market research results

My results show that rock is the predominantly preferred genre of music, this suggests that my magazine should be tailored towards the rock genre audience

Upload: georgeharryrobertgreen

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Market Research Results

My results show that rock is the predominantly preferred genre of music, this suggests that my magazine should be tailored towards the rock genre audience

Page 2: Market Research Results

The results from this question conclude that customers are, on average, willing to spend between £1-£2

Page 3: Market Research Results

These results conclude that the majority of people who filled out the survey are not interested in subscribing to a music magazine, this will means I will not include a possible subscription for my magazine

Page 4: Market Research Results

These results suggest that the most reoccurring age group that filled out the survey were 18 year olds, this means that I should target my magazine at this market demographic

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From these results I have concluded that people who filled out my survey were most interested in the rock genre in general, this leaves my magazine open to many interpretations of modern and classic rock sub-genres

Page 6: Market Research Results

From the results shown it is clear that students are primary target market for my magazine. Students so not commonly have a lot of disposable income if not employed, in turn this will effect the price of my magazine.

The results from this question conclude that customers are, on average, are willing to spend between £1-£2 on a weekly music magazine

Page 7: Market Research Results

My results show that the most common aspect of a music magazine that people find interesting is posters. This suggests that perhaps I will include advertisements and posters in my music magazine

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The results clearly show that facebook is the most common form of social networking, some aspects of my magazine will be linked in with social networking such as likable pages and groups that can be followed, also I could provide a form of a news updated via social networking.

Page 9: Market Research Results

Predominantly the potential readership of my magazine are male, this suggests that my magazine should be targeted specifically at the male demographic