march april upward bound newsletter

dents cannot attend, families are still welcome. We also have a UB There session coming up on April 16th. Students have been given the choice of attending from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or noon to 4:00 pm. We will honor their requests when possible. There is another organization helping to plan this event so we will not be able to tell students exact times and location until the week of the April 11. We will be contacting students by phone with this infor- mation. Reminders: Students need to have their community ser- vice done by May 1. Returning students need 25 hours with 15 at one location; new students just need 10 total. The clock is ticking! Returning students need to have their Career Mentoring experiences finished with a one page re- port handed in by June 5. (This was optional for sen- iors and the new students did not participate in this.) Tutoring is still being offered at Briar Cliff on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm and at the schools from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the days that an advisor is at a school; East and West on Tues- days, North on Wednesdays and Heelan on Thurs- days. South Sioux students need to talk to their advi- sor for arrangements. Summer & Other Announcements: During the summer component, all Wednes- day evenings and the last Thursday evening, will be mandatory. Wednesday is also the day that seniors are required to be present for PG & D, so seniors are free to leave other days by at least by 4pm. However, there is a very interesting career activity being offered this summer on Thursdays at 4:00 pm. Seniors are welcome to stay but not required. All students will participate in a Yoga class for PG & D this summer. They will need either a Yoga mat or towel and comfortable attire. In the name of safety, Briar Cliff has imple- mented a new policy concerning the doors to the resi- dence halls. These doors will be locked at all times, and a guard card is required for access. We do not know if this policy will be continued into the summer. For now, anyone coming to the UB office may still en- ter the back door of Alverno, but will need to call our office at 712-279-5240 to be let in. The east door of Stark is right around the corner from the back door of Alverno, and is open until 6pm on weekdays. These doors are marked on the map of Briar Cliff that is on the insert page of this newsletter. Please read the enclosed flyer about our up- coming UB There session on April 28. If families can- non attend, students are still welcome, and if UB stu- Announcements & Reminders UB Happenings April 8, 2011

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Updates and pictures of recent events.


dents cannot attend, families are still welcome.

We also have a UB There session coming up

on April 16th. Students have been given the choice

of attending from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or noon to

4:00 pm. We will honor their requests when possible.

There is another organization helping to plan this

event so we will not be able to tell students exact

times and location until the week of the April 11. We

will be contacting students by phone with this infor-



Students need to have their community ser-

vice done by May 1. Returning students need 25

hours with 15 at one location; new students just need

10 total. The clock is ticking!

Returning students need to have their Career

Mentoring experiences finished with a one page re-

port handed in by June 5. (This was optional for sen-

iors and the new students did not participate in this.)

Tutoring is still being offered at Briar Cliff on

Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm and

at the schools from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the days

that an advisor is at a school; East and West on Tues-

days, North on Wednesdays and Heelan on Thurs-

days. South Sioux students need to talk to their advi-

sor for arrangements.

Summer & Other Announcements:

During the summer component, all Wednes-

day evenings and the last Thursday evening, will be

mandatory. Wednesday is also the day that seniors

are required to be present for PG & D, so seniors are

free to leave other days by at least by 4pm. However,

there is a very interesting career activity being offered

this summer on Thursdays at 4:00 pm. Seniors are

welcome to stay but not required.

All students will participate in a Yoga class for

PG & D this summer. They will need either a Yoga

mat or towel and comfortable attire.

In the name of safety, Briar Cliff has imple-

mented a new policy concerning the doors to the resi-

dence halls. These doors will be locked at all times,

and a guard card is required for access. We do not

know if this policy will be continued into the summer.

For now, anyone coming to the UB office may still en-

ter the back door of Alverno, but will need to call our

office at 712-279-5240 to be let in. The east door of

Stark is right around the corner from the back door of

Alverno, and is open until 6pm on weekdays. These

doors are marked on the map of Briar Cliff that is on

the insert page of this newsletter.

