marketing research project report final updated by ishan

Marketing Research Project Report On “IMPACT OF CWG ON DELHI’S INFRASTRUCTURE” By Anshul Mangla (FC11128),Himanshu Kapoor (FC11136),Ishan Shukla(FC11158),Akansha Bansal(FC11169),Atul Sanwal(FC11172) PGDM – SEC C (2011-2013) Under the Supervision of Mrs. Yukti Ahujha 1 Marketing Research Project

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this document consists of a research project on the topic 'impact of common wealth games on delhi's infrastructure'. the questionnaire were filled by 200 people with their response. the analysis has been done by using spss software..


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Marketing Research Project Report


ByAnshul Mangla (FC11128),Himanshu Kapoor (FC11136),Ishan

Shukla(FC11158),Akansha Bansal(FC11169),Atul Sanwal(FC11172)

PGDM – SEC C (2011-2013)

Under the Supervision of

Mrs. Yukti Ahujha ( )

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We students of PGDM FT (2011-2013) from Jagan Institute of Management Studies, hereby declare that we have completed Project Report on “Impact of CWG on Delhi’s infrastructure” as part of the course requirement.

I further declare that the information presented in this project is true and original to the best of

my knowledge.

Date: 30/03/2012

Place: Rohini

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I Yukti Ahujha hereby certify that the students of Jagan Institute of Management

Studies has completed Project Report on “Impact of CWG on Delhi’s infrastructure”, under

my guidance.

Yukti Ahujha

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We owe a great many thanks to many people who helped and supported us during the writing of this project. Our heartly thanks to Mrs. Yukti Ahujha our Guide of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of ours with proper attention and care and to our Management Dean Mr. Madan Mohan they both have taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed.

We would also thank our institute Jagan without which this project would have been a distant reality.

We also extend heartfelt thanks to our family and well wishers.

Date: 30/03/2012

Place: Rohini

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Serial no. Chapters Page no.

1 Chapter 1 – introduction 5

2 Chapter 2 – Review of literature 7

3 Chapter 3 – research methods and procedures 8

4 Chapter 4 – data analysis and findings 10

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5 Chapter 5 – conclusion and recommendations 23

6 Appendix 24

7 References 28

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“Come Lets Play” with this message Delhi is hoping to advertise and promote theupcoming mega event: the prestigious Commonwealth Games. India has host the event after 30 years. This is the first time that the Commonwealth Games was held in India. They had been scheduled to be held between October 3 and 14, 2010. India is the third developing country, and the second Asian nation, to be hosting the event after Jamaicain 1966 and Malaysia in 1998.

The Games ostensibly bring with them global media exposure, which could in effect make India’s image +on the global scene. Organizers of the Commonwealth Games 2010 were not only aiming at the provision of an improved infrastructure and global media exposure consequently transforming the image of the city, are also aiming to provide us with the legacy that will ensure the social, economic and physical regeneration of the Delhi. The Games has help to boost urban renewal and promoted increased investments. And of course, the Games has leave behind world class sports facilities that generations of Indian sportspersons can use in the future, helping in motivating the sports culture in the country.

Purpose of study :

To study the impact of Commonwealth Games (CWG) on Delhi’s infrastructure.

It is to know whether Delhi has gained some infrastructural / tourism benefits due to commonwealth games(CWG).

Problem statement :

In this era Delhi’s infrastructure is going worse on worse roads , metros , power , railways , airports etc have been effected a lot to it.

Meanwhile then came CWG 2010 , through which it was expected that the position of Delhi will improve to a great extent.

So, now following questions comes in mind after that: -

What effects can be seen after CWG in Delhi?

Is there any positive effect or upliftment in the tourism industry?

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What are the functions and features that has helped Delhi in improving its condition ?

What are the response of people in context of this survey ?

Is there any employnment generation due to CWG ?

Significance of study :

It is to know from the people (from there sayings ,experience) what they feel about Delhi’s infrastructure after CWG.

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By Punjabi portal, SEPTEMBER9,2010

The Commonwealth games, scheduled to be held between 3rd-14th October in DELHI, was largest multisport event held in india after the ASIAN GAMES in 1951 and 1982. As many as 72 nations will participate in the games. This was second time, the commonwealth games were held in Asia. Therefore the event is significant and a big moment for INDIA.

Come Out and Play: The logo tagline is in an invitation to every person across all divides – Indian and Commonwealth - to let go of themselves and participate in the Games to the best of their abilities, in the true spirit of the Games. It is an exhortation to them to set new records, to outperform, and to raise the bar by scaling new peaks of achievement. It is also a call to the people of India, especially Delhi, to come out in support of the Games and play the perfect hosts at the XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi.

 Punj Lloyd has invested INR 30mn on Squash promotion by organizing a series of promotional events across the country which is generating great response among Squash lovers. They have also come up with the plan to provide opportunities to talented children for further training by international level trainers and getting sponsorship by promoting squash leagues.

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The research conducted by us is descriptive research. This research has been conducted to analyze the consumer behavior (their opinion) regarding what they feel , an International game can create an effect on a city’s infrastructure.

