priests concelebrate the Opening Mass for Life.

Cardinal DiNardo celebrates the Vigil's Opening Mass.

Sisters of Life are among the thousands of faithful at the Mass.

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In a beautiful Maronite liturgy, intoned in English and in Syriac, the new Chapel of Our

Lady of Lebanon was dedicated on September 23, 2011, in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

The Most Reverend Gregory J. Mansour, Bishop of the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, presided over the liturgical ceremony and consecration. Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington and Chairman of the Basilica’s Board of Trustees, delivered the homily.

In his homily, Cardinal Wuerl remarked how, “The devotion of the Maronite faithful to the Blessed Virgin has long been recognized as a visible sign of their national identity and personal commitment to the Lord. Here in this Basilica, Mary is now honored in a chapel that reflects both the Maronite faith heritage and the material so associated with Lebanon.”

The Maronite Church is one of twenty-two churches within the Catholic Church in full communion with the Roman Apostolic Holy See. It dates back to the early Christians of Antioch and bears the name Maronite after

Saint Maron, a fifth century Syriac Christian monk whose holiness and way of life inspired many followers, first in Syria then in Lebanon.

The chapel itself is reminiscent of the intimate stone churches in Lebanon and is adorned with

Our Lady of LebanonMaronite Chapel Dedicated

The Maronite Chapel of Our Lady of Lebanon.

Monsignor Walter Rossi, Bishop Gregory Mansour, and Cardinal Donald Wuerl in the newly consecrated chapel.M


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the art and spirituality of the Maronite Church: mosaics of the Syriac Cross and Cedar of Lebanon; scenes of the Crucifixion, the Virgin and Child (Mother of The Light as seen on the cover), and the Four Evangelists taken from the sixth century Rabboula illustrated Book of Gospels; and paintings of Saint Maron and of Our Lady of Lebanon.

To his brother bishops, priests, deacons, seminarians, religious, and lay faithful gathered for the dedication, Bishop Gregory Mansour exclaimed, “For so long, so many of us dreamed to have something of our own in Mary’s House, so today is a beautiful day for us!”

Deeming the chapel, “truly magnificent” and its artwork “spectacular,” Monsignor Rossi, recognized that “This Chapel is a reality today thanks to the vision and dedication of Bishop Gregory Mansour and the generosity of the entire Maronite Community.”

He continued, “With the completion of the Chapel of Our Lady of Lebanon, one of the most ancient Eastern Churches is represented at this patronal Church of the United States,” adding, “this Chapel visibly expresses the beauty of another distinct community within the Roman Catholic Church.”

Concluding the dedication, Monsignor Rossi prayed, “May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Lebanon, always look down upon us, lend us her guiding hand, present us and draw us closer to her Son. Amen.” ❦

Our Lady of LebanonMaronite Chapel Dedicated

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To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854, the Catholic communities in Lebanon planned to construct a large statue of Mary Immaculate on one of the mountains there. The

Apostolic Delegate at the time wrote: “She would appear at a distance as the Queen and Protectress of Lebanon. She would extend her guiding hands over the waves of the Mediterranean.” The site chosen for this shrine was Harissa, which rose almost 2000 feet from the nearby Mediterranean Sea. Placing our Lady on that spot would ensure that no ship approaching the Port of Beirut would miss this testimonial of the love the Lebanese have for their Queen. Since Lebanon was then a part of the Ottoman Empire, the permission of the government officials in Istanbul was needed in order to construct such a large Christian religious symbol. Within five hours of the request, permission had been granted! Parishes and religious institutions of all Catholic communities contributed to the project making it possible for the 27-foot cast iron statue of Mary to arrive in Beirut in 1906. The stone masons then began the work of building a cone-shaped structure, with a chapel at its center, to serve as the base for the magnificent statue. The Shrine was completed and dedicated on May 3, 1908. From that time on, the Virgin of Harissa has been known as Our Lady of Lebanon. ❦



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Bishop Mansour anoints the Chapel walls.





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The first Episcopal parish in the United States, Saint Luke’s of Bladensburg, Maryland, was

formally received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church on October 9, 2011, in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

On this historic day, 71 members of Saint Luke’s parish renewed their baptismal promises and received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. Among the members initiated was Mark Lewis, the former rector of Saint Luke’s and now former Episcopalian priest, who led his flock through the process of converting to the Catholic faith.

Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, who also serves as the Vatican’s representative for implementation of Anglicanorum coetibus in the United States, celebrated the Mass and Rite of Reception of Saint Luke’s into the Church.

In his homily that preceded their receipt of the Sacraments of Initiation, Cardinal Wuerl spoke to the elect of Saint Luke’s, “This is a time for joy, this is a time of celebration, as this portion of your faith journey brings you to full communion with the Catholic Church…that looks to Peter as the chief shepherd.”

Continuing he exclaimed, “We simply rejoice today in the outpouring of the Spirit in Confirmation, confirming what you already received in Baptism, and then the reception of the Eucharist that brings us a bond so strong, so real that it unites us with Christ himself… Welcome!

Welcome into this mystery! Welcome into the joy…where the banquet of eternal life is set before us at the altar!” ❦

First U.S. Episcopal ParishEnters the Catholic Church

About Anglicanorum coetibus Anglicanorum coetibus is the Apostolic Constitution issued by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009 in response to the petitions of groups of Anglicans worldwide who desired entry into full communion with the Catholic Church. Anglicanorum coetibus provides for the creation of “Personal Ordinariates” under which Anglicans may enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church while retaining elements of their heritage, traditions and liturgical practices. Saint Luke’s is now a member of the new nationwide ordinariate in the United States, The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, established by Pope Benedict XVI on January 1, 2012.

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Former Episcopalian pastor of St. Luke's parish, Mark Lewis, is among those confirmed by Cardinal Wuerl.

St. Luke's Congregation is received into full communion with the Catholic Church at the National Shrine.








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United States Postal Service

Sponsored by the Eucharistic Family Rosary Crusade and the Diocese of Arlington, the

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception hosted the Global Living Rosary on October 8, 2011. Over 3,000 pilgrims from the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, attended the event in conjunction with their diocesan pilgrimage to the Basilica, while hundreds of thousands of other faithful participated worldwide via live broadcast on the Eternal Word Television Network, EWTN.

The beautiful program for pilgrims and viewers alike began with Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington leading a Eucharistic Procession through the Great Upper Church of the Basilica. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed with hymns, Gospel readings, homilies, and with praying the Rosary — the Global Living Rosary.

Father Jim Kelleher, SOLT, Founder and Director of the Eucharistic Family Rosary Crusade, delivered the first homily in which he cited the devotion of Saint Padre Pio, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Blessed Pope John Paul II to the Blessed Sacrament and Eucharistic Adoration: “As they spent more and more time in the presence of the Real Presence, Jesus Himself set their hearts on fire with a greater love and a more powerful witness.”

Relating the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, Father Kelleher said, “When we put Jesus first, everything else falls into place and the Lord fills us with grace upon grace; He illuminates our minds so that we can see the way He sees and love the way He loves.”

Not to be forgotten, Father Kelleher added the importance of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary,

“Always go to Jesus through Mary, the first one to experience the Body of Christ in her own body.”

Father Edward Hathaway of the Diocese of Arlington continued this theme in his homily that followed saying, “Jesus chose to come to us through the power of the Holy Spirit and through the free will cooperation of Our Lady. Today Our Lord continues to choose to come into the world through Mary.”

Explaining that Mary “actively assists us on our pilgrim way to heaven,” Father Hathaway encouraged praying the Rosary daily, reminding pilgrims that it has been the Blessed Mother's most frequent request during her apparitions at Fatima and elsewhere.

“The Rosary is a summary of the Gospel, highlighting the twenty mysteries most central in the lives of Jesus and Mary, and most central to our salvation. It is a biblical prayer through which we are led from joy, through light, to sorrow and ultimately glory. Mary and Jesus are truly present to us when we pray the Rosary.”

The Global Living Rosary followed Father Hathaway’s homily. It was “global” and “living” in that the praying of the five decades of the Rosary was led by 50 members of the Diocese of Arlington who represented 50 different countries from Asia, Oceana, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Wearing traditional native dress, each “living bead” prayed the first part of the Hail Mary in their native language, while the congregation prayed the second part of the Hail Mary in English.

The Global Living Rosary concluded with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, the perfect end to this special Basilica event and broadcast. ❦

Global Living RosaryReaches Worldwide Audience

Living beads of the Global Living Rosary represent countries from around the world.





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On Sunday, September 11, 2011, all Masses at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the

Immaculate Conception commemorated the Tenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001.