Please read the enclosed flyer about our up-

coming UB There session on April 28. If families can-

non attend, students are still welcome, and if UB stu-

A n n o u n c e m e n t s & R e m i n d e r s

UB Happenings April 8, 2011

Just from Jessie:

Career Mentoring

A recently improved part of our program, Career Mentoring, is off to a wonder-ful start! Yes, oh yes, another requirement for TRIO Upward Bound—but please know that everything we require is for your amazing AND successful futures. All of TRIO UB’s sopho-mores and juniors are now required to obtain four hours of career mentoring (job shadow-ing) each year; seniors are welcome to participate if they so desire. The purpose is for our students to be exposed to at least two careers that they are interested in before entering college, allowing them to have a clearer picture of their majors. TRIO UB contacted a vari-ety of Siouxland agencies, companies and organizations. Not to anyone’s surprise, our community was extremely supportive and excited to help our students learn more about to-day’s professional and working world. So for the past two months, TRIO UB students have been experiencing the daily life of a veterinarian, physician assistant, physical therapist, ac-countant, financial advisor, architect, dentist, graphic designer and air traffic controller to name a few. And most importantly, I’ve been receiving phone calls about how amazing our students are—again, no surprise here. Below are some examples of the positive feedback we’ve received: Angie Huynh was outstanding to work with and very impressive; though I don’t know her well, I’d give her a letter of recommendation in a heartbeat. -Meghan Nelson, Physical Therapist Got Trang and Anthany’s thank you cards! Very thoughtful. Please let them know I enjoyed working with them. –Deric Redmond, Financial Consultant with RBC Luis is a fine young man! Very polite! -Ben Knoepfler, Knoeplfer Chevrolet I truly enjoyed working with Franky. He will go far. –Paul Damon, Director of Marketing and Communication, Briar Cliff University Thanks to all of Siouxland and Briar Cliff University for your support and encouragement. It truly benefits are students greatly.

Read some of the letters our students wrote to soldiers:

Some of our TRIO UB students were fortunate enough to spend the

day at Iowa’s Capitol for TRIO Day! We were planned to meet with

several of Iowa’s representatives—a wonderful opportunity for stu-

dents to voice how important TRIO has been in their lives. As the

political clock always seems to go, our appointments got shuffled

and there was a bit of waiting around. Fortunately, we had a mo-

ment with Representatives Chris Hall and Jeremy Taylor, both of

whom seemed very interested in the community service and ca-

reer mentoring components of our TRIO UB. Next was a tour of the

capitol building, with some time in the House of Representatives

and the Senate. We ended the day with an hour of community ser-

vice. The Easter Seals needed some extra hands for an upcoming

fundraiser. And as always seems to be the case, TRIO UB was

happy to help! Overall, an outstanding day!

T R I O D a y i n D e s M o i n e s

U B T h e r e — M a r c h 2 6

It was another successful

UB There Session!!! We had

great speakers great stu-

dents. In addition to the

speakers pictured, we had a

discussion on Skype with

the author of the book that

our students read. Our stu-

dents were respectful to our

speakers, engaged in the

activities, insightful in our

discussions, and all overall

enjoyable to be around. Listening to Laurel Meine talking to us about

stress and how to deal with it.

Eating lunch in the Briar Cliff’s

cafeteria .

Writing letters to soldiers and

thank you’s to Mentors.

Writing letters and thank you’s. Listening to the volunteer from Sup-

port Siouxland Soldiers.


Upward Bound receives 100% of program funds ($340,254) from the United States Department of Education.

All A’s A’s & B’s Honorable Mention

Gerardo Guerrero West Xiomara Santana West Theresa Beach Heelan

Kaylee Mateo West Trang Le West Adrian Cancino-Magana Heelan

Thanh Johnson West Phuong Luu West Zach Johnson Heelan

Tu Le West Diana Munoz West Karina Magana-Magana Heelan

Thuan Tran West Michael Tran West Arturo Cancino East

Duc Vo West Cathy Vanhxay West Samantha Johnson East

Reneelynn Craft East Cody Juracek East Stacy Johnson East

Jill Nguyen East Yasmine De Anda North Diana Hernandez SSC

Jane Nguyen East Falamata Gishe North Jessica Salcido SSC

Hieu Nguyen North Anh Nguyen North Omer Siddiqui North

Long Nguyen North Trung Ho North Phat Luong North

Mauricio Origel North Anthany Tran North Frazis Rios North

Samantha Trobaugh North

Jayna Woolridge



Office Hours 8:00-4:30 pm

[email protected]

Jessica McCormick

Assistant Director


Office Hours 8:00-4:30 pm

[email protected]

Anthony Thomas



Office Hours 8:00-4:30

[email protected]

Mary Peterson

Advisor/Office Manager


Office Hours: 8am-4:30 pm

[email protected]

TRIO Educational Talent Search and Upward Bound of Briar Cliff University advocate for, assist, and empower eligible adolescents for success in higher education.

Through academic resources & support, service & openness participants develop positive and life lasting relationships, educational experiences & opportunities.

T R I O U p w a r d B o u n d M i s s i o n