Method of descriptive research :

The research work is done through a survey method. It is based upon the information which is being collected by the respondents with the help of the questionnaires. The respondents were asked a wide variety of questions related to their opinon about a city/state/nation with the involvement of an International game.

The questions were asked in the form of a questionnaire involving questions based upon open ended and close ended questions.

Research questions :

What do you know about CWG or have you heard about CWG before? How important it is for a city to maintain its infrastructure? What effects can be seen on tourism industry after CWG? Is there generation of employment after CWG? What benefits can be seen regarding time benefit , cost benefit , crime reduction , others

in Delhi after CWG?

Sample :

The participants for research are mainly people of the age limit between 15 plus till 60 who can give us true and fair conclusion of our research .The sample size taken for the research was 150 and it was on simple random sampling basis.

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Data collection procedures :

Data collection is being done through survey method with the help of a questionnaire. Primary data is being collected to support our descriptive research.


E-questionnaire Social networking sites – facebook Email – gmail, yahoo, rediff

Tools :

We have used the software called SPSS, it helps to analyze and interpret the data.

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Result of research questions :


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Age of the respondent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 15-30 108 63.2 72.0 72.0

30-45 33 19.3 22.0 94.0

45-60 6 3.5 4.0 98.0

60 and above 3 1.8 2.0 100.0

Total 150 87.7 100.0

Missing System 21 12.3

Total 171 100.0


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Awarness about games

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Yes 148 86.5 98.7 98.7

No 2 1.2 1.3 100.0

Total 150 87.7 100.0

Missing System 21 12.3

Total 171 100.0


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improvement in delhi's infrastructure

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid To a



77 45.0 51.3 51.3



66 38.6 44.0 95.3

slightly 7 4.1 4.7 100.0

Total 150 87.7 100.0

Missing System 21 12.3

Total 171 100.0


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Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Excellent 39 22.8 26.0 26.0

Good 93 54.4 62.0 88.0

Average 16 9.4 10.7 98.7

Poor 2 1.2 1.3 100.0

Total 150 87.7 100.0

Missing System 21 12.3

Total 171 100.0


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Statistics - Mean , Median , Mode and Standard Deviation :


Gender of the


Age of the


Awarness about


improvement in

delhi's infrastructure

Rating of delhi


N Va


150 150 150 150 150




21 21 21 21 21

Mean 1.55 1.36 1.01 1.53 1.87

Median 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00

Mode 1 1 1 1 2

Std. Deviation .923 .658 .115 .587 .638

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Gender of the respondent 150 1 7 1.55 .923

Age of the respondent 150 1 4 1.36 .658

Awarness about games 150 1 2 1.01 .115

improvement in delhi's infrastructure 150 1 3 1.53 .587

Rating of delhi infrastructure 150 1 4 1.87 .638

Valid N (listwise) 150


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Summary of findings :

On the basis of our survey we came to know that people with age group between 20-45 are in favour our survey that CWG has created a greater impact on Delhi’s infrastructure.

We further found that apart from infrastructure , tourism industry upliftment , sporting facilities and

employnment opportunities has also been increased.

Recommendations :

Our recommendations after survey/research is that Delhi , after CWG has improved itself not only in terms of infrastructure(roads,metro,railways, hotels,airports,power) but also in sporting facilities , reputation , tourism , employnment etc.

We further recommend that these types of events should frequently be held in our country as it opens new dimensions/paths for a country and its people.

Need for a post game audit and detailed social and environmental impact assessment.

Need for a full public disclosure of al finances related to the CWG.

Need for the government to have a long term legacy plan based on principles of human rights and environmental sustainability.

Need for detailed inquiry into the decision making and bidding process as well as on the total expenditure of CWG.


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Q1. Gender

a) Male b) Female

Q2.. AGEa) 15-30b) 30-45c) 45-60d) 60 n above

Q2. Do you know about Common Wealth Games?

Yes No

Q3.To what extent CWG has improved Delhi’s infrastructure?

To a great extent Marginally Slightly

Q4. Rate Delhi’s infrastructure……………..

Excellent Good Average

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Q5.Rate the frequency of improvement :

Strongly agree Agree Can’t say Disagree Strongly disagree

Metro : 1 2 3 4 5

Road’s : 1 2 3 4 5

Airport : 1 2 3 4 5

Hotels : 1 2 3 4 5

Railway Station : 1 2 3 4 5

Power : 1 2 3 4 5

Q6.Does CWG improved the sporting facilities in Delhi?

To a great extent Marginally Slightly

Q7.Does Delhi’s infrastructure has been maintained after Common Wealth Games?

Yes No May be

Q.8. Have you seen any effect on TOURISM INDUSTRY due to “CWG” held in India ?

Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no Definitely no

Q9. What benefit Delhi’s Infrastructure has provided to the common man ?

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Cost benefit Tenure/Time benefit Crime reduction All of them Others ______________________________ .

Q10. Does CWG increased job opportunities ?

Yes May be No

Q11 . Does CWG boost-up the confidence of other countries on india in hosting the events?

Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no Definitely no

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