marshall gets bullied

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  • 7/24/2019 Marshall Gets Bullied


  • 7/24/2019 Marshall Gets Bullied



    Djhptlr 87 RjlTthrt

    "Jly, Djhsl." wlot Chrsjhii, wje whs ko h vlry jhppy ceeb.

    "Jk, Chrsjhii. wjht hrl yeu up te5" Thkb Djhsl, weoblrkon wjy Chrsjhii

    whs ko sudj h neeb ceeb.

    "K'c gust jhppy tjht K jhvlo't sikpplb eo cy ben fewi tjl lotkrl bhy.

    Rjht's h olw rlderb aer cl. ^ee Jee!" shkb Chrsjhii hs jl ilhplb kote tjl hkr,

    eoiy te ahii bewo eo jks fettec kote jks ben fewi. "Ew...tjht jurt. Ej wlii, K

    nulss cy strlhm jhb te lob ht secl pekot."

    "Jlj. Jly, Chrsjhii. Jew yeu bekon, phi5" shkb Vkvl, eol ea tjl fuiikls ht

    Chrsjhii's sdjeei.

    Hs Vkvl hpprehdjlb Chrsjhii, Chrsjhii dewhrbiy stuttlrlb, "Jk Vkvl. ^jht

    hrl yeu bekon jlrl5"

    "Ej, oetjkon. Jly Djhsl, dho yeu ne fhdm kote Rjl Ieemeut aer h ckoutl

    er twe5" shkb Vkvl cksdjklveusiy.

    "\j, surl. K nulss," shkb Djhsl hs jl whimlb kote tjl Ieemeut.

    "Te, uc, Chrsjhii," sthrtlb Vkvl hs jl sckrmlb ht Chrsjhii. "Ollb hoy jlip

    wktj yeur sdklodl pregldt5"

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    "Oe. ^jy5" hsmlb Chrsjhii.

    "Oe rlhseo." shkb Vkvl hs jl sthrtlb tewhrb Chrsjhii's pup jeusl.

    "Jly! Ne hwhy arec cy pup jeusl!" yliilb Chrsjhii hs jl rho hatlr Vkvl.

    "Cy jeclwerm ks ko tjlrl!"

    "Jh, Jh!" wlot Vkvl hs jl terl up hii ea Chrsjhii's pregldt. "[eu ikttil ruot.

    [eu blslrvl kt. hatlr hii yeu'rl eo tjl schrt's tlhc."

    "Hii cy," sthrtlb Chrsjhii. "Hii cy jhrb werm."

    "[eur jhrb werm5 K tjeunjt kt whs yeur tlhc's. ^je dhrls hoywhy. [eu

    beo't sthob hnhkost cl, ko sdklodl, er P.L." wlot Vkvl hs jl pkdmlb up Chrsjhiiwktj ikttil laaert. "[eu'rl sudj h ikttil ruot. [eu moew wjht5 Tll yeu ht sdjeei.

    Gust jepl K beo't puivlrkzl yeu ko P.L. tecerrew, wl'rl bekon fexkon." Hs Vkvl

    sthrtlb te ne fhdm te jks jeusl, Djhsl dhcl kote Chrsjhii's pup jeusl hob

    shw tjht jl whs drykon.

    "^jht's wreon Chrsjhii5 Bkb Vkvl be secltjkon5" hsmlb Djhsl, wje whs

    vlry werrklb hfeut jkc.

    "Jl rukolb cy tlhc's sdklodl pregldt!" drklb Chrsjhii te Djhsl.

    "^lii, wjht's se fhb hfeut tjht5 [eu moew tjl rlst ea tjl pups hob K dho

    jlip yeu rlfukib kt, rknjt5" shkb Djhsl, trykon te dhic bewo Chrsjhii.

    "^lii, lvlo ka wl be rlfukib kt, wjht's tjlrl te step Vkvl arec bekon kt

    hnhko5" hsmlb Chrsjhii, wje whs sthrtkon te step drykon.

    "Gust beo't tjkom hfeut jkc, Chrsjhii. Kt'ii fl hirknjt. Beo't werry hfeut

    Vkvl bekon kt hnhko." shkb Djhsl.

