marh 2020 - deception pass sail and power squadron...deception pass sail and power squadron volume...

DECEPTION PASS SAIL AND POWER SQUADRON Volume 36 issue 3 Calendar of Upcoming Classes CPR/AED/FIRST AID CLASS(Oak Harbor Fire Department ) April 15 th from 15:00-19:00.-class is almost full. May 14 th from 15:00-19:00 Table of Contents Execuve Officer Columns 2-8 Special Interests 9-12 Promoonal Flyers 13-26 Unit 16 United States Sail and Power Squadron A gentle reminder about dinner RSVPs. The chefs, who are your fellow members, work hard to plan, buy, prepare and deliver fabulous meals based on your responses to the RSVP requests. We understand that plans change, but if you find, aſter sending us your RSVP, that you are not going to be there, please let us know as soon as possible so we can keep our costs to the minimum. If you do not aend a dinner you have reserved and not cancelled, please remit your check payable to DPSPS c/o Treasurer Lt/C Pam Truog. Thanks! Pat MARCH 2020 About that website! You have one that is accessible, not going through the naonal site. Please type in (or click to link directly) and voila you are there! Please take a few minutes to look around. This is meant to be a place to find most if not all things you need to know regarding our squadron. Links to our district 16 and naonal levels are found within the site. What is included: Home page with calendar of scheduled events About-with tab for Bridge Officers & Links page Educaon & page for descripons Civic Services-Vessel Safety Checks, Cooperave Charng, SERAT, Penn Cove Water Fesval Newsleer—an archive of present & past Spindriſts Gallery –slideshows of recent meengs & boats and cruising stops Join-applicaon and reasons why to join Login– Must use password to access Membership directory I welcome suggesons in how to improve to meet your needs. I have a new email address that is now for DPSPS related informaon. [email protected] Thank you.

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Page 1: MARH 2020 - Deception Pass Sail and Power Squadron...DECEPTION PASS SAIL AND POWER SQUADRON Volume 36 issue 3alendar of Upcoming lasses PR/AED/FIRST AID LASS— (Oak Harbor Fire Department


Calendar of Upcoming Classes CPR/AED/FIRST AID CLASS— (Oak Harbor Fire Department ) April 15th from 15:00-19:00.-class is almost full. May 14th from 15:00-19:00 Table of Contents Executive Officer Columns 2-8 Special Interests 9-12 Promotional Flyers 13-26

Unit 16

Uni ted Sta tes

Sai l and Power Squadron

A gentle reminder about dinner

RSVP’s. The chefs, who are

your fellow members, work

hard to plan, buy, prepare and

deliver fabulous meals based on

your responses to the RSVP

requests. We understand that

plans change, but if you find,

after sending us your RSVP, that

you are not going to be there,

please let us know as soon as

possible so we can keep our

costs to the minimum. If you do

not attend a dinner you have

reserved and not cancelled,

please remit your check payable

to DPSPS c/o Treasurer Lt/C

Pam Truog. Thanks! Pat

MARCH 2020

About that website! You have one that is accessible, not going

through the national site. Please type in (or click to link directly) and voila you are there!

Please take a few minutes to look around. This is meant to be a place to find most if not all things you need to know regarding our squadron. Links to our district 16 and national levels are found within the site.

What is included: Home page with calendar of scheduled events About-with tab for Bridge Officers & Links page Education & page for descriptions Civic Services-Vessel Safety Checks, Cooperative Charting, SERAT, Penn Cove Water Festival Newsletter—an archive of present & past Spindrifts

Gallery –slideshows of recent meetings & boats and cruising stops

Join-application and reasons why to join

Login– Must use password to access Membership directory

I welcome suggestions in how to improve to meet your needs.

I have a new email address that is now for DPSPS related

information. [email protected]

Thank you.

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Hi folks,

We recently lost one of our own. P/C Don Daily AP passed away

recently. Don had been a member of USPS for 44 years, was a past

Commander and member of our squadron. Don’s son, Todd Daily was also a past Commander and

former member of our squadron. At this point, plans for service or memorial are unknown.

