mark 3:20-35 keep your house together

Keep Your House Together Mark 3:20-35 Have you ever said anything bad about someone? Maybe someone made you mad or sad, so you said something mean about them? It might have been your brother or sister, your mom or dad. It might have been someone at school. Things like that happen all the time, don’t they? And even if we don’t say the bad things out loud, sometimes we think them really hard. What kinds of things do you think when someone hurts your feelings or upsets you? One day, some people got upset with Jesus. We don’t really know why. Maybe it was something he said. Maybe it was something he did. What we do know is that people were saying mean things about Jesus. They said he had gone out of his mind and he had the devil in him and he was working with the devil. When Jesus’s family heard all this, they were worried. So, they held onto Jesus. But Jesus didn’t just stand there with his family. He had something to say to the people who were saying mean things about him. Do you know what Jesus said? Jesus said a house can’t stand if it’s divided. Can you guess what that means? It might be a little confusing, because it sounds like he’s talking about a real house. So, let’s look at it a couple of ways. We can think of a house as being like a family and we know a family can’t survive very well if it is divided. Families do better when they are happy and healthy and working together to love one another. Another way to look at a house is to think about individual people. If you are a “house,” you have to keep yourself “together.” You have to know what is right and what is wrong. You can’t have all the thoughts in your head going in different directions or you get confused. Jesus knew that, too. And he knew that he wasn’t working for the devil. That would have divided him, because he was working for God, doing good things for God’s people. As you think about doing God’s work, doing good things for God’s people, think about how you can keep your house together. How can you think good thoughts and keep your life and your mind healthy and whole? For a full coloring page on this week’s scripture, click here. Single use permission granted in homes and churches © 2015 Tamalyn L. Kralman Please contact [email protected] for all other uses. Mark 3:25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

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Post on 17-Sep-2015




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A weekly Bible story for children of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Bellingham, WA, based on the gospel lesson from the Revised Common Lectionary.


  • Keep Your House Together Mark 3:20-35

    Have you ever said anything bad about someone? Maybe someone made you mad or sad, so you said something mean about them? It might have been your brother or sister, your mom or dad. It might have been someone at school.

    Things like that happen all the time, dont they? And even if we dont say the bad things out loud, sometimes we think them really hard. What kinds of things do you think when someone hurts your feelings or upsets you?

    One day, some people got upset with Jesus. We dont really know why. Maybe it was something he said. Maybe it was something he did. What we do know is that people were saying mean things about

    Jesus. They said he had gone out of his mind and he had the devil in him and he was working with the devil.

    When Jesuss family heard all this, they were worried. So, they held onto Jesus.

    But Jesus didnt just stand there with his family. He had something to say to the people who were saying mean things about him. Do you know what Jesus said?

    Jesus said a house cant stand if its divided. Can you guess what that means? It might be a little confusing, because it sounds like hes talking about a real house. So, lets look at it a couple of ways.

    We can think of a house as being like a family and we know a family cant survive very well if it is divided. Families do better when they are happy and healthy and working together to love one another.

    Another way to look at a house is to think about individual people. If you are a house, you have to keep yourself together. You have to know what is right and what is wrong. You cant have all the thoughts in your head going in different directions or you get confused. Jesus knew that, too. And he knew that he wasnt working for the devil. That would have divided him, because he was working for God, doing good things for Gods people.

    As you think about doing Gods work, doing good things for Gods people, think about how you can keep your house together. How can you think good thoughts and keep your life and your mind healthy and whole?

    For a full coloring page on this weeks scripture, click here.

    Single use permission granted in homes and churches 2015 Tamalyn L. Kralman Please contact [email protected] for all other uses.

    Mark 3:25And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.