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    Djhptlr 67 RjlOlxt Bhy

    Rjl olxt bhy ht Chrsjhii's sdjeei, jl whs splobkon tkcl wktj tjl etjlr pups

    gust flaerl sdjeei sthrtlb, wjlo Vkvl dhcl hieon. "Jly, ruot," shkb Vkvl hs jl

    hpprehdjlb Chrsjhii.

    "Jljl, jly Vkvl." wlot Chrsjhii hs jl sthrtlb fhdmwhrb, kote tjl etjlr

    pups, wje wlrl gust whtdjkon.

    "Dho't whkt aer P.L., dho yeu5" hsmlb Vkvl, ko h suspkdkeus teol tjht nhvl

    tjl kcprlsskeo ea slotklodl tewhrb Chrsjhii. "[eu rlhby aer fexkon, ruot5"

    "O-oe." stuttlrlb Chrsjhii.

    "^lii, fl rlhby aer cl te drlhc yeu, skodl lvlryfeby jhs te ne hnhkost

    lhdj etjlr, hob lvlryeol ko P.L. moews wje tjl streonlst eol ea tjlc ks."

    "^lii, Vkvl," sthrtlb Chrsjhii. "^jy..."

    "Jh! [eu dho't lvlo hsm cl h qulstkeo, oew dho yeu5 Prevls jew cudj ea

    h wkcp yeu hrl decphrlb te cl. Tll yeu ht P.L., wkcp." tlhslb Vkvl hs jl

    whimlb hwhy.

    "T-sll yeu tjlo," cuttlrlb Chrsjhii, hs jks arklobs gust sthrlb ht jkc ko

    sjedm. Hs jks arklobs sthrlb ht jkc, Chrsjhii tjlo wlot eaa te jks olxt dihss, jks

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    jlhb bewo, wjkil sllckoniy oe eol, etjlr tjho jkc hob Vkvl, shw er molw

    hfeut wjht jhb gust jhpplolb. Jl whimlb kote jks rst dihss, quktl blprlsslb.

    Rjl eoiy plrseo tjht oetkdlb whs jl sdklodl trhkolr, Cr. Fereo, wje whs oet

    ferkon wjht-se-lvlr. Cr. Fereo bkbo't shy hoytjkon te Chrsjhii, fut ht tjl lob

    ea dihss bkb hsm Chrsjhii te sthy ko.

    "Te, Chrsjhii, K shw yeu decl kote dihss vlry blprlsslb tebhy. Hob yeu

    wlrlo't ko yeur oerchi jhppy ceeb hs yeu hrl ikml etjlr bhys. ^jht's

    wreon5" hsmlb Cr. Fereo hs jl dieslb tjl beer hob sht olxt te Chrsjhii.

    "Ej, kt whs oetjkon, Cr. Fereo." shkb Chrsjhii, wje whs stkii ko h bl-prlsslb ceeb.

    "Chrsjhii, yeu dho tlii cl wjht ks nekon eo. ^jy wlrl yeu se blprlsslb

    tjks cerokon5"

    "Vlhiiy, kt whs oetjkon, Cr. Fereo. K'c ol."

    "^lii, em tjlo Chrsjhii. [eu dho hiwhys tlii cl ka secltjkon kso't rknjt, em

    Chrsjhii5 K'c jlrl te tlhdj yeu hob hise jlip yeu. [eu dho tlii cl hoytjkon

    tjht's nekon eo. K'ii chml surl yeu nlt jlip, Chrsjhii." shkb Cr. Fereo hs jl

    ilb Chrsjhii eut ea tjl reec.

    "Em, tjhom's Cr. Fereo," shkb Chrsjhii. "Tll yeu tecerrew."

    "Tll yeu tecerrew, Chrsjhii," shkb Cr. Fereo hs jl whvlb fhdm ht Chr-


    Ej, tebhy ks nekon te fl auo, shkb Chrsjhii ko h shb teol te jkcslia.

    Fexkon wkii fl auo. Jeplauiiy, Vkvl belsot jurt cl tee fhbiy.

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    "[eu rlhby, twlrp5" hsmlb Vkvl, trykon te kotkckbhtl Dhblo. "[eu dho aer-

    alkt oew hob oet nlt jurt, er yeu dho fl frhvl hob try hob fex cl. [eur

    djekdl= aeralkt hob oet nlt jurt, fut fl lcfhrrhsslb hob juckikhtlb, er fl

    frhvl hob try, ht tjl dest ea jhvkon h jknj djhodl ea flkon ceblrhtliy te sl-

    vlrliy jurt..."

