marine engine programme 2014

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  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


    Marine EngineIMO Tier llProgramme 2nd edition 2014

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


    List of ChangesLow speed

    6 Information page Tier III info - New15 Speci c cylinder oil consumption Changed17 Engine dimension Changed (H4 added)19 G95ME-C9 Speci cations changed22, 24, 28 G80ME-C9, G70ME-C9, G60ME-C9 Dry mass changed30-31 G50ME-C9, G50ME-B9 Speci cations changed

    32-39 S50ME-B9, S50ME-C8, S46ME-B8, G45ME-C9,G40ME-C9, S40ME-B9, S35ME-B9 Dry mass changed

    40 S30ME-B9 Speci cations changed43 G95ME-C9-GI Speci cations changed46, 48, 52 G80ME-C9-GI, G70ME-C9-GI, G60ME-C9-GI Dry mass changed54 G50ME-C9-GI Speci cations changed

    55-58 S50ME-C8-GI, G45ME-C9-GI, G40ME-C9-GI Dry mass changed

    Low speed propulsion system No changes

    Medium speed propulsion engines70-71 MAN Diesel & Turbo SCR system Changed72 Diesel oil (D) engines Minor changes76 Engine power Changed

    79 Overview Changed80-81 MAN V51/60DF, MAN L51/60DF Changed87-89 MAN L35/44DF, MAN V32/44CR, MAN L32/44CR Changed

    MAN V28/33D (page 92 old programme) Deleted92 MAN V28/33D STC Changed

    GenSet98 Overview Changed99 MAN L35/44DF Changed100 MAN V32/44CR Changed101 MAN L32/44CR Changed103 7L32/44K Removed106 MAN PA6 B OG Moved from S.E.M.T. Pielstick

    Medium speed propulsion system117-126 L51/60DF, L48/60CR, V32/44CR, V28/33D Changed

    Turbochargers129 TCA graphic Changed

    Contacts142-147 Licensees Minor changes148-155 Worldwide of ces Changes152 MAN Diesel & Turbo Senegal SARL New

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


    All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves infor- mational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way.

    Depending on the subsequent speci c individual projects, the relevantdata may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined

    individually for each project. This will depend on the particular character - istics of each individual project, especially speci c site and operationalconditions.

    If this document is delivered in another language than English and doubts arise concerning the translation, the English text shall prevail.

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesFuel oil engines

    GI dual fuel enginesOther Tier II MC-C engines

    5 6019 40

    41 5859 60

    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion Systems 61 66

    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion Engines 67 96

    MAN Medium Speed Marine GenSets 97 112

    S.E.M.T. Pielstick Medium SpeedPropulsion Engines 113 116

    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion Systems 117 126

    MAN Exhaust Gas Turbochargers 127 140

    Licensees 141 147

    Worldwide Of ces 148 155

    Headquarters 156


  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


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  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


    MAN B&W Low SpeedPropulsion engines

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


    IMO Tier III

    Compliant Engines At the MEPC 66th session it was decided that IMO Tier III will beenforced from 2016 for the North American/Caribbean ECA area.MAN Diesel & Turbo has the technology ready to achieve compli-ance with this legislation and offers engines with EGR (exhaust

    gas recirculation) or SCR (selective catalytic reduction) solutions.Which is the best solution depends on operating pattern andcosts.

    A complete engine programme in compliance with Tier III will beready by the beginning of 2015. Until then CEAS will continuouslybe updated as the information will become available.

    Further information on the EGR and SCR technologies isgiven in the Emission Project Guide


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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesMAN Diesel & Turbo Tier II Engine Programme

    The engines in this programme all comply with IMOs Tier II emission regu-lations.

    ME Programme The electronic control of ME/ME-C/-GI engines includes the combustionprocess, i.e. fuel injection timing, actuation of exhaust valves and startingvalves and cylinder lubrication.

    Advantages of ME engines:fuel optimised over a wide power range

    improved cylinder lube oil consumption improved low-load running adaptation to different fuel oil qualities better part-load and low-load ef ency

    As a standard integrated feature, ME engines are speci ed with MAN B&W Alpha Lubricators.

    ME-B ProgrammeOn ME-B/-GI engines, the injection timing is electronically controlled whilethe actuation of exhaust valves are camshaf t operated, but with electroni-cally controlled variable closing timing.

    GI Dual Fuel EnginesIn addition to the engines mentioned on pages 4158, also ME-B engines

    are available as dual fuel engines for natural gas operation. These engineshave the same fuel consumption as similar diesel engines, and the sametuning methods can be applied.

    LGI Dual Fuel EnginesWith the designation LGI (liquid gas injection), all ME/ME-C/ME-B enginesare available for operation on low ashpoint liquid (LFL) fuels like methanol,ethanol, LPG and DME. The engines are operated as dual fuel engines withhigh-pressure injection. These engines have the same fuel consumption assimilar diesel engines, and the same tuning methods can be applied.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesReplaced EnginesEarlier versions of this engine programme have additional engines men-tioned. Some of those engine types are still available and are categorisedReplaced engines. However, new development will only be implemented

    in these designs to the extent considered necessary based on service ex-perience. New ef ciency enhancing features will not be available on olderengine types.

    Engine Power The engine brake power is stated in kW .

    The power values stated in the tables are available up to tropical conditionsat sea level, i.e.:

    turbocharger compressor inlet temperature 45 C turbocharger compressor inlet pressure 1,000 mbar sea water temperature 32 C

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) The gures given in this folder represent the values obtained when the

    engine and turbocharger are matched to the lowest possible SFOC valueswhile also ful lling the IMO NO x Tier II emission limitations.

    Stricter emission limits can be met on request, using proven technologies.

    The SFOC gures are given in g/kWh and are based on the use of fuel witha lower calori c value (LCV) equal to 42,700 kJ/kg (~10,200 kcal/kg) at ISOconditions:

    ambient air pressure 1,000 mbar ambient air temperature 25 C cooling water temperature 25 C

    Most commercially available HFOs with a viscosity below 700 cSt at 50 Ccan be used.

    The energy ef ciency design index (EEDI) has increased the focus on par t-load SFOC. We therefore offer the option of selecting the SFOC guaranteeat a load point in the range between 50% and 100%.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion Engines

    SFOC L3 liquid fuel

    L3 gas fuel

    SFOC L1 liquid fuel

    L1 gas fuel

    -1 g/kWh

    -4 g/kWh

    -6 g/kWh

    -1 g/kWh

    -2.5 g/kWh

    -3.5 g/kWh

    Engine load10035

    Engine load10035

    All engine design criteria, e.g. heat load, bearing load and mechanicalstresses on the construction, are de ned at 100% load independent of theguarantee point selected. This means that turbocharger matching, engineadjustment and engine load calibration must also be performed at 100%

    independent of the guarantee point. At 100% load, the SFOC tolerance is5%.

    When choosing an SFOC guarantee below 100%, the tolerances, whichwere previously compensated for by the matching, adjustment and calibra-tion at 100%, will affect engine running at the lower SFOC guarantee loadpoint. This includes tolerances on measurement equipment, engine pro-cess control and turbocharger performance.

    Consequently, SFOC guarantee tolerances are as follows: 100% 85% SMCR: 5% tolerance 84% 65% SMCR: 6% tolerance 64% 50% SMCR: 7% tolerance

    Please note that the SFOC guarantee can only be given in one load point.

    SFOC Curves for the GI EnginesExamples of SFOC curvesfor GI engines with liquidfuel and gas fuel are shownon the following two graphsfor L1 and L 3 layout points,respectively. Fuel savingsdepend on the engine type.

    Actual fuel consumption canbe seen on pages 4158.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion Engines







    Layout Diagram The layout diagram applicable for the engines is de nedby the power and speed combinations L 1, L 2, L 3 and L 4 ,L1 indicating the nominal MCR.

    Any combination of speed and power within the layoutdiagram may be used for selecting the speci ed MCRpoint.

    Fuel Consumption and Optimisation Possibilities The current economic scenario has placed more emphasis on operational

    exibility in terms of demand for improved part-load and low-load SFOC. As described below, dif ferent optimisation possibilities for the MAN B&Wtype engines have been developed.

    NO x regulations place a limit on the SFOC on two-stroke engines. In gen -eral, NO x emissions will increase if SFOC is decreased and vice versa. Inthe standard con guration, the engines are optimised close to the IMO NO x limit and, therefore, NO x emissions may not be further increased.

    The IMO NO x limit is given as a weighted average of the NO x emission at25, 50, 75 and 100% load. This relationship can be utilised to tilt the SFOCpro le over the load range. This means that SFOC can be reduced at partload or low load at the expense of a higher SFOC in the high-load rangewithout exceeding the IMO NO x limit.

