mary livonia, october 13, 2019 · 2019. 10. 13. · there. set forward zenas the lawyer and apollos...

October 13, 2019 Sunday of Holy Fathers of Sunday of Holy Fathers of Sunday of Holy Fathers of Sunday of Holy Fathers of Seventh Ecumenical Council Seventh Ecumenical Council Seventh Ecumenical Council Seventh Ecumenical Council O n the Sunday following October 10th, there is celebrated a commemoration of the 350 Fathers who attended the Seventh Ecumenical Council held at Nicea in the year 787, in which the question of Iconoclasm was settled. Emperor Leo, the Isauran, had originated a campaign against religious images in 726; he had ordered all representations of Christ and His saints to be torn from the wall of churches and burned, and all bronze, silver and gold statues to be melted and converted to coins that would bear his effigy. A monk named Stephen presented one of these coins to the Emperor and asked him: “Sire, whose image is this?” “It is mine,” answered the Emperor. Whereupon the monk threw the coin on the ground and tramped it. He was seized by the imperial attendants and condemned to a cruel death. “Alas,” cried the holy religious, “If I am punished do they deserve who burn the image of Jesus Christ?” The destruction of religious images continued, however, during a period of one hundred and twenty years. In 787, the Second Council of Nicea established the doctrine of the Church, confirmed eight hundred years later by the Council of Trent: “Images of Christ, of his Virgin Mother and of other saints should be made and preserved. Due honor and veneration should be given to them, not that any power or virtue is believed to be in them, on account of which they would need to be honored, or that any prayer should be addressed to them as had been done formerly by heathens who placed their hope in idols, but because the honor they receive refers to the subjects they represent, so that by kissing images, uncovering our heads or kneeling before them, we adore Christ and venerate His saints whose likeness they represent. Taken from: Byzantine Daily Worship October 13, 2019 Issue 698 18100 Merriman Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 Office: (734)-422-0010 Sunday Services Confession: 8:30AM Matins: 9:00AM Divine Liturgy: 10:00AM St. Mary’s Cultural and Banquet Center (734) 421-9220 Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church Office And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” Acts 11:26 The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary Fr. George Shalhoub - Pastor Fr. Jim King - Pastor of Youth & Pastoral Outreach Programs Archdeacon Issa Rizkallah 313-690-2030 Deacon Dr. Dennis Bojrab Deacon Samer Hanna Elie Akel - Parish Council Chairman Linda Lawson - Choir Director Stacey Badeen - Church Administrator Sonya Kassis - Parish Ministries Coordinator Bill Lawson - Olive Awad Administrative Assistants Richard Shebib/Sami Azzouz - Ushers Dr. Tom Saba - Young Adults- St. John Divine Joanne Kharsa - Ladies Society President Issa Hosari & Alexis Mashni - Teen Soyo Co-Presidents Lina Nunu-Matta - Arabic School Abeer Samaan - Montessori School Director - 734-743-5601 Keith Rowe - Cultural Center General Manager 734-421-9220 The Light of Christ AL-NOUR PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY: THE ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX BASILICA OF ST. MARY

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Page 1: Mary Livonia, October 13, 2019 · 2019. 10. 13. · there. Set forward Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that they may be lacking in nothing. And let our people

October 13, 2019

Sunday of Holy Fathers of Sunday of Holy Fathers of Sunday of Holy Fathers of Sunday of Holy Fathers of

Seventh Ecumenical CouncilSeventh Ecumenical CouncilSeventh Ecumenical CouncilSeventh Ecumenical Council