    Hs Dhblo trklb te chml h djekdl, jl sthrtlb phokdmkon, fut Cr. Nyckolz

    bkbo't sjew kt, se jl bkbo't step. "8...FEZ!" [liilb Cr. Nyckolz.

    "[eu nlt tjl rst sjet, Dhblo. Flttlr chml kt h neeb eol." shkb Vkvl ko ho

    kotkckbhtkon teol."\c..." wlot Dhblo hs jl puodjlb Vkvl ko rhobec pihdls. "Bkb K chml h

    neeb eol5"

    "Jew K wksj K deuib shy yls." shkb Vkvl, sllckoniy kccuol te Dhblo's

    puodjls. "Cy turo." Hs Vkvl shkb tjht, jl sthrtlb puodjkon Dhblo ko jks nut,

    dhuskon lxtrherbkohry hceuots ea phko aer Dhblo.

    "E^!" yliilb Dhblo hs Vkvl puodjlb jkc, wktj Vkvl knoerkon jks ylips

    hob mllp puodjkon jkc.

    "Em, step!" yliilb Cr. Nyckolz hs jl lxhckolb tjl sjlhr strlontj Vkvl

    jhb. "Cho, Vkvl. K olvlr molw yeu wlrl tjht streon. K clho, K moew yeu hrl

    prltty streon...fut oet tjht streon."

    "Reib yeu wjy Vkvl weuib wko!" yliilb hoetjlr stublot ko P.L., ohclb Mhz.

    "Te, be K mllp nekon eo, er hc K nekon te fl eut5" hsmlb Vkvl.

    "\c." shkb Cr. Nyckolz. "[eu hrl..."

    "Pilhsl fl eut, pilhsl fl eut." tjeunjt Chrsjhii hs jl whtdjlb. "Pilhsl

    fl eut!"

    "[eu hrl ko." shkb Cr. Nyckolz.

    "Oe!" yliilb Chrsjhii hddkblothiiy.

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    "Oe, yeu beo't whot cl te fl ko5" hsmlb Vkvl hs jl drlpt tewhrb Chrsjhii.

    "Vkvl..." sthrtlb Cr. Nyckolz.

    "[eu'rl neooh ievl tjks, Chrsjhii." shkb Vkvl hs jl puodjlb Chrsjhii kote

    tjl whii. "Hob K flt yeu logeylb wjlo K nrhfflb yeur tlhc's werm hob terl kt

    up, hrlo't yeu5"

    "O-oe..." shkb Chrsjhii.

    "^lii ka yeu bkbo't logey tjht, tjlo logey tjks!" yliilb Vkvl hs jl puodjlb

    Chrsjhii jhrblr tjho jl's lvlr puodjlb secleol flaerl.

    "E^!" yliilb Chrsjhii, mkdmkon hob puodjkon rhobeciy trykon te nlt Vkvlte step.

    "[eu ikttil ruot. [eu flttlr chml surl K beo't sll yeu, er K'ii chml surl yeu

    hrl ko h iet ea phko." shkb Vkvl hs jl whimlb hwhy, tjrewkon jks fexkon nievls

    eote tjl steer.

    Aer tjl olxt wllm, tjks deotkoulb eo hob eo, wktj lhdj bhy Chrsjhii dec-

    kon jecl wktj cerl fruksls hob vlry cudj ko phko, hob tjl rlst ea tjl pups

    deuibo't nurl eut wjy, lspldkhiiy skodl Chrsjhii whso't tliikon tjlc wjht

    whs jhpplokon ht sdjeei.

    "Chrsjhii, wjy weo't yeu tlii us wjht's jhpplokon ht sdjeei5" hsmlb Tmyl

    hs sjl whs dhrkon aer Chrsjhii.

    "Ej. Kt's oe fknnkl, Tmyl. K dho jhobil kt." shkb Chrsjhii, wje jhb h sweiilo

    phw arec Vkvl kotlotkeohiiy drusjkon kt.

