marketing project

Table of Contents Executive Summary ……………………………………..………………2 Introduction ……………………………………………………………....3 Objectives…………………………………………………………………4 Current market Situation ……………………………………….……….4 Market Segmentation …………………………………………………...5 Target Market ……………………………………………………………7 Positioning Strategy ……………………………………………..……..8 Market Entry Strategy …………………………….………….…………9 4 P’s ……………………………………………………..……………….10 Physical Evidence ……………………………………………………..15 Swot Analysis…………………………………………………………..16 References ……………………………………………………………..17 1

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Page 1: Marketing project

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ……………………………………..………………2

Introduction ……………………………………………………………....3


Current market Situation ……………………………………….……….4

Market Segmentation …………………………………………………...5

Target Market ……………………………………………………………7

Positioning Strategy ……………………………………………..……..8

Market Entry Strategy …………………………….………….…………9

4 P’s ……………………………………………………..……………….10

Physical Evidence ……………………………………………………..15

Swot Analysis…………………………………………………………..16

References ……………………………………………………………..17


Page 2: Marketing project

Executive summary

This project is assigned to us to make the promotional plan for a new product which we have

to launch in the market. Our product which is not launched in Islamabad ever before is

flavored bread. The name suggested for our flavored bread is “DELICIOUS Bread”. We did a

prospective SWOT analysis for our product. Then we made a marketing mix for Delicious

Bread. We suggest a price for our product. We made its distribution chart and in the end of we

suggest different promotional strategies according to the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.

Delicious suggest target market and made positioning statement. Then we have designed our

logo for DELICIOUS BREAD , as well as increase our product line for capture the maximum

customer and enhance business activities. After deeply analyzing the features of our product

and behavior of our target market we made the copy platform for our print ad and television

commercial (TVC). Our product is going to be introduced first time in the Islamabad market.

In the start we would be targeting only those areas of Islamabad where middle and upper

middle class people lives .We would be having a well-defined Marketing and Operational plan

so that our all the functions are conducted easily without any difficulty and it could meet the

needs of the customers in a better and successful way.

The Mission Statement 

Delicious mission to enhance the business and maximize the profit and give the best quality

product and create a good worth of our business with effective plan

Company Information

Delicious Bread

Location F -11 Markaz smart Bakers Islamabad

Growth Highlights

Enhanced business activities and start different outlet in different areas

Your Products/Services –Flavored .Bread


Delicious Bread” is the first company concerning with the manufacturing of the flavored

bread. Delicious Bread is a name that has come to signify quality and freshness in bread


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products. Our product is unique in sense that it provides with unique flavored in bread first

time in Islamabad. It is also at the same time a product for the health conscious people.

Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking.

Throughout recorded history it has been popular around the world and is one of the oldest

artificial foods, having been of importance since the dawn of agriculture. All the Delicious

bread plants boast of the latest machinery used in the bread making process. Our product is

unique in sense that it provides currently three flavors of bread according to the society.

Modern era everything is going colorful as well as and color makes us life slice. so Delicious

is launching a new colorful taste of bread with unique and weird way, which makes different.






Page 4: Marketing project

To enhance the business and make more profit with different product lines. And give the best

quality and meet the level of customer satisfaction and generate a goodwill of our business for

future goals.


Set the highest product standard for quality across all areas of our

operation on a sustained basis. Optimize people requirements and use

of advanced technologies and deliver the best possible product to our


“To provide our customers with bread that actually looks and tastes good.”


Our vision is to become Islamabad favorite bread this is

underpinned by our dedication to continued improvement

across all areas of the business.


Our goal is to ensure that important values such as quality, freshness, and service are delivered

to our consumers in the 21st Century.

Current Market Situation

The bread and bakery products market has struggled with numerous challenges over many

years. The sector has suffered from the effects of discounting, keeping value growth at a

modest level. 70 % population of Islamabad is using the packed bread so rest of the markets

still to be captured. Here people are willing to pay extra amount for the differentiated product.

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into

subsets of consumers, businesses, or countries who have common needs and priorities, and


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then designing and implementing strategies to target them. Market segmentation strategies

may be used to identify the target customers, and provide supporting data for positioning to

achieve a marketing plan objective.

Our firm have done the segmentation on the basis of the following variables:






Marketers can segment according to geographic criteria

nations, states, regions, countries, cities, neighborhoods, or

postal codes. The geo-cluster approach combines

demographic data with geographic data to create a more

accurate or specific profile.

“Further our goal to give best services to all people”

We divided Islamabad in different segments according to areas, states, regions and markets.

E.g. G-6, G-10, E-11, F-7, F-19 and East Islamabad.


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Segmentation according to demography is based on

variables such as age, gender, occupation and education

level or according to perceived benefits which a

product/service may provide. Benefits may be perceived

differently depending on a consumer's stage in the life cycle.

Delicious divided people according to:

Age Flavored is very useful at every stage of life. Young generation and older ones can also

use this product.

Children’s and kids which are most like colorful things, they usually used in sandwiches

and breakfast.

Income Flavored bread is for middle class or upper class.


