marcus aurelius and nero

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/11/2019 Marcus Aurelius and Nero



    Marcus Aurelius and Nero, two of the most recognizable names from the

    long period of Roman prosperity now know as the Pax Romana. The two mens lives

    were separated by almost one hundred years. Despite this fact, their childhoods are

    strikingly similar. This however is apparently where their similarities end. Both

    became emperors of Rome but their reigns were very different. Today Marcus

    Aurelius is recognized as a philosopher king strived for peace but was required to

    fight wars. In contrast, Nero is known as an irresponsible, immature artist who

    burned Rome to the ground.

    Nero and Marcus Aureliuss upbringings were strikingly alike. Both were

    born into affluent families. Neros mother, Agrippina, was the great -granddaughter

    of the great emperor Augustus. Augustuss family was well off and politically active.

    As boys, both learned of Ancient Greece and philosophy from their tutors. The stoic

    philosopher Seneca the Younger tutored Nero. His philosophic teachings apparently

    did not make a big impact on Nero, who was more interested in the arts. Aurelius

    was introduced to stoicism by Diognetus, an artist, and took immediately to its

    ethics. He even went as far as to wear a Greek cloak and sleep on the cold ground.

    While both emperors were born and educated under similar circumstances, their

    personalities and interests clearly diverge.

    Both emperors ascensions to the throne were very different. After the death

    of her husband, Neros mother married her uncle, the emperor Clau dius. She quickly

    convinced him to allow Nero to marry his daughter and name Nero his successor.

    Agrippina is believed to have poisoned and kill Claudius to allow Nero to become

  • 8/11/2019 Marcus Aurelius and Nero


    emperor. Nero was only 17 when he ascended the throne. Marcus Aureliuss ascen t

    to the throne was comparatively slower. At 17 years old he was named the heir to

    Emperor Pius Antonius. He then became a consul in the senate and slowly received

    more political power. When his adoptive father died Aurelius became emperor and

    chose to co-rule with his adoptive brother Verus. The difference between Aurelius

    and Neros path to leadership is clear. Aurelius gained power slowly, and when he

    eventually became emperor he decided to give some responsibility to another ruler.

    Neros rise to power was quick and mostly the result of his mothers exploits. When

    he became emperor he was immature and unready.

    Both leaders reigns are recognizable today for vastly unlike reasons. In the

    beginning of his reign Marcus Aurelius remained in Rome while his brother Verus

    oversaw conflicts with the Parthians in the east. After defeating the Parthian empire

    and Verus dying Aurelius was forced to go fight barbarians in the west. He

    appointed his son Commodus co-ruler at this time and they continued fighting

    Germ anic tribes until Marcuss death. During his campaign Aurelius wrote his book

    called Meditations about the philosophy of conflict. Neros reign had a totally

    different tone. After becoming emperor he had his mother murdered for her trying

    to influence Nero s rule. After his mothers death Neros reign became tyrannical

    and lavish. He spent much of the empires money to fund his artistic pursuits. He

    even gave mediocre public performances. During his reign Rome experienced a

    great fire that burned down more than half of the city. After the fire Nero raised

    taxes and took money from temples to fund the construction of his estate, called the

    Domus Aurea, on the ruins of the city. This led many to believe that he deliberately

  • 8/11/2019 Marcus Aurelius and Nero


    started the fire. Shortly after the fire a revolt began against him. Not being able to do

    the act himself, he had a servant kill him. Neros last words were What an artist the

    world loses with me. Marcus Aureliuss reign was modest and quiet compared to

    Neros seemingly flamboyant and corr upt rule.

    Both emperors have legacys fitting of their reigns. Nero today is known as an

    eccentric ruler. His artistic pastimes differentiated him thoroughly from any other

    Roman emperor. His taking of state funds for his personal needs also solidifies him

    as a selfish and irresponsible leader. While Nero is an icon of dishonor, Marcus is

    almost the exact opposite. His early interest in stoicism and modesty make his title,

    the Philosopher King fitting. It is quite ironic that during his reign, he, one of the

    most noble and kind emperors of Rome, was forced to fight wars that kept him away

    from his studies and completely fulfilling his stoic ideology. It is clear that Nero and

    Marcus Aurelius were different in one way. Throughout his reign Nero wanted

    more, more attention, more money and more control. Marcus Aurelius wanted less,

    less conflict, less power and less fame.