marlon grande assessing the curriculum

Module IV: Assessing the Curriculum Lesson 4: Linking Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA): Making A Fit Topic: Instruction and Assessment

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Module IV: Assessing the Curriculum

Lesson 4: Linking Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA):

Making A FitTopic: Instruction and Assessment

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Assessing the CurriculumLinking Curriculum, Instruction and

Assessment (CIA): Making a Fit

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Curriculum and InstructionCurriculum

- Structured set of learning outcomes or tasks that educators usually call goals and objectives ( Howell & Evans, 1995 )

- - knowledge of the curriculum is for successful assessment, evaluation, decision making and teaching ( Howell and Evans, 1995 )

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Content of SelectionSignificance – brings the content to the degree to which it contributes the

basic ideas, concepts, principles and generalizations and to the development of particular learning abilities, skills, processes and attitudes

Validity – refers to the degree of authenticity of the content selected and to the congruence of the content in the light of the objectives selected

Interest – the degree to which the content either caters or fosters particular interest in the students

Learnability – the appropriateness of the content in the light of the particular students who are to experience the curriculum

Feasibility – content be taught in the time allowed, considering the resources, staff and particular community

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Other Aspect of Curriculum- objectives, provide cue to what content

should be included- provide condition, performance and extend

performance- should be SMART

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Meaningful instruction - Achieved through the different learning

experience provided

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Learning experience provide:a.) Bring about optimum benefit for the learners?b.) Approximate real life situations?c.) Encourage the learners to inquire further?d.) Heighten learners interest and motivation?e.) Involve the use of different senses?f.) approximate real life situations?g.) provide opportunities for broad and deep studyh.) provide mastery of total learning

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Curriculum and Assessment- instruction, curriculum is related assessment

Assessment - The process of collecting information in which describes

student achievement in relation to curriculum expectations- Level 4- Level 3- Level 2- Level 1

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For DiagnosticFor SummativeFor Formative

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Instruction and AssessmentInstruction – refers to the various ways of

teaching, teaching styles, approaches, techniques and steps in delivering the curriculum

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Factors that include a.) Learnerb.) Teacherc.) Learning Environmentd.) Subject Matter e.) Methods of Teaching and Learningf.) Measurement

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Take Action

1.) Get a partner. Discuss your understanding about curriculum, instruction and assessment.

2.) After your discussion, summarize your understanding and place your answer on the intersection between the two elements.

a.) Curriculum – Instructionb.) Curriculum – Assessmentc.) Instruction – Assessment

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Assignment: Reflection

1.) What do you think would be the consequence if:

a.) curriculum does not relate to Instruction?b.) instruction does not relate to Assessment?c.) assessment does not relate to Curriculum?2.) In your experience as a learner, does your

curriculum provide these connections or matching? What is the implication of this lesson to becoming a teacher?

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The ff. situations refer to the concepts of curriculum, instruction and assessment

Answer YES or NO before each number. 1.) At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher set an

objective to identify the different animals in the garden. On the day, the lesson was taught, the teacher brought all the children to the school garden to observe and list down all the animals that they saw. In this situation, did the objective fit the activity?

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2.) At the end of the year, an achievement test was given. It covered all the knowledge, content and skills in the list of competencies for the particular grade level. Did the assessment fit the objectives?

3.) The curriculum provided most activities that require outdoors or fieldwork. When the achievement test was given, a practical test was given. Did the assessment method match with the activities or instruction?

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4.) The teacher wanted to accomplish a learning objective that would enable the students to write a simple letter of excuse. After the lesson each students was made to submit a letter or excuse and a rubric was use to rate each. Was the assessment appropriate for the objective?

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5.) I taught a lesson on the advantages of using organic fertilizer on the plants. When I gave the test, the items asked were all about inorganic fertilizers. Was there a fit between the content and the assessment.

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The Future World Class Teachers!

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