OOOO n the Sunday following October 10th, there is celebrated a commemoration of the 350 Fathers who attended the Seventh Ecumenical Council held at Nicea in the year 787, in which the question of Iconoclasm was settled. Emperor Leo, the Isauran, had originated a campaign against religious images in 726; he had ordered all representations of Christ and His saints to be torn from the wall of churches and burned, and all bronze, silver and gold statues to be melted and converted to coins that would bear his effigy. A monk named Stephen presented one of these coins to the Emperor and asked him: “Sire, whose image is this?” “It is mine,” answered the Emperor. Whereupon the monk threw the coin on the ground and tramped it. He was seized by the imperial attendants and condemned to a cruel death. “Alas,” cried the holy religious, “If I am punished do they deserve who burn the image of Jesus Christ?” The destruction of religious images continued, however, during a period of one hundred and twenty years. In 787, the Second Council of Nicea established the doctrine of the Church, confirmed eight hundred years later by the Council of Trent: “Images of Christ, of his Virgin Mother and of other saints should be made and preserved. Due honor and veneration should be given to them, not that any power or virtue is believed to be in them, on account of which they would need to be honored, or that any prayer should be addressed to them as had been done formerly by heathens who placed their hope in idols, but because the honor they receive refers to the subjects they represent, so that by kissing images, uncovering our heads or kneeling before them, we adore Christ and venerate His saints whose likeness they represent.

Taken from: Byzantine Daily Worship

October 13, 2019 Issue 698

�18100 Merriman Road � Livonia, Michigan 48152 � � Office: (734)-422-0010 �

Sunday Services

Confession: 8:30AM

Matins: 9:00AM

Divine Liturgy: 10:00AM

St. Mary’s Cultural

and Banquet Center

(734) 421-9220

Daily Confession by Appointment - Call the Church Office

“And the disciples were first called

Christians in Antioch.” Acts 11:26

The Antiochian Orthodox

Basilica of St. Mary

Fr. George Shalhoub - Pastor Fr. Jim King - Pastor of Youth & Pastoral Outreach Programs Archdeacon Issa Rizkallah


Deacon Dr. Dennis Bojrab Deacon Samer Hanna

Elie Akel - Parish Council Chairman

Linda Lawson - Choir Director Stacey Badeen - Church Administrator Sonya Kassis - Parish Ministries Coordinator Bill Lawson - Olive Awad

Administrative Assistants Richard Shebib/Sami Azzouz - Ushers Dr. Tom Saba - Young Adults- St. John Divine

Joanne Kharsa - Ladies Society President Issa Hosari & Alexis Mashni - Teen Soyo Co-Presidents Lina Nunu-Matta - Arabic School Abeer Samaan - Montessori School Director - 734-743-5601

Keith Rowe - Cultural Center General Manager 734-421-9220

The Light of Christ




Page 2: Mary Livonia, October 13, 2019 · 2019. 10. 13. · there. Set forward Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that they may be lacking in nothing. And let our people

Page 2 The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary


Blessed are Thou, O Lord, the God of our Fathers. For Thou art just in all that Thou hast done to us!.

The Reading is from the Epistle of St. Paul to St. Titus

Chapter 3:8-15

MMMM y child Titus, faithful is the saying and concerning these things I desire you to affirm confidently, that those who have believed in God may be thoughtful of how to preside in honorable occupations. These things are good and profitable to men. But avoid foolish disputes, and genealogies, and contentions, and controversies about the Law; for they are unprofitable and vain. A man who is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject, knowing that such a one is subverted, and sins, being self-condemned. When I send Artemas to you, or Tychicos, give diligence to come tome to Nicopolis; for I have determined to winter there. Set forward Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that they may be lacking in nothing. And let our people also learn how to preside in honorable occupations, so as to help in cases of urgent need, that they should not be unfruitful. All who are with me salute you. Salute those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen.


The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke

Chapter 8:5-15

TTTT he Lord spoke this parable: “A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell along the path, and was trodden under foot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew, and yielded a hundredfold.” And when His Disciples asked Him what this parable meant, Jesus said, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand. Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts that they may not believe and be saved. And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy; but these have no root, they believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way, they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. And as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience.” As Jesus said this, He called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Page 3: Mary Livonia, October 13, 2019 · 2019. 10. 13. · there. Set forward Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that they may be lacking in nothing. And let our people

The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary Page 3

The Basilica of Saint Mary

Please visit for details about ministry ac�vi�es and events happening at the Basilica of Saint Mary. If you

have any ques�ons regarding Youth and Outreach Ministries, please contact Fr. Jim King or Sonya Kassis at (734) 422-0010.