    Optimisation of SFOC in the part-load (50-85%) or low-load (25-70%) rangerequires selection of a tuning method:

    ECT: Engine Control Tuning VT: Variable Turbine area EGB: Exhaust Gas Bypass HPT: High Pressure Tuning (only available on ME/ME-C engines)

    The above tuning methods are available for all SMCR in the speci c enginelayout diagram, but cannot be combined. The SFOC reduction potential ofeach tuning method together with full rated (L 1 /L 3 ) and maximum derated(L2 /L 4 ) can be seen on each individual engine page.

    Only high-load optimisation is available for engines with conventional ef-ciency turbochargers (64% instead of 67%).

    The methods and options mentioned will be explained in the following.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesEngine Control Tuning

    This method can be implemented without change of engine components(including matching of turbochargers), only engine control parameters arechanged. The method solely utilises the possibility for variable exhaust

    valve timing and injection timing and pro ling.

    Two optimisation possibilities are available. With part-load optimisation,SFOC is decreased at all loads below 85%. With low-load optimisation,SFOC is further decreased at loads below 70%, however, at the expense ofa higher SFOC in the high-load range. Which option is optimal on a speci cengine depends on the operating pattern.

    Variable Turbine Area (VT) This method requires special turbocharger parts allowing the turbo-charger(s) on the engine to vary the area of the nozzle ring. The nozzle ringarea is minimum at the lower engine load range. When the engine load isincreased above approx. 80%, the area gradually starts to increase andreaches its maximum at 90% engine load. With this technology, SFOC isdecreased at low load at the expense of a higher SFOC at high load.

    Two optimisation possibilities are available. With part-load optimisation,SFOC is decreased at all loads below 85%. With low-load optimisation,SFOC is further decreased at loads below 70%, at the expense of a higherSFOC in the high-load range. Which option is optimal on a speci c enginedepends on the operating pattern.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesExhaust Gas Bypass (EGB)

    This method requires installation of EGB technology. The turbocharger(s)on the engine are matched at 100% load with fully open EGB. At approxi -mately 85% load, the EGB starts to close and is fully closed below 70%

    load. With this technology, SFOC is decreased at low load, at the expenseof a higher SFOC at high load.

    Two optimisation possibilities are available. With par t-load optimisation,SFOC is decreased at all loads below 85%. With low-load optimisation,SFOC is further decreased at loads below 70%, at the expense of a higherSFOC in the high-load range. Which option is optimal depends on the op-erating pattern.

    If a higher exhaust temperature is needed at part load, solutions exist foradditional manual or automatic control of the EGB. This feature is particu -larly relevant for ME and ME-B engines. Forcing open the EGB at loadswhere the EGB is normally closed will result in a higher mixed exhaust gastemperature, but with a penalty on SFOC. Calculations with this feature aremade on request.

    High Pressure Tuning (HPT)HPT is a method to obtain a higher scavenge air pressure at part loadsimilar to EGB and VT. However, where EGB and VT mechanically reducethe effective turbine area at part load to obtain the higher scavenge airpressure, HPT utilises the turbocharger ability to be matched at a higherpressure ratio at SMCR. This results in the same scavenge air increase atpart load as can be obtained with EGB tuning, but without any mechanicaldevices.

    All turbocharger brands can be used when ful lling the speci cation atSMCR. As a consequence of the higher scavenge air pressure, some en-gines with high ratings will require structural reinforcements.

    The SFOC reduction achived with HPT will be identical to the EGB reduc -tion at all loads. However, a lower turbine outlet temperature and a higherexhaust gas amount at high loads will be obtained compared to EGB.

    The HPT technology is available for ME/ME-C Tier II engines as it utilisesthe full potential of the variable exhaust valve timing. Two optimisation pos-sibilities are available. With part-load optimisation, SFOC is decreased at allloads below 85%. With low-load optimisation, SFOC is further decreased atloads below 70%, at the expense of a higher SFOC in the high-load range.Which option is optimal depends on the operating pattern.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesTurbocharger (TC) Cut-outBesides the above-mentioned part-load and low-load methods (ECT, VT,EGB and HPT), cut-out of one turbocharger can be applied on MAN B&Wengines with more than two turbochargers. The cut-out can be effected

    either by means of blind plates or pneumatically actuated valves. Duringcut-out, the allowed engine load is limited to 35%, 65% and 70% of SMCRfor engines with 2, 3 or 4 turbochargers, respectively. TC cut-out cannot becombined with other methods of low or part-load SFOC optimisations.

    The cut-out will enhance the performance of the working turbochargersand, thereby, lead to higher scavenge, compression and maximum com-bustion pressures, ultimately resulting in lower SFOC and lower exhaustgas temperatures and amount. Data for changes in SFOC, exhaust gastemperature and amount can be supplied on request for the actual project.Depending on the speci c engine layout, the heat load can increase signi -cantly when running close to the reduced limit for allowable engine load.

    Turbocharging System Two-stroke low speed engines can be delivered with MAN, ABB or MHIturbochargers as standard.

    The SFOC gures given in this folder for two-stroke engines are based onturbocharging with the best possible turbocharging ef ciency generallyavailable, i.e. 67% for all engines with 45 bore and above, and 64% for en -gine bores smaller than 45 cm. Both ef ciency gures refer to 100% SMCR.

    At lower loads the turbocharger ef ciency will be even higher.

    All engines with high ef ciency (67%) turbochargers can be ordered with

    lower turbocharging ef ciency. Utilising this possibility will result in higherexhaust gas temperatures, lower exhaust gas amounts and a slight changein SFOC. Converting to conventional ef ciency (64%), turbocharger(s)results in a small SFOC increase, a 20C increase of the turbine outlet tem-perature, and a 6% decrease of the air/exhaust amount. It is not possible toapply tuning methods (par t or low load) when making such a conversion.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesWaste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS)Waste heat can be economically recovered from all MAN B&W two-strokeengines by installing equipment for waste heat recovery systems (WHRS)and matching the engine for WHRS.

    Full WHRS is recommended for engines with outputs larger than 25 MW,and when a stand-alone power turbine (MAN TCS-PTG) is installed withengine systems smaller than 25 MW (pages 134-135).

    A standard WHR-matched MAN B&W two-stroke engine will have a higherexhaust gas temperature than an engine without WHR and can producean extra electric power output corresponding to approx. 10% of the engineshaft power. The total system ef ciency will therefore be better than that ofthe engine itself.

    The installation of WHRS equipment on ships will save up to 10% fuel de-pending on the WHRS equipment selected. For ships with a high electricpower demand, like container ships, the installation of WHRS units will sig -ni cantly improve the ships fuel economy.

    Typical WHRS diagram as used for large container vessels




    LP steam drum


    HP-circ. p.

    LP-circ. pumpLP Evaporator

    LP Superheater

    HP Evaporator

    HP Superheater

    Exhaust gas

    ST & PT unit


    Exh. gas boilersections: LP



    Exhaust gas receiver

    Main engine

    Scavengeair cooler

    TC TC

    Vacuum deaerator tank

    HP-steamfor heating


    Hot welltank







    LP-steamfor heating


    PTO/ PTI

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion Engines

    Sulphur %

    Absolute dosage (g/kWh)









    Sulphur %

    so ute osage g









    Lubricating Oil Consumption The system oil consumption varies for the different engine sizes and op-erational patterns. Typical consumptions are in the range from negligible to0.1 g/kWh.

    Speci c Cylinder Oil Consumption Alpha ACC (Adaptive Cylinder-oil Control) is the lubrication mode for MANB&W two-stroke engines, that involves lube oil dosing propor tional to theengine load and to the sulphur content in the fuel oil being burned. Thespeci c minimum dosage at lower-sulphur fuels is set at 0.6 g/kWh.

    After a running-in period of 500 hours, the feed rate sulphur propor tionalfactor is 0.20 - 0.40 g/kWh S%. The actual ACC factor will be based oncylinder condition, and preferably a cylinder oil feed rate sweep test shouldbe applied.

    Typical ACC Dosage for BN100 Cylinder Oil, ACC = 0.20 g/kWh S%Based on calculations of theaverage worldwide sulphurcontent used on MAN B&W

    two-stroke engines, the aver -age cylinder oil consumptionwill be less than 0.65 g/kWh.

    Typical ACC Dosage for BN100 Cylinder Oil, ACC = 0.26 g/kWh S%Based on calculations of theaverage worldwide sulphurcontent used on MAN B&Wtwo-stroke engines, the aver -age cylinder oil consumptionwill be less than 0.7 g/kWh.

    Further information on cylinder oil as a function of the fuel oil sulphur con-tent and the lubricating oil alkalinity is available from MAN Diesel & Turbo.

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion EnginesExtent of Delivery

    The nal and binding extent of delivery of MAN B&W two-stroke engines isto be supplied by our licensee, the engine maker, who should be contactedin order to determine the execution for the actual project.

    In order to facilitate negotiations between the yard, the engine maker andthe customer, a set of guiding Extent of Delivery (EoD) forms is available inwhich MAN Diesel & Turbos recommended basic and optional executionsare speci ed.