The 12:00 noon Mass held special significance as Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, served as celebrant and homilist as he had on that fateful day in 2001 for the thousands who crowded the Basilica’s Great Upper Church in the immediate wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Recalling that day, Cardinal McCarrick said, “Ten years ago today I preached from this pulpit…to a congregation overflowing…who found their way here to be together in this house of God, in this house dedicated to Mary, his Blessed Mother.

“Ten years have passed…but as we look back upon the awful chaos of 9/11, we are challenged to look ahead to the years that are still to come. Ten years ago we knew that we had to be united, that we had to be valiant and courageous, that we had to preserve our sense of justice and our deepest values as Americans, and through it all, our trust and faith in the Living God. As for these values, nothing has changed."

To further commemorate the Tenth Anniversary, an American flag was hung from the Knights Tower and the Carillon Bells were rung, joining other churches, houses of worship and civic institutions throughout the United States in the 9/11 National Moment Remembrance. ❦

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception served as the venue

for the Memorial of the Tenth Anniversary of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, sponsored by former and current workers of the United States Postal Service.

The Memorial was held on October 21, 2011, the tenth anniversary of the death of the first postal worker, Thomas Morris, Jr., and the day before the tenth anniversary of the death of the second postal worker, Joseph Curseen, Jr. Both worked at the Brentwood postal facility in Washington, D.C., where they were exposed to the deadly anthrax.

Mr. Morris and Mr. Curseen were among five people who died from anthrax inhalation.

Addressing those gathered in the Basilica’s Crypt Church, U.S. Postmaster General Patrick Donohoe recalled how, “These unspeakably

tragic events served as a defining moment for the Postal Service.” Recalling “the bravery, commitment and dedication” of Postal Service employees at the time of the attacks and since, Postmaster General Donahoe commended them as “quiet heroes to all of our country.” ❦

Remembering 9/11

2001 Anthrax Attacks Memorialized

Cardinal McCarrick delivers homily on Tenth Anniversary of 9/11.

The American Flag drapes the Knights Tower to commemorate 9/11.

U.S. Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe speaks at the Memorial.














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The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception remembers

Dolores Hope who passed away on September 19, 2011, at the age of 102.

Mrs. Hope was the wife of entertainer Bob Hope, who preceded her in death in 2003.

A lifelong Catholic, Mrs. Hope was a generous supporter and frequent visitor to the Basilica. She attended the historic Dedication of the National Shrine in 1959.

The Hopes gifted the Chapel of Our Lady of Hope of Pontmain, France, located within the Basilica's Crypt Church, in memory of Avis Townes Hope, Bob's mother. The chapel was dedicated in 1994 and is maintained by the Bob and Dolores Hope Foundation.

Following her death, Monsignor Walter Rossi, Rector of the

Basilica, celebrated Mass for her intentions in the Chapel of Our Lady of Hope, remembering her as “a legendary American and exemplary Catholic whose faith was the foundation of her life.” ❦

In Memoriam: Dolores Hope

Dolores & Bob Hope at the Basilica in 1994 for the Dedication of the Chapel of Our Lady of Hope.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was named Apostolic Nuncio to the United

States by Pope Benedict XVI on October 19, 2011. He succeeds the late Archbishop Pietro Sambi who served in the position from December 17, 2005, until his death on July 27, 2011.

A native of Italy and a veteran in the Vatican Diplomatic Corps, Archbishop Viganò most recently served as Secretary-General of the Governatorate of Vatican City State.

Archbishop Viganò celebrated his first Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Christmas Eve 2011 and concelebrated the Opening Mass of the 2012 National Prayer Vigil for Life held on January 22. He is scheduled to celebrate the upcoming Masses of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, and the Solemn Easter Vigil.

Please join us in welcoming Archbishop Viganò to the Basilica! ❦Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò concelebrates Mass at the Basilica.

Basilica Welcomes New NuncioNa



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At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, a 10-inch mortar shell exploded over Fort Sumter in

Charleston Harbor, South Carolina; at that moment, the American Civil War began. Over the course of the next four years, 620,000 American lives were lost. This loss was without equal in American history and would only be surpassed by the 639,122 lives lost in the other American wars from the Revolution to Iraq-Afghanistan. Four days after the surrender at Appomattox, General George Meade wrote to his wife and lamented the great toll the war had taken, “My God, what misery this dreadful war has produced and how it comes home to the doors of almost every one!” (April 13, 1865).

