march 9th, 2012


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Bilingual English and Punjabi Newspaper for the Fraser Valley


  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 2Punjabi Patrika

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  • Friday, March 9th, 2012 PAGE 3Punjabi Patrika

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    Daylight saving time, dont get caught asleep at the wheel

    On Sunday, March 11, most communities in B.C. will switch to Daylight Saving Time. That means some pretty drowsy drivers behind the wheel going to and from work the following Monday.Driver fatigue is a danger-ous condition where the symptoms of sleepiness can severely impair driving performance. Studies show that our circadian rhythms or body clocks, dont adjust to time changes naturally. A tired driver is a dangerous driver.Sleep deprivation impairs brain function as much as alcohol does, reducing the ability of the mind and body to respond quickly and accu-rately. This impairment can affect your driving ability long before you even notice youre getting tired. Symptoms of driver fatigue range from heavy eyelids, frequent yawning, and feel-ing irritable to misjudg-ing traffic situations, being

    surprised by a pedestrian or cyclist and allowing your vehicle to wander or drift across the line.Sleep related collisions, hitting a pedestrian, rear-ending the vehicle in front of you, veering off of the road and into a parked car, are very common after a time change.Sleep is what the body really needs to be able to function properly. The BCAA Road Safety Foundation recommends drivers do the following:

    - Adjust your sleep patterns before the time change.- Avoid caffeine or other substances to wake you up. This is short term and you may feel even more fatigued once it wears off. - For better visibility drive with your headlights on during the darker morning commute.- Be aware of the increased number of people out walk-ing in the evenings taking advantage of the extra day-light, especially in residen-tial areas.

  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 4Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 4

    hr sfl 8 mfrc df idn kOmFqrI qOr qy iesqrI idvs vjoN sfry sMsfr ivwc mnfieaf jFdf hY. ies idn aOrqF iekwTIaF ho ky kfnPrMsF, smfgm, sYmInr, aqy mI-itMgF ivwc aOrqF nUM drpysL msilaF qy smwisafvF bfry ivcfr krdIaF hn. pUry ivsLv ivwc Bugoilk aqy smfijk qy rfjsI ivvsQfvF smfn nhIN hn. ivksq dysLF dIaF aOrqF dy msly vwKry huMdy aivskq dysLF dIaF aOrqF nfloN. snwaqI qOr qy ivksq dysLF dIaF aOrqF nUM qF bhuq hwd qk brfbr dy aiDkfr pRfpq hn jdoN ik qIjy sMsfr jF ieAuN kih lvo ik eysLIaf aPrIkf dy pCVy afriQk pRbMDF vfly kbIlf-dfrI smfjF ivwc aOrqF qF svrg vrgI DrqI qy vI nrkI jIvn bsr kr rhIaF hn. AunHF dy msly qy smwisafvF afpxI iksm dIaF hn. iPr vI ies idn nU M mnfAuxf smuwcI aOrq jfqI leI jo ik kuwl mnuwKI abfdI df awDf Bfg hY bfry jfgrUkqf pYdf krn leI iek mhwqvpUrn krqwv hY.

    iesqrI lihr df ieiqhfs dwsdf hY ik kuJ sUJvfn sucyq iesqRIaF ny 1907 ivwc stUt-gfrt ivwc pihlI aqy kopn-hYgn ivKy 1910 ivwc dUjI kOmFqrI iesqrI kfnPrMs kIqI. ienHF dovF kfnPrMsF dI aOrq aMdoln dI ivkfs Xfqrf ivwc Kfs mhfnqf hY. pihlI kfnPrMs ivwc bgYr BydBfv dy srivafpk aqy mrd brfbr vot dy aiDkfr df mqf pfs hoieaf aqy dUjI kfnPrMs ivwc 17 dysLF dIaF aOrq zYlIgytF ny 8 mfrc nUM pUrI dunIaF ivwc kOmFqrI mihlf idvs mnfAux df ieiqhfsk PYslf ilaf.

    ieiqhfs gvfh hY ik sLurU qoN hI aOrq vrg nfl Auh snmfn nhIN kIqf igaf mrd pRDfn smfj ivwc ijs dI Auh hwkdfr sI. smyN smyN dy mhfn pursLF ny Aus dy hwk ivwc afvfjL AuTfeI pr

    mnuwK pRDfn smfj AunHF mhfn pursF nUM pUjx qF lwg ipaf pr AunHF dIaF iswiKafvF aqy sMdysLF qy rqf Br vI aml nhIN kr sikaf, sgoN aOrq nUM vI ijnsI vsqU bxf ky mMzI dI afriQkqf ivwc Dkyl idwqf. iPr vI ies jgq jnnI ny afpxIaF XogqfvF nfl sMsfr dy bhuq sfry BfgF ivwc hYrfnI jnk mwlF mfrIaF hn, rfjnIqk, ivigafnk aqy smfijk Kyqr ivwc. keI dysLF dIaF srkfrF dIaF muKI vI bxIaF aqy kOmF dI afjLfdI dy Kyqr ivwc vI ipwCy nhIN rhIaF pr smuwcy qOr ` qy aOrq df drjf iksy vI smfj jF dysL, kOm ivwc pUrn brfbrI df nhIN lwBdf. AuNglF qy igxn Xog iesqrI sKsLIaqF hI hn jo afpxI Xogqf nfl rfjnIqk Kyqr ivwc AuWc sQfn hfsl kr cuwkIaF hn Pyr vI hYrfnI huMdI hY ik ijs dysL dI rf-sLtrpqI aOrq hovy Aus dysL dI rfjDfnI ivwc hI aOrqF nfl ihMsf jbr, blfqkfr idn idhfVy huMdI hovy aqy aOrq hI Aus rfj dI muwK mMqrI vI hovy qF aOrq hI afpxI iewjLq dI surwiKaq nf hovy qF AunHF dI Xogqf nUM kI ikhf jfeygf.

    ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI pRImIar vI eys smyN muwK mMqrI hY ijs qy sB nUM mfx hY. iewQy aOrqF nUM mrd brfbr aiDkfr qy snmfn hfsl hY. pr gwl qF Bfrq vrgy mhfn dysL dI hY ijwQy cfr vwzy rfjF dIaF muwK mMqrIaF vI aOrqF hn. pwCmI bMgfl dI muwK mMqrI mmqf bYnrjI dy afpxy rfj dy vwzy sLihr klkwqf ivwc hr rojL blfqkfr dIaF GtnfvF ho rhIaF hn. 20 kroV qoN vwD vsoN vfly AuWqr pRdysL dI muwK mMqrI mfieaf vqI dy pUry pMj sfl dy rfj dOrfn anykF GtnfvF aOrqF dy kqlF, jbr ijnfh dIaF imsflF bx geIaF. qfmln-fzU dI muwK mMqrI qF afp hI iBRsLtfcfr dy kysF c AulJI iPrdI hY. dysL dI sB qoN vwzI pfrtI dI pRDfn aOrq hY iPr vI aOrqF dI awDI afbfdI

    hox dy bfvjUd ajy qwk qIjf ihwsf vI rfKvF krn nhIN iml sikaf. ies qoN ielfvf afriQk qOr qy vI aOrqF nUM kihx suxn nUM hI brfbrqf hY aml ivwc nhIN.

    aOrq nUM smfjI qOr qy db-fieaf igaf hY. Drm, jfq aqy nslvfd ivqkrf qF aOrqF pRqI hY hI. BrUx hwi-qaf, dfj dhyj aqy lVkf nf jMmx dI sUrq ivwc aOrq qy jbr aqy ihMsf iewQoN qwk ik Aus nUM ijAuNdI nUM mfr jf sfV idwqf jFdf hY.

    ieh TIk hY ik ivigafn dI qrwkI nfl igafn dy Kyqr ivwc vfDf qF hoieaf hY aOrq afpxy hwkF leI jfgrUk ho rhI hY. aOrq jo kuwl mnuwKI vsoN df awDf Bfg hY jd qwk dieaf dI pfqr bxI rhygI afpxy brfbr dy hwk hfsl nhIN kr skygI. so Aus nUM afpxIaF smwisafvF hwl krn leI jQybMDk rUp ivwc srgrm ho ky ivcrnf pYxf hY aqy sMGrsL krnf pYxf hY. so iesqrI idvs nUM rsmI qOr qy hI nf mnfieaf jfey ies smyN Xog ZuwkvyN rYjulysLn krky pUrf sfl ies qy aml kIqf jfey.

    iesqrI idvs `qy aOrq aMdoln nUM smfj dy buinafdI kfieaf klp krn leI vwzy aMdoln df Bfg bxn df mhwqv pUrn rYjulysLn krnf hoeygf. jd qwk aOrq af-riQk, rfjsI aqy smfijk Kyqr ivwc brfbr dy aiD-kfr pRfpq nhIN kr lYNdI Auh gulfmI qoN Cutkfrf nhIN pf skdI. smuwcy rUp ivwc ijvyN ijvyN smfj afriQk qOr qy ivkfs dIaF mMjLlF vwl vD irhf hY. Ausy qrHF BfvyN aOrqF c jfgrqI qF af rhI hY pr Auh jfgrqI jQybMDk rUp ivwc mjLbUqI pkVy bgYr loVINdy nqIjy nhIN idKf rhI. inwjI srgrmIaF nUM jmfqI srgrmIaF ivwc bdlx nfl hI kuJ hfsl ho skdf hY. ajy vI iesqrI jQybMdIaF nUM smfj ivwc afpxIaF sr-grmIaF dI pihcfx leI sKq kMm krn dI loV hY.

    AUf-fpjPfq drEgp rWhD

  • Friday, March 9th, 2012 PAGE 5Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 5

    1[ zf: gopI cMd Bfrgv (15 agsq 1947 qoN 13 aprYl 1949)

    2[ sRI BIm syn swcr (13 aprYl 1949 qoN 19 akqUbr 1949)

    3[ zf: gopI cMd Bfrgv (18 akqUbr 1949 qoN 20 jUn 1951)

    4[ sRI BIm sYn swcr (17 aprYl 1952 qoN 23 jnvrI 1956)

    5[ s: pRqfp isMG kYroN (25 jnvrI 1956 qoN 21 jUn 1964)

    6: zf: gopI cMd Bfrgv (21 jUn 1964 qoN 6 julfeI 1964)

    7[ kfmryz rfm iksLn (6 julfeI 1964 qoN 5 julfeI 1966)

    8[ igafnI gurmuK isMG musfiPr (1 nvMbr 1966 qoN 8 mfrc 1967)

    9[ jsits gurnfm isMG (8 mfrc 1967 qoN 24 nvMbr 1967)

    10[ lCmx isMG igwl (25 nvMbr 1967 qoN 23 agsq 1968)

    11[ jsits gurnfm isMG (17 PrvrI 1969 qoN 26 mfrc 1970)

    12[ pRkfs isMG bfdl (27 mfrc 1970 qoN 14 jUn 1971)

    13[ igafnI jYl isMG (17 mfrc 1972 qoN 30 aprYl 1977)

    14[ pRkfs isMG bfdl (20 jUn 1977 qoN 17 PrvrI 1980)

    15[ drbfrf isMG (6 jUn 1980 qoN 10 akqUbr 1983)

    16[ surjIq isMG brnflf (29 sqMbr 1985 qoN 11 meI 1987)

    17[ byaMq isMG (25 PrvrI 1992 qoN 31 agsq 1995)

    18[ hrcrn isMG brfV ( 31 agsq 1995 qoN 21 nvMbr 1996)

    19[ rfijMdr kOr BwTl (21 nvMbr 1996 qoN 11 PrvrI 1997)

    20[ pRkfs isMG bfdl (12 PrvrI 1997 qoN 24 PrvrI 2002)

    21[ kYptn amirMdr isMG (26 PrvrI 2002 qoN 1 mfrc 2007)22[ pRkfs isMG bfdl (1 mfrc 2007 qoN mfrc 2012 qwk)

    pMjfb ivwc rfsLtrpqI rfj

    1[ 20 jUn 1951 qoN 17 aprYl 1952

    2[ 5 julfeI 1966 qoN 1 nvMbr 1966

    3[ 23 agsq 1968 qoN 17 PrvrI 1969

    4[ 14 jUn 1971 qoN 20 jUn 1977

    5[ 30 aprYl 1977 qoN 20 jUn 1977

    6[ 17 PrvrI 1980 qoN 6 jUn 1980

    7[ 6 akqUbr 1983 qoN 29 sqMbr 1985

    8[ 11 meI 1987 qoN 25 PrvrI 1992

    z: z

  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 6Punjabi Patrika

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    There is One Race, the Human Race

    Ken Herar can be reached at [email protected] or view his blog


    At times, its not easy walk-ing the walk and talking the talk regarding diversity. Sometimes we say things we may regret later on due to ignorance or otherwise. One thing is clear, I dont have all the answers, however, Im always interested in learning, offer-ing feedback and providing leader-ship where needed.

    Ive had the following statement said to me many times; There is one race, the human race. I would like to take some time to expound upon this. Theres some truth to this reference, however, sometimes its used as a blanket statement and it neglects to delve into the real issues we face in our communities. Yes we are all part of the human race, how-ever, the issue we still face is that people are categorized and defined by their nationalities which can lead to stereotyping. When people use this statement, I believe they have good intentions, however, theyre not recognizing the different levels individuals are at with their under-standing and viewpoints of all people being equal.

    We all like to believe that the world is a great place and that diversity is working, but the truth is that much work remains for this statement to become a reality. Ive found that in the process of everyone speaking on diversity, we find ourselves focusing more on our differences than what makes us equal. I think this could be a fault regarding the matter. Ive learned that what we should be do-ing is identifying what we all have in common and what makes us the same and by doing so, we will then be able to accept and learn to cel-ebrate diversity. It may take people to get out of the village way of life that they have become accustom to and have brought with them to Canada. Some new Canadians that hold onto this mindset are actually isolating themselves rather than in-tegrating into the mainstream.

    While growing up, I recall when people made reference to the com-munity it was understood to be considered one. Now when we make

    reference to the community there are many parallel communities to what we used to refer as the single community. Is this a good thing? Time will only tell.

    I have some exciting news. Myself and Sarina Di Martino Derksen, who is the Executive Coordinator for the Cycling4Diversity are announcing the 2nd annual ride in celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity on May 21st. The ride is scheduled to take place May 22nd - May 25th. Again, we will be traveling through-out the Lower Mainland beginning in Mission and ending in Victoria at the Legislature. Speaking with Di Martino Derksen, who has been busy putting together different aspects of the ride shared the following; Once again this year we are scheduled to have a very exciting time in each of the cities we visit. Currently were focussing on adding additional cy-clists, both core and inner-city and are looking for people to join our dynamic team. Whether it be in the form of financial sponsorship, vol-unteers or cyclists. If you believe in this message and would like to make a difference and be part of this program, please contact us at [email protected].