    Please note that licensees may select a different extent of delivery as theirstandard.

    CEAS and Turbocharger Selection The CEAS application calculates basic data essential for the design anddimensioning of a ships engine room based on engine speci cation.

    CEAS is available Products Marine Engines & Systems Two Stroke

    CEAS Engine Calculations.

    The Turbocharger Selection application calculates available turbocharger(s)con guration based on engine speci cation.

    Turbocharger Selection is available Products Marine Engines & Systems Two Stroke

    Turbocharger Selection.

    All engines in this programme are designated .5 and are selectable fromthe category Of cial catalogue in CEAS and Turbocharger Selection. Thisnew designation covers an extended layout (MEP and/or speed) which insome cases requires minor changed mechanical components and/or up-dated performance data compared to the original .2, .3 or .4 design.

    Engines from earlier versions of the engine programme, for example theMC-C engines mentioned on page 60, are still supported and can beselected under the category Replaced engines in CEAS and in Turbo-charger Selection with the following disclaimer:

    The following engines are all replaced by newer and more ef cient engines. Data fromthe replaced engines should only be used for comparison and processing existing or

    repeat orders. For new projects, the latest version of engine catalogue must be used.

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    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion Engines

    A L min

    Bore: 98-60 Bore: 98-30














    Bore: 50-30

    A L min

    Engine Dimensions The minimum length L min is stated from the aft end of the crankshaft to thefore end of the engine.

    Lmin : Minimum length of engine A: Cylinder distanceB: Bedplate widthB1: Bedplate width at foot angeB2: Bedplate width at top ange

    C: Crankshaft to underside of foot angeH1: Normal lifting procedureH2: Reduced height lifting procedureH3: With electric MAN B&W Double-Jib craneH4: Normal lifting procedure with MAN B&W Double-Jib crane.

    Dry Masses

    Dry masses are stated for engines with MAN turbocharger(s) and a stan-dard turning wheel. The gures can vary up to 10% depending on the de -sign and options chosen, e.g. moment compensators, tuning wheel, etc.

    Alternative Cylinder NumbersEngine types with 70 bore and smaller are available with 4 cylinders onrequest.

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion Engines

    Engine programme series

    Diameter of piston in cm

    S Super long strokeG Green Ultra long stroke

    L Long strokeK Short stroke

    Stroke/bore ratio

    Number of cylinders

    ConceptE Electronically controlledC Camshaft controlled

    Fuel injection concept

    Emission regulation TII IMO Tier level

    DesignC Compact engine

    B Exhaust valve controlled by camshaft

    Mark number

    6 S 90 M E -C 9 -GI -TII

    (blank)Fuel oil onlyGI

    LGIGas injectionLiquid Gas Injection

    Engine Type Designation

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    kW/cyl .






    70 80



    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3.460 mm

    5 34,350 6 41,220

    7 48,090

    8 54,960 9 61,83010 68,70011 75,57012 82,440

    MAN B&W G95ME-C9

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 164.5 162.0 166.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 163.5 161.0 169.0

    VT 161.5 160.5 166.5EGB/HPT 161.5 160.5 167.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 162.0 161.5 167.5

    VT 159.5 161.5 166.5EGB/HPT 159.5 161.5 167.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 160.5 156.0 159.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 159.5 155.0 162.0

    VT 157.5 154.5 159.5EGB/HPT 157.5 154.5 160.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 158.0 155.5 160.5

    VT 155.5 155.5 159.5

    EGB/HPT 155.5 155.5 160.5

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H 4

    mm * 5,370 5,380 2,060 15,925 15,525Cyl.distance 5-9 cyl. 10 cyl. 11 cyl. 12 cyl.

    mm 1,574 1-6: 1,574 1-6: 1,574 1-6: 1,574

    mm 7-10: 1,670 7-11: 1,670 7-12: 1,670

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Lmin mm 11,396 12,970 14,344 15,918 17,592 19,562 21,312 22,982Dry mass t 1,080 1,250 1,430 1,625 1,820 2,010 2,210 2,400

    * Data is available on request

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    kW/cyl .





    5,230 4,880


    72 84



    MAN B&W S90ME-C10

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3.260 mm

    5 30,500 6 36,600 7 42,700

    8 48,800 9 54,90010 61,00011 67,10012 73,200

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 164.5 162.0 166.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 163.5 161.0 169.0

    VT 161.5 160.5 166.5EGB/HPT 161.5 160.5 167.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 162.0 161.5 167.5

    VT 159.5 161.5 166.5EGB/HPT 159.5 161.5 167.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.8 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 160.5 156.0 160.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 159.5 155.0 163.0

    VT 157.5 154.5 160.5EGB/HPT 157.5 154.5 161.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 158.0 155.5 161.5

    VT 155.5 155.5 160.5

    EGB/HPT 155.5 155.5 161.5

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,590 5,160 1,900 15,000 14,025 14,500

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Lmin mm 11,232 12,822 13,485 16,135 17,725 19,315 20,905 22,495Dry mass t 953 1,104 1,255 1,446 1,626 1,771 1,942 2,088

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    kW/cyl .





    4,700 4,650


    68 84



    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3,260 mm

    5 29,050 6 34,860 7 40,670

    8 46,480 9 52,29010 58,10011 63,91012 69,72014 81,340

    MAN B&W S90ME-C9

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,590 5,160 1,900 15,000 14,025 14,500

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

    Lmin mm 11,232 12,822 13,485 16,135 17,725 19,315 20,905 22,495 25,785Dry mass t 950 1,100 1,250 1,440 1,620 1,765 1,935 2,080 2,370

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 164.5 162.0 166.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 163.5 161.0 169.0

    VT 161.5 160.5 166.5EGB/HPT 161.5 160.5 167.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 162.0 161.5 167.5

    VT 159.5 161.5 166.5EGB/HPT 159.5 161.5 167.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 160.5 156.0 160.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 159.5 155.0 163.0

    VT 157.5 154.5 160.5EGB/HPT 157.5 154.5 161.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 158.0 155.5 161.5

    VT 155.5 155.5 160.5

    EGB/HPT 155.5 155.5 161.5

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    kW/cyl .




    3,800 3,550


    58 72



    MAN B&W G80ME-C9

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,400 5,320 5,320 1,960 16,100 15,050 14,575

    Cylinders: 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 10,735 12,135 13,535 15,880Dry mass t 945 1,055 1,175* 1,350

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3,720 mm

    6 28,2607 32,9708 37,680

    9 42,390

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 164.5 162.0 166.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 163.5 161.0 169.0

    VT 161.5 160.5 166.5EGB/HPT 161.5 160.5 167.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 162.0 161.5 167.5

    VT 159.5 161.5 166.5EGB/HPT 159.5 161.5 167.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 160.5 156.0 159.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 159.5 155.0 162.0

    VT 157.5 154.5 159.5EGB/HPT 157.5 154.5 160.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 158.0 155.5 160.5

    VT 155.5 155.5 159.5

    EGB/HPT 155.5 155.5 160.5

    * Dry mass is with undivided crankshaft and chain in aft, with divided crankshaft and chain in mid, dry mass is 1,223 t

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    kW/cyl .







    72 78



    MAN B&W S80ME-C9

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,334 5,280 1,890 15,050 13,925 13,500

    Cylinders: 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 10,100 11,434 12,768 14,102Dry mass t 833 933 1,043 1,153

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3,450 mm

    6 27,0607 31,5708 36,080

    9 40,590

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3MEP: 20.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 164.5 162.0 166.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 163.5 161.0 169.0

    VT 161.5 160.5 166.5EGB/HPT 161.5 160.5 167.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 162.0 161.5 167.5

    VT 159.5 161.5 166.5EGB/HPT 159.5 161.5 167.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 160.5 156.0 160.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 159.5 155.0 163.0

    VT 157.5 154.5 160.5EGB/HPT 157.5 154.5 161.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 158.0 155.5 161.5

    VT 155.5 155.5 160.5

    EGB/HPT 155.5 155.5 161.5

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    kW/cyl .





    2,620 2,610


    73 91



    MAN B&W S70ME-C8

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,190 4,390 1,520 12,550 11,725 11,500

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 7,514 8,704 9,894 11,084Dry mass t 451 534 605 681

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,800 mm

    5 16,3506 19,6207 22,890

    8 26,160

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 167.5 165.0 169.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 166.5 164.0 172.0

    VT 164.5 163.5 169.5EGB/HPT 164.5 163.5 170.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 165.0 164.5 170.5

    VT 162.5 164.5 169.5EGB/HPT 162.5 164.5 170.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 163.5 159.0 163.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 162.5 158.0 166.0

    VT 160.5 157.5 163.5EGB/HPT 160.5 157.5 164.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 161.0 158.5 164.5

    VT 158.5 158.5 163.5

    EGB/HPT 158.5 158.5 164.5

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    kW/cyl .