By 1920, the Civil War had receded into the American consciousness as the nation was recovering from World War I. At the laying of the foundation stone on September 23, it seemed “most appropriate that this great edifice ... should also take on the character of a National Memorial to our Soldiers and Sailors” (Sept 23, 1920 Dedication Program). In a tribute to all who served and died over the last 59 years, “from the Civil War to the present day,” Catholic war veterans from each of the wars participated in the ceremonies and in the placing of the foundation stone. Representing the veterans of the Civil War was John A. Storm of the 55th Pennsylvania Infantry and the 1st U.S. Artillery, “an ardent Catholic, and a devout lover of Mary and the Shrine,” who lived at Harewood Soldiers’ Home.

As the walls of this new national church began to rise, opportunities to honor the contributions of generations of Catholic men and women began to take shape. “Ever since the Civil War, many pious souls had expressed the hope that some day a splendid church would arise ... [and] be our common monument of gratitude to Mary Immaculate.” (Sept 23, 1920)

In 1924, the Ladies Auxiliary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians (LAAOH) dedicated the Nuns of the Battlefield monument opposite the Cathedral of Saint Matthew in Washington, D.C., an undertaking they began in 1914. Of the 600 sisters

from the twelve religious orders (Sisters of Saint Joseph, Carmelites, Dominican Order, Ursulines, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sisters of the Poor of Saint Francis, Sisters of Mercy, Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Daughters of Charity, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, and Congregation of Divine Providence) who voluntarily served in the Civil War nursing soldiers of both sides, more than half were born in Ireland.

The LAAOH continued its tribute to the “Nuns of the Battlefield” with its donation of the Chapel of Saint Brigid (patron saint of the Auxiliary) to the National Shrine in 1927. Other liturgical gifts and appointments were donated in the years that followed. In 1928, the “Kilmallock Chalice” and paten was fashioned by The Gorham Company (New York) after the early 17th-century chalice of the Dominican Priory in Limerick, Ireland. The inscription on the chalice reads, Presented to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception / … for use at the Altar of Saint Brigid / ... as an enduring memorial to the noble service /… by the Nuns of the Battlefield. / Anno 1928.

The most precious of the gifts however, was made of wood. Through special arrangements, wood from the pews of Saint Francis Xavier Church was used to carve two missals stands in a medieval Irish motif. The church, dedicated on July 31, 1853, by Bishop (Saint) John Neumann, was used ten years later as a field hospital during the three-day battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863). The pews served as cots for the wounded and dying of both armies.

The American Civil War and the National ShrineBy Geraldine M. Rohling, PhD, MAEdArchivist and Curator

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The missal stands serve as tangible reminders of the suffering of the siege of Gettysburg and honors the memory of all who served and sacrificed throughout this period in American history.

The human value of these “pieces of wood” is best understood in an account given by two of the sisters who worked in the hospital, Sr. Marie Louise Caulfield, D.C. and Sr. Matilda Coskery, D.C. “The Catholic church [of Saint Francis Xavier] … was now filled with wounded, mutilated men. They lay on the pew seats, under the pews, in every aisle, with scarcely room to pass between them—in the sanctuary and in the gallery.” The sisters sought to aid the wounded and dying men with all that was at hand or available to them. On one occasion, a soldier saw one of the sisters give a Miraculous Medal (Medal of the Immaculate Conception, received in a vision by Saint Catherine Labouré, a Daughter of Charity, Paris, 1820) to a Catholic soldier. One of the other soldiers later said to her, “Sister, you gave something to that man awhile ago and … he has not groaned since, please, give me such as you gave him.” This devotion, which eased the suffering of the soldiers at Gettysburg, is sustained in the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal in the Basilica of the National Shrine.