  • Friday, March 9th, 2012 PAGE 7Punjabi Patrika

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    HpEF Wq Ztfkf dH U Dg AHW ElrUA gBq hXp rWUq HBq

    Parents warned of unsanctioned trips being marketed to studentsA caution to parents and guardians of grade 11 and 12 students is again being issued by the Abbotsford School District regarding non-school sanctioned ex-cursions being marketed to students. Of particular note are excursions by a business which pro-motes trips during various holiday times as well as weekends. These trips are advertised as being overseen (by company personnel) that includes Canadian high school teachers. Abbotsford School District person-nel are not officially part of these trips. A greater concern is the marketing approach which centers on recruiting a few grade 11 and 12 students at each school to organize and sign-up other students.

    We have reports that some grade 11 students

    are being recruited at our schools to be coordinators for grad trips for next year already says Superin-tendent Kevin Godden. Materials being distrib-uted now indicate the companys staff will be holding a meeting with your childs class or other students. Parents should know these meetings, if held, are not held or ap-proved through any of our schools.

    We receive reports that indicate students give par-ents and families the im-pression these are school-sanctioned trips notes School District Superin-tendent Kevin Godden. They are absolutely not sanctioned or supported by our schools. We ad-vise parents to be very involved in any decision about allowing students to travel on such excursions without parents or family,

    and to have a conversation with their sons or daugh-ters about the potential for problems, including exposure to alcohol and other risk behaviour on such trips.

    Our schools and District work hard to foster a posi-tive, safe and healthy en-vironment that encourages student growth says the Superintendent. This in-cludes being pro-active in advising parents and fami-lies when we come across matters that can result in negative consequences and behaviour, including these unsanctioned trips. We appreciate parents and families being aware of their sons and daugh-ters activities. If parents have any concerns about student travel, we encour-age them to contact their school administrators or school district administra-tion.

    Smokers Material Suspected as Cause

    of House Fire.At 2:30 AM on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, the Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service (AFRS) responded to a report of a house on fire on Lonsdale Crescent.

    Fire crews arrived to find the home with substantial flames showing through the middle of the roof.

    The fire appeared to have started outside the home but had climbed into the roof structure and was spreading rapidly. Crews conducted an aggressive coordinated interior and exterior fire attack and were able to stop the fire spread and limit damage.

    Although it was initially believed that one resi-dent was trapped in the home, firefighters quickly ascertained that all had actually safely evacuated without injury. One of the five residents was alerted to the fire by smell of smoke. He attempted to douse the fire with a garden hose, but when that was unsuccessful, called 911.

    Fire investigators attended the scene and have concluded that the fire was caused by a cigarette which was not properly extinguished in a covered deck area adjacent to the house.

    A representative from Emergency Social Services also attended and assisted three of the buildings residents in securing alternate accommodations.

    While damage estimates from this fire are prelimi-nary, they are expected to exceed $200,000.

    The AFRS wishes to remind citizens that smoking, even outdoors, remains a major cause of house fires and that cigarettes must always be disposed of in a safe, appropriate container. A metal bucket filled with sand is probably the safest form of receptacle

  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 8Punjabi Patrika

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    hr sfl s Msfr Br iv wc iesqrI idvs mnfieaf jFdf hY. bRfhmxvfd dy mrd pRDfn smfj ny sdIaF qoN iesqrI nUM dfsI bxf ik rwiKaf sI. ijhVI iesqrI sMsfr dI jnxI hY, isRsLtI cflU rwKx df muK sfDn hY. jIvn rON nUM mGdI rwKx leI sB qoN vwzI pRyrnf hY. iehnUM pYr dI juwqI kihky mfnsk qy srIrk jLKm idwqy gey hn. ies df KMzn krn leI sB qoN pihlF gurU nfnk dyv jI ny ikhf sI:so ikAuN mMdf afKIaY,ijq jMmYN rfjfn.ies Gtnf nUM sfl dhfky qy sdIaF gujr geIaF hn. ajy qwk vI iesqrI dI durdsLf Ausy qrHF hI hY. lVkI jMmx qoN sog, ivafh df iPkr, mF nf bx skx qy klMkxI kulihxI, ivwidaf qoN korf rwKxf. bMdsF, ivqkry afidk.kuJ hI smF pihlF lVkI nUM pYdf hox smyN pfxI c zubo ky jF awk dI guVqI dy ky mfr idwqf jFdf sI. pr hux jMmx qoN pihlF hI kuwK ivc kql kr idwqf jFdf hY. ies kql nUM kfnUMnI hwk vI hY. ies qoN pihlF iesqrI nUM jdoN mrjI iBKfrn bxfky GroN vI kwZ idwqf jFdf sI.jfiedfd df hwk ikqy vIhvIN sdI dy awD ivc jfky imilaf hY sB DrmF ny iesqrI nUM in-rijMd bxf ky hIx Bfvnf nfl invfijaf hY. pqI nUM pRmysLr df sMklp dy ik mOq smyN pqI dy nfl sqI hox vfsqy mjLbUr kIqf jFdf sI.bfl ivDvf dI dUjI sLfdI qy bMdsLF lfeIaF geIaF sn. ieh bMdsLF aMgryjL sLfsLk lfrz ivlIam bYNtk ny aprvfn kIqIaF.arb dysLF ivc mrd cfr aOr-qF rwK skdf hY. pr iesqrI nUM corI dI cIjL vFg cMgI qrHF kwj ky rwiKaf jFdf hY. jykr iksy iesqrI df hwQ jF pYr nMgf ids pvy qF knUMnI qOr qy iesqrI ktihry ivwc KVI ho ik sjLf BugqdI hY.pwCmI iesqrI ijs nUM agFh vDU qy ajLfd smiJaf jFdf hY, dI sB qoN vwzI qrfsdI qflfk aqy do-do jF iqMn-iqMn alwg 2 pqIaF dI Aulfd dI pRvirsL krnI pYNdI hY. pursL ny kdy vI iesqrI df sfQ ihMmq krky nhIN ijwiqaf sgoN Pryb krky Koihaf hY.ijwQy smfj ny iesqrI nUM zYx, klMkxI, cuVyl, pfpx, ivB-

    cfrn, afidk dy asLuB iKqfb idwqy hn AuWQy kvIaF, sfi-hqkfrF ny ikhVf BlI gujLfrI hY. iehnF dI vMngI hyT ilKy anusfr hY.vfrs rMn PkIr qlvfr GoVf.cfry Qok ieh iksy dy Xfr nhIN.(vfrsL sLfh)jbfn bhuq hI vDIaf cIjL hY, jy ieh aOrq dI nf hovy. (cfrls izknjL)aOrq hoxf qy cuwp rihxf, ieh pRspr ivroDI gwlF hn. (idrsY zI moilnf) jF iPrBwT rMnF dI dosqI, KurI ijnF dI mwq.hws hws lfAuNdIaF XfrIaF ro ro idMdIaF dws. (pIlU)ieh kfiv totky iesqrI dI shI qsvIr nhIN icqrdy, sgoN bdnfm krn leI GVy gey hn.ijwQy qwk aOrqF nUM jIvn aqy smfj ivc hwk aqy ZuwkvIN QF dvfAux df pRsLn hY. hr sfl iesqrI idvs mnf lYxf bVf hI ingUxf ijhf Xqn hY. iesqrI dy hwkF leI muwZly kdmF dy qOr qy sLlfGf Xog jLrUr khy jf skdy hn. pr mMjLl ajy bhuq dUr hY. iesqrI leI jfgirqI vIhvIN sdI dy awD qoN bfad hI afAuxI sLurU hoeI hY. kfnUMn dy nfl idRsLtI kon vI bdlI krn dI loV hY. iesqrI jfqI nUM vI afpxy hwkF dI pkV leI afpxf kwd myc df krnf cf-hIdf hY. ieh sB leI imhnq aqy ieiqhfq dI loV hY. iek ivcfrvfn df kQn hY ik afpxy hwkF leI eyny sucyq n hovo ik isLsLtfcfr hI Bul jfvo. kwlf josL kuJ nhIN sMvfrdf nfl hosL hoxI vI bVI jLrUrI hY. ies leI iesqrI nUM sMjIdf hoxf cfhIdf hY. iesqrI dI privrqI, qy pRikrqI eyho ijhI hY, ik ies nUM qF pursL nfl vDIkI krnI hI nhIN afAuNdI.koeI vI kOm iesqrI nUM gulfm bxf ky ajLfd nhIN ho skdI. iesqrI ibnF, afrQk qy smfjk AuWnqI asMBv hY. suqMqr mfvF hI suqMqr bwcy pYdf kr skdIaF hn. hr pursL dI qrwkI ipwCy iesqrI df hwQ huMdf hY. ijwQy aOrq df moZf pursL nfl imlky nhIN cldf, AuWQy pursL hr Kyqr ivc pCV jFdf hY. ieh ki-hxf vI awiqkQnI nhIN hY ky iesqrIaF dy hwkF dy kfnUMn isrP kfgjLF dy ibsqr AuWpr pey inwG mfx rhy hn.


    kOr iZwloN mYhroN (mogf)


    aOrq hox dy nfqy kuJ suJf aOrqF leI hn. bRhmvfd ny aOrq ivwc 360 cilqr ki-hky BMizaf hY. asl ivwc ieh 360 aOrq dy gux hn. jykr ienHF dI shI vrqoN kIqI jfvy. ienHF ivwcoN kuJ gux hn. slIkf, acfr, ivhfr, cwj, ilafkq ZMg, qrIkf qy isafxp ajokI aOrq ies qoN dUr jf rhI hY. Kfs krky pwCmI siBaqf ny BfrqI sMsikRqI df BwTf hI bhf idwqf hY. jy ieh gwl burI lwgy qF mYnUM iKmf kr dyxf.

    brfbrI gumrfh ho ik nhIN iml skdI. isafxp dy blbUqy nfl 360 guxf dI shI vrqoN krky, afdmKor smfj nUM guxF dI qlvfr nfl kql kIqf jf skdf hY. gurU amrdfs jI ny krFqIkfrI kdm cuwky qy sqI pRQf ivruwD avfjL AuTfeI. gurU goibMd isMG jI ny iesqrI nUM pUrn rUp ivc ajLfd kr idwqf. bRhmxvfdI pursL aOrq nUM pYr dI juwqI kihky Cwz idMdy sn. qy hux aOrq afdmI nUM pYr dI juwqI smJky, eyarport qy hI lfh mfrdI hY, ijLMdgI Tyzy TokrF df hI nfm hY, iesqrI nUM izwgxoN afp bcxf cfhIdf hY. hr Tyzf kuJ nf kuJ isKfky jFdf hY. ieh myrI hMZfeI aqy dyKI ijLMdgI df ncoV hY.

    mrd pRDfngI dy blbUqy Ausry sMsfr ivc iesqrI qy hwsx qy rox dI pfbMdI hY ijh-VI pRfikrqI dy anukUl nhIN hY. blfqkfr vrgy Kqry dI qlvfr hmysLf aOrq dy isr qy ltkdI rihMdI hY. kfnUMnF dy nfl sfnUM sucyq hoxf vI bVf jLrUrI hY. so bynqI hY ik mrd pRDngI dy Tykydfro bco qy bcfE, gorK nfQ vFg aOrq nUM biGafVI kihky qy vfrsL sLfh vFg iesqrI nUM ingUxy iKqfb n idE. aOrq koeI jfq nhIN iesqrI pursL dovyN mnuwKI jfq dy ainKVvyN aMg hn. slIkf anusLfsLn idMdf hY aOrq leI vI qy mrd leI vI slIky nfl anusLfsn ivwc rihky ijwq jLrUr imldI hY. cMgf jIx leI sLihd suwDI ijLMdgI vI, so afE iesqrI qy mrd donoN rlky, iesqrI nUM kwuKF ivwc mfrn dIaF rIqF Kqm krIey.

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    ieh iek hYrfnIjnk Kyz hY. qusIN ieh Kyz krky

    iek vfrI hYrfn jLrUr hovogy. ies hYrfnI df AuWqr qufhnUM Kyz dy aMq ivwc imlygf. ieh Kyz vI bhuq ssqI hY qy qusIN Gr ivc hI ies Kyz nUM Kyz skdy ho.

    smwgrI:-grm pfxI, gubfrf, brP, sozf vftr dI iek

    boql, do brqn

    ivDI:-sozf vftr dI BrI hoeI iek boql lY ky ies nUM KolH lvo. iek BFzy ivc kuwtI hoeI brP pf ky sozy vflI boql nUM kuJ dyr leI Aus ivwc rwK idE. kuJ dyr mgroN jdoN boql bhuq TMzI ho jfvy qF Ausdy mUMh qy iek gubfrf lf idE. hux boql nUM brP coN bfhr kwZ lvo. pMj imMt boql nUM iesy qrHF hI rwK idE. jdoN boql grm ho ky kmry dy qfpmfn dy

    brfbr ho jfvy qF ies boql nUM grm pfxI nfl Bry iek brqn ivc rwK idE. qusIN dyKogy ik gubfrf afpxy afp Puw Llxf sLurU ho jfvygf. kuJ dyr bfad gubfrf kfPI vwzf ho jfvygf.

    kfrn:-grm pfxI dI grmI kfrn boql ivc brP nfl TMzI ho ky jMmI gYs PYl jFdI hY . PYlx dy kfrn AuhI gYs gubfry ivc Br jFdI hY. gYs Brn nfl gubfrf afpxy afp Puwl jFdf hY.

    rhrHAprYF GR

  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 10Punjabi Patrika

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    Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Discusses Ethnocultural Diversity

    By Mandeep Wirk

    On F e b r u a r y 2 9 , D i r e c t o r Satwinder Bains of the UFV Centre for Indo Canadian Studies and Research gave the keynote address at the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerces

    business luncheon. Mrs. Bains speech promoting the advantages of local businesses reaching out to ethnocultural communities was well received.

    Abbotsford is the third most ethnically diverse city in Canada. Fifty eight different ethnocultural groups live here. Abbotsford is on Sto:lo land and we must thank the Sto:lo people for sharing it with us.

    Local businesses need to realize that we are living in a global economy and that both the customer base and global markets a r e b e c o m i n g m o r e diverse. So, it is critical

    for businesses to seize the opportunities that diversity brings in order to survive. Human capital is their most valuable resource. Businesses also need to understand their customers cultures and decision making processes; language alone is not enough.

    To d a y, i m m i g r a n t s comprise 25% of the local population. In 2031, this figure will jump to 40%. Our country has an immigration policy because of an increasingly aging populace combined with a consistently low birth rate. Local area b u s i n e s s e s n e e d t o diversify their workforce and look to people in the diaspora to open linkages to local and global markets that have previously been closed. Tokenism is to be

    avoided and the workplace needs to reflect the people of Abbotsford. Businesses n e e d t o e n g a g e i n transformational change to ensure that all employees are treated fairly; prejudice and discrimination in the workplace should be eliminated. Management needs to say in plain words that the company values diversity as a source of innovation and creativity.