    2,750 2,620


    91 108



    MAN B&W L70ME-C8

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,190 3,980 1,262 11,250 10,650 10,625

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 7,639 8,829 10,019 11,209Dry mass t 437 506 569 642

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,360 mm

    5 16,3506 19,6207 22,890

    8 26,160

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar SFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 168.5 166.0 170.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 167.5 165.0 173.0

    VT 165.5 164.5 170.5EGB/HPT 165.5 164.5 171.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 166.0 165.5 171.5

    VT 163.5 165.5 170.5EGB/HPT 163.5 165.5 171.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar SFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 164.5 160.0 164.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 163.5 159.0 167.0

    VT 161.5 158.5 164.5EGB/HPT 161.5 158.5 165.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 162.0 159.5 165.5

    VT 159.5 159.5 164.5

    EGB/HPT 159.5 159.5 165.5

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    kW/cyl .





    2,330 2,290


    77 95



    MAN B&W S65ME-C8

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,084 4,124 1,410 11,950 11,225 11,025

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 6,914 7,998 9,062 10,138Dry mass t 382 451 512 575

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,730 mm

    5 14,3506 17,2207 20,090

    8 22,960

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar SFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 167.5 165.0 169.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 166.5 164.0 172.0

    VT 164.5 163.5 169.5EGB/HPT 164.5 163.5 170.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 165.0 164.5 170.5

    VT 162.5 164.5 169.5EGB/HPT 162.5 164.5 170.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar SFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 163.5 159.0 163.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 162.5 158.0 166.0

    VT 160.5 157.5 163.5EGB/HPT 160.5 157.5 164.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 161.0 158.5 164.5

    VT 158.5 158.5 163.5

    EGB/HPT 158.5 158.5 164.5

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    kW/cyl .





    1,900 1,900


    84 105



    MAN B&W S60ME-C8

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,020 3,770 1,300 10,825 10,000 9,775

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 6,439 7,459 8,479 9,499Dry mass t 308 350 393 452

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,400 mm

    5 11,9006 14,2807 16,660

    8 19,040

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 167.5 165.0 169.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 166.5 164.0 172.0

    VT 164.5 163.5 169.5EGB/HPT 164.5 163.5 170.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 165.0 164.5 170.5

    VT 162.5 164.5 169.5EGB/HPT 162.5 164.5 170.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 163.5 159.0 163.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 162.5 158.0 166.0

    VT 160.5 157.5 163.5EGB/HPT 160.5 157.5 164.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 161.0 158.5 164.5

    VT 158.5 158.5 163.5

    EGB/HPT 158.5 158.5 164.5

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    kW/cyl .




    1,360 1,370


    79 100



    MAN B&W G50ME-B9

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 894 3,896 3,672 1,205 10,750 10,175 9,825

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 6,325 7,219 8,113 9,007 9,901Dry mass t 225 260 295 330 365

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,500 mm

    5 8,6006 10,3207 12,040

    8 13,7609 15,480

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 166.5 164.0 167.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 165.5 163.0 170.0

    VT 163.5 162.5 167.5EGB 163.5 162.5 168.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 164.0 163.5 168.5

    VT 161.5 163.5 167.5EGB 161.5 163.5 168.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.7 bar SFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 162.5 158.5 161.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 161.5 157.5 164.0

    VT 159.5 157.0 161.5EGB 159.5 157.0 162.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 160.0 158.0 162.5

    VT 157.5 158.0 161.5

    EGB 157.5 158.0 162.5The SFOC excludes 1 g/kWh for the consumption of the electric HPS

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    kW/cyl .





    1,350 1,420


    89 117



    MAN B&W S50ME-B9

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 875 3,290 1,190 9,775 9,200 8,900

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 6,073 6,948 7,823 8,698 9,573 Dry mass t 195 225 260 290 320

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,214 mm

    5 8,9006 10,6807 12,460

    8 14,2409 16,020

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 167.5 165.0 168.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 166.5 164.0 171.0

    VT 164.5 163.5 168.5EGB 164.5 163.5 169.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 165.0 164.5 169.5

    VT 162.5 164.5 168.5EGB 162.5 164.5 169.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.8 bar SFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 163.5 159.5 162.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 162.5 158.5 165.0

    VT 160.5 158.0 162.5EGB 160.5 158.0 163.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 161.0 159.0 163.5

    VT 158.5 159.0 162.5

    EGB 158.5 159.0 163.5The SFOC excludes 1 g/kWh for the consumption of the electric HPS

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    kW/cyl .





    1,340 1,330


    102 127



    MAN B&W S50ME-C8

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 850 3,150 1,085 9,050 8,500 8,250

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 5,924 6,774 7,624 8,474 9,324Dry mass t 180 210 240 270 295

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,000 mm

    5 8,3006 9,9607 11,620

    8 13,2809 14,940

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 168.5 166.0 170.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 167.5 165.0 173.0

    VT 165.5 164.5 170.5EGB/HPT 165.5 164.5 171.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 166.0 165.5 171.5

    VT 163.5 165.5 170.5EGB/HPT 163.5 165.5 171.5

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 164.5 160.0 164.0

    Part load (50%-85%)ECT 163.5 159.0 167.0

    VT 161.5 158.5 164.5EGB/HPT 161.5 158.5 165.5

    Low load (25%-70%)ECT 162.0 159.5 165.5

    VT 159.5 159.5 164.5

    EGB/HPT 159.5 159.5 165.5

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    kW/cyl .




    870 825


    99 125



    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,000 mm

    5 5,5006 6,6007 7,700

    8 8,800

    MAN B&W G40ME-C9

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 700 3,116 2,942 1,039 8,725 * *

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 5,012 5,712 6,412 7,112 Dry mass t 119 135 153 173

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 173.5 171.0 175.0

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 169.5 167.0 170.0

    * Data is available on request

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    kW/cyl .





    865 910


    111 146



    MAN B&W S40ME-B9

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 1,770 mm

    5 5,6756 6,8107 7,945

    8 9,080

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 173.5 171.0 174.0

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.8 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 169.5 167.0 170.0The SFOC excludes 1 g/kWh for the consumption of the electric HPS

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 700 2,590 950 7,800 7,475 7,200

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 5,000 5,700 6,400 7,100 Dry mass t 112 131 148 163

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    kW/cyl .





    665 695


    127 167



    MAN B&W S35ME-B9

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 1,550 mm

    5 4,3506 5,2207 6,090

    8 6,960

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 1 - L3 line [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 174.5 172.0 175.0

    SFOC for engines with layout on L 2 - L4 line [g/kWh] L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.7 barSFOC optimised load range Tuning 50% 75% 100%

    High load (85%-100%) - 170.5 168.0 171.0The SFOC excludes 1 g/kWh for the consumption of the electric HPS

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 612 2,265 830 6,875 6,700 6,325

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 4,378 4,990 5,602 6,214Dry mass t 81 90 99 111

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    MAN B&W Low SpeedGI dual fuel engines

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    kW/cyl .






    70 80



    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L 2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 160.5 158.0 165.0L2 156.5 152.0 158.0L3 161.0 159.5 165.0L4 157.0 153.5 158.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 164.5 162.0 166.0L2 / L 4 160.5 156.0 159.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    MAN B&W G95ME-C9-GI

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3.460 mm

    5 34,350 6 41,220 7 48,090

    8 54,960 9 61,83010 68,70011 75,57012 82,440

    * Data is available on request

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 130.4 129.8 136.7L2 124.7 123.0 129.3L3 130.8 131.1 136.7L4 125.2 124.3 129.3

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 7.9 6.0 5.0L2 / L 4 10.4 8.0 6.6

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H 4

    mm * 5,370 5,380 2,060 15,925 15,525Cyl.distance 5-9 cyl. 10 cyl. 11 cyl. 12 cyl.

    mm 1,574 1-6: 1,574 1-6: 1,574 1-6: 1,574

    mm 7-10: 1,670 7-11: 1,670 7-12: 1,670

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Lmin mm 11,396 12,970 14,344 15,918 17,592 19,562 21,312 22,982Dry mass t 1,082 1,253 1,433 1,629 1,824 2,015 2,215 2,406

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    kW/cyl .





    5,230 4,880


    72 84



    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L 2 /L 4 MEP: 16.8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 160.5 158.0 165.0L2 156.5 152.0 159.0L3 161.0 159.5 165.0L4 157.0 153.5 159.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 164.5 162.0 166.0L2 / L 4 160.5 156.0 160.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    MAN B&W S90ME-C10-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,590 5,160 1,900 15,000 14,025 14,500

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Lmin mm 11,232 12,822 13,485 16,135 17,725 19,315 20,905 22,495

    Dry mass t 953 1,104 1,255 1,446 1,626 1,771 1,942 2,088

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3.260 mm

    5 30,500 6 36,600 7 42,700

    8 48,800 9 54,90010 61,00011 67,10012 73,200

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 130.4 129.8 136.7L2 125.3 123.4 130.5L3 130.8 131.1 136.7L4 125.7 124.7 130.5

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 7.9 6.0 5.0L2 / L 4 9.8 7.5 6.2

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    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 130.4 129.8 136.7L2 125.3 123.4 130.5L3 130.8 131.1 136.7L4 125.7 124.7 130.5

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 7.9 6.0 5.0L2 / L 4 9.8 7.5 6.2

    kW/cyl .