    ^lii, em Chrsjhii. Fut ka secltjkon ks funnkon yeu, tjlo yeu dho hiwhys

    tlii us, em5 shkb Tmyl.

    Em, Tmyl. rlpiklb Chrsjhii. Kii tlii yeu ka secltjkon ks funnkon yeu.

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    Djhptlr 27 Hoetj-lr Bhy...

    Jly, ruot. shkb Vkvl te Chrsjhii.

    Jk, wlot Chrsjhii hs jl nuiplb ko alhr. Vkvl. ^jht be yeu whot5

    Oetjkon, fub. shkb Vkvl. Be yeu jhvl secltjkon aer iuodj tebhy5

    [-yls. K be. rlpiklb Chrsjhii. ^-wjy5

    Gust whotlb te nkvl yeu secltjkon. shkb Vkvl hs jl sthrtlb chmkon h st

    wktj jks phw. Jew hfeut h dup ea puodj5

    \c. Oe tjhom yeu. shkb Chrsjhii.

    Em. shkb Vkvl hs jl puodjlb Chrsjhii.

    Ew shkb Chrsjhii. Rjht jurt.

    [ls, kt bkb. shkb hoetjlr pup ohclb Dhrtlr.

    Jly Dhrtlr. shkb Vkvl, eol ea Vkvl's arklobs.

    Ej fey. wlot Chrsjhii hs jl nuiplb. ^jht, be yeu whot, Dhrtlr5

    Ej, oetjkon. shkb Dhrtlr. ^jht hrl yeu up te, Vkvl5

    Gust, uj, feobkon, wktj Chrsjhii. shkb Vkvl.

    [lhj, fldhusl yeu be tjht wktj cl. shkb Chrsjhii, trykon te fl h ikttil

    jhppy hfeut flkon wktj Vkvl.

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    Ksot Chrsjhii tjl wlhmlst pup ko sdjeei5 hsmlb Dhrtlr.

    [ls, K hc, shbiy. rlpiklb Chrsjhii ko h shb teol. ^jy be yeu hsm,


    Oe rlhseo. hoswlrlb Dhrtlr, wje jeolstiy clhot kt. Hob, rlhiiy, K be

    clho kt. Vkvl, K moew yeurl h fuiiy. Kii gust shy kt. K moew yeu hrl h fuiiy.

    Jew5 hsmlb Vkvl. K hiwhys jkb kt arec yeu hob eoiy bkb kt wjlo yeu

    wlrlot ieemkon.

    Vkvl, etjlrs dhcl te cl wjlo yeu sthrtlb fuiiykon tjlc, er wjlo hoy-

    eol sthrtlb fuiiykon tjlc. Rjl rlhseo5 Kc gust ikml yeu, Vkvl. shkb Dhrtlr.Rjlrls eoiy eol bkaalrlodl fltwllo yeu hob cl, Vkvl. Kc oet h fuiiy. Etjlr

    tjho tjht, Kc gust h streon hs yeu, deuib fl gust hs sdhry, gust hs ahst, gust hs

    htjiltkd, pihy lsslotkhiiy tjl shcl sperts hs yeu, fhskdhiiy lvlrytjkon yeu be,

    hob dho be, K be.

    Ka yeurl gust ikml cl, wjy beot yeu flht etjlrs up5 [eu gust shkb yeurl

    gust hs streon hs cl, se yeu sjeuib logey flhtkon etjlrs up. shkb Vkvl, trykon

    te deovkodl Dhrtlr te fl h flttlr arklob.

    K be flht etjlrs up, Vkvl. K gust be kt fldhusl secleol teib cl te. Hob, K

    flht up fuiikls, oet rhobec pups ikml Chrsjhii. K step fuiiykon, Vkvl, oet h

    dhusl ea kt. shkb Dhrtlr. Kc oet nekon te flht yeu up, Vkvl, Ktb fl quktl jhrb,

    fut, Kc hise oet nekon te shy tjht yeu sjeuibot step. Vkvl, yeurl eol ea tjl

    ilhst ikmlb pups ko sdjeei.

    Ne hwhy, Dhrtlr. shkb Vkvl, wje whs hooeylb hob siknjtiy honry ht

    Dhrtlr. Ne hwhy oew.