We need your help!! We now need to fill some critical leadership positions in our squadron for next

year. We are hard at work trying to fill those positions. When we call you, please give what we ask

careful consideration. It is crucial for us to fill these positions in order to insure the long-term viability

of our squadron. The positions we still must find candidates for are Executive Office, Administration

Officer and Publish Relations & Marketing Officer. Please consider filling one of these positions, call

me and let me know! Our future activities will suffer without them.

Cat created a wonderful evening for your squadron Valentine Dinner meeting at OHYC! The Dinner menu was just awesome! The speaker was our former Commander Anne Katherine who entertained us with slides and tales of her amazing experience last summer as a US Park Ranger. We were enter-tained through dinner and afterwards by “The Buckets” with classic favorites from the past! It was a great evening! There are images in a slideshow on our website’s Gallery page if you missed the event.

Hiller reported that we have several new applications for membership this month. Steve and Tabe-

tha Springer. Please welcome them aboard and let them know how much we appreciate their joining.

We have some fun, exciting events coming up!

Our annual business meeting will be held on Thursday, March 5th. See attached flyer. The squadron

will provide a free pizza dinner that evening. You will hear a report on squadron accomplishments

this past year as well as from several committees. You will be voting on an extensive revision to our

bylaws, a new budget for the coming year and the new bridge. Please plan to attend! We need you

there! Sign up with Cat as shown on the flyer so we know how much pizza to order.

I plan to attend the D16 Change of Watch Conference at Tukwila on March 14. See attached info.

There is still time for you to sign up and attend. Deadline for enrollment has been extended to

February 28. Come and join me there!

On Wednesday, March 18, I will be giving a presentation at the South Whidbey Yacht Club’s March

dinner meeting on who we are and what we offer in the way of education. See https:// This is an opportunity to expand our education opportunities as well

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as our membership as they have over 100 members on the island, some with boats moored in Oak

Harbor marina. I intend to offer them free seminars down in Langley if they get a dozen or more

attendees signed up.

We will also conduct another DPSPS Mentor Training Workshop on Saturday, March 21 at OHYC from

11am to 1pm. See attached flyer. Mentoring is easy to do, very rewarding and makes a big difference

in creating an active, educated new member, likely to stay in the squadron for a lifetime. The work-

shop is open to everyone. Come, join us, and find out what mentoring is all about! Just let me know

if you will be attending, as I need a total count of students.

Karen is giving you another Boat Handling course starting March 24 and running for six weeks. See

attached flyer. A great, fun new course to take that gives you deep dives into subjects like anchoring,

docking, emergencies, etc. You need to take this one!

On Saturday, March 28th, Chip and Reg will be conducting a very special Boating Safety for Kids class

for children ages 5 to 10 at OHYC from 11am to 1pm. This class is the first of many we hope to offer

to the public. It is free of course and is the result of our obtaining a NWYBA $500 grant this past year.

Feel free to bring your children or grandchildren to this fun event! Also, invite your neighbors and

friends with children to attend. Make reservations with Chip as shown on the attached flyer. They

will also be presenting this again on April 4 at the local Oak Harbor Library. See attached flyers.

This year our Change of Watch is scheduled for Thursday, April 16, at OHYC. Attached flyer has de-

tails! The dinner planned is just wonderful, planned and prepared by our favorite chefs, Ted and

Paula. We will recognize those who made major contributions this past year and welcome our new

officers. Please plan to attend!

The annual D16 Educational Conference will be held this year in Anacortes on May 9. If you are inter-

ested in becoming an instructor or helping with our education opportunities, this is the Conference to

attend. Detailed information is included in this newsletter, see attached.

We need several volunteers to spend a fun day on the water at the upcoming Penn Cove Water

Festival on May 16. You will patrol the course, slowing down occasional speeders on the water while

you get a ring-side seat to the Indian canoe races! Once again, I have the honor of being race

starter on the committee boat. Did I forget to tell you that in years pass, those on Patrol received a

free lunch as well? Please let me know you would like to participate, if a fun, entertaining, valuable


Here is something new! Skagit Bay squadron have invited us to go with them on a cruise to Sidney

BC, June 26-28. The information is attached. Put this event on your cruising calendar for now, we will

be giving you more information as the event becomes closer.