October: An�ochian Youth Month

October 25-27: Fall Gathering, St. George in

Akron, OH

October 27: Trunk-N-Treat

October 31: Senior Heritage — Estate Planning


November 2: Musical Recital in Ac�vity Center

November 9: Annual Gala

An*ochian Youth Month, SOYO Mee*ngs and

Bulle*n Volunteers

Our community is blessed to

have such dedicated people of

all ages as volunteers and

leaders. The Teen SOYO is

par�cipa�ng in An�ochian Youth

Month by serving as ushers and

reading the epistle. Thanks to

this week’s reader, Nicole Katrib.

Thanks also to our regular group

of women who meet every week

to prepare the bulle�n for


Page 4: Mary Livonia, October 13, 2019 · 2019. 10. 13. · there. Set forward Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that they may be lacking in nothing. And let our people
Page 5: Mary Livonia, October 13, 2019 · 2019. 10. 13. · there. Set forward Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that they may be lacking in nothing. And let our people

The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary Page 5


IIII am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me shall never die.” (John 11:25)

Oct. 13th - 40 day memorial in loving

memory of Elias Alhaddad offered by

his wife Margaret Haddad and family, Oct. 27th - 40 day memorial in loving

memory of Catherine Ajluni offered

by the family,

Thank You

“A Vigil Light is Burning” In Loving Devotion

FFFF or The Health and Well Being Of:

Natalie Cameron, Sandra Janini, Craig

Frierson, II, Maram Fakhouri,

IIII n Loving Memory Of: Joseph

Michael Mouaikel, George Abodeely,


HHHH oly Bread of Oblation

is offered by the families, for the month

of October, in loving memory of:

Jalil and Najla Azzouz

Joseph Catarineau

Alice Dulgeran

Joseph Haddad

Sami and Asma Harb

Raji and Fahdeh Kakish

Naim Kawwas

Dr. James Kawwas

Abla Kakish Khzouz

Mary Harb Melof

Shauqi Mughannem

Jerry Mughannem

Nahil Warra

HHHH oly Bread of Oblation

is offered by the families, for the month

of October, for the health and well being


Analya, Frank, Brandon

and Derek Callendar

Ed and Julie Azzouz

Laila Azzouz

Andrew, Miranda, Vincent

and Michael Azzouz

Alana, Salem, Harper

and Charlie Hassan

Barry Howard

LLLL ord, You are the physician of

our souls and body. We pray You

grant the following parishioners

good health and blessings:

Metropolitan PAUL Yazigi,

Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim,

Bishop DEMETRI, Frederick

Abiaad, Mary Tawfiq Qassis, Hala

Kashou, Samira Shahin, Jalileh

Mansour, Rima Ajlouny, Marie

Sessine, Anthony Hanna, Mariam

Sweidan, Andrew Ansara, Johnny

Hanna, Don and Georgine Hayes,

Denise Ansara Boumaroun, Victor

Safadi, Halim and Hayat Barakat,

TTTT he following parishioners and

friends of the Basilica of St.

Mary have given special donations

to the Church in the past few


$100-In loving memory of

husband Naim Kawwas and son

Dr. James Kawwas offered by Lily


$200-For the health and well being

of Victor Safadi offered by Raida


$300-In loving memory of beloved

parents Sami and Asma Harb and

beloved sister Mary Harb Melof

offered by Samia Harb and Hanan

and Husam Ajluni,

Thought for the Day

Be more concerned

with your character than

your reputation, because

your character is what you

really are, while your

reputation is merely

what others think

you are.

~John Wooden~

Public Announcement

Ava’s Babysitting Service

Available most weekends and

weekdays. Can babysit any age.

Please contact Ava Razook at


for more information.

Niagara Falls Trip

Wednesday, October 30th to

Thursday, October 31st.

Please contact

Nadia Mashni-Morrison

at 248-790-4790

for more information


We wish to welcome Fr. Antony

Hughes, from St. Mary Orthodox

Church in Cambridge, MA.

Fr. Antony is in town to preside

over the upcoming wedding of

Alex Ghannam and Olompia

Ackall and will preach this


Please join us in welcoming Fr.

Antony on Sunday.

Page 6: Mary Livonia, October 13, 2019 · 2019. 10. 13. · there. Set forward Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that they may be lacking in nothing. And let our people

Page 6 The Antiochian Orthodox Basilica of St. Mary


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