Psychographic segmentation, which is sometimes called Lifestyle. This

is measured by studying the activities, interests, and opinions (AIOs) of

customers. It considers how people spend their leisure. To analyze the

psyche of the people of Islamabad we divide them in social class, life

style and personality.


Behavioral segmentation divides consumers into groups according to their

knowledge of, attitude towards, usage rate, response, loyalty status, and

readiness stage to a product. There is an extra connectivity with all other

market related sources.

Usage rate


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Flavored bread is particularly use by young generations who are very fond of flavors like

generation X they love chocolates and different flavors products. Usage rate will be high

because of these young generations.

In Islamabad we see the behaviors of people with the help of the questionnaire.

Target Market

A target market is a group of customers towards which

a business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately

its merchandise. 

A well-defined target market is the first element to a strategy.

Consists of a set of buyers who share common needs or

characteristics that the company decides to serve. Basic necessity

of human is food in which people of our society used most o the

bread in breakfast.

Target Audience

Income Group


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We will be targeting all income groups who should afford easily. It will not discriminate

between income groups.


A huge potential market for this bread it lies with youth whom we will be specifically

targeting road shows to be held as part of the ‘Add Color’ campaign.

Competitive Stance

A substitute competitor is any competitor that fills the same buyer need you fill but fills it in a

different way. The substitute competitor of white Bread is:

Dawn Bread

Wonder Bread

If there is any competitor exist in same product we can challenge by giving best quality,

reasonable price as well as shape of the flavored bread which makes the difference and attract

the customer , which fulfilled the customer need and wants and then we can retain the

customer and stabilize our product and meet the profit motives.

Positioning Strategies:

Positioning is what the customer believes about your product’s value, features, and benefits.

It is a marketing concept that outlines what a business should do to market its product or

service to its customers. In positioning, the marketing department creates an image for the

product based on its intended audience. This is created through the use of promotion, price,

place and product. The more intense a positioning strategy, typically the more effective the

marketing strategy is for a company.

Delicious Bread is not compromising in the quality, so we can maintain our position; we are

passionate about exceeding customer’s expectation and fulfilled their demands

By Attribute


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We will position our product on the basis of attributes and features of our product. Through

our positioning we will try to set and fix the feature of Delicious bread in the minds of our

customers. In positioning we will focus more on the features and attribute of our product.

By price or Quality

Delicious wants you to believe that their flavor bread is of the highest quality. Positioning is

what the customer believes and not what the provider wants them to believe .positioning can

change due the counter measure then at the competition.

By Values

We will also position our product on the basis of customer values. Like this, if you want to

look healthy then use Delicious bread.

Our core values these inform and shape us by customer feedback and satisfaction level

By benefits:

Focus on the benefits of the product when our firm will position our product through

positioning we will tell our customers how many benefits they can get from our product.

By user

Everyone who wants to have a “different taste” may have it.

By product or service class

It is positioned as a lower cost and healthier alternative to the ordinary bread, while it

provides better taste and healthy ingredients.

Market Entry Strategy

A market entry strategy is the planned method of delivering goods or services to a target

market and distributing them their.

Marketing Skimming


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It is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high price for a product or service

at first, and then lowers the price over time.

Market penetration

Setting a low price for a new product in order to attract the large number of buyers and large

market share.

Our Company’s Strategy

Delicious is following market penetration strategy to capture the market, because at the

beginning we to target maximum customer with reasonable price.

4P’s Of Marketing


Our basic product is flavored bread with three flavors: chocolate, mango and strawberry. Our

product will be available in the size of small, large-sized bread having 8 and 14 slices in a pack.

Style and Design

We design our product according to the demand of kids and children. Its packaging is made of hard card box outside which is unique and 100% recyclable; and sealed aluminum foil packaging inside. The color scheme will be eye catching depicting the whole idea of adding colors to basic white bread.

Product Ingredients Flour Water Salt Yeast Sugar Cooking Oil Flavor



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Calcium propionate Calcium acetate

Quality function deployment quality statement


Hard wheat flour, or bread flour, is preferred for yeast breads, although soft or all-purpose flours may be used successfully if the procedure is adapted to the type of flour. Bread flour has a high gluten (wheat protein) content and thorough kneading is necessary to develop the gluten so it can hold up a loaf of bread. The gluten is elastic and stretches as the yeast grows and gives off gas, making the bread light in texture. Soft wheat or pastry flour is a weaker flour because it does not contain as much gluten; therefore, bread made with it needs less kneading than bread made with bread flour. A blend of the two flours requires a moderate amount of handling to properly develop the gluten. Over-kneading of dough’s from any type of flour may injure the baking quality of the gluten and produce a bread of poor texture and volume.


Because yeast is very small plants, it must be kept fresh and active. Yeast may be bought in dry granulated form or compressed cakes or grown at home in the form of "starter" or "liquid yeast".


Yeast plants grow quickly in the presence of a small amount of sugar a sit is food for their growth. A golden-brown color will be given to the crust by the use of sugar.

Core product

Our core product is bread. Its core attribute is to fulfill the need of hunger. People use bread to satisfy their hunger.

Augmented product

Increased our product line by different color and flavored.


“Delicious Bread” will be the brand name of this flavored bread.