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You will also find in this Newsletter a letter from the Coupeville Maritime Heritage Foundation (CMHF) asking

for donations to restore the schooner Suva, a living symbol of our island maritime legacy.

She is now 95 years old. CMHF is trying to raise $50,000 to cover desperately needed repairs and is asking

for donations. Please consider donating to keep this legend sailing.

Are you ready for a special surprise? My wonderful, talented wife Sue has created for us a beautiful entirely

new website which we have needed for years to advertise our squadron! There is a link to it on the front

page of this newsletter. Give it a try! I have seen what she has created, and it is like W0W! Let her know

what you think of it!

Have fun!


Photo from

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It starts with inspiration

It starts with an idea

It starts with a plan

March is a good time to start and plan

Are you inspired?

Do you want to get out on the water?

Do you have a destination in mind yet?

Come to a meeting on cruise planning on Friday, March 18th at 7PM at OHYC. Let me know you are coming

so I can sign you in as a guest if you are not a member and we can meet upstairs. If you want to come for a

potluck dinner, let me know that, too.

I will bring a lists of group cruising opportunities (OHYC and Squadron) but we can also look at smaller group

cruises (anchoring and/or marinas). Since most learning is accomplished by doing, this is your opportunity to

get comfortable cruising if you are not comfortable yet.

P/C Bob Nelson JN


Your ExCom has passed a motion to set up an AmazonSmile account for our

squadron. Our members and others can now make donations to our squadron in support of

our education program when they make a purchase using AmazonSmile. It is totally free to

both our squadron and our members and easy to sign up. When you make a purchase,

Amazon donates to our squadron.

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Deception Pass Sail & Power Squadron

Near Term Calendar of 2020 Events

Mar. 2 Executive Committee Meeting at OHYC Mar. 5 Monthly Dinner Meeting at OHYC Mar. 13 New Officers Training, Des Moines YC Mar. 13-15 D16 Spring Conference, Des Moines YC Mar 18 Joint Cruise Planning meeting at OHYC Mar. 21 Mentor training at OHYC Mar 24 Boat Handling 6 wks. At Ohyc Mar. 28 Boating Safety for Kids at OHYC Apr. 6 Executive Committee Meeting at OHYC Apr. 10 Boating safety for kids– oh library Apr. 16 change of watch at OHYC Apr. 10 Boating Safety for Kids at OH Library Apr. 18 shrimping 101 at ohyc Apr 18 swap meet at ohyc Apr. 25 marine communications seminar at ohyc may 2, 9 American boating course, (ABC) at ohyc May 11 Executive Committee Meeting at OHYC May 14 Monthly Dinner Meeting at OHYC May 15-17 Anacortes Boat Show May 16 Penn cove water festival– Coupeville May 30 New Member Orientation at OHYC June 6 Awesome Seas at Fort Casey State Park June 27 crabbing 101 seminar at ohyc

Save these Dates

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We have two very important events that need your participation, and you don’t want to miss: March’s Business Meeting and April’s Deception Pass Sail & Power Squadron Change of Watch.

March’s Business Meeting is very important, as your votes are needed to select next year’s Bridge Officers. Please make every attempt to attend. March 5th, Oak Harbor Yacht Club, 5:30 – 8:30. RSVP to Cat by March 2 (360-420-4474, text or call). Our Squadron will provide the pizza, so no charge to attendees.

April’s Change of Watch is another, “don’t miss”, event. At this event, the new Bridge officers will be ushered in, and we will celebrate those who have served us in the last year. The mouthwatering menu will include Prime Rib with all the fixings, prepared by Ted & Paula Mihok and Karen Nelson. This event is April 16th, in the Oak Harbor Yacht Club Ballroom, 5:30 – 8:30. RSVP to Cat by April 13th (360-420-4474, text or call)



Happy Almost-Spring! Some of the trees here in town THINK it's spring, since they've begun to bud. Just

like them, we're thinking about being on the water again.