In keeping with the theme of Charity on the west side of the National Shrine, the mosaic tympanum on the west porch depicts the Sisters and Daughters of Charity tending to the wounded and the dying in a Civil War field hospital. The appropriateness of

this location is by design. The west porch overlooks the grounds where the Harewood field hospital stood from 1862 to 1866 on what was then the William W. Corcoran Farm near the Soldiers’ Home. The Harewood hospital was the last Civil

War hospital in Washington to close. Of the many tributes to those who served during the Civil War, one of the most compelling was that which President Abraham Lincoln wrote in his diary after visiting one of the Washington D.C. hospitals in 1862. “Of all the forms of charity and benevolence seen in crowded wards of the hospitals, those of some Catholic Sisters were among the most efficient. I never knew whence they came or what the name of their order. More lovely than anything I have ever seen in art … are the pictures that remain of those modest Sisters going on their errands of mercy among the suffering and the dying. Gentle and womanly, yet with the courage of soldiers leading a forlorn hope, to sustain them in contact with such horrors.”

The Basilica of the National Shrine is often referred to as “America’s Church.” The obvious needs no explanation but it is the hidden treasures, the history, and the memories of the lives of the faithful framed within the marble and granite of this structure that gives truth to this epithet.

The commemoration of the Civil War Sesquicentennial opened on April 12, 2011 with a Presidential Proclamation and will continue to April 9, 2015. Plan a visit to the Basilica of the National Shrine as part of your Sesquicentennial observances and offer a prayer for those men and women who served and sacrificed then and those who serve our nation today. The chalice, missal stands mentioned in this article, along with other Civil War memorabilia of the National Shrine will be on display in Memorial Hall through June, 2012.❦

Looking south towards the Capitol.

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The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception welcomes the newest members enrolled in the 1909 Society and thanks those existing members

who have continued their support.

Established in 2009, the 1909 Society commemorates the generosity of a humble priest by the name of Abbé Aboulin whose devotion to the Blessed Mother moved him to give the very first gift—the founding gift—of $1000 in 1909 toward the creation of a National Shrine dedicated to Mary.

Today, members of the 1909 Society generously provide financial resources to maintain the National Shrine throughout the year and in perpetuity, in loving and everlasting tribute to Mary Immaculate. Members are acknowledged with a special 1909 Society lapel pin and are named in the Basilica’s newsletter, Mary’s Shrine.

For more information please visit ❦

Mr. Harry K. BallantyneMs. Marie Therese BitondoMr. & Mrs. Darrell & Nora BorneDr. and Mrs. Michael F. BoyleMr. Robert CahillMr. James M. CantyKen & Dawn CarpenterAsuncion V. CedronMr. Joseph H. ChoppSuzanne CobbJoseph CoyneMr. & Mrs. Leonard S. DinoMrs. Sylvia Du BoisMr. Leo DulackiPatricia EnkJames & Tess EspositoMr. Frank J. EwasyshynMelecia C. GarciaMr. Daniel J. GaminoMrs. Enriqueta C. Garrido

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. GoldthwaiteMr. & Mrs. Gerard GreenwaldJohn A. & Annette J. GroholskiDr. Victor R. Haburchak, Jr.Mr. Michael F. HamelMr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Hamer, Sr.Mr. Joseph HarbisonMrs. Kathleen HoldenMrs. Inez M. Jacobs, O.P.B.Mr. Dennis KessenMr. Ulyesse J. Le GrangeMr. Frank LiebschLourdes T. MamonSally & Patrick McAleerMr. Robert McLaughlinMr. Edward MeyerDr. Hector O. & Maria NevarezMs. Theresa M. NewmanVincent A. Parise

Louis Roy PearoJohn C. PhilpotDr. Christopher PojeMr. and Mrs. Arnold L. PowellMr. Ronald E. RobinsonMr. Paul G. RomanekGaspar A. SaccoMs. Letizia ScottoKiron K. Skinner, PhDStania and Henry SmekDonna SoldatkeMr. Joseph A. SpiakMrs. Alice Marie StoneMr. & Mrs. Robert TernesLee & Alba V. ThompsonMr. Joseph TobinDr. & Mrs. James N. TroneMr. Pierre Yves VolcyMr. Ronald WhalenRev. Walter F. Wichmanowski

M a r y ’s S h r i n e v S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 1 2

Welcome New Members

1909 Society Members

Page 13: MARYS SHRINE6b72a89922a6b9a26e68-37e4322a2f29485677b1bd969587cf2a.r54.… · the avenue which Blessed John Paul II called “an opportunity for the faithful to encounter ... The Most

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GIFTS from


All proceeds from your purchases from Mary’s Shrine directly support the mission and ministry of the Basilica. Thank you for your support!