It is available in three distinctive and delicious flavors. It has high fiber content, enriched in carbohydrates. Also contains B-vitamins, mineral

sand a little protein and fat. Some added nutrients are -- Calcium, B vitamin-foliate and iron.

The brand assures superior quality and taste. It is a healthy diet for everyone.


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Natural and Organic Bread

Increasing health awareness and concern over the consumption of artificial ingredients have

fuelled the demand for natural products. Bread products that contain all natural ingredients

are likely to thrive in this competitive market. Organic bread is yet another category gaining

impetus in recent times, and the products are clearly labeled to draw attention to their organic

nature. We will also have a look over it.


Price has been a major factor, affecting the buyer’s choice. Price is the only element in the

marketing mix that produces revenues. Therefore, we will set prices for our product by taking

into account all internal factors including marketing objectives, marketing mix strategy costs

etc. and external factors including nature of the market and demand, competition and

some other environmental factors like economy, government etc. 

The bread industry in Pakistan is not much competitive. And as we are offering a

differentiated product that is not currently present in the market so we set our prices a little

higher adopting “Market Penetration Strategy”. The price which we have selected for our

standard pack bread is Rs.65/.

Delicious Bread price schedule

Product Quantity in pieces Price in Rs.

Delicious Bread 8 piece Rs. 50

Delicious Bread 14 piece Rs. 90



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Promotion refers to raising customer awareness of a product or brand, generating sales, and

creating brand loyalty. And make a worth by giving best quality in the customers mind.


Our firm launches will new product commercially by print media, electronic media, and

provide broachers’ in different areas of Islamabad. Opening ceremony in which our give

some sample to our first 100 customer which participated and present on the time of opening


Point of sale (POS) Terminals: Delicious has place different checkout counters in big

general stores like Meezan Store.

Advertising Objective

Delicious has clear and specific aim of an advertising or commercial such as;

To earn profits

To compare

To gain attention

To inform

To persuade

To remind our customers about over product.

Delicious is using following tools of advertising.

Broachers and Leaflets:

Delicious has very attractive and appealing broachers which Delicious have distributed with

the news papers and they have also placed it on the cash counters in different stores. Plus,

Delicious is now having a man standing on the entrance of big shopping malls in the city.

Banner & Hoardings


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Delicious has placed banners on different squares in the city and they have the hoarding

placed on the malls and stalls in the exhibitions.


Place refers to how and where you are going to sell the product to the consumer.

Distribution strategy

A plan created by the management of a manufacturing business that specifies how the firm

intends to transfer its products to intermediaries, retailers and end consumers. A marketing

firm must ascertain the nature of customers' buying behavior if it is to market its product

properly. In order to entice and persuade a consumer to buy a product, marketers try to

determine the behavioral process of how a given product is purchased.

Buyer behavior in the digital age is assessed through analytics and predictive modeling. The

analysis of buyer behavior through online platforms includes Google Analytics and vendor

side software such as Experian. The psychology of marketing is determined through the

analysis of customer perception pertaining to brands. Marketing theory holds that brand

attributes is primarily a matter of customer perception rather than product or service features.

Business to Consumer (B2C)

This mode of behavior concerns consumers and their purchase of a given product. At our

outlets our firm sell Flavored Bread to our customers who are willing to purchase.

Business to Business (B2B)

Relates to organizational/industrial buying behavior. Business buy either wholesale from

other businesses or directly from the manufacturer in contracts or agreements. B2B marketing

involves one business marketing a product or service to another business. We can sell our

product to super stores in Islamabad.

Delicious Distribution Channels;


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In our Organization We had 10 salesman, One Cashier, one store keeper, and One Sale


Physical Evidence



“Discover a Healthier Slice of Life”


F-11 Markaz Islamabad in front of Changezi motors.


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SWOT Analysis


Our ability to produce options keeps more consumer interest

and needs met.

Our new production technology will enable us to mass

produce products more efficiently and quickly than other old


Our new taste will attract many such type of consumers who

are taste changer

New product innovation in local area. So it will attract the people of local area.


No brand recognition our name in baking industry is new

so most of people are not familiar with Delicious Bread.

No separate outlet as we have not enough finance to

construct our separate outlet.

No customer orientation in local areas, as we newly

introduce in Islamabad so customer are oriented in the


The more flavor we create the production cost will increase.

At starting we will not have as such trained staff that has such market experience.


Our new taste will attract much, such type of consumers who are

taste changer.

Our new production technology will enable us to mass produce

products more efficiently and quickly than other old companies.

Our ability to produce options keeps more consumer interest & needs

No specific Competitor


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New product may people don’t accept it.

There are large companies who have brand loyal customers

providing the market with not exactly similar but milky and

other breads.

Switching brand loyal consumers to a smaller and newer


There is open market everywhere means any new company or existing ones can start the

same production that may have more experience or more qualified staff.

Imitation by existing bakeries, May try to copy it…



Principles of Marketing by philip kotler

Yaseen Aman Mughal From Page 1 to 4

Asad Nauman From page 5 to 8

Ali Mehmood From page 9 to 12

Muhammad Rehan From 13 to 16