If you're thinking that, too, then it's definitely time to make sure you're ready! We have some seminars

planned that will ease you right into summer.

Jerry Liggett will teach you how to catch shrimp in Shrimping 101 on April 18. We have shrimped for years

in BC, but never have we had as big a catch as last year when we followed Jerry's teaching! Shrimping

down here is only a couple of days long, so don't miss out! (There are thousands of those bugs down there,

make sure you get some!)

Not to be left out, CRAB season starts the first part of make sure to attend Crabbing 101 with John

Hudson on June 27! John knows just how to get those spiders, and you'll enjoy his knowledge all summer


In the meantime, if you have a hankering to cruise this summer, make sure to join us on April 13 to learn

how to plan a cruise - by doing it. In small groups you'll plan a cruise to the very place you want to go, even

if that's just to Coupeville for ice cream.

In the meantime, if you have a hankering to cruise this summer, make sure to join us on April 13 to learn

how to plan a cruise - by doing it. In small groups you'll plan a cruise to the very place you want to go, even

if that's just to Coupeville for ice cream.

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This is one more plea-not the last-for volunteers. Those of you with a boat that can carry more than you and your pets, and also others who could be crew or just stay on land and keep watch, please call me to join up with the SERAT. This is the Squadron-Emergency-Response-Assistance-Team. When called upon by the County Department of Emergency Management, it is our charter to help those in need in the case of a cata-strophic event such as an earthquake, or wildfire. We help out primarily by using our boat handling and pi-loting skills to provide shuttle services for equipment, supplies and people on and off North Whidbey Is-land. It is also possible that we could be called upon to assist first responders in finding and rescuing people in the water.

Our volunteers have identified, and partially photographed, over thirty locations that could potentially be utilized for either ingress or egress on the island in an extreme emergency. The few boats and crew that we have now probably wouldn't fulfill the need. Some might not be available or out of commission.

Water, medicines, small generators, and DIAPERS! They could all be needed. Oh,one more-not the last-reminder. If you have the ability, please get your fanny to the North Whidbey Fire Department and get your up-to-date CPR/First Aid card. A class is being held there again next month. It is a requirement for the SE-RAT volunteers. The cards are good for two years

Thank you all. Stay high and dry and please give me a call. Please leave a message if nobody answers--you know how it is these days.

Bill Coltrin 360-675-8102

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Our boat is named Capella after the fifth brightest star in the northern hemisphere. She is a 1979, 35 foot Flying Dutchman, hull number 002. I call her a Flying Dutchman because that's how she's labeled on the instrument panel. I have around 6 thousand nautical miles sailing and cursing on my brother in law's boats, however have never been "the captain". Carolyn is new to boating with limited experience. I see that being "the captain" puts a whole new level of responsibility to boating.

We're looking forward to learning the better and safer Power Squadron ways to boat. We also enjoyed taking the boat handling class last year and can't wait for the Piloting class starting on January 7th. I myself will probably take most of the classes.

This summer is going to be busy with bright work and a spreader replacement.

I never dreamed how much, sanding, scraping, varnishing, caulking, chrome polishing, cleaning, starter motors, pumps, valves, gasket and etc. etc....

We’ll need to get it completed in time for the trip into Canada this summer.

See you out in the water.

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The mission of CMHF is in jeopardy for the 2020 season, and your help is urgently needed. Please read this letter, then share your commitment with like minded friends. You have our deepest gratitude for your generosity.