    Abbotsford is doing okay but the fact that it has been selected for a diversity project means that more work needs to be done.

    Employers can now access more information online about Citizenship and Im-migration Canada (CIC) programs to hire permanent and temporary foreign work-ers, Minister Jason Kenney announced today.

    In keeping with the govern-ments focus on the im-portance of immigration to Canadas economy and growth, the CIC website has been redesigned to include a new section to guide em-ployers to the most suitable program.

    The economy and job growth remain the number one priority of the Govern-ment, said Minister Jason Kenney. Labour shortages are becoming a growing problem in many regions, and this website will help employers access informa-tion that will help them hire permanent or temporary foreign workers when no Canadians are able to fill a position.

    Employers can learn the steps involved in hiring temporary foreign workers, helping to bring a worker to Canada permanently and hiring international students studying in Canada.

    In addition to the enhanced website, the Department is reaching out directly to employers through public consultations.

    Immigration is becoming increasingly important to meeting our labour market needs, said Minister Ken-ney. I want to strengthen the partnership with employ-ers to ensure our economic immigration program bet-ter meets the needs of our economy.

    This new website, a work in progress, builds on the suc-cess of other online tools for employers, such as the Em-ployers Roadmap, available at

    Employers have access to more online information to hire workers

    needed to fill labour shortages

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    s: prsoqm isMG gryvfl aYbtsPorz invfsI ijMnHF df ipClf ipMz afsI klF ijlHf luiDafxf imqI 29 PrvrI 2012 nUM svrgvfs ho gey hn. AunHF dy aMiqm drsLn 17 mfrc 2012 sincrvfr nUM dupihr 12:30 vjy vuzsn iPAUnrl hom 2310 klIarbruwk roz qy hoxgy Aus qoN bfad AunHF dy pMj BUqk srIr df aMqm sskfr aYlzrgrov ivKy hovygf iPr Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy dupihr 3:00 vjy aMiqm ardfs hovygI.

    hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro:hrivMdr isMG gryvfl bytf hom Pon: 604-859-6588, sYl Pon 778-241-4105

    z: , D DE , , , , AA , , A:C@ ,



  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 14Punjabi Patrika

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    Parent and Grandparent Super Visa soars to new heights

    Super Visa approval rate now at 77 percent

    More than one thousand Par-ent and Grandparent Super Visa applications have been approved in less than three months since the Super Visa program took flight, for an overall approval rate of 77 percent, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced.

    Im pleased that the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa is working as intended and giving large numbers of eligible parents and grandparents an opportunity to spend extended periods of time with their families in Canada, said Minister Kenney.

    The process for getting a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa is simple and straightforward. Applicants for the Super Visa must submit proof that the host child or grandchild meets a minimum income, demonstrate that they have purchased comprehensive Canadian medical insurance and

    undergo the Immigration Medical Ex-amination. Almost 99 percent of Super Visa applicants who met these require-ments also went on to meet all other standard admissibility criteria which are required for all visa applicants.

    In the days following its announce-ment, Abbotsford-based writer Man-preet Grewal said that few would argue the wisdom of the new parent and grandparent super visa. She added that the super visa will allow parents and grandparents to follow a natural flow between Canada and other countries without creating an unnecessary burden on the Canadian taxpayer or spinning families into un-necessary stress.

    As of February 26, 80 percent of the finalized Super Visa applications were processed to a final decision within 41 calendar days, well below the target of eight weeks. As application volumes ramp up, Citizenship and Immigra-tion Canada will continue to aim for a Super Visa processing time of eight weeks or less.

    a.. MLAs freezing own pay for third and fourth straight years b.. MLAs and thousands of other public sector employees live by net zero why not teachers? The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today commended the B.C. Gov-ernment for scrapping a scheduled pay raise for the third and fourth straight years.When governments are bleeding red ink, everyone needs to do their part, said Jordan Bateman, the CTFs B.C. Di-rector. MLAs need to lead by example and freezing their pay for four straight years is a great start.The pay freeze was extended as part of last months B.C. Budget legislation. Despite that fact, the B.C. Teachers Federation has been wrongly claiming that MLAs are getting a pay increase. One of the B.C. Teachers Federations key talking points through social media is that MLAs are getting raises and teachers arent, said Bateman. Thats just plain false. MLAs and thousands of other public sector employees are living with the net zero wage mandatewhy not teachers?The net zero wage mandate saved B.C. taxpayers $3 billion this fiscal year. Net

    zero is the single best thing this govern-ment has done to control costs, said Bateman. Its been such an important tool that even free-spending govern-ments like Ontario want to emulate it.The Ontario Government announced last week it wants to freeze teacher pay for at least two years and plans to eliminate some of their benefits package, specifi-cally the ability to cash-in unused sick leave.Ontarios huge deficit should be a warning to B.C. taxpayers about simply throwing money at problems or loud in-terest groups, said Bateman. We sim-ply cannot afford to continue increasing every public sector employees pay and benefits forever.

    The B.C. cabinet has gone even further than a simple pay freeze, taking a 10 per cent pay cut when the Province is in deficit.

    While we have continuing concerns about MLA pensions and other pay issues, one has to give credit where credit is due, said Bateman. Its clear that cabinet feels the pinch of deficit budgets in their own lives and thats an example that the CTF has encouraged other provinces, and levels of govern-ment, to follow.

    CTF Applauds BC MLA Pay Freeze

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    BPW Abbotsfords March Luncheon Featuring

    Community Women from Around the World

    In honour of International Womens Day, BPW will celebrate the achievements of community women from around the world at our March luncheon. The event will feature professional women new to Canada who will discuss their journeys into the Canadian labour market, workplace culture and way of life as well as the power of connection through mentorships and networking.

    The guest speakers include Olena Zagoskina (from the Ukraine), Masters of Science, Mechanical Engineer; Poonam Singh (from Nepal), Doctor of Philosophy (Horticulture); and Gail Gromaski (from the United States), Marketing and Communications Specialist. All of the women are participants in the Employment Mentors Program provided by Abbotsford Community Services.


    At Cascade Community Centre (35190 Delair Road, Abbotsford)

    RSVP REQUIRED by emailing [email protected] by Friday March 9th

    COST IS $15 for members and $20 for guests (payable for all reservations, including no-shows)


    Health system protects patient care amid drug shortage

    The Province, health a u t h o r i t i e s a n d Health Shared Ser-vices BC, and B.C.s fed-eral partners are working together to protect patient care and avoid disruptions during a Canada-wide shortage of certain medi-cations used primarily in hospitals, Health Minister Michael de Jong said today.Drug manufacturer Sandoz Canada, which is a key sup-plier of the countrys inject-able drugs, has temporarily suspended manufacturing and/or reduced the amounts produced of a number of its products due to operational issues. This decrease in supply may last for up to 18 months.This has caused lower stocks in hospitals in B.C. and throughout Canada of some routinely used drugs, especially injectable nar-cotics such as morphine, hydromorphone and fen-tanyl. These drugs are used to treat moderate to severe pain in such cases as pa-

    tients after surgery and can-cer patients. De Jong said the Ministry of Health and its federal and provincial partners have been working closely together to ensure all hospitals have these critical supplies. Hospitals and health authorities have shared stocks when neces-sary and will continue to pool resources. Hospitals are also using oral versions of some of the drugs when appropriate.

    The Province is explor-ing securing international supplies and has identified potential supply in the Unites States, the United Kingdom, Austria, Aus-tralia, France, Ireland and Germany. British Colum-bia is working with other provinces, such as Mani-toba and Alberta, to look at joint contracting op-portunities with alternate suppliers.

    At this time, there has been no known effect on patient care. However, if stocks continue to decrease, elec-tive procedures may have to be rescheduled at some locations. Health authori-ties have not yet had to make any such decisions. Palliative care patients, emergencies and those requiring life-saving pro-cedures will be given top priority for these drugs, de Jong said.

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    holI qoN holf iblkul eysy qrHF bixaf hY, ijvyN kVCI qoN kVCf, Zfl qoN Zflf, ktfr qoN ktfrf, dfhVI qoN dfhVf aqy muwC qoN muCYhrf, iehI qy Kflsy dy cVHdI klf dy boly hn.

    sR-pRiswD kvI inhfl isMG jI ilKdy hn:-

    brCf, Zflf, ktfrf, qygf, kVCf, dygf golf hY.

    Ckf pRsLfd, sjf dsqfrf, aru krdOnf tolf hY.

    suBwt, sucflf aru lK bfhf klgf isMG sucolf hY.

    apr muCihrf, dfhVf jysy qYsy bolf holf hY.

    ieh imiQhfsk qy mOsmI iqAuhfr holI qoN holf-mhwlf bxfky dsvyN gurU sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny cVHdI klf df pRqIk bxf ky ieiqhfsk iqAuhfr bxf idwqf hY. mhwlf dy arQ hn moVvF hwlf. anMdpur sfihb jI dy, ijs asQfn qoN sMmq 1757 ibkrmI cyq bdI eykm nUM holf mhwlf Kyzx dI rIq clfeI Aus ikly df nfm holgVH rwiKaf (BfeI kfhn isMG nfBf mhfn kosL pMnf 283 vyKo ieMdrfj holgVH)

    igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL

    sLfm qwk keI hulVbfjL isr pVvfeI jF pfVI bYTy huMdy hn.

    bhuqI purfxI gwl nhIN hY. sMn 1970 df ijLkr hY.

    sfzI pltn (ijs ivc mYN grMQI sF) sfzI pltn cOdF pMjfb (nfBf akfl) Aus smyN rFcI ivc sI. mYnUM AuWQoN qKq sRI hjUr sfihb, nMdyV jfx df suBfg pRfpq hoieaf. myry nfl do POjI jvfn vI sn. Aus vyly hjUr sfihb dy srbrfh ijlHf jlMDr dy msLhUr ipMz sMkr dy sR: sudfgr isMG sn. AunHF mYnUM dwisaf ik holI vfly idn zyZ kuivMtl rMg gurdu-afrf PMz ivwcoN KrId ky holI mnfeI jFdI hY (hux df mYnUM pqf nhIN) iesy sbMD kuJ icr pihlF vfprI iek duKdfeI Gtnf AunHF ny mYnUM suxfeI, holI vfly idn kuJ hulV bfjL

    ies iqAuhfr df sbMD ijwQy ieiqhfs qy imiQhfs dy nfl hY, AuWQy mOsm dy nfl vI hY. AuqrI Bfrq ivwc ies bsMq dI ruwqy TMZ aqy kory nfl JMbI hoeI bnspqI nUM mOlx df suBfg aAusfr pRfpq huMdf hY. kVfky dI srdI nfl BMny hoey srIr kosI kosI ruwq sLurU hox nfl aMgVfeIaF lYx lgdy hn. bsMq dI afmd nfl ijwQy purfxy pwiqaF dI QF qy nvIaF krUMblF PuwtdIaF hn, AuWQy krjLy dy Bfr hyT dwibaf iksfn vI afpxI Psl qy afeI jvfnI nUM vyK ky afsF AumIdF qy gVy mfr vI aksr nUM ho jFdI hY. qdy iksy pMjfbI dy sUJvfn kvI ny ikhf hY;

    pwkI KyqI vyKky, grb kry ikrsfn.

    JwKV vfey zoilEN Gr afvy qF jfx.

    iPr vI kudrq dy atwl inXm anusfr ieh KyiVaF BrI ruwq AudfsI Bry aflm nUM alivdf kihky afsF AumIdF dIaF lgrF nUM KusLafmdId kihMdI hY. hux afAu jLrf ies dy

    ieiqhfsk qy imiQhfsk pwK df iblovxf (irVkxf) krky swc dy mwKx nUM kwZx df Xqn krIey.

    ihMdU Drm dy Dfrimk grMQ (Bgvq purfx df s wqvF skMD) muqfibk holI df sbMD hoilkff nfl hY jo hrxfKs dI BYx qy Bgq pRihlfd dI BUaf sI. kihMdy ny ik ies kol isLv dI bKsLI hoeI cfdr sI ijs dy EZx nfl awg dI qpsL nhIN sI poNhdI. iesy Brm dI pflI hoeI ny BqIjy nUM Brf hrxfKsL dy khy jflx leI cfdr dI buwkl mfr ky pRihlfd nUM godI ivwc lY ky awg ivwc bYT geI. kudrq dI krnI, Auh cfdr BUaf qoN lihky BqIjy duafly lpytI geI. nqIjf hoilkf sV geI qy pRihlfd bc igaf. DrmI lookF ny ies nUM nykI dI bdI AuWqy ijwq dy rUp ivwc mnfAuxf sLurU kr idwqf. AuWcI jfq dy amIr bMidaF ny iek dUsry qy gulfl iCVk ky qy mUMhF AuWpr rMg mlky afpxI KusLI df iejLhfr krnf sLurU kr idwqf. iesy qrHF aKoqI nIvIaF sRLyxIaF qy grIb vrg ny iek

    dUsry AuWpr gMd suwtky qy mUMhF AuWpr kflK mlky afpxIaF BfvnfvF nUM Aujfgr kIqf. ies qrHF ieh iqAuhfr smfjI vrx vMz qy amIr grIb dy aMqr df vI pRqIk bx igaf.

    aslIaq ieh hY ik mnuwK jdoN gulfmF df vI gulfm bx jfey qF Aus dI jIvn sYLlI vI gulfmF vrgI bx jFdI hY. sfzf Bfrq mhfn vI gulfm bfdsLfhF df gulfm irhf hY. bfdsLfh alqms, blbn, rjLIaf sulqfn afidk ies dIaF ieiqhfsk gvfhIaF hn. jdoN koeI gulfm kOm, dysL jF BfeIcfrf afid koeI Auqsv jF iqAuhfr mnfAuNdf hY, Aus ivwcoN gulfm jLihnIaq dy pRqwK Jlkfry vjdy hn. Dfrimk iqAuhfrF AuWqy vI aijhy lok KOrU pfAuxoN nhIN hwtdy. awj asIN iewkvIN sdI ivwc ivkfs dI tIsI AuWpr bYTy hF, iPr vI ipMzF ivc holI vfly idn grIbF dy bwcy, qRImqF mrd afidk bfltIaF ivc gohf Gol ky iek dUjy AuWpr suwtdy hn. mUMhF AuWpr qvy dI kflK mwQI jFdI hY. dysLI sLrfbF nfl rwjy

  • Friday, March 9th, 2012 PAGE 17Punjabi Patrika

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    Feed back.. [email protected]

