mark 9.2-9 translation project

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  • 7/30/2019 Mark 9.2-9 Translation Project


    Nick Elder

    Mark 9.2-9 Coptic Translation Notes

    The Iliff School of Theology

    Mark 9:2 auw mnnsasoou noou aji ni ihsous mpetros nmiakwbos

    nmiwannhs ajitou mmauaau ejn outoou ejose auw abt ihmmoou

    And after six days Jesus took Peter with James with John; he took them, by themselves,onto a

    mountain (and) he was raised up1

    and he was changed2

    in front of them.

    3 auw neoite aumou eauouba emate. enneourat ntws

    treupire inai ijmpka.

    And his garments glowed, having become exceedingly white3

    as no launderer is able4

    to bleach

    so they themselves shined.


    4 auw aouwn eroou ni hleias nmmwushs euaje mn ihsous.

    And Elijah was revealed to them to them with Moses and they were speaking6

    with Jesus.

    5 aouwb de ni petros ejw mmos nihsous je rabbei nanous nan

    etrenw mpeima. tarntamio e nomte nskhnh ouei nak auw ouei

    mmwushs auw ouei nhleias.

    Peter answered saying to Jesus,7

    Rabbi it is good for us for you to remain in8

    this place. We will

    make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

    6 nesooun gar an je ejw mmos jeou. atote gar jitou

    For he didnt know the things he was saying. Fear9

    seized them.

    1 Circumstantial Qualitative 3rd Sing.2



    Perfect Reflexive ofibe31

    stPerfect Cicumstantial

    4Neg III future from au as a compound prefix.

    5Inflected Causative Infinitive with inai Lit.: They were caused to shine upon them.


    7Direct Discourse indicated by ejw mmos

    8Dative m

    9Lit.: The fear (atote).

  • 7/30/2019 Mark 9.2-9 Translation Project


    7 auw aukloole pwr ebol ejwou. ausmh de ei ebol n tekloole

    je pai pe pahre pamerit swtm nsw

    And a cloud spread out over them. A voice came out of10

    the cloud saying, This is my bellowedSon, listen to him!

    8 auw n ousne nterouiatou erai mpounau ekelaau nmmau nsa

    ihsous mauaa.

    All of a sudden, they were lifted up,11

    and they did not see anyone else12

    with them except Jesus


    Mark 9:9 eunhu de epesht ijn ptoou. awn etootou jekaas

    enneutaue nentaunau eroou elaau. eimhti eranphre mprwme

    twoun ebol n netmoout

    And being on their way14

    down the mountain15

    he commanded them not to tell what he showed16

    them to anyone until the son

    17of man rises from the dead.


    10Lit.: out from in (ebol n)


    Temporal 3rd

    plural. While they were lifted12 Lit.: another someone (ekelaau)13 Intensive pronoun.14

    Circumstantial, translates the Greek genitive absolute.15

    Lit.: down from on (epesht ijn ptoou)16

    Substantived relative phrase (nentaunau)17

    Conditional 3rd

    singular. Lit.: if.18

    Lit.: From among (ebol n)