31 December 2019 Dear Members and Friends of Coupeville Maritime Heritage Foundation, Please help us keep schooner Suva sailing as a living symbol of the maritime legacy that is part of our northwest landscape. This ninety-five-year-old flagship for Whidbey lsland has become an established attraction for our local area as well as for visitors from the North (Bellingham and into BC) and South (Everett, Seattle and beyond). Since we began in 2015, many people, under the umbrella of the Coupeville Maritime Heritage Foundation, have shared their time, skills and money to keep Suva sailing. Having her back at her homeport after almost eighty years is a tremendous accomplishment. Keeping Suva here will now take everyone's support as well as a shared vision for our maritime legacy. The foundation has recently been informed that a major repair is needed on Suva. At the end of the season, she sailed to Anacortes for a planned inspection and repairs. The grant we received that was to cover costs is no longer sufficient. There is a $50,000 gap between what we have available and what is needed to get Suva back on the water.

Please help us meet this shortfall in funding and accept this opportunity to come together as a community. We are positioned to expand our program for educating, promoting and preserving our local maritime heritage, but need your help to restore our lovely Suva to a seaworthy condition. Donations of any amount can be made online at (our new CMHF web site), in person to any board member, or mailed to CMHF, PO Box 532, Coupeville, WA 98239. All donations will be acknowledged. Again, you have our deepest gratitude for your support.

The mission of the Coupeville Maritime Heritage Foundation is to preserve the maritime heritage of Coupeville, Penn Cove and Whidbey Island through education, promotion, and preservation of their maritime traditions.

The Coupeville Maritime Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Federal Tax ID number: 47-3648399)



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This is your newsletter to distribute information that pertains to your

squadron, District 16 squadrons and national headquarters. Reminders

will be sent out on the 20th of each month prior to publishing the next

edition, to the Executive Officers. I would prefer replies by the 27th.

Together we can communicate opportunities to further our knowledge

with upcoming classes and events that will facilitate time out on the

Salish Seas.

Please feel free to send me your photos you would like to share to help

illustrate this newsletter. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

NEW email for Spindrift Editor/Webmaster

Sue Waters: [email protected]

T h e C P R / A E D / F i r s t A i d C l a s s e s a r e :

April 15th from 15:00-19:00.-class is almost full.

May 14th from 15:00-19:00 All classes are in our stations training room at t h e O a k H a r b o r F i r e D e p a r t m e n t / 8 5 5 E . W h i d b e y A v e , O a k H a r b o r Y o u c a n r e g i s t e r f o r t h e c o u r s e b y e i t h e r e m a i l i n g C r a i g A n d e r s o n a t c a n d e r s o n @ o a k h a r b o r . o r g l e a v i n g a v o i c e m a i l a t 3 6 0 - 2 7 9 - 4 7 0 6

LET’S STAY CONNECTED WITH OUR BOATING PARTNERS - OAK HARBOR YACHT CLUB Oak Harbor Yacht Club website Oak Harbor Yacht Club newsletters

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Commander Pat Waters, JN - [email protected]

Executive Officer P/Cdr Bob Nelson, JN - [email protected]

Educational Officer P/C Karen Nelson, AP - [email protected]

Assistant Educational Officers Lt Reg White, AP - [email protected]

Lt /Cdr Jason Brent, AP - [email protected]

L t Tony Truog, JN - [email protected]

Administrative Officer Lt/Cdr Cat Felker, S

Secretary Lt/ Cdr Jason Brent, AP - [email protected]

Treasurer L t/Cdr Pam Truog, SN - [email protected]

Membership Officer Lt Hiller West, S—[email protected]

Public Relations & Marketing Officer Open, no volunteer

Members at Large

Fred Lemke, JN - [email protected]

Lt Tony Truog, JN - [email protected]

P/Cdr Mark Casteel, AP - [email protected]

P/Lt/Cdr Jim Wagner, AP - [email protected]

Ralph Gamble - [email protected]

Chaplin Joy Brent, AP

Newsletter Editor Sue Waters - [email protected]

Webmaster Sue Waters - slowwaters@gmail .com

Facebook Paula Mihok - [email protected]

All members are welcome to attend the Executive Committee (ExCom) Meetings on the second Monday of each month, (except June and July), at 0930 in the ballroom of the OHYC. If you have an agenda item, please contact the squadron commander Pat Waters, five (5) days prior to the meeting date so that it can be included.

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