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    dwKxI iswK nOjvfnF ny pMjfb qoN prvfrF nfl geIaF iswK nO-jvfn lVkIaF dy mUMhF Aupr jLbrdsqI rMg mlx qy asLlIl hrkqF krnIaF sLurU kr idwqIaF. Dfrimk asQfn qy aijhI iGnfAuxI hrkq vyK ky nfl gey pMjfbIaF df vI KUn Aubflf Kf igaf. ies mukwds asQfn qy KUn dI holI sLurU ho jfxI sI jy lMgr sfihb vfly bfbf hrnfm isMG jI ivc nf afAuNdy. AunHF dI pfvn sLK-sIaq ny iek KUnI kFz hox qoN bcf ilaf.

    iehI sB kuJ hux pMjfb dIaF glIaF qy sVkF qy holI nUM hox lwg ipaf hY. vwizaF sLihrF smyq cMzIgVH dy vwizaF GrF dy kfky kfrF qy motrsfeIklF qy cVHky aijhf qFzv nfc nwcdy hn ik mnuwKqf sLrm nfl pfxI pfxI ho jFdI hY. puils vI mUk drsLk bxky ieh iGnfAuxy kfrnfmy vyKdI hY pr krdI kuJ nhIN. AunHF nUM vI pqf hY ik sfzI kfrvfeI rfjnIqI dI Byt cVH jfxI hY. Aultf sfzIaF hI bdlIaF hoxIaF hn.

    sfihb sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny dysL vfsIaF nUM rMgF qy gMdF

    ivwcoN kwZky gulfmI dy sMglF nUM kwtx leI jMgF XuwDF vwl pRyrn leI ies iqAuhfr dI cox kIqI. ies df arMB vI holgVH df iklf bxfky sMn 1696 eI: nUM iewQoN hI kIqf. gurU goibMd isMG jI jfxdy sn ik ibnf qfkq, ibnf sLkqI, ibnf bl, gulfmI dy bMDn pY jFdy hn. ies df Aupf hY sLkqI, bl, Brosf, svY ivsLvfs. ipqf sRI qyg bhfdr sfihb jI dI pfvn bfxI AunHF dy sfhmxy sI. vyKo:

    dohrf blu CutikE bMDn pry kCU nf hoq Aupfie

    khu nfnk ab Et hir gj ijAu hohu shfie....

    ies df Auqr vI agly slok ivc hI hY:

    blu hoaf bMDn Cuty sBu ikCu hoq Aupfie..

    nfnk sBu ikCu qumry hfQ mY qum hI hoq shfie....

    ieh vI atwl scfeI hY ik vfihgurU jI vI AunHF dI mwdd krdy hn jo bMDn kwtx leI bl Dfr lYNdy hn. rfj Bfg koeI iksy nUM QflI ivwc pros ky nhIN idMdf, ihwk dy bl qy vfihgurU jI dI myhr nfl hI pRfpq kIqf jFdf hY. iksy

    pMjfbI dy kvI dIaF do sqrF ivc hI ies hkIkq dy Jlkfry vjdy hn:-

    Eho kOm ajLfdIaF lBdI ey,

    jIhdy lUM lUM aMdr Bfl hovy.

    Auh nhIN Quwkdf sony dy ipM-jry qy,

    jIhdf iesLk AuzfrIaF nfl hovy.

    jo kOmF ivlfsI jIvn dIaF afdI ho jFdIaF hn sLrfb sLbfb qy kbfb dI dldl ivc Ds jFdIaF hn, Auh blhIn ho ky bl vfilaF dy aDIn ho jFdIaF hn. holf-mhwlf sfzy leI dsLmysL df sdIvI sMdysL hY. hmysLf blvfn bxo, qfn dy vI qy mn dy vI. gwqkf, qlvfr-jnI, GoV-svfrI, qIr aMdfjLI, pihlvfnI, ieh sfzf mfrsLl afrt hY. ies ieqhfsk, imiQhfsk qy mOsmI iqAuhfr holy-mhwly nUM Kyz iqAuhfr bxfky nisLaF ivwc zuwb rhI jvfnI nUM bcfeIey. iPr hI sfriQk hovygf holy-mhwly df aslI mMqv. aMq ivc holy-mhwly dIaF smUh pfTkf nUM lwK-lwK vDfeIaF.

  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 18Punjabi Patrika

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    Computer tech support scam targets British Columbians

    For several months, phone scam-mers have been targeting British Columbians by pretending to be with a reputable computer software company, asking to perform urgent soft-ware updates and requesting hundreds of dollars as a fee for their service.

    In response to this and other frauds, the Province and Consumer Protection BC are teaming up during Fraud Prevention Month to provide tips to help British Columbians fraud-proof themselves.

    Fraud Prevention Month is a national initiative with the goal of fighting fraud aimed at businesses and consumers. This phone scam is a prevalent one. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre says it currently accounts for 70 per cent of all fraud complaints in Canada.

    The phone scam works like this: Tom, a B.C. resident, receives a phone call at dinner time. The caller explains he is from Microsoft Tech Support. He asks Tom whether his computer is running slowly and encourages him to download software right away to fix his computer. Tom has found that his system has been sluggish lately so he follows the callers instructions and bills the new software to his credit card. The total bill is in the hundreds of dollars.

    Unfortunately, Tom has been scammed and has installed spyware, or malware, on his computer. The corrupt program can potentially monitor what he is typ-ing on his computer, including personal

    information like banking details and passwords.

    Here are some tips to protect you and your family from becoming a victim of this virus-fixing scheme:

    If you receive one of these unsolicited phone calls, hang up and do not down-load anything onto your computer.

    Do your research and ask questions around all unsolicited phone calls.

    Get the name, phone number and web-site address of any company that calls you. Check to see if it is a legitimate company or if a real companys name is being used as part of a scam. The Inter-net has a great deal of useful information on scam avoidance.

    Do not provide any personal informa-tion, especially your credit card number.

    To stay informed about possible scams and to warn others:

    o Visit Consumer Protection BC on Facebook at:

    o Report any fraudulent activity to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre by calling 1 888 495-8501.

    Know your rights! If you have ques-tions about your rights and responsibili-ties as a B.C. consumer, please contact Consumer Protection BC, toll-free at 1 888 564-9963 or online at:

    Staff Taken to Hospital after Chemical Spill

    At 2:06 AM on Sunday morning, March 5, 2012, the Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service (AFRS) responded to a report of restaurant staff evacuating a building as a result of fumes from an unknown chemical that smelled like bleach causing sore throats and watery eyes at 33790 Essendene Avenue.

    On arrival, fire crews found that all the staff from the restaurant had evacuated the building. Four people were suffering from symptoms that included irritated eyes and sore throats. Two people were transported to hospital by BC Ambu-lance and two others went to Mission Hospital on their own.

    After gathering information from staff, fire crews wearing full protective cloth-ing entered the building to attempt to

    identify the type of product involved and determine the cause of the release.

    Fire crews were initially not able to determine if the problem originated in a HVAC unit (heating ventilation air conditioner) or cleaning appliance so the power was turned off to the equip-ment to isolate the problem and a HVAC technician was called out to identify the source of the problem. It was discovered that a hose had released from a Chlo-rine based sanitizer appliance used for washing glasses allowing the product to release and causing the irritations to the restaurant staff.

    The appliance was repaired and fire crews cleared the scene at 05:53 am. The restaurant was able to open up in time for the public for normal operat-ing hours.

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    qrksLIl njLrIaf hI AuWjvl smfj df BivwK hY.

    pMjfb dI qrksLIl lihr qoN pRyrnf lY ky ivdysLF c vsdy pMjfbIaF dy mnF c ivi-gafnk soc dI rosLnI ibKyr ky ijMLdgI coN aMD ivsLvfsF dy hnyry nUM Auzf ky sfvyN pwDry qy KusLhfl jIvn dy rfh qorn leI, qrksLIl klcrl sus-fietI afP vYnkUvr (kYnyzf) dy pRDfn avqfr igwl nfl hoeI mulfkfq dy pRmuwK aMsL pfTkF leI pRkfsLq kr rhy hF.

    qusIN qrksLIl lihr nfl kd juVy?

    1984 c jd pMjfb dI DrqI qy qrksLIl lihr df afgmn hoieaf qF Aus smyN mYN pMjfb hI sF. mYN jd susfietI du-

    afrf pRkfsLq plyTI pusqk qy dyv pursL hfr gey hor sfihq piVHaf qF mYnUM lwgf ik ies Kyqr ivwc kMm krn dI loV hY pr mYN tryz XU-nIan lihr dy iewk aMg vjoN tYknIkl srivs XUnIan leI kMm kridaF myrI ijL Mm yvfrI ijLafdf

    hox kfrn mYN ies Kyqr vwl ijLafdf iDafn nf dy sikaf. iPr vI mYN Aus smyN jgrfAuN c qrksLIl susfietI pMjfb (rij:) df XUint bxfieaf qy BdOV ivKy hoey pihly iejlfs c sLmUlIaq kIqI. kihx qoN Bfv mYN qrksLIl lihr nfl ies dy jnm smyN qoN hI juiVaf hoieaf hF.

    kYnyzf jf ky qusIN qrksLIl lihr dI kI loV mihsUs kIqI?

    1994 c jd mYnUM kYnyzf jfx df mOkf imilaf qF mYN vyiKaf ik AuWQy ieMzIaf nfloN vI vwD iewQy qrksLIl ivcfrF dy prcfr psfr dI jLrUrq hY. BfvyN kYnyzf vrgy dysL c ijLMdgI dI hr shUlq hY pr pMjfbI BfeIcfry c vihmF-

    BrmF qy aMD ivsLvfsF dI vI koeI kmI nhIN hY. sfry pMjfbI aKLbfrF c joqsLIaF, cyilaF, qFqirkF qy Twg bfibaF dy vwzy-vwzy iesLiqhfrF nfl Bry huMdy hn. aKLbfrF dI kmfeI AunHF qy hI inrBr huMdI hY. AuWQy idn rfq KUn psInf iewk krn vfly pMjfbI afpxIaF musLklF dy hwl leI ienHF dMBIaF dy cuMgl ivwc Psdy hn qy afpxI mfnisk qy afriQk luwt krvfAuNdy hn. AuWQy jf ky ieh vrqfrf mYnUM bhuq awKi-raf qy qrksLIlqf dy prcfr dI loV jfpI.

    kYnyzf c qrksLIl susfietI bxfAux df kI sbwb bixaf?

    1995 c jd dunIaF Br c mMdrF aMdr pwQr dIaF mUrqIaF vwloN duwD pIx dI aPvfh PYlI qF mYN vYnkUvr c iewk tfk sLoa dy sMc-flk nUM ies msly qy gwlbfq clfAux leI ikhf qy AunHF mYnUM hI gwlbfq leI bulf ilaf. jd tfk sLoa cwilaf qF mYN spwsLt kIqf ik dunIaF Br ivwc aijhI koeI gYbI sLkqI nhIN hY. jykr dunIaF Br df koeI ivakqI aijhI krfmfq kr skdf hY qF mYN afpxy vwloN Aus nUM pMjfb dI susfietI vwloN

    rwKy 1 lwK rupey dy ienfm dy brfbr zflr dyx dI pysLksL kIqI. soLa c bihs cldI rhI pr iksy ny myrI cuxOqI nUM svIkfr nf kIqf. ieh vyK ky myrf hONslf viDaf qy mYN ies Kyqr c kMm krn df mn bxfieaf.

    kYnyzf dI DrqI qy qusIN qk-sLIl lihr dy aMg vjoN kMm krnf kdo sLurU kIqf?

    1998 c jd gursLrn Bfa jI kYnyzf c nftk krn afey qF AunHF nfl mfstr qrlocn smrflf vI sn. mYnUM ieh jfx ky KusLI hoeI ik Auh qrksLIl susfietI vwloN hI afey sn pr pRogrfmF dy ruJyivaF kfrn AunHF nfl susfietI dI sQf-pnf bfry bhuqI gwlbfq nhIN ho skI. iesy sfl mYnUM vfps ieMzIaf jfxf ipaf qF jd mYN vYnkUvr priqaf qF myry afAux qwk rGbIr iblfspurI hurF AuWQy qrksLIl susfietI dI sQfpnf kr leI sI. mYN vI susfietI df mYNbr bx igaf. asIN susfietI df prcfr sLurU kr idwqf. Aus smyN gdrI bfbf sohx isMG Bknf dI bytI bIbI vIrF susfietI dI pRDfn sI. 1999 c jd muV mIitMg hoeI qF Aus smyN amrjIq

    . . z bOzy, jgrUp lopo, sLFqI srUp Koty, gurcrn twlyvflIaf qy

    hrjIq iQMd dI mOjUdgI c mYnUM susfietI df pRDfn cux ilaf igaf. asIN susfietI df ienfm vDf ky 1 lwK zflr kr idwqf. qrksLIl ivcfrF dy prcfr leI nftk tIm bxf ky nftk krny sLurU kIqy. ryzIAu pRogrfmF c prcfr krnf sLurU kr idwqf. sfnUM pRogrfmF leI bulfvy afAux lwgy. iPr asIN PYslf ilaf ik iewQy qrksLIl pRogrfmF dI sLurUafq krky lokF nUM afpxy nfl joVIey.

    vYnkUvr dI DrqI qy qrk-sLIlF dI srgrmI iks qrHF cwlI?