    4,700 4,650


    68 84



    MAN B&W S90ME-C9-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,590 5,160 1,900 15,000 14,025 14,500

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

    Lmin mm 11,232 12,822 13,485 16,135 17,725 19,315 20,905 22,495 25,785

    Dry mass t 950 1,100 1,250 1,440 1,620 1,765 1,935 2,080 2,370

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3,260 mm

    5 29,050 6 34,860 7 40,670

    8 46,480 9 52,29010 58,10011 63,91012 69,72014 81,340

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar L 2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 160.5 158.0 165.0L2 156.5 152.0 159.0L3 161.0 159.5 165.0L4 157.0 153.5 159.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 164.5 162.0 166.0L2 / L 4 160.5 156.0 160.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

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    kW/cyl .




    3,800 3,550


    58 72



    MAN B&W G80ME-C9-GI

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3,720 mm

    6 28,2607 32,9708 37,680

    9 42,390

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L 2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 160.5 158.0 165.0L2 156.5 152.0 158.0L3 161.0 159.5 165.0L4 157.0 153.5 158.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 164.5 162.0 166.0L2 / L 4 160.5 156.0 159.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 130.4 129.8 136.7L2 124.7 123.0 129.3L3 130.8 131.1 136.7L4 125.2 124.3 129.3

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 7.9 6.0 5.0L2 / L 4 10.4 8.0 6.6

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,400 5,320 5,320 1,960 16,100 15,050 14,575

    Cylinders: 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 10,735 12,135 13,535 15,880

    Dry mass t 948 1,058 1,179* 1,354

    * Dry mass is with undivided crankshaft and chain in aft, with divided crankshaft and chain in mid, dry mass is 1,227 t

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    kW/cyl .







    72 78



    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,334 5,280 1,890 15,050 13,925 13,500

    Cylinders: 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 10,100 11,434 12,768 14,102

    Dry mass t 833 933 1,043 1,153

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3,450 mm

    6 27,0607 31,5708 36,080

    9 40,590

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar L 2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 160.5 158.0 165.0L2 156.5 152.0 159.0L3 161.0 159.5 165.0L4 157.0 153.5 159.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 164.5 162.0 166.0L2 / L 4 160.5 156.0 160.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    MAN B&W S80ME-C9-GI

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 130.4 129.8 136.7L2 125.3 123.4 130.5L3 130.8 131.1 136.7L4 125.7 124.7 130.5

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 7.9 6.0 5.0L2 / L 4 9.8 7.5 6.2

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    kW/cyl .




    2,720 2,740


    62 83



    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,260 4,760 4,900 1,750 14,225 13,250 12,800

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 8,290 9,350 10,610 11,870

    Dry mass t 582 662 753 858

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 3,256 mm

    5 18,2006 21,8407 25,480

    8 29,120

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L 2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 161.5 159.0 166.0L2 157.5 153.0 159.0L3 162.0 160.5 166.0L4 158.0 154.5 159.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 165.5 163.0 167.0L2 / L 4 161.5 157.0 160.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    MAN B&W G70ME-C9-GI

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 131.2 130.6 137.5L2 125.5 123.8 130.1L3 131.6 131.9 137.5L4 126.0 125.1 130.1

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 7.9 6.0 5.0L2 / L 4 10.5 8.0 6.6

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    kW/cyl .





    2,620 2,610


    73 91



    MAN B&W S70ME-C8-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,190 4,390 1,520 12,550 11,725 11,500

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 7,514 8,704 9,894 11,084

    Dry mass t 451 534 605 681

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,800 mm

    5 16,3506 19,6207 22,890

    8 26,160

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 163.5 161.0 168.0L2 159.5 155.0 162.0L3 164.0 162.5 168.0L4 160.0 156.5 162.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 167.5 165.0 169.0L2 / L 4 163.5 159.0 163.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 132.8 132.3 139.2L2 127.7 125.8 133.0L3 133.2 133.6 139.2L4 128.1 127.1 133.0

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.0 6.1 5.0L2 / L 4 10.0 7.6 6.3

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    kW/cyl .





    2,750 2,620


    91 108



    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 162.5 162.0 169.0L2 158.5 156.0 163.0L3 165.0 163.5 169.0L4 161.0 157.5 163.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 168.5 166.0 170.0L2 / L 4 164.5 160.0 164.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    MAN B&W L70ME-C8-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,190 3,980 1,262 11,250 10,650 10,625

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 7,639 8,829 10,019 11,209

    Dry mass t 437 506 569 642

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,360 mm

    5 16,3506 19,6207 22,890

    8 26,160

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 131.9 133.1 140.0L2 126.8 126.7 133.8L3 134.0 134.4 140.0L4 128.9 128.0 133.8

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.0 6.1 5.1L2 / L 4 10.0 7.7 6.3

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    kW/cyl .





    2,330 2,290


    77 95



    MAN B&W S65ME-C8-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,084 4,124 1,410 11,950 11,225 11,025

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 6,914 7,998 9,062 10,138

    Dry mass t 382 451 512 575

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,730 mm

    5 14,3506 17,2207 20,090

    8 22,960

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 164.5 162.0 168.0L2 160.5 156.0 162.0L3 164.5 162.5 168.0L4 160.5 156.5 162.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 167.5 165.0 169.0L2 / L 4 163.5 159.0 163.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 133.7 133.1 139.2L2 128.5 126.7 133.0L3 133.7 133.6 139.2L4 128.5 127.1 133.0

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.0 6.1 5.0L2 / L 4 10.0 7.7 6.3

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    kW/cyl .




    1,990 2,010


    72 97



    MAN B&W G60ME-C9-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,080 4,090 4,220 1,500 12,175 11,400 11,075

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 8,000 8,280 9,360 10,440

    Dry mass t 396 440 493 545

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,790 mm

    5 13,4006 16,0807 18,760

    8 21,440

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 161.5 159.0 166.0L2 157.5 153.0 159.0L3 162.0 160.5 166.0L4 158.0 154.5 159.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 165.5 163.0 167.0L2 / L 4 161.5 157.0 160.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 131.2 130.6 137.5L2 125.5 123.8 130.1L3 131.6 131.9 137.5L4 125.9 125.1 130.1

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 7.9 6.0 5.0L2 / L 4 10.5 8.0 6.6

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    kW/cyl .





    1,900 1,900


    84 105



    MAN B&W S60ME-C8-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 1,020 3,770 1,300 10,825 10,000 9,775

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 6,439 7,459 8,479 9,499

    Dry mass t 308 350 393 452

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,400 mm

    5 11,9006 14,2807 16,660

    8 19,040

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 164.5 162.0 168.0L2 160.5 156.0 162.0L3 164.5 162.5 168.0L4 160.5 156.5 162.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 167.5 165.0 169.0L2 / L 4 163.5 159.0 163.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 133.7 133.1 139.2L2 128.5 126.7 133.0L3 133.7 133.6 139.2L4 128.5 127.1 133.0

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.0 6.1 5.0L2 / L 4 10.0 7.6 6.3

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    kW/cyl .




    1,360 1,290


    79 100



    MAN B&W G50ME-C9-GI

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 15,8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 162.5 160.0 167.0L2 158.5 154.0 160.0L3 163.0 161.5 167.0L4 159.0 155.5 160.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 166.5 164.0 168.0L2 / L 4 162.5 158.0 161.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 132.0 131.5 138.3L2 126.3 124.6 130.9L3 132.4 132.7 138.3L4 126.7 125.9 130.9

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.0 6.1 5.0L2 / L 4 10.6 8.1 6.7

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,500 mm

    5 8,6006 10,3207 12,040

    8 13,7609 15,480

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 872 3,896 3,672 1,205 10,750 10,175 9,825

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 6,260 7,132 8,004 8,876 9,748

    Dry mass t 215 250 280 315 350

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    kW/cyl .





    1,340 1,330


    102 127



    MAN B&W S50ME-C8-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 850 3,150 1,085 9,050 8,500 8,250

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8 9

    Lmin mm 5,924 6,774 7,624 8,474 9,324

    Dry mass t 185 215 245 275 300

    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,000 mm

    5 8,3006 9,9607 11,620

    8 13,2809 14,940

    SFOC gas engines [ g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 20.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 16.0 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 164.5 162.0 169.0L2 160.5 156.0 163.0L3 165.0 163.5 169.0L4 161.0 157.5 163.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 168.5 166.0 170.0L2 / L 4 164.5 160.0 164.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 133.6 133.1 140.0L2 128.5 126.7 133.8L3 134.0 134.4 140.0L4 128.9 128.0 133.8

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.0 6.1 5.1L2 / L 4 10.0 7.7 6.3

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    kW/cyl .




