market research- media coursework

Market Research

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Market Research

To start my research, I went on Tesco on-line to see what music magazines were available to buy:

-BBC Music Magazine-Classic Rock-Kerrang-Mixmag-NME-Rock Sound

I then went on Sainsbury's online and to see if there were any other music magazines that were available to buy:


This is the music magazine section of Tesco. The variety of magazines on-line seems to be greater than in store. The magazines that are more easier to see are Kerrang!, NME and Mojo. The fact that they are placed at the front of other magazines such as Q may enable us to infer that these are the most popular and highest selling in Tesco. Because of this, I have chosen to look into these particular magazines further.



MISSION STATEMENT: Kerrang! will ensure that we are constantly appealing to our spectrum of readers. From the younger teenage readers who are more open to different genres of rock music – from emo to thrash etc, to the readers who respect Kerrang! as an authority when it comes to our scene’s heritage bands.Each issue will include a balance of bands and scenes to guarantee that we’re providing for our readers’ need for variety and their passionate appetite for their favourite bands as well as their desire to be introduced to NEW MUSIC within our world.We will focus on the BIGGEST things that are going on in our world each week, as well as guaranteeing that we are giving our main base of younger readers everything they need to get into, on top of this the interest in older, harder bands, cementing our role as an educatorNichola Browne – Editor

THE KERRANG! READER: Jim, 22, lives and breathes rock music: it informs hischoice of friends, his hobbies, leisure time, attitudes, fashion sense and lifestyle. Above all he is fanatical about THEIR music. He engages with music 24/7, from the minute he wakes up ‘til the minute he falls asleep: when he is not listening to music or watching music TV, he is talking to his friends about music, attending gigs or playing instruments and dreaming about rock stardom.He is plugged in, sharp, has a strong moral code and rejoices in his individuality. He is a fashion trend setter in his peer group but he is heavily influenced by musical icons and scenes. Like the bands he supports he is extremely loyal to the brands he trusts. The way he looks and the clothes he wears is integral to communicating ‘his identity’ to the world.

MORE INFORMATION: Kerrang! has 29 years of heritage and is the biggest music weekly in the world. Kerrang! is actually really young with a median age of 22. Having a younger profile is a big advantage as traditionally this age group is elusive (and expensive) to reach. As well as music releases this makes Kerrang! perfect for film and games, and also mobile technology and government messages. Kerrang! loves music, especially rock. Kerrang! is considered by its readers to be an integral part of the scene rather than just a commentator. Kerrang! readers are the heaviest music consumers purchasing over 6 albums per month on average (53% more than the national average) and 8 times more likely to spend over £200 a year on albums. The readers are also 5.5 times more likely to attend a rock gig.PRICE PER ISSUE: £2.90


MISSION STATEMENT: To provide up to date and new information, reviews and listings of the best new musicTHE NME READER: Readers have a strong relationship with NME and completley trust the brand:- “I can trust it”- “Its full of facts that we should all know but don’t BUT we do now thanks to NME”- “Honest no-holds barred reviews”.NME readers are influential's when it comes to mobile phones.They are over twice as likely to convince friends and family about what mobiles to buy.Not surprisingly NME readers are completely obsessed by music. Reader research has demonstrated that they rely on the editorial and the ads to keep them up to date with new music. This knowledge then makes them the authority in music in their peer group. NME readers enjoy watching films, both in the cinema and at home. They tend to buy a new DVD every month(higher than the national average).


MISSION STATEMENT: Mojo is an educator, a living archive and a trusted source of musical excellence. Mojo provides its audience with an authentic, independent, and emotional connection to the music. Its also the last word on whats good, for music that is timeless, and where to go next. Mojo is loved by its readers, the music industry, and by musicians alike, because it engages them on the subject they love the most. Its basic editorial proposition every month consists of: A definitive, book-like cover feature (i.e. you dont need to read a book on the subject, you can just read Mojo to know everything). An editorially themed cover mounted CD. A 30 page plus reviews section known as Filter, which brings you the best in music that month. Mojo goes in deeper than any other magazine and creates an experience that is immersive, and that the readers can luxuriate in. From The Beatles to Battles, and The Ramones to Radiohead. Classic, sitting comfortably with cutting edge, and quality being the one constant.

THE MOJO READER: John is 37, a passionate and discerning music fan, long-time musician himself and dedicated record collector. With his high disposable income, John loves nothing more than sneaking off to the local independent record store to see what’s in. John proudly invests in an extensive mixture of vinyl (classics and rarities), CD’s, and carries a well stocked iPod that covers everything from prog to nu-folk, Motown to 60’s garage, blues and psychedelia.John’s heroes are Bowie and Jimmy Page, he has played the guitar since his school days and gets together now and again for a jam with his muso pals. A heavy gig goer, he also likes the more ‘boutique’ festival experience, having begun to outgrow Glastonbury, he is now just as likely to head to a smaller scale shindig such as Latitude or Green Man Festival.John and his partner occasionally like to unwind at the weekend by packing the toddlers off to their grandparents and inviting their friends around for dinner, whiskey and a rifle through his record collection to unearth some hidden gems. Well read and media-savvy, they chat into the small hours about music, books and films.

MORE INFORMATION: MOJO is the world’s largest UK music magazine, delivering a monthly dose of world class journalism and iconic photography to an audience of extremely passionate music consumers. If you’re featured in MOJO, you matter. MOJO is the brand for those truly OBSESSED with music. MOJO is THE MUSIC EXPERT – a magazine of high brand values and integrity. A carefully crafted musical archive covering the very best of music across genres. From classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental. It prefers to celebrate quality over popularity – music that will stand the test of time. MOJO provides a “hand-made” experience in a mass market environment, and as a result is a valued and trusted brand.No other music magazine can tell MOJO readers something they don’t know about music. For this reason our readers have a high level of respect and trust for the MOJO brand. Therefore if MOJO is telling its readers to drink Jack Daniels they will give it a go! MOJO reaches more music fans than any other UK music magazine in the world. MOJO creates a level of superiority and refinement not found in other music magazines. Our readers have serious buying power and are better described as ‘investors’ rather than ‘consumers’. Once they discover quality they will continue to invest in that product or brand. MOJO readers are ‘influencers’ rather than followers. They are educated and informed. Their recommendations are valuable to their friends: even 4.8 times more likely than the national average to convince others about TV / Audio / Video equipment, Also 4D man research (ACT Tracker) 2010 places MOJO as the 1st equal most influential magazine in the Men’s market at 79%.

MIXMAG READER: Mixmag readers are the opinion formers and leaders in clubbing. They are the ones who make the happening music happen and the cool products cool within their peer group. They are the first to recommend a new tune and the first on a new fashion trend. They’re at that new cool club very early and they move on before it starts to go cold . Our demographic spans across young budding bedroom DJs through to accomplished producers. They’re the best informed about top DJs and upcoming tunes, and they just have to have the latest mobile (even if their current one is less than six months old). They’re the biggest downloaders of music in the UK.The median age of a Mixmag reader is 24 – 72% male, 28% female – and they tend to be urban and single. They have a high disposable income and a high propensity to spend it on:nights out, clothes, tunes, the latest mobile and mp3 players. Nearly 80% do not read another music magazine and they spend little time watching TV, especially at weekends.