First Communion Gift SetsThese sets for Girls and Boys include a newly revised deluxe Children's Missal, rosary, scapular, and chalice pin. The ideal gift for children and grandchildren who are celebrating the sacrament of their First Holy Communion.

965 Girls 5pc First Communion Gift Set $22.95

966 Boys 5pc First Communion Gift Set $22.95

First Communion Olivewood RosaryThis genuine olivewood box and chalice center rosary are made in The Holy Land.

967 Olivewood Rosary and Box $35.95

Devotional Holy Water FontsBeautifully crafted of resin, these fonts feature beautiful gold tone carved details. 6” high and boxed.

968 Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Water Font $21.95

969 St Joseph and Child Holy Water Font $21.95

970 Our Lady of Grace Holy Water Font $21.95

971 Sacred Heart of Jesus Holy Water Font $21.95

Pearl and Crystal Collection Share your Devotion to The Blessed Mother with this beautiful rosary and jewelry collection. The pearl and crystal group is handmade and will be enjoyed by many. Celebrate Birthdays, Mother’s Day or a gift for someone special. Each piece individually gift boxed.

972 Rosary Necklace $49.95

973 Miraculous Earrings 1” L $19.95

974 Wrap Rosary Bracelet $34.95

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GIFTS from

MARy’S SHRINE975 There Be Dragons DVD – Dougray Scott leads an acclaimed cast in Oscar Nominee writer/director Roland Joffé's epic story of

passion, faith and betrayal. When journalist Robert Torres is assigned to write a book about St. Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, he hopes it will bring him closer to his father, Escrivá's childhood friend. As Torres uncovers more about his father's past, he learns dark secrets about him that will change his world forever. Inspired by actual events, There Be Dragons is a rousing epic and a stirring vision of virtue. (In English with optional English or Spanish subtitles). $24.95

976 The Mighty Macs DVD – From the inspiring true story comes the tale of one woman who just wanted to make a difference and wound up making history! When Coach Cathy Rush arrives at

tiny Immaculata College, the women's basketball team has no budget, no uniforms and no gym. Refusing to give up, Cathy finds help from a young nun named Sister Sunday. Together, their relentless drive reignites the team's spirit and the Mighty Macs start conquering bigger and better-funded schools. As financial troubles rock Immaculata, the Macs charge into the championships against all odds. Can the Mighty Macs save their school with one last long shot at victory? You'll stand up and cheer for the heartwarming, incredible season that made the real Cathy Rush a Basketball Hall of Fame legend! $26.95

977 The Way DVD – In this powerful and inspirational story, Martin Sheen plays Tom, an American doctor who comes to France to collect the remains of his adult son (Emilio

Estevez), killed in a storm in the Pyrenees while walking “The Way of St. James.” Tom decides to embark on the historical pilgrimage to honor his son's desire to finish the journey, unprepared for the profound impact the journey will have on him. He meets other pilgrims with their own issues and looking for greater meaning in their lives. From the unexpected, moving and amusing experiences along "The Way," Tom learns what it means to be human again, especially when he reaches the pilgrim's destination, the Shrine of St. James. $26.95

978 Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion – In this unique gift book, Jesus speaks warmly and lovingly to children who

are receiving him in the Eucharist for the first time. In twelve scenes from Scripture, from Creation to Pentecost, Jesus explains that it is his Father’s plan for each child to be part of their family of love. Each scene is beautifully illustrated. The book also features pages to record memories, including photos and church programs from that special day. A great gift for a First Communicant! $12.95

979 The Weight of a Mass – When a poor devout widow begs for a scrap of bread from a baker who has lost his faith, she promises to participate in the

King’s Wedding Mass as payment for the baker’s generosity. The baker writes “One Mass” on a scrap of paper and places it on his scale to determine how much bread it is worth. To his and the entire town’s surprise, nothing in the shop outweighs the simple piece of paper representing the true worth of a Mass. Beautiful artwork makes this fable (based on a true event) jump off the page and will delight and inspire children and parents of all ages! $17.95

980 Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks to Children on their First Holy Communion – To receive Jesus in Holy Communion is to enter

into a lifelong friendship with him. In this beautifully illustrated book, Amy Welborn introduces Pope Benedict's profound yet simple answers to various questions put to him by children in Rome who had recently made their First Holy Communion. Pope Benedict's answers, and the children's wonderful questions concerning this very important spiritual occasion in their young lives, provide inspiring text for this beautiful gift book for First Communion. $14.95