    87 111


    1,090 1,045




    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,250 mm

    5 6,9506 8,3407 9,730

    8 11,120

    MAN B&W G45ME-C9-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 784 3,506 3,310 1,169 9,775 * *

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 5,638 6,464 7,290 8,116

    Dry mass t 166 187 210 239* Data is available on request

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 164.5 162.0 169.0L2 160.5 156.0 162.0L3 165.0 163.5 169.0L4 161.0 157.5 162.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 168.5 166.0 170.0L2 / L 4 164.5 160.0 163.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 133.6 133.1 140.0L2 127.9 126.2 132.6L3 134.0 134.4 140.0L4 128.4 127.5 132.6

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.0 6.1 5.1L2 / L 4 10.7 8.2 6.7

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    kW/cyl .




    870 825


    99 125



    Cyl. L 1 kW Stroke: 2,000 mm

    5 5,5006 6,6007 7,700

    8 8,800

    MAN B&W G40ME-C9-GI

    Speci cations Dimensions: A B1 B2 C H 1 H2 H3

    mm 700 3116 2,942 1,039 8,725 * *

    Cylinders: 5 6 7 8

    Lmin mm 5,012 5,712 6,412 7,112

    Dry mass t 122 139 157 178 * Data is available on request

    SFOC gas engines [g/kWh] L1 /L 3 MEP: 21.0 bar L2 /L 4 MEP: 15.8 bar 50% 75% 100%

    Gas and pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 169.5 167.0 174.0L2 165.5 163.0 169.0L3 170.0 168.5 174.0L4 166.0 164.5 169.0

    Liquid fuel only(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 173.5 171.0 175.0L2 / L 4 169.5 167.0 170.0

    Speci c gas consumption consists of 3% pilot liquid fuel and gas fuel.Gas fuel LCV (50,000 kJ/kg) is converted to diesel fuel LCV (42,700 kJ/kg) for comparison

    with diesel engine

    Distributed fuel data [g/kWh] 50% 75% 100%

    Gas fuel(50,000 kJ/kg)

    L1 137.7 137.2 144.1L2 131.9 132.0 138.4L3 138.1 138.5 144.1L4 132.3 133.3 138.4

    Pilot fuel(42,700 kJ/kg)

    L1 / L 3 8.3 6.3 5.2L2 / L 4 11.0 8.4 7.0

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    MAN B&W Low SpeedOther Tier II MC-C engines

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    Other Tier II MC-C enginesIn the category Replaced engines the following MC-C engines are stillavailable:

    L1 power L 2 power L 3 power L 4 power L 1 /L 2 speed L 3 /L 4 speed

    Engine type Cyl. kW/Cyl. kW/Cyl. kW/Cyl. kW/Cyl. RPM RPMS35MC-C9 5-8 870 695 740 595 167 142S40MC-C9 5-8 1,135 910 965 770 146 124S46MC-C8 5-8 1,380 1,105 1,175 940 129 110S50MC-C8 5-9 1,660 1,330 1,410 1,130 127 108S60MC-C8 5-8 2,380 1,900 2,010 1,610 105 89S65MC-C8 5-8 2,870 2,290 2,450 1,960 95 81S70MC-C8 5-8 3,270 2,610 2,770 2,210 91 77

    Details of these engines can be found in CEAS and Turbocharger Selection, as describedon page 16.

    MAN B&W MC-C engines

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    MAN B&W Low SpeedPropulsion systems

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    The MAN Alpha FPP portfolio covers: power range of 4-40 MW per shaft

    blade con gurations for 3, 4, 5 and 6-bladed propellers propellers with integrated shaft line and stern tube solutions a wide range of stern tube lube and sealing systems

    oil, water, biodegradable oils

    The MAN Alpha FPP's are characterised by the following bene ts: high-ef cient hydrodynamically optimised blade pro les

    Kappel designs available high reliability: Robust approach with ample mechanical

    design margins high-ef cient aft ship integration with rudder, rudder bulb, ducts, etc. layouts for complete two-stroke propulsion systems, e.g. with

    PTO solutions plant calculations with upfront consideration to TVC, alignment and con -

    trol systems

    Fixed Pitch Propeller Programme

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN Alpha Controllable Pitch Propeller as standard Mk 5 versions are 4-bladed and 5-bladed propellers are

    available upon request the gures stated after VBS indicate the propeller hub diameter

    standard blade/hub materials are Ni-Al-bronze, stainless steel is optional the propellers are available up to the highest ice classes. The belowstandard programmes, however, are based on no ice.

    MAN B&W Low Speed Propulsion Systems

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN B&W Standard Package Examples


    Q R S~3000


    Cyl. kW


    D 1) mm





    Prop.masst 2)


    5 18,200 83 8,100 1,890 1,436 1,496 3,700 90.06 21,840 83 8,450 2,060 1,565 1,593 3,700 93.57 25,480 83 8,750 2,150 1,634 1,645 3,700 102.08 29,120 83 5)

    S70MC-C/ME-C8/-GI 3)

    5 16,350 91 7,450 1,810 1,375 1,413 3,700 72.86 19,620 91 7,750 1,890 1,436 1,500 3,700 84.07 22,890 91 8,050 1,970 1,497 1,550 3,700 93.48 26,160 91 8,250 2,060 1,565 1,630 3,700 101.3


    5 16,350 108 6,750 1,640 1,246 1,306 3,700 63.06 19,620 108 7,000 1,730 1,315 1,367 3,700 70.07 22,890 108 7,250 1,810 1,375 1,448 3,700 78.08 26,160 108 7,400 1,890 1,436 1,500 3,700 85.6

    S65MC-C/ME-C8/-GI 3)5 14,350 95 7,150 1,730 1,315 1,339 3,400 66,16 17,220 95 7,450 1,810 1,375 1,385 3,400 73,07 20,090 95 7,700 1,890 1,436 1,466 3,400 81,28 22,960 95 7,900 1,970 1,497 1,512 3,400 89,3

    1) For optimal Kappel blades, the propeller diameter is reduced by an average of 3-10%compared to the listed standard diameters

    2) The masses are stated for 3,000 mm stern tube and 6,000 mm propeller shaft

    3) The masses are stated for 4,000 mm stern tube and 8,000 mm propeller shaft5) Available on request

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  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014


    MAN Medium SpeedPropulsion engines

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  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesIMO Tier II Compliant Engine ProgrammeBesides the focus on power density and fuel economy, MAN Diesel &

    Turbo has also committed itself to a steady reduction of the environmentalimpact of its engines.

    By applying engine-internal and well-proven measures to achieve a cleanerand more ef cient combustion, MAN Diesel & Turbo is able to decreaseNO x emissions to IMO Tier II level without applying exhaust gas after-treatment.

    It is important to note that regardless of their technical capabilities, MANengines and the respective vessels in which they are installed must at alltimes be operated in line with the legal requirements, as applicable, includ-ing such requirements that may apply in the respective geographical areasin which such engines are actually being operated.

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    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesMAN Diesel & Turbo SCR system

    The MAN Diesel & Turbo SCR system uses urea to transform the pollutantNO x into nitrogen and water vapour.

    Under the right preconditions, SCR is capable of complying with IMO TierIII regulations.

    The MAN Diesel & Turbo SCR system standard is available in fourteen dif-ferent sizes to cover the complete engine portfolio. Furthermore, custom-ised SCR systems can be offered on demand.

    The two main components of an SCR system are the reactor, containing anumber of catalyst cores, and the urea supply system, comprising a pumpstation dosing unit and a control unit.

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion Engines


    D u c t





    MAN Diesel & Turbo SCR System Dimension Table

    Mat. Number Engine Power Duct L 1) D2) W2) A 3) Weight 4)

    (MDT) [kW]6 DN [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]

    1 11.68610-0002 0...800 400 2,700 1,080 970 1,480 1,000

    2 11.68610-0004 801...1,400 500 2,900 1,330 1,220 1,730 1,400

    3 11.68610-0001 1,401...2,400 600 3,000 1,580 1,470 1,980 1,900

    4 11.68610-0007 2,401...3,650 700 3,100 1,830 1,720 2,230 2,6005 11.68610-0009 3,651...4,900 800 3,200 2,080 1,970 2,680 3,200

    6 11.68610-0012 4,901...6,000 900 3,300 2,330 2,220 2,930 3,800

    7 11.68610-0015 6,001...7,800 1,000 3,400 2,580 2,470 3,180 4,600

    8 11.68610-0018 7,801...9,000 1,100 3,500 2,830 2,720 3,430 5,400

    9 11.68610-0021 9,001...12,000 1,200 3,600 3,080 2,980 3,780 6,300

    10 11.68610-0024 12,001...13,700 1,300 3,700 3,330 3,230 4,030 7,200

    11 11.68610-0027 13,701...15,000 1,400 3,800 3,580 3,480 4,280 8,200

    12 11.68610-0030 15,001...17,000 1,500 3,900 3,830 3,730 4,630 9,200

    13 11.68610-0033 17,001...20,000 1,600 4,000 4,080 3,980 4,880 10,400

    14 11.68610-0036 20,001...21,600 1,700 4,100 4,330 4,230 5,130 11,5001) Total length

    2) Incl. 100mm insulation each side3) With anchorage

    4) Total incl. catalysts

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesConventional Injection Engines

    These well-established engine types are used in various applicationsall around the world. Based on long-term experience, the engines havebeen continuously developed to improve their power, emissions, fuel oil

    consumption and reliability, making them the prime mover of choice in themaritime sector.

    Common Rail (CR) Engines The exibility of the CR technology offers bene ts in the combustion pro -cess and in the fuel economy, while still keeping the IMO Tier II emissionlevels. This gives unique advantages, especially in the low-load rangewhere the exhaust gas opacity can be brought down far below the visiblelimit. CR engines from MAN Diesel & Turbo run ef ciently on liquid fuelscomplying with ISO 8217-2010 DMA, DMZ, and DMB, and on residual fuelsup to 700 cSt (in compliance with ISO-F-RMK 700).

    Diesel Oil (D) Engines The V28/33D STC features very favourable ratios of power-to-weight andpower-to-installation space. Its combination of low fuel consumption, low

    emissions and reduced life cycle costs makes this engine the ideal solutionfor propulsion in high speed ferr ies, naval and offshore patrol vessels. The

    V28/33D STC engine operates on distillates according to ISO 8217 DMA orequivalent fuel types.

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesSequential Turbocharging (STC)

    The MAN Diesel & Turbo sequential turbocharging system operates withtwo high-ef ciency turbochargers. Depending on the amount of charge airrequired, the second turbocharger is switched on or off. In this way, the

    engine is operated at its optimum operating point over the whole applicableload range.

    The result is an extended operating envelope at low engine speeds, whichgives a power reserve for ship acceleration, ship turning, sprints or towing.Furthermore, the STC-system is characterised by a low thermal signature,decreased smoke emission, low vibrations and continuous low-load opera -tion with reduced fuel consumption, which makes it the ideal solution forpropulsion in naval applications and offshore patrol vessels.

    Dual Fuel (DF) EnginesDual fuel engines from MAN Diesel & Turbo run ef ciently on liquid fuels ornatural gas with very low emissions that are compliant with IMO limits. Thepossibility to switch over seamlessly from gas to diesel operation and viceversa provides full exibility in multiple applications.

    All dual fuel engines can run on natural gas with a methane number higherthan 80 without adjustments. For lower methane numbers, MAN Diesel &

    Turbo can deliver well-adapted solutions. The optimised combustion cham-ber ensures very low fuel consumption in both operational modes.

  • 8/9/2019 Marine Engine Programme 2014



    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesDiesel-Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Trains

    Apar t from the well-established diesel-mechanic propulsion packages,based on the MAN Alpha propeller programme (see pages 117-126), MANDiesel & Turbo offers a full range of diesel-electric and hybrid propulsion

    trains. The solutions offered are designed and optimised to meet the high-est ef ciencies of the complete propulsion plant system over the wholeoperational pro le of the vessel. The systems provide well-balanced andtailor-made solutions regarding exibility and performance.

    The propulsion packages include all components from gensets to propul -sors, including switchboards, variable speed drives and propulsion motors.Full diesel-electric propulsion trains as well as hybrid systems for CoDLaDand CoDLoD applications ensure the optimal technical and economicalsolution for exible power demands.

    High-ef cient and customised power trains for diesel-electr ic and hybrid propulsion applications

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    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesEnergy-Saving Electric PropulsionRecent developments in the electric component technology have pavedthe way for diesel-electric propulsion systems with a high potential in en-ergy saving. Today MAN diesel engines can operate at variable speeds,

    which means that the engine speed can be adjusted for minimum fuel oilconsumption according to the system load. Based on a common DC-distri -bution inside the system, power generation and consumption is decoupled.MAN Diesel & Turbo offers this advanced package solution in cooperationwith leading E-suppliers.

    Another major advantage is the integration of energy storage sources, likebatteries. The energy storage sources reduce the transient loads on thediesel engines and give much better system dynamic response times. Also,emission-free propulsion can be realized when running on batteries. Thefootprint of such a propulsion plant is up to 30% less compared with aclassic diesel-electric propulsion plant.

    Energy-saving diesel-electric propulsion plant




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    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesEngine PowerEngine brake power is stated in kW.

    Ratings are given according to ISO 3046-1:2002.

    According to ISO 15550:2002, the power gures in the tables remain validwithin a range of 3% up to tropical conditions at sea level, i.e.:

    compressor inlet temperature 45 C compressor inlet pressure 1,000 mbar

    sea water temperature 32 C

    For all medium speed propulsion engines, the power is de ned accord -ing to the ICN 1 de nition (ISO 3046-1:2002:ISO standard power), with oneexception.

    For the load pro le type Navy, for the engine types V28/33D STC, the ratedpower of the engine is stated according to the ICFN 1 power de nition (ISO3046:2002:ISO standard fuel stop power).

    ime [%]

    Load prole type: Navy (ICFN)

    0-50 kW/cyl. 51-350 kW/cyl. 351-500 kW/cyl.Load:



    Typical use: Fast yachts, Corvet tes, Fr igates and OPV

    1 I = ISO power C = continuous power output [F = fuel stop power]N = net

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    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion EnginesSpeci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) and Heat Rate

    The stated consumption gures refer to the following reference conditionsaccording to ISO 3046-1:

    ambient air pressure 1,000 mbar

    ambient air temperature 25 C (77 F) charge air temperature according to engine type, corresponding to25 C cooling water temperature before CAC

    The gures are given with a tolerance of +5% and without engine drivenpumps. Attached pumps and engines running in suction dredger operationwill require additional fuel.

    In accordance with the NO x Technical Code 2008 of the InternationalMaritime Organization, DM-grade fuel oil is used as reference fuel oil forengine tests and, thus, also forms the basis for the SFOC gures stated forengines in liquid fuel operation.

    Unless otherwise speci cally stated, SFOC gures are based on a lowercalori c value of the fuel oil of 42,700 kJ/kg and, in addition for engineswith common rail injection (CR-engines), on DMA-grade fuel oil (ISO 8217-2010). For engines with conventional fuel injection, SFOC gures are based

    on DMB-grade fuel oil (ISO 8217-2010). For further details please refer toengine speci c project guide available from MAN Diesel & Turbo SE.

    Speci c Lube Oil Consumption (SLOC) The speci c lube oil consumption is speci ed at MCR (maximum continu -ous rating) with a tolerance of 20%.

    Blocking of OutputBlocking of output is made for engines driving a propeller at 100% of therated output. For engines powering an alternator, blocking of output ismade at 110%. However, operation above 100% load is only recommendedfor a short period of time for recovery and prevention of a frequency drop.

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    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion Engines

    12V28/33D STC

    Appendix technical key feature (e.g. CR, STC, TS) Appendix fuel for others than HFO (e.g. DF, D, G)

    Stroke in cm

    Bore in cm

    L or V version

    Number of cylinders

    Weights and DimensionsFor marine main engines, the weights stated refer to engines without a


    For auxiliary engines (GenSets), the weights correspond to the unit (includ-ing alternator). The weight of the GenSets may vary depending on the alter-nator make. All weights given are without lube oil and cooling water.

    The length of the GenSet unit depends on the alternator make. For a twinengine installation, the centreline distance is stated for each engine type.

    The centreline distance for twin engine installation is given as a minimumvalue. Speci c requirements to the passageway (e.g. of classi cation soci -eties or ag state authority), kind of seating or a mounted gallery can leadto higher values.

    Engine Type Designation

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    MAN Medium Speed Propulsion Engines

    * The engine complies with EPA Tier 2

    500-514 L51/60DF V51/60DF

    500-514 L48/60CR V48/60CR

    500-514 L48/60B V48/60B

    720-750 L35/44DF

    720-750 L32/44CR V32/44CR

    720-750 L32/40 V32/40

    1000-1032 V28/33D STC*

    775 L28/32A

    800 L27/38

    L27/38 (MDO/MGO)

    900 L23/30A

    1000 L21/31

    0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000



    Engine type

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    MAN V51/60DF

    Bore: 510 mm, Stroke: 600 mmSpeed r/min 514 500mep bar 19.1 19.1 kW kW

    12V51/60DF 12,000 11,70014V51/60DF 14,000 13,65016V51/60DF 16,000 15,60018V51/60DF 18,000 17,550LHV of fuel gas 28,000 kJ/Nm 3 (Nm corresponds to one cubic meter of gas at 0 C and 1.013 bar)

    DimensionsCyl. No. 12 14 16 18L mm 10,254 11,254 12,254 13,644L1 mm 9,088 10,088 11,088 12,088Dry mass t 187 213 240 265Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 4,800 mm

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) and Heat Rate to ISO conditionsMCR 100% 85%

    Speci c fuel oil con- sumption 1)

    183.0 g/kWh 3) 183.0 g/kWh 4)

    180.5 g/kWh 3) 180.5 g/kWh 4)

    Heat Rate 2) 7,479 kJ/kWh3)

    7,620 kJ/kWh 4)7,455 kJ/kWh 3) 7,640 kJ/kWh 4)

    Speci c lube oil consumption 0.4 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 43 C1) Liquid fuel operation

    2) Gas operation (including pilot fuel), Gas fuel: methane no. 803) Electric propulsion

    4) Mechanical propulsion with CPP Speed 500 r/min for generator drive only

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    MAN L51/60DF

    DimensionsCyl. No. 6 7 8 9L mm 8,494 9,314 10,134 11,160L1 mm 7,455 8,275 9,095 9,915W mm 3,165 3,165 3,165 3,283Dry mass t 106 119 135 148Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 3,200 mm

    Bore: 510 mm, Stroke: 600 mmSpeed r/min 514 500mep bar 19.1 19.1 kW kW

    6L51/60DF 6,000 5,8507L51/60DF 7,000 6,8258L51/60DF 8,000 7,8009L51/60DF 9,000 8,775LHV of fuel gas 28,000 kJ/Nm 3 (Nm corresponds to one cubic meter of gas at 0 C and 1.013 bar)

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) and Heat Rate to ISO conditionsMCR 100% 85%

    Speci c fuel oil con- sumption 1)

    183.0 g/kWh 3) 183.0 g/kWh 4)

    180.5 g/kWh 3) 180.5 g/kWh 4)

    Heat Rate 2) 7,479 kJ/kWh3)

    7,620 kJ/kWh 4)7,455 kJ/kWh 3) 7,640 kJ/kWh 4)

    Speci c lube oil consumption 0.4 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 43 C1) Liquid fuel operation

    2) Gas operation (including pilot fuel), Gas fuel: methane no. 803) Electric propulsion

    4) Mechanical propulsion with CPP Speed 500 r/min for generator drive only

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    MAN V48/60CR

    Bore: 480 mm, Stroke: 600 mmSpeed r/min 514 500mep bar 25.8 26.5 kW kW

    12V48/60CR 14,400 14,40014V48/60CR 16,800 16,80016V48/60CR 19,200 19,20018V48/60CR 21,600 21,600

    DimensionsCyl. No. 12 14 16 18L mm 10,790 11,790 13,140 14,140L1 mm 9,088 10,088 11,088 12,088Dry mass t 189 213 240 265Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 4,800 mm

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) to ISO conditionsMCR 100% 85%

    V48/60CR 181 g/kWh 173 g/kWhSpeci c lube oil consumption 0.5 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 34 C

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    5,300 4,325



    DimensionsCyl. No. 6 7 8 9L mm 8,760 9,580 10,540 11,360L1 mm 7,455 8,275 9,095 9,915W mm 3,165 3,165 3,280 3,280Dry mass t 106 119 135 148Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 3,200 mm

    Bore: 480 mm, Stroke: 600 mmSpeed r/min 514 500mep bar 25.8 26.5 kW kW

    6L48/60CR 7,200 7,2007L48/60CR 8,400 8,4008L48/60CR 9,600 9,6009L48/60CR 10,800 10,800

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) to ISO conditionsMCR 100% 85%L48/60CR 183 g/kWh 175 g/kWhSpeci c lube oil consumption 0.5 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 34 C

    MAN L48/60CR

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    MAN V48/60B

    Bore: 480 mm, Stroke: 600 mmSpeed r/min 514 500mep bar 24.7 25.4 kW kW

    12V48/60B 13,800 13,80014V48/60B 16,100 16,10016V48/60B 18,400 18,40018V48/60B 20,700 20,700

    DimensionsCyl. No. 12 14 16 18L mm 10,790 11,790 13,140 14,140L1 mm 9,088 10,088 11,088 12,088Dry mass t 186 209 240 259Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 4,800 mm

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) to ISO conditionsMCR 100% 85%

    V48/60B 184 g/kWh 182 g/kWhSpeci c lube oil consumption 0.6 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 34 C

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    5,300 4,325



    DimensionsCyl. No. 6 7 8 9L mm 8,760 9,580 10,540 11,360L1 mm 7,455 8,275 9,095 9,915W mm 3,165 3,165 3,280 3,280Dry mass t 104 118 134 146Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 3,200 mm

    Bore: 480 mm, Stroke: 600 mmSpeed r/min 514 500mep bar 24.7 25.4 kW kW

    6L48/60B 6,900 6,9007L48/60B 8,050 8,0508L48/60B 9,200 9,2009L48/60B 10,350 10,350

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) to ISO conditionsMCR 100% 85%L48/60B 186 g/kWh 184 g/kWhSpeci c lube oil consumption 0.6 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 34 C

    MAN L48/60B

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    MAN L35/44DF

    DimensionsCyl. No. 6 7 8 9 10L mm 6,485 7,015 7,545 8,075 8,605L1 mm 5,265 5,877 6,407 6,937 7,556W mm 2,539 2,678 2,678 2,678 2,678H mm 4,163 4,369 4,369 4,369 4,369Dry mass 3) t 40.5 45.6 50.7 55.0 59.7Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 2,500 mm

    V-engine type under preparation3) Including built-on lube oil automatic lter, fuel oil lter and electronic equipment Speed 720 r/min for generator drive only

    Bore: 350 mm, Stroke: 440 mmSpeed r/min 750 720mep bar 20.0 20.1 kW kW

    6L35/44DF 3,180 3,060 7L35/44DF 3,710 3,570 8L35/44DF 4,240 4,080 9L35/44DF 4,770 4,59010L35/44DF 5,300 5,100LHV of fuel gas 28,000 kJ/Nm 3 (Nm corresponds to one cubic meter of gas at 0 C and 1.013 bar)

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) and Heat Rate to ISO conditions

    MCR 100% 85%Speci c fuel oil con- sumption 1) 182 g/kWh 181 g/kWh

    Heat Rate 2) 7,530 kJ/kWh 7,615 kJ/kWhSpeci c lube oil consumption 0.5 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 40 C1) Liquid fuel operation

    2) Gas operation (including pilot fuel), Gas fuel: methane no. 80

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    MAN V32/44CR

    DimensionsCyl. No. 12 14 16 18 20L mm 7,195 7,970 8,600 9,230 9,860L1 mm 5,795 6,425 7,055 7,685 8,315W mm 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100H mm 4,039 4,262 4,262 4,262 4,262Dry mass 3) t 70 79 87 96 104Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 4,000 mmSpeed 720 r/min for generator drive/constant speed operation only 1) 560 kW/cyl

    2) 18V 32/44CR available rigidly mounted only 3) Including built-on lube oil automatic lter, fuel oil lter and electronic equipment Fixed Pitch Propeller: 510 kW/cyl, 750 r/min

    Bore: 320 mm, Stroke: 440 mmSpeed r/min 750 720mep bar 27.1 28.3 kW kW

    12V32/44CR 7,200 7,20014V32/44CR 1) 7,840 7,84016V32/44CR 9,600 9,60018V32/44CR 2) 10,800 10,80020V32/44CR 12,000 12,000

    Speci c Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) to ISO conditionsMCR 100% 85%

    V32/44CR 176.5 g/kWh 174.0 g/kWh14V32/44CR 177.5 g/kWh 175.5 g/kWh

    V32/44CR FPP 179.0 g/kWh 173.0 g/kWhSpeci c lube oil consumption 0.5 g/kWhEngine type speci c reference charge air temperature before cylinder 40 C

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    MAN L32/44CR

    DimensionsCyl. No. 6 7 8 9 10L mm 6,312 6,924 7,454 7,984 8,603L1 mm 5,265 5,877 6,407 6,937 7,556W mm 2,174 2,359 2,359 2,359 2,359H mm 4,163 4,369 4,369 4,369 4,369

    Dry mass 2) t 39.5 44.5 49.5 53.5 58.0

    Minimum centreline distance for twin engine installation: 2,500 mmSpeed 720 r/min for generator drive/constant speed operation only 1) 560 kW/cyl

    2) Including built-on lube oil automatic lter, fuel oil lter and electronic equipment Fixed Pitch Propeller: 510 kW/cyl, 750 r/min

    Bore: 320 mm, Stroke: 440 mmSpeed r/min 750 720mep bar 27.1 28.3 kW kW

    6L32/44CR 3,600 3,600 7L