    Chml cl. rlpiklb Dhrtlr hs jl gust steeb ko pihdl hob bkbot cevl. [eu

    dhot jurt cl, K dhot jurt yeu. ^l fetj moew tjht.

    Akol. shkb Vkvl. Chrsjhii, yeu wko, tjks tkcl.

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    Ilts ne, Vkvl. Kc oet nekon wktjeut yeu. shkb Dhrtlr hs jl whimlb hwhy

    wktj Vkvl.

    ^ew tjeunjt Chrsjhii. K...olvlr tjeunjt hoyeol...weuib whot te

    sthob up, te cl.

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  • 7/24/2019 Marshall Gets Bullied



    Iknjts eut Chrsjhii. shkb Vkvl hs jl puodjlb Chrsjhii ko tjl jlhb,

    moedmkon Chrsjhii eut.

    Hatlr hwhmkon fhdm up ht tjl Ieemeut ko jks pup-jeusl, Chrsjhii bldkblb

    te sthy koskbl hob tjkom hfeut wjht jhb jhpplolb wjkil jl whs ht sdjeei tjht

    bhy. K...wksj Vkvl weuib step. shkb Chrsjhii te jkcslia hs jl rlhikzlb jl deuib

    fhrliy thim. K...whot te nlt jlipfut K dho...jhobil tjks...cyslia

    Jly Chrsjhii. shkb Djhsl. [eu whot secl pup aeeb5

    [ls. shkb Chrsjhii, rlhikzkon kt jurt wjlo jl trklb te thim ieubiy. Pilhsl.

    Tecleol ks jlrl te sll yeu, Chrsjhii. K tjkom jks ohcl ks...Dhrtlr5 shkbDjhsl. [eu whot cl te frkon jkc hieon wktj yeur aeeb5

    [lhj, surl. shkb Chrsjhii ahkriy qukltiy. Kb...ikml te...sll jkc.

    Em, oew, beot try te jurt yeurslia thimkon, em5 shkb Djhsl hs jl whimlb

    eut te nlt Chrsjhii aeeb hob Dhrtlr.

    K weoblr wjy Dhrtlr ks jlrl. tjeunjt Chrsjhii. ^jy weuib jl whot te

    sll cl5 K olvlr hsmlb jkc te be secltjkon aer cl.

    Jly, Chrsjhii. shkb Dhrtlr ko h dhickon, quklt vekdl. Djhsl, dho Chrsjhii

    hob K jhvl secl hieol tkcl5

    Turl, Dhrtlr. shkb Djhsl hs jl dieslb tjl pup jeusl beer hob whimlb

    hwhy, ilhvkon Dhrtlr hob Chrsjhii te thim ko prkvhtl.

    Te, jew hrl yeu, Chrsjhii5 hsmlb Dhrtlr.

    N-neeb. shkb Chrsjhii, mkob ea sdhrlbiy, ko h quklt vekdl. ^-wjy...hrl


    K jlhrb wjht jhpplolb lhriklr tebhy. shkb Dhrtlr. Hob, yeu beot jhvl

    te fl sdhrlb ea cl. Kc oet ikml Vkvl, K weo't jurt yeu.

    E-ej...yeu moew, K olvlr hsmlb yeu te jlip cl.

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    K moew, fut, yeu sllc ikml yeu ollb kt. Vkvl rlhiiy jurt yeu fhbiy. Lvlo ha-

    tlr yeu fihdmlb eut, jl whs stkii puodjkon hob mkdmkon yeu.

    Ej...tjhts wjy cy...fhdm jurts

    Te, Chrsjhii, be yeu whot cy jlip5


    ^jy oet5

    K dho jhobil Vkvl eo cy ewo. Vlhiiy, K dho. K gust jhvl te whkt aer tjl rknjt


    Oe, yeu dhot Chrsjhii. Vkvl ks why tee streon aer yeu te jhobil jkchieol. Kt ks pjyskdhiiy kcpesskfil aer yeu te jhobil jkc wktjeut jlip.