981 Where is God? – Children are fascinated with this charming board book. A myriad of animals help search for God in a

game of hide and seek. The children take part in the fun by lifting the hidden flaps in this amusing search for God who is finally found right where he’s always been—in our hearts! With rhyming text and playful pictures, this engaging hands-on book for toddlers and young preschoolers will quickly become a family favorite! $8.95

982 New Catholic Picture Bible – Now in a padded hardcover edition, here are Catholic stories taken from the Holy Bible, intended for

the whole family and easy to understand. The first part treats the Old Testament—from Adam to Christ—and contains the most important and memorable events in God’s dealings with man during that time. The second part contains sixty stories from the New Testament that narrate beautifully the life, teachings, and work of Our Lord and Savior. These simply written stories from the acclaimed Fr. Lawrence Lovasik have been praised by leading Catholic educators for their style and will delight children time after time. $9.95

983 Songs of Joy and Praise – Playing one of these favorite songs on the electric piano is easy. Simply push the key that

matches the color and number of the note above each word. The twelve familiar songs will provide hours of fun for children as they play and sing along. Among the songs are "Rise and Shine," "This Little Light of Mine," "Now Thank We All Our God," "He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands," "Amazing Grace," and "Oh When the Saints." Delightful illustrations accompany the music in this piano book that young children will love. $13.95


Page 15: MARYS SHRINE6b72a89922a6b9a26e68-37e4322a2f29485677b1bd969587cf2a.r54.… · the avenue which Blessed John Paul II called “an opportunity for the faithful to encounter ... The Most

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GIFTS from

MARy’S SHRINE984 St. Joseph Zipper Cover Sunday Missal – In burgundy bonded leather with a zipper close, this is our most popular St. Joseph Sunday missal. Containing all of the

new revisions to the Order of the Mass as well as the complete 3-year cycle of Sunday readings (years A, B, and C). Presented in an easy-to-read type, this missal also contains magnificent colored illustrations, gilded page edging and ribbon markers. Available in Burgundy Bonded Leather with a Zipper Close. $32.00

985 St. Paul Sunday Missal – An all-new edition of the old Vatican II Sunday Missal from the Daughters of St. Paul, this new Sunday Missal includes the new

translation of the Mass as well as Scripture Readings for cycles A, B, and C for all Sundays and Solemnities. Additionally, the missal includes spiritual reflections on the readings, a liturgical calendar, a treasury of prayers, gilded edges and ribbons. Your choice of either Burgundy Leatherflex or Black Leatherflex covers. $26.95

986 St. Paul Daily Missal – An all-new edition of the old Vatican II Weekday Missal from the Daughters of St. Paul, this new Daily Missal includes the new translation of the

Mass as well as Scripture Readings for all seven days of the week and all cycles. Additionally, the missal includes spiritual reflections on the readings, a proper of the saints, a liturgical calendar, a treasury of prayers, gilded edges and ribbons. Your choice of either Burgundy Leatherflex or Black Leatherflex covers. $45.95

987 Heaven is for Real – When Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy, his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What

they weren’t expecting was the story that emerged in the months that followed detailing their little boy’s trip to heaven and back. Colton told his parents he left his body during the surgery–and authenticated that claim by describing exactly what his parents were doing while he was being operated on. He talked of visiting heaven and relayed stories told to him by people he met there whom he had never met in life, sharing events that happened even before he was born. He also astonished his parents with descriptions and obscure details about heaven that matched the Bible exactly, though he had not yet learned to read. A #1 New York Times Bestseller! $16.99

988 33 Days to Morning Glory –. From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, the author of the bestselling book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, comes an extraordinary 33-day

journey to Marian consecration with four spiritual giants: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Bl. Pope John Paul II. If you're seeking to consecrate yourself to Mary for the first time or simply looking to deepen and renew your consecration, this book is an incredible blessing for even the busiest of people. $14.95

989 The Mystery of Joseph – Although the greatest of saints after Mary, St. Joseph is perhaps the least well understood. In this illuminating book, Fr. Marie-Dominique

Philippe, O.P. leads you deep into the beautiful mystery of St. Joseph - revealing the greatness of the apparently unremarkable man who was the guardian of Jesus and Mary, and who is now the Guardian of the Church. Weaving together the many different strands of the Church's ever-deepening understanding of St. Joseph, along with his own profound insights, here is a warm and moving portrait of the humble, heroic carpenter of Bethlehem - a great man who became, by God's grace, a great saint. After reading this book, you will never see St. Joseph in quite the same way again. $14.95