    2004 c acfnk jd sfnUM ieh pqf lwgf ik myG rfj imwqr trFto af irhf hY qF asIN Aus nfl sMprk kIqf. afpxy vwloN asIN vYnkUvr c nftk mylf krvfAux df PYslf ilaf. myly leI asIN iewk skUl buwk kIqf, ijs c 600 drsLkF dy bYTx leI hfl sI. sfzy myly c 450 dy krIb drsLk phuMcy qy mylf sPl irhf. myly c myG rfj imwqr dy afAux nfl ryzIAu qy cwlI bihs c bfbf dIp isMG dI sLhIdI bfry iksy kflr dy jvfb c hoeI qkrfrb-fjLI sfzy leI isrdrdI qF bxI pr asIN ikvyN nf ikvyN

    Aus qy kfbU pf ilaf. awj qwk vI qrks L Il srgrmIaF c ikqy nf ikqy Auh qkrfr sfzf i p w C f krd I rihMdI hY. iPr 2005 c jd qrksLIl sus-f ietI p Mj fb vwloN blivMdr brn f l f j I sfzy pfs afey, ies nfl sfzI srgrmI n U M h ul fr f im i-laf . 2006 c brim MGm qoN hrIsL ml-hoqrf jI sfzy myly c phuMcy. ies qrHF kYnyzf

    c qrksLIlqf df prcfr awgy vDx lwgf.

    kYnyzf c pMjfbI BfeIcfry ivwc iks qrHF dy aMD ivsLvfs pfey jFdy hn?

    jykr ieh kih ilaf jfvy ik AWuQy sfzy pMjfb nfloN vI geI gujrI hflq hY qF sLfied ies ivwc koeI aiq kQnI nhIN hovygI. pMjfbIaF ny BfvyN Aus DrqI qy jf ky qrwkI kr leI hY pr AunHF dI mfnisk hflq c koeI bhuqf Prk nhIN ipaf. Auh awj vI joqsLIaF, qFqirkF qy aKOqI bfibaF dy cuMgl ivwc Psy hoey hn. af-pxy Gr dIaF smwisafvF nUM hwl krn, pYsy tky nUM pRfpq krn, muMzy dI pRfpqI qy hor msilaF leI Auh aijhy gYbI sLkqI dy aKOqI dfavydfrF dI hfjLrI Brdy hn qy afpxI srIrk, mfnisk qy afriQk luwt krvfAuNdy hn. AuWQy vs-dIaF pMjfbxF vwloN afpxIaF iewCfvF dI pUrqI leI rfq nUM cOkF c nhfAux qy tUxy-tfmx krn dIaF GtnfvF aksr hI ryzIAu dy tfk sLoaF c crcf df ivsLf bxdIaF hn.

    kYnyzf c susfietI df kfrj Kyqr kI hY qy qusIN qrk-sLIlqf dy prsfr leI ikhVy ZMg qrIky apxfAuNdy ho?

    joqsLI, qFqirk qy aKOqI bfby afpxI JUT dI dukfndfrI nUM cmkfAux leI muwK qOr qy aKLbfrF c iesLiqhfrbfjLI krdy hn. Auh ies qy motf rupieaf Krc krdy hn. hfl dI GVI sfzI qrksLIl susfietI vwzI igxqI c Cpdy pMjfbI aKLbfrF c AunHF dy mukfbly dI iesLiqhfrbfjLI krn dy smrwQ nhIN hY. muwK qOr qy asIN afpxf prcfr ryzIAu qy huMdy pRogrfmF c krdy hF. asIN aijhy dMBIaF nUM KwulHI cuxOqI idMdy hF. ryzIAu suxn vfly pMjfbI sfzI soc pRqI hF pwKI huMgfrf Brdy hn. qrksLIlqf dy prcfr leI asIN hr sfl nftk myly krdy hF. trFto c crnjIq Koty, pfrkF qy hor jnqk QfvF qy jf ky jfdU dy tirwkF nfl pMjfbIaF df mnorMjn krdy hoey qrksLIl soc dy psfr leI vDIaf kMm kr irhf hY.

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    joqsLIaF, qFqirkF dy kUV prcfr nfl qusIN iks qrHF isJdy ho?

    asIN sLurU c AunHF nUM qrksLIl susfietI pMjfb (rijL) vwloN rwKy 1 lwK rupey dy ienfm dI cuxOqI idwqI sI pr sfzI cuxOqI kbUl krn leI koeI nhIN inwqiraf. iPr asIN ieh rfsLI bdl ky 1 lwK zflr ivwc qbdIl kr idwqI pr iPr vI iksy ny ies nUM kbUl nf kIqf. awjkwlH asIN qrksLIl klcrl susfietI afP vYnkUvr vwloN ieh cuxOqI dy rwKI hY ik afpxy afp nUM gYbI sLkqI df dfavydfr dwsx vflf koeI sfD-isafxf, joqsLI qy qFqirk sfzy cYilMj nUM svIkfr krygf qF asIN Aus nUM mUMhoN mMigaf ienfm dyvFgy.

    quhfnUM kdy aijhy dfavydfrF dy dMB df prdf PfsL krn df mOkf imilaf hY?

    aksr hI imldf hY. 2007 dI gwl hY mYN qy rfjU iblf-spurI aijhy qFqikr kol gey ijhVf afpxy mMqr nfl hr qrHF dy msly hwl krn df dfavf krdf sI. asIN Aus qoN Pon qy smF ilaf qy mUMh mMgI

    PIs idwqI. Aus ny iblfspurI vwloN dwsIaF musLklF dy hwl leI mMqr dyx df dfavf krdy hoey iewk itRwk nfl vrcfAuxf cfihaf. itRwk df rfj asIN jfxdy sF. aglI vfr asIN Aus pfs mIzIaf nUM lY ky gey qy Aus nUM dwisaf ik kfgjL nUM grm krky Aus AuWpr AuWBrn vflIaF qsvIrF df itRwk asIN vI jfxdy hF. muafPI mMgx qoN ielfvf Aus kol hor koeI hwl nhIN sI. iesy qrHF iewk vfr sfzf vfh joqsLI nfl ipaf ijhVf pihly hwly hI muafPI mMgx qy AuWqr afieaf.

    nfsiqk hox dy nfqy quhfzy rsqy c iks qrHF rukfvtF afAuNdIaF hn?

    asIN aYlfnIaf nfsiqk hF. nfsiqk hoxf qF afpxy afp c PKr vflI gwl hY pr DrmF dy Tykydfr keI vfr sfzy nfsiqk hox nUM insLfnf bxfAuNdy hn pr asIN af-pxIaF dlIlF vfly zyiraF qy qFqirkF dy iKlfP hn ies leI Auh qrksLIlF dy kfj dI srfhnf vI krdy hn

    pr aMdroN Auh jfxdy hn ik aslIaq kI hY.

    quhfzI njLr c AuWQy vsdf pMjfbI BfeIcfrf qFqirkF dy cuMgl c ikAuN Psdf hY?

    ies dy keI kfrn hn. AuWQoN dI ijLMdgI ruJyivaF BrI hY qy sKq hY. sfzy lok vwD qoN vwD pYsf iekwqr krn, dUsiraf nUM afpxy kfbU c krn qy hor awgy vDx dy lflc c aKOqI bfibaF dy jfl c Psdy hn. lflc c afpxf kmfieaf Dn AunHF nUM lutfAuNdy hn. jd kuJ hfsl nhIN huMdf qF iPr qrksLIlF dI shfieqf mMgdy hn pr sfhmxy nhIN afAuxf cfhuMdy. qFqirkF dy cuMgl c Psx kfrn aigafnqf dy nfl-nfl AunHF dIaF iewCfvF vI hn ijhVIaF iksy nf iksy rUp c Auh pUrIaF krnIaF cfhuMdy hn.

    kI AuWQy vI BUqF-pRyqF dI gwl cldI hY qy rhwsmeI GtnfvF dy kys vfprdy hn?

    hF, pMjfbI BfeIcfry ivwc qF BUqF-pRyqF dI gwl afm hY. hux

    (bfkI pMnf 32 qy)

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    ijs BfrqI swiBaqf df asI N mfx krdy hF, Auh lgBg awT sdIaF qoN, bfhroN afey DfV-vIaF qy aMgryjLF dy pRBfvF aDIn rhI hY qy asIN AunHF dI aDIngI vI kUbldy rhy hF. bfhroN afey DfVvIaF ivwcoN muglF df pRBfv, sB qoN vDyry kbUilaf hY, ikAuNik AunHF df rfj-kfl iqMn sdIaF qwk kfiem irhf. iek inwjI imsfl vI ieWQy kuQF nhIN hovygI. jdoN qfijksqfn qoN AuLjLbyiksqfn dIaF rfjDfnIaF qfsLkMd qy smrkMd jfx df mOkf imilaf qF AuWQoN dy bMidaF dIaF pwgF, aOrqF dIaF kuVqI-slvfrF qy cuMnIaF dyK ky jfipaf sI ijvyN pMjfb dy iksy ipMz iPrdy hoeIey. mkfn aMdroN bhuq sfP-suQry qy rwjy puwjy lokF vrgy sn. tI[ vI[ tYlIPon, glIcy, soPy sB kuJ sI. pr bfhroN kwcIaF kMDF, sfzy ipMzF vFg imwtI nfl ilwpIaF hoeIaF sn, (muglF dy vzyry ienHF hI ielfikaF dy sn.)

    igafrvIN-bfrvIN sdI qoN afey sfry DfVvI dwrf-KYbr rsqy

    afAux kfrn pihlF pMjfb AuWqy Dfvf boldy sn. AunHF dy pi-hrfvy, bol-cfl qy rihx-si-hx df pRBfv pYxf suBfivk sI. muglF dy rfj smyN pMjfbI BfsLf qy jo pRBfv ipaf, Auh ies df pRqwK sbUq hY. ivsyLsL qOr qy pMjfbIaF nfl rfbqf kfiem krn leI AunHF ny juwt-sLbd vrqxy sLurU kIqy. imsfl vjoN: icwtf-sPYd, kflf-isafh, pIlf-jLrd, lfl-surK afid. ienHF ivwc pihlf sLbd pMjfbI hY qy dUsrf PfrsI. hOlI-hOlI ienHF sLbdF dy arQ vI bdl gey qy pMjfbI BfsLf df muhfvrf vI. hux inry icwty dy arQ hor hn qy icwty-sPYd dy hor. isrP lfl dy arQ sDfrn lfl rMg hn, pr lfl-surK dy arQ bhuq gUVHf lfl hn.

    ies qoN agFh aijhy juwt-sLbdF ny pMjfbI BfsLf df muh-fvrf vI bdilaf. awj vI pMjfbI (Kfs krky pyNzU lok) pfxI-DfxI, rotI-rftI, dfl-dUl, QflI-QUlI, kOlI-kUlI vrgy juwt sLbd afm vrqdy hn, jdoN ik mgrlf sLbd inrfrQk huMdf hY. ieh sQfnk

    lokF nfl rfbqy leI vrqy jfx vfly jwut-sLbd df pRBfv sI, jo BfsLf dy muhfvry c bdl igaf.

    muglF dy rfj df Kfqmf aM-gryjLF dy afAux nfl hoieaf. aMgryjLF ny rfj-pRbMD leI aMgryjLI vrqxI sLurU kIqI qF suBfivk hI, pUry dysL aMdr aM-gryjLI dy sLbd pRcwlq ho gey. imsfl vjoN ryl (gwzI) kfr, klwc, bryk, hYt, bUt, isgnl (isMgl) qy aijhy hor sLbd suBfivk hI pMjfbI ivwc sLfml ho gey. AunHF df pihrfvf, rfj-pRbMD qy rihx-sihx df pRBfv vI asIN kbUilaf. sB qoN vDyry pRBfv ivwidak Kyqr ivwc ipaf. skUl, kflj, XUnI-vristIaF aMgryjLF ny sQfpq kIqIaF. ienHF ivwc ikhVy ivsLy ikvyN pVHfey jfx qy Pyr piVHaF-iliKaF qoN, rfj-pRbMD kfiem rwKx qy AuhnUM pwky-pYrIN krn leI, ijho ijhy ivwidak-ZFcy dI aMgryjLF nUM loV sI, AunHF ny Ausy nUM ivksq kIqf. (sfzI gulfm mfniskqf ies hwd qwk jf phuMcI ik brqf-nIaf ivwc pVH ky afieaF nUM ieMglYNz-irtrnz ikhf jFdf

    sI qy aijhy bMidaF nUM sB qoN vDyry mfx-iewjLq imldI sI).

    BfrqI lokF dI sB qoN vwzI kmjLorI ijLhnI gulfmI hI nhIN, smfj leI ivkfs-ZMg vI aMgryjLF qy pwCmI dysLF vfly afpxfey, jo pihlF aMgryjLF rfhIN sfzy qwk phuMcdy rhy, hux amrIkf qy pwCmI dysLf qoN iswDy phuMc rhy hn. dysL dy ivkfs dIaF sB XojnfvF, pwCmI (XUrpIn) dysLF dy arQ-sLsqrIaF dy dwsy hoey isDFqF anusfr bxdIaF hn. ienHF XojnfvF nUM amlI rUp dyx leI vI Auho ZMg vrqy jFdy hn, jo pwCm qoN sfzy qwk phuMcdy hn. afDuink ivkfs leI isrP ZMg-qrIky hI pwCmI dysLF vfly nhIN vrqy jFdy, ienHF leI ivigafnk qy qknflojI vI pwCmI dysLF dI vrqI jFdI hY, ikAuNik Auh ivkisq hI AunHF ny kIqI hY.

    afDuink Xuwg dy ivkfs dy sB ZMg-qrIky qy iehdy leI ivigafn qy qknflojI dy XMqr (msLInF) pwCmI dysLF ny hI eIjfd kIqy hn. afm msLInF qoN lY ky hvfeI jhfjLF, pulfV-

    ivmfnF qy supr kMipAUtrF qwk df ivkfs amrIkf qy pwCmI dysLf ny kIqf hY. ivigafn dIaF do mUl sfKfvF-BOiqk qy rsfiexk ivigafn df smuwcf ivkfs pwCmI ivigafnIaF ny kIqf hY. ivigafn dIaF hor anyk sfKfvF df ivkfs vI ienHf dysLF aMdr hoieaf hY. pOxy do ku sO sfl pihlF hI aMgryjL ivigafnI cfrls zfrivn ny hI ieh iswD kIqf ik DrqI qy jIv-jMqU ikMJ pYdf hoey qy afdmI vI, iek ivkisq jfqI dy bFdr qoN hI awj dI dsLf qwk phuMicaf hY. awj ieh scfeI sfrf sMsffr pRvfn kr cuwikaf hY, ijs df do sdIaF pihlF iksy nUM vI pqf nhIN sI nf koeI mMnx nUM iqafr sI (Dfrimk pfdrIaF ny qF kfprnIks vFg zfrivn nUM vI Gyr ilaf sI ik Auh bfeIvl dy Ault bol irhf hY). awj sMsfr dy ivwidak adfry zfrivn dy isDFq nUM skUlI ivwidaf qoN vI afrMB krdy hn. sfzI gulfm mfnsikqf df pYdf kIqf hIx-Bfv ies hwd qwk phuMc igaf ik jy pwCmI ivigafn idn nUM rfq khy qF


    zf: guridafl isMG nfvislt

    asIN awKF mIc ky mMn lvFgy. ieho kfrn hY ik sfzy sMsfr dy sB qoN vwzy lokqMqr dy inrm-fqf, afpxy dysL dy vfqfvrx, abfdI, BOiqk hflfq vwloN awKF mIt ky, dysL dI hr CotI-vwzI smwisaf df hwl pwCmI dysLF dy ZMg nfl krnf cfhuMdy hn. jdoN ik sfzIaF smwisafvF, smfijk afDr qy ieiqhfs AunHF qoN iblkul vwKrf hY. ies vKryvyN nUM smJx leI hyTlI imsfl dyxI TIk hovygI.

    brqfnIaf dI rfjDfnI lMzn, jrmnI dy vwzy sLihr PrYNk-Prt, rUs dI rfjDfnI mfsko qy dUjy vwzy sLihr lYinngrfz (hux pItrgrfz) ivwc jfx df mOkf imilaf qF ienHF sfry

    (bfkI pMnf 49 qy)

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    Highlights from 2012 British Columbia Budget

    Continued from last week.

    Childrens Fitness Credit and Childrens Arts Credit

    The BC government introduced two new non-refundable tax credits for the BC families. Starting 2012 Childrens Fitness Credit and the Childrens Arts Credit will available for the families which will calculated as 5.06% of eligible expenditures. These credits will be limited to $500 per child.

    Medical Expense Credit Expenditure Limit for Other Dependents

    Starting 2012 BC government eliminated the $10,000 limit that applied to medical expenses claimed in respect of dependents other than a spouse or minor child.

    Please ccontact Parminder Parmar, CA with any questions at 604-897-7591 or [email protected].

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  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 24Punjabi Patrika

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    suhxy sfP qy srIr nfl Pby kwpiVaF ivc mYN iksy mhF ic-wqrkfr df sLfhkfr vyK irhf sF. Aus nUM vyK ky myrIaF awKF hYrfnI ivc TTMbr geIaF. ies qoN ibnF mYN afpxy aMdr iek qrHF nINd-nsLf ijhf vI pRqIq kr irhf sF.

    mYN Aus ivc aOgux lwBx dI bVI koisLsL kIqI, pr ieh iPqrq dy Ault sI, ikAuNik ijhVI cIjL iek vfr cMgI bxky aMdr afvy, Aus dy nuks vI cMigafeIaF ivc bdl jFdy hn. AuNJ kuVIaF sfrIaF hI sohxIaF huMdIaF hn, pr Aus ivc isPqF dI kuJ vDyry hI lfmzorI sI. mYN Aus nUM vyK

    Zpgq YphgvyK iek aijwq qy nvIN KusLI aMdr mfx irhf sF. pr bfhroN mnuwKI axK df kfiel pMjfbI mfsk pwqr AuWqy aYvyN njLrF suwt irhf sF.

    stysLn mfstr afpxy kMm vloN ivhly hoey

    aqy mYnUM puwCx lwgy, awjkl kI ivcfrdy ho?

    afqm isDFq.

    qusIN BgqI dy kfiel ho jF igafn dy?

    BgqI ivc dI lMG ky hI iek jigafsU igafn qwk puwjdf hY, mYN inrsMdyh igafn nUM aiDkqf dyNdf hF.

    qd iPr quhfzy iKafl ivc BgqI Bfv nfl mukqI nhIN imldI?

    hF BgqI dvMqvfd ibnF nhIN ho skdI aqy igafn kyvl iek bRhm df hI jxfiek hY. ieh myrf iKafl nhIN, sLfsqr dsdy hn.

    iek afdmI bfhroN hiPaf hoieaf afieaf aqy Aus afAuNidaF hI stysLn mfstr qoN puwiCaf, jI bfbU jI! gwzI ikMny vjy afAU jI?

    bs afAux hI vflI hY.

    Pyr jI m Yn U M itkt dI imhrbfnI kr idE. Aus grIb ijhf bxidaF ikhf.

    ilaf PVf pYsy. bfbU jI dy ichry qy guwsy dy icMnH sn. Auh Aus afdmI nUM itkt dyx cly gey. Aus kuVI ny myry koloN pMjfbI rsflf hwQ dI sYnq nfl mMigaf, mYN myjL awgy pey rsfly nUM Aus vwl vDf idwqf. bfbU jI af ky myry nfl iPr iesy ivsLy qy bihs krn lwg pey. myrIaF Tos dlIlF awgy bfbU jI dI koeI pysL nf jfvy. mYnUM ieAuN jfpdf sI, ijvyN Auh XuvqI myrIaF khIaF jf rhIaF gwlF nUM bVy iDafn nfl sux rhI hY. BfvyN Aus dIaF njLrF rsfly qy iPr rhIaF sn, pr Aus nUM kwK smJ nhIN pY rhI sI. ikAuNik Auh

    keI vfr rsfly dI kMnI nIvIN krky mYnUM vyK vI lYNdI sI. sLfied Aus df mn corI vyKx leI mjLbUr sI, pr lok-lfj df QoVf zr prdy dI Et lY irhf sI. mYN ies gwlbfq dy smyN ivwc iek gwl df anumfn hI nhIN, inscf kr ilaf sI ik ies suihrd kuVI dy aMdr iek hmdrd idl hY, koeI guwJI ijhI BuwK hY, ijhVI hr afdmI nhIN jfx skdf.

    bfbU jI ny AuDroN muVidaF ikhf, quhfzf sLfierF df asl ivwc iksy cIjL qy vI inscf nhIN huMdf. asIN sfry hI hws pey.

    iek kulI aMdr afieaf aqy Aus ikhf, bfbU jI! gwzI isgnl Cwz afeI.

    asIN sfry bfhr inkly. suM-drI ny myrf rsflf PVFidaF DMnvfd kIqf. mYN jvfb ivc ikhf, qusIN sPr ivc vI ies nUM pVH skdy ho!

    qusF afp pVHnf hovygf?

    nhIN, mYN jo kuV pVH cuwkf hF, Aus nUM ivcfr lvFgf.


    asIN awz awz gwzI cVHy. myrf idl cfhuMdf sI ik ies sohxI kuVI nfl sPr krF, hfx ipafrf. kI pqf Aus df idl vI iek zwby ivc rl bihx nUM krdf hovy. asIN iJjk aDIn iek dUjy nUM kuJ nf kih sky. agly stysLn qy ieMjn pfxI lYx leI afm stysLnF nfloN bhuqf icr Kloqf. mYN Auqr ky plyt Pfrm qy iPrn lwg ipaf. plytPfrm qy vwzy vwzy icxy pwQr vyK ky mjLdUr dI krVI imhnq hAuky BrdI jfpI. myry qrs nfl psIj rhy idl ivc ienklfb dIaF lihrF Jrn Jrn iPrn lwgIaF. mYN socdf sF, dunIaF qkVy mfVy dI jMg hY. ijLMdgI nfl kuJ iensfP nhIN kIqf jf irhf.

    AudoN hI ieMjn ny sItI mfrI aqy gwzI qurn leI iek vfr hI ihwlI. mYN Jwt ijhVf zwbf

    awgy afieaf, Aus ivc hI cVH igaf. agy EhI suMdrI bYTI sI. Auh mYnUM vyK ky by-mlUm ijhf muskrfeI. pr mYN kfPI sLrm mihsUs kIqI. iKafl krdf sF ik ies suMdrI dy idl jLrUr sLwk pY igaf hovygf, ik mYN jfx buwJ ky hI Asu dy zwby ivc afieaf hF. pr Aus ikhf, afE nf, bYTo!

    Aus dy khy hoey sLbd bVy imwTy sn, mYN bihMidaF Aus df DMn-vfd kIqf. mYnUM hfly vI afpxf aMdr jLKmI jfpdf sI. Aus dI mMd mMd pRsMnqf dyK mYN af-pxf iKafl BulfAux df Xqn kIqf. Aus kuVI dI bol cfl qoN mYN iKafl kIqf ik pVHI ilKI hox qoN ibnf isafxI vI bhuq hY. Aus ruk ky ikhf, quhfzy iKal bVy pivwqr hn.

    pivwqr qF kyvl mn hI ho skdf hY qy Aus ivc dI lMGI hr cIjL Aus dy rUp ivc rMgI jFdI hY.

    quhfzI hr gwl hYrfn krn vflI hY.

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    ieh sux ky mYN lwjf nfl nIvIN pf leI aqy Aus dy sYNzl vyKx lwg ipaf, ijhVy kfly rMg ivc gory pYrF qoN qy icwtI sfVHI nfl cMgy sjy hoey sn. Aus ny muV puwiCaf, kI qusIN sLfier vI ho?

    aYvyN kdy tuwty Puwty sLbd joVdf huMdf hF.

    aYnI CotI Aumr ivc aYny gux ikvyN af skdy hn. kvI hoxf, Bgvfn dy ipafr dI cytk qy PlfsPr. mY N qy quhfzIaF iek do gwlF sux ky hYrfn hF.

    hYrfnI iks gwl dI; sB hYrfnIaF supinaF vrgy Brm huMdIaF hn. sfzy mn aYny Coty qy idmfg aYny kmjLor ho cuwky hn ik AunHF leI hr swcI gwl iek hYrfnI bx jFdI hY.

    mYN quhfzI isafxp dI kdr krdI hF aqy ieh afKx ivc vI iJjk nhIN anuBv krdI ik awj aslIaq dy nyVy igaf afdmI izwTf hY.

    mYN nhIN kih skdf ik ieh ikMnf ku swc hY.

    mYN swcmuc hI lohVy dI sLrm mihsUs kr irhf sF iek

    iesqrI mrd df gwzI ivc ieAuN gwlF krnf pwCmI qi-hjLIb nUM puckfr puckfr kol swdx dy qul sI. pwCmI swiBaqf dI hwdoN vwD KulH nUM awj vI mYN idloN nPrq krdf hF. pr Aus vyly asIN gwlF krdy rihxf jLrUr cfhuMdy sF. jvfn vlvly swiBaqf dIaF hwdF nUM cIr jFdy hn. siBaqf nUM iksy mOky mjLbUr ho ky AunHF dy ipwCy lwgxf pYNdf hY.

    mYnUM ieAuN Bfs irhf sI, ijvyN Auh kuVI mYnUM jfnx leI by-krfr hY pr cuwp qy iJjk ivc gMZ ijhI bxI hoeI sI. idl qy myrf vI aMdroN aMdr pqf krnf cfhuMdf ik ieh kOx kuVI hY qy ikwQoN hY? pr puwC nhIN sF skdf. rwb df hjLfr sLukr ik Aus afp hI pihl kr idwqI aqy myry koloN puwiCaf, quhfzy GrikwQy hn?

    myrf ipMz CInf hY.

    CIny sfzy ipMz dI iewk kuVI ivafhI hoeI hY.

    kI mYN quhfzf ipMz jfx skdf hF?

    qlv M z I . A u s Q o V f muskrFidaf ikhf.

    pMjfb dI mihmfn invfjI df mOj mylf ansfr brnI qy rUbI Zwl ny luwt ilaf. ipCly pOxy pMj virHaF dOrfn pMjfb c aijhy mihmfnF vwloN 110 gyVy lfey gey ijnHF nUM styt gYst df ruqbf idwqf igaf sI. ivdysLI mihmfn vPdF dy rUp ivwc vI afey aqy iekwly iekwly vI pMjfb puwjy. sBnF ivdysLI mihmfnF coN tihl syvf piksqfn dy sfbkf kyNdrI mMqrI ansfr brnI aqy kYnyzf dI sMsd mYNbr rUbI Zwlf dI hoeI hY, Aus df luqP hornF ivdysLI mihmfnF leI pMj qfrf hotlF c Kfx-pIx aqy rihx-sihx df ieMqjLfm kIqf igaf. lMmIaF gwzIaF ikrfey qy GuMmx iPrn leI idwqIaF geIaF. PuwlF nfl svfgq aqy mihMgy qohPy vI ienHF mihmfnF nUM srkfr vwloN Byt kIqy gey. pOxy pMj virHaF dOrfn ienHF ivdysLI mihmfnF dI tihl syvf qy krIb 45 lwK rupey aqy PuwlF aqy qohiPaF qy 7[26 lwK

    rupey Krcy gey. ivakqIgq rUp ivwc sB qoN ijLafdf Krcf ansfr brnI qy afieaf. ieh rkm 9[91 lwK rupey bxdI hY jdoN ik dUsry nMbr qy rUbI Zwlf hY ijs df 4[83 lwK rupey bixaf. pRfhuxc-frI ivBfg pMjfb vwloN sUcnf aiDkfr qihq jo vyrvy idwqy gey hn, AunHF muqfbk pfik-sqfnI vPdF aqy pRfhuixaF vwloN pMjfb dy 31 gyVy lfey gey hn. pfiksqfnI mihmfnF qy srkfr vwloN 15,08904 rupey df Krc kIqf igaf hY. sB qoN mihMgf dOrf ansfr brnI df 6 aprYl, 2008 qoN 17 aprYl 2008 qk df irhf hY. Auh 9 qoN 11 aprYl qk afgrf aqy rfjsQfn gey aqy AuWQoN dy Kfx-pIx df Krcf 11054 rupey pMjfb srkfr vwloN kIqf igaf. brnI dI trFsport df Krcf do lwK rupey afieaf. cMzIgVH aqy aMimRqsfr dy iqMn idnf dOry df Krcf 4,64,609 rupey irhf. qohiPaF dI gwl krIey

    qF brnI nUM srkfr qrPoN 12,179 rupey df islvr momYNto idwqf igaf. PrymF smyq 13 portryt vI qohPy vjoN idwqy gey ijnHF qy 63,700 rupey Krc afey. eynI tihl syvf iksy hor ivdysLI mihmfn dI ivakqIgq rUp ivwc nhIN hoeI.

    rUbI Zwlf qy srkfrI Krcf 4,83,436 rupey hoieaf. Zwlf 16 jnvrI, 2008 nUM muwK mMqrI pRkfs isMG bfdl nUM imlI sI. muwK mMqrI vwloN rUbI nUM 4200 rupey dI kImq dy do dupwty qohPy vjoN idwqy gey aqy drbfr sfihb dI 6090 rupey dI qsvIr vI qohPy vjoN Byt kIqI geI. Aus qoN pihlF rUbI Zwlf 3 qoN 4 jnvrI 2008 qwk aMimRqsr dy mohn ieMtrnYsLnl hotl ivwc TihrI ijwQoN dy Kfxy afid df Krcf 16893 rupey pMjfb srkfr qrPoN idwqf igaf. Aus mgroN rUbI Zwlf iPr afpxy pirvfr smyq 6 jnvrI,

    2011 nUM pMjfb afeI. Auh kfPI smF pMjfb rhI. ies smyN dOrfn pMjfb srkfr vwloN AunHF dI trFsport df Krcf 3,00,656 rupey qfiraf. ies qoN ielfvf 1,55,597 rupey df vwKrf ibwl qfiraf igaf. ievyN hI kYnyzf dy aYm[ pI[ gurbKsL mwlI dI tihl syvf qy srkfr ny 1,53,236 rupey Krc kIqy. AunHF nUM zYl-IgysLn smyq cMzIgVH dy qfj hotl ivwc Tihrfieaf igaf ijs df Krcf 82908 rupey afieaf. pMjfb srkfr nUM sB qoN ssqy ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy sfbkf muwK mMqrI AuWjl dusFJ aqy itwm AuWpl pey. dusFJ dy pMjfb dy do gyiVaF qy isrP 20,488 rupey Krc afey jdoN ik itm AuWpl dy dOry qy kyvl 1218 rupey pMjfb srkfr dy Krc hoey. 10 akqUbr 2007 nUM amrIkI zOlIgysLn qy pMjfb srkfr df 8 lwK 63 hjLfr 609 rupey df Krc afieaf.

    D HC DCF

  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 26Punjabi Patrika

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    pMjfbI pwiqRkf nUM ies gwl df mfx hY ik aYbtsPorz vrgf iewk inguxf ipMz Aus dy awKIN ivhMidaF ivhMidaF bI sI dy iewk vrxnXog sLihr vjoN jfixaF jfx lwgf hY | lwgBg zyZ dhfky qNoN NvwD dy sPLr ivc ieh pwiqRkf sLihr dy rojL-brojLI jIvn ivhfr , ies dI ibjLnYs, KyqI, kfrobfr qy swiBafcfr df ijvyN iewk sLIsLf hI ho inwbiVaf hovy|

    sMjm, suihrdqf, AuwnqI qy sLuhrq dy sPLr ivc ieh sLihr qy ies dI hrmn-ipafrI

    aKLbfr iek dUjy dy hfxI bxdy cly afey hn| ijwQy sLihr dI afbfdI hjLfrF dI igxqI qoN lwKF qwk awpVI , AuwQy pMjfbI pwiqRkf' kuJ-ku pMinaF qoN vD ky swT-swqr pMny `qy awj hPqfvfrI ho inwbiVaf hY |

    sfzy pMjfbIaF dI jIvn sLYlI ivc axigxq AUxqfeIaF qy drjnF GftF ho skdIaF hn pr sfzI sfhsI, AuwdmI

    qy joKm ivc inDVk ho kuwd pYx dI dlyrI ivc sfzf koeI sfnI nhIN| asIN iksy vI jfxy axjfxy ikwqy ivc ijMd-jfn, mfl-Dn dI bfjLI lf ky kuwdxoN kdy guryjL nhIN kIqf| aijhy joKm Bry hfdsy dI imsfl pMjfbI pwuiqRkf dy cIP aYzItr,ipRMtr qy pbilsLr hn aYNzI iswDU hn| Auh KyqI-bfVI dy iek aiDkfrI qoN PfrgL ho ky , afjIvkf leI iksy nvyN ikwqy dI Bfl ivc in-wkly qF jIvn cxOqIaF BrpUr jfipaf AuvyN hI ijvyN iksy nf iksy smyN iewQy afey hr afvfsI nfl vrqdI hY| pqf nhIN iek aKLbfr kwZx df suPnf AunHF nUM ikwQoN Puiraf, jdoN ik nf pMjfbI jLubfn nfl sfihqk vfkPLI , nf pwqrkfrI, nf ipRMitMg qy nf pbilisLMg nfl AunHF df kdI koeI srokfr nf vfh-vfsqf irhf sI| ies Coty ijhy ipMz ivc pwqrkfrI vrgy iek anjfxy Kyqr ivc kuwd pYx dy

    AunHF dy hOsly qy dUr aMdysLI dI dfd dyxI hI bxdI hY |

    ieh AunHF dI axQwk imhnq qy Gflxf df hI sdkf hY ik awj AunHF dI aKLbfr ijvyN iek sMsQf bx geI hovy| iek nhIN, do nhIN, AunHF kol jIvn dy hr Kyqr dy gUVH-igafqfvF dI iek pUrI dI pUrI tIm hY, jo pwiqRkf nUM hr pwKoN iek siqkfrq qy vyxnXog prcf bnfAux leI hr smyN qn-dyhI nfl qfG `c rihMdI hY|

    iewQy iek gwl hor ijLkrXog hY ik pMjfbI pwiqRkf nUM suLrU huMidaF sB qoN vwzI aOkV df sfhmxf sI, Auh ieh ik iksy nvIN sLrU hox vflI aKLbfr leI pihly do sfl do-BfsLI arQfq bfeI-ilMgUal Cpxf jLrUrI sI ijs sdkf Auh srkfrI iesLiqhfrF dI hwkdfr ho skdI sI| sLihr ivc hr qrHF dy ivAupfr df BfvyN AuWkf aBfv qF nhIN sI pr pypr ivc iesLqhfbfjLI koeI jfxdf

    vI nhIN sI| AudoN ieMtrnYt dy ajoky Xuwg df sLurUafq ajy dUr dI gwl sI ik jdoN mrjLI qy ijwQoN mrjLI iksy BfsLf dy iksy lyKk dI koeI ilKq ieMtrnYt qoN cuwk ky Cfp idAu| aMgryjLI BfsLf ivc sfihqk pwKoN kuJ ilKx vfly, Aus vyly awj vFg bhuqy nhIN sn| ajb nhIN ik iekwlf mYN hI hovF| ies krky mYN aYNzI sfihb nUM bfkfiedf Food for Thought dy hY-izMg hyT iek lyK hmysLf Byjdf irhf jdoN qwk ik AunHF dy do sfl pUry nf ho gey| ies gwl df ijLkr krky iswDU sfihb hux vI mYnUM keI vfr sLrmsLfr kr idMdy hn| myrf kyvl iewko mMqv sI ik ies inguxy ijhy grF ivc pwqrkfrI qy iPLr sfihqkfrI df muwZ bwJ sky| pMjfbI pwiqRkf nUM gurdyv isMG mfn vrgy tksflI qy mhfn kvI qy iPr sUbydfr ajfieb isMG iZwloN dI hfsrsI ivaMgmeI kivqf qy kvIsLrI

    Cfpx df mfx pRfpq hY| sUb-ydfr sfihb leI qF iewk vwKrf kflm pwiqRkf ny insLicq kIqf hoieaf sI| dfs dIaF vI gfhy bgfhy bI[sI[ qy pMjfb dI Aus smyN dI isafsq bfry itwpxIaF CpdIaF rhIaF qy ipwCoN jf ky iek pUrI dI pUrI pusqk rhwsvfdI sMq bfbf sLyKL PLrId vI ies pwiqRkf dy kflmF ivc CpdI rhI| hux vI myry ies suJf nUM ik mYN sfihr luiDafxvI PLYjL aihmd PLYjL qy zf: iekbfl vrgy msLhUr AurdU dy sLfierF dIaF pRiswD rcnfvF, arQF smyq AurdU kivqf dy snyhIaF dI Byt krdf rhF, AunHF jI afieaF afiKaf hY|

    aYNzI iswDU dy nfl hI sfzy sfihqkfrF qy sfihq pRymIaF leI ieh iek mfx dI gwl hY ik aYbtsPorz vrgy ies Coty sLihr ivc iek hPqfvfrI vwzI pwiqRkf ies dy jIvn dy Dfrimk, ivAupfrk, BfeIc-

    z: ,

    frk, swiBafcfrk qy sfihqk pwKF nUM rUpmfn krdI hoeI ies dI jLubfn bx ky rih geI hY| sfzI aYbtsPorz pMjfbI sfihq sBf dy awj 31 mYNbr

    hn ij Mn H F ivc iesqrI kivqrIaF vI purn rUp `c sLrIk hn|

    rwb kry! ieh sLihr, ies dI ieh hrmn-ipafrI pwiqRkf qy ies dI sfihq sBf

    pUry jfho-jlfl nfl sdf cVHdIaF klF ivc ivcrdy hoey afpxy ies sohxy sLihr df mfx bxy rihx df suBfg pRfpq krdy rihx!

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    Statement on mediation and seniority rights of teachersMinister of Education George Abbott has is-sued the following state-ment:

    Last week, I introduced Bill 22, which sets a cooling off period and suspends the teach-ers union strike action while calling on the as-sistance of a mediator. It also implements the $165-million Learning Improvement Fund and other measures that will play a fundamental role in the future of education in our province.

    Unfortunately, before Bill 22 was even tabled, the British Columbia Teachers Federation was moving to escalate their strike. The union has since ramped up the rhetoric and distorted what Bill 22 seeks to accomplish.

    A clear example is their claim that Bill 22 strips

    seniority rights from teachers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bill 22 does not change current seniority provi-sions, and it does not strip teachers of senior-ity rights. Seniority will continue to be an im-portant factor in filling teaching positions.

    While the teachers union initially called for mediation, they rejected the approach set out in Bill 22 because it makes it clear that any medi-ated settlement must respect the net-zero man-date. This is no surprise as virtually every other public sector union in the province has signed agreements at net-zero, and government has clearly and consistently stated that the BCTFs demands for a $2-billion increase to wages and benefits are completely

    unreasonable given the current economic reality.

    But there is room to compromise and seek agreement through me-diation on the full range of issues each party brought to the table. Bill 22 simply makes it clear that mediation must attempt to address the local-provincial split of bargaining issues a central issue of im-portance to the BCTF as well as issues of importance to employ-ers including effective feedback and evaluation of teachers to promote improvement, alignment of professional devel-opment with teaching needs, and scheduling and selection of teachers suited to student needs. The mediators mandate is a balanced one seek-ing to address issues of importance to both sides in this dispute.

    The union and their labour allies have taken the desire to discuss the selection of teachers to mean that the govern-ment is aiming to elimi-nate seniority. This is clearly not the case. We believe that qualifica-tions to teach a specific subject area should play a more consistent and significant role when filling vacancies in our schools.

    To be clear, people with greater seniority should have greater job security and protection from layoff than those with less seniority. As well, if two teachers are equally qualified to meet a classroom assign-ment, the person with more seniority should get the job. This is a long-standing principle that we endorse.

    But this does not mean that someone who has never taught nor had any training in mathematics should be entitled to teach mathematics sim-ply because they have seniority.

    In several school dis-tricts, there is effective language in place that balances subject quali-fications with seniority. What the employer is looking for is simply a discussion with the union on how these lo-cal provisions can be more consistently ap-plied provincewide. Bill 22 does not predetermine the outcome. Rather, it requires the mediator to engage the parties in a meaningful discussion on the topic.

    Bill 22 sets out a fair and balanced mediation process to address issues important to both the

    BCTF and the employer in an effort to reach a mediated settlement that follows the lead of vir-tually every other pub-lic sector union in the province by respecting the net-zero mandate. In the days ahead, I hope the BCTF will take a reasonable approach and engage constructively in the mediation process that government has put forward to provide stu-dents and their parents with certainty.

    We believe that the me-diator needs to be able to address these issues in good faith and with re-spect and consideration to both sides so that skill and expertise are considered along with seniority when mak-ing staffing decisions in schools.George Abbott Minister of Education

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    kuznkulm ivKy AusfrI aDIn pRmfxU AUrjf plFt dy ivruwD aMdoln nUM BVkfAux leI ivd-yI svY-syvI jQybMdIaF df hwQ hox df pRDfn mMqrI vwlo do lfAuxf koeI hYrfnI vflI gwl nhIN sI. kI ieh ho skdf sI ik Auh Ausy Bfrq-amrIkf gYr-POjI pRmfxU sMDI dy ivroD ivc koeI kdm cuwkdy, ijs nUM isry cVHfAux leI AunHF ny afpxI srkfr nUM dfa `qy lf idwqf sI aqy DnfZF dy afsry sMsd `c afpxI sPlqf XkInI bxfeI sI? ies gwl df pRqwK sbUq imldf hY ik zf: mnmohn isMG dy dy pRmfxU AUrjf pRogrfm nUM CyqI sLurU krn leI dbfa `c hn. amrIkf, rUs aqy PrFs Bfrq nUM pRmfxU iraYktr aqy hor sf-sfmfn vycx leI Au-qfvly hn ikAuNik ies dy vwlo vDdIaF AUrjf loVF dI pUrqI leI pRmfxU AUrjf smrwQf ivc ivafpk vfDf kIqf jf irhf hY.

    pr jfpfn dy PukUImf pRmfxU hfdsy qo bfad pRmfxU AUrjf ivroDI BfvnfvF byhwd vD ge-IaF hn. mfihrF qy akfdimk hsqIaF sxy vwzI igxqI `c lok TIk hI ieh mihsUs krdy hn ik pRmfxU kqI kuwl imlf

    ky cOigrdy aqy mnuwKI iMdgI leI qbfhkuMn hY. Bfvy aM-dolnkfrIaF ny ivdyI ihwqF leI kMm krdIaF svY-syvI jQybMdIaF dI mdd leI hovy pr kI ienHF aMdolnkfrIaF dI suihrdqf qy vcnbwDqf `qy svfl cuwikaf jf skdf hY? pRDfn mMqrI nUM nyk-nIaq vfly pRmfxU AUrjf ivroDI aMdolnk-frIaF dy mfx-snmfn nUM Dwkf nhIN phuMcfAuxf cfhIdf sI.

    pr pRDfn mMqrI Kud dbfa hyT sn. amrIkf dI ivdy mMqrI ihlyrI kilMtn aqy PrFs qy rUs dy afgU Bfrq dy pRmfxU jvfbdyhI kfnUMn ivc qbdIl-IaF krn leI dbfa pfAuNdy af rhy hn, ijs nUM ik ivdyF dy pRmfxU sf-sfmfn splfeI krn vfly bhuq iafdf sKq qy iekpfsV mMndy hn. Auh pRmfxU iraYktr Bfrq nU M splfeI qF krnf cfhuMdy hn pr Auh ienHF `c koeI KrfbI pYx jF ienHF df hfdsf hox dI afpxy moiZaF `qy koeI iM-myvfrI nhIN lYxf cfhuMdy. 2008 ivc amrIkf nfl ivvfdgRsq sMDI `qy dsqKq hox qo bfad iksy vI pRmfxU AUrjf pRfjYkt nUM aml `c ilafAux ivc

    lgfqfr iml rhI nfkfmXfbI krky vI pRDfn mMqrI afpxy-afp nUM inrf mihsUs kr rhy hn. cfhy Bfrq-amrIkf sMDI qo Bfrq nUM vwzy Pfiedy hox bfry vwzI crcf clfeI jf rhI hY pr swc ieh hY ik ieh sMDI ajy lfgU hoxI hY. sMsd vwlo pfs kIqy gey sKq pRmfxU iM-myvfrI kfnUMn ny Bfrq-amrIkf sMDI dy jo nUM mwTf pf idwqf hY. ikAuNik sMsd vwlo pfs kIqf igaf kfnUMn bdilaf nhIN jf skdf, ies leI srkfr aijhf kuJ krn leI dbfa `c sI ik Auh aijhy inXm bxf dyvy jo ies kfnUMn dI mnf aqy Audy nUM hI krIb-krIb arQhIx kr dyx. ieh ies leI ikAuNik BfvI pRmfxU splfier, kfnUMn ivc qYa kIqI iMmyvfrI nUM afpxy isr nhI lYxf cfhuMdy. jykr pRmfxU AUrjf sO PIsdI surwiKaq hY ijvy ik PrFs, rUs aqy amrIkf qy ieQo qwk ik Bfrq vwlo vI dfavf kIqf igaf hY qF hfdsf hox dI sUrq ivc iMmyvfrI afpxy isr lYx df vfadf krn ivc pRmfxU splfierF nUM koeI ihcikcfht nhIN hoxI cfhIdI. ieh vI hYrfnIjnk gwl hY ik pRDfn mMqrI ny afpxy hI mMqrI jYrfm

    - z , - z rmy nUM hI jIn pirvriqq PslF df smrQn krky ipwCy pf idwqf sI. ies mfmly ivc vI pwCmI qfkqF srkfr `qy ieh dbfa pf rhIaF hn ik Auh jIn pirvriqq PslF dI ibjfeI nUM pUrI qrHF KuwlH dyvy ikAuNik pwCmI dyF dIaF kfrporyt kMpnIaF BfrqI KyqI Kyqr ` qy afpxf kbf jmfAuxf cfhuMdIaF hn.

    pRmfxU AUrjf aqy jIn pirvr-iqq PslF ivruwD lV rhy kfrkuMnF `qy do lf ky pRDfn mMqrI nf isrP ivdyI kfr-poryt kMpnIaF dy ihwq sfDdy hn, sgo ies qo vI nIvy pwDr dy kdm dy rUp ivc BfrqIaF dy bihs clfAux qy aMdoln krn dy jmhUrI aiDkfrF nUM vI swt mfr rhy hn. Auh aijhI srgrmI nUM ivdyI kMpnIaF dy

    ihwqF dy ivruwD mMndy hn. ai-jhI gYr-jmhUrI phuMc pRDfn mMqrI nUM soBdI nhIN. pRDfn mMqrI amrIknF df dbfa Jwlx qo asmrwQ rhy hn. AunHF vwlo sfbkf amrIkI pRDfn bu nUM iek vfr kMbdI afvf ivc ieh afiKaf igaf sI ik sfry BfrqI quhfnUM ipafr krdy hn.`

    rfsLtrpqI gRFt dI irsLvqKorI dI pusLqpnfhI df hI iewk hor idlcsp ikwsf.mUl invfsIaF dy msly XuwD ivBfg dy aDIn sn. AunHF dIaF jLmInF qy kbjLy aqy AunHF jLmInF dI muV vMz sony dI Kfn vFg sI. ies mihkmy ivwc lok vwzIaF irsLvqF dy ky afpxIaF inXukqIaF krvf lYNdy sn. ieh irsLvqF Coty aiDkfrIaF qoN lY ky XuwD mMqrI qwk puwjdIaF sn. XuwD mMqrI Aus vyly ivlIam eI bYlnYp sI. jdoN ieh skYNzl nMgf hoieaf qF mMqrI df afpdf iswDf hwQ ies ivwc bynkfb ho igaf. pr asLky grFt dy Aus ny cuwp cfp Bry mn nfl mMqrI

    df asqIPf prvfn krky Aus dy sfry gunfhF nUM bKsL idwqf.

    hr srkfrI ivBfg irsLvqKorI dI AulJnI ivwc qfr qfr Pisaf hoieaf sI. srkfrI kMmF dy Tyky motIaF rkmF lY ky idwqy jFdy sn. vpfrIaF qoN mo-tIaF supfrIaF leIaF jFdIaF sn. nyvI ivwc qF irsLvq KorI sfry mihkimaF nfloN isKrF qy sI. hom zIpfrtmYNt jLmInF dI alftmYNt afm jn-sDfrn nUM loV anusfr krn dI bjfey motIaF rkmF bdly dlflF nUM kr idMdy sn, agoN dlfl afpxy vwloN lokF nUM AuhI jLmInF mihMgy Bfa vyc ky hwQ rMgdy sn.

    mfstr mlkIq isMG

    AudoN qF hwd hI ho geI jdoN ieMglYNz ivwc lwgy amrIkI rfjdUq ny afpxy ahudy dI durvrqoN krdy hoey aMgryjL lokF aijhIaF kMpnIaF dy sLyar mihMgy BfvF ivwc vyc idwqy ijhVIaF kMpnIaF df amrIkf ivwc koeI nf insLfn vI nhIN sI.

    AunHF vyilaF ivwc ies rfjdUq krky ieMglYNz dy lokF nfl kroVF pfAUzF dI TwgI mfrI geI. lMzn sLihr ivwc qF bhuq sfry TwgI vwjx df sdmf nf shfrdy hoey awlf nUM ipafry ho gey aqy bhuq sfry hor afpxf mfnisk sMquln gvf bYTy.

  • Friday, March 9th, 2012 PAGE 29Punjabi Patrika

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    sdIAW pihlW jdoN Awid mnu`K ny jnm ilAw qW AOrq qy purS donoN hoNd iv`c Awey[ kudrqI ivkws nUM A`gy lY ky jwx leI dohW dy pRspr sbMDW qihq mnu`K dw ivkws hoxw sMBv hoieAw hY[byS`k izMdgI dI jdojihd iv`c AOrq brwbr dI BweIvwl hox sdkw vI 19vIN sdI iv`c 1869 eI: iv`c ibRitS AYm. pI. john stUrt im`l pihlW ienswn sI ijsny pwrlImYNt iv`c AOrq nUM vot dw h`k dyx dI g`l kIqI sI Aqy 19 sqMbr, 1893 iv`c inaUzIlYNf sMswr iv`c sB qoN pihlw dyS sI ijs iv`c AOrq nUM vot dw h`k imilAw[1910 iv`c kMm krn vwlIAW AOrqW dI dUjI AMqrrwStrI kwnPrMs kopnhYgn iv`c hoeI[ SoSl fYmokrYitk pwrtI jrmnI lIfr klwrw jYtikn ny ies mIitMg iv`c AMqrrwStrI AOrq idvs dw ivcwr id`qw sI Aqy ausny ikhw ik hr swl hr dyS ie`ko hI idn AOrq idvs mnwieAw kry qy auh

    AwpxIAW mMgW d`s sikAw krngIAW[ ies kwnPrMs iv`c 100 qoN v`D 17 dySW dIAW AOrqW ny ih`sw ilAw qy klwrw jYtikn dy suJwA nUM kbUlidAW AMqrrwStrI idvs nUM mnwaux leI hwmI Br id`qI[ sB qoN pihlW AMqrrwStrI AOrq idvs 1911 iv`c 19 mwrc dw idn im`iQAw igAw[ ies qrIk nUM 1848 dy ienklwb smyN, prSIAn rwjy ny hiQAwrbMd lokW dy roh qoN fr ky auhnW nwl bhuq swry vwAdy kIqy sn ijnHW iv`c AOrqW nUM vot dw h`k vI sI pr bwAd iv`c mu`kr igAw sI[ ies krky ieh idn bdl ky 8 mwrc dw idn AMqrrwStrI AOrq dy idvs nwl mnwauxw SurU kIqw[ pihlW pihl AOrqW nU M kMm dy 8 GMitAW dI mzdUrI qy AOrqW nUM vot dy h`k dIAW mMgW nUM pyS kIqw igAw[1913 iv`c 8 mwrc dw idn bhuq swry dySW iv`c AMqrrwStrI idvs dy nW nwl mnwieAw jwx l`igAw qy keI dySW iv`c ies idn

    dI srkwrI Cu`tI vI huMdI hY[ ijvyN cIn, rUs, bylwrs, blgwrIAw, kzwiksqwn, kirigsqwn, mYsyfonIAw, qwziksqwn, mMg olIAw, XUkryn, mwlfovw, Ar-mInIAw, aUzbyiksqwn qy vIAqnwm[ dunIAW dw sB qoN AmIr qy ivkwsmeI dyS AmrIkw ny vI AMqrrwStrI AOrq idvs nUM 1975 iv`c AOPISIAl mwnqw id`qI hY[19vIN qy 20vIN sdI dy sMGrS dw ieiqhws dyKx qoN bwAd swfy mnW iv`c 21vIN sdI dI AOrq dI A`j dI siQqI kI hY? kI auh Azwd hY? ausdI A`j dI dSw qy idSw kI hY? kI ausnUM swry h`k hwsl hn? kI ausdI lVweI Kqm ho geI hY? kI A`j dI pwvr vUmYn AwpxI mMzl qy phuMc geI hY? AYho ijhy svwl KVHy huMdy hn[A`j jdoN AsIN srsrI nzr mwrdy hW qW dyKx nUM l`gdw hY ik AOrq Azwd ho geI hY sgoN keI QwvW qy mrdW nwloN vI A`gy lMG cu`kI hY[pMUjIpqI smwj ny iesnUM iksy h`d

    q`k smwijk qy rwjnIiqk pVwvW qy mrd dy brwbr ilAWdw hY, iesdy jnm dI dSw nUM suDwrn dy Xqn kIqy jw rhy hn Aqy bhuq swry nwrI sMgTnW ny iesnUM vsqW vWg in`jI jwiedwd dy cuMgl iv`coN k`Fx dI koiSS kIqI hY pr iPr vI swfy smwj dI sMkIrx qy pRMprwvwdI soc Ajy au`Qy hI KVHI hY qW hI qW A`j dy Xu`g iv`c vI BrUx h`iqAw, blwqkwrW dI igxqI, ihMsw dIAW v`D rhIAW vwrdwqW, ivAwh vyly Krcy dI bhuqwq, mUMh mMgIAW dwj dIAW ilstW Aqy AOrq dw bzwrIkrx ieh AOrq dI qr`kI nhIN sgoN SoSx dIAW imswlW hn[SoSx qy AD-wrq smwj kdy vI brwbrqw dw, lu`t rihq smwj nhIN ho skdw ijs smwj iv`c ieho ijhIAW GtnwvW smwj dI l`gB`g A`DI AbwdI nwl vwpr rhIAW hox auh smwj dw Azwd hoxw nwmu-mikn hY[ieh mslw iek`lI AOrq dI AzwdI dw nhIN sgoN mnu`K dI AzwdI dw hY ikauNik ieh smwj do jmwqW

    iv`c vMifAw hoieAw hY ie`k lu`tx vwlI jmwq qy dUsrI lu`tI jwx vwlI ijnHW icr mnu`K dI mnu`K h`QoN lu`t ^ qm nhIN huMdI audoN q`k AOrq vI Azwd nhIN ho skdI[ rwjnIqI, Drm, pRMprw qy smwj ny AOrq nUM ies qrHW guMmrwh kIqw hY ik auh in`jI jwiedwd qoN bdl ky pbilk pRwprtI bx ky rih geI hY, ijs nuM hr koeI vrq skdw hY[iesdw pRmwx ieh hY ik ausdy isr juMmyvwrIAW dI pMf v`D geI hY qy auh nvyN FMg dI gulwmI iv`c Ku`bx l`gI hY[A`j dI AOrq iek`ly purS smwj dI gulwm nhIN ijvyN ik BulyKw pwieAw jWdw hY sgoN pUMjIvwd pRbMD dI gulwm hY ijs iv`c ausdy pirvwr dy nwl nwl auhnW vWg kMm FMg krn vwly swry grIb lok vI ausy dwiery iv`c AwauNdy hn[ ies krky swnUM kihxw pvygw ik AOrq isr& purS s`qw dI gulwm nhIN sgoN rwjnIiqk, Dwrimk, AwriQk, smwijk, siBAwcwrk qy purS s`qw dI gulwm hY[

    primMdr kOr svYc

    BrUx h`iqAw dy AMkVy ip-Cly swlW iv`c 1000 mrdW ip`Cy 777 ho jwx dw mqlb swfIAW pRMprk khwvqW jo vYidk kwl qoN SurU hoeIAW[ies BumMflIkrx dy Xu`g iv`c v`fIAW v`fIAW kwrporySnW aupBogI vsqW dy ieSiqhwr dy ky bhuq SoSx kr rhIAW hn[ielYktrwink mIfIey iv`c A`j aus mwfl dw zmwnw hY ik Agr PlwxI kMpnI dw pRiPaUm, kImqI smwn jW brYNf nym cIzW, mrd vrqygw qW AOrq sB kuJ aus qy inCwvr kr dyvygI[ ausdI ngnqw nUM SryAwm bzwr iv`c vyicAw jWdw hY isrP Awpxw pRofkt vycx leI ieh socI smJI Xojnw dy ADIn huMdw hY[ AOrq dy kudrqI suh`px nUM A`KoN proKy krky bwhrI suMdrqw dy sbzbwg idKwauNdy hoey AnykW hI vwlW suAwrn, mYnIikaUr, pYfIikaUr qy PySIAl krn

    (bfkI pMnf 44 qy)

  • Friday March 9th, 2012PAGE 30Punjabi Patrika

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    Pay careful attention, as something will not continue in the way it has been initially set up. You will need to rethink matters for some reason. This will likely involve money or income, as well as someone else. You can benefit, but only through being prepared to go over all the details that have something to do with the past.

    You can feel lucky but also experience many things falling into place easily this week. You could come into contact with people from the past whose company you have enjoyed or decide it is time you went back and did something that was fulfilling in the past. The temptation to overindulge in pleasures will be high as well.

    Getting yourself moving may be difficult you will feel more like resting and taking it easy. For this reason, you may feel you are not accomplishing much at all. You should rethink any plans you already have in place to get on with. This time more suited to rest is good for contemplation, bringing different ideas to the surface.

    Activity involving you with a group of people can develop into something far greater than you first anticipate. You need to be careful about what you say because the mood can be so relaxed that anything seems all right. There can be somebody who wants greater control and could prove rather manipulative with information they get.

    You could be greatly appreciated for the way you have conducted yourself in any situations of responsibility. This could also be associated with work or business. It may encourage you to rethink a future path you were planning to take. Dont be tempted to be impulsive. Smaller details need to be thoroughly investigated.

    You need to focus on yourself and the things you are able to have some control over. What others really believe will be hard to fathom, as they can be both mysterious as well as indecisive. The more optimistic you are, the more you will find things going your way, bringing pleasure and stimulating your self confidence.

    Others can be highly unpredictable but in a strange way you could end up gaining some sort of benefit. There could be those who are working behind your back but this may not turn out to be the success they were hoping for. The only indication you will have of this will be them changing their mind or bringing a halt to a matter.

    Someone else is prepared to be most generous from which you can benefit. There will be something associated with the past. What is different now is the need for you to make a definite decision. Not that this has to be done straight away but you have to think over your options so you are ready to move when the time is right.

    You could see the benefit in scaling down your personal involvement in a particular situation. You may enjoy it but realise it takes up time you should be spending on other things that can improve your standing and eventually bring greater recognition. Dont plan social activities too far in advance as things can change.

    You have been way more social that usual since June and while this can continue to increase you may feel it is time you looked at it a little more seriously. The sense of having to return to past ways of organisation if you are to accomplish future goals can nag at you. Doing this can produce a large degree of pleasure and satisfaction.

    There is much to be happy about at home or with matters connected to family. Any changes you are making have underlying security that can produce greater growth as time goes on. Someone else could change their mind in a way that could prove beneficial to you. You could sense this, but wait for matters to surface their way.

    Someone else could be more prepared to compromise than you believe.