    Te...wjht sjeuib K be tjlo5

    Be yeu whot cy jlip5

    ^lii...K jhvl te jhvl kt...tjlo yls

    Em. Te, wjht Kc oet nekon te be ks sthob fy yeur skbl tjl lotkrl tkcl tjht

    yeurl ht sdjeei. ^jht K wkii be, ks mllp yeu ko cy sknjt hob wktjko h rlhseo-

    hfil bksthodl ea yeu se tjht, ka ht hoy ceclot Vkvl whots te flht yeu up

    hnhko, yeu dho nlt tjl blalosl yeu ollb. Net kt5

    [lhjfutwjy hrl yeu jlipkoncl5

    Fldhusl, K dhrl hfeut yeu, Chrsjhii. K molw arec bhy eol tjht yeu weuib

    fl Vkvls thrnlt fldhusl K shw jew wlhm hob jlipilss yeu hrl hnhkost jkc,

    chmkon yeu tjl plraldt pup aer jkc te flht up hob fuiiy.

    Em. shkb Chrsjhii.

    Chrsjhii, K weuibot jlip yeu ka K bkbot whot te. Ka K bkbot whot te jlip

    yeu, K weuib gust ilt Vkvl flht tjl lvlrytjkon eut ea yeu. Fut, skodl K bkbot tjht

    jhpplo, K rlhiiy bkb whot te jlip yeu. shkb Dhrtlr.

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    Oe nlttkon fhdm up! shkb Vkvl wje puodjlb Chrsjhii ko tjl fhdm hnhko.

    Ew! yliilb Chrsjhii hs Dhrtlr dhcl te jks skbl.

    Vkvl shkb Dhrtlr hs jl whtdjlb wjht whs jhpplokon.

    Dhrtlrjlip shkb Chrsjhii. Jlippilhsl

    Vkvlstepoew! shkb Dhrtlr. OE^!

    Oe! shkb Vkvl hs jl puodjlb Chrsjhii ko tjl fhdm.

    Oe, Dhrtlr! shkb Dhrtlr. Kc oet harhkb te puodj yeu, wjltjlr er oet ktii

    jurt yeu.

    Hob Kc oet harhkb te puodj yeu, Dhrtlr! shkb Vkvl.Vkvl sthrtlb Dhrtlr hs jl nrhfflb Vkvl. Pilhsl, step. Rjks ksot

    tjl...arklob...K dhcl te moew wjlo K fldhcl arklobs wktj yeu ko 2tj nrhbl, er

    wjlo K gekolb yeur aeetfhii tlhc.

    Oe. shkb Vkvl hsslrtkvliy. K dho be wjht K whot, hob oe eol, oet lvlo

    yeu, dho step cl.

    Vkvl. Gust fldhusl yeu dho be wjht yeu whot, belsot clho tjht kts em.

    Pilhsl, step. K bkbot flarklob yeu hii te gust decl te tjks. shkb Dhrtlr ko h

    pilhbkon vekdl.

    Ew...tjks rlhiiy jurts shkb Chrsjhii hs jl alit Vkvl ilt ne ea jkc hob

    jlhrb jkc whim hwhy.

    Chrsjhii, yeu em5 shkb Dhrtlr hs jl rusjlb te Chrsjhiis skbl.

    [lhj...jl bkbot jurt cl fhbiy shkb Chrsjhii hs Dhrtlr jliplb jkc up.

    Rjhom neebolss jl bkb se cudj hs te oet jurt yeu fhbiy. shkb Dhrtlr.

    ^hooh nlt iuodj5 Rjl dhaltlrkh gust eplolb.

    Turl. shkb Chrsjhii hs jl sthrtlb whimkon wktj Vkvl te tjl dhaltlrkh, wktj

    oetjkon fut h deupil fruksls hob h serl fhdm te shy tjht jl whs flhtlo up.

    Jly, Dhrtlr. shkb Mhz, h pup wje dhcl te Dhrtlr hatlr jl net fuiiklb.

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    Jk...uj shkb Dhrtlr. ^jhts yeur ohcl hnhko5

    [eu beot rlclcflr kt5 shkb Mhz.

    K jliplb yeu olhriy h ylhr hne, ea deursl K weot rlclcflr kt. shkb


    Ej...rknjt...Kii fl nekon oew

    ^hkt, wjht ks yeur ohcl5 shkb Dhrtlr.

    \j...Mhz shkb Mhz.

    Ej...em tjlo...Mhz. shkb Dhrtlr.

    [hy, jhcfurnlrs! shkb Chrsjhii wktj gey, tjlo qukdmiy ahblb te shbolss.^hkt, K jhvl oe ceoly wktj cl, Vkvl teem kt.

    Jlrl. shkb Vkvl hs jl whimlb fy hob jhoblb Chrsjhii jks ceoly fhdm

    hob wlot kote tjl iuodj ikol.

    Em...tjlo shkb Chrsjhii jl whimlb fljkob Dhrtlr kote tjl iuodj ikol.

    [lhj, prefhfiy h neeb kblh te sthob fljkob cl shkb Dhrtlr.

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    Djhptlr >7 Mkob-olss Hiwhys ^erms

    Jly, Vkvl. shkb Chrsjhii hs jl whimlb phst Vkvl.

    Jly, twlrp. shkb Vkvl hs jl stepplb Chrsjhii.

    Ilt cl phss, Vkvl. shkb Chrsjhii.

    K ollb iuodj ceoly, twlrp. Nkvl cl yeurs. shkb Vkvl hs jl nrhfflb Chr-

    sjhiis deiihr.

    Em. shkb Chrsjhii hob h siknjt alhraui teol, hs jl jlib eut jks ceoly aer

    Vkvl. Jhvl ckol. K jhvl lxtrh.

    Rjhoms...twlrp shkb Vkvl hs jl nrhfflb tjl ceoly arec Chrsjhiis

    phw hob ilt ne ea jkc tjlo whimlb hwhy.

    ^jht whs tjht aer5 hsmlb Dhrtlr.

    ^jht whs wjht aer5 rlpiklb Chrsjhii. Cl nkvkon Vkvl cy iuodj ceoly5

    [lhj. shkb Dhrtlr.

    Ej. K bkbot whot Vkvl te flht cl up hnhko, pius K bldkblb te dhrry hoetj-

    lr slt ea iuodj ceoly gust kodhsl jl ollblb secl. shkb Chrsjhii.

    Neeb kblh. shkb Dhrtlr hs jl aucfilb hreuob ko jks pedmlt. Tjeet...K

    aernet iuodj ceoly

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    \jj...ollb hoy5 hsmlb Chrsjhii. K dho nkvl yeu ckol, Dhrtlr.

    Oe, Kc neeb Chrsjhii. Kb rhtjlr cl sthrvl tjho yeu. shkb Dhrtlr.

    Dhrtlr, yeurl h iet fknnlr, streonlr, ahstlr, hob cerl htjiltkd tjho cl.

    [eu ollb aeeb cerl tjho K be, oet te clotkeo, yeu jhvl P.L. rknjt hatlr iuodj,

    clhokon yeuii fl rlhiiy juonry tjreunjeut tjl rlst ea tjl bhy ka yeu beo't

    nlt iuodj..

    Oe, Kc ol, Chrsjhii. K dho ne wktjeut aeeb hob stkii be neeb ko dihssls.

    shkb Dhrtlr.

    Em, gust tlii cl ka yeu ollb hoy ea cy iuodj, K beot ckob nkvkon secl teyeu. shkb Chrsjhii.

    Jly, twlrp. K ollb yeur sedkhi stubkls oetls. K ilat ckol ht jecl. shkb

    Vkvl te Chrsjhii.

    Turl, Vkvl. Jlrl. shkb Chrsjhii hs jl net jks oetls eut ea jks fhdmphdm

    hob nhvl tjlc te Vkvl.

    Rjhoms...ujj...twlrp shkb Vkvl hs jl aurkeusiy net te depykon tjlc

    bewo eo hoetjlr pkldl ea phplr. Rwlrp...wjy hrl yeu flkon se...mkob te cl5

    [eu chy fl h fuiiy, Vkvl, fut yeu blslrvl mkobolss hob rlspldt arec cl.

    Lvlryeol bels. hoswlrlb Chrsjhii.

    Evlr tjl olxt alw bhys, Chrsjhii whs kodrlhskoniy okdl te Vkvl, lvlo

    tjeunj Vkvl deotkouhiiy trklb te fuiiy Chrsjhii, fut jl gust deuibot ob tjl

    nuts te be kt, hs Chrsjhii whs flkon se dhrkon tewhrb jkc. Rjlo, h alw bhys

    ihtlr, secltjkon rlchrmhfil jhpplolb fltwllo Chrsjhii hob Vkvl.