990 Seek First the Kingdom: Challenging the Culture by Living Our Faith – In this insightful and highly relevant book, Cardinal Donald Wuerl makes the case that Catholics do not

have the option of absenting themselves from the world, taking refuge in a completely private spirituality. As citizens of two worlds, it is precisely within the context of our faith that we can play a decisive role in transforming American society while furthering the goals of the kingdom of God. Readers will be encouraged and emboldened to take their place as Catholics dedicated to the renewal of our nation. $19.95

991 Between Heaven and Mirth – In his newest book, Fr. James Martin, SJ, argues that God wants us to experience joy, to cultivate a sense of holy humor, and to laugh. He invites

believers to rediscover the importance of humor and laughter in our daily lives and to embrace an essential truth: faith leads to joy. Holy people are joyful people and the author offers countless examples of healthy humor and purposeful levity in the stories of biblical heroes and in the lives of the saints and the world’s great spiritual masters. Father Martin illustrates how joy, humor, and laughter help us to live more spiritual lives, understand ourselves and others better, and more fully appreciate God’s presence among us. $25.99

992 Catholicism DVD Set – Witness the most significant story ever told. For the first time, in

breathtaking, high-definition cinematography, the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith is illustrated in a rich, multimedia experience. Journey with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Fr. Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries. From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart of Uganda, from the glorious shrines of Italy, France, and Spain, to the streets of Mexico, Kolkata, and New York City, the mystery of Catholicism is revealed. As seen on PBS and EWTN, the complete box set includes 10 episodes on 5 DVDs lasting approximately 10 hours. (English and Spanish subtitles available). $149.95




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Leaving a Legacy Remembering the National Shrine in your Will


A publication of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Reverend Monsignor Walter R. RossiRectoR

Reverend Michael D. WestonDiRectoR of LituRgy

Reverend Vito A. BuonannoDiRectoR of PiLgRimages

Reverend Raymond A. Lebrun, O.M.I.sPiRituaL DiRectoR

Jacquelyn HayesDiRectoR of communications & eDitoR

Location 400 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017 Tel: 202-526-8300 Fax: 202-526-8313 [email protected]

Shrine Hours 7 am - 7 pm (April - October) 7 am - 6 pm (November - March)

Sunday Masses 5:15 pm (Saturday Vigil) 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am 12 noon (Solemn Mass with Choir) 1:30 pm (Spanish Mass) 4:30 pm

Sunday Confessions 10 am - 12 noon 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (Spanish) 2 pm - 4 pm

Monday-Saturday Masses 7 am, 7:30 am, 8 am, 8:30 am 12:10 pm, 5:15 pm


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For many, charitable giving is an act of faith grounded in confidence in God’s abundance

and motivated by a desire to create additional resources for accomplishing God’s work.

Leaving a legacy gift to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception offers the opportunity to pass on not only your assets but also the values that have guided your life.

Remembering the National Shrine in your estate planning is a wonderful way to put your values into action, ensuring that Mary’s House is maintained for future generations as a center of worship and devotion as a personal legacy.

To remember the Basilica of the National Shrine in your will, you may contact your attorney or financial advisor for assistance in making a bequest. Or, you may simply include the following in your will:

I give, devise, and bequeath to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a body corporate of the District of Columbia, and located in Washington, D.C., (the sum of _____) or (__ % of rest residue, and remainder of my estate) or (__ shares of _____) or all my right, title and interest in the following described property _____).

Please feel free to contact the Basilica at 202-526-8300 if we can provide you with further information or assistance.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and continued support of Mary’s Shrine.

Monday: Saturday Confessions 7:45 am - 8:15 am 10 am - 12 noon 3:30 pm - 6 pm

Holy Days Please contact the Basilica for

Holy Day Schedules.

Guided Tours Monday - Saturday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm Sunday 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm

Gift Shop & Book Store Open Daily Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5:30 pm (Year-Round) Saturday - Sunday: 8:30 am - 7 pm (April 1- October 31 ) 8:30 am - 5:30 pm (November 1- March 31)

Cafeteria Open Daily 8:00 am - 2 pm (Sundays until 3 pm)

© 2012 Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception