marianne harris powerpoit

Marianne Harris Marianne Harris is a great music photographer uses many techniques in his photography work as you can see by the images above the effects and the perfection and technique that have come into them. As you can see by this not hat Marianne Harris has taken there is a technique called rule of the thirds this means In the rule of thirds, photos are divided into thirds with two imaginary lines vertically and two lines horizontally making three columns, three rows, and nine sections in the images. Important compositional elements and leading lines are placed on or near the imaginary lines and where the lines intersect as you can see the singer or performer that is on the stage isn’t right bang in the middle it is to the right. Another technique used is called back ground in this photo the part of the scene that appears behind the main subject of the photographer and it is the furthers away from the

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Marianne harris powerpoit

Marianne Harris

• Marianne Harris is a great music photographer uses many techniques in his photography work as you can see by the images above the effects and the perfection and technique that have come into them. As you can see by this not hat Marianne Harris has taken there is a technique called rule of the thirds this means In the rule of thirds, photos are divided into thirds with two imaginary lines vertically and two lines horizontally making three columns, three rows, and nine sections in the images. Important compositional elements and leading lines are placed on or near the imaginary lines and where the lines intersect as you can see the singer or performer that is on the stage isn’t right bang in the middle it is to the right. Another technique used is called back ground in this photo the part of the scene that appears behind the main subject of the photographer and it is the furthers away from the viewer who is looking at the photo another technique used is depth of field it is the range of the acceptably sharp focus between the nearest and the furthest objects in this case the singer performer is more sharp and the bridge I the background is more the angle of this view in the photo was taken waist height so it can get all of the singer and the crowd and the bridge in the background. As you can see by the picture there has been a technique such as monochromatic this means where it is black and white for emphasis it looks more beter and captures the bridge more than if it was in colour