    Jly, Chrsjhii. shkb Vkvl. Jew yeu bekon5

    Tmlptkdhi...tjl rst tkcl yeuvl lvlr shkb secltjkon te cl wktjeut dhiikon

    cl twlrp. shkb Chrsjhii. Hs wlii hs tjks flkon tjl rst tkcl yeu jhvlot trklb

    te flht cl up wjlo yeu whimlb up te cl.

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    Jly, Vkvl. shkb Dhrtlr. ^jht hrl yeu bekon5

    Oetjkon. shkb Vkvl.

    Te...wjht be yeu jhvl kosterl aer cl, tebhyVkvl5 hsmlb Chrsjhii.

    Chrsjhii, yeu moew jew yeuvl fllo h rlhiiy okdl plrseo te cl5 shkb


    [ls shkb Chrsjhii. K be moew.

    ^lii...evlr tjl quhrtlr, kt jhs fllo nlttkon kodrlhskoniy bkaduit te fuiiy

    yeu. ^jkdj, ks h neeb tjkon aer yeu. shkb Vkvl.

    Em...deotkoul, shkb Chrsjhii. ^jlrl hrl yeu nekon wktj tjks5Dhrtlr, dho yeu ilhvl us ko prkvhtl aer h ceclot5 hsmlb Vkvl te Dhrtlr.

    Turl. shkb Dhrtlr hs jl whimlb te eol ea jks etjlr arklobs.

    Chrsjhii. Kvl fllo jhvkon h nrlht quhrtlr wktj yeu, lvlr skodl yeu sthrt-

    lb flkon okdl te cl. Rrutj ks...K rlhiiy eoiy fuiiklb plepil fldhusl oe eol

    weuib rlhiiy whot te be hoytjkon wktj cl. Oew tjht yeuvl sthrtlb bekon...rl-

    hiiy...hoytjkon...wktj cl...K alli ikml fuiiykon ksot secltjkon tjht K ollb. wlot

    Vkvl ko h dhic why tjht bkbot chml Chrsjhii alli ikml jl whs flkon tjrlhtlolb

    er nekon te fl jurt.

    ^ewyeuvl rlhiiy djhonlb evlr tjl phst alw bhys. shkb Chrsjhii,

    decaertkon Vkvl.

    Rjhomsphi. shkb Vkvl, suftiy koaerckon Chrsjhii tjht jl weuib whot te

    fl arklobs wktj jkc.

    Phi5 hsmlb Chrsjhii. ^jy be yeu dhii cl phi5 K tjeunjt cy okdmohcl

    whs twlrp.

    Oet hoycerl. rlpiklb Vkvl.

    Rjhoms, arklob. Nrlht te fl...wlii...arklobs wktj yeu.

    Tjhii wl ne nlt iuodj5

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    Turl. ^hot cl te phy5

    Oe, Kc neeb. Rjks tkcl, K freunjt cl ewo ceoly. shkb Vkvl hs jl puiilb

    secl ceoly eut ea jks pedmlt hob whvlb Dhrtlr te decl fhdm.

    ^lii, iuodj oew5 hsmlb Dhrtlr.

    [lhj, blakoktliy. shkb Chrsjhii hs jl sthrtlb whimkon wktj Dhrtlr hob Vkvl

    te tjl dhaltlrkh.

    Rjks ks neooh fl h neeb arklobsjkp. shkb Chrsjhii

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    Hs wllms, ceotjs, hob lvlo sdjeei ylhrs wlot fy, Chrsjhii, Dhrtlr, hob Vkvl,wlrl hiwhys tjl flst ea arklobs. Rjly wlrl hiwhys nihb te sll lhdj etjlr, hob

    wktjeut hii ea tjlc tenltjlr, tjly hii alit ikml secltjkon whs cksskon. Lvlo

    burkon succlr vhdhtkeo, tjly hiwhys jhb pihos te sll lhdj etjlr ht ilhst

    eodl h wllm uotki tjl sdjeei ylhr flnho. Hob wktj tjl trke aerlvlr arklobs,

    tjly wkii hiwhys jhvl lhdj etjlr